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JULY 1715— NOVEMBER 1767
N this Volume I have continued the work of editing the College
. Admission Register begun by Professor John E. B. Mayor.
^ Professor Mayor generously placed at my disposal his tran-
;C^script of the Register; this contained a number of brief notes by the
late Mr C. H. Cooper. He also allowed me the use of a number
of his MS. volumes of notes on members of the College. To this
source most of the references to the Gentleman's Magazine and
nearly all the references to the Cambridge Chronicle are due.
Following the example of Dr Venn in his work on the Regis-
ters of Gonville and Caius College I have searched the Act
Books, Ordination Books, and Institution Books in many Diocesan
Registries, extracting from these the ordinations of members of
the College and their institutions to benefices. The value of these
records can hardly be overstated. In most dioceses the degree
and College of those ordained is given, though the practice and
the date at which it commences varies.
The MSS. at the Public Record Office and the Cole and Davy
Collections in the British Museum have also been consulted.
Cole's collections have been quoted very freely, for his comments
and his point of view are often more illuminating than the actual
facts recorded. I have also had the use of Mr Joseph Foster's
legal and ecclesiastical collections.
The Parish Registers of some of the Churches in Cambridge,
more especially that of All Saints, in which the older part of the
College is situated, have been examined.
I have also to thank many correspondents for help. The late
Mr Justin Simpson, of Stamford ; the late Rev. J. Ingle Dredge,
Vicar of Buckland Brewer ; the late Mr C. W. Holgate, of Salis-
bury; the Rev. Canon A. R. Maddison, of Lincoln; Mr E. H. W.
Dunkin ; the Rev. T. W. Hutchinson ; Dr A. D. H. Leadman, of
Pocklington, and Mr H. M. Wood have been most generous in
furnishing me with notes and hints.
Occasionally I have been so fortunate as to get details from
descendants of members of the College, or from correspondents
specially interested in some person or family.
The result is that in about ninety per cent, of the entries
some account of the subsequent career of the individual has been
obtained. These accounts necessarily differ in fulness, but in the
majority of cases enough has been collected to suggest to a
searcher where to look for more. Where the identification has
not been completely satisfactory to my own mind I have still
given my conjecture, with the expression of a doubt, in the
hope that someone may be able to carry the matter a step
It is almost impossible in a work such as this to attain
finality. Its appearance will, I hope, lead to further identifica-
tions and to the accumulation of further facts regarding the names
contained in the Register. I shall be very grateful to any
correspondent who may feel inclined to assist me.
I have not ventured to impose on anyone the task of reading
the proofs of the Appendix. But dates and references have been
checked with the original transcripts, and I hope the mistakes will
not be found numerous.
Mr P. J. F. Gantillon has prepared the index to the Register
on the lines suggested by Professor Mayor.
The sections of this index deserve study. They give a con-
venient summary of the facts recorded. The county and school
indices shew the wide field from which the College drew its
From the sources above indicated a number of further notes
on the names in Parts I. and II. of the published Register have
been collected. I intended at one time to have issued these in
the present volume, but found that to do so would increase its
dimensions to quite unmanageable limits. These notes are
therefore held over for the present, perhaps to be included here-
after in a supplementary volume.
St John's College,
September, 1903.
11 JULY 1715.
July 1715— July 1716
Admissiones a Julii 6 An. Dom. 1715
(1) Jefferson, Henry, son of Henry Jefferson, clerk, Yorkshire ;
born at Beverley; bred there (Mr Lambert) for 8 years; admitted
sizar for Mr Perkins, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 11 July,
aet. 18.
5 (2) HoUis, Thomas, son of John Hollis, farmer {firmarU\
Northants ; born at Kilsby ; bred at Rugby, Warwickshire (Mr
Holyoake) ' fere ' 8 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Roper, tutor Mr
Drake, 23 July, aet. 20.
Memorand. Quod idem Thomas Hollis de admissione sua in Aul.
10 Clar. die Decemb. 9, 1714 de duobus terminis in dicto Collegio ad-
impletis deque vita sua laudabili dum apud eos commoratus est, id
omne testatum habuit a
Aul. Clar. Jul. 23, Nath. Vincent, Praes.
An. Dom. 1715. Bob. Greene, Tut.
15 (3) Rutter, Martin, son of Henry Rutter, mercer (merciarii),
Notts ; born at Worksop ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 2 years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
6 August, aet. 18.
(4) Wheler, Sir Trevor, baronet, son of Sir William Wheler of
20 Leamington Hastange, Warwickshire, baronet; bi-ed at Rugby (Mr
Holyoake) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Anstey, 26 August,
aet. 18.
(5) Motte, Samuel, son of Samuel Motte, gentleman, Essex;
born at Colchester ; bred at Ipswich, Suffolk (Mr Leeds) for 4 years ;
S. 1
admitted sizar for Mr Wotton, tutor Dr Edmundson, 29 September,
aet. 16.
Memorand. Quod idem Samuel Motte literas secum adduxit de
vita sua probata, ut et de venia sibi concessa ad aliud quodcunque
Collegium se conferendi, descriptas et signatas a 5
Aul. Cath. Tho. Crosse, Coll. Praes.
Sep. 27, 1715.
(6) Thomas, William, son of William Thomas, schoolmaster,
Leicester; born at Leicester; educated there by his father ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 7 October, aet. 19. 10
Memorand. Quod idem Gulielmus Thomas de admissione sua in
Coll. Eman. Mar. 4 an. D. 1713 de terminis omnib. et singulis ab isto
tempore in dicto Collegio completis de venia sibi concessa ad aliud
quodcunque Coll. migrandi; nee non de vita sua laudabili dum apud
eos commoratus est, literas secum attulit signatas 15
Coll. Eman. Johan. Balderstone, Coll. Praes.
Oct. 6, 1715. Gul. Lawe, Tutore &c.
(7) Pennoyre, Thomas, son of Thomas Pennoyre, gentleman,
Hereford ; born at CHfFord ; school, Hereford (Mr Traherne) for
4 years; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Anstey, 17 October, aet. 19. 20
(8) Duffe, Arthur, son of Patrick Duffe (deceased), Ireland,
mother's county Middlesex ; bred at Kidderminster (Mr Best) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Anstey, 17 October,
aet. 17.
(9) Roberts, Hugh, son of John Roberts of Place-No with, 25
Denbigh, esquire ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 3 years ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Foulkes, 24 October, aet. 18.
(10) Richardson, Richard, son of Richard Richardson, 'pilearii,'
Kent ; born at Tunbridge ; bred there (Mr Spencer) ; admitted
sizar for Dominus Rigden, tutor and surety Dr Anstey, 28 October, 30
aet. 18.
(11) Lloyd, Thomas, son of Thomas Lloyd, gentleman, Wales
(Cambro-britannus) ; bom at Overton, Flint ; bred at Whitchurch,
Salop (Mr Hughes) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Foulkes, 4 No-
vember, aet. 17. 35
(12) Altham, Peyton, son of James Altham of Mark Hall,
Essex, esquire ; bred at Bishop's Stortford (Dr Tooke) 3 years ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Anstey, 8 Nov., aet. 19.
(13) Tetlow, John, son of Robert Tetlow, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorkshire ; born at Skirding, Yorks ; bred at Cunistone 40
(Mr Robinson) 2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr White, tutor Dr Ed-
mundson, 7 Nov., aet. 20.
(14) Staige, Theodosius, son of WiUiam Staige, clerk, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; school, St Paul's (Mr Askew) 3 years ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Pearson, tutor and surety Dr Anstey, 17 45
December, aet 19.
ADMISSIONS. 171# — 16.
(15) Wood, Nathaniel, son of William Wood, clerk, North-
amptonshire; born at Great Houghton; school, Northampton (Mr
Stiles); admitted pensioner under Dr Anstey, 26 Jan., aet. past 17.
(16) Jenkin, Thomas, son of Henry Jenkin, clerk, Norfolk ;
5 bom at Tilney ; school, Eton (Dr Snape) 2 years ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Anstey, 9 February, aet. 18.
(17) Bolton, Richard, son of Richard Bolton, gentleman, Lan-
cashire ; born at Halywell ; bred at Rivington (Mr Glassebrooke) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Johnstone, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
10 13 February, aet. 19.
(18) Craven, William Baron, son of William Baron Craven of
Hampstead Marshall, Middlesex ; bred at Rugby (Mr Holyoake)
4 years ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Johnson, 28 February,
aet. 17.
15 (19) Coxe, Francis, son of William Coxe, woollen-draper (^awarw),
Warwickshire; born at Southam ; bred at Rugby (Mr Holyoake) 7
years ; admitted sizar for Lord Craven, tutor Dr Anstey, 2 March.
(20) Armstrong, Daniel, son of Thomas Armstrong, bailiff
{villici) to the Earl of Nottingham ; born at Burleigh on the Hill ;
20 bred at Okeham (Mr Wright) 10 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Anstey, 6 March, aet. 17.
(21) Culm, Benjamin, son of John Culm, currier (coriarii),
Cheshire ; born at Chester ; bred there (Mr Henchman) 8 years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Chester; tutor Dr Edmundson, 12 March, aet.
25 18.
(22) Mompesson, William, son of George Mompesson, clerk,
Yorkshire ; born at York ; school, Wakefield (Mr Clarke) 2 years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Roper, tutor Mr Drake, 20 March, aet. past 18.
(23) Finch, William, son of Henry Finch, husbandman {agri-
30 colae), Staffordshire ; bom at Brawood; bred there (Mr Hillman) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Fenwick, tutor Dr Anstey, 4 April, aet. past 17.
(24) Bettinson, George, son of Thomas Bettinson, innkeeper
{pandochei), Nottingham; born at Nottingham; bred there (Mr
Johnson) ; admitted sizar for Mr Foulkes, tutor Dr Anstey, 4 April,
35 aet. past 19.
(25) Gee, Thomas, son of Thomas Gee, gentleman, Yorkshire ;
born at Bishops Burton ; bred at Beverley (Mr Lambert) 8 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 9 April, aet. past 15.
(26) Chambers, William, son of William Chambers, gentleman,
40 Derbyshire; born at Derby; bred there (Mr Blackwell) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 18 April, aet. 16.
(27) Robinson, Thomas, son of John Robinson, clerk, York-
shire ; born at Lestingham ; bred at Richmond (Mr Thompson) ;
admitted sizar for Dr Pearson, tutor Dr Anstey, 20 April, aet. 18.
(28) Edmundson, Alexander, son of William Edmundson,
gentleman, Lancashire; born at Manchester; bred at Sedbergh
(Mr Saunders) 4 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Edmundson, 29 April, aet. 18.
(29) Maddox, John, son of William Maddox, mercer {mer- 5
ciarii), Herefordshire; born at Hereford; bred there (Mr Traherne);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Anstey, 4 May, aet.
past 15 ^
(30) Lebeg, Honoratus, son of Honoratus Lebeg, M.D., Lanca-
shire; born at Leverpool ; bred at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 2 years, 10
previously at Preston (Mr Man waring) 10 years; admitted sizar for
Mr Clarke, tutor Dr Edmundson, 8 May, aet. 17.
(31) Brand, Jacob, son of Jacob Brand, gentleman, Suffolk ;
born at Polstead; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 4 years; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 9 May, aet. 18. 15
(32) Lowther, Thomas, son of Thomas Lowther, Yorkshire;
born at Lowdon ; bred at Sherbourne (Mr Potter) 2 years, previously
at York (Mr Herbert) ; admitted sizar for Mr Roper, tutor Mr Drake,
11 May, aet. 18.
(33) Clarke, Thomas, son of William Clarke, clerk, Yorkshire ; 20
born at York ; bred at Sherbourne (Mr Potter) more than a year,
previously at York (Mr Foster) 5 years; admitted sizar for Mr
Foulkes, tutor and surety Dr Anstey, 12 May, aet. 18.
(34) Procter, George, son of Robert Procter, currier (coriarii),
Yorkshire; born at Craven; bred at Thresh field (Mr Marshall); admit- 25
ted sizar for Mr Wotton, tutor and surety Mr Drake, 14 May,
aet. 19.
(35) Bridges, William, son of William Bridges, clerk, York-
shire; born at Castleford; bred at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) one
year, previously at Leeds (Mr Bernard) 5 years; admitted sizar for 30
Mr Roper, tutor Mr Drake, 16 May, aet. 'fere' 18.
(36) Askew, Antony, son of Antony Askew, M.D., Westmor-
land ; born at Kendal ; bred there (Mr Towers) 6 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 19 May, aet. 17.
(37) Dodgson, Christopher, son of Robert Dodgson, husband- 35
man, Yorkshire ; born at Guisbourne; bred at Threshfield (Mr
Marshall) 2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Palmer, tutor Dr Edmund-
son, 19 May.
(38) Jackson, Thomas, son of Richard Jackson, husbandman,
Yorkshire ; born at Austwicke ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 3 4°
years; admitted sizar for Mr Foche, tutor Dr Anstey, 19 May, aet. 20.
(39) Goslin, James, son of Joseph Goslin, ironmonger {mer-
catoris ferrarii), Buckinghamshire ; born at Chaflfen St Peters ;
school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 4 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Anstey, 21 May, aet. past 15. 45
^ Et paulo post Discip. pro Ducissa Somerset. (Note in margin of
(40) Moorhouse, Edward, son of John Moorhouse, farmer
{firmarii), Yorkshire ; born at Skibden ; bred at Skipton (Messrs
Carre and Settell) 6 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor
Dr Edmundson, 21 May, aet. 19.
5 (41) Adams, George, son of George Adams, clerk, Ireland;
'Matre natus Middlesexiensi apud Killallon in Comitat. Mediens';
school, Peterborough, \ year; ' Maxime ab ipso Patre infra Upton,'
Hunts; admitted sizar for Mr Fenwick, tutor Dr Anstey, 23 May,
aet. past 18.
lo (42) Wilson, William, son of John Wilson, tailor (sutoris
vestiarii), Cambridge; born at Cambridge; bred at the King's
School there (Mr Foster) 6 years; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield,
tutor Dr Anstey, 24 May, aet. 18.
(43) Fenwicke, John, son of Roger Fenwicke, esquire, North-
15 umberland; born at Stanton; bred at home (Mr Lisle); admitted
fellow commoner, tutor Mr Fenwicke, 2 June, aet. 18.
(44) Evans, Thomas, son of William Evans, gentleman, Mont-
gomery; born at Landvinium; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Lloyd) 7 years;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Drake, 4 June, aet. 18.
20 (45) Whitaker, Thomas, son of Thomas Whitaker, husband-
man {agricolae), StaflFordshire ; born at Bucknall; bred at Stoke (Mr
Lea) 4 years ; admitted sizar for Dominus Peake, tutor Dr Edmund-
son, 6 June, aet. 'fere' 18.
(46) Gittens, Richard, son of Thomas Gittens, goldsmith {auri-
2^ ficis), Salop; born at Shrewsbury; school, Eton (Dr Snape) 6 years;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Anstey, 11 June, aet. 'fere' 19.
(47) ToUett, Cooke, son of George Tollett, gentleman, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 4 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Anstey, 15 June, aet. 18. (Admitted
30 fellow commoner January 17f?. Note in margiti.)
(48) Sagge, Thomas, son of Thomas Sagge, clerk, Yorkshire;
born at Thrushes near Sutton ; bred at home ; admitted sizar for
Mr Lloyd, tutor Mr Drake, 18 June, aet. 18.
(49) Bowyer, William, son of William Bowyer, printer (typo-
32 graphi), Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Headley (Mr Bonwicke) ;
admitted sizar for the President, tutor Dr Anstey, 19 June, aet. past
(50) Johnson, RoUand, son of Richard Johnson, clerk ; born at
Dolegelle, Merioneth ; bred at Rythwin, Denbigh (Mr Lloyd) ; admitted
40 sizar for Mr Foulkes, tutor Dr Anstey, 19 June, aet. IS.
(51) Latham, John, son of John Latham, clerk, Sussex ; born
at Etchingham ; bred at Lewis (Mr Pierce) 6 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Drake, 19 June, aet. 18.
(52) Conway, Benjamin, B.A. of Jesus College, Oxford ;
45 Denbigh ; admitted pensioner, surety Dr Edmundson, 21 June.
Omnibus in Christo fidelibus ad quos hoc praeseus scriptum
pervenerit salutem. Nos principalis et socii Coll. Jesu Oxon.
testamur et testatum facimus Benjamin Conway ad Gradum Bac-
calaurii in Artibus promotum fuisse anno Domini 1703. In cujas
rei testimonium sigillum nostrum manuale apponi fecimus.
Datum e Coll. Jes. Oxon. J. Asaph, Pr'■^
Jun. die 9""., 1716.
(53) RoUe, Samuel, son of Dennis Rolle, clerk, Devon ; bom at 5
Merton ; bred at Exeter (Mr Reynolds) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Anstey, 2'1 June, aet. 17.
(54) Lodge, John, son of Edmund Lodge, husbandman {agri-
colae), Lancashire ; born at Bolton ; bred at Clapham in Co. York
(Mr Ashe); admitted sizar for Mr Foulkes, tutor Dr Anstey, 26 June. 10
(55) Lowthian, Richard, son of George Lowthian, gentleman,
Cumberland; born at Staffold; bred at Carlisle (Mr Walton); ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor Dr Edrauudson, 26 June,
aet. 18.
(56) Smith, George, son of John Smith, clothier {pannifici), 15
Yorkshire ; born at Back 0' th' Hill near Bradford ; school, Sedbergh
(Mr Saunders) 1 year; admitted sizar for his tutor Dr Anstey,
26 June, aet. 17.
(57) Morton, Richard, son of John Morton, vintner {oeno-
polae), Kent ; born at Tunbridge ; bred there (Mr Spencer) 1^ years ; 20
admitted sizar for Mr Rigden, tutor Dr Anstey, 27 June, aet. past 15.
(58) Pulford, Thomas, son of Alexander Pulford, goldsmith
iaurifabri), Cheshire ; born at Chester ; bred at Audlem (Mr Evans) ;
admitted sizar for his tutor Mr Foulkes, 27 June, aet. 'fere ' 16.
(59) Davies, Robert, son of Francis Davies, collector of taxes 25
(telonarii) ; born at Ruthwyn, Denbigh ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr
Lloyd) ; admitted sizar for Mr Foulkes his tutor, 28 June, aet. 18.
(60) Hotchkis, Richard, son of Richard Hotchkis (deceased),
Salop ; born at Churbury ; school, Shrewsbury, 3 months, but chiefly
bred at home ; admitted sizar for Mr Lloyd, tutor Dr Anstey, 28 30
June, aet. 19.
(61) Launce, Robert Stiles, son of John Launce, gentleman,
Durham; born at Darlington; school, Merchant Taylors' (Mr Parsell)
1 year, longer at Worcester School (Mr Wilson) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Parke, tutor Dr Edmundson, 30 June, aet. 18. 35
(62) Rogers, Robert, son of Robert Rogers, clerk, Essex ; born
at Brackstead ; school. Charterhouse (Dr Walker) 4 years ; admit-
ted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 2 July, aet. 18.
(63) Clarke, Francis, son of Francis Clarke, merchant, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; school, Bury, SufiFolk (Mr Randal and Mr 40
Kinesman); admitted sizar for Mr Goodwin, tutor Dr Anstey, 2 July,
aet. past 17.
(64) Pidding, John, son of John Bidding, barber {barbiton-
soris), Wiltshire; born at Marlborough; bred there (Mr Hildrop);
admitted pensioner^ tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 4 July, aet. 18. 45
1 Et paulo post Discip. pro Duciss. Somerset.
Coll. Merton Oxon. Jul, 2^"., 1716.
Johannes Pidding in Collegium Mertonense sexto die Aprilis
admissus fuit, anno Domini millesimo septingentesimo, decimo
quinto, et quamdiu apud nos vixerit honesty, pie sobrieque vitam
5 instituit. In cujus testimonium nomina nostra subscripsimus.
Die Julii 2'^''. Guliel. Marten, Burs. Sen.
an. 1716. Joban. Marten, Princip.
Hen. Byne, Bursarius.
Gilb. Trowe, Decaii. Med.
I o (65) Bradshaw, James, son of William Bradshaw, bailiflF {villici
dispensatoris), Lancashire ; born at Standish near Wigan ; bred at
Heskin (Mr Foster) ; admitted sizar for Mr Grove, tutor and surety
Dr Edmundson, 5 July, aet. 19,
(f. c. 5|
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 22 v 65.]
s. 38
July 1716— July 1717
Admissiones a Julii 6'" Anno Dom. 1716
15 (1) Drury, John, son of William Drury, gentleman, Notts;
born at Nottingham ; bred there (Mr Johnson) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 6 July, aet. 17.
(2) Johnson, William, son of Thomas Johnson, currier (coriarii),
Northumberland; born at Hexham; bred there (Mr Bewick);
20 admitted sizar for Mr Newcome, tutor and surety Dr Anstey,
25 July, aet. IS.
(3) Altham, James, son of James Altham, gentleman, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; bred at Bishops Stortford (Dr Tooke) 8
years; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 12
25 September, aet. 18.
(4) Wenyeve, Edward, son of George Wenyeve, lawyer (juris-
consulti), SuflFolk ; born in Frauce^; school. Bury (Messrs Kines-
man and Randall) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 17
September, aet. 18.
30 (5) Sanderson, William, son of Francis Sanderson, ' praefecti
militum,' Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Charterhouse (Dr
Walker) 7 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Fenwick, tutor and surety
Mr Newcome, 20 September, aet. 20.
^ Originally the county of birth was given as Middlesex and the place
' Natus (aut nescit) infra Fulham in Comit. praedict.,' these words being
erased and Suffolk and ' in regno Galliae ' substituted, with the note
' Haec Interlin. coram Magistro et Senioribus.'
5 ADMISSIONS. 1716 — 14.
(6) Powell, Thomas, son of Henry Powell, clerk, Wales ; born
at Langadock, Carmarthenshire; bred at Histon, Cambridgeshire
(Mr Scaife); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 21
September, aet. 18.
(7) Hody, Edward, son of John Hody, gentleman, Dorset; 5
born at Holt Lodge near Winbourne; school. Charterhouse (Dr
"Walker) 5 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 26
September, aet. IS.
(8) Harwood, RoUand, sou of Thomas Harwood, gentleman,
Shropshire; born at Shrewsbury; school, Eton (Dr Snape) 7 years ; lo
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 26 September, aet. 18.
(9) Bankes, William, son of William Bankes, lawyer (juris-
periti), Yorks ; born at Skipton ; bred there (Mr Leadall) 8 years ;
admitted sizar for Dominus Peake, tutor Dr Edmundson, 27 Sep-
tember, aet. 17. 15
(10) Archer, Gilbert Edward, son of Benjamin Archer, clerk,
Buckinghamshire; born at Quainton near Ailesbury; bred at Thame
(Oxon) and Westminster for one year ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Newcome, 26 October, aet. past 16.
(11) Saffery, Thomas, son of Henry SaflFery, maltster {hrasia- 20
toris), Norfolk ; born at Downham Markett ; school, Norwich (Mr
Pate) 5 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr 'Newcome, 30 October,
aet. 18.
(12) Richards, John, son of Richard Richards, butcher {lanii),
Lincolnshire ; born at Spaldinge ; bred there (Mr Waring) ; ad- 25
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 2 November,
aet. jjast 17.
(13) Newlin, Richard, son of John Newlin, clerk, Hampshire ;
born at Axton ; bred at Corhampton (Mr Ainsworth) 7 years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Parke, tutor Dr Edmundson, 5 November, 30
aet. IS.
(14) Brownsmith, John, son of John Brownsmith, clerk,
Suffolk ; born at Pakingham ; bred at Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kines-
man) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 10 January,
aet. 18. ^e
(15) Dean, George, son of William Dean, clerk, Hunts ;
bom at Offord Darcy ; bred at Huntingdon (Mr Matthews) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 6 February, aet. past 17.
(16) Farmery, Robert, son of William Farmery, clerk, Lincoln-
shire ; born at Blyton ; bred at Westminster (Dr Friend) 6 years ; 40
admitted sizar for Mr Prior, tutor Dr Edmundson, 13 February,
aet. past 17.
(17) Walburge, Simon, son of Richard Walburge, grocer
(aromatarii), Lincolnshire ; born at Stamford ; bred at Rugby
(Mr Holyoake) 2 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 45
15 March, aet. 17.
(18) Heaton, Peter, son of Henry Heaton, linen-draper {linte-
arii), Lancasliire ; bom at Preston ; bred there and at Sedbergh
(Mr Saunders) 1 year; admitted sizar for Dominus Tatham, tutor
Dr Edmundson, 26 March, aet. 19.
5 (19) Frank, Nathaniel, son of John Frank, ' armorum lustra-
toris,' Lancashire ; born at Preston ; bredjat Sedbergh (Mr Saunders)
5 years; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 28 March,
aet. past 19.
(20) Fawcett, Horace, son of Robert Fawcett, clerk, Norfolk ;
lo bom at Rackheath ; bred at Windham (Mr Sayer) 4 years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Simpson, tutor Mr Newcome, 3 April,
aet. past 18.
(21) Beanlands, George, son of Joseph Beanlands, clothier
{pannifici), Yorkshire, bom at Brack on Bank near Kighley ; bred
15 at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield,
tutor Mr Newcome, 10 April, aet. 24.
(22) Richardson, Thomas, son of Thomas Richardson, ' tabellarii,'
Yorkshire ; born at Mountgate near the city of York ; bred at York
(Mr Herbert) 4 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Lisle, tutor Mr New-
20 come, 11 April, aet. past 18.
(23) Challenour, William, son of William Challenour, barrister
(causidici), Northamptonshire ; born at Wollaston ; bred there (Mr
Munton) 3 years; admitted sizar for Mr Peake, tutor Dr Edmundson,
23 April, aet. past 19.
25 (24) Callow, William, son of Roger Callow, clerk, Sussex ;
born at Warbleton ; bred at Tunbridge (Mr Spencer), 2 years;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 26 April, aet. 'fere' 16.
(25) Wilson, William, son of Robert Wilson, ironmonger
{mercatoris ferrarii), Cumberland ; born at Pearith (Penrith) ; bred
30 at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Clarke,
tutor Dr Edmundson, 29 April, aet. nearly 19.
(26) Hanson, Antony, son of Thomas Hanson, clerk, Yorkshire ;
bom at Thornton near Skipton ; bred at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders)
2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Heald, tutor Dr Edmundson, 29
35 April, aet. 20.
(27) Brome, Richard, son of Edmund Brome, clerk, Suffolk ;
born at Woodbridge ; bred there (Mr Leeds) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 30 April, aet. past 16.
(28) Bainbridge, Edward, son of Henry Bainbridge, husband-
40 man {agricolae), Westmorland ; born at Barton near Kirkby Lons-
dale ; bred at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 2 years ; admitted sizar for
Mr Roper, tutor Mr Drake, 1 May, aet. past 17.
(29) Lynch, George, son of John Lynch, gentleman, Kent ;
bom at Staple, near Sandwich ; bred at Canterbury (Mr Smith) ;
45 admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 2 May, aet. past 17.
(30) Knowler, William, son of Gilbert Knowler, esquire, Kent ;
■10 ADMISSIONS. 1717.
born at Heme near Canterbury; school, Canterbury (Mr Smith);
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Drake, 3 May, aet. 18.
(31) Vowe, John, son of Leonard Vowe, gentleman, Leicester-
shire ; born at Hallaton ; bred at Carleton Curlew (Mr Salter) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 8 May, aet. 15|. 5
(32) Covert, Charles Ranulph, of Hart Hall, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, surety Mr Newcome, 8 May,
(33) Taylor, John, son of William Taylor, esquire, Yorkshire ;
born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Johnstone) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 10 May, aet. 20. lo
(34) Fairfax, Thomas, son of William Fairfax, husbandman
(agricolae), Yorkshire ; born at Russop ; bred at Thorneton (Mr
Dowbiggin) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, 16 May, aet. 18.
(35) Jackson, Thomas, son of Thomas Jackson, steward {dis-
pensatoris), Lancashire; born at Burnley; bred there (Mr Robert 15
Shaw) ; admitted sizar for Dominus Tatham, tutor and surety
Dr Edmundson, 17 May, aet. 18.
(36) King, John, son of Thomas King, of Melford, esquire,
Suffolk ; born at Bury St Edmunds ; bred at Melford in his father's
house (Mr Sharpe) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety 20
Mr Newcome, 22 May, aet. 17.
(37) Hart, Robert, son of Rawson Hart, esquire, Lincolnshire;
born at Grantham ; bred there (Mr Ellis) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Newcome, 22 May, aet. 17.
(38) Simcock, John, son of John Simcock, husbandman {agri- 25
colae), Cheshire ; born at Middlewich ; bred at Macclesfield (Mr
Denham) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor Mr Newcome, 25
May, aet. 22.
(39) Hare, John, son of John Hare, ' organ opoei,' Middlesex;
born in London ; schools, Eton (Mr Newborough) and Merchant 30
Taylors' (Mr Parsell) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr New-
come, 27 May, aet. 19.
(40) Quellyn, William, son of Hugh Quellyn, gentleman, Wales;
born at Quellyn near Carnarvon ; bred at Bangor (Mr Doulben) 2
years; admitted sizar for Dominus Williams, tutor Mr Newcome, 35
6 June, aet. past 18.
(41) Beresford, Edward, son of John Beresford, gentleman,
Derbyshire ; born at Bentley ; bred at Stockport (Mr Dale) 5 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 8 June, aet. 18.
(42) Kirke, Richard, son of William Kirke, butcher {lanii), 40
Lincolnshire ; born at Grantham ; bred there (Mr Ellis) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Rowse, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 15 June, aet. 19.
(43) Archer, Myles, son of Richard Archer, farmer (Jirmarii),
Lancashire ; born at Hawkshard Hall near Ambleside ; bred at
Hawkshard (Mr Ballfell) ; admitted sizar for Mr Peake, tutor Dr 45
Edmundson, 19 June, aet. past 18.
(44) Lowe, George, son of John Lowe, gentleman, Cheshire;
born at Northwyche ; bred at Madeley, Staffs (Mr Jenkinson) 2
ADMISSIONS. 1717. 11
years, afterwards at Westminster School (Dr Friend) more than
^ year; admitted pensioner under Mr Newcome, 21 June, aet. 18.
(45) Perne, Chester, son of John Feme, ' jurisperiti,' one of
the Esquire Bedells of the University, Hertford ; born at Cocken
5 Hatch; bred at Eton (Mr Newborough) 3 years, then at home
(Mr Chappelow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Chappe-
low, 24 June, aet. 16. (Note in the margin, 'Admitted fellow com-
moner, 20 January, 172^.')
(46) Hammond, Thomas, son of Antony Hammond, gentleman,
10 Middlesex; born in London; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 4
years; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Newcome, 24 June,
aet. past 16.
(47) FitzEdwards, Francis, son of Francis FitzEdwards,
gentleman, Surrey ; born at Lambeth ; bred at Sutton Colefield,
15 Warwickshire (Mr Saunders); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr New-
come, 25 June, aet. past 18.
(48) Smith, Robert, son of Robert Smith, grocer {aromatarii),
Northamptonshire ; born in Peterborough ; school, Westminster (Dr
Friend) nearly 3 years; admitted sizar for Mr Roper, tutor MrNew-
20 come, 26 June, aet. past 17.
(49) Radcliff, William, son of John RadcliflF, clerk (deceased),
Middlesex; born in London ; school, Warwick (Mr Lydiott) 1^ years;
admitted sizar for Mr Featherstonehaugh, tutor Dr Edmundson, 26
June, aet. 19.
25 (50) Robinson, John, son of Edward Robinson, scrivener
{scriniarii), Yorkshire; born at Beverley; bred there (Mr Lambert)
more than 8 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Chappelow, tutor Dr Ed-
mundson, 27 June, aet. past 19.
(51) Chester, Edward, son of Robert Chester, gentleman, Hert-
3ofordshire; born at Bygrave; bred at home (Mr Parke); admitted
fellow commoner under the said Mr Parke, 29 June, aet. 14.
(52) Hitching, John, son of Nicholas Hitching, husbandman
(agricolae), Yorks; born at Threapland; bred at Threshfield (Mr
Marshall) ; admitted sizar for Mr AUott, tutor Mr Newcome, 29 June,
35 aet. 18.
(53) Daniel, Richard, son of John Daniel, grocer (aromatarii),
Essex; born at Colchester; school, Felstead, afterwards the Charter-
house (Mr Walker) nearly 1 year ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Ed-
mundson, 1 July, aet. 'prope' 18. (Note in margin, 'Fellow commoner,
40 22 February, 172^.')
(54) Gibbon, Williams, son of Thomas Gibbon, Dean of Carl-
isle; born at Graystock; bred at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 2 July, aet.
45 (55) Standish, David, son of David Standish, clerk, North-
amptonshire ; born at Peterborough ; bred there, at home ; admitted
sizar for Mr Creyke, tutor and surety Mr Drake, 3 July, aet. 20.
(56) Forster, John, son of William Forster, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
12 ' ADMISSIONS. 1717.
born at Stamford ; bred there (Mr Turner) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmuudson, 4 July, aet. past 16.
(57) Sharp, Martin, A.M., of Christ's College, Bene decessit
signed by Doctor Covell and others; admitted fellow commoner,
surety Mr Newcome, 5 July. 5
fc. 5)
[Admissions this year ^ p. 26 ^ 57.]
July 1717— July 1718
Admissiones a Julii 5*^° An. Dom. 1717
(1) Bedford, William, son of Thomas Bedford, ' cognitoris,'
Beds; born at Barford; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 4 years;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 22 July, aet. 'fere' 18.
(2) Cavell, John, son of William Cavell, clerk, Suffolk; born at lo
Butteley Abbey; school, Ipswich (Mr Leeds); admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Newcome, 25 September, aet. past 18.
(3) Warburton, Thomas, son of John Warburton, clerk, Rut-
landshire; born at Okeham ; bred there (Mr Wright) 8 years; ad-
mitted sizar for Dominus Parnham, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 15
28 September, aet. past 17.
(4) Rowe, Henry, son of Lewis Rowe, gentleman, Wales ; born
at Cleager near Pembroke; school, Pembroke (Mr Evans) 6 years;
admitted sizar for Mr Foulkes, tutor Mr Newcome, 3 October, aet.
'prope' 18. 20
(5) Bonwicke, James, son of Ambrose Bonwicke, clerk, Surrey ;
born at Headley; educated by his father; admitted sizar for Dr
Berry, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 12 October, aet. past 13.
(6) Willis, Richard, son of Richard Willis, clerk, Northants ;
born at Higham Ferrers; school, Charterhouse (Dr Walker); ad- 25
mitted sizar for Mr Grove senior, tutor Mr Newcome, 22 October,
aet. 20.
(7) Harrison, John, son of John Harrison, clerk, Bucks ; bora
at Walton near Newport ; school, Eton 2 years ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 2 November, aet. 16. 30
(8) Sutton, Stephen, son of Richard Sutton, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorkshire ; born at Aldborough near Borrowbridge
(Boroughbridge); bred near Coxwould (Mr Midgeley); admitted sizar
for Mr Whitstones, tutor Mr Newcome, 2 November, aet. past 17.
(9) Nairne, Richard, son of Richard Nairn e, maltster {hrasia- 35
toris), Kent ; born at Sandwich ; school, Canterbury (Mr Smith)
8 years; admitted sizar for Mr Johnson, tutor Mr Newcome, 11
December, aet. 19.
ADMISSIONS. 171| — 18. 13
(10) Burletson, Robert, son of William Burletson, clerk, Kent;
born at Teston near Maidstone ; schools, Maidstone and Westminster ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 9 January, aet. 18.
(11) Richardson, Benjamin, son of James Richardson, clerk,
5 Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at home ; admitted sizar for
Mr Bowtell, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 20 January, aet. 16.
(12) Hodson, George, son of John Hodson, clerk, Cheshire;
born at Chrisbleton ; bred by his father ; admitted sizar for Mr
Richardson, tutor Dr Edmundson, 19 March, aet. 16.
10 (13) Routh, William, son of John Routh, ' stapler,' Yorkshire ;
born at Monk Friston near Pontefract ; bred at Sherbourne (Mr
Williams) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor Mr Newcome, 27
March, aet. past 18.
(14) Davies, George, son of George Davies, druggist {pharma-
15 copolae); born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Lambert and Mr John-
stone) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 1 1
April, aet. past 16.
(15) Barry, Nicholas, son of Richard Barry, clerk, Wilts; born
at Upton Scudamore ; bred at Warminster by his father ; admitted
20 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 12 April, aet. 18. (Discip.
pro Ducissa Somerset. Note in margin.)
(16) Dowbiggin, Thomas, son of Christopher Dowbiggin,
husbandman {agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Tatham near Lancaster ;
bred at Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) nearly one year ; admitted sizar
25 for Dominus Robinson, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 14 April.
(17) Cecil, Honourable Brownlow, second son of John Earl of
Exeter, Northamptonshire ; born at Burghley House near Stamford ;
school, Northampton {Antonae) (Mr Stiles) 2 years ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 15 April, aet. 17. (Et
30 anno 1722 Comes Exon. Note in margin.)
(18) Cecil, Honourable William, third son of John Earl of
Exeter, Northamptonshire ; born at Burghley House near Stamford ;
school, Northampton {Antonae) (Mr Stiles) 2 years ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 15 April, aet. 16.
35 (19) Dowbiggin, John, son of Christopher Dowbiggin, husband-
man {agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Tatham ; bred at Sedbergh
(Mr Saunders), admitted sizar for his tutor Mr Newcome, 16 April,
aet. 22.
(20) Warren, Thomas, son of Martin Warren, husbandman
40 {agricolae), Cambridge ; born at Snowhill ; bred at Beverley (Mr
Lambert and Mr Johnstone) 6 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Chappe-
low, tutor Dr Edmundson, 18 April, aet. 18.
(21) Stroother, Thomas, son of Wilfrid Stroother, barrister
(causidici), Yorks; born at Burrowbridge (Boroughbridge) ; bred at
14 ADMISSIONS. 1718.
Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 3 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Lisle, tutor
Mr Newcome, 23 April, aet. past 18.
(22) Branston, Joseph, son of John Branston, farmer (Jirmarii),
Lincolnshire ; born at Gunnerby near Grantham ; bred at Grantham
(Mr Ellis) lately also at Okeham nearly one year (Mr Wright) ; 5
admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 24
April, aet. nearly 18.
(23) Fogge, Robert, son of Arthur Fogge, D.D., Cheshire ; born
at Chester; bred there (Mr Henchman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edraundson, 26 April, aet. past 17. ^'^
(24) Fogge, Jolin, son of Arthur Fogge, D.D., Cheshire ; born at
Chester ; bred there (Mr Henchman) 4 years ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 26 April, aet. past 16.
(25) Ince, Thomas, son of Nicholas Ince, gentleman, Cheshire;
born at Chester; bred there (Mr Henchman) 5 years ; admitted sizar 15
for Mr Clarke, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 26 April, aet.
past 17.
(26) Ingram, Goodrick, admitted pensioner, 4 May, ' et paulo
post discessit.'
(27) Cayley, Arthur, son of Simon Cayley, clerk, deceased, 20
Beds ; born at Ampthill ; bred at Kelloe near Durham (Mr Thomp-
son) 4 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Grove, tutor Mr Newcome,
6 May, aet. nearly 16.
(28) Elsley, Charles, son of William Elsley, clerk, Yorks ; born
near York ; bred there (Mr Foster) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr 25
Newcome, 1.5 May, aet. 18.
(29) Pugh, William, son of William Pugh, husbandman {agri-
colae), Wales ; born at Lowess, Radnor ; bred at Hereford (Mr Rodd)
3 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Grove, jun., tutor and surety Mr
Newcome, 21 May, aet. 22. 30
(30) Charnley, William, son of Henry Charnley, grocer {aroma-
tarii), Lancaster ; born at Balderstone, near Preston ; bred at
Threshfield (Mr Marshall) ; admitted sizar for Domiuus Tatham,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 22 May, aet. 21.
Martii 25, 1718. Ego Johannes Walmesley Eegistrarius Collegii 35
SS"'^ et individuae Trinitatis juxta Dublin, tester Gulielmum Charnley
die Mail 16 annoque Dom. 1714 in Coll. praedict. admissum fuisse et
per decern terminos quibus ibidem commoratus est, sedulam operam
literis navasse, probe vitam instituisse et cum venia decessisse. In
cujus rei testimonium manum meam apposui hoc die Martii 25 anno- 4°
que Dom. 1718.
John Walmsley Eegistrarius.
(31) Dawson, William, son of Thomas Dawson, husbandman
{agricolae), Cumberland; born at Crosse near Booth; bred at Millom
(Mr Steele) ; admitted sizar for Dominus Featherstonehaugh, tutor 45
Dr Edmundson, 24 May, aet. 21.
(32) Iveson, John, son of William Iveson, clerk, Yorks; born at
Cattericke near Richmond ; school Charterhouse (Dr Walker) 4 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 26 May, aet. 18.
ADMISSIONS. 1718. 15
(33) Philips, John, son of Pepys Philips, gentleman, Suffolk;
bom at Mildenhall ; school, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinersman)
6 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 31 May, aet. past
5 (34) Prime, Samuel, son of Thomas Prime, grocer {aromatarii),
Suffolk ; born at Bury St Edmunds; bred there (Mr Randall and Mr
Kinersman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 10 June,
aet. past 16.
(35) Ascham, Robert, son of Dingley Ascham, 'juristae,' Hunts ;
lo born at St Ives; school, Charterhouse (Dr Walker) 2 years; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 12 June, aet. 16.
(36) Leyland, Thomas, son of John Leyland, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire, born at Kellmore near Kirkham ; bred there
(Mr Taylor) ; admitted sizar for Mr Peake, tutor and surety Mr
15 Parke, 21 June, aet. past 19.
(37) Holdon, Humfrey, son of Humfrey Holdon, furrier {j)ellio-
nis), Durham ; born at Durham ; bred there (Mr Wren) 5 years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Lisle, tutor Mr Newcome, 23 June, aet. 20.
(38) Sidebottom, Samuel; admitted pensioner, from Oxford,
20 surety Dr Edmundson, 25 June, aet. 28.
Memorandum. Quod idem Samuel Sidebottom de Middleton in
Comitatu Palatin. Lancastriae, Eector, Literas secum attulit testi-
moniales de vita sua laudabili, animoque erga ecclesiam nostram
Anglicanam optime affecto, signatas a Gulielmo Assheton, B.D.,
25 Eector de Prestwick, Petro Haddon de Bolton, Vic. &c. June 12,
Memorandum etiam quod praedictus Samuel Sidebottom de
gradu suo Baccalaur. in Artibus ipso Termino quadragesimali {sic)
anno Domini 1713 (quoad omnes formas requisitas) sibi coUato.
30 Id quoque ab Oxoniis testatum habuit signatumque <a>
Coll. Aeneanasen. Oxon. Tho. Leigh, V. Princ.
April 18, 1718. Edv. Eadcliffe, Tut. et Dec.
Johan. Featley, Promo.
(39) Peake, Richard, of London; B.A. of Queen's College,
35 Oxford ; admitted pensioner, surety Mr Newcome, 25 June, aet. 24.
Omnibus quorum interest haec infra scripta non nescire salutem
in Domino.
Cum dilectus nobis in Christo Eichardus Peake petierit litteras
nostras testimonials de vitae suae et morum integritate, deque iis
40 honoribus quibus venerabilis nostra Academia Oxoniensis eum
insignivit ; Nos Praepositus et socii CoUegii Eeginae Oxoniensis
per praesentes testamur, dictum Eichardum Peake gradu Bacca-
laurei in Artibus fuisse insignitum termino Sancti Michaelis, qui
fuit in anno Domini millesimo septingentesimo decimo quinto ; nee
45 Jion vitam sobrie et honeste, quamdiu nobiscum vixerit, instituisse ;
nee quicquam quod scimus, credidisse aut tenuisse, nisi quod Ecclesia
Anglicana approbat et tuetur ; In cujus rei Testimonium scriptum
hoc Sigillo CoUegij, quo hac in parte utimur, munivimus hoc nono
die Junij, anno Domini millesimo septingentesimo decimo octavo.
(40) Dewhurst, John, son of John Dewhurst, ' institoris,' Lan-
cashire ; born at Coin ; schools, Wakefield (Mr Clarke) also Thresh-
field (Mr Marshall) 3 months ; admitted sizar for Dominus Tatham,
tutor Dr Edmmidson, 26 Jime, aet. nearly IS.
(41) Burton, John, son of Michael Burton, counsellor (consi- 5
liarii) Derbyshire ; born at Wigwall ; school, Derby (Mr Blackwell) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Drake, 27 June, aet. 18.
(42) Burton, Michael, ' cum fratre praedict. in ceteris omnibus
concordat ' ; admitted pensioner, aet. illegible.
(43) Best, Major, sou of John Best, surgical instrument maker, 10
(instrmnentorum chirurgicorurn oplficis); born in London; bred
there (Mr Rogerson) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 28
June, aet. 16.
(44) Holbrooke, John, son of Edward Holbrooke, 'juristae,'
Stafford ; born at Wolverhampton ; bred there (Mr Dawbry) ; ad- 1 5
mitted sizar for Mr Wilks, tutor Mr Newcome, 28 June, aet. 20.
[Admissions in the year -: p. 19 ,'- 44.]
(s. 23J
July 1718— July 1719
Admissiones a Julii 4*^° Anno Dom. 1718
(1) Chaworth, Patrick, son of Patrick Chaworth, esquire,
Notts ; born at Annesley ; school, Eton (Dr Snape) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 28 Aug. aet. 17. 20
(2) Steer, Charles, son of William Steer, cutler {cultellarii),
Yorks ; born at Sheffield ; bred at Beighton (Mr Drake) ; admitted
sizar for Dominus Tatham, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 10 Sep.,
aet. (blank).
(3) Boughton, Thomas, son of Thomas Bough ton, gentleman, 25
Northants ; born at King's Cliffe ; school, Uppingham (Mr Savage) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 26 Sep. aet. 15.
(4) Burnaby, John, son of John Bumaby, gentleman, Middlesex;
born in Loudon ; school, Eton (Dr Snape) 6 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 25 Oct., aet. past 17. 30
(5) Husey, George, son of Robert Husey, farmer {Jirmarii),
Dorset ; born at Corfe Mullen ; bred at Taunton, Somerset ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Grove, jun., tutor Mr Newcome, 30 Oct.
aet. nearly 19.
Memorandum. Quod idem Georgius Husey literas secum attulit 35
testimoniales de vita sua laudabili, <in> studiisque profectu non
mediocri dum in Collegio Regali versatus est a Doctore Adams
CoUegii Praepos. descriptas; ut et alteras, quae de Admissione ejus
in Coll. Regal. Nov. 4, 1717 et perpetua ab isto die residentia ad
testatum haberent a Tutore ejus 40
Coll. Eegal. Octob. 30, 1718. John Burford.
ADMISSIONS. 17 If— 1719. 17
(6) Beadles, Thomas, son of Thomas Beadles, grocer {aro-
matarii), Beds ; born at Bedford ; bred there (Mr Aspinhall) ;
admitted sizar for Dr Bowtell, tutor and surety Mr Newcome,
5 Nov., aet. 19.
5 (7) Sandiford, Charles, son of Thomas Sandiford, 'tribuni
militum ' ; born in Barbadoes ; school, Merchant Taylors, Loudon
(Mr Parsell) 3 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Johnson, 15 Nov., aet. past 16.
(8) Robinson, Henry, son of Henry Robinson, husbandman
1 o iagricolce)^ Lancashire ; born at Arnside near Hawkshead ; bred there
(Mr Hunter) and at Kendal School \\ years ; admitted sizar for
Mr Richardson, tutor Dr Edmundson, 4 Mar., aet. nearly 20.
(9) Nickins, Michael, son of Michael Nickins, clerk, deceased,
Staffs ; born at Tipton near Wolverhampton ; bred at Heywood,
15 and latterly at Stafford (Mr Dearie) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Wilkes, 17 Mar., aet. past 16.
(10) Wright, John, son of Richard Wright, ' jurisperiti,'
Lincolnshire ; born at Lowthe ; bred there and lastly at Beverley
(Mr Johnstone); admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 25 Mar.,
20 aet. nearly 19.
(11) Howdell, William, son of William Howdell, husbandman
{agricolce), Yorks; bom at Lowthe; bred there (Mr Williams);
admitted sizar for Mr Russell, tutor Mr Newcome, 26 Mar., aet. 19.
(12) Kenyon, Roger, son of George Kenyon, 'jurisconsult!,'
2 5 Lancashire ; born at Peale ; bred at Manchester (Mr Barrow) and
then at Stockport (Mr Dale) 6 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Mr Newcome, 31 Mar., aet. 17.
(13) Kenyon, George, aet. 16, 'per caetera omnia cum fratre
praedicto concordat.'
30 (14) Riccard, John Peter, son of John Riccard, gentleman,
Yorks; born at Killham, near Bridhngton ; bred at Beverley (Mr
Lambert and Mr Johnstone) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Edmundson, 1 April, aet. 19.
(15) Hope, William, son of John Hope, M.D., Derbyshire ; born
35 at Derby ; bred there (Mr Blackwell) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, 1 April, aet. 17.
(16) Butterwood, Robert, son of Robert Butterwood, grocer
{aromatarii), Y^oiks ; born at Doncaster ; bred there (Mr Withers) ;
admitted sizar for Dr Edmundson his tutor, 1 April, aet. 17.
40 (17) Pigott, Thomas, son of Robert Pigott, steward (dispensa-
toris) to Sir Richard Grosvenor, Bart. ; born at Otford near Chester ;
school, Eton (Dr Snape) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Dr Edmundson, 9 April, aet. 18.
(18) Cooke, Thomas, son of Thomas Cooke, clerk (deceased),
45 Derbyshire; born at Derby; bred there (Mr Blackwell) 1^ years,
s. 2
18 ADMISSIONS. 1719.
previously at Burton on Trent (Mr Prydhan) 6 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 11 April, aet. 19.
(19) Brage, Robert, son of William Brage, esquire, Essex ;
born at Bulmore ; bredat Felsted (Mr Hutchin) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 17 April, aet. 19. 5
(20) Peke, Edward, son of Thomas Peke, gentleman, Kent;
born at Ashe near Sandwich ; bred at Ashford (Mr Bates) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Johnson, 17 April, aet. 17.
(21) Bowes, William, son of George Bowes, gentleman,
Durham; born at Bradely Hall; bred at Bishop Auckland (Mr 10
Emerson) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 18 April,
aet. 18.
(22) Goodday, George, son of George Goodday, esquire, Suffolk ;
born at Tostock ; school, Bishops Stortford (Dr Tooke) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Monins, 9 May, aet. nearly 18. 15
(23) Turner, Thomas, son of Thomas Turner 'jurisconsulti,'
Middlesex ; born in London ; school. Charterhouse (Dr Walker) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 11 May, aet. 15.
(24) Russell, Richard, son of Hugh Russell, gentleman,
Hereford; born at Thruxton near Hereford; school, Hereford 20
(Mr Traheme) ; admitted pensioner, tutur Mr Newcome, 14 May,
aet. 18. (' Discip. pro Duciss. Somerset.' Note in margin.)
(25) Corker, Thomas, son of John Corker, ' jurisperiti,' Lan-
cashire ; born at Lund near Ulverston ; bred there (Mr Turner) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Peake, tutor Mr Parke, 18 May, aet. 25. 25
(26) Harrison, William, son of William Harrison, husband-
man {agricolae), Lancashire ; bom at Hode near Kirkham ; bred
there (Mr Taylor) ; admitted sizar for Dominus Lloyd, tutor Mr
Parke, 19 May, aet. past 17.
(27) Annesley, Martin, son of Francis Annesley, ' jurisconsulti,' 30
Ireland ; born in Dublin ; school, Eton (Dr Snape) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 20 May, aet. about 16.
(28) Annesley, Francis, esquire, grandson (nepos) of Francis,
Viscount Valentia and of Lord Mountmorris ; admitted fellow com-
moner, surety Mr Newcome, 21 May. 25
(29) Mason, Maidwell, son of Matthew Mason, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Ashwell ; school, Okeham (Mr Wright) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Newcome, 22 May, aet. past 17.
(30) Sheepshanks, James, son of James Sheepshanks, hus-
bandman {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Linton near Skipton ; bred at 40
Threshfield (Mr Marshall) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor
Mr Newcome, 22 May, aet. 'prope' 17.
(31) Rycroff, Henry, son of Henry Rycroff, husbandman
{agricolae),Yovk&; born at Coniston-Cold; bred there (Mr Robinson)
and last at Threshfield (Mr Marshall) admitted sizar, tutor Dr 45
Edmundson, 35 May, aet. 18.
(32) Floyer, Sacheverel, son of Ralph Floyer, gentleman
{generosi), Staffordshire ; born at Sutton ; school, Tamworth (Mr
ADMISSIONS. 1719. 19
Shaw); admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Baker,
29 May, aet. 20.
(33) Haygarth, Josias, son of Matthew Haygarth, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks; born at HoUins near Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh
5 (Mr Saunders) 6 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Russell, tutor and
surety Mr Newconie, 30 May, aet. 18.
(34) Grainger, William, son of Thomas Grainger, husbandman
(«5'nco/a«), Cumberland; born at Stone-raise near Wigtowne ; school,
Wigton (Mr Salkeld) and Appleby (Mr Bankes) 1 year ; admitted sizar
lo for Mr Richardson, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 3 June, aet. 18.
(35) Smith, Caleb, son of William Smith, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Kirby Moor ; bred at Coxwold (Mr Midgeley) ;
admitted sizar for Dominus Bernard, tutor Mr Newcome, 6 June,
aet. 18.
15 (36) Murdin, William, son of Edward Murdin, trunk-maker
{cistarum fabricator is) , Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Mer-
chant Taylors (Mr Parsell) ; admitted sizar for Dominus Grigman, tutor
Mr Newcome, 9 Jun., aet. 16.
(37) Lloyd, Moses, son of Maurice Lloyd, druggist {pharma-
20 copolae), Salop ; born at Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Lloyd) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 10 Jun., aet. 18.
(38) Wainhouse, Bichard, son of Nathaniel Wainhouse, clerk
(deceased), Yorks; born at Bradford; bred there (Mr Hill etc.);
admitted sizar for Mr Deane, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
25 11 Jun., aet. past 18.
(39) Acherley, Richard, son of Thomas Acherley, ironmonger
{mercatoris ferrarii), Salop ; bom at Stannerdine near Shrewsbury ;
bred at Wrexham (Mr Appleton) ; admitted sizar for Mr Clarke,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 16 Jun., aet. near 17.
30 (40) Jones, Samuel, son of Samuel Jones, ' calcearii,' Salop ;
born at Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Lloyd) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Russell, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 25 Jun., aet. past 17.
(41) Battersby, Thomas, son of John Battersby, clerk (de-
ceased), Notts ; born at North Leverton ; bred there (Mr Battersby) ;
35 admitted sizar for Mr Healde, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
25 Jun., aet. 17.
(42) Crucius, Lewis, son of Irenaeus Crucius, clerk, Middlesex ;
born in London ; school. Charterhouse (Dr Walker) ; admitteil
sizar for Mr Parnbam, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 27 Jun,
40 aet. nearly 19.
(43) Emmerson, John, son of Ralph Emmerson, clerk, North-
umberland ; born in Newcastle ; school, Charterhouse (Dr Walker) ;
admitted sizar for Mr L'Isle, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, June 27,
aet. 18.
45 (44) Leftwiche, Nathaniel, A.B. of New College, Oxford ;
admitted pensioner, surety Dr Edmundson, June 29.
Memorandum. Quod idem Nathaniel Leftwiche, Novi Collegii
Oxoniensis quondam capellanus, de vita sua laudabili morumque
20 ADMISSIONS. 1719.
probitate, de licentia sibi concessa ad aliud quodcunque Collegium
vel Aulam migrandi, deque animo ejus denique erga Ecclesiam
nostram Anglicanam in omnibus (quod norunt) optima affecto ;
literas secum testimoniales attuUt signatos a
Dat. in Novo Collegio Jolian. Burton, Vice Cust. c
die 2'*° Mensis Mali Johan. Dobson, A.M. Thesaur.
annoque Dom. 1719. Johan. Biddel, A.M.
Benj. Colinge, Jur. Civ. Dre.
(45) Havard, David, A.B. of Jesus College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, surety Mr Newcome, July 1. lo
Memorandum. Quod praedictus David Havard de Gradu suo A.B.
in eadem Academia concesso anno 1698 nee non de determinatione
sua in Quadragesima proxime sequenti facta, id omne testatum
Oxon. Jun. 27, 1719. Sam. Hughes, V.P.L. 15
Gul. Lloyd.
Tho. Price.
Tho. Parde.
(46) Morgan, John, son of Nathaniel Morgan, registrar (regis-
trarii), Wales; born at Carmarthen ; bred there 'per annos aliquot,' 20
last at Hereford School (Mr Traherne) 3 years ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Newcome, 2 July, aet. past 17.
(47) Le'Hunt, Alexander, son of John Le'Hunt, gentleman
{generosi), Surrey ; born at Battersea near Richmond ; school, Eton
(Dr Snape) 4 years ; admitted sizar for the Master of the College, 25
tutor Mr Newcome, 2 July, aet. 17.
(48) Lewis, Edward, son of John Lewis, farmer {firmarii),
Cheshire ; born at Aldersey near Chester ; bred at Wrexham (Mr
Appleton) 2 years ; admitted sizar for Dr Lambert, tutor Dr Edmund-
son, 3 July, aet. past 18. 30
(49) Sunning, John, son of David Bunning, clerk, Leicester-
shire; born at Branting Thorp; school, Okeham (Mr Wright);
admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor Mr Newcome, 4 July, aet.
near 17.
(50) Webb, Thomas, son of Nathaniel Webb, gentleman {gen- 35
erosi), Hants; born at East Mean near Petersfield; bred at Corhamp-
ton (Mr Soane) 3 years and last at Winchester (Dr Cheyney) 'fere'
1 year ; admitted sizar for Mr Grigman, tutor Mr Newcome, 4 July,
aet. past 18.
(51) Snagg, Edward, son of Edward Snagg, esquire, Cambs. ; 40
born at Ditton; bred at Carrington, Bedfordshire (Mr Biby) 4 years;
admitted {propter variolas per vicarium) fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Dr Edmundson, 4 July, aet. 17.
(52) Peyton, Mr Thomas, son of Sewster Peyton, Bart., Middle-
sex ; born in London; school, Entfield (Dr Uvedale); admitted 45
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dominus Williams, 6 July, aet. 18.
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 21 h 52.]
s. 24
ADMISSIONS. 1719 — 171^. 21
July 1719— July 1720.
Admissiones k Julii 6" An. Dom. 1719.
(1) Tatham, James, son of Edmund Tatham, clerk, Essex ;
born at Newport ; bred there (Mr Allen), also at Boxford, SuflFolk
(Mr Tatham) 1 year ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson,
9 July, aet. 15.
5 (2) Barry, Willoughby, son of George Barry, surgeon, Essex
born at Wood; bred at Lewis, Sussex (Mr Pierce) 2 years; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 10 September, aet. 18.
(3) Glassbrooke, Simon Peter, son of Peter Glassbrooke, M.I).,
Kent ; born at Whitstaple near Canterbury ; bred at Canterbury
lo (Mr Burroughs) 3 years; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Newcome, 14 September, aet. 20.
(4) Woodford, Richard, son of John Woodford, clerk, North-
amptonshire ; born at Duston near Northampton ; school, Northamp-
ton (Mr Stiles) 3 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
15 Newcome, 8 October, aet. 17. (Admitted fellow commoner 172^^
Note in margin.)
(5) Vidal, Peter, son of Peter Vidal, 'e satellitibus regiis,'
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 4
years ; admitted sizar for Mr Grigman, tutor and surety Mr New-
20 come, 30 October, aet. 17.
(6) Carre, Richard, son of William Carre, clerk, deceased,
Yorks ; born at Pocklington ; school, Pocklingtoii (Mr Baker) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Healde, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, 14
November, aet. 18.
25 (7) Sneyd, Bowyer, son of Ralph Sneyd, surgeon. Staffs; born
at Bishton near Stafford ; bred at Lichfield (Mr Hunter) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Wilkes, December 9, aet. IS.
■^ ' 20-
(8) Henvill, Philip, son of William Henvill, husbandman {agri-
colae), Dorset; born at Haydon near Stirmister; school, Sherbourne
30 (Mr Gerard) ; admitted sizar for Mr Baker, tutor Mr Newcome,
January 13, aet. past 16.
(9) Downing, G-eorge, son of George Downing, clerk, Herts ;
born at Hinxworth near Biggleswade ; school, Bishops Stortford
(Dr Tooke) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Johnson,
35 January 21, aet. 17.
(10) Bellinger, John Edward, son of Francis Bellinger, druggist
{pharmcopolae sic), Lincolnshire ; born in Stamford ; bred there
(Mr Turner) ; admitted sizar for Mr Peake, tutor Dr Edmundson,
January 22, aet. 18.
4° (11) Chappelow, Edward, son of Edward Chappelow, grocer
afterwards farmer {aromatarii post firmarii), Yorks ; born at
Beverley ; bred there (Mr Lambert and Mr Johnston) ; admitted
22 ADMISSIONS. 1720.
sizar for Mr Featherstonehaugh, tutor Mr Chappelow, February 18,
aet. 19.
(12) Leake, Thomas, son of Marmaduke Leake, furrier {pellio-
nis), Yorks ; born in Beverley ; bred there (Mr Lambert and Mr
Johnson) ; admitted sizar for Dr Lambert, tutor Dr Edmundson, 5
February 18, aet. 'prope' 18.
(13) Parry, Thomas, son of Rolland Parry, currier {coriarii),
Wales ; born at Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire ; school, Shrewsbury
(Mr Lloyd) 3 years ; admitted sizar for Dr Bowtell, tutor Mr New-
come, March 8, aet. 18. lo
(14) Powell, Charles, son of Henry Powell, clerk, Wales ; born
at Langadock, Carmarthenshire; school Brecknock \ year, previously
at Swansey, 2 years; admitted sizar for Mr Featherstonehaugh, tutor
Dr Edmundson, March 23, aet. ' fere' 18.
(15) Hesilrige, Arthur, son of Sir Robert Hesilrige, Bart., 15
Northamptonshire ; born at Northampton ; bred at Carleton, Leices-
tershire (Mr Salter) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Newcome,
March 28, aet. 16.
(16) Haslam, William, son of Edward Haslam, druggist,
Lancashire, born at Rochdale ; bred there (Mr Kippax), last at 20
Stockport, Cheshire (Mr Dale) 4 years; admitted sizar for Mr Rowse,
tutor Mr Newcome, April 4, aet. 19.
(17) Wolfe, Nicholas, son of Richard Wolfe, merchant, Yorks ;
bom at Bridlington Key; schools, 'Annus- Burton' (Burton Agnes)
(Mr Stabber) 5 years, Beverley (Mr Johnson) 4 years ; admitted 25
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, April 6, aet. 19.
(Admitted fellow commoner, 12 Dec. 1724. Note hi margin.)
(18) Kilner, George, son of Thomas Kilner, husbandman {agri-
colae), Lancashire ; born in Cartmel ; bred there (Mr Roskell), last
at Hawkshead (Mr Hunter) ; admitted sizar for Mr Parke, tutor Dr 30
Edmundson, April 6, aet. 17.
(19) Lawe, Edmund, son of Edmund Lawe, clerk, Lancashire ;
born at Cartmel ; bred there (Mr Roskell), and last at Kendal School
(Mr Towers) ; admitted sizar for Mr Shaw, tutor Dr Edmundson,
April 6, aet. 'fere' 17. 35
(20) Hewitt, Robert, son of James Hewitt, ' yeoman,' Yorks ;
born at Threshfield near Skipton ; bred there (Mr Marshall) ; admit-
ted sizar for Mr Hall, tutor Mr Newcome, April 16, aet. past 18.
(21) Leveson (Gower), Honourable Baptist, fourth son of
John Leveson, Baron Gower of Stitteuham, Yorks, Middlesex ; born 40
in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, April 22, aet. 16.
(22) Hoyland, Edward, son of John Hoyland, farmer {firmarii),
Yorks ; born at Brearly, near Wakefield ; school, Wakefield (Mr
Clarke); admitted sizar for his tutor Dr Edmundson, April 22,45
aet. 19.
ADMISSIONS. 1720. 23
(23) Kay, John, son of Thomas Kay, husbandman (agricolae),
Lancashire; born at Leigh, near Manchester; bred at Bradford,
Yorks (Mr Hill) 3 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Chappelow, tutor
and surety Dr Edmundson, April 26, aet. past 19.
5 (24) Pullein, Samuel, son of Samuel Pullein, grocer {aroma-
tarii), Yorks; born at Beedall; bred there (Mr Marshall), also at Sed-
bergh School (Mr Saunders) more than 1 year ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Newcome, May 13, aet. 19.
(25) Lupton, Robert, son of Thomas Lupton, 'yeoman,' Yorks;
lo born at Linton, near Skipton; school, Threshfield (Mr Marshall);
admitted sizar for Dominus Bernard, tutor Mr Newcome, May 20,
aet. 17.
(26) Humberstone, Matthew, son of Edward Humberstone,
gentleman, Hants; born at Portsmouth C' P or turn Magnum,');
1 5 schools. Bishops Stortford and Entfield ; admitted fellow commoner,
tutor Mr Monins, May 23, aet. (blank).
(27) Frewen, John, son of ThankfuU Frewen, Rector of Northi-
ham, Sussex; born there; bred there (his father); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Mr Johnson, May 24, aet. 'fere' 18.
2o (28) Chaworth, Pole, son of Patrick Chaworth, esquire, Notts;
born at Annesley; school, Eton (Dr Snape); admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, May 25, aet. 18.
(29) Chaworth, George, aet. 17, 'per csetera cuncta cum fratre
praedicto concordat.'
25 (30) Marryott, John, son of John Marryott, clerk, Berks; born
at Pinfield, near Windsor; bred at Buddesdale, Suflfolk (Mr May-
bourne) ; admitted sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor and surety Dr Ed-
mundson, May 26, aet. 20.
(31) Swire, Samuel John, son of John Swire, gentleman, Yorks ;
30 born at Skipton ; bred there (Mr Leadall); admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, May 27, aet. past 19.
(32) Robinson, "William, son of Stephen Robinson, clerk, Yorks ;
born at Cunistone Cold ; taught there by his father ; admitted sizar
for Mr Dean, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 27, aet. 18.
35 (33) Leach, Richard, son of Robert Leach, 'caedis Quaesitoris,'
Yorks; born at Micklethwait, near Bingley; bred there (Mr Ellison);
admitted sizar for Mr Leake, tutor Mr Newcome, May 27, aet.
'prope' 18.
(34) Leeke, Samuel, son of Robert Leeke, clerk, Durham ; bom
40 in Durham ; bred there (Mr Rymer) ; admitted sizar for Mr L'isle,
tutor Mr Newcome, June 1, aet. 'prope' 18.
(35) Patrick, Thomas, son of John Patrick, currier, Yorks;
born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Johnstone); admitted sizar for Mr
Palmer, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 7, aet. 22.
45 (36) Lovell, Hugh, son of Hugh Lovell, husbandman {agricolae),
Northants; born at Boughton, near Northampton (Antona); bred
there (Mr Stiles) ; admitted sizar for Mr Peake, tutor Dr Edmund-
son, June 9, aet. past 17.
24 ADMISSIONS. 1720.
(37) Cliffe, John, son of John CliflFe, draper {pannarii), Yorks ;
born at Workbey, in the parish of Leeds; bred at Threslifield (Mr
Marshall); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, June 11,
aet. IS.
(38) Welch, John, son of John Welch, grazier {pecuarii), 5
Notts; born at Sturtoii, near Gainsborough; bred at Fresswell (Mr
Newsholme) ; admitted sizar for Mr Rigden, tutor Mr Johnson, June
15, aet. 18.
(39) Stillingfleet, Fairfax, son of John Stiliingfleet, clerk,
Lincoln; born at Beckingham ; schools, Lincoln (Mr Garmstone) lo
2 years, and a private school at Hough, near Grantham, 5 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newton, June 21, aet.
'prope' 17.
(40) Baker, George, son of Francis Baker, gentleman, Durham ;
born at Whickham, near Newcastle; bred at Morpeth, 2 years, but 15
chiefly in his father's house (Mr Bindlesse); admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Newcome, June 21, aet. 17.
(41) Bindlesse, Roger, son of Antony Bindlesse, mercer {merci-
arii), Yorks,; born in Sedbergh; school, Sedbergh (Mr Wharton, Mr
Dwyer, Mr Saunders); admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor Mr 20
Newcome, June 21, aet. 28.
(42) Deane, Kev. William, Rector of OS'ord Darcy, Hunts;
admitted (non sine gravi causa) fellow commoner, surety Dr
Edmundson, June 29.
Idem vir Beverendus de Collegio quondam ^Eneanasensi Oxon. ad 25
gradum M.A. omnino secundum formam ab eadem Academia prae-
stitutam (nulla gratia seu favore adhibito) in Convocatione Jun. 17,
1687, celebrata promotus est; uti patet per literas ab Academiae
Kegistrario datas signatasque Oxon. Jun. 23, 1720.
Geo. Cooper. ■yQ
(43) Price, William, of St Mary's Hall, Oxford ; admitted pen-
sioner, surety Dr Edmundson, June 30.
Idem Gul. Price ad gradum A.B. omnino secundum formam ab
eadem Academia praestitutam (nulla gratia seu favore adhibito) in
Convocatione Martii 21, 170f, celebrata promotus erat ; uti patet per ^5
literas ab Academiae Kegistrario datas signatasque Oxon. Maii 25,
Geo. Cooper.
(44) Hall, George, S(m of John Hall, clerk, Durham ; born at
Chester Street, near Durham ; bred at Darlington (Mr Richardson) ; 40
admitted sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 30, aet. 18.
(45) Whitehead, Robert, son of John Whitehead, merchant
(mercatoris), Yorks ; born at Cusworth, near Doncaster ; bred at
Leeds (Mr Bernard) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson,
June 30, aet. 18. 45
(46) Negus, John, son of Edward Negus, farmer {firmarii),
Cambs; born at Girton ; bred at Histon (Mr Scaife); admitted sizar
for Dominus Eyles, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 2, aet. 'fere' 19.
ADMISSIONS. 1720. 25
(47) Mills, Thomas, son of Thomas Mills, 'nunc temporis ajjud
Spalding Conimentariensis,' Lincolnshire ; born at Grantham ; bred
at Spalding (Mr Neve) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor Mr
Newcome, July 4, aet. ' prope' 17.
5 (48) Hotchkis, James, son of Joshua Hotchkis, clerk, Canon of
St Paul's, Bucks; born at Moulsoo, near Newport; school. Charter
house (Dr Walker) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, July 5,
aet. 18.
(49) Hoggard, John, son of Nathaniel Hoggard, husbandman
lo (agricolae), Notts; born at Tresswell, near Redford ; bred there (Mr
Newsholme) ; admitted sizar for Mr Monins, tutor Mr Johnson, July
6, aet. 18.
(50) Drake, James, son of James Drake, M.D., Middlesex ;
born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted pen-
15 sioner, tutor Mr Newcome, July 8, aet. 17.
rf.c. 4|
Admissions in the year i p. 17 j 50.
U. 29J
July 1720— July 1721.
Admissiones a Julii 8™ Anno Dom. 1720.
(1) Lamplugh, William, son of William Lamplugh, clerk,
Yorks ; born at Sprotbrough, near Doncaster ; school, Wakefield
(Mr Clark) 2 years, and last at the school called St Martin's Library,
20 London (Mr Richardson) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson,
July 9, aet. (blank).
(2) Gardiner, Robert, son of Robert Gardiner, gentleman,
Lincolnshire ; born at Sleeford ; bred in Lincoln (Mr Garmstone) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, October 5, aet. 17.
25 (3) Holcombe, John, son of William Holcombe, gentleman,
Wales ; born at Mounton, near Pembroke ; schools, Pembroke, and
then Westminster (Dr Friend) 2 years; admitted pensioner, tutor
Mr Newcome, October 24, aet. 16.
(4) Sandford, John, son of John Sandford, gentleman, Middle-
30 sex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 6 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, October 24, aet.
'prope' 18.
(0) Turner, David, son of David Turner, esquire, Kent ; born
at Margate, in the Isle of Thanet ; school, Canterbury (Mr Smith) ;
35 admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Johnson, October 27, aet. past 16.
(6) Dunn, Field, son of Field Dunn, clerk, Yorks ; born in Hull;
bred there (Mr Clarke); admitted sizar for Mr Roper, tutor Mr
Newcome, October 30, aet. 18.
(7) Price, Richard, son of Richard Price. ' Cancellariae Re-
40 gistrarii,' Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Bishops Stortford
(Dr Tooke) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, November 3,
aet. past 18. (Admitted fellow commoner 1725. Note in margin.)
26 ADMISSIONS. 172^.
(8) Wadsworth, Charles, son of Nathaniel Wadsworth, clerk,
Norfolk ; born at Brooke near Norwich ; schools, Sherbourne (Mr
Mosely) and Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) ; admitted sizar for the
President, tutor Dr Ednmndson, November 29, aet. 19.
(9) Holt, Henry, son of Rolland Holt, gentleman, of Redgrave 5
in SuflFolk, Middlesex ; born in London ; schools, Buddesdale, Suffolk
and Eton (Dr Suape) 2 years; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr New-
come, Dec. 7, aet. 19.
(10) Cawne, Charles, son of William Cawne, clerk (deceased),
Bucks; born at Wavendeu ; bred at Houghton Conquest, Beds, 10
but chiefly by his father; admitted sizar for Mr Rowse, tutor
Mr Newcome, January 24, aet. 'fere' 18.
(11) Farrington, Henry, son of Valentine Farrington, M.D.,
Lancashire ; born at Preston ; school, Manchester (Mr Barrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, February 2, aet. past 15. 15
(12) Prince, William, son of William Prince, clerk (deceased),
Devon ; born at Clovelly near Bideford ; bred at Barnstaple (Mr
Lacke) ; admitted sizar for Mr Rowse, tutor Mr Newcome, February
6, aet. past 17.
(13) Kowe, Thomas, son of Antony Rowe, pewterer (stannarii), 20
Durham ; born at Gateshead ; bred at Sedbergli and Newcastle ;
admitted sizar for Mr Hall, tutor Mr Newcome, February 7,
aet. 19.
(14) Powell, Joseph, son of Roger Powell, gentleman, Hereford;
born at Withington ; bred at Hereford (Mr Traherne) ; admitted 25
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, February 11, aet. ' fere ' 18.
(15) Boughton, Henry, son of Le Neve Boughton, clerk,
Yorks ; born in York ; schools, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 5 years,
Westminster (Dr Friend) 3 years; admitted sizar for Mr Prior,
tutor Dr Edmundson, February 22, aet. 18. 30
(16) Creyke, Ralph, son of Ralph Creyke, gentleman, Yorks;
born at Marton near Burlington ; schools, W^akefield (Mr Clarke)
3 years, Rotheram (Mr Withers) 4 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, February 25, aet. 18.
(17) Burneby, Andrew, son of Andrew Burneby, clerk, 35
Leicestershire ; born at Assfordby near Melton ; bred there (Mr
Henley) 4 years, also at Okeham (Mr Wright) 5 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, March 6, aet. 18.
(18) Pindar, John, son of Richard Pindar, 'yeoman,' Yorks;
born at Langton near Malton ; bred at Thornton (Mr Dowbiggin) 40
2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Mr
Newcome, March 6, aet. 18.
(19) Cornwall, Charles, son of Frederick Cornwall, clerk,
Salop ; born at Berrington near Dempster ; school. Charterhouse
(Dr Walker) 5 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, 45
March 17, aet. 17.
ADMISSIONS. 1721. 27
(20) Leaver, William, B.A. of New College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, surety Mr Newcome, March 22.
Omnibus in Christo Fidelibus salutem in Domino Sempiternam.
Cum Gulielmus Leaver A.B. e Nov. Coll. in Oxon., nuper Capel-
5 lanus, Literas nostras testimoniales de vita sua laudabili morumque
probitate concedi sibi petierit; Nos Gustos at Socii ejusdem Collegii
testamur eundem Gulielmum Leaver quamdiu apud nos vixerit, pie,
sobrie et studiose vitam suam instituisse, nee quicquam unquam
tenuisse Ecclesiae Anglicanae Doctrinae sen disciplinae contrarium
lO seu derogativum : In cujus rei testimonium Nomina nostra et Cog-
nomina, una cum sigillo quo in hoc casu utimur, praesentibus
Dat. e Coll. Nov. Johs. Dobson, CnstOB.
Febr. 22'^", 172J. Tho. Swallow, Vice-custos.
ic Johs. Burton, Burs.
(21) Pinsent, John, son of John Piusent, clerk, Herts; born at
Digs well near Welling; bred there (Mr Hassell) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Newconie, March 22, aet. past 16.
(22) Smith, Francis, son of Thomas Smith, innkeeper {pan-
20 docket), Sussex; born at Battell; bred there and also at Maidstone
school (Mr Walwyn); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Bdniundson, March 24, aet. past 1 7.
(23) Lister, John, son of James Lister, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Halifax ; schools, Wakefield (Mr Clarke), Bradford (Mr
25 Hill) one year; admitted sizar for Dominus Eyles, tutor Dr Ed-
mundson, March 25, aet. ' prope ' 18.
(24) Smith, William, son of John Smith, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Cawood ; schools, York (Mr Herbert) 5 years, then
Sherbourne (Mr Moseley) 2 years; admitted pensioner, tutor and
30 surety Dr Edmundson, March 27, aet. ' prope' 18.
(25) Wilmot, Richard, son of Robert Wilmot, gentleman,
Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; bred there (Mr Blackwell) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 29, aet. 16.
(26) G-ordoun, Robert, son of Robert Gordoun, gentleman,
35 Durham ; born at Woolsingham ; bred at Durham (Mr Rosse) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Lisle, tutor Mr Newcome, March 29, aet. 17.
(27) Henchman, Joseph, son of Joseph Henchman, clerk, Kent;
born at Chatham ; bred at Buddesdale, Suffolk (Mr Maybourne) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Smith, tutor Mr Newcome, May 26, aet.
40 past 17.
(28) Carter, Thomas, son of William Carter, esquire, Beds;
born at Turvey ; bred at Woolaston, Northamptonshire ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 31, aet. 18.
(29) Taylor, John, son of John Taylor, barber (tonsoris), Salop;
45 born in Shrewsbury ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Lloyd) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor Mr Newcome, June 7, aet. 17.
28. ADMISSIONS. 1721.
(30) Wilson, William, son of Isaac Wilson, husbandmiin
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Stainton Gap near Ulverstone ;
schools, Urswick (Mr Holmes) 7 years and Kendal, Westmorland (Mr
Towers) more than one year ; admitted sizar for Dominus Eyles,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 12, aet. 20. 5
(31) Gorges, Robert, son of Henry Gorges, gentleman, Here-
fordshire, born at Eye near Lemster ; schools, Coney Hatch (Mr
Ellis), Hereford (Mr Rodd) about 4 years ; admitted fellow commoner,
tutor Mr Johnson, June 20, aet. past 18.
(32) Dod, Richard, son of Theophilus Dod, innkeeper 10
{pandochei), Salop; born in Shrewsbury; school, .Shrewsbury (Mr
Lloyd) ; admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor Mr Newcome, June
21, aet. 'fere' 18.
(33) Keysel, Nicolas, A.B. of Balliol College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, surety Mr Newcome, June 26. 15
Memorandum Quod idem Nicolaus Keysell {sic) Literas secum
attulit satis authenticas de Gradu A.B. (omnino secundum formam)
in dicto Collegio suscept. Mart. 4. Anno D. 1717 signatasque
Oxen. April 10, 1721. Geo. Cooper.
(34) Wombwell, George, son of William Wombwell, gentleman, 20
Yorks ; born at Wombwell near Annesley ; bred in his father's
house (Mr Holdsworth) also in York school (Mr Herbert) 4 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Johnson, June 26, aet. past 19.
(35) Rakes, John, son of William Rakes, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks; born at Eshton near Skipton ; school, Threshfield (Mr 25
Marshall) ; admitted sizar for Mr Symonds, tutor and surety Mr
Newcome, June 28, aet. 20.
(36) Rothery, William, son of Robert Rothery 'tunicarum
pueril. fabricatoris,' Middlesex ; born in London ; bred in Chelsey
(Mr Close) about 6 years, also in Westminster school (Dr Friend) 30
' fere ' 1^ years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, June 29,
aet. past 16.
(37) Beatniffe, Samuel, son of John Beatniffe, clerk, Lincoln-
shire ; born at Houghton near Great Grimsby; bred at Barnaby,
Lincolnshire (Barnetby ]) (Mr Thompson) and last at Beverley, Yorks 35
(Mr Johnston) a little more than three years ; admitted sizar for
Mr Leake, tutor Mr Newcon)e, June 29, aet. 18.
(;:i8) Walker, Christopher, son of Christopher Walker, husband-
man {agric(jlae\ Yorks ; born at Hedon ; school, Beverley (Mr
Johnston) ; admitted sizar for Dr Lambert, tutor Dr Edmundson, 40
June 29, aet. 'fere' 17.
(39) Matthews, Andrew, B.A. of Jesus College, Oxford;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 30.
Memorandum. Quod idem Andreas Matthews literas secum attulit
satis authenticas de Gradu A.B. (omnino secundum formam) in dicta 45
Academia suscept. die Octob. 14, 1709. Signatas
Oxon. Jun. 11, 1721. Geo. Cooper.
ADMISSIONS. 1721. 29
Omnibus in Christo FidelibuB ad quos praesens hoc scriptum per-
venerit salutem et debitam Eeverentiam.
Cum pium et officiosum sit veritati testimonium perhibere, praeser-
tim cum ad hoc simus specialiter requisiti, cumque Andreas Matthews,
e A.B. e CoUegio Jesu Oxoniensis Literas nostras testimoniales de vita
sua laudabili morumque integritate, sibi a nobis concedi petierit;
nos tam honestae ejus petitioni (quantum in nobis fuerit) obsecundare
volentes, Testamur et Testatum facimus, praedictum Andream Mat-
thews per totum illud tempus quo apud nos vixerit sedulam suis
lO navasse operam studiis, vitamque suam pie et sobrie semper institu-
isse ; Et praeterea in iis quae ad Religionem spectant, nihil unquam
(quoad scimus) vel tenuisse vel credidisse, nisi quod consonum sit
veritati Christianae et Catholicae, et quod Ecclesia Anglicana appro-
bat et tuetur.
15 In hujus rei testimonium nomina nostra subscripsimus
Datum e Coll. Jesu Luc. Williams.
Oxon. Johan. Brickdal.
Sept. 9"° Anno D°' 1710™°. Jacobus Harcourt.
Eubulus Thetwall.
20 Johan. Jones.
Griffinus Gunnis.
(40) Squire, John, B.A. of Merton College, Oxford; admitted
pensioner, surety Mr Newcome, June 30.
Omnibus quorum interest haec infra scripta non uescire.
25 Nos Custos et Socii Collegii Mertoniensis testamur Johannem
Squire nuper ex nostro Collegio, gradum Baccalaurei in Artibus sus-
cepisse, mense Februarii a.d. mdccxiv.
In cujus rei testimonium sigillum ejusdem Collegii affiximus, et
nomina nostra subscrijosimus
30 Dat. e Coll. Merton. Jo. Holland, Custos.
Decimo Sexto Calend. Junii Johan. Martin, M.D.
A.D. MDCCxxi. Bloss. Tovey, LL.D.
Rich. Meadowcourt, A.M.
Gi. Trowe, M.B.
35 (41) Smjrthe, Sidney Stafford, son of Henry Smythe, ' praefecti
militum,' Middlesex; boru in London ; bred in Kensington (Mr
Coxe) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 1,
aet. 'prope' 16.
(42) Gawthrop, Thomas, son of Christopher Gawthrop, 'plebeii,'
40 Yorks ; born at Dent near Kirby Lonsdale ; bred there (Mr Nelson),
but last at Sedbergh school (Mr Saunders) 3 years ; admitted sizar
for Mr Russell, tutor Mr Newcome, July 1, aet. 20.
(43) Wilkinson, Matthew, son of John Wilkinson, clothier
( pannifici), Yorks ; born at Illingworth near Hallifax ; bred at
45 Bradford (Mr Hill) ; admitted sizar for Mr Harrison, tutor Dr
Edmundson, July 1, aet. ' prope' 18.
(44) Roberts, William, son of Thomas Roberts, gentleman,
Rutland; boru at Wardley near Uppingham; school, Uppingham
30 ADMISSIONS. 1721.
(Mr Savage) 6 years, and last at home (Mr Wotton) 2 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, July 3, aet. past 18.
(45) Scott, Thomas, son of Robert Scott, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Yokefleet near Holden ; bred at Beverley
(Mr Johnstone) ; admitted sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor Dr Edmundson, 5
July 3, aet. 'prope' 17.
(46) Baker, Ferdinando, son of Francis Baker, gentleman,
Durham ; bred at Whickham, near Newcastle ; bred at home
(Mr Bindlesse), for some years also at Morpeth school (Mr Gary) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, July 4, aet. 17. 10
(47) Cooper, Thomas, son of John Cooper, clerk, Leicestershire ;
born at Wifordby near Melton ; bred at Nuneaton, Warwickshire
(Mr Liptrott) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bradfield, tutor Mr Newcome,
'per vicarium,' July 1, aet. past 17.
[Admissions in the year -j p. 25 y 47.] 1 5
is. 20 J
July 1721— July 1722.
Admissiones a Julii 7™° Anno Dom. 1721.
(1) Betts, John, son of John Betts, schoolmaster, Beds ; born
at Maulden ; bred at Hitching, Herts (Mr Belsham) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Rowse, tutor Mr Newcome, August 28, aet. ' fere ' 19.
(2) Salisbury, William, son of William Salisbury, barrister
(causidici), Warwickshire ; born at Atherstone ; school, Charterhouse 20
(Dr Walker) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, September
8, aet. past 15.
(3) Dell, Humfrey, son of Humphrey (sic) Dell, jeweller
(gemmarii), Middlesex; born in London; school, St Paul's (Dr
Ayscough) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, 25
September 18, aet. past 15.
(4) Fayting, Nicholas, son of John Fayting 'factor' at
Blackwell Hall, Middlesex; school, Merchant Taylors (Mr Parsell
and Dr Smith) ; admitted sizar for Mr Yardley, tutor Mr Newcome,
September 30, aet. ' fere '19. 30
(5) Chace, Thomas, son of Samuel Chace, brick-maker (la-
terarii), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Snape) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, October 2, aet. 18.
(6) Ray, Benjamin, son of Joseph Ray, merchant, Lincolnshire;
born at Spalding ; bred there (Mr Neeve) ; admitted pensioner, tutor 35
Mr Newcome, October 10, aet. 17.
(7) Fowler, Chappel, son of George Fowler, mercer {merciarii),
Notts, born in Southwell ; schools, Southwell (Mr Neepe) for some
time, but chiefly Newark (Mr Warburton) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Bradfield, tutor Mr Newcome, October 14, aet. 17. 40
(8) Brett, William, son of William Brett, gentleman, Somerset;
born at East Chinnock ; bred at Crewkern (Mr Pilver) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Bdmundson, October 17, aet. 18.
(9) Lyn, George, son of George Lyn, esquire, Middlesex ;
born in London ; school, Spalding, Lines (Mr Neeve) ; admitted
5 fellow commoner, tutor Mr Newcorae, November 1, aet. 15.
(10) Seward, Benjamin, son of John Seward, steward {dis-
pensator), to Lord Windsor, Worcestershire ; born at Badsey near
Evesham ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) 3 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, November 2, aet. ' fere ' 1 6.
to (11) Carr, William, son of Richard Carr, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Pocklington ; school, Pocklington (Mr
Lantrow and Mr Baker) ; admitted sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor
Dr Edmundson, November 4, aet. 18.
(12) Aspinwall, Ireland, son of Edward Aspinwall, gentleman,
IS Middlesex; born in Islington; school, Chester (Mr Henshaw) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, November 22,
aet. 18.
(13) Chevalier, Nathaniel Michael, son of John Chevalier,
clerk, Rutland; born at Greetham ; bred at Corby, Lincolnshire
20 (Mr Lucas) 7 years, and last at Okeham School (Mr Wright) 2 years;
admitted sizar for Mr Lynn (sic), tutor Mr Newcome, January 6,
aet. past 18.
(14) Brownsmith, Andrew, son of John Brownsmith, clerk,
Suffolk ; born at Pakenham ; taught by his father ; admitted sizar
25 for Mr Symonds, tutor Mr Newcome, January 19, aet. 17.
(15) Dixon, William, son of Edward Dixon, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire; born at Hawkshead ; bred there (Mr Hunter);
admitted sizar for Mr Shaw, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 1, aet.
past 17.
30 (16) Burton, John, son of Richard Burton, clerk, Yorks ;
bom at Muston near HoUingby ; school, Pocklington (Mr Baker) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Chappelow, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 2,
aet. past 17.
(17) Swale, Richard, son of John Swale, 'in arte scribendi
35 praeceptoris,' Yorks ; born in York ; school, Sherbourne (Mr Moseley) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Williams, tutor Mr Newcome, March 6,
aet. past 18.
(18) Tennant, Francis, son of Richard Tennant, barrister
{causidici), Yorks ; born at Milbeck in the parish of Sedbergh ;
40 school, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) 6 years ; admitted sizar for Mr
Downes, tutor Mr Newcome, March 15, aet. ' fere' 21.
(19) Heblethwait, Thomas, son of Joshua Heblethwait, 'yeo-
man,' Yorks ; born in Dent ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Oldham, tutor and surety, Mr Newcome,.
45 March 15, aet. past 18.
32 ADMISSIONS. 1722.
(20) Holmes, Joseph, son of Joseph Holmes, maltster {hrasia-
toris), Yorks ; born at LightcliflFe in the parish of Halifax ; school,
Threshfield (Mr Marshall) 2 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Lynn
(sic), tutor Mr Newcome, March 26, aet. past 17.
(21) Grantham, Robert, son of Leonard Grantham, barrister 5
(causidici), Cheshire, born in the city of Chester; bred there (Mr
Henchman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Bdmundson,
March 30, aet. 18.
(22) Bird, John, son of John Bird, clerk, Surrey; born at
Ryegate ; taught by his father; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr lo
Edmundson, April 20, aet. past 13.
(23) Tatham, Ralph, son of Ralph Tatham, gentleman, Durham ;
born at Bishopton near Stockton ; bred at Darlington (Mr Ricliardson)
4 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Lisle, tutor Mr Newcome, April 21,
aet. past 19. ic
(24) Wilson, Thomas, son of Charles Wilson, farmer (Jirmarii),
Notts ; born at Arnold near Nottingham ; bred at Southwell
(Mr Lambe) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Johnson,
May 10, aet. past 16.
(25) Barber, George, son of William Bai'ber, husbandman {agri- 20
colae) Yorks; born at Kippax near Pontefract; bred at Sherbourne
(Mr Moseley) and last for some time in Sedbergh school (Mr Saunders);
admitted sizar for Mr Thomas, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
May 12, aet. past 17-
(26) Turner, Hammond, son of William Turner, 'pecudum 25
saginatoris,' Norfolk ; born at Wendling ; bred at Loughton (Mr
Browne) 4 years and then at Chesterfield (Mr Burrough) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Rigden, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, May
17, aet. past 20.
(27) Bellamy, George, son of Robert Bellamy, husbandman 30
{agricolae), Durham ; born at Moorhouse in the parish of Houghton
le Spring ; schools, Durham (Mr Randall) 4 years, Houghton (Mr
Nelson) 1 year; admitted sizar ^ for the Master, tutor Mr Newcome,
May 19, aet, 18.
(28) Bedford, William, son of Hilkiah Bedford, clerk, Middle- 35
sex; school, Westminster (Dr Friend); admitted sizar ^ for the
Master, tutor Mr Johnson, May 29, aet. 17.
(29) Stubbinge, John, son of Godfrey Stubbinge, gentleman,
Derbyshire ; born at Whittington near Chesterfield ; school, Chester-
field (Mr Burrough) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 40
May 30, aet. past 17.
(30) Pegge, Samuel, son of Christopher Pegge, mercer {mer-
cmri'O, Derbyshire ; born at Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burrough) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 30, aet. past 17.
1 In these cases the term is sizator instead of subsizator the usual
ADMISSIONS. 1722. 33
(31) Wright, Thomas, M.A., of Royston ; admitted fellow
commoner, surety Dr Bdmundson, May 31.
(32) Haigh, Richard, son of Henry Haigh, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Quarnby (or perhaps Queenby) near Halifax ;
5 schools, Bradford (Mr Hill) 2 years and last at Sedbergh, one
year; admitted sizar for Mr Leeke, tutor Mr Newcorae, June 6,
aet. past 18.
(33) Holmes, Edward, son of John Holmes, hosier {tibialium ven-
ditoris), Yorks ; born in Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) :
lo admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Mr Newcome,
June 6, aet. past 19.
(34) Shaw, Samuel, B.A. of Clare Hall, admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, June 9.
Memorandam, Quod idem Samuel Shaw literas secum attulit satis
1 5 authenticas de vita sua probata, veniaque ad quodvis aliud Collegium
transmigrandi, signatas
Aul. Clar. Ed. Clarke, Praes.
Junii 18. 1722. Bob. Greene, Tutor,
(35) Godly, Michael, son of Joseph Godly, ' pannificis,' Yorks ;
2 o born at Trimmingam near Halifax; school, HaHfax (Mr Lister);
admitted sizar for Mr Dean, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, June
12, aet. past 17.
(36) Sutcliffe, Joseph, son of Jonathan Sutcliffe, draper
(panfiarii), Yorks ; born at Stansfield near Halifax ; bred first at
25 Heptinstall near Halifax (Mr Wilson) then at Burnley, Lancashire
(Mr Robertshire) ; admitted sizar for Mr Williams, tutor Mr
Newcome, June 12, aet. past 18.
(37) Marsh, John, son of Richard Marsh, clerk, Kent ; born at
Longdon Abbey near Dover ; school, Canterbury (Mr Smith) ;
30 admitted sizar for Dominus Byles, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 18
aet. past 17.
(38) Jebb, John, son of Samuel Jebb, maltster {hrasiatoris),
Notts; born at Mansfield; bred there (Mr Hucklebridge) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Jolinson, June 19, aet.
35 'circ. 16.'
(39) Carre, George, son of George Carre, ' in re nautica &c
institutoris,' Northumberland ; born in Newcastle ; bred there
(Mr Lodge) ; admitted sizar for Mr Russel, tutor and surety Mr New-
come, June 21, aet. past 17.
40 (40) Bowen, William, from Jesus College, Oxford ; admitted
fellow commoner, surety Mr Newcome, June 25.
Memorandum. This is to certify y* Mr William Bowen was ad-
mitted into our College Feb. 17. 170|-, y' he was regularly enter'd on
y'= Law-line Octob. 16, 1711. y' during his continuance with us he
AC kept fourteen terms, during which time he behav'd himself very
soberly and regularly : But being presented to a Living in Pembroke-
s. 3
34 ADMISSIONS. 1722.
shire, which he constantly serv'd, was prevented from keeping a
statutable residence here
Jes. Coll. Oxon. W. Jones prll.
'21 June 1722. Thomas Pardo,
B.D. and fellow. c
(41) Richmond, Thomas, A.B. of Balliol College, Oxford,
Wiltshire ; admitted pensioner, surety Mr Rigdeu, June 29.
Omnibus in Christo fidelibus ad quos hoe praesens scriptum per-
venerit, Salutem. Nos Magister et Socii CoUegii Baliolensis in
Universitate Oxon : testamur Thomam Eichmond admissum fuisse lO
comunarium CoUegii nostri Termino S*' Hilarii Anno Domini 17|i
et gradum Baccalaurei in Artibus suscepisse Termino S*' Michaelis
Anno Domini 1715 et e Collegio nostro decessisse Termino S'*^
Trinitatis Anno Domini 1716.
Insuper testamur praefatum Thomam Eichmond pie sobrie et 15
honeste vitam instituisse, quamdiu apud nos commoratus fuerit,
sedulam studiis operam navasse, Eegi fidelem extitisse, nihilque
ecclesiae Anglicanae Doctrinae vel Disciplinae contrarium (quantum
scimus) unquam tenuisse scripsisse vel docuisse. In quorum
omnium Testimonium, praesens hoc scriptum Sigillo CoUegii, quo 20
hac in parte utimur, munivimus, et nomina nostra ultro sub-
Joli. Baron, Mag.
Jos. Hunt, Soc.
Eic. Monnox, Soc. 25
J. Sanford, Soc.
Tho. Eich, Soc.
Gul. Best, Soc.
Johan. Jones, Soc.
(42) Loftus, Henry, son of James Loftus, 'apud Jacobum 30
Graham Praefectum Militum Dispensatoris,' Westmorland ; born at
Lawrence House, in the parish of Hearsom ; school, Sedbergh (Mr
Saunders) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bernard, tutor Mr Newcome, June
26, aet. ' prope ' 20.
(43) Smith, Robert, son of Robert Smith, 'firmarii et pecudvmi 35
saginatoris,' Rutland ; born at Liddington ; school, Uppingham (Mr
Savage and Mr Reddall) ; admitted sizar for Mr Palmer, tutor and
surety Dr Edmundson, June 29, aet. 'fere' IS.
(44) Robinson, Thomas, son of John Robinson, gentleman,
Durham ; born at Darlington ; bred there (Mr Richardson) ; ad- 40
mitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor Mr Newcome, June 30, aet.
past 18.
(45) Jenyns, Soame, son of Roger Jenyus, knight, Middlesex ;
born in London ; taught in his father's house (Mr Hill and Mr
White) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Edmund- 45
son, July 2, aet. 17.
46) Dod, Thomas, son of Thomas Dod, head cook of St John's
College, Cambs; born at Witzer; at the King's School, Cambridge
ADMISSIONS. 1722. 35
(Mr Redman) ; admitted sizar for Mr Thomas, tutor and surety Dr
Edmundson, July 2, aet. past 17.
(47) Lloyd, Talbot, son of Talbot Lloyd, 'prsefecti militum,'
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; ad-
c mitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 3, aet. jiast 18.
(48) Greenlialgli, Henry, son of Richard Greenhalgh, iron-
monger (mercator is /errarii), Middlesex; born in London; bred at
Bury, Lancashire (Mr Rider) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr
Edmundson, July 6, aet. 'circ' 19.
rf.c. 5^
[Admissions in the year -l p. 15 V 48.]
I s. 28)
July 1722— July 1723.
Admissiones a Julii 7""° a.d. 1722.
(1) Wentwortli, Godfrey, son of Godfrey Wentworth, gentle-
man, Yorks ; born at Brodsworth, near Doncaster ; school, Wakefield
(Mr Clark) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, July
21, aet. 17.
15 (2) Smith, Joseph, son of John Smith, butcher (lanii), Wilts;
born in Marlborough ; school, Charterhouse (Dr Walker) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Byles, tutor Dr Edmundson, September 22, aet. 17.
(3) Woodroffe, John, son of William Woodroffe, clerk, Cambs ;
born in Balsam ; school, Felsted (Mr Hutchins) ; admitted sizar for
20 Mr Cay ley, tutor Mr Johnson, October 10, aet. past 17.
(4) Moore, Thomas, son of Henry Moore, gentleman, Somerset-
shire ; born at Coker, near Yeovil ; bred at Sherburne (Mr AVilding) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, October 11, aet. past IS.
(5) Jenkin, Robert, son of Henry Jenkiu, Rector of Tilney,
25 Norfolk; born at Holm; bred at Beckswell (Mr Foster); admitted
sizar for the Master, tutor Dominus Jenkin, October 17, aet. past 18.
(6) Massey, Robert, son of Traflford Massey, grocer (aroma-
tarii), Cheshire ; born in the city of Chester ; bred there (Mr
Henchman); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
30 October 19, aet. past 16.
(7) Nourse, Major, son of Peter Nourse, D.D., Hants ; born at
Droxford ; bred at Southampton (Mr Kingsman) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, October 20, aet. past 17.
(8) Chalmers, James, M.A. of Aberdeen University ; admitted
35 fellow commoner, tu.tor and surety Dr Edmuudson, November 6.
(9) Johnson, Walter, 'hujus coUegii olim alummus^,' admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, November ] 0.
1 Walter Johnson was first admitted to the College 30 March 1703.
See Part II. p. 165, No. 17.
36 ADMISSIONS. 172f— 1723.
(10) Jenkin, Thomas, son of John Jenkin, barrister (causidici),
Kent; born at Wye; bred at Biddenden (Mr Gaudy); admitted sizar
for Mr Rigden, tutor Mr Johnson, December 14.
(11) Powel, William, son of William Powel, gentleman, Wales;
born at Nanteos, Cardiganshire ; bred at Hereford (Mr Traherne) ; 5
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Mr Newcome, January 14, aet.
'fere' 17.
(12) Scot, John, son of Benjamin Scot, 'unus e Telonariis apud
Lond.,' Wilts ; born at Chippenham ; bred at Marlborough (Mr
Hildrop) ; admitted sizar for Mr Wrigley, tutor Dr Edmundson, lo
February 12, aet. jiast 18.
(13) Hazelhurst, Joseph, son of Henry Hazelhurst, husband-
man (agricolae), Cheshire ; born at Synderland, in the parish of
Bowdon ; bred at Lym, Cheshire (Mr Spencer) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Mr Robinson, February 19, aet. 21. iS
(14) Fleming, John, son of William Fleming, barrister (causi-
dici), Yorks ; born at Kippax ; bred at Sherbourne and Wakefield ;
admitted sizar for Dominus Wilson, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
March 14, aet. 'fere' 17.
(15) Meyrick, Essex, son of John Meyrick, gentleman, Wales ; 20
born at Pembroke ; taught in his father's house (Mr Clarke) ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Clarke, March 21, aet. 'circa' 18.
(16) Creswell, William, son of John Creswell, goldsmith {auri
fabri) ; Kent ; born in Rochester ; bred there (Mr Colson) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, March 21, aet. past 17. 25
(17) Scot, Joshua, son of Thomas Scot, gentleman, Yorks ; born
in Hull ; bred there (Mr Clarke); admitted sizar for Mr Featherston-
haugh ; tutor and surety Mr Chappelow, March 27, aet. 'fere' 19.
(18) Ludlam, John, son of John Ludlani, mercer {mercerii),
Yorks ; born at Barnsley ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ; admitted 3°
sizar for Mr Clarke, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 30, aet. ' fere' 16.
(19) Wood, George, son of John Wood, maltster (brasiatoris),
Yorks ; born at Smithes ; bred at Huddersfield (Mr Smyth) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Wrigley, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 30, aet. 18.
(20) Spearman, Charles, son of Gilbert Spearman, barrister-at- 35
law {causidici repagularis), Durham ; born in Durham ; school, West-
minster (Dr Friend) 4 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Newcome, March 30, aet. past 16.
(21) Bold, Robert, son of Thomas Bold, clothier {pannifici),
Yorks ; born at Scothill, near Wakefield ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ; 40
admitted sizar for Dominus Archer, tutor Dr Edmundson, Aj^ril 4,
aet. 27.
(22) Foljambe, Francis, son of Francis Foljambe, esquire,
ADMISSIONS. 1723. 37
Yorks ; born at Aldwarke ; bred at Kirk Leathern (Mr Clarke) ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 20, aet. 18.
(23) Potter, Thomas, son of Henry Potter, gentleman, Lan-
cashire ; born at Knowsley, near Liverpool ; bred at Much Woolton
5 (Mr Holmes), and last for more than half a year at Warrington (Mr
Hayward) ; admitted sizar for Mr Shaw, tutor and surety Dr
Edmundson, April 22, aet. past 18.
(24) Eccles, Joseph, son of Joseph Eccles, farmer {Jirmarii),
Yorks ; bom at Coley, near Halifax ; bred at Hipperholm (Mr
lo Sharpe) ; admitted sizar for Dominus Wilson, tutor Dr Edmundson,
April 29, aet. 18.
(2.5) Kirkby, John, son of Thomas Kirkby, clerk, Yorks ; born
at Lownsborough ; taught by his father ; admitted sizar for Dr
Waller, tutor Mr Newcome, May 4, aet. 18.
15 (26) Dent, Thomas, son of William Dent, 'pecudum sagina-
toris,' Leicestershire ; bom at Hallaton ; school, Uppingham (Mr
Savage and Mr Reddall) 5 years ; admitted sizar for Mr Newton,
tutor Mr Newcome, May 9, aet. ' fere' 19.
(27) Sandford, Daniel, son of Daniel Sandford, 'serici facti
20 mercatoris,' Middlesex; born in London; bred at Manchester (Mr
Barrow) 7 years, and last at Wanslay, Derbyshire (Mr Farneworth)
1 year ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 18, aet. 17.
(28) Robotom, Thomas, son of Thomas Robotom, 'senatoris
urbani,' Norfolk ; born at King's Lynn ; bred there (Mr Home) ;
25 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, May 20, aet.
'fere' 17.
(29) Goulton, Christopher, son of Thomas Goulton, gentleman,
Yorks ; born at Bessingby, near Bridlington ; school, Beverley (Mr
Tatham) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Chappelow, May 30, aet.
30 past 16.
(30) Hargreaves, James, son of James Hargreaves, clerk,
Yorks ; born at Brandsburton ; school, Beverley (Mr Tatham) ;
admitted sizar for Dr Lambert, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 30, aet.
past 17.
35 (31) Jackson, John, son of Richard Jackson, barrister {causi-
dici), Yorks ; born at Clapham, near Settle ; school, Sedbergh (Dr
Saunders) 4 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, May 30,
aet. past 16.
(32) Mearson, Robert, son of Richard Mearson, husbandman
40 {agricolae), Westmorland ; born at Crostwaite ; schools, Hawkshead,
Lancashire (Mr Hunter) 2 years, and last at Kendal (Mr Towers)
half a year ; admitted sizar for Dominus Archer, tutor Dr Edmund-
son, June 5, aet. ' circa ' 20.
(33) Franke, Charles, son of Richard Franke, mercer, Notts ;
45 born at Southwell ; bred there (Mr Lambe) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Cayley, tutor and surety Mr Drake, June 7, aet. 'fere' 18.
(34) Pasham, James, son of John Pasham, bookseller (bihlio-
polae) deceased, Northants ; born in Northampton (Antonae) ; bred
38 ADMISSIONS. 1723.
there (Mr Stiles) ; admitted sizar for Mr Russell, tutor Mr Newcome,
June 11, aet. 17.
(35) Head, John, son of William Head, farmer {Jirmarii), Kent ;
born at Tunbridge ; bred there (Mr Spencer) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundsou, June 15, aet. past 17. 5
(36) Ford, Thomas, son of Thomas Ford, innkeeper {pandochei),
Herefordshire ; born in Hereford ; bred there (Mr Traherne) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, June 26, aet. past 18.
(37) Cowperthwaite, George, son of George Cowperthwaite?
' tributi publici inspectoris ', Westmorland; born at Kendal; school, lo
Sedbergh (Dr Saunders); admitted sizar for Mr AUott, tutor Mr
Newcome, June 28, aet. ' fere' 18.
(38) Kay, Richard, son of Richard Kay, clerk, Yorks ; born at
More Monckton, near York ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, June 28, aet. past 18. 15
(39) Hollins, Philip, son of Philip Hollins, clerk, Yorks;
born at Ackworth near Pontefract ; school, Eton (Dr Bland) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Rigden, tutor Mr Newcome, June 29,
aet. 19.
(40) Dent, Peter, son of Peter Dent, gentleman, Cambs ; born 20
in Cambridge ; bred at Felstead (Mr Hutchin) ; admitted sizar for
Dr Berry, tutor Mr Newcome, July 1, aet. past 17.
(41) Sismey, Thomas, son of John Sismey ' pecudum sagina-
toris ', Rutland ; born at Thorpe near UpjMngham ; school, Stamford
(Mr Turner) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Bdmundson, 25
July 1, aet. past 18.
[Admissions in the year -p. 14 ^ 41].
(s. 22J
July 1723— July 1724.
Admissiones a Julii 5'" Anno Dom. 1723.
(1) Belgrave, Con, son of Cornelius Belgrave, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Preston ; school, Uppingham (Mr Reddall) and Colchester
(Mr Turner) ' jier aliquod tempus ' ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr 3°
Edmundson, June {sic July) 22, aet. 'fere' 17.
(2) Cuny, Walter, son of Richard Cuny, gentleman, Wales ;
born in Pembroke ; school, Hereford (Mr Traherne) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, July 27, aet. ' fere ' 18.
(3) Dewhurst, William, son of Clayton Dewhurst, husbandman 35
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Ribchester near Preston ; bred at
Houghton (Mr Northcrosse) ; admitted sizar for Dr Lambert, tutor
and surety Dr Edmundson, August 13, aet. past 19.
(4) Taylor, Daniel, son of Daniel Taylor, clerk, America;
born in the County of New Kent, Virginia ; bred at William and 40
Mary College (Mr Frye) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, August
17, aet. 'fere' 19.
ADMISSIONS. 172f. ^9
(5) Prudom, John, son of John Prndom, merchant, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at home (Mr Kidley) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor Mr Newcome, October 4, aet. 19.
(6) Cholmely, Robert, son of James Cholmely, esquire ; born
5 in London ; school, Marlborough (Mr Hildrop) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Newcome, October 7, aet. 'fere' 17.
(7) Boswell, Dillingham, son of John Boswell, butcher
(Janii), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Merchant Taylors'
(Dr Smith) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, October 23,
lo aet. 18.
(8) Fogg, Orlando, son of Arthur Fogg, D.D., Cheshire ; born
in Chester ; bred there (Mr Henchman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, October 26, aet. 17.
(9) Latter, Edmund, son of Edmund Latter, farmei- {firmarii).
15 Kent; born in Tiinbridge ; bred there (Mr Spencer); admitted
sizar for Mr Featherstonehaugh, tutor Dr Edmundson, November
25, aet. past 16.
(10) Fidler, Thomas, son of Jasper Fidler, farmer {firmarii),
Derbyshire ; born at Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burroughs) ;
20 admitted sizar for Dr Edmundson, his tutor and surety, November 29,
aet. 18.
(11) Baxter, John, son of Robert Baxter, clerk, Cheshire;
born at Lymm near Nutsford ; bred at Wrexham (Mr Appleton)
' per annum integrum proxime elapsum ' ; admitted sizar for Mr
25 Culm, tutor Dr Edmundson, January 21, aet. past 18.
(12) Tufton, Thomas, youngest son of the Honourable Sack-
vile Tufton, esquire, Northamptonshire ; born at Newbottle ; edu-
cated in his father's house there (Henry Hall) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Mr Drake junior, January 9, aet. 20.
30 (13) Bridges, Lord Henry, second son of James Duke of
Chandois (Chandos), Middlesex ; born at Kensington ; school,
Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted felloAv commoner, tutor and
surety Mr Newcome, February 1, aet. 16.
(14) Noel, Baptist, Earl of Gainsborough, eldest son of Baptist
35 Noel late Earl of Gainsborough, Rutland ; born at Bynning ; school,
Eton (Dr Bland) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Newcome, February 26, aet. past 15.
(15) Smith, John, son of John Smith, husbandman {agricolae),
Somerset ; born at Stokegomer ; bred at Taunton (Mr Upton) ;
40 admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, February 26, aet. past 19.
Memorandum. Quod idem Johannes Smith accessit ad nos e
Collegio Eeginali et Literas secum attulit satis authenticas a tutore
ejus Mro Burford signatas.
(16) Nahbs, William, son of John Nabbs, husbandman {agri-
45 colae), Lancashire ; born at Charnock ; bred at Rivington (Mr Pier-
40 ADMISSIONS. 1724.
point) ; admitted sizai- for Mr Cayley, tutor and surety Mr Drake
junior, March 6, aet. 18.
(17) Yate, Francis, Cumberland; A.B. of Queen's College,
Oxford ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 14.
Memorandum. Quod idem Franciscus Yate literas secum attulit 5
satis authenticas de gradu A.B. in dicta Acad, suscept. die Maii 2'*'',
1721 signatas a Georgio Cowper, Eegistrario.
(18) Storie, John, A.B. of St John's College, Oxford; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Leeke, March 14.
Memorandum. Quod idem Johannes Storie litteras secum attulit lo
satis authenticas de gradu A.B. in dicta Academia suscept. die 14to
Decembris 1694 signatas a Mro Cowper Eegistrario.
(19) Lovel, Edward, son of E. Lovel, D.D., Surrey; born at
Moulsey ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, March 18, aet. past 16. 15
(20) Bellamy, Edward, son of Edward Bellamy, clerk, Cambs ;
born at Wisbich ; bred there (Mr Carter) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Newcome, March 20, aet. 17.
(21) Davison, George, son of Thomas Davison, physician
{medici), Durham ; born in Durham ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; 20
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Mr Newcome, March 21,
aet. 18.
(22) Peyton, Henry, son of Sir Sewster Peyton, baronet,
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Williams, March 23, aet. 17. 25
(23) Searl, John, son of J. Searl, clerk, Essex ; bred at Felstead
(Mr Hutchin) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 6,
aet. 16. (Admitted fellow commoner 1725. Note in margin.)
(24) Hill, Rowland, son of John Hill, gentleman, Salop ;
born at Hawxton ; bred at Richmond, Surrey (Mr Mackenzey) ; 30
admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Clark junior, April 7, aet. past IS.
(25) Palmer, Charles, son of C. Palmer, gentleman, Bucks;
born at Hay near Uxbridge ; school, Eton (Mr Newborough) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, April 14, aet. 17.
(26) Birket, Thomas, son of T. Birket, clerk, deceased, Cum- 35
berland ; born at Whitehaven ; bred at St Bees (Mr Jackson) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 15,
aet. past 17.
(27) Smallwood, Thomas, son of T. Small wood, Derbyshire ;
born at Ashbourne ; bred at Stockport, Cheshire (Mr Dale) ; 40
admitted sizar for Dominus Nickins, tutor Mr Newcome, April 17,
aet. 18.
(28) Harrison, Joseph, son of William Harrison, plumber
(plumbarii), Yorks ; born at Glusburne in Keldwick ; bred at
ADMISSIONS. 1724. 41
Threshfield (Mr Marshall), 12 years ; admitted sizar for Dominus
Nairn, tutor Mr Newcome, April 18, aet. 20.
(29) Topham, Matthew, son of Christopher Topham, husband-
man {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Cressington near Skipton ; school,
5 Threshfield (Mr Marshall) 10 years ; admitted sizar for Dominus
StiUingfleet, tutor Mr Newcome, April 18, aet. 17.
(30) Bedford, Thomas, son of Hilkiah Bedford, clerk, Middle-
sex ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted sizar for Mr Cayley,
tutor Mr Drake, May 5, aet. 17.
lo (31) Jones, Edward, son of Randle Jones, attorney, Wales;
bred at Wrexham (Mr Appleton) ; admitted sizar for Dominus Fogg,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, May 8, aet. 17.
(32) Perne, John, son of J. Feme, esquire Bedell of the
University, Cambs ; born in Cambridge ; school, Bury (St Edmunds) ;
15 admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Chappelow, May 18, aet. 17.
(33) Holland, Thomas, son of John Bolland, Yorks ; born at
Kettlewell; bred at Threshfield, 7 years; admitted sizar for Mr
Prudom, tutor and surety Mr Newcome, May 18, aet. 20.
(34) Drake, John, son of Marmaduke Drake, clerk, Derbyshire ;
20 born atBeighton ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Drake, junior, May 21, aet. past 17.
(35) Rudd, Anthony, son of Sir A. Rudd, Baronet, Wales;
(birth-place left blank) ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, May 21, aet. 17.
25 (36) Smith, George, son of William Smith, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks; born at Bank Ne^Hon ; bred at Bolton (Mr Carr) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, May 23, aet. 17.
(37) Cumbrey, Robert, son of Henry Cumbrey, grocer {m-oma-
tarii), Rutland ; bred at Oakham (Mr Wright) ; admitted sizar, tutor
30 Mr Newcome, May 23, aet. 17.
(38) Barrel, Francis, son of F. Barrel, barrister (causidici),
Kent; born in Rochester ; school, Rochester (Mr Colson) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, May 26, aet. 17. (Fellow commoner
1725. Note in margin.)
35 (39) EUys, William, sou of Thomas Ellys, cutler (cultellarii),
Yorks ; born in Sheffield ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Drake, junior, his tutor, May 29, aet. past 18.
(40) Hodson, John, son of J. Hodson, clerk, Cheshire ; born
at Thurteston (Thurstaston) ; taught by his father ; admitted sizar,
40 tutor Dr Edmundson, May 30, aet. 17.
(41) Mall, John, son of Richard Mall 'stay-maker', Salop;
born in Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Owen) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Newcome, June 8, aet. past 15.
(42) Taylor, John, son of Robert Taylor, blacksmith (fabri-
45 ferrarii), Lancashire ; born at Cockram near Lancaster ; school,
Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, June
9, aet. 17.
(43) Green, John, son of J. Green, tax collector {telonarii),
42 ADMISSIONS. 1724.
Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Jefferson) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 10, aet. past 17.
(44) Ross, William, son of John Ross, plumber {plumharii),
Lincolnshire ; born at Stamford ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr
Wright) : admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 13, aet. 18. 5
(4.5) Bosworth, Edward, son of E. Bosworth, gentleman,
Suffolk ; born at Sturston ; school, Bury (St Edmunds) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, June 22, aet. past 19.
(46) Oddie, Thomas, son of William Oddie, gentleman, Yorks;
born at Stirkhouse near Gisbourne ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders); lo
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 26, aet. 19.
(47) Bagshaw, Richard, son of R. Bagshaw, esquire, Derbyshire;
born at Castleton ; bred at Chesterfield ; admitted fellow commoner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 29, aet. 19.
(48) Johnson, Humfrey, son of Josliua Johnson, M.A., Salop ; jc
born in Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Owen) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Newcome, June 29, aet. 15.
(49) Philips, Richard, son of Isaac Philips, butcher {lanii),
Salop ; born in Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Owen) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Mr Newcome, June 29, aet. 16. 20
(50) Tunstall, James, sou of James Tunstall, attorney, Rich-
mondshire ; born in Richmond ; bred at Slaidburn, Yorks (Mr
Bradbury) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 29, aet.
past 16.
(51) Bower, Francis, son of F. Bower, husbandman (a^/ricote), 25
Derbyshire ; born near Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burrow) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 29, aet. 17.
(52) Dalton, John, son of J. Dalton, husbandman {agricolae),
Notts ; born at South-searl ; bred at Newark (Mr Warburton) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, July 1, aet. 20. ,q
(53) Moseley, Maurice, son of M. Moseley, gentleman, Suffolk
(Query Surrey, originally Middlesex, but this erased) ; born in
London; school. Bury, Sufi"olk (Mr Kinnesman) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Rigden, July 6, aet. 19.
(54) Hurd, Nathaniel, son of N. Hurd, gentleman, Staffordshire; 35
born at Mashfield ; bred at Stockport, Cheshire (Mr Dale) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, July 9, aet. 19.
(55) Betts, Trubshaw, son of T. Betts, husbandman {agricolae),
Cambs ; at school there, many years, last at St Ives ; admitted sizar,
tutor Mr Newcome, July 10, aet. past 18. 40
(f.c. 6|
[Admissions in the year - p. 20 - 55].
(s. 29
1724—24. 43
July 1724— July 1725.
Admissiones a Julii 10 A.D. 1724.
(1) Williamson, Edmund Thomas, son of Henry Williamson,
esquire, Cambs ; born at March in the Isle of Ely ; bred at Isleworth,
Middlesex (Samuel Heminings, M.A.) ; admitted fellow commoner,
tutor and surety Mr Williams, July 31.
5 (2) Burnaby, Thomas, son of John Burnaby, gentleman, Mid-
dlesex ; born in Kensington ; school, Charterhouse (Mr Walker) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, September 5, aet. past 16.
(3) Hulse, John, son of Thomas Hulse, gentleman, Cheshire ;
born at Middle Wyche ; bred at Stockport, Cheshire (Mr Dale) ;
lo admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, September 14, aet.
past 16.
(4) Baskervyle, John, son of J. Baskervyle, gentleman, Cheshire ;
born at Withington ; bred at Stockport (Mr Dale) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor Mr Newcome, October 10, aet. 18.
I c (5) Rake, John, son of Samuel Rake, gentleman, Somerset ;
born at Pens-Elwood ; bred at Pernton (?) (Mr Goldsborough) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, October 15, aet. 18.
(6) Lewis, Lewis, son of Edward Lewis, gentleman, Wales ;
born at Machylleth ; bred at Llanegryn (Mr Edwards) ; admitted
2o sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, October 24, aet. past 19.
(7) Ellis, William, son of Timothy Ellis, gentleman, Yorks;
born at Doncaster ; bred at Brigg in the county of Lincoln (Mr
Waterworth); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, October
30, aet. 19.
25 Memorandum quod idem Gul. Ellis secum attulit literas satis
authenticas de vita sua laudabili, dum in CoUegio Magdalensi
versatus est : signatas a tutore ejus Mro Waterland.
(5) Metcalfe, Richard, son of John Metcalfe, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Newbald ; bred at Walkington near
30 Beverley (Mr Sedgwick) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson,
November 9, aet. past 20.
(9) Hebberden, William, son of Richard Hebberden, gentleman,
Surrey ; born in Southwark ; bred there (Mr Symonds) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Mr Newcome, December 23, aet. 15.
35 (10) Ball, Samuel, son of Thomas Ball, D.D., Lincolnshire ;
born at Gretford ; bred at Oundle, Northamptonshire (Mr Jones) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome January 5.
(11) Goddard, Henry, son of Edward Goddard, gentleman,
Richmondshire ; born at Richmond ; bred at Kirk-Leatham, Yorks
40 (Mr Clark); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, January 20,
aet. past 17.
44 ADMISSIONS. 1725.
(12) Davenport, Richard, son of George Davenport, gentleman,
Staffordshire ; born at Whitniore ; schools, Chester some years, then
Westminster; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Newcome, February 17,
aet. past 18.
(13) Fawcett, Richard, son of James Fawcett, fuller {fullonis), 5
Yorks ; born at Dent ; bred at Sedbergh ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr
Newcome, March 5, aet. 21.
(14) Melford, James, son of J. Melford, M.D., Lincolnshire ;
born at Bassington ; bred at Brigg (Mr Waterworth) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, March 10, aet. IS. 10
(15) Stor, Joseph, son of J. Stor, gentleman, Yorks ; born at
Hilston ; school, Beverley (Mr Tatham) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Mr Chapi^elow, March 13, aet. 18.
(16) Norcross, John, son of Thomas Norcross, husbandman
{agricolae) ; born at Ribchester ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Saunders) ; 1 5
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, March 16, aet. 26.
(17) Broxholme, William, son of Francis Broxholme, attorney,
Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Jefferson) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Edmundson, March 22.
(18) Berwick, Roger, son of John Borwick, husbandman 20
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Borwick Ground ; bred at Hawx-
Head (Hawkshead), Lancashire (Mr Hunter) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Dr Edmundson, March 23, aet. 21.
(19) Hall, Samuel, son of Joseph Hall, shoemaker (stitoris),
Cheshire; born at Coggelston ; bred there (Mr Malbon) 10 years; 25
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, March 27, aet. past 19.
(20) Waterhouse, Robert, son of Henry Waterhouse 'juris-
consulti ', Yorks ; born at Sheffield ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, April 1, aet. past 17.
(21) Dickenson, John, sou of Thomas Dickenson, plumber, 30
{lylumbaT'ii), Yorks ; born at Sheffield ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, April 1, aet. 17.
(22) Midgley, Samuel, son of S. Midgley, gentleman, Yorks ;
born near {non ita procxd a) North Allerton ; bred at Bradford
(Mr Hill) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 9, aet. 19. 35
(23) Chapman, Thomas, son of T. Chapman, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Bradford ; bred there (Mr Hill) ; admit-
ted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 9, aet. past 17.
(24) Hutchinson, Simon, son of Matthew Hutchinson, mer-
chant, Richmondshire ; born in Richmond ; school, Richmond (Mr 40
Close) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, April 9, aet. 17.
(25) Brook, William, son of Thomas Brook, clerk, Yorks ;
born at Osborne ; school, Richmond (Mr Close) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Newcome, April 16, aet. IS.
(26) Penn, John, son of J. Penn, clerk, Notts ; born at Ednistow 45
ADMISSIONS. 1725. 45
(Query Edwinstowe) near Mansfield; bred at Pennystone, Yorks (Mr
Ramesden) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, April 16, aet. 17.
(27) Hough, Thomas, son of T. Hough, clerk, Yorks ; born at
Pennystone ; bred there (Mr Ramesden) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr
5 Drake, April 16, aet. IS.
(28) Rowse, Oliver, son of Samuel Rowse, clerk, Devonshire ;
born at Huish ; bred at Tiverton (Mr Rayner) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Newcome, April 28, aet. 17.
(29) Cradock, John, son of William Cradock, clerk, Salop;
lo born at Donington ; bred at («'« schola libera de, erased) Trentham,
Staffordshire (Mr Hargreaves) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson,
April 29, aet. 17.
(30) Townsend, Garrard, son of G. Townsend, esquire, Cheshire ;
born at Cliristleton ; bred at Chester (Mr Henchman) ; admitted
15 pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 30, aet. 18.
(31) Wright, Thomas, son of Edward Wright, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Blackburn ; bred there (Mr Smith);
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 1, aet. 17.
(32) Wilson, George, son of John Wilson, tailor (sutoris
20 vestiarii), Cambs; born in Cambridge ; school, Merchant Taylors ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, May 8, aet. 18.
(33) Robinson, William, son of George Robinson, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Borwick-Ground ; school, Kendal
(Mr Towers) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 10, aet. 18.
25 (34) Hartley, Thomas, son of Robert Hartley, bookseller
ipihliopolae), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Kendal, West-
morland (Mr Towers) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May
10, aet. 16.
(35) Tillotson, Stephen, son of Thomas Tillotson, husbandman
30 {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Cunningley ; bred at Threshfield (Mr
Marshall) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, May 10, aet. 18.
(36) PuUeyn, Charles, son of Charles Pulley n, gentleman,
Yorks; born at Burley near Otteley ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Drake, May 12, aet. 18.
35 (37) Stephens, Roger, son of R. Stephens, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
born at Barson near Grantham ; bred at Corby, Lincolnshire (Mr
Bradfield) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, May 18, aet. 19.
(38) Etty, Lewis, son of William Btty, clerk, Yorks ; born in
the city of York ; school, Ely (Mr Tennant) ; admitted sizar, tutor
40 Dr Newcome, May 19, aet. 17.
(39) Garnett, Henry, son of John Garnett, clerk, Surrey ; born
in Lambeth ; bred at Beverley (Mr Tatham) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, May 21, aet. 17.
(40) Garnett, John, aet. 16, 'per caetera omnia cum fratre
45 praed. concordat ".
(41) Bainbridge, Henry, son of H. Bainbridge, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Langer-House near Skipton ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, May 22, aet. 23.
46 ADMISSIONS. 1725,
(42) Branfoot, John, son of Robert Branfoot, Yorks; born
at Chappel-town in the parish of Leeds ; school, Sherbourne (Mr
Lowther) 1 year; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, aet. IS.
(43) Veale, Charles, Devonshire; A.B. of Balliol College,
Oxford ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Newconie, May 28. 5
Memorandum, literas habuit authenticas gradus sui a Mro Cowper
(44) Wood, John, son of — Wood, attorney, Yorks ; born in
Hallifax ; bred at Hipperholme (Mr Sharpe) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Bdmundson, June 1, aet. 18. lo
(45) Jeffery, George, Devonshire ; A.B. of Balliol College,
Oxford ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Nevi^come, June 3.
Literas habuit satis authenticas gradus sui a Mro Cowper sig-
(46) Teasdale, John, son of Marmaduke Teasdale, Clerk, Yorks ; 1 5
(birth place blank) ; bred at Drax, Yorkshire, where his father is
master; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome June 5, aet. 18.
(47) Barret, William, son of John Barret, husbandman
{agricolae) Yorks ; born at Hemmingworth ; bred at Drax ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, June 5, aet 16. 20
(48) Oliver, George, son of Walraui Oliver, gentleman, Kent ;
born at Sandwych ; school, Canterbury (Mr Le Hunt) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Bdnuindson, June 10, aet. 17.
(49) Reynolds, Robert, son of Richard Reynolds, Yorks;
born in York; bred there (Mr Clerk); admitted pensioner, tutor 25
Mr Drake, June 12, aet. past 17.
(50) Clarke, Henry, son of Thomas Clarke, clerk, Yorks ; born
at Beverley ; bred at Brigg, Lincolnshire (Mr Waterworth) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Clark, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 17, aet. 17.
(51) Trevor, Roger, son of R. Trevor, gentleman, Montgomery, 30
born at Bodynfol ; bred at Wem, Salop (Mr Edwards) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, June 21, aet. IS.
(52) Trevor, Thomas, aet. 17, 'in caeteris cum fratre praedicto
(53) Lowe, Theophilus, son of Christopher Lowe, plumber 35
{plumbarii), Staffordshire ; born at Litchfield ; bred there (Mr
Hunter); admitted sizar for Dr Baker, tutor Mr Williams, June
21, aet. 17.
(54) Armytage, John, son of Christopher Armytage, clerk, and
grandson of Sir J. Armytage of Kirkleese, Baronet, Yorks ; born at 40
Thicket in the parish of Wheldrake ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, June
26, aet. past 16.
(55) Rutherford, John, son of Aaron Rutherford, attorney,
Hampshire ; born at Rumsey ; school, Salisbury, Wilts (Mr Heal) ; 45
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, June 30, aet. 18.
(56) Heron, John, son of Robert Heron, husbandman {agricolae),
ADMISSIONS. 1725. 47
Northumberland; born at Hexham; school, Durham (Mr Thompson);
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, July 2, aet. 17.
(57) Overend, George, son of G. Overend, clerk, Yorks ; born
at Stillingfleet ; bred at Threshfield (Mr Marshall); admitted sizar,
5 tutor Dr Newcome, July 2, aet. past 20.
(58) Brook, Samuel, son of S. Brook, miller {molendinarii) ;
born at Mirfield ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Dr Edmundson, July 2, aet. 17.
(59) Reid, Farington, son of Anthony Reid, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
lo born in Lincoln ; bred there (Mr Grodal) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr
Newcome, July 3, aet. IS.
(60) Price, Vincent, son of V. Price, surgeon, Salop; born in
Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Tench) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Newcome, July 5, aet. 18.
15 (61) Balguy, Charles, son of Henry Balguy, esquire, Derby-
shire ; born at Derwent ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, July 5, aet. 18.
(62) Barber, Samuel, son of John Barber, husbandman {agrico-
lae), Beds ; born at Southill ; bred there (Mr Bradford) ; admitted
20 sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, July 6, aet. 18.
ff.C. 4|
[Admissions in the year -j p. 22 - 62.]
July 1725— July 1726
Admissiones a Julii 9"° a. d. 1725.
(1) Green, John, son of J. Green, gentleman, Lincolnshire ;
born at Spalding ; bred there (Mr Neve) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Newcome, October 1.9, aet. 17.
25 (2) Jones, William, son of Samuel Jones, gentleman, Cheshire ;
born at Frodsham ; bred at Tarvin (Mr Thomason) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, October 28, aet. 17.
(3) Wankford, Robert, son of Shelly Wankford, gentleman,
Esses ; born at Staubourn ; bred at Newport near "Walden (Mr
30 Allen) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmvmdson, November 9, aet. 19.
(4) Cowper, Benjamin, son of George Cowper, gentleman,
Notts ; born at Southwell ; bred there (Mr Hodson) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Drake, November 11, aet. 19.
(5) Halls, John, son of Robert Halls, attorney, Essex ; born at
35 Colchester ; school. Bury, Suffolk (Mr Kinnesman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, November 30, aet. 17.
(6) Austin, Richard, son of R. Austin, clerk, Northamptonshire;
born at Maxey ; school, Peterborough (Mr Sparkes), 3 years ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, December 9.
40 (7) Alvis, Andrew, son of A. Alvis ' plebeii ', Suffolk ; born ' in
48 ADMISSIONS. 172| — 26.
villa Faustini' (Bury St Edmunds) ; bred there (Mr Kinnesman) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, December 18, aet. 17.
(8) Kynaston, Edward, son of John Kynaston, gentleman,
Sal 013 ; born at Hordley ; school, Eton (Dr Bland) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Mr Williams, January 3, aet. past 16. 5
(9) Belgrave, Cornelius, Rutland, B.A. of Trinity College,
Oxford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson,
'suscepitque gradum Magisterii in Artibus, eodem die'.
(10) Clayton, Thomas, son of T. Clayton, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks; born at Shirbourne ; bred there (Mr Lowther) ; admitted lo
sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, February 2.5, aet. 17.
(11) Morton, Edward, sou of Thomas Morton, esquire, Denbigh ;
born at Wrexham ; bred at Elsemere, Salop (Mr Dean) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Newcome, February 26, aet. 17.
(12) Grinfeild, Richard, son of R. Grinfeild, gentleman, Wilts; 15
born at Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Hildrop) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 16, aet. 17.
(13) Wilkinson, Thomas, son of T. Wilkinson, 'plebeii',
Yorks; born at Acaster-Selby near York; bred at Threshfield ;
admitted sizar, tiitor Dr Newcome, March 17, aet. 20. 20
(14) Robinson, John, son of J. Robinson, husbandman [agricolae);
Cheshire; born at Lyddington ; bred at Lym, Cheshire (Mr Spencer);
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, March 21, aet. past 24.
(15) Wickins, John, son of Edmund Wickins, clerk, Westmor-
land ; born at Kirby-Thore ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders); ad- 25
mitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, March 26, aet. 18.
(16) Moresby, John, son of J. Moresby, gentleman, Cumberland ;
born at Staffield ; bred at Morland, Westmorland (Mr Thompson) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, March 28, aet. 20.
(17) Drift, Hadrian, son of Matthew Drift, clerk, SuflFolk ; 30
born at Lavenham ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, April, aet. 17.
(18) Darwent, Thomas, son of Robert Darwent, clerk, Yorks ;
born at Rotheram ; bred there (Mr Withers) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Drake, April 6, aet. 18. 35
(19) Rutherforth, Thomas, son of T. Rutherforth, clerk, Cambs ;
born at Papworth St Agnes ; bred at Huntingdon (Mr Matthews)
6 years ; admitted sizar for his tutor, Mr Williams, April 6, aet. 14.
(20) Hartopp, William, son of Samuel Hartopp, clerk, Leices-
tershire ; born at Dalby ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) ; 40
admitted pensionei*, tutor Mr Williams, April 19, aet. 19.
(21) Wingfield, William, son of Jonathan Wingfield, husband-
man {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Batterfitt near SheflGield ; bred at
ADMISSIONS. 1726. 49
Rotheram (Mr Withers) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, April
26, act. past 22.
(22) Holme, Hugh, son of Edward Holme, attorney, Lancashire ;
born at Holland ; bred at Winwick (Mr Wright) ; admitted pen-
5 sioner, tutor Dr Newcome, May 4, aet. past 18.
(23) North, Samuel, son of John North, husbandman {agricolae),
Leicestershire ; born at Saltby ; bred at Gorthrop (Mr Turaer) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 6, aet. 16.
(24) Clayton, Nathaniel, son of N. Clayton, merchant {merca-
lo toris), Northumberland; born at Newcastle; schools, Newcastle,
for several years, and last Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) 1 year ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, May 14, aet. 17.
(25) Pearse, Thomas, son of T. Pearse, gentleman, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at Ludsdown, Kent (Mr Thornton) ; admitted
15 fellow commoner, tutor Mr Newton, May 17, aet. past 17.
(26) Manwaring, Edward, son of James Manwaring, gentle-
man, Cheshire ; born in Chester ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders)
4 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, May 18, aet. 16.
(27) Henchman, Charles, son of C. Henchman, clerk, Cheshire;
20 born in the city of Chester; school, Chester (his father being master);
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 28, aet. 18.
(28) Draper, William, son of Edmund Draper, gentleman,
SuflFolk ; born in Bury St Edmunds (' in villa Faustini') ; bred there
(Mr Kinnersman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, June 1,
aet. 17.
(29) Markland, Matthew, son of Matthew Markland, gentle-
man, Notts ; born at Mansfield ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 1, aet. 18.
(30) Key, John, son of William Key ' plebeii ', Derbyshire ;
30 born at Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burrow) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 1, aet. 17.
(31) Parry, Humfrey, son of Henry Parry, clerk, Montgomery ;
born at Gilsfield ; bred at Oswistry, Salop (Mr Patrick) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, June 2.
35 (32) Robinson, Caleb, son of Richard Robinson, gentleman,
Leicestershire ; born at Billaston ; bred at Oakham (Mr Wright
and Mr Adcock) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 14,
aet. past 20.
(33) Squire, Samuel, son of Edward Squire, clerk, Devonshire;
40 born at Oakford ; school, Tiverton (Mr Reyner) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Newcome, June 16, aet. 18.
(34) Rowse, John, son of John Rowse, clerk, Devonshire ; born
at Barum ; bred there (Mr Luck) ; admitted sizar {sizator, not
subsizator the usual term) for his uncle Mr Rowse, tutor Dr New-
42 come, June 16, aet. past 18.
(35) Rowse, Ezekiel, sizar {subsizator as usual) for his tutor
Dr Newcome, aet. 17, 'in cseteris concordat cum fratre superius
memorato '.
50 ADMISSIONS. 1726.
(36) Wilson, John, son of Isaac Wilson, husbandman {agricolae),
Lancashire ; born at Stanten-Gap in the parish of Ulverston ; bred
at Kendal, Westmorland (Mr Towers) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr
Edmundson, June 18, aet. 24.
(37) Beeke, Christopher, son of Henry Beeke, gardener (Jior- 5
tulani), Kent, born at Stroud ; bred at Rochester (Mr Dormer) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Mr Rigden, June 27, aet. 17.
(38) Chamberlayne, Thomas, son of William Chamberlayne,
gentleman, Notts ; born at Southwell ; bred at Sherbourne, Yorks
(Mr Lowther) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 1, 10
aet. 19.
(39) Atkinson, Richard, son of Simeon Atkinson, husband-
man (agricolae), Yorks ; born at Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh
(Dr Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, July 1,
aet. 21. 15
(40) Clarke, William, son of ' G.' (William ?) Clarke, barber,
(tonsoris), Derbyshire ; born at Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 2, aet. 18.
(41) Clarke, Thomas, Kent, A.B. of Hart Hall, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, July 2, 'suscepitque gradum 20
Magisterii in Artibus in Comitiis sequentibus '.
(42) Sewell, Cuthhert, son of Joseph Sewell, tax-gatherer
{voctigalium collector^), Cumberland ; born at Carlisle ; school, Sed-
bergh (Dr Saunders) 5 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr New-
come, July 2, aet. 17. 25
(43) Lever, John Revel, son of John Lever, esquire, Lancashire ;
born at Collyhurst near Manchester ; bred at Stockport, Cheshire
(Mr Dale) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 4,
aet. 19.
(44) Malme, Charles, son of Henry Malme, gentleman, Lin- 30
colnshire ; born at Bloxham near Sleeford ; bred at Newark, Notts
(Mr Warburton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, July 4,
aet. 17.
(45) Shakleford, William, son of ' G.' (William ?) Shakleford
'plebeii', Hampshire; born at Alresford ; school. Merchant Taylors', 35
London (Dr Smith); admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, July 4,
aet. 19.
(46) Combe, Benedict, son of Brian Combe, attorney, Dorset;
born at Rutherbury near Bridport; bred at Thernworth near
Blanford; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, July 5, aet. 40
past 17.
(47) JoUand, George, son of G. Jolland, gentleman, Lincoln-
shire ; born at Glurasford Brigg, ' vulgo Brigg '; schools. Bury St
Edmunds, Suflfolk (Mr Kinnesman) for some years, and last Colchester,
Essex (Rev. Mr Smythies) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, 45
July 7, aet. 16.
(48) Foster, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Foster, clerk,
Dorset ; born at Hampreston near Winburne ; taught at home
ADMISSIONS. 1726— 172f 51
by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Foster, July 7,
aet. past 19.
|f.c. 1|
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 24 h 48.]
(s. 23)
July 1726— July 1727
Admissiones a Julii Svo 1726
(1) Leeke, Nicholas, esquire, Middlesex; school, Westminster
5 (Dr Friend) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Newcome, Au-
gust 16, aet. 16.
(2) Bolton, Edmund, from Braseuose College, Oxford; admitted
pensioner ' attulitque secum literas satis authenticas a Roberto
Shippen signatas, Collegii istius Principali.'
lo (3) Paddon, George, son of William Paddon, husbandman
{agricolae), Devonshire, born at Dowland ; bred at Tiverton (Mr
Rayner); admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, October 26, aet. IS.
(4) Lynn, John, son of George Lynn, Northamptonshire ;
born at Southwick ; bred at Spalding, Lincolnshire (Mr Neve) ;
15 admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, October 28, aet. past 16.
(5) Bedford, John, son of Hilkiah Bedford, clerk, Middlesex;
born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted sizar
for the Master, tutor Dr Newcome, aet. past 14.
(6) Prime, Arthur, son of Thomas Prime, grocer {aromatarii),
20 Suffolk ; born in Bury St Edmunds ; bred there (Mr Kinnersman);
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, December 1, aet. past 15.
(7) Jones, Cadwalader, son of John Jones, husbandman
{agricolae), Carnarvonshire ; born at Llangyby ; bred at Pullely
(Mr Jones) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, December 1, aet. 18.
25 (8) Grove, Peirce, son of J. Grove, gentleman, Cambs ; born in
Cambridge ; school, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinnersman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, December 17, aet. past 17.
(9) Vaughan, William, son of Richard Vaughan, esquire,
Merioneth'; born at Cors-y-gedol ; bred at Mortlock (Mr Ellys) 2
30 years ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Williams, December
22, aet. past 19.
(10) Allen, William, son of John Allen, merchant, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at Highgate (Mr Brown) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Newcome, January 17, aet. 18.
32 (11) Scott, John, son of William Scott, husbandman (ogrricote),
Yorks ; born at Snape ; bred at Kirk Leadham (Mr Clarke) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, February 25, aet. past 20.
(12) Stockdale, John, son of William Stockdale, gentleman,
Lancashire ; bom at Greenham near Dalton ; school, Sedbergh
40 (Dr Saunders) 5 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson,
March 15, aet. 19.
52 ADMISSIONS. 1727.
(13) Flasljy, Joseph, son of John Flasby, clerk, SuflFolk ; bom
at Goroton ; school. Bury St Edmunds ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, March 23, aet. past 17.
(14) Thomas, John, son of J. Thomas, clerk, Berks ; born at
Suning ; educated by his father ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr 5
Edmundson, April 6, aet. past 18.
(15) Seller, William, son of Thomas Seller, clei-k, Lincolnshire ;
born at Sleeford ; bred at Grantham (Mr Ellis) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Newcome, April 12, aet. 18.
(16) Turner, Jonathan, son of J. Turner, smith {fabri), Yorks; lo
born at Sheffield ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Dr Newcome, April 15, aet. 18.
(17) Oliver, Daniel, son of D. Oliver, husbandman (agricolae),
Derbyshire ; born at Frogget ; bred at Sheffield, Yorks (Mr Robin-
son) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, April 15, aet. 21. 15
(18) Taylor, Robert, sou of William Taylor, gentleman, Durham ;
born at Kibblesworth ; bred at Sheffield (Mr Robinson) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 17, aet. 18.
(19) Edwards, William, son of Timothy Edwards, gentleman,
Carnarvonshire ; born at Aberdaren ; bred at Whitchurch, Salop 20
(Mr Hughes) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, April 17, aet. 18.
(20) Gunthorp, Robert, son of John Guuthorp, gentleman,
Notts ; born at Mansfield Woodhouse ; bred at Mansfield (Mr
Hucklebi'idge) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, May 3, aet.
past 18. 25
(21) Tomlin, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Tomlin, clerk,
Yorks ; born at EUiker near Beverley ; educated by his father ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, May 5, aet. 15.
(22) Waller, John, son of William Waller, clerk, Bucks ; born
at Newport Pagnal ; bred at Abington ; admitted sizar for Dr 30
Waller 'avunculo suo', tutor Dr Newcome, May 9, aet. past 16.
(23) Marsh, Richard, son of R. Marsh, clerk, Kent ; born at
St Margarets Atcliff near Dover ; school, Canterbury (Mr Lehunt) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 15, aet. 18.
(24) Elcock, Thomas, son of T. Elcock, clerk, Derbyshire ; born at 35
South Normanton near Chesterfield ; school, Beverley (Mr Jefierson) ;
admitted sizar (sizator) for the Master, tutor Dr Edmundson, May
18, aet. 17.
(25) Wynd, Robert, son of Mark Wynd, husbandman (agricolae),
Richmondshire ; born at Melsonby near Richmond ; bred at Thresh- 40
field ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 22, aet. 18.
(26) Buck, William, son of Thomas Buck, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Fenton near Sherbourne ; bred at Slier-
bourne (Mr Lowther) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 25,
aet. 18. 4^
(27) Cookson, Richard, son of William Cookson, gentleman;
ADMISSIONS. 1727. 53
born at Darrington ; bred at Sherbourne (Mr Lowther) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Bdouindson, May 25, aet. 17.
(28) Grill, William, son of Stephen Gill, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks ; born at Fenton ; bred at Sherbourne (Mr Lowther) ; ad-
c mitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 25, aet. past 19.
(29) Robinson, Thomas, son of T. Robinson, husbandman
{agricolae), Lincolnshire ; born at Hale near Sleeford ; school,
Peterborough (Mr Bradfield) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome,
May 25, aet. past 20.
jQ (30) Laverack, John, son of James Laverack, gentleman,
Derbyshire ; born at Morton ; bred at Southwell, Notts (Mr Hodg-
shon) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 25, aet. past 17.
(31) Bogden, James, son of J. Bogden, gentleman, Cambs ; born
at Horningsea ; bred at Moulton, Lincolnshire (Mr Chapman) ; ad-
15 mitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 26, aet. past 16.
(32) Halley, Thomas, son of George Halley, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Bubwith ; bred at Pocklington (Mr
Baker) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 1, aet. 19.
(33) Hotham, Robert, son of John Hotham, husbandman
20 {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Storthwate ; bred at Pocklington
(Mr Baker); admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 1,
aet. 20.
(34) Heber, John, Yorks ; from University College, Oxford ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 2.
25 Memorandum, quod idem Johannes Heber literas secum attulit
peramplas de vita sua laudabili et morum probitate a Magistro
sociisque signatas.
(35) Chadwick, Antony, son of A. Chadwick, gentleman,
Derbyshire ; born at Ashley-Hay near Worksworth ; bred at Chester-
30 field (Mr Burrow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson,
June 13, aet. 18.
(36) Hurt, Low, son of Francis Hurt, gentleman, Derbyshire ;
born at Hill-side near Worksworth ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow);
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 13, aet. past 17.
35 (37) Lipyeatt, Thomas, son of T. Lipyeatt, gentleman, Wilts ;
born at Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Hildrop) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 15, aet. past 15.
(38) Seward, Thomas, son of John Seward, gentleman, Wor-
cestershire ; born at Badsey near Evesham ; school, Westminster
40 (Dr Friend) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 17.
(39) Drake, William, son of Marmaduke Drake, clerk, Derby-
shire ; born at Beighton ; bred at Kii'k Letham, Yorks (Mr Clarke) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 17, aet. past 17.
(40) Richardson, Peter, son of Samuel Richardson, husband-
45 man {agricolae), Lancashire ; born in Walney Island near Dalton ;
bred at Kendal (Mr Towers) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson,
June 17, aet. 19.
(41) Burton, John, son of J. Burton, merchant {mercatoris) ;
54 ADMISSIONS. 1727.
born in Colchester ; school, Merchant Taylors' ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Newcome, June 19, aet. past 18.
(42) Elam, John, son of Thomas Elam, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks ; born at Hutton Pannel ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, June 21, aet. 21. 5
(43) Taylor, Robert, son of John Taylor, gentleman, Notts ;
bom at Newark ; bred there (Mr Warburton) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Newcome, June 23, aet. 17.
(44) Bradley, John, A.B. of Wadham College, Oxford ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Newcome, June 24. 10
Memorandum quod praedictus Johannes Bradley literas attulit
secum satis authenticas, tam de gradu suscepto, tam de vita sua
laudabili, morumque probitate.
(45) Walton, Isaac, son of I. Walton, clerk, Yorks ; born at
Marsden near Almondbury ; bred at Rish worth (Mr Wadesworth); 15
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, June 30, aet. 21.
(46) Davison, Robert, son of Thomas Davison, M.A., Durham ;
born in Durham ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) 4 years ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, July 1, aet. 18.
(47) Hall, G-eorge, son of William Hall, shoemaker {calceatoris\ 20
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Merchant Taylors' (Dr Smith) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Newcome, July 1, aet. 18.
(48) Swain, Thomas, son of ' S.', gentleman, Yorks ; born at
Bradford ; bred there (Mr Hill) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Dr Edmundsou, July 1, aet. past 15. 25
(49) Bayley, Benjamin, son of Richai-d Bayley, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks; born at Coin-bridge; bred at Bradford (Mr
HiU); admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edraundson, July 1, aet. 17.
(50) Bate, John, son of Richard Bate, clerk, Kent ; bora at
Bockton Mallard (Boughton Malherbe) near Lenham ; bred at Sutton 30
Valence (Mr Savage) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Bate, his brother,
July 3, aet. 17.
(51) Bate, Julius, Per omnia cum fratre supra memorato
concordat, gemelli enim sunt.
(52) Johnson, Samuel, son of Samuel Johnson, gentleman, 35
Kent ; born in Canterbury ; bred there (Mr Lehuut) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Rigden, July 3, aet. 17.
[Admissions in the year k p. 19 ^ 52.]
is. 3oj
July 1727— July 1728
Admissiones a Julii 7mo 1727
(1) Rogers, John, son of Samuel Rogers, clerk, Rutland;
born at Exton ; school, St Paul's, London ; admitted pensioner, tutor 4°
Dr Edmundson, July 8, aet. 17.
ADMISSIONS. 1727 — 172|. 55
(2) Cook, John, son of J. Cook, gentleman, Kent; born at
Swift in the parish of Cianbrook ; school, Canterbury (Mr Lehunt) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Rigden, August 5, aet. past 17.
(3) Moor, Henry, son of H. Moor, D.D., Middlesex ; born in
5 London ; school, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinnesman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Lisle, September 18, aet. past 15.
(4) Musgrave, Richard, son of R. Musgrave, gentleman, Ire-
land ; born at Lismore, county Waterford (father's county, York) ;
school, Lismore (Mr Hill) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson,
lo September 18, aet. 17 'hoc ipso die'.
(5) Brage, William, son of ' G.' (William ?) Brage, gentleman,
Essex; born at Hatfield Peverel; school, Bury (Mr Kinnesman);
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newcome, September 26, aet. 19.
(6) Morrison, William, son of ' G.' (William ?) Morrison, vintner
15 {oenopolae), Middlesex ; born in London ; school Westminster
(Dr Friend) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Nevvcome, September 27,
aet. 16.
(7) Legh, Peter, son of Thomas Legh, esquire, Lancashire;
born at Hotton Moss ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ; admitted
20 fellow commoner, tutor Dr Newcome, October 7, aet. 20.
(8) Williams, Thomas, son of T. Williams, gentleman, Cambs ;
born in Cambridge ; school, Beaumaris in the Isle of Anglesea
(Mr Owen) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, October 7,
aet. past 16.
25 (9) AUgood, Crow, son of James Allgood, clerk, Northumber-
land ; born at Ingram ; educated by his father ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, October 13, aet. past 16,
( 1 0) Mayes, Christopher, son of C . Mayes, chandler {a candelis),
Cambs ; born in Cambridge ; schools, first Cambridge (Mr Sparkes)
30 and lastly Walsingham in Norfolk (Mr Roberts) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Dr Edmundson, October 25, aet. past 16.
(11) Somerscale, Joseph, son of Richard Somerscale, husband-
man (agricolae), Yorks ; born at Silsden ; bred at Threshfield (Mr
Marshall) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, October 28,
35 aet. 18.
(12) Beevan, Richard, son of R. Beevan, gentleman, Cheshire ;
born at Stoke near Chester ; bred in Chester (Mr Henchman) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, November 4, aet. past 18.
(13) Vaughan, Evans, son of — Vaughan, esquire, Merioneth ;
40 born at Cross-y-gedol (' Kessygedol ' in margin) ; school, Eton
(Dr Bland); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, February 6,
aet. 18.
(14) Wood, Robert, son of R. Wood, druggist (pharmacopolm),
Salop ; born in Shrewsbury ; ' school, Shrewsbury (Dr Philips) ;
45 admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, February 12, aet. past 16.
56 ADMISSIONS. 1728.
(15) Powell, George, son of G. Powell, clerk, Herefordshire ;
bom at Croft ; school, Eton (Dr Bland) 4 years ; admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Williams, February 17, aet. 18.
(16) Arderne, John, son of Richard Arderne, gentleman,
Cheshire ; born at Stockport ; bred there (Mr Dale) ; admitted 5
fellow commoner, tutor Mr Williams, March 25, aet. 19.
(17) Dale, John, son of Thomas Dale 'plebeii', Cheshire ; born
at Stockport ; bred there (Mr Dale) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr
Williams, March 25, aet. past 17.
(18) Anstey, Christopher, son of — Anstey, gentleman, Berks; lo
born near Wantage ; school Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, March 26, aet. past 17.
(19) Price, Mansfield, son of Morris Price, gentleman, Somerset ;
born in Bristol ; school, Shrewsbury (Dr Philips) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Mr Taylor, April 12, aet. 15. 15
(20) Wingfield, Benjamin, son of — Wingfield, clerk, Salop ;
born in Shrewsbury ; bred there ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams,
April 12.
(21) Tempest, John, son of J. Tempest, esquire, Durham ;
born in Durham ; bred there (Mr Rymer) ; admitted fellow com- 20
moner, tutor Mr Taylor, April 13, aet. 17.
(22) Tempest, William, son of John Tempest, ' in omnibus cum
fratre concordat,' aet. 15.
(23) Lewen, James, son of Thomas Leweu, attorney, Durham ;
born in Durham ; bred there; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, 25
April 13, aet. 18.
(24) Lamb, Robert, son of John Lamb, mercer {mercerii),
Durham ; born in Durham ; bred there ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr
Williams, April 13, aet. 16.
(25) Kay, William, son of Richard Kay, clerk, Yorks ; born at 30
Moor Mounton ; bred at Kirk Leadham (Mr Clark) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Mr Williams, April 20, aet, 1 8.
(26) Burton, Christopher, son of John Burton, merchant,
Essex ; born in Colchester ; school, Merchant Taylors' ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Bate, April 23, aet. past 17. 35
(27) Leigh, Egerton, Cheshire, from Oxford ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor Mr Williams, April 24.
(28) Weston, William, son of Nathaniel Weston, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Normanton ; bred at Oakham (Mr Adcock) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Mr Williams, April 26, aet. 17. 40
(29) Clarke, Henry, son of H. Clarke, clerk, Notts; born at
Ascham ; bred at Newark (Mr Warburton) ; admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Williams, April 27.
(30) Curtiene, William, son of Ambrose Curtiene, surgeon,
Suffolk ; born at Haverhill ; bred at Walden, Essex (Mr Butts) ; 45
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundsou, April 29, aet. 18.
ADMISSIONS. 1728. 57
(31) Chapman, Benjamin, son of Thomas Chapman, grocer
{aromatarii), Suffolk ; born at Lavenham ; bred there (Mr Brown-
smith) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 30, aet. past 17.
(32) Houghton, John, son of Ralph Houghton, gentleman,
5 Lancashire ; born in Manchester ; bred for some years at Maccles-
field, Cheshire ; but last ' sub Mro Townsend privatira ' ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 6, aet. 16.
(33) Holme, John, son of — Holme, gentleman, Yorks ; born
at Islington ?] ; school, Beverley (Mr Jeflferson) ; admitted pen-
lo sioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 23, aet. past 17.
(34) Wilkinson, John, son of John Wilkinson, esquire, Yorks ;
born at Greenhead near Huddersfield ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 7, aet. 18.
(35) Brearcliffe, John, son of — Brearcliffe, husbandman
T-S {cigricolae), Yorks; born near Huddersfield; bred at Bradford
(Mr Hill) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 7, aet. 18.
(36) Prettyman, Nunn, son of N. Prettyman, gentleman,
Suffolk ; born at Laxfield ; bred at Monks-Soam (Mr Raye) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, June 21, aet. IS.
20 (37) Phillips, John, son of Robert Phillips, D.D., Salop ; born
in Shrewsbury ; school, Shrewsbury (his father being Head master) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmunds, June 24, aet. 18.
(38) Tailer, John, sou of J. Tailer, ' plebeii ', Derbyshire ; born
at Dranfield; bred at Sheffield, Yorks (Mr Robinson); admitted
25 sizar, tutor Mr Robinson, June 24, aet. 20.
(39) Thompson, William, son of Samuel Thompson, husband-
man {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Middleton near Leeds ; bred at
Wakefield (Mr Clark) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June
27, aet. 22.
30 (40) Batcheller, Paul, son of P. Batcheller, clerk, Middlesex ;
born in London ; educated by his father ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, June 28, aet. 19.
(41) Smallwood, John, son of Thomas Smallwood, clerk,
Staffordshire ; born at Mear ; bred at Trentham (Mr Hargreaves) ;
35 admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, June 28, aet. IS.
(42) Walton, John, son of J. Walton, clerk, Westmorland;
born at Crossby Garret ; school, Durham (Mr Rymer) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 1, aet. 17.
(43) Manwaring, Edward, son of E. Manwaring, esquire;
40 Staffordshire ; born at Whitmore ; bred at Trentham (Mr Har-
greaves) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Williams, July 4,
aet. 18.
(44) Bamforth, George, son of G. Bamforth, esquire, Yorks ;
born at High-House, near Sheffield ; bred at Bradford (Mr Hill) ;
45 admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 5, aet. 18.
[Admissions in the year -^p. 18 h 44.]
Is. 18
(f. c. 8|
p. 18^
58 ADMISSIONS. 1728— 172|.
July 1728— July 1729
Admissiones a Julii 6to 1728
(1) Bussel, Joseph, son of John Russel, clerk, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at Sevenoaks, Kent (Mr Simpson) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Leeke, August 14, aet. 18.
(2) Oborne, Henry, son of H. Oborne, clerk, Essex ; born at
Great Walthani; bred at Felstead (Mr Wyat); admitted pensioner, 5
tutor Dr Bdmundson, September 11, aet. past 16.
(3) Ripley, John, son of William Ripley, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks; born at Poodell,near Threshfield; bred at Threshfield
(Mr Marshall) 6 years; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, October
19, aet. 17. 10
(4) Kenrick, Conway, son of John Kenrick, husbandman {agri-
colae), Cheshire, born at Thurstanton ; ' Uteris institutus a Mro
Hodson in domo sua per multos annos'; admitted sizar, tutor Dr
Edmundson, October 22, aet. 18.
(5) Tyson, Michael, son of M. Tyson, gentleman, Westmor- 15
land ; born at Martingdale ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, October 25, aet. past 17.
(6) Guest, William, son of John Guest, cutler {cultellarii),
Yorks; born at Sheffield; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow); ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, November 2. 20
(7) Bostock, Charles, son of John Bostock, gentleman, Cheshire ;
born at Macclesfield; bred there (Mr Allen); admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Williams, November 4, aet. 17.
(8) Needham, Peter, from New College, Oxford, Hampshire;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Newton, November 18, 'suscepitque 25
apud nos gradum Magisterii in Artibus die sequente.'
(9) Fern, George, son of Giles Fern, clerk, Canibs; born at
Ely; school, Ely (Mr Gunning); admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams,
January 8, aet. past 17.
(10) Lowndes, John, son of Robert Lowndes, esquire, Bucks; 30
born at Winslow; New College School, Oxford; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Williams, February 4, aet. past 18.
(11) Nourse, Peter, son of P. Nourse, D.D., Hampshire; born
at Droxford ; schools, Winchester, 2 years, and last at Southampton ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, February 5, aet. 18. 35
(12) Russel, John, son of J. Russel, gentleman, Salop; born at
Morton; schools, Whitchurch and Hanmer; admitted sizar, tutor Mr
Taylor, February 6, aet. 19.
(13) Creffield, Edward, son of E. Creffield, clerk, Suffolk; born
at Polstead ; school, Bury (Mr Kinnesman) ; admitted pensioner, 40
tutor Dr Edmundson, February 18, aet. 17.
ADMISSIONS. 1729. 59
(14) Marshall, Henry, son of H. Marshall, clerk, Lincolnshire;
born at Fulletby; school, Lincoln (Mr Goodall), 3 years; admitted
sizar, tutor Mr Williams, March 10, aet. 17.
(15) Eyre, Venn, son of Ambrose Eyre, gentleman, Middlesex;
5 born in London; school. Charterhouse (Mr Took); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Mr Williams, March 22, aet. 17.
(16) Mercer, Thomas, son of Thomas Mercer, clerk, Lancashire;
born at Preston ; school, Manchester (Mr Brook) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, March 25, aet. 18.
lo (17) Penn, Alexander, son of John Peun, clerk, Notts; born at
Edwistow; bred at Bradford, Yorks (Mr Hill); admitted sizar, tutor
Mr Williams, April — , aet. 17.
(18) Newton, Stephen, son of St. Newton, butcher {lanii),
Yorks; born in Sheffield; bred there (Mr Robinson); admitted sizar,
15 tutor Mr Robinson, April 10, aet. 19.
(19) Nelthorpe, Richard, son of James Nelthorpe, esquire,
Lincolnshire; born at Scawby; bred at Brigg (Mr Waterworth);
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 11, aet. 18.
(20) Eaton, Edward, son of Peter Eaton, 'plebeii,' Derbyshire;
20 born at Raynor; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow); admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Edmundson, April 16, aet. 19.
(21) Larken, John, son of J. Larken, gentleman, Hertfordshire;
bom at Munden ; bred at Buntingford (Mr Sherson) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 14, aet. past 16.
25 (22) Hargreaves, John, son of J. Hargreaves, clerk, Northamp-
tonshire ; born at Islip ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 15, aet. past 19.
(23) Lloyd, Henry, son of Owen Lloyd, gentleman, Wales; born
in the Diocese of Bangor; bred at Beaumauris (Mr Owen); admitted
30 sizar, tutor Mr Williams, May 17, aet. 18.
(24) Cass, Eustace, son of Richard Cass, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks; born at Hackness, near Scarborough ; bred at Thornton,
Yorks; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 20, aet. IS.
(25) Whitmore, Bethel William, son of Joseph Whitmore,
35 gentleman; born in the diocese of St Asaph; bred at Wem, Salop
(Mr Appleton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, May 23, aet,
past 17.
(26) Rawlins, Thomas, son of Th. Rawlins, gentleman, Essex ;
born at Rivenal (Rivenhall, near Witham?); school, Bury St Ed-
40 munds (Mr Kinnesman); admitted sizar for Mr Simpson, tutor Mr
Williams, May 23, aet. past 17.
(27) Richardson, "William, son of Richard Richardson, M.D.,
Yorks; born at Bierley, near Bradford; bred at Bradford (Mr
Hill) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 24, aet. past
45 18.
60 ADMISSIONS. 1729.
Jes. Coll. May 23 ; 1729.
William Bichardson admitted Pensioner of this College June 8 :
1728 has my leave to remove to any other College.
Ch. Ashton, Master.
(28) Green, John, son of Richard Green, husbandman [agri- 5
colae), Yorks; born at Wentworth; school, private at Risbrook; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 28, aet. 25.
(29) Chilcott, William, son of Richard Chilcott, gentleman,
Wilts; born at Deverel; bred at Crookern (Crewkerne), Somerset;
admitted fellow commener, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 31, aet. past lo
(30) AUenson, Gilbert, sou of Allan Allenson, clerk, Herts;
born at Aldenham ; school, Aldenham, of which his father is master ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 3, aet. 19.
(31) Burrow, William, son of G. (? William) Burrow, clerk, 15
Derbyshire; born at Chesterfield; school, Chesterfield, of which his
father is master {istius scholae Moderator e dignissimo); admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 6, aet. 17.
(32) Bright, Thomas, son of Thomas Bright, gentleman, Yorks;
born near Sheffield; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow); admitted 20
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 6, aet. 17.
(33) Mower, Marmaduke, son of Edmund Mower, gentleman,
Notts; born at Newark; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow); admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 6, aet. 17.
(34) Ward, Edmund, son of Joseph Ward, gentleman, Derby- 25
shire; born near Chesterfield; bred there (Mr Burrow); admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 6, aet. 18.
(35) Mainwaring, Henry, son of Edward Mainwaring, esquire,
Stafibrdshire ; born at Whitmore ; bred at Trentham (Mr Har-
greaves) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, June 9, aet. 18. 3°
(36) Horton, Thomas; born in London; bred at Highgate ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Yardley, June 12, aet. past 24.
(37) Harpur, William, son of G. (? William) Harpur, gentleman,
Durham ; born at Gateside, near Newcastle ; school, Sedbergh (Dr
Samiders) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Robinson, June 16, aet. 18. 35
(38) Ward, Charles, son of William Ward, merchant, North-
umberland ; born in Newcastle ; school, Sedbergh ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 16, aet. 18.
(39) Gates, Thomas, son of George Gates, 'plebeii,' North-
umberland; born in Newcastle; school, Sedbergh; admitted pen- 40
sioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 16, aet. 17.
(40) Birket^, — , Hampshire, A.B. of Queen's College, Oxford;
admitted pensioner, June 24, ' habens literas gradus sui a Mro
Cooper Registrario signatas.'
(41) Roe, James, son of Thomas Roe, clerk, Derbyshire; born 45
at Castleton ; bred at Stockport, Cheshire (Mr Dale) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Mr Williams, June 26, aet. 18.
1 John Birket, B.A. Qu. Coll. Oxon. Oct. 12, 1708; M.A. Cantab. 1729.
ADMISSIONS. 1729. 61
(42) Eare, John, son of John Bare, grocer iaromatarii)^ Lincoln-
shire ; born in Lincoln ; bred there (Mr Goodal) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Mr Williams, June 26, aet. 18.
(43) Agur, William, son of Thomas Agur, husbandman {agri-
5 colae), Yorks ; born at Redkar, in Cleaveland ; bred at Kirk Leadam
(Mr Oakley); admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 27, aet. 19.
(44) Steer, William, son of G. (/ William) Steer, clerk, Yorks ;
born at Ecclesfield ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 30, aet. 19.
lo (45) Eyre, Joseph, son of Thomas Eyre, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Ecclesfield ; bred at Sheffield (Mr Robinson) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 30, aet. 20.
(46) Taylor, Clemens, son of Thomas Taylor, husbandman
(agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Roger- Ridding, near Hawxstead ;
15 school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Robinson,
June 30, aet. past 27.
(47) Smith, John, son of J. Smith, merchant, Norfolk ; born at
Diss ; bred there (Mr Randal) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson,
July 1, aet. 20.
ff.c. 2|
20 [Admissions in the year -^p. 20 h 47.]
[s. 25J
July 1729— July 1730.
(a) Hele, Arthur, from Trinity College, Oxford, son of Richard
Hele, A.M., Master of the public school of Salisbury and Prebendary
of the Cathedral there, Wiltshire ; born in Salisbury ; educated there
under his father ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Williams, September
25 28, 1730, aet. 18^.
Memorandum quod idem Arthurus Hele literas testimoniales
secum attulit de vita sua laudabili et morum probitate a Praeside
sociisque praedicti Trinitatis CoUegii signatas.
Admissiones a Julii 4*° 1729.
(1) Williams, Richard, son of Sir John Williams, Knight,
30 London ; bred first in Westminster School (Dr Freind), then in his
father's house (Mr White) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Dr
Edmundson, August 4, aet. 19.
(2) Penington, Lowther, son of Joseph Penington, esquire,
Westmorland ; born at Lowther ; bred there (Mr Wilkinson) ;
35 admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, October 11, aet. 18.
(3) Lord, John, son of John Lord, clerk, Herts; born at
Kixsworth ; bred at Harpenden (Mr Barnard) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, October 14, aet. past 17.
1 This admission, written in a different hand from those which
precede and follow it, is out of place. See p. 64, No. 1.
62 ADMISSIONS. 1729—1730.
(4) Monckton, Jonathan, son of Charles Monckton, gentle-
man, Cornwall ; born at Lisgard ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, October 23, aet. 17.
(5) Savignee, James, son of J. Savignee, gentleman, Middlesex ;
born ' infra Pomoeria Westmonasterii ' ; school Westminster (Dr 5
Friend); admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, October 23, aet.
' fere ' 17.
(6) Burnaby, Daniel, sou of John Burnaby, gentleman, Middle-
sex ; born in Kensington ; bred there ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Mr Williams, October 25, aet. past 18. lo
^ ' 30"
(7) Pepper, Prescot, son of Cuthbert Pepper, gentleman,
Eichmondshire ; born at Moulton ; bred at Kirk-Leatham (Mr Clark);
admitted feUow commoner, tutor Mr Williams, March 17, aet. 20.
(8) Spencer, Richard, son of R. Spencer, clerk, Kent ; born at
Tunbridge; educated by his father, head-master there; admitted 15
pensioner, tutor and surety, Dr Edmundson, March 28, aet. IS.
(9) Ansty, Thomas, son of James Ansty, gentleman, Berks ;
school Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) many years; admitted sizar ^ for
Dr Baker, tutor and surety Mr Williams, March 30, aet. 18.
(10) Parrot, Andrew, son of Thomas Parrot, clerk, Yorks; 20
bred at Trentham, Staffordshire; admitted sizar ^ for the Master,
tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, April 13, aet. 18.
(11) Gierke, Thomas, son of Thomas Clerke, clerk, Berks;
born at Farrington ; bred at Rygate, Surrey (Mr Rigden) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, April 14, aet. past 16. 25
(12) Sparke, John, son of Joseph Sparke, clerk, Northampton-
shire; born at Peterborough ; bred there (Mr Bradfield) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Mr Williams, April 24, aet. past 17.
(13) Selwin, William, son of William Selwin, merchant {mer-
catoris), Middlesex ; born in Loudon ; school, St Paul's (Mr Morland) ; 30
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Edmundson, April 28, aet.
15 ' hoc ipso die '.
(14) Broom, Richard, son of Charles Broom, attorney, Staflford-
shire ; born at Burton ; bred there ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmund-
son, May 6, aet. past 16. 35
(15) Graves, Edward, son of John Graves, gentleman, Lanca-
shire ; born in Manchester ; bred at Bradford, Yorks, for several
years; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Wrigley, May 11, aet. 'fere' 18.
(16) Peake, Jonathan, son of Peter Peake, ' plebeii ', Lancashire ;
born in Manchester ; bred there (Mr Brook) ; admitted sizar, tutor 40
Mr Williams, May 11, aet. 'fere' 17.
(17) Dakin, Thomas, son of Edward Dakin, husbandman
{(igricolae), Derbyshire ; born at Barkwell (or Bashwell) ; bred at
^ ' sizator,' not subsizator as usual.
ADMISSIONS. 1730. 63
Stockport, Cheshire; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, May 18,
aet. 23.
(18) Marshall, Thomas, son of Michael Marshall, husbandman
{agrkolae), Derbyshire; born at Teasdal ; bred at Stockport, Cheshire
5 (Mr Dale) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, May 18, aet. 18.
(19) Richard, Thomas, son of John Richard, husbandman
{agricolae), Cambridgeshire ; born at Swaffham Bulbeck ; bred there
(Mr Davies) ; admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, May 18, aet. 18.
(20) Lloyd, David, son of Edward Lloyd, husbandman {agri-
lo colae), Bangor; born in the parish of Lanebster (?) ; bred at Ruthin;
admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, May 27, aet. past 17.
(21) Holgate, William, son of William Holgate, clerk, Lin-
colnshire ; born at Norman by ; bred at Brigg (Mr Waterworth) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 28, aet. past 19.
15 (22) Walker, Edmund, son of Edmund Walker, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks; born at Huddersfield; school Huddersfield
(Mr Smith); admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, May 28, aet.
past 17.
(23) Laidman, William, son of John Laidman, clerk, Northum-
20 berland; born at Woodhall; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) 3 years;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, June 8, aet. 19.
(24) Milburne, Thomas, son of Thomas Milburne, gentleman,
Northumberland ; born in Newcastle ; bred there (Mr Salkeld) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Robinson, June 10, aet. 17.
25 (25) Williams, John, son of W^illiam Williams, 'artificis',
Middlesex ; born in Loudon ; school, Merchant Taylors' (Dr Smith) ;
admitted sizar, tutor Mr Williams, June 15, aet. 18.
(26) Sorsbie, Benjamin, son of MaUn Sorsby (sic), clerk,
Durham ; born at Ryton ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted
30 sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 20, aet. past 21.
(27) Summers, John, son of Henry Suunners, esquire, Essex;
born at Heningham Sybill ; bred at Felstead (Mr Wyatt) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Edmundson, June 23, aet. ' fere' 18.
(28) Squire, Samuel, son of S. Squire, druggist (jjharnia-
35 copolae), Wilts; born at Warminster; bred there; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor Mr Williams, June 23, aet. 17.
(29) Williams, William, son of William Williams, clerk, Salop ;
born at Stoke, Salop; bred at Hanmer, Fhnt (Mr Hughs) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Williams, June 25, aet. 17.
40 (30) Crane, John, son of John Crane, clerk, Kent ; born near
Canterbury ; bred at Canterbury (Mr Lehunt) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Edmundson, June 27, aet. 18.
(31) Birheck, Charles, son of Christopher Birbeck, surgeon,
Yorks ; born in York ; school, Rippon (Mr Barber) ; admitted pen-
4^ sioner, tutor Mr Robinson, June 27, aet. 17.
(32) Pinckney, Francis, son of Thomas Pinckney, gentleman,
London ; school, St Paul's (Mr Morland) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Edmundson, June 29, aet. 19.
64 ADMISSIONS. 1730.
(33) James, Robert, son of John James, gentleman, Suffolk ;
born at Sudbury ; school Blackheath, Kent (Mr Richardson) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor Dr Williams, July 1, act. ' fere ' 20.
(34) Lynam, James, son of James Lynam, husbandman (agri-
colae), Notts; born at Bilsthorpe ; bred at West-Hallum, Derbyshire 5
(Mr Raworth) ; admitted sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 1,
aet. 18.
(35) Worthington, William, A.B. Oxford ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Dr Williams, July 1.
Literas secum attulit satis authenticas de moribus et gradu, tam lo
a Principalis et Sociis Collegii Jesu, quam a Eegistrario Publico
Mro Cowper signatas.
(36) Sherwood, James, son of James Sherwood 'a Galeris',
Torks ; born in Beverley ; bred there (Mr Jefferson) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Edmundson, July 1, aet. 19. 15
(37) Boys, Joseph, son of Joseph Boys, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks; born near York ; bred at Beverley (Mr Jefferson) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Dr Edmundson, July 1, aet. 17.
(38) "Williams, William, Carnarvonshire, A.B. Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Williams, July 4. 20
Literas secum attulit satis authenticas de morum probitate dum
moram traxerit in CoUegio Jesu.
(39) Wells, William, son of William Wells, esquire, Leicester-
shire ; bred at Leicester ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr
Thomas, July 4, aet. 18. 25
(40) Sampson, Joshua, son of Joshua Sampson, husbandman
{agricolae), Derbyshire ; born at Teasdale ; bred there ; admitted
sizar, tutor Mr Robinson, July 4, aet. 20.
[Admissions in the year -jp. 16 [■ 40].
Is. 21J
July 1730— July 1731.
Admissioues a Julii 10™. 1730.
(1) Hele, Arthur, Wiltshire ; from Trinity College, Oxford, 30
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Williams, September 28, of the second
year ^.
(2) Brisdale, John, son of J. Brisdale, gentleman, Salop ; born
in Shrewsbury ; school, Shrewsbury (Dr Phillips) ; admitted pen-
sioner, aet. 16. 35
(3) Crawley, Thomas, son of John Crawley, M.D., Beds ; born
at Dunstable; bred at Harpenden, Herts (Mr Barnard); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, September 30, aet. 16.
(4) Smales, Thomas, son of Matthew Smales, gentleman, Rich-
mondshire; born at Gilling near Richmond; school, Sedbergh (Dr 40
1 See (a) p. 61. Apparently Hele was admitted as a second year man.
ADMISSIONS. 1730 — 1731. 65
Saunders) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Wrigley, October 24, aet.
past 19.
(5) Edwards, Andrew, son of Richard Edwards, husbandman
{agricolae), Denbigh; born at Ruthin; bred there (Mr Vaughan);
5 admitted sizar, tutor Dr Williams, November 2, aet. past 17.
(6) Beach, William, son of Benjamin Beach, gentleman, "Wilts;
born at Mounton Deverell; bred at Brewton, Somerset (Mr Coles-
bury); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, December
12, aet. past 18.
10 (7) Alcock, William, son of Peter Alcock, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yoi-ks; born at Threshfield; bred there ("Mr Marshall); ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, January 11, aet. 21.
(8) Topham, Benjamin, son of Christopher Topham, husband-
man {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Gressington in the parish of Linton ;
15 bred at Threshfield (Mr Marshall); admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, January 11, aet. 18.
(9) St John, Pawlet, son of Pawlet St John, Beds; born at
Yelden ; school, Bury, Suffolk (Mr Kinsman); admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, January 14, aet. 16.
20 (10) James, Antony, son of David James, clerk, Middlesex;
school, Eton (Mr George); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, February IS, aet. 19.
(11) Broughton, Gustavus, son of Edward Broughton, clerk,
Leicestershire ; born at Ailestone ; educated at home by his father ;
25 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 25, aet. 17
(12) Thornton, William, son of Sir William Thornton, knight,
Yorks ; born at Netherton ; bred in the city of York (Mr Jackson) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, March 27,
aet. 18.
30 (13) Robinson, Robert, son of James Robinson, merchant,
Richmondshire ; born at Richmond; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders)
nearly 3 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
March 29, aet. 17.
(14) Sayer, John, son of John Sayer, woollen-draper {lanarii),
35 Essex; born at Braintree; bred at Colchester (Mr Comark); ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 1, aet. 17.
(15) Austin, Daniel, son of Daniel Austin; born in London;
New College School, Oxford (Mr Bowler) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, April 2, aet. 15.
40 (16) Creyk, John, sou of Ralph Creyk, gentleman, Yorks; bom
at Marton; bred at Burlington (Mr Young); admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, April 7, aet. 18.
(17) Churchill, Henry, son of Henry Churchill, clerk, Dorset ;
born at Hammoou; bred at Sherbourn (Mr Wilding); admitted pen-
45 sioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 7, aet. 19.
S. 5
66 ADMISSIONS. 1731,
(18) Leek, Herbert, son of Herbert Leek, gentleman, Notts ;
born at Carleton; bred at Burton, Notts (Mr Saunders); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Leek, April 8, aet. 19.
(19) Grey, George, son of George Grey, 'juris consulti', North-
umberland; born in Newcastle; bred there (Mr Salkeld); admitted 5
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 9, aet. 17.
(20) Warcopp, John, son of John Warcopp, gentleman, Yorks;
born at Gatenby; bred at Burneston (Mr Peacock); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dominus Goddard, April 9, aet. 18.
(21) Morgan, Charles, son of Henry Morgan, attorney, Devon- 10
shire; born at Exeter; school, Ely, Cambridgeshire (Mr Gunning);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 15, aet. 17.
(22) Mapletoft, Edmund, son of Edmund Mapletoft, clerk,
Cambridgeshire ; born at Bartlow ; school, Walden, Essex (Mr
Butts); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 30, 15
aet, 17.
(23) Robinson, Thomas, son of MattheAv Robinson, esquire,
Yorks; born in Y^ork; school, Westminster (Dr Freind) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr WiUiams, April 19, aet. 17.
(24) Oliver, John, son of Henry Oliver, gaoler at Oakham 20
{Carceris ax>ud Oakham custodis), Rutland; born at Oakham; bred
there (Mr Adcock); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
April 27, aet. IS.
(25) Henchman, Humphrey, son of Charles Henchman, clerk,
Cheshire; born in Chester; educated there by his father; admitted 25
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 29, aet. 19.
(26) Waring, Richard, son of Richard Waring, clerk, Hereford-
shire; born in Hereford; bred there (Mr Rodd); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 4, aet. 18.
(27) Bateman, Winn, son of Thomas Bateman, gentleman, 30
Richmondshire ; born at Middleham ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders)
nearly 2 years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 20,
aet. 17.
(28) Hurst, Thomas, son of Thomas Hurst, gentleman, Notts ;
born at Newark; bred at Nottingham (Mr Hardy); admitted pen- 35
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 22, aet. 17.
(29) Stephenson, Anthony, son of Anthony Stephenson,
' plebeii,' Westmorland ; born at Selside ; bred at Kendal (Mr
Towers); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 1,
aet. 17. 40
(30) Stead, William, son of Jonathan Stead, merchant, Yorks ;
born at Hallifax ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) nearly two years ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 4, aet. 18.
(31) Steevens, Jonathan, son of Jonathan Steevens, grocer
(aromatarii), Sussex, born at Rothersbridge; bred at Battle (Mr 45
Sorsbie); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 5,
aet. 18.
(32) Evans, Edmund, son of Edmund Evans, gentleman, Derby-
ADMISSIONS. 1731. 67
shire; born at Bonsall; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 5, aet. 19.
(33) Smith, Eyre Foster, son of Philip Foster Smith, attorney,
StaflFordshire ; born at Beamhurst; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow);
5 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Leeke, June 5, aet. 19.
(34) Barker, William, son of William Barker, gentleman,
Derbyshire; born at Edenser; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Bui'ow);
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 5, aet. 18.
(35) Weightman, "William, son of Thomas Weightman, brewer
lo {potificis), Yorks; born in York; bred at Shefiield (Mr Robinson);
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 10, aet. 18.
(36) Robinson, John, son of Anthony Robinson, farmer {fir-
marii), Derbyshire; born at Tidswell; bred at Sheffield, Yorks (Mr
Robinson); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 10,
1 5 aet. 19.
(37) Parry, Henry, son of Henry Parry, clerk, Montgomery-
shire; born at Guildfield; educated by his father at home; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 12, aet. 18.
(38) Parrot, Andrew, son of Charles Perrot, merchant, Yorks;
2o born in York; bred at Hull (Mr Clarke); admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, June 12, aet. 18.
(39) Moore, Richard, son of William Moore, gentleman,
Somerset; born at Stoak-lane ; bred at Sherbourn, Dorset (Mr Wild-
ing); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 24,
25 aet. 18.
(40) Polhill, Robert, son of Robert Polhill, gentleman, Kent ',
born at Tonbridge; bred there (Mr Spencer); admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, June 26, aet. 20.
(41) Burrell, David, son of John Burrell, 'plebeii,' Durham;
30 born at Fieldhouse near Ganford; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders)
3 years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 29, aet.
past 18.
(42) Parkinson, Barton, Lancashire, from Trinity College,
Dublin ; admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Williams, June 29.
35 Memorandum quod praedictirs Barton Parkinson literas attulit
secum satis authenticas turn de gradu A.B. suscepto tum de vita sua
laudabili morumque probitate.
(43) Bagshaw, William, son of Richard Bagshaw, esquire,
Derbyshire; born at Castleton ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow);
40 admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, July 1,
aet. 17.
(44) Perfect, Caleb, A.B. of Trinity College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, surety Mr Wrigley, July 2.
Memorandum quod praedictus C. B. literas seeum attulit satis
45 authenticas de gradu A.B. suscepto.
(45) Astley, William, son of Walter Astley, clerk, Stafford-
68 ADMISSIONS. 1731—1731.
shire ; born at Froshall ; bred at Repton, Derbyshire (Mr Fletcher) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr "Williams, July 3, aet. 18.
(46) Mottershaw, Thomas, son of John Mottershaw, farmer
{firmarii), Derbyshire ; born at Clay-Cross ; bred at Chesterfield
(Mr Burrow) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 5, 5
aet. 19.
(47) Branston, Eichard, son of William Branston, mercer
(merciarii), Lincolnshire ; born at Gainsborough ; bred at Brigg (Mr
Waterworth); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 5,
aet. 20. lo
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 23 h 47.]
[s. 22)
July 1731— July 1732
Admissiones a nono Julii, 1731.
(1) Forster, George, eldest son of George Forster, esquire ;
born in Little Bristol, in the Island of Barbadoes 'oriundus ex Agro
Northumbriensi '; bred in the parish of St James, Barbadoes, by
Henry Rishton, M.A., formerly of this College; admitted fellow 15
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 17, aet. 17.
(2) Blayney, Charles, eldest son of Cadwallader Blayney, Baron
Monaghan, of Monaghan in Ireland ; born in Dublin (mother's county
Berkshire) ; educated in the parish of Carrick Macrosse, in Ireland,
by William Folds, formerly of this College ; admitted pensioner, 20
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 30, aet. past 10. (Baron Monaghan
and fellow commoner, 31 March, 1733. Note in margin.)
(3) Dixon, Edward, son of James Dixon, box or trunk maker
(capsarii), Lancashire ; born at Kirkham ; bred there (Mr Taylor) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 5, aet. 19. 25
(4) Davison, Thomas, son of Thomas Davison, esquire ; born at
Blakiston, in the Bishopric of Durham ; bred at Kirk Heaton, Yorks
(Mr Clarke) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
October 18, aet. 19.
(5) Nelthorp, GriflSth, son of James Nel thorp, gentleman, 30
Lincolnshire ; born at Brigg ; bred there (Mr Waterworth) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 20, aet. 18.
(6) Christopherson, Preston, son of John Christopherson,
B.D., formerly fellow of the College, Cumberland ; born at Adding-
ham, near Penrith ; bred at Appleby, Westmoreland (Mr Yates) ; 35
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 22, aet. 17.
(7) Hopwood, John, son of John Hopwood, esquire, Essex ;
born at Stannaway ; educated by his father ; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 25, aet. past 19.
• 173^
(8) Montgomery, George, son of George Montgomery, esquire, 40
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Eton (Mr George) ; admitted
ADMISSIONS. 1731—1732. 69
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, January 12, aet.
past 19.
(9) Salt, William, son of James Salt, clerk, Cambs ; born at
Chesterton ; school, Bury (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
5 surety Mr Wrigley, January 15, aet. 19.
(10) Cardale, Joseph, from Trinity College, Oxford, sou of
Joseph Cardale, clerk, Warwickshire ; born at Bulkington ; bred at
Nuneaton (Mr Liptrott) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Wrigley, February 8, aet. 18.
lO Memorandum Literas commendatitias infra scriptas secum attulit —
Josephus Cardale e CoUegio SS Trinitatis Oxoniensis a tempore
admissionis suae (scilicet 28 May 1731) termiuos tres complevit et
vitam suam pie sobrie et honeste instituit in cujus rei testimonium
nomina vestra subscripsimus
15 Geo. Huddesford, Praes. The. Ball, Soc.
Fran. Wise, Vice Praes. Tho. Finch, Soc.
Tho. Wilkes, Dec.
(11) Mather, Thomas, son of Thomas Mather, lawyer {juris
consulH), Cheshire ; born in Chester ; bred at Stockport (Mr Dale) ;
20 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, February 25, aet.
(12) Sandford, Samuel, son of Samuel Sandford, attorney,
Salop ; born at Whitchurch ; bred at Wem (Mr Appleton); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 3, aet. 18.
25 (13) Andrew, John, sou of Robert Andrew, merchant ; born at
Gateshead (Gabrocentum) in the Bishopric of Durham; bred at
Newcastle (Mr Salkeld) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Row, March 27, aet. 17.
(14) Eis, James, son of Abraham Ris, gentleman, Cambridge-
30 shire ; born at Thorney in the Isle of Ely ; bred at Oakham (Mr
Adcock); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 2,
aet. 18.
(15) Holden, John, son of Robert Holden, clerk, Derbyshire ;
bom at Weston ; bred at Loughborough, Leicestershire (Mr Mai'tin) ;
35 admitted sizar for Mr Rouse, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 3,
aet. 18.
(16) Fountaine, Robert, son of William Fountaine, gentleman,
Yorks; born at Linton ; bred first at Tlireshfield (Mr Marshall), then
at Burnsall (Mr Alcock) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
40 Wrigley, May 5, aet. 19.
(17) Pye, William, son of Thomas Pye, merchant, Northumber-
land ; born at Morpeth ; bred there (Mr Holden) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 7, aet. 19. ('Secundo curr. anno
mortuus.' Note in tnargin.)
45 (18) Brown, John, son of John Brown, clerk, Northumberland;
born at Rothbery ; bred at Wigton, Cumberland (Mr Bii'beck) ; ad-
70 ADMISSIONS. 1732.
mitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 8,
aet. past 16.
(19) Jefferson, John, son of J. JeflFerson, grocer {aromatarii),
Cumberland ; born at Wigton ; bred there (Mr Birbeck) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 8, aet. 24. 5
(20) Washbourne, Richard, son of William Washbourne, clerk,
Middlesex; born at Endfield; bred there (Mr Davies) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Leeke, May 16, aet. 18.
(21) Tipton, Edward, son of E. Tipton, clothier {pannijicis),
Salop; born at; "Worthen ; school, Shrewsbury (Dr Phillips); ad- lo
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 25, aet. 17.
(22) Vaughan, Arthur, son of Richard Vaughan, saddler
{e2)hippiarii), Salop ; born in Shrewsbury ; school, Shrewsbury (Dr
Phillips) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, senior. May 25,
aet. 18. 15
(23) Smith, John, son of John Smith, clerk, Lincolnshire ; bom
at Spilsby ; bred at Glamford-Brigg (Mr Waterworth) ; aduiitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Wilhams, May 30, aet. 19.
(24) Foster, Richard, son of R. Foster, clerk, Norfolk ; born at
Bexwell ; bred at W^isbitch, in the Isle of Ely, by his father ; admitted 20
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 31, aet. 17.
(25) Bentham, Thomas, son of Samuel Bentham, clerk, Cam-
bridgeshire ; born at Ely ; bred there (Mr Gunning) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 10, aet. 18.
(26) Hatton, Christopher, son of the Reverend WiUiam Hatton, 25
formerly fellow of the College ; born in London ; school. Bury (Mr
Kinsman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June
10, aet. 16.
(27) Basket, John, son of the Reverend John Basket, formerly
fellow of the College, Dorset ; born at Blandford ; school, Charter- 30
house (Mr Hotchkiss); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Wilhams, June 10, aet. 18,
(28) Bering, John, son of the Reverend Heneage Dering, LL.D.,
Dean of Rippon, Yorks ; born at Rippon ; bred there (Mr Steevens) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 19, aet. 17. 35
(29) Hill, John, son of Richard Hill, clerk ; born in Cambridge ;
bred at Shipton, Yorks (Mr Clarke) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
sm-ety Mr Wrigley, June 20, aet. 16.
(30) Batt, William, son of G. (? William) Batt, gentleman, W^ilt-
shire ; born at Pewsey ; bred at Marlborough (Mr Hiltrop) ; ad- 4°
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Leeke, June 22, aet. 18.
(31) Robinson, Thomas, son of William Robinson, gentleman,
Richmondshire ; born at Easby ; bred at Richmond (Mr Close) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Wilhams, June 24, aet. 19.
(32) Cowperthwait, William, son of George Cowperthwaite, 45
gentleman, Yorks; born at Bedle (? Bedale); school, Sedbergh (Dr
Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27,
aet. past 19.
ADMISSIONS. 1732. 71
(33) Curtis, Caesar, son of Robert Curti.*^, surgeon, Kent ; born
at Stroud; bred at Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex (Mr Gaw-
throp) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 30, aet.
5 (34) Cass, Robert, son of William Cass, farmer {firmarii),
Yorks ; boru at Houghton Bushell ; bred at Sherboui-ne (Mr Young);
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 30, aet. 17.
(35) Dixon, Richard, son of William Dixon, gentleman, Lan-
cashire ; born at Satterthwait, in Furness Fells ; bred at Hawx-
10 shied (Mr Broxliolnie, fellow of the College); admitted sizar, tutor
and surety, Mr Wrigley, July 1, aet. IS.
rf.c. 2^
Admissions m the year ^ p. 12 r 35.
U 2lJ
July 1732— July 1733.
Admissiones a 7mo Julii 1732.
(1) Franck, Thomas, son of T. Franck, farmer {firmarii),
Leicestershire; born at Queenborough ; bred at Loughborough (Mr
T5 Martin); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 19,
aet. 19.
(2) Smyth, Henry, son of H. Smyth, Clerk, Herefordshire;
born at Dormington ; bred at Finchemstad (Finchampstead '/), Berks
(Mr Rogers); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
20 October 28, aet. 17.
(3) Yates, Maile, son of Joseph Yates, esquire, Lancashire;
born in Manchester; bred at Stockport, Cheshire (Mr Dale); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, November 7,
aet. 17.
25 (4) Rawstorne, William, son of G. (? William) Rawstorne, es-
quire, Lancashire ; born at Preston ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders)
7 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, Novem-
ber 13, aet 20.
Memorandum quod praedictus G. E. literas infra Scriptas secum
•JO attulit e Coll. Sid. Suss.
Nov'-. 12, 1732.
These are to certify that William Kawstorne was admitted in
Sidney College on ye 7th day of May 1732, has behav'd himself
soberly and studiously and has leave to remove to any other College.
^c Witness our hands, J. Adams,
W. Murdin, Bean
W. Foord, Praelector.
(5) Leyland, John, son of William Leyland, Yorks ; born at
Gressington ; bred at Threshfield (Mr Marshall) ; admitted sizar,
40 tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, November 24, aet. 19.
(6) Blackborn, John, son of John Blackborn, husbandman
(agricolae), Yorks; born at Hettou; bred at Threshfield (Mr Mar-
72 ADMISSIONS. 1732—1733.
shall) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, November 24,
aet. 18.
(7) Young, John, son of J. Young, Kent; born at Biddenden ;
bred at Sutton, Kent (Mr Fletcher); admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Wrigley, December 14, aet. 17. 5
(8) Hovell, "William, son of Oliver Hovell, gentleman ; born at
Bury, Suffolk; bred there (Mr Kynsman); admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Leeke, December 23, aet. 17.
(9) Knowsley, John, son of Robert Knowsley, gentleman,
Yorks ; born at Cottham; bred at Sherburn (Mr Lowther); admitted lo
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, January 26, aet. 18.
(10) Churchill, William, son of Henry Churchill, clerk, Dorset;
bred at Sherbourn, Dorset (Mr Wilding); admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Williams, February 21, aet. 18.
(11) Belton, Samuel, son of S. Belton, hosier {caUgarii), 15
Leicestei'shire ; born in Leicester; bred there (Mr Clayton); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, April 18, aet. 19.
(12) Gunning, Peter, son of P. Gunning, clerk, Cambridge-
shire; born at Ely; educated there by his father; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 9, aet. 18. 20
(13) Alcock, Robert, son of John Alcock, grazier (pecuarii),
Lincolnshire ; born at Marsh Chappell ; bred at Glamford-Brig,
Lincolnshire (Mr Waterworth); admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, May 12, aet. 18.
(14) Hatfield, Charles, only son of Charles Hatfield of Chappel- 25
in-le-frith, grazier {pecuarii), Derbyshire ; bred at Chappel-in-le-
frith (Mr Brooks) ; admitted sizar for Mr Husey, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, May 16, aet. 23.
(15) Milton, John, son of William Milton, collector of taxes
(telonarii), Essex; born at Dedham ; bred there (Mr Grim wood); 30
admitted sizar, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, May 24, aet. 16.
(16) Starky, John, son of J. Starky, gentleman, Lancashire;
born at Rochdale ; bred at Bury, Lancashire (Mr Lister) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 28, aet. 17.
(17) Cuthbert, Joseph, son of Edward Cuthbert, clerk, Wilts ; 35
born at Cricklade ; bred at Marlborough (Mr Hildrop) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 4, aet. IS.
(18) Skelton, George, son of G. Skeltou, Lincolnshire; born in
Lincoln ; bred there (Mr Goodall) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, June 5, aet. 17. 40
(19) Loggan, William, son of G. ( ? William) Loggan, gentleman,
Herefordshire; born at Cradley ; bred there (Mr Hinds); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 7, aet. 18.
ADMISSIONS. 1733. 73
(20) Elliss, William, son of John Elliss, Yorks ; born at Clifton ;
bred at Sherbourn (Mr Young) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, June 11, aet. 17.
(21) Cromwell, John, son of Edward Cromwell, gentleman,
5 Notts ; born at Heddingley ; bred at Hallam in the county of
Derby (Mr Routh) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Wil-
liams, June 14, aet. 18.
(22) Lambert, John, son of J. Lambert, clerk, Yorks ; born at
Killham; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrow); admitted
lo sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 15, aet. 18.
(23) Tonge, John, son of James Tonge, merchant, Kent ; born
at Sittingbourn ; bred at Sutton, Kent (Mr Savage) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 20, aet. past 18.
(24) Moreton, Robert, son of Thomas Moreton, barrister {caust-
ic diet), Salop; born at Shiflfnal ; bred at Newport, Salop (Mr Lea);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27, aet. 19.
(25) Ogle, Nathaniel, son of Henry Ogle, merchant, North-
umberland; bom in Newcastle; bred there (Mr Lodge); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27, aet. 18.
2o (26) Bunting, John, son of Francis Bunting, steward {dispen-
satoris), Derbyshire ; born at Youlgrave ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr
Burrow) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 28, aet. 18.
(27) Lambe, Lacon, of Balliol College, Oxford ; admitted pen-
sioner, surety Dr Williams, June 28.
25 (28) Lawson, Richard, of Brasenose College, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Mr Wrigley, June 29.
(29) Jessopp, William, son of G. (? William) Jessopp, esquire,
Yorks; born at Thurnscoe; bred at Wakefield (Mr Wilson); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 29, aet. 18.
20 (30) Weatherhead, Thomas, son of Anthony Weatherhead,
clerk, Yorks ; born at Sladbourn ; bred there (Mr Bradbury) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 13, aet. 21.
(31) Edwards, Edward, son of Thomas Edwards, gentleman,
born at Llanilar in the diocese of St David's; bred at Carmarthen
35 in the diocese of St David's (Mr Davies); admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Williams, June 30, aet. 20.
(32) Robins, Thomas, son of T. Robins, husbandman {agri-
colae), Somerset ; born at Bath ; bred at Bristol (Mr Cathcart) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 3, aet. 23.
40 Admissions in the year y' [ 32.
July 1733— July 1734.
Adraissiones a 7mo. JuUi 1733.
(1) Coleman, John, son of Joseph Coleman, esquire, Salop ;
born at BUismere; bred at Hanmer, Flintshire (Mr Hughes); ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, September 28, aet. past
74 ADMISSIONS. 1733 — 3f.
(2) Laurie, Walter, son of W. Laurie, gentleman ; born in
Nithsdale, Scotland ; school, Charterhouse (Mr Hothskiss) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr "Williams, October 3, aet. 16.
(3) GriflQ.es, G-eorge, son of John Griffies, gentleman, born at
Carmarthen, Wales ; school, Westminster (Dr Friend and Dr 5
Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October
8, aet. 17.
(4) Gladwin, Lemuel, son of Lemuel Gladwin, esquire, Derby-
shire, born at Tupton; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrows); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 11, aet 20. iq
(5) James, Thomas, son of David James, clerk, Middlesex ;
born in London ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 25, aet. 18.
(6) Browne, Francis, sou of F. Browne, D.D., Middlesex ; born
in London ; school. Bury (Mr Kinsman); admitted pensioner, tutor 15
and surety Dr Williams, October 25, aet. 18.
(7) Parratt, Thomas, son of T. Parratt, physician {medici),
Middlesex ; born in London ; school. Bury (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 25, aet. 18.
(8) Remington William, son of Thomas Remington, steward 2a
{dispensatoris), Lincolnshire ; born at Harlaxton ; bred at Litchfield,
Stafifordshire (Mr Hunter) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, November 2, aet. 18.
(9) Birbeach, Edward, son of B. Birbeach, Yorks; born at
Sedberg; school, Sedberg (Dr Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor and 25
surety Dr Williams, November 7, aet. 22.
(10) Waring, Jolin, sou of Joseph Waring, farmer {Jirmarii)
Salop, born at Foord ; school, Shrewsbury (Dr Phillips) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, November 10, aet. 17.
(11) Corrance, Robert, sou of Clement Corrance, gentleman, 30
Suffolk ; born at Rougham ; school. Bury (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Alvis, December 4, aet. 18.
(12) Harrison, Philip, son of John Harrison 'decurionis',
Middlesex ; born at Kingston ; school, Peterborough, Northampton-
shire (Mr Bradfield); admitted sizar, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, 35
December 14, aet. 18.
(13) Grove, Richard, son of John Grove, gentleman, Cambridge-
shire ; born in Cambridge ; school, Bury, Suffolk (Mr Kinsman) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, December 17, aet. 17.
(14) Beningfield, Philip, son of James Beningfield, esquire, 40
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, January 17,
aet. 17.
(15) Holcombe, George, son of G. Holcombe, gentleman,
Pembrokeshire ; born at Brownslett ; bred at Denbigh (Mr Weston) ; 45
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, February 13, aet. 19.
ADMISSIONS. 173| — 1734. 75
(16) Thomas, Thomas, son of David Thomas, collector of taxes
(telonarii), Carnarvonshire ; born at Conway ; bred at Denbigh
(Mr Weston) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, February
13, aet. 16. (See below *).
5 (17) Lamhe, Da vies, son of John Lambe, clerk, Notts ; born at
Southwell ; school, Nottingham (Mr Swale) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Leeke, February 20, aet. 18.
(18) Bridges, Joseph, third son of T. Bridges, collector of
taxes itelmiarii), Yorks ; born in Hull ; school, Hull (Mr Clarke) ;
10 admitted sizar for Mr Broxholm, tutor and surety Mr W'rigley,
March 15, aet. 18.
(19) Potter, John, only son of Robert Potter, Yorks ; born at
Sherburn ; bred there (Mr Clayton) ; admitted sizar for Mr Drake,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 16, aet. 19.
15 (20) Williams, John, second son of Sir John Williams, knight,
Middlesex ; bred, first in Westminster School (Dr Friend), then in
his father's house (Mr White) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Green, April 5, aet. 18.
(21) Williams, James, third son of Sir John Williams, knight,
20 Middlesex ; born in the City of London ; bred, first in Westminster
School (Dr Friend) then in his father's house (Mr WHiite) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, April 5, aet. 17.
(22) Brooke, John, only son of Richard Brooke, mercer {mer-
ciarii), Worcestershire ; born in Worcester ; school, Shrewsbury
25 (Dr Phillips) ; admitted sizar for Mr Taylor, senior, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, April 13, aet. 18.
(23) Poole, Cudworth, eldest son of Edward Poole, esquire,
of Woodin, Lancashire ; born in Newall, Cheshire ; school, Stockport,
Cheshire (Mr Dale) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
30 Williams, April 26, aet. 18.
(24) Poole, Edward, second son of Edward Poole, esquire, of
Woodin, Lancashire ; born in Newall, Cheshire ; school, Stockport,
Cheshire (Mr Dale) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, April 26, aet. 17.
35 (25) Bugg, John, sixth son of Henry Bugg, husbandman {agri-
colae), Leicestershire ; born at Bottesford ; school, Southwell, Notts
(Mr Bugg, his brother) ; admitted sizar for Mr Fowler, tutor and
surety Dr Williams, May 9, aet. 19.
(*) Thomas, Thomas, (see No. (16) above) who was admitted
40 sizar February 13, 173f, is admitted pensioner, May 17.
(26) Wright, Thomas, only son of Joseph Wright of Stafi'ord-
shire, goldsmith {aurifahri) in the city of London ; born in Ireland ;
schools, first Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burroughs), then West-
minster (Dr Nichols); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
45 Wrigley, May 22, aet. 19.
76 ADMISSIONS. 1734.
(27) Trot, Edward, only son of John Trot, druggist and
surgeon {^harmacopolae et chirurgi), Hunts ; born in St Neots ;
school, Bury, Suifolk (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Wrigley, May 22, aet 19.
(28) Borron, Arthur, eldest son of John Borron, esquire, 5
Lancashire ; born in Warrington ; schools, first Warrington (Mr
Haywood) then Stockport (Mr Dale) 2 years; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 27, aet. 20.
(29) Balguy, Thomas, only son of John Balguy, clerk. Rector of
Northallerton, Yorks, Durham; born in the town of Lamesby;io
school, Rippon (Mr Stephens) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, May 28, aet. 18.
(30) Clayton, John, eldest son of John Clayton, clerk, Leicester-
shire ; born in Leicester ; school, Leicester (his father) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 29, aet. 19. 15
(31) Crackenthorp, Gilbert, younger son of Richard Cracken-
thorp, attorney, Westmorland, born in Kendall ; school, Kendall
(Mr Towers) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 29,
aet. 18.
(32) King, James, son of Thomas King, gentleman, Yorks; 20
born in the town of Kirkby ; school, Rippon (Mr Stephens) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 1, aet. 19.
(33) Norton, Fletcher, eldest son of Thomas Norton, gentleman,
Yorks; born in the town of Grantley ; school, Rippon (Mr Stephens);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 1, aet. 17. 25
(34) Teasdale, Marmaduke, third son of Marmaduke Teasdale,
clerk, Yorks; born at Hemmimborough; educated by his father;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 1, aet. 21.
(■35) Suger, Zachary, third son of Nicholas Suger, gentleman ;
born in the city of York ; school, Rippon (Mr Stephens) ; admitted 30
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 3, aet. 18.
(36) Cardale, George, second son of Joseph Cardale, clerk,
Warwickshire ; born in the town of Bulkinton ; school, Nuneaton
(Mr Liptrot) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 3,
aet. 19. 35
(37) Baker, Thomas, only son of Thomas Baker, clerk ; born
in the parish of St James, Westminster; school Westminster
(Dr Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
June 20, aet. 18.
(38) Butler, James, second son of James Butler, timber merch- 40
ant {mercatiiris liffnarii), Yorks ; born in the town of Beverley ;
school, Beverley (Mr Jefferson) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, June 21, aet. 18.
(39) Gery, Thomas, only son of Thomas Gery, clerk, Cambs ;
born in the town of Chatteris in the Isle of Ely ; the King's School 45
Cambridge (Mr Southernwood) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, June 22, aet. 17.
(40) Harrison, Joseph, second son of WiUiam Harrison, esquire.
ADMISSIONS. 1734. 77
Yorks ; born in Orgrave ; school, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr
Burrow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 24,
aet, 19.
(41) Grrifl3.th, Middlemore, eldest son of John Griffith, clerk,
5 Derbyshire ; born in Stanton ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 24, aet. 19.
(42) Ellis, Seth, eldest son of Seth Ellis, clerk, Derbyshire ;
born in Brampton ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 24, aet. 19.
lo (43) Laughton, Manwaring, second son of John Laughton,
attorney at law, Yorks ; born in the town of Eastfield ; school,
Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrow) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Wrigley, June 24, aet. 19.
(44) Wright, William, eldest son of John Wright, gentleman,
15 Derbyshire; born in the town of Beely ; school, Chesterfield (Mr
Burrow); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 24,
aet. 20.
(45) Hughes, William, son of Robert Hughes, attorney at law
(attornati ad legem), Denbighshire ; born in the town of Wrexham ;
20 school, Wrexham (Mr Jones) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Wrigley, June 25, aet. 19.
(46) Cock, John, only son of Joseph Cock, merchant, Cambs ;
born in Cambridge ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 25, aet. 19.
25 (47) Gutteridge, Bartin, elder son of Bartin Gutteridge, hus-
bandman (agricolae), Northamptonshire ; born at Thorp-Melsworth ;
school, Oakham (Mr Adcock) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, June 25, aet. 20.
(48) Mitchener, John, A.B. of Magdalen Hall, Oxford ; ad-
30 mitted pensioner, June 27, tutor and surety Dr Williams.
(49) Evans, Walter, A.B. of Jesus College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27.
(50) Robinson, John, elder son of Josiah Robinson, gentleman,
Yorks ; born in the town of Hull ; at school there (Mr Little) ;
35 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 28,
aet. 19.
(51) Brooke, Zachary, younger son of Zachary Brooke, clerk,
Hunts; born in Hammertou ; school, Stamford, Lincolnshire (Mr
Reid) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 28, aet. 19.
40 (52) Shaw, Thomas, only son of James Shaw, Lancashire ;
born in the town of Dean ; school, Clitherow (Mr Park) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 1, aet. 20.
(53) Boys, James, only son of James Boys, esquire, Essex ;
born at Dukes in the parish of Layer-Marney ; school, Colchester
45 (Mr Smythies) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
July 2, aet. 18.
(54) Powell, William Samuel, elder son of Francis Powel
(sic) clerk, Essex ; born in Colchester ; school, Colchester (Mr
78 ADMISSIONS. 1734.
Smythies) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 4,
aet. 17.
(55) Salvin, Antony, only son of Antony Salvin, esquire,
Durham ; born in the city of Durham ; school, Durham (Mr
Dongworth) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, senior, 5
July 4, aet. 19.
(56) Wilmot, Richard, eldest son of Richard Wilmot, M.D.,
Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; school, Appleby, Leicestershire,
(Mr Martin); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
July 5, aet. 18. JO
(V 33"!
[Admissions in the year ] ' •?( ^^"^ ^^^^ P" ^^ ^^- ^^^^ ^"** ^' "^^'^
July 1734— July 1735.
Admissiones a 5to Julii 1734.
(1) Ward, Thomas Watson, only son of John Ward, gentle-
man, Cambs; born in Wilbraham ; school, SaflFron Walden (Mr
Butts) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 5,
aet. 16. 15
(2) Ludlam, William, elder son of Richard Ludlam, M.D.,
Leicestershire ; born in Leicester ; school, Leicester (Mr Clayton) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 24, aet.
(3) Cantrell, William, only son of Henry Cantrell, clerk, 20
Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; schools, Derby and Repton (Mr Winter
and Mr Fletcher) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
September 27, aet. 19.
(4) Lawson, Alfrid, third son of Alfrid Lawson, collector of
taxes (telonarii), Cumberland, born in Whitehaven ; school, Appleby, 25
Westmorland (Mr Yates) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, October 14, aet. 19.
(5) Bridges, Joseph, Yorks, who was admitted sizar, March 15,
173|, admitted pensioner, October 14.
(6) Seward, Benjamin, Worcestershire, who was admitted 30
pensioner, November 4, 1721, now admitted fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Dr Williams, October 19.
(7) Broughton, Peter, only son of Peter Broughton, esquire, of
Shenton, Notts ; born in Lowdham ; school, Nottingham (Mr Swaile),
and then his father's house (Mr Malbon) ; admitted pensioner, tutor 35
and surety Mr Leeke, October 28, aet. 19.
(8) Savage, Thomas, second son of William Savage, gentleman,
Yorks; born in SheflBeld ; bred there (Mr Robinson) and afterwards
at Westminster School (Dr NicoU) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Williams, October 29, aet. 19. 40
(9) Aynscough, Thomas, son of Radley Aynscough, clerk,
Lancasliire; born in Manchester; bred there (Mr Brooke); ad-
ADMISSIONS. 1734 — 35. 79
mitted sizar for Mr Archer, tutor and surety Mr "Wrigley, October 31,
aet. 16.
(10) Bosvile, Grodfrey, only sou of William Bosvile ' centurionis,'
Yorks ; born at Gunthwaite in the parish of Pennington ; school,
S Westminster (Dr NicolJ) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, November 25, aet. 18.
(11) Houghton, John, Lancashire, who was admitted pensioner,
admitted fellow commoner, January 14.
(12) Tennant, Francis, formerly sizar for Mr Grove ; admitted
TO fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, February 7.
(13) May, 'William, A.B., Kent, formerly pensioner, admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, February 11.
(14) Brewster, Richard, son of Thomas Brewster, collector
of taxes {telonarii), Yorks ; born in Ganthorp ; school, Thresfield ;
15 admitted sizar for Mr Broxholme, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
March 24, aet. 18.
(15) Bentham, Edmund, seventh son of Samuel Bentham, clerk,
Cambridgeshire ; born in the city of Ely ; school, Ely (Mr Gunning) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 3, aet. 17.
20 (16) Cawthorne, John, only son of John Cawthome, esquire,
Lancashire ; born in Wireside in Wiresdale ; school, Sedbergh
(Dr Saunders), 9 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, April 7, aet. 20.
(17) Mawson, Robert, son of George Mawson, attorney at law,
25 Yorks ; born in Sedbergh; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders);
admitted sizar for Mr Taylor, junior, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
April 7, aet. 21.
(18) Blagden, Bragg, son of George Blagden, alehouse keeper
{cervisiarii), Sussex ;born in Chichester; school, Chichester (Mr Dove);
30 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 14, aet. 20.
(19) Darby, Henry Harward, son of Henry Darby, clerk,
Suffolk ; born in Stowmarket ; school, private in SuflFolk (Mr Ray) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Alvis, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 17,
aet. 19.
35 (20) Stevens, Richard, son of Thomas Stevens, grocer {aroma-
tarii), Lincolnshire, born in Grantham ; school, Grantham (Mr
Bacon) ; admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, April 17, aet. 18.
(21) Howard, Charles, second son of Henry Booze ^ Howard,
40 Earl of Berkshire ; born in Elford, Staflfordshire ; school, Eton
(Dr George); admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, April 26, aet. 17.
^ This should be Bowes.
80 ADMISSIONS. 1735.
(22) Close, Israel, elder son of "William Close, attorney at law,
Lincolnshire ; born in Boston ; school, Boston (Mr Smith) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 24, aet 20.
(23) Wibbersley, John, son of Isaac AYibbersley, gentleman,
Derbyshire, born ' in vico ' Prestcliff, Bakewell parish ; school, 5
Chapell le Frith (Mr Hatfield); admitted sizar for Mr Burton, tutor
and surety Dr Williams, May 26, aet 17.
(24) Bourne, William, son of Laurence Bourne, surgeon, Notts ;
born in Nottingham ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Prime, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, aet. 19. 10
(25) Barnard, Edward, second son of George Barnard, clerk,
Herts ; born in Harpenden ; school, Eton (Mr George) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Bernard, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 4, aet. 19.
(26) Robinson, John, second son of George Robinson, gentleman,
Durham ; born in Easington ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth) ; 1 5
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 6, aet. 18.
(27) Gem, Richard, only son of Richard Gem, gentleman,
Worcestershire ; born at Barnsley Hall within the parish of Broms-
grove; bred in the house of William Philips, clerk, in the City of
Worcester ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 20
12, aet. 19.
(28) Wingfield, Thomas, third son of John Wingfield, esquire,
Rutland ; born in Tichencoat ; school, Oakham (Mr Adcock) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 16, aet. 19.
(29) Currer, William, only son of Henry Currer, gentleman, 25
Yorks ; born at Skipton in Craven ; school, Skipton (Mr Wilkinson) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 18, aet. 19.
(30) Vandernan, Fretwell, eldest son of Fretwell Vaudernan,
of Southwell, Notts. ; born in Southwell ; school, Southwell (Mr Bugg) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety, Dr Williams, June 25, aet. 19. 30
(31) Felton, William, eldest son of George Felton, clerk, Salop,
born in Drayton ; school, Manchester (Mr Brooke) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, June 26, aet. 19.
(32) Brome, John, eldest sou of John Brome, clerk, Suffolk,
born in Woodbridge; school, Bury (Mr Kinsman); admitted sizar, 35
tutor and surety, Dr Williams, June 26, aet. 20.
(33) Baskett, Samuel, A.B. of Christ Church, Oxford, admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety, Dr Williams, June 26.
(34) Manningham, Thomas, eldest son of Thomas Manningham,
D.D., Sussex, born in Slinfold ; school, Westminster (Dr Nicolls) ; 40
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety — , June 28, aet. 18.
(35) Manningham, Richard, younger sou of T. Manningham,
D.D., Sussex, born in Slinfold ; school, Westminster (Dr Nicolls) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Dr WiUiams, June 28, aet. 17.
(36) Story, Dixon, sixth son of Robert Story, husbandman 45
{agricolae) , Lincolnshire, born in Gautby ; school, Lincoln (Mr Goodall) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety, Dr Williams, June 30, aet. 17.
(37) Swift, John, only son of George Swift, Derbyshire, born in
ADMISSIONS. 1735. 81
Chesterfield ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 30, aet. 19.
(38) Jemblein, John, only son of James Jerablein, surgeon,
Cambridgeshire, born at Thorney in the Isle of Ely ; school, Lincoln
(Mr Goodall) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr "Wrigley,
June 30, aet. 19.
[Admissions in the year -i p. 16 - 38.]
is. 17J
July 1735— July 1736
Admissiones a Julii 4*° Anno Dom. 1735
(1) Lloyd, John, eldest son of John Lloyd, esquire, Middlesex,
born in London ; school, Shrewsbury (Dr Phillips) ; admitted pen-
10 sioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, September 22, aet. 17.
(2) Starky, Joseph, third son of John Starky, attorney at law,
Lancashire ; born in Rochdale ; school, Rivington (Mr Norcross) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, September 29,
aet. 17.
15 (3) Bedingfield, Philip, Middlesex, formerly pensioner, ad-
mitted fellow-commoner, tutor and surety Mr "Wrigley, October 9.
(4) Maxwell, Edward, younger son of Henry Maxwell, esquire,
of Fynnabrouge, County Down, Ireland, born there ; educated at home
(Mr Hawky) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
20 October 11, aet. 17.
(5) Vallete, Peter, only son of Peter Vallete, esquire, born at
Port Royal in Jamaica ; school, Buntingford, Herts (Mr Sherson) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 25,
aet. 21.
25 (6) Ball, Nathaniel, third son of John Ball, grocer (aromafo-
polae), Middlesex, born in London ; school, Kirbyhill, Richmond-
shire (Mr Stubbs) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
October 27, aet. 23.
(7) Rickson, William, only son of Joseph Ricksou, collector of
30 taxes {telonarii) ; born at Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire ; school,
Tenby (Mr Edwards) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
October 28, aet. 19.
(8) Bowling, John, third son of William Bowling, husbandman
{agricolae) ; born in Pembroke ; school, Cosheston, Pembrokeshire
35 (Mr Evans) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October
28, aet. 18.
(9) Griffith, John, younger son of John GriflBth, clerk, Derby-
shire ; born in Stanton ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 31, aet. 19.
40 (10) Bosvile, Godfrey, admitted pensioner November 25, 1734,
S. 6
82 ADMISSIONS. 1735—1736.
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, No-
vember 3.
(11) Strong, Thomas, second son of Isaac Strong, attorney,
Cambridgeshire; born in Chatteris in the Isle of Ely; schools,
Stamford and Peterborough (Mr Reid and Mr Bradfield) : admitted 5
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, November 4, aet. 18.
(12) Penn, John, Notts, admitted sizar, April 16, 1725, ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, January 13,
(13) Hovell, William, Suffolk, admitted pensioner, December
23, 1732, is admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, lo
January 19.
(14) Creffeild, Peter, son of Ralph Creflfeild, esquire, Essex;
born in Colchester ; school, Ipswich (Mr Leeds) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, January 21, aet. 17.
(15) "Watson, Robert, eldest son of John Watson, clerk, Yorks; 15
born in Rippon ; school, Rippon (Mr Stephens) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Broxholm, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, February 2, aet. 19.
(16) Robinson, Edward, son of James Robinson, carpenter
{fabri lignarii), Yorks ; born in Beverley ; school, Beverley (Mr
JeflFerson) ; admitted sizar for Mr Heberden, tutor and surety 20
Mr Green, March 20, aet. 18.
(17) Wroughton, William, A.B. of Wadham College, Oxford,
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Heberden, April 8.
(18) Sprat, John, younger son of Harflete Sprat, surgeon-
doctor {chirurgi et medici), Kent ; born in Sandwich ; school. Sand- 2 5
wich (Mr Button) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
April 9, aet. 19.
(19) Miller, John, fourth son of James Miller, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire, born at Clifton ; school, Clitharo, Lancashire
(Mr Parke) ; admitted sizar for Dominiis Rawstorne, tutor and 3°
surety Mr Wrigley, April 15, aet. 19.
(20) Boardman, John, younger son of Thomas Boardman,
schoolmaster {ludi-tnagistri), Lancashire ; born at Bury ; schools,
Bury, Lancasliire (l>is father being master), and then at Braightmote,
Lancashire (Mr Wild), 3 months ; admitted sizar for Mr Wilson, 35
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 16, aet. 23.
(21) Edwards, John, elder son of Nathaniel Edwards, medical
man {medici), Derbyshire ; born at Derby ; school, Repton (Mr
Fletcher) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley, April
30, aet. 19. 40
(22) Greatorex, John, only son of Daniel Greatorex, clerk,
Derbyshire ; born at Westhallam ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 1, aet. 19.
ADMISSIONS. 1736. 83
(23) Burrow, Benjamin, second son of William Burrow, clerk,
Derbyshire ; born and bred in Chesterfield (under his father) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 1, aet. 20.
(24) Hatfield, George, second son of John Hatfield, gentleman,
5 Yorks ; born at Hatfield ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 1, aet. 19.
(25) Holford, Peter, eldest son of Robert Holford, esquire and
master in Chancery {armigeri et magistri Chancellariae), London;
school, Westminster (Dr Nicholls) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
10 surety Dr Williams, May 3, aet. 17.
(26) Baker, Thomas, eldest son of Edward Baker, maltster
{hrasiatoris), Kent ; born at Wingham ; school, Canterbury (Mr
Monins) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 12,
aet. 19.
1 5 (27) Carr, William, only son of John Carr, organist of St Peter's
Church, Leeds, Yorks ; born in Leeds; school, Leeds (Mr Sumpster) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Beresford, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
May 1,3, aet. 18.
(28) Mainwaring, Henry, A.B., who was admitted pensioner
20 June 9, 1729 ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, May 17.
(29) Summers, John, formerly admitted pensioner; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 18.
(30) Noden, Ralph, only son of Ralph Noden, merchant,
25 Middlesex; born in London; bred in Mr Craner's private school ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, senior. May 24,
aet. 20.
(31) Colquitt, Edward, younger son of John Colquitt, collector
of taxes (telonarii) at Leverpool, Lancashire ; born in Leith, Scot-
30 land ; school. Bury, Lancashire (Mr Lister) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and siirety Mr Wrigley, June 3, aet. 20.
(32) Robinson, William, second son of Thomas Robinson,
husbandman {agricolae), Yorks ; bom at South Duflaeld in the
eastern portion of the county of York ; school, Sedbergh (Dr
35 Saunders), two years and three months ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Williams, June 4, aet. 21.
(33) Bridgeman, Richard, only sou of Robert Bridgeman,
gentleman, Cambridgeshire ; born at Swaff ham Bulbeck ; school,
Ely (Mr Gunning) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety DrWilhams,
40 June 10, aet. 19.
(34) Fitzherbert, John, second son of William Fitzherbert,
lawyer {legis per it i), Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; bred at Appleby
(Mr Martin) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June
19, aet. 18.
45 (35) Mickelson, Henry, eldest son of Henry Mickelson, ship-
wright {naciculariam facientis), Norfolk; born in Lynn Regis;
bred there (Mr Squire) ; admitted sizar for Mr Rutherforth, tutor
and surety Dr Williams, June 21, aet. 17.
84 ADMISSIONS. 1736.
(36) steed, Thomas, A.B. of Pembroke College, Oxford ; ad-
mitted peusiouer, tutor and surety Mr Heberden, June 25.
(37) Hammond, William, elder son of William Hammond,
druggist {jyharmacopolae), Sussex ; born in the town of Battle ;
school, Charterhouse, London (Mr Hotchkis) ; admitted pensioner, 5
tutor and surety Dr WiUiams, June 26, aet. 18.
(38) Okeley, Francis, eldest son of Francis Okeley, peruke
maker {capillamentorum sutoris), Beds ; born in Bedford ; school,
Charterhouse, London (Mr Hotchkis) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Sahsbury, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 26, aet. 18. lo
(39) Ward, Thomas, younger son of Thomas Ward, husband-
man {agricolae) Yorks ; born in Deepdale in Dent ; school, Sed-
bergh (Dr Saunders), 2 years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, June 28, aet. 20.
(40) Tennant, Calvert, younger son of Edward Tennant, 15
husbandman {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Mount- Parke in Wensley,
Richmondshire ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders), 5 years ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 28, aet. 20.
(41) Tucker, John Carter, second son of Francis Tucker, clerk,
Devonshire; born in Lankey; school, Barnstaple (Mr Luck); ad- 20
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, June 28, aet. 16.
(42) Lord, Robert, A.B. of Exeter College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Heberden, July 1.
(43) Walker, Edward, A.B, of Balliol College, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Heberden, July 1. 25
(44) Frampton, Algernon, eldest sou of Thomas Frampton,
clerk, Wilts ; born in Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Stone), 2 years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr WiUiams, July 7, aet. 16.
f.c. 71 ^
[Admissions in the year \ p. 23 > 44.]
s. 14 )
July 1736— July 1737
• Admissiones a Julii 9"" A. D. 1736
(1) Ogden, Samuel, son of Thomas Ogden, dyer {pannos tin- 30
gentis), Lancashire ; born in Manchester ; school, Manchester (Mr
Brook) , admitted sizar for Mr Culm, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
August 25, aet. 20.
Memorandum quod praedictus S. Ogden litteras infra scriptas
secum attulit e Coll. Eegali. 35
This is to certify all whom it may concern that Samuel Ogden
was admitted poor scholar in King's College in Cambridge the
beginning of March, 1733, and hath kept eight terms, and during
1 Of these six had previously been admitted sizar or pensioner of
the college. The whole number of new members admitted is therefore
only 38.
ADMISSIONS. 1736— 173|. 85
all that time hath behaved himself in a studious, decent and sober
King's College, August 19, .J. Evans, Senior Fellow.
1736. J. SiesLth, Master of Arts.
J. Bowles, Dean of Arts. c
John Naylor, Bursar.
John Whaley, Lecturer.
The above mentioned Samuel Ogden hath hereby our consent to
admit himself in any other college.
King's Coll., August 20, 1736. lO
[Signed by the same persons, Heath adding to his description
above and Pro Tutor.]
(2) Green, Jolin, eldest sou of Maurice Green, Mus. Doc. and
Professor of Music in the University of Cambridge, Middlesex ; born
in London; school, Eton (Dr George); admitted pensioner, tutor and 15
surety Mr Wrigley, August 26, aet. 18.
(3) Cooper, Nathaniel, only son of Nathaniel Cooper, gentle-
man, Devonshire ; born in Pljmouth ; bred at Much Haddam,
Hertfordshire (Mr Flassell); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, October 14, aet. 18. 20
(4) Leeke, Seymour, Middlesex ; born in London ; school,
Westminster (Dr Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, October 25, aet. 18.
(5) Omer, Jacob, son of Peter Omer, shipowner (naucleri),
Surrey; born in South wark; school, Canterbury (Mr Monins) ; ad- 25
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, November 6,
aet. 20.
(6) Gale, William, eldest son of Thomas Gale, clerk, Yorks;
born in Kighley ; school, Threshfield (Mr Marshall), one year ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Tyson, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, January 24, 30
aet. 20.
(7) Pawsey, James, eldest son of James Pawsey, husbandman
(agricolae), Suffolk ; bom at Stanningfield ; school. Bury (Mr Kins-
man) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Alvis, March 4, aet. 19.
(8) Lipyeatt, Jonathan, youngest son of Thomas Lipyeatt, 35
gentleman, Wiltshire ; born at Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Stone) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 11, aet. 14.
(9) Charlesworth, Robert, youngest son of Robert Charles-
worth, gentleman, Derbyshire ; born at Castleton ; school, Chester-
field (Mr Burrow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 40
March 18, aet. 19.
(10) Hallows, Brabazon, eldest son of Thomas Hallows, esquire,
Notts ; born in Nottingham ; school, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr
Burrow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March
18, aet. 20. 45
86 ADMISSIONS, 1737.
(11) Fry, Joseph, elder son of Walter Fry, stone-mason {caetnen-
tarii), Wilts ; bom at Salisbury ; bred there (Mr Hele) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, March 29, aet. 19.
(12) White, Thomas, only son of Joseph White, glover {chiro-
thecarii), Herefordshire ; born in Hereford ; bred there (Mr Willim); 5
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 18, aet. 19.
(13) Eosse, John, only son of John Rosse, attorney at law,
Herefordshire ; born in Ross ; bred in Hereford (Mr Willim) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 18, aet. 18.
(14) Dering, Heneage, younger son of Heneage Dering, LL.D., lo
Dean of Rippon, Yorks ; born in Rippon ; bred there (Mr Stephens) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 22, aet. 17.
(15) Elsley, Gregory, second son of Gregory Elsley, gentleman,
Yorks ; born in Patrick Brompton; bred at Kirk Heaton (Mr Clarke) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, April 23, aet. 20. 1 5
(16) Eliot, Alexander, only son of Griffith Eliot, gentleman,
Pembrokeshire ; born in Tenby ; bred there (Mr Holcombe) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 23, aet. 17.
(17) Chamley, Henry, only son. of William Charnley, clerk,
Lancashire ; born in Alston ; bred at Sherbourn, Yorks (Mr Addi- 20
son) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 28, aet. 19.
(18) Batty, William, elder son of William Batty, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Tadcaster ; bred at Sherbourn (Mr
Addison) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, April 28,
aet. 20. 25
(19) Morgan, Edward, younger son of David Edwards Morgan,
husbandman {agricolae), Carmarthenshire; born at Lansadurn; bred
at Langathen (Mr Prothero) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, May 2, aet. 23.
(20) Kerchevall, John, younger son of John Kerchevall, clerk, 30
Lincolnshire ; born at Grantham ; bred at Oakham (Mr Adcock) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 5, aet. 18.
(21) Venn, Edward, eldest son of Richard Venn, clerk, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; school, St Paul's, London (Mr Crump 2
years and then Mr Charles); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr 35
WiUiams, May 9, aet. 20.
(22) Christopherson, Christopher, younger son of John
Christopherson, clerk, Cumberland ; born at Addingham ; bred at
Appleby, Westmorland (Mr Yates); admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, May 17, aet. 18. 40
(23) Stoddart, William, son of John Stoddart, attorney at law,
Northumberland; born at Morpeth; bred there (Mr Holden); ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 17, aet. 19.
(24) Adams, George, younger son of Robert Adams, husband-
man {agricolae), Cambridgeshire ; born at Duxford ; bred at Bishop- 45
stortford (Mr Mall) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
May 24, aet. 20.
ADMISSIONS. 1737. 87
(25) Hodson, Henry, elder son of Henry Hodson, clerk, Kent;
born in Headcorn ; school, Tunbridge (Mr Spencer) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 27, aet. 1 8.
(26) Burrell, John, younger son of William Burrell, clerk,
5 Sussex, born at Brightling ; bred at Battle (Mr Jenkin) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 18, aet. 18.
(27) Phillcox, Jolin, eldest son of Thomas Phillcox, merchant,
Sussex ; born at Battle ; bred there (Mr Jenkin) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 18, aet. 18. (Died at Battle,
lo Dec. 25, 1738. Note in margin.)
(28) Bridges, Michael, only son of Michael Bridges, clerk,
Yorks; born at Crambe ; bred at Leeds (Mr Barnard); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, June 23, aet. 19.
(29) Barnard, Thomas, elder son of Thomas Barnard, Head
15 master of Leeds school ; born in Leeds; bred there under his father;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 24, aet. IS.
(30) Shaw, Timothy, seventh son of John Shaw, husbandman
{agricolae), Cheshire ; born at Chermingham ; bred at Audlem (Mr
Evans); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27,
20 aet. 22,
(31) Franklyn, Richard Farewell, elder son of Thomas
Franklyn, attorney, Wiltshire; born at Marlborough; bred there
(Mr Stone) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
June 30, aet. 17.
25 (32) Richardson, Thomas, younger son of William Richardson,
gentleman, Cumberland ; born at Penreth ; bred at Lowther (Mr
Wilkinson) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 1,
aet. 18.
(33) Fletcher, John, second son of John Fletcher, gentleman,
30 Cumberland ; born at Westward ; bred at Appleby, Westmorland
(Mr Yates) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 4,
aet. 19.
(34) Littleton, Thomas,) ^ . ^ , , , ., ,
(35) Price, Richard, ^■^' ^^f'*^= admitted pensioners,
35 (36) Pardee, Thomas, J tutor and surety Mr Cradock, July 4.
(37) Rawstorne, James, fifth son of William Rawstorne,
esquire, Lancashire ; born at Preston ; bred there (Mr Davis) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr AVrigley, July 7, aet. 19.
(38) Howen, John, formerly sizar, admitted fellow commoner,
40 tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 8.
(39) Legassicke, Henry, eldest son of James Legassicke,
esquire, Devonshire ; born at Modbury ; school, Winchester (Dr
Burton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 8,
aet. 20.
|f.c.. 1|
45 [Admissions in the year \ p. 20 V 39].
(s. is)
' This was a readmission.
88 ADMISSIONS. 1737— 173|.
July 1737— July 1738
Admissiones a Julii 8"° Anno Dom. 1737
(1) Murton, Antony, eldest son of Antony Murton, clerk,
Northamptonshire ; born at Woollaston ; educated by his father
there; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 11,
aet. 17.
(2) Read, Henry, elder son of Henry Read, gentleman, 5
Wiltshire ; born at Crowood ; school, Marlborough (Mr Stone) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 29, aet. 17.
(3) Osborn, Marcellus, only son of George Osborn, esquire,
Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; educated in his father's house (Mr
Burden) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, 10
July 30, aet. 20.
(4) Twentyman, Childers, elder son of John Twentyman,
woollen draper (lanarii) ; born at Newark ; bred there (Mr Brough-
ton) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 19,
aet. 18. 15
(5) Dawson, James, elder sou of William Dawson, druggist
(pharmacopolae), Lancashire ; born in Manchester ; bred at Sal-
ford (Mr Clayton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
October 21, aet. 20.
(6) Peck, Francis, only son of Fr. Peck, clerk, Northampton- 20
shire ; born at King's Cliff ; schools, Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock)
1 year 3 months, then Loughborough, Leicestershire (Mr Martin) ;
admitted sizar^ for the Master, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
October 27, aet. 18.
(7) Christian, Humphrey, third son of John Christian, lawyer 25
{juris cunsulti), Cumberland ; born at Unerigg ; bred at Appleby,
Westmoreland (Mr Yates) ; admitted sizar for Mr Fogg, tutor and
surety Mr Green, October 29, aet. 18.
(8) Griffenhoof, Nicolas, eldest son of Abraham Griflfenhoof,
druggist {pharmncopolae), Essex ; born at Chelmsford ; bred there 30
(Mr Tindall) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
October 31, aet. 20.
(9) Dickenson, Charles, only son of John Dickenson, clerk,
Lincolnshire ; born at Harlaxton ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr
Adcock); admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Dr 35
Williams, November 2, aet. 18.
(10) Walford, Edwin, son of Edwin Walford, gentleman, Essex ;
born at Coggshall ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Green, January 9, aet. 1 8.
(11) Perrot, Andrew, formerly pensioner, admitted fellow 40
commoner, January 25.
1 Sizator not subsizator as usual.
ADMISSIONS. 173|— 1738. 89
(12) Wright, Henry, son of Henry Wright, gentleman, Cheshire ;
born at Offerton ; school, Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, February 14, aet. 19.
(13) Skjnme, Williain, eldest son of John Skyrme, esquire,
5 Pembrokeshire ; born at Llawhaden ; school, Westminster (Dr
Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, March
3, aet. 20.
(14) Mount, James, only son of James Mount, clerk, Lanca-
shire ; born at Kirkham ; bred there (Mr Taylor) and at Clitherow
lo school (Mr Parke) for seven years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, March 7, aet. 20.
(15) Copley, John, elder son of John Copley, attorney at law,
Lancashire ; born at Hawkshead ; bi-ed there (Mr Broxholm) four
years, and at Lowther school, Westmorland (Mr Wilkinson), four
15 years; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 10, aet.
(16) Dale, Richard, only son of John Dale, saddler {ephip-
piarii), Yorks ; born in Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clarke) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, March 21, aet. 19.
20 (17) Clint, Samuel, only son of Samuel Clint, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Ripley ; bred at Threshfield (Mr Mar-
shall); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 21,
aet. 19.
(18) Stockdale, John, second son of William Stockdale, hus-
25 bandman {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Grassingtou ; bred at Thresh-
field (Mr Marshall) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
March 21, aet. 18.
(19) Barton, James, younger son of Ralph Barton, yeoman
{yeomanni), Lancashire , born at Wiggan ; school, Manchester (Mr
30 Brooke); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March
24, aet. 18.
(20) Abson, Samuel, only son of John Abson, clerk, Notts ;
born in Nottingham ; bred at Southwell (Mr Bugg) three years, and
at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) one year ; admitted sizar, tutor and
35 surety Dr Williams, March 27, aet. 19.
(21) Vyner, Robert, only son of Robert Vyner, esquire, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; educated in his father's house (Mr Guenaire) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, April 3,
aet. 19.
40 (22) Knowsley, Edward, only son of Edward Knowsley, gentle-
man, Yorks ; born at Brandesburton ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Tunstall, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 4,
aet. 19.
(23) Murray, William, Middlesex, A.B. of Oxford ; admitted
45 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Gierke, April 11.
(24) Johnston, Samuel, son of Samuel Johnston, clerk, Yorks ;
90 ADMISSIONS. 1738.
born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clarke) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Broxholme, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 14, aet. 20.
(25) Bentham, Geoffrey, eighth son of Samuel Bentham, clerk,
Cambridgeshire ; born in Ely ; bred there (Mr Gunning) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Rutherforth, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 15, 5
aet. 18.
(•26) Dammant, William, elder son of William Dammant,
surgeon {chirurgi), Essex; born at Colchester; bred there (Mr
Smythies) for more than four years, afterwards at Bury St Edmunds,
Suffolk (Mr Kinsman), two years; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr lo
Williams, April 29, aet. 17.
(27) Pinnell, Richard, eldest son of Richard Pinnell, merchant,
Surrey; born in Tooting ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 6, aet. 19.
(28) Allen, George, eldest son of Thomas Allen, clerk, Notts ; 1 5
born at Mansfield; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 10, aet. 20.
(29) Marsh, William, seventh son of Richard Marsh, clerk,
and formerly fellow of the College, Kent ; born at Dover ; bred at
Canterbury (Mr Monins) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr 20
Williams, May 17, aet. 20.
(30) Eothery, William, eldest son of Joseph Rothery, clerk,
Yorks ; born in York ; school. Charterhouse (Mr Hotchkis) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, senior, May 24, aet. 15.
(31) Gough, Thomas, third son of Walter Gough, esquire, Staf- 25
fordshire; born at Bishopberry ; bred at Newport, Salop (Mr Lea);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 26, aet. 18.
(32) Turner, William, eldest son of William Turner, attorney
at law, Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; bred at Reptou (Mr Fletcher) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and suiety Mr Wrigley, May 29, aet. 18. 30
(33) Oarleton, George, second son of Henry Carleton, collector
of taxes (exactoris), Sussex ; born at Hastings ; school, Westminster
(Dr Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
June 1, aet. 20.
(34) Roper, Robert, elder son of Bryan Roper, esquire, Durham; 35
born in Trimdou ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and sui-ety Dr Williams, June 5, aet. 17.
(35) Abdy, Antony Thomas, eldest son of Sir William Abdy,
Bart., Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Felsted, Essex (Mr
Wyatt) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 9, 40
aet. 17.
(36) Hall, Francis, elder son of Francis Hall, attorney at law,
Yorks; born at Swath ; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrows) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 16, aet. 18.
(37) Hallows, Chaworth, second son of Thomas Hallows, esquire, 45
Ireland; born in Dublin, parents' counties, the one Derbyshire, the
other Notts; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrows); admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 16, aet. 20.
ADMISSIONS. 1738. 91
(38) Dawson, John, younger son of John Dawson, 'aromato-
polae,' Lancashire; born in Rochdale; bred there (Mr Suttliffe) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 16, aet. 18.
(39) Robinson, Edward, sixth son of John Robinson, husband-
5 man {agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Holton ; bred at Scorton, Yorks
(Mr Noble) ; admitted sizar, tiitor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 20,
aet. 18.
(40) Allen, Cuthbert, younger son of John Allen, husbandman
{agricolae), Richmondshire ; born at Snaisholm in Aisgarth ; bred at
lo Scorton, Yorks (Mr Noble); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Wrigley, June 20, aet. 21.
(41) Smith, Robert, son of Robert Smith, husbandman {agri-
colae), Isle of Ely ; born at Whittlesea ; bred in the city of Ely (Mr
Gunning) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June
15 22, aet. 21.
(42) Smith, Lawrence, third son of James Smith, husbandman
{agricolae), Beds ; born at Sharpinhoe ; bred at Houghton Regis (Mr
Bradshaw) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 23,
aet. 18.
20 (43) Gunning, Stuart, second son of Henry Gunning, clerk.
Isle of Ely ; born in the city of Ely ; educated there by his father,
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 24, aet. 15.
(44) Smith, Sawyer, only son of Edward Smith, druggist
{2yharmacopolae), Warwickshire ; born in Coventry ; bred there (Mr
25 Jackson); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June
28, aet. 21.
(45) Brown, Tatton, A.B., of Balliol College, Oxford, admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 28.
(46) Underwood, George, A.B., of Christ Church, Oxford, ad-
30 mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Prime, June 28.
(47) Griflath, Richard, A.B., of University College, Oxford, ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Prime, June 28.
(48) Wilson, Cuthbert, third son of Roger Wilson, merchant,
Northumberland ; born in Newcastle; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ;
35 admitted sizar for Mr Clayton, tutor and surety Dr WiUiams, June
28, aet. 18 years and about 9 months.
(49) White, Thomas, A.B., of Merton College, Oxford, admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, June 28.
(50) Lawson, Johnson, only son of John Lawson, linen draper
40 {lintearii), Kent ; born in Canterbury ; bred there (Mr Monins) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, June 29, aet. 19.
(51) Ball, James, fourth son of John Ball, ' centurionis,' North-
amptonshire; born at Stoke; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Ad-
cock) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 29,
45 aet. 20.
(52) Martin, John, eldest son of Digory Martin, attorney at law,
Devonshire ; born at Hatherleigh ; bred at Tiverton (Mr Westley) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Rowse, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 30,
aet. 20.
92 ADMISSIONS. 1738.
(53) Lewis, Samuel, only son of Samuel Lewis, blacksmith
{/ahri ferrei), Suffolk ; born at Stratford ; bred at Dedham, Essex
(Mr Grimwood) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June
.30, aet. 19.
(54) Williams, George, A.B., of New Inn Hall, Oxford, admitted 5
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Prime, July 1.
(55) Ramsden, William, elder son of John Ramsden, school-
master {liidi magistri),^orV.s;\)OYn at Pennistone; bred at Wors-
brough (Mr Staniland) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Wrigley, July 3, aet. 20. lo
(56) Griffiths, Griffith, only son of Maurice Griffith, gentleman ;
born at Aberdaron, Bangor ; bred at Carnarvon (Mr Jones); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 3, aet. 19.
(57) Stafford, James, fifth son of Antony Stafford, gentleman,
Derbyshire; born at Strand; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) one 15
year ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr AVilliaras, July 6, aet. 23.
(58) Hutchinson, Samuel, only son of Samuel Hutchinson,
clerk, Lincolnshire; born at Langton; school, Charterhouse (Mr
Hotchkis); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July
6, aet. 'circiter' 17. 20
ff.c. 3M
[Admissions in the year -j p. 25 \ 58.]
30 I
July 1738— July 1739
Admissiones a Julii 7™° 1738
(1) Thomas, Noah, only son of Hophin Thomas, master of a
merchant vessel {navis onerariae praefecti), Glamorganshire ; born
at Neath ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 18, aet. 18. 25
(2) Beauvoir, Osmund, third son of William Beauvoir, clerk,
Essex ; born at Booking ; school, Canterbury (Mr Monins) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 26, aet. 18.
(3) LethieuUier, Samuel, fourth son of William Lethieullier,
esquire, Middlesex ; born in London ; educated in his father's house 3°
(Mr Cradock) for four years and then in the house of Mr Grigman
for two years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Gierke,
November 1, aet. 19.
(4) Hallows, Brabazon, Notts, who was admitted pensioner
March IS, 173|, admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr 35
Wrigley November 3.
(5) Forster, Richard, second son of George Forster, esquire;
born in the parish of St Joseph in the island of Barbadoes, America,
on the father's side coming of a Northumberland family ; bred at
^ Of this number one was a readmission.
ADMISSIONS. 1738 — 1739. 93
Hackney, Middlesex (Mr Henry Newcome); admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Williaius, November 4, aet. 21.
(6) Grinfield, William, younger son of Richard Grinfield, gen-
tleman, Wiltshire; born at Mildenhall ; school, Marlborough (Mr
5 Stone) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, November
11, aet. 17.
(7) Omer, Jacob, admitted pensioner on November 6, 1736,
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, February 3.
(8) Ainscough, Thomas, A.B., who was formerly admitted sizar,
lo admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, February 9.
(9) Twells, John, younger son of Leonard Twells, clerk, Hamp-
shire; born at Wallop; school, Marlborough (Mr Stone) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, February 15, aet. 19.
(10) Ainsworth, Thomas, second son of John Ainsworth,
15 gentleman, Lancashire; born at Blackborn ; schools, Rivington (Mr
Norcross) 6 years, and Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) one year and more ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 14.
(11) Ryley, John, younger son of John Ryley, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Bolton ; bred at Clitharow, Lancashire
20 (Mr Parke); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 19,
aet. 19.
(12) Goodere, Richard, second son of John Goodere, esquire,
Essex; born at Barking; school, Eton (Dr George); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, March 27, aet. 20.
25 (13) Eyre, Robert, eldest son of John Eyre, esquire, Surrey;
bom at Putney ; bred at Guilsborough, Northamptonshire (Mr
Horton); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, April 6,
aet. 19.
{Febre et cjangrcena correpUis mortem ohiit, August 8, 1739 :
30 Note in Register.)
(14) Claobury, John, elder son of Augustine Claobury, shoe-
maker {calceatoris), Salop; born at Longden; school, Shrewsbury (Mr
Hotchkis) ; admitted sizar for Mr Rutherforth, tutor and surety Dr
Williams, April 19, aet. 19.
35 (15) Laxton, Robert, elder son of Robert Laxton, Northamp-
tonshire ; born in Peterborough ; school, Peterborough (Mr Marshall) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 3, aet. IS.
(16) Lee, John, elder son of William Lee, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Lecconfield near Beverley; school, Beverley (Mr Clark);
40 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 5, aet. 20.
(17) Craven, John Hardey, younger son of John Craven, bailiflf
(praediorum procuratoris) to the Earl of Berkshire, Lancashire;
bom at Melling ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Williams, May 9, aet. 20.
94 ADMISSIONS. 1739.
(18) Bryant, William, eldest son of William Bryant, weaver
{textoris), Norfolk; born at Norwich; educated in the house of
Mr Langwade in that city ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Green, May 15, aet. 20.
(19) Gibson, John, eldest son of Richard Gibson, husbandman 5
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at HoUinghead ; school, Manchester
(Mr Brook) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 15,
aet. 19.
(20) Samber, James Stirling, only son of Samuel Legg Samber,
M.D., Dorset; born at Dorchester; school, Salisbury (Mr Thomas) ; 10
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, May IS, aet. 19.
(21) Rowley, William, elder son of William Rowiey, 'in arte
pannos conficiendi opificis,' Herefordshire ; bom in Hereford ;
school, Hereford (Mr Willim) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Williams, May 30, aet, 19. 15
(22) Hutton, Thomas, eldest son of Thomas Hutton, deceased,
Westmorland; born at Kirkby Lonsdale; school, Sedbergh (Dr
Saunders) 2 years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
June 2, aet. 20.
(23) Salt, Thomas, third son of James Salt, clerk, Cambridge- 20
shire ; born at Chesterton ; school. Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinsman)
four years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 5,
aet. past 18.
(24) Burrell, Peter, son of John Burrell, esquire, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at Douay, Flanders ; admitted pensioner, 25
tutor and surety Mr Taylor, junior, June 9, aet. 21,
(25) Woolley, Richard, son of John Woolley, husbandman
{agricolae\ Derbyshire ; bom at Marston Montgomery ; school,
Repton; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 11,
aet. 19. 30
(26) Harding, William, younger son of John Harding, di'uggist
{pharmacopolae), Hunts ; born at Kimbolton ; bred at Oakham,
Rutland (Mr Adcock) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
June 13, aet. 20.
(27) Degulhon, Stephen, only son of Stephen Degulhon, 35
gentleman, Middlesex ; born in London ; bred in Canterbury (Mr
Monins) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 20,
aet. 19.
(28) Davison, Morton, second son of William Davison, esquire,
Durham ; born in Beamish ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth) ; 40
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, junior, June 23,
aet. 18.
(29) Burne, Robert, son of William Burne, clerk, Durham ;
born at Monk Haselden ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Rowe, tutor and sm-ety Dr Williams, June 23, 45
aet. 19.
(30) Ashton, John, fourth son of Francis Ashton, schoolmaster,
Lancashire ; born in Lancaster ; educated some time by his father,
ADMISSIONS. 1739. 95
then at Preston (Mr Oliver) pene two years and lastly at Eton
(Dr George) half a year ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, June 26, aet. IS.
(31) Cole, William, third son of Charles Cole, clerk, Rector of
5 North Crawley, Bucks ; born there ; school, Ely (Mr Gunning) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27, aet. 18.
(32) Cole, Charles Nalson, fourth son of Charles Cole,
above ; born at North Crawley, Bucks : school, Ely (Mr Gunning) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27,
lo aet. 17.
(33) Pateman, William, elder son of William Pateman, butcher
(lanii), Bedfordshire ; born at Arlsey ; bred there ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr WilHams, June 27, aet. 16.
(34) Wood, Thomas, A.B., Oxford, admitted pensioner, surety
1 5 Mr Green, June 27.
(35) Smith, John, younger son of Kenelm Smith ; born at
Barrowdon, Rutland ; bred at Uppingham (Mr Hubbert) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 28, aet. 18.
(36) Wilmot, William, second son of Richard Wilmot, M.D.,
20 Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; bred at Appleby, Leicestershire (Mr
Martin) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 5,
aet. 18.
(f. C. 2i|
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 20 ^ p 36.]
s. 14
July 1739— July 1740
Admissiones a Julii 6'° 1739
(1) Powel, Charles, younger son of Francis Powel, clerk,
25 Essex; born in Colchester; school, Colchester (Mr Smythies) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Tunstall, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
September 19, aet. 19.
(2) Younge, Thomas, second son of Thomas Younge, deceased,
Yorks ; born at SheflSeld ; bred there (Mr Cliff) ; admitted sizar,
30 tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 10, aet. 18 and 'circiter'
nine months.
(3) Hussey, Thomas, eldest son of Thomas Hussey, esquire,
deceased, Sussex ; born at Burwash ; bred first at Maidstone (Mr
Walvyn), then in the private house of Mr Moreton at Staplehurst ;
35 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Wilhams, October 13,
aet. 17 and one month.
(4) Bell, Ralph, elder son of Ralph Bell, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Thirsk ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 13, aet. 19.
1 One of these is a readmission.
96 ADMISSIONS. 1739—1740.
(5) Tennant, John, second son of John Tennant, gentleman,
Yorks ; born at Burnsall ; bred at Threshfield (Mr Marshall) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr "Wrigley, October 30, aet. IS.
(6) Derby, John, elder son of William Derby, clerk, Dorset ;
born at Winbourne ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted sizar for 5
Mr Fogg, tutor and surety Mr Green, November 1, aet. 19.
(7) Cheriton, George, second son of Charles Cheriton, glover
{chirothecarii), Middlesex ; born in Westminster ; school, West-
minster (Dr Nicol) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
November 5, aet. 17. ^°
(8) Towers, John, second son of James Towers, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born in the Isle of Walney ; bred at
Kendal (Mr Towers) one and a half years, then at Urswick, Lanca-
shire (Mr Addison) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
November 6, aet. 20. 1 5
(9) Wright, Henry, Cheshire, who was admitted pensioner
February 14, 173| ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, November 7.
(10) Kingsman, Jasper, only son of Jasper Kingsman, esquire,
Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Hackney (Mr Newcome) ; 20
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Wilhams, November 14,
aet. 19.
(11) Piatt, Joshua, elder son of Williamson Piatt, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Warrington ; bred there at first, and
afterwards at Manchester school (Mr Brooks) for eleven months ; 25
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 14, aet. 18.
(12) Baskett, Kingsman, son of the Reverend John Baskett,
formerly fellow of the College, Dorset ; born at Shapwick ; school,
Winbourne ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
April 21, aet. 19. "3°
(13) Taylor, John, elder son of John Taylor, clerk. Kent ; born
at Darenth ; bred at Bishops Stortford, Herts (Mr Mall) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, junior. May 1, aet. 17.
(14) Mapletoft, Matthew, third sou of Edmund Mapletoft,
clerk, Cambridgeshire ; born at Bartlow ; bred at Bishops Stortford, 35
Herts (Mr Mall) ; admitted sizar for Mr Tunstall, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, May 1, aet. 18.
(15) Grif5.es, John, son of J. Griffies, gentleman ; bom in
Carmarthen ; school, Charterhouse (Mr Hotchkis) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, May 5, aet. 18. 4°
(16) Heton, James, fourth sou of James Heton, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Bolton ; bred there (Mr Ashburnell) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 12, aet. 18.
(17) Moseley, Thomas, eldest son of Richard Moseley, clerk,
Yorks ; born in Tork ; school, Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted sizar, 45
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 21, aet. IS.
ADMISSIONS. 1740. 97
(18) Riley, Joseph, third son of James Riley, cloth-maker
{panni ojnjicis), Yorks ; born at Sourby ; school, Rishworth (Mr
Wadsworth) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 23,
aet. 23.
5 (19) Powley, John, only son of Robert Powley, husbandman
(agricolae), Yorks ; born in Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh (Dr
Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, May 28..
aet. 19.
(20) Hurton, Pregion, posthumous son of John Hurton,
10 yeoman {fundi sui cultoris), Lincolnshire; born at AjDley; school,
Lincoln (Mr Gooddall) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, June 2, aet. IS.
(21) Davison, Morton, admitted pensioner, June 23, 1739;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, junior,
15 June 3.
(22) Hesleden, William, posthumous son of William Hesleden,
husbandman {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Horton ; bred there
(Mr Thornton); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
June 4, aet. 24.
20 (23) Comey, James, fourth son of James Corney, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Howgill in the parish of Sedbergh ;
school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, June 11, aet. 21.
(24) Clark, John, younger son of Edward Clark, clerk, Rich-
25 mondshire ; born at Cleasby ; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 13, aet. 19.
(25) Tennant, John, admitted sizar on Oct. 30, is admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 14.
(26) Forster, William, eldest son of William Forster, clerk
30 and Precentor of Durham Cathedral, Durham ; born in the City
of Durham ; bred there (Mr Dongworth) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 16, aet. 17.
(27) Ekins, Randolph, younger son of Robert Ekins, gentleman,
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Merchant Tailors' (Mr Creech) ;
35 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 19, aet. 19.
(28) Jackson, William, fifth son of Lancelot Jackson, deceased,
Westmorland ; born at Bampton ; bred at Lowther (Mr Wilkinson) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 19, aet. 19.
(29) Benson, John, third son of William Benson, husbandman
40 {agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Hawkshead ; bred at Lowther
(Mr Wilkinson) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr AVrigley,
June 19, aet. 22.
(30) Austen, Thomas, eldest son of Thomas Austen, gentleman,
Kent; born at Chatham ; bred, first at Maidstone (Mr Walwyn), then
45 Canterbury (Mr Monins) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Williams, June 21, aet. 19.
(31) Lodge, John, son of John Lodge, clerk, Cambridgeshire ;
born at March in the parish of Doddingtou in the Isle of Ely ;
s. 7
98 ADMISSIONS. 1740.
educated by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams,
June 24, aet. 18.
(32) Shepherd, Antony, elder son of Arthur Shepherd,
Westmorland ; born at Kendal ; bred there (Mr Towers) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 25, aet. 19. 5
(33) Baker, George, son of George Baker, esquire, of Crooke,
Durham ; born at Crooke ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 27, aet. 18.
(34) Davison, Thomas, youngest son of William Davison,
esquire, of Beamish, Durham ; born at Beamish ; school, Durham i o
(Mr Dongworth) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor,
junior, June 27, aet. 18.
(35) Wilson, James, A.B., of Jesus College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Gierke, June 26.
(36) Hill, Thomas, son of John Hill, clerk, Wilts ; bom at x 5
Stourton ; bred at Brawton (Mr Goldsborough) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Green, June 26, aet. past 18.
(37) Wynn, John, A.B., of Jesus College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Fogg, June 26.
(38) Stuart, John, son of John Steuart (sic), clerk, Sussex ; 20
born at Chichester ; school, Southampton (Mr Scott) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 26, aet. 19.
(39) Webster, Thomas, elder son of William Webster, architect
(architecti), Hunts; born at Kimbolton ; bred mider Dr Owen;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, June 28, aet. 20. 2 5
(40) Fortune, John, A.B. of Pembroke College, Oxford ; ad-
mitted pensioner, surety Mr Wrigley, June 28.
(41) Downes, Henry, son of John Downes, clerk, Derbyshire ;
born at Derweut ; bred at Rothram (Mr Stephenson) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 30, aet. 19. 3°
(42) Marsden, Henry, only son of Henry Marsden of Wenning-
ton Hall in the parish of Melling in the county of Lancaster, esquire,
Westmorland ; born at Askham ; bred at Scorton in the county of
York (Mr Noble) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Tunstall, July 1, aet. 18. 35
(43) Barnard, Thomas, son of George Barnard, clerk, Hert-
fordshire ; born at Harpendeu ; educated by his father at home ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 1, aet. 19.
(44) Smith, John, elder son of John Smith, deceased, Essex ;
born at Stanway; bred at Dedham (Mr Grimwood) ; admitted sizar, 40
tutor and surety Dr Williams, July 1, aet. 17.
(45) Wegg, Samuel, younger son of George Wegg, gentleman,
Essex ; born at Colchester ; bred there (Mr Smithies) for six years,
and for the last year Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 2, aet. 16. 45
(fc. IS)
[Admissions in the year < p. 4 V 45.]
( s. 23
admissions. 1740. 99
July 1740— July 1741
Admissiones a Julii 5to 1740
(1) Farrington, William, eldest son of George Farrington,
esquire, Lancashire ; born at Shaw-Hall ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr
Burroughs) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
July 21, aet. 19.
5 (2) Pitt, Ridgway, Earl of Londonderry ; born in London,
son of Thomas, Earl of Londonderry ; school. Bury St Edmunds
(Mr Kinnesman) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Gierke, September 25, aet. 18.
(3) Hall, Thomas Rumbold, only son of Henry Hall, clerk,
lo Cambs ; born at Foulmire; bred at Scarning, Norfolk (Mr Brett) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, September 27,
aet. 18.
(4) Wilkinson, James, eldest son of John Wilkinson, attorney
at law, Yorks ; born in Hull ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke) ;
1 2 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, September 30,
aet. 19.
(5) Colefax, Thomas, only son of Richard Colefax, husbandman
{agricolae), Salop ; born in Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Hotchkiss) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 4, aet. 18.
2o (6) LethieuUier, Samuel, admitted pensioner, November 1,
1738, admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Gierke, October 8.
(7) Twyford, William, only son of Robert Twyford, clerk,
Derbyshire ; born at Glossop ; bred at Manchester (Mr Brooke) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 10, aet. 17.
25 (8) Wadsworth, Richard, elder son of Richard Wadsworth,
schoolmaster {ludimagistri), Yorks ; born at Sowerby in the parish
of Hallifax; school, Rishworth (Mr Wadsworth, his father) ; admitted
sizar, tutor Mr Wrigley, October 11, aet. 21.
(9) Whitworth, Henry, eldest son of William Whitworth,
30 gentleman, Yorks ; born at Soyland in the parish of HaUifax; bred
at Rishworth (Mr Wadsworth) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, October 1 1 , aet. 20.
(10) Steer, George, eldest son of George Steer, deceased,
Yorks ; born at Sheffield ; bred there (Mr Gliffe) ; admitted sizar,
35 tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 13, aet. 21.
(11) Benson, Edward, elder son of John Benson, clerk, Kent ;
born in Rochester ; school, Canterbury (Mr Monins) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 14, aet. 19.
(12) Brown, Henry Langford, only son of Thomas Brown,
40 esquire, deceased, Devonshire ; born in the city of Exeter ; bred at
Tiverton (Mr Smith) and for two years at Totness (Mr Taunton) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Alvis, October 15,
aet. 19.
(13) Gisborne, James, eldest son of James Gisborne, clerk,
100 ADMISSIONS. 1740— 4f
Derbyshire ; born at Staveley ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 17, aet. 18.
(14) Johnson, John, third son of Maurice Johnson, esquire,
lawyer {artnigeri et juris consulti), Lincolnshire ; born at Spalding ;
bred there (Mr Whiting) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr 5
Williams, October 20, aet. 19.
(15) Hussey, Edward, second son of Thomas Hussey, esquire,
Sussex ; born at Burwash ; bred at Tunbridge, Kent (Mr Spencer) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, October 25,
aet. 17. 10
(16) Skinner, John, eldest son of John Skinner, attorney at
law, Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Reading, Berkshire
(Mr Hiley) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Taylor, junior,
October 25, aet. 16.
(17) Tatham, Sandford, third son of William Tatham, esquire 15
and J.P. {armigeri et irenarchae), Lancashire ; born at Over Hall in
the parish of Thornton ; bred at Seorton. Yorks (Mr Noble) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, October 27, aet. 18.
(18) Loup, William, fifth son of George Loup, surgeon and
druggist {chirurgi et 2>harmacopolae\ Yorks; born at Rippon; 20
bred at Wath (Mr Panther) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, October 30, aet. 19.
(19) Ashby, George, only son of Edmund Ashby, gentleman,
Middlesex ; born at Clarkenwell in the city of London ; school,
Westminster (Dr NicoU) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr 25
Williams, November 1, aet. 16.
(20) Leeke, Seymour, admitted pensioner, October 25, 1736 :
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Williams, No-
vember 12.
(21) Taylor, Richard, younger son of John Taylor, gentleman, 30
Lancashire ; born at Clitheroe ; bred at Threshfield, Yorks (Mr
Knowls) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, January 24,
aet. 20.
(22) Orosbie, John, second son of Sir Maurice Crosby {sic),
Bart., Ireland ; born at Ardfart, county Kerry ; bred at Bannagh in 35
the same county (Mr Casey) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, January 31, aet. 17.
(23) Townsend, Honourable G-eorge, eldest son of Charles
Viscount Townsend, baron of Lynn Regis ; born in London ; school,
Eton (Dr George) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety 40
Mr Green, February 21, aet. 17.
(24) Leybourne, William, son of Talbot Leybourne, clerk,
Yorks ; born at Buhner ; school, Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, March 11, aet. 18.
(25) Shields, James, son of John Shields, gentleman, Durham ; 45
ADMISSIONS. 174^ — 41. 101
born in Durham ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, March 14, aet. 19.
(26) Mieres, Andrew, son of Andrew Mieres, clerk, Cambridge-
shire ; born in Cambridge ; school, Burmingham, Warwickshire
5 (Mr Green) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
March 20, aet. 25.
(27) Scales, Richard, son of Robert Scales, gentleman, Lan-
cashire ; born at Thwaitehead ; bred first at Hawkshead (Mr Dixon),
then at Heversham, Westmorland (Mr Nicholson) ; admitted sizar,
lo tutor Mr Wrigley, March 21, aet. 18.
(28) Shuttleworth, Barton, son of Ralph Shuttleworth, vintner
{oinopolae), Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Rochdale, Lan-
cashire (Mr SutcliflFe) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Wrigley, March 28, aet. 17.
15 (29) Brooke, Samuel, son of Samuel Brooke, D.D., Yorks ;
born at Leeds ; bred there (Mr Barnard) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, April 11, aet. 18.
(30) Wiglesworth, Henry, son of Henry Wiglesworth, deceased,
Lancashire ; born at Colne ; bred at Sladborne, Yorks (Mr Carr) ;
20 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 4, aet. 17.
(31) Summers, Sparrow, son of Henry Simimers, esquire,
Essex ; born at Henningham Syble ; bred at Felstead (Mr Wyat) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 9, aet. 17.
(32) Hodson, John, son of Henry Hodson, clerk, Kent ; born
25 at Sandhurst ; bred first at Battle, Sussex (Mr Jenkin), then at
Sutton, Kent (Mr Clendon) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, May 16, aet. 18.
(33) Lindsey, Theophilus, son of Robert Lindsey, draper
[pannarii), Cheshire ; born at Middlewich ; bred at Leeds, Yorks
30 (Mr Barnard) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 21,
aet. 18.
(34) Rothwell, Richard, son of James Rothwell, clerk, Lan-
cashire ; born at Dean near Bolton ; bred at Rivington (Mr Norcross) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 23, aet. 18.
35 (35) Twells, Thomas, son of T. Twells, druggist {pharma-
copolae\ Notts ; born at Southwell ; bred there (Mr Bugg) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Bugg, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
May 25, aet. 19.
(36) Knowles, Richard Arthur, son of Richard Knowles,
40 clerk, Rutland ; born at Tinwell ; school, Peterborough (Mr Mar-
shall) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, May 26,
aet. 17.
(37) Walters, Crompton, son of John Crompton, clerk, War-
wickshire; born at Solyhul; bred at Market Bosworth, Leicestershire
45 (Mr Crompton) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Taylor, May 26,
aet. 17.
102 ADMISSIONS. 1741.
(38) Wood, John, sou of Johu Wood, gentleman, Derbyshire ;
born at Swanwick ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 27, aet. 17.
(39) Dodgson, Charles, son of Christopher Dodgson, clerk,
Yorks ; born at Howden ; bred at Sherbourne (Mr Addison), then at 5
home by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
June 3, aet. 18.
(40) Lowe, Samuel, son of Lowe, clerk, Cheshire; bom
at Bonebury ; school, Chester (Mr Lancaster) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 4, aet. 20. 10
(41) Browne, Thomas, son of T. Browne, clerk, Durham; born
at Cockfield ; bred at Blencow, Cumberland (Mr Richardson) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 6, aet. 20.
(42) Torre, James, son of Nicolas Torre, lawyer (Jurisperiti),
Yorks ; born at Pontefract ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted 1 5
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Greene, June 8, aet. 18.
(43) Allott, James, son of R. AUott, formerly fellow of the
College, Yorks ; born at South Kirkby; school, Sedbergh (Dr
' Sanders ') 3 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and sm*ety Mr Ruther-
forth, June 8, aet. 18. 20
(44) Thistlewait, Joseph, son of Joseph Thistlewait, shoe-
maker {calcearii), Yorks ; bom at Dent ; school, Sedbergh (Dr
' Sanders ') 4 years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Ruther-
forth, June 8, aet. 20.
(45) Grifford, Charles, son of John Giflford, clerk, Surrey ; bom 25
at Stoke ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Rutherforth, June 10, aet. 19.
(46) Stacye, John, son of Thomas Stacye, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Ballifield near Sheffield ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 13, aet. 19. 30
(47) Guest, Joseph, son of J. Guest, clerk, Herefordshire ;
born at Titley ; school, Hereford (Mr Willim) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 15, aet. 16.
(48) Goodricke, Henry, son of William Goodricke, 'centurionis,'
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Sanders) 12 35
years ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 22,
aet. 19.
(49) Mayo, Henry, son of H. Mayo, goldsmith (aurifabri),
Sussex ; born at Battle ; bred there (Mr Jenkin) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 23, aet. IS. 4^^
(50) Tylden, Richard Osborn, son of Richard Tylden, gentle-
man, Kent ; bora at Milsted ; school, Canterbury (Mr Monins) ;
admitted j>ensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 24,
aet. 18.
(51) Shrigley, William, A.B., of Brasenose College, Oxford ; 45
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 27.
(52) Brice, John, A.B., of St Mary's Hall, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor Mr Squire, June 27.
ADMISSIONS. 1741. 103
(53) Kellow, William, son of Thomas Kellow, clerk, Wiltshire ;
born at Codford ; school, Salisbury (Mr Thomas) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Green, June 30, aet. 18.
(54) Martin, William, son of Digory Martin, attorney, Devon-
5 shire ; born at Hatherleigh ; bred at Tiverton (Mr Daddo) ; admitted
sizar 1 for Mr Rouse, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, July 2,
aet. 20.
(55) Bankes, Sutton, son of Langley Bankes, gentleman,
Lincolnshire ; born at Wilsford ; bred at Grantham (Mr Bacon) ;
lo admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Heberden, July 3, aet. 18.
(56) Weatherhead, Antony, son of A. Weatherhead, clerk,
Yorks ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall,
July 4, aet. 30.
(57) Perronett, Edward, son of Vincent Perronett, clerk, Kent ;
15 born at Suudrige ; bred at Senoke (Sevenoaks ?) (Mr Simpson);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 8, aet. 20.
(58) Elyott, Edmund, son of Thomas Elyott, medical man
(medlci), Middlesex, born in London ; school, Bury, Suffolk (Mr
Kinsman); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
20 July 8, aet. 17.
(59) Wotton, Francis, son of Thomas Wotton, gentleman,
Rutland ; born at Ketton ; educated in his father's house ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, July 9, aet. 18.
(60) Williams, William, son of 'G' (qy William) Williams,
25'militum praefecti', Cornwall; born at Truro; bred at Bodmin
(Mr Fisher) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
July 10.
f.c. 7S
I p 29
FAdmissions in the year ' ^' y 60.]
^ s. 23 '
sizator' 1
July 1741— July 1742
Admission es a Julii 4to2 1741
(1) Chicken, Edward, son of Edward Chicken, weaver {textoris),
30 Northumberland; born in Newcastle ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth);
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, October 10,
aet. 20.
(2) Armstrong, John, son of Archibald Armstrong, linendraper
{lintearii), Gloucestershire ; born at Tedbury ; bred at Glasgow
35 'inter Scotos'; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Mr Wrigley,
October 10, aet. 20.
(3) Forster, Thomas, son of George Forster, esquire ; born in
the island of Barbadoes ; bred at Stretham in the county of Surrey
1 Sizator, not subsizatoi' as usual.
^ Of these, two are readmissions. ^ Sic.
104 ADMISSIONS. 1741 — 42.
(Mr Talbot) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
October 12, aet. 19.
(4) Burrell, Peter, son of P. Bnrrell, esquire, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at Hackney (Mr Graham) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Mr Gierke, October 16, aet. 17. e
(5) Switzer, Thomas, son of Stephen Switzer, Wiltshire;
born at Pewley {1 Pewsey) ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, October 30, aet. 16.
(6) Vernon, Edward, son of John Vernon, gentleman, StafiFord-
shire ; born at Lees Hill ; bred at Brewood (Mr Bud worth) ; admitted lo
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, November 4, aet. 18.
(7) Burton, William, son of 'G' (qy William) Burton, esquire,
Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clarke) then in his father's
house (Mr Leeke) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Tunstall, November 6, aet. 18. 15
(8) Twentyman, Childers, admitted sizar, October 19, 1737,
tutor and surety Dr Williams ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Rutherforth, November 6.
(9) Pindar, Charles, son of C. Pindar, Steward (dispensatoris),
Yorks ; born at Wakefield ; bred at Threshfield (Mr Knowles) ; 20
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, November 11, aet. 19.
(10) Bate, Chambers, only son of WiUiam Bate, esquire, Derby-
shire ; born at Fosten ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, November 11,
aet. 17. 25
(11) Grinfield, William, Wiltshire; admitted pensioner, No-
vember 11, 1738; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Wrigley, November 16.
(12) Bever, Samuel, son of S. Bever, esquire, Middlesex ; born
in London ; school, Eton (Dr George) ; admitted fellow commoner, 30
tutor and surety Mr Green, November 26, aet. 18.
(13) Bell, John, son of Matthew Bell, clerk, Suffolk ; born at
Clare ; bred at Lavenham (Mr Smythies) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Wrigley, December 22, aet. 18.
(14) Lowndes, Thomas, son of William Lowndes, auditor of the 35
exchequer {auditoris ' mccariV), Middlesex, born in Westminster;
school, Bury, Suffolk (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Rutherforth, January 12, aet. 17.
(15) Barrett, William, son of Paul Barrett, druggist {pharma-
copolae), Kent ; born in Canterbury ; bred there (Mr Monins) ; 40
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, February 9,
aet. 18.
(16) Murthwaite, Peter, son of Richard Murthwaite, mariner
{navtgatoris), Cumberland ; born at Dearham ; bred at Cockermouth
ADMISSIONS. 1742, 105
(Mr Ritson) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, March 31,
aet. 21.
(17) Bourne, John, son of Odadiah (sic) Bourne, clerk, Derby-
shire ; born at Ashover ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ; admitted
5 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 3, aet. 19.
(18) Parry, John, son of Love Parry, gentleman ; bom at
Wernfaeer near Pwlihely, Carnarvonshire ; bred at Wrexham,
Denbighshire (Mr Jones) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Rutherforth, April 5, aet. 17.
lo (19) Bernard, Thomas, son of Thomas Bernard, clerk, Essex;
born at Earlscoln ; bred at Bury (Mr Kynnesman) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 21, aet. 18.
(20) Woodford, Thomas, son of Thomas Woodford, gentleman,
Leicestershire ; born at Muston ; bred at Southwell (Mr Bugg) ;
15 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, April 30, aet. 19.
(21) Sedgwick, Roger, son of Robert Sedgwick, merchant,
Lancashire ; born at Manchester ; bred at Salford (Mr Clayton) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, May 5, aet. 19.
(22) Jones, Owen, son of Rowland Jones ; born at Trwsdaugoed,
20 Carnarvonshire; bred at Pwlhely, in the same county (Mr Edwards);
admitted sizar, tutor and surety (Mr Rutherforth), May, 10, aet. 17.
(23) Ganton, Robert, son of W^illiam Ganton, clerk, Yorks;
born at Hassell ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, May 17, aet. 19.
25 (24) Gibson, Richard, son of Abraham Gibson, gentleman,
Yorks ; born at Midghole ; school, Rishworth (Mr Wadsworth) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 3, aet 19.
(25) Batty, John, son of William Batty, farmer {firniarli) Yorks ;
born at Thorp ; bred at Burnsall (Mr Thompson) ; admitted sizar;
30 tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 5, aet. 19.
(26) Mainwaring, John, son of Gilbert Maiuwaring, gentleman,
Staffordshire ; born at Drayton Mannor ; schools, Marlborough,
Wiltshire (Mr Stone) 4 yeai's and then Tamworth (Mr Prinsep) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 5, aet. 18.
35 (27) Totton, William, son of Stephen Totton, merchant
(mercatoris), Middlesex, born in London ; educated in his father's
house (Mr Penwarne) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Rutherforth, June 5, aet. 18.
(28) Head, Richard, son of Henry Head, clerk, W^iltshire ; born
40 at Amesbury ; educated at home by his father ; admitted sizar ^ for
the Master, tutor and surety Mr Greene, June 9, aet. 19.
(29) Clarkson, John, son of Thomas Clarkson, merchant
(mercatoris), Yorks ; born at Thusk (? Thirsk) ; school, Beverley
(Mr Clarke) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 10,
45 aet. 29.
(30) Holiday, James, son of Christopher Holiday, farmer
1 The word was originally subsizator, but the suh was erased a,nA pro
Magistro interlined.
106 ADMISSIONS. 1742.
{firmarii), Yorks ; born at Goodmanham ; bred at Coxwold (Mr
Midgely) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 11,
aet. 27.
(31) Carter, John, son of James Carter, clerk, Suffolk ; born at
Melton ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders) three yeai's ; admitted sizar, 5
tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 17, aet. 19.
(32) Venn, Henry, son of Richard Venn, clerk, Surrey ; bom at
Barnes ; bred at Market Street, Hertfordshire ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 21, aet. 17.
(33) Wright, John, son of Robert Wright, farmer [firmarii) 10
Yorks ; born at Chappell Anston ; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire
(Mr Burrow) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 21,
aet. 19.
(34) Marshall, Thomas, son of Gervase Marshall 'in ecclesia
de Southwell seneschalli ' ; born at Southwell ; bred there (Mr Bugg) ; 1 5
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 22, aet. 24.
(35) Howdell, John, son of William Howdell, clerk, Kent ;
bom at Staple ; school, Sedbergh, Yorks (Dr Saunders and Mr
Broxholme) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 23,
aet. 15. 20
(36) Dawes, Francis, son of Thomas Dawes ' sacristae de
SolyhuU ', Warwickshire ; born at SolyhuU ; bred there (Mr Mashiler) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 25, aet. 17.
(37) GriflB.th, Moses, son of Edward Griffith, collector of taxes
itelonarii), Salop; bora at Lapidon ; school, Shrewsbury, (Mr Hotch- 25
kiss) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, June 2
{sic), aet. IS.
(3S) Sedgwick, Richard, son of Giles Sedgwick, farmer
{firmarii), Yorks ; born at Dent near Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh
(Dr Saunders and Mr Broxholme) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety 30
Mr W^rigley, June 29, aet. 19.
(39) Allen, Philip, son of John Allen, farmer {firmarii), Yorks ;
bom at Snairholme ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Saunders and Mr Brox-
holme) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, June 29,
aet. 19. 35
(40) Mason, WiUiam, son of William Mason, clerk, Yorks;
born at Hull ; bred there (Mr Blyth) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, July 1, aet. 17.
(41) Norris, Samuel, A.B. of Brasenose College, Oxford ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Wrigley, July 2. 40
(42) Dinham, Samuel, son of John Dinham, medical man
{medici), Lincolnshire ; born at Spalding ; school, Eton (Dr George) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Tuustall, July 3, aet. 18.
(43) Olive, Robert, son of Benjamin Clive, clerk, Salop ; born at
Atherley ; bred at Drayton (Mr Burslam) ; admitted pensioner, 45
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, July 3, aet. 19.
(44) Reynolds, Richard, son of George Reynolds, Archdeacon
of Lincoln, Lincolnshire; born at Buckden; bred at Lincoln (Mr
ADMISSIONS. 1742 — 4|. 107
Goodall) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Tuustall, July 6,
aet. 15.
[Admissions in tlie year -j p. 18 - 44.]
s. 22
July 1742— July 1743
Admissiones a Julii 9no. 1742
(1) Reynolds, Richard, son of Richard Reynolds, coal mer-
5 chant (inercatoris carbonum), Northamptonshire ; born at Peter-
borough ; bred there (Mr Marshall) ; admitted sizar for Mr Hill,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 9 July, aet. 18.
(2) Wright, Thomas, son of Thomas Wright, medical man
(medici), Hertfordshire ; born at Royston ; bred there (Mr Spearman);
lo admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 31 July, aet. 16.
(3) Exley, Tristram, son of John Exley, wool spinner {lanifici),
Yorks ; born at Guisley ; bred at Threshfield (Mr Knowles) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 27 October, aet. 19.
(4) Hussey, Thomas, Sussex ; admitted pensioner, 13 October,
15 1739; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
5 November.
(5) Wigglesworth, James, younger son of Henry Wiggles worth,
esquire, Yorks ; born at Sladborn ; bred there (Mr Carr) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 18 November, aet. 17.
20 (6) Turner, Exuperius, son of William Turner, attorney at
law, Derbyshire; born at Derby; school, Westminster (Dr NichoUs);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 22 December,
aet. 17.
(7) Degulhon, Stephen; admitted sizar 20 June 1739 ; admitted
25 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 25 January.
(8) Irish, William, only son of Samuel Irish, merchant, America ;
born in the island of Montserrat, ' ex familia Dorsettensi oriundus ' ;
bred at Hackney (Mr Graham) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, 9 February, aet. 17.
30 (9) Tong, William, son of G. (William ?) Tong, fuller {lanae
coactoris), Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clarke) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 19 February, aet. 20.
(10) Turner, Exuperius, admitted pensioner 2 December;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 3 March.
35 (11) Whalley, John, son of John Whalley, fanner (/rmarj?),
Yorks ; born at Burlersett ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Broxholme) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 5 March, aet. 20.
108 ADMISSIONS. 174|— 1743.
(12) Inman, Thomas, son of John Inman, Yorks ; born at
Sedbergh; school, Sedbergh (Mr Broxholme) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Wrigley, 5 March, aet. 18.
(13) Chambers, William, son of John Chambers, esquire,
Derbyshire ; born at Derby ; bred there (Mr Winter) ; admitted 5
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr ^Yrigley, 5 March, aet. 18.
(14) Stubs, James, son of John Stubs, 'publicani,', Richmondsliire;
born at Middleham ; bred at Tlireshfield (Mr Knowles) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 16 March, aet. 17.
(15) Frampton, Thomas, son of Thomas Frampton, clerk, lo
Wilts ; born at Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Stone) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 17 March, aet. 18.
(16) Bead, James, son of John Reed, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks ; born at Yarm ; bred at Skorton (Mr Noble) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 23 Marcli, aet. 18. 15
(17) Turner, George, son of Edward Turner, husbandman
{agricolae), Leicestershire ; born at Harston ; school, Peterborough,
Northamptonshire (Mr Marshall) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Rutherforth, 26 March, aet. 18.
(18) Janeway, Jacob, son of James Janeway, Kent; born at 20
Wootton ; school, Canterbury (Mr Munnings) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, April 6, aet. 19.
(19) Davis, William, son of Richard Davis, gentleman, Lan-
cashire; born at Exton ; bred at Clitheroe (Mr Parke); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 19 April, aet. 19. 25
(20) Bishop, Ralph, sou of R. Bishop, clerk, Kent ; born at
Rochester ; bred there by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Rutherforth, 4 May, aet. 17.
(21) Denson, Thomas, son of Richard B. {sic), husbandman
{agricolae), Cheshire ; born at Wervil ; bred at Backford (Robert 30
Denson) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 6 May,
aet. 20.
(22) Burrow, William, son of ' G ' (William ?) Buitow, school-
master, Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clarke) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, 13 May, aet. 17. 35
(23) Hassell, Samuel, son of Thomas Hassell, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Thorpe ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 16 May, aet. 20.
(24) Davison, Thomas; admitted pensioner 27 June, 1740;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Taylor, 21 May. 4°
(2.5) Langhorn, Thomas, son of Thomas Langhorn, husbandman
{agricolae), Westmorland ; born at Kendall ; bred there (Mr
Crackenthorpe) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley,
27 May, aet. 19.
(26) Arnold, William, son of John Arnold, clerk, Lincolnshire ; 45
ADMISSIONS. 1743. 109
born at Lincoln ; bi-ed there (Mr Roet) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Rutherforth, 28 May, aet. 17.
(27) Waring, Thomas Rooses \ son of Richard Waring, clerk,
Herefordshire; born at Hereford; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotchkis);
5 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 3 June,
aet. 18.
(28) Jackson, Robert, son of Thomas Jackson, miller {inolen-
dinarii), Yorks ; born at Poclincton ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Brox-
holme) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Green, 3 June, aet. 18.
lo (29) Townley, Richard, son of R. Townley, esquire, Lanca-
shire ; born at Rochdale ; bred there (Mr SuttclifFe) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 15 June, aet. 16.
(30) Cranwell, John, son of Tyrell Cranwell, vintner {oenopolae),
Huntingdonshire ; born at St Ives ; bred at Oakham (Mr Adcock) ;
15 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 18 June, aet. 17.
(31) Oholmondely, Thomas, son of Charles Cholmondely,
esquire, Kent ; born at Cheifning ; school, Westminster (Dr NicoUs) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
20 June, aet. 17.
20 (32) Watts, Giles, son of G. Watts, shopkeeper (tabernarii),
Sussex; born at Battle; bred there (Mr Jenkin) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 25 June, aet. 18.
(33) Downes, Charles, son of Joseph Downes, clerk, Lancashire ;
born at Stockport ; school, Manchester (Mr Brooke) ; admitted
25 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 25 June, aet. 17.
(34) Newton, Isaac, son of Humphrey Newton, M.D., Lincoln-
shire; born at Grantham; bred there (Mr Bacon); admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Heberden, 25 June, aet. 16.
(35) Brace, Edward, son of John Brace, gentleman, Middlesex;
30 born in London ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotchkiss) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 27 June, aet. 18.
(36) Eltoft, Thomas, son of Thomas Eltoft, husbandman
(agricolae), Yorks; born at Kippax ; bred at W^ath (Mr Parnther) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 27 June, aet. 19.
35 (37) Bucknall, John, son of William Bucknall, medical man
{medici), Warwickshire ; born at Atherstone ; bred at Harden
(Mr Barnard) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Ruther-
forth, 28 June, aet. 18.
(38) Nield, Robert, son of Joseph Nield, shoemaker {calcearii),
40 Cheshire ; born at Lea ; bred at Backford (Mr Danson) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 29 June, aet. 25.
(39) Turner, Thomas, son of Thomas Turner, baiHff (i-ilici),
Yorks ; born at Laughton ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Broxholme) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 29 June, aet. 20.
45 (40) Allen, John, A.B. of Balliol College, Oxford, tutor Mr
Rutherforth ; admitted pensioner, 1 July.
(41) Darwin, Robert, son of Robert Darwin, barrister {cau-
1 A Thomas Roos Waring graduated A.B. 1747.
110 ADMISSIONS. 1743 — 4f.
sidici), Notts ; born at Elston ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Wrigley, 1 July, aet. 19.
[Admissions in the year - p. 14 ]- 4P.]
is. 22 J
July 1743— July 1744
Admissiones a Julii 8vo. 1743
(1) Dade, John, son of J. Dade, M.D., Suflfolk; born at Ipswich;
bred at Monk-Soham (Mr Ray) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and 5
surety Mr Tunstall, 13 July, aet. 17.
(2) Gough, Thomas, admitted pensioner 26 May, 1738 ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 2 September.
(3) Broome, Charles John, son of William Broome, D.D.,
Suffolk; born at Storston ; school, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinsman) ; lo
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Mr Rutherforth, 1 November,
aet. 17.
(4) Lynch, William, son of Edward Lynch, esquire, Suffolk ;
born at Ipswich ; bred there (Mr Bolton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Tunstall, 2 November, aet. 17. le
(5) Rich, Edward Temple, sou of Edward Pickering Rich,
clerk, Gloucestershire ; born at North Sanew ; school, Manchester
(Mr Brook) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
3 November, aet. 17.
(6) Robinson, John, son of J. Robinson, gentleman, Cumberland; 20
born at Watermilloes ; bred at Barton, Westmorland (Mr Wilson) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 9 November,
aet. 21.
(7) Prowse, John, son of Charles Prowse, barrister {causidici),
Somersetshire ; born at Oldclive ; bred at Wells (Mr Wheeler) ; 25
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 23 November,
aet. 17.
(8) Downes, Henry, admitted sizar, 30 June, 1740 ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 24 November.
(9) Saunders, Joseph, son of John Saunders, Wiltshire ; born 30
at Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Stone) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Tunstall, 26 November, aet. 19.
(10) Bate, Chambers, Derbyshire; admitted pensioner, 11
November, 1741 ; admitted fellow commoner, 16 January, tutor and
surety Mr Tunstall. 35
(11) Blount, George, son of Richard Blount, merchant {mer-
catoris) Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Eton (Mr Cook) ;
1 Including readmissions.
ADMISSIONS. 174f — 44. Ill
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 16
January, act. 20.
(12) Wilmott, Francis Ballidon, son of Edward Wilmott,
barrister {caiisidici\ Derbyshire ; born at Trisley ; bred at Ripton,
5 Derbyshire (Mr Astley) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Tunstall, 19 February, aet. 19.
(13) Wilmott, Richard, aet. 18, 'cum praedicto fratre in
caeteris omnibus concordat '.
(14) Barry, Richard, son of Richard Barry, clerk, Wiltshire ;
I o born in Wiley ; bred first at Warminster, Wiltshire (Mr Barry),
and then at Bristol, Somersetshire (Mr Harris) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, 29 February, aet. 17.
(15) Chichester, Henry, son of Edward Chichester, clerk,
Devonshire ; born in Berry-Herbert ; bred first at Kilmerston,
15 Somerset (Mr Hughes) then at Bridgewater (Mr Burroughs) and
lastly at Peckham, Surrey (Mr Milner) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, 3 March, aet. ' fere ' 20.
(16) Clarke, William, son of William Clarke, mercer {merciarii),
Derbyshire; born in Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burrow) ; admitted
20 sizar for Mr Burrow, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 21 March, aet. 18.
(17) Vaughan, Richard, son of John Vaughan, gentleman,
Essex; born in Shenfield ; bred first at Brentwood, Essex (Mr
Morris), then in London in his father's house (Mr Mattaire) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 31 March, aet. 18.
25 (18) Beadon, Edward, son of Robert Beadon, freeholder
(suum fundum colentis), Somerset ; born in Brushford ; bred at
Bampton, Devonshire (Mr Wood) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, 2 April, aet. 15.
(19) Lucas, Robert Tristram, son of Robert Lucas, gentleman,
30 Devonshire; bom in Bampton; bred there (Mr Wood); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 2 April, aet. 17.
(20) Leybourne, William, Yorks; admitted sizar, 11 March,
I74f ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 2 April.
(21) White, Thomas, son of John White, clerk, Sufi'olk; born in
35 Neyland ; bred at Colchester (Mr Smythies) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Powell, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 4 April, aet. 18.
(22) Thomas, Noah, LlandaflF; admitted pensioner, 18 July,
1738 ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
12 April.
40 (23) Dockwray, Thomas, son of Josiah Dockwi-ay, fish curer
{salarii), Durham ; born at Wolverston ; bred at Newcastle (Mr
Dawes) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
30 April, aet. 18.
(24) Townshend, Thomas, sou of Thomas Townshend, clerk,
45 Lincolnshire; born in Pinchbeck ; bred at Spaldwin {sic) (Mr Whiting ;
112 ADMISSIONS. 1744.
admitted sizar for Mr Powell, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 9 May,
aet. 17.
(25) Ohisnall, John, son of John Chisnall, husbandman {agri-
colae), Lancashire ; born at Welsh Whittle ; bred at Rivington
(Mr Norcross); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstalb 5
1 1 May, aet. 20.
(26) Meddowcroft, Richard, sou of Thomas Meddowcroft,
husbandman {agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Bury ; bred there
(Mr Lister) ; admitted sizar for Mr Ogden, tutor and surety
Mr Tunstall, 16 May, aet. 19. 10
(27) Knowlton, Charles, son of Thomas Knowlton, gardener
{hortulani), Yorks ; born at Londesborough 'in Oriental! comitatus
Eboracensis Divisione' ; bred at Coxwould (Mr Midgley) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Holme, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 16 May, aet.
1 6 years, six months. 1 5
(28) Johnson, Jonathan, son of William Johnson, glover
[chirothecarii), Cheshire ; born in the city of Chester ; bred at
the King's School, Chester (Mr Henchman) 3 years, then at home
(Mr Aldcroft) ; admitted sizar for Mr Cardale, tutor and surety
Mr Tunstall, 17 May, aet. 20 years, 10 months. 20
(29) Robinson, William, son of John Robinson, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Carperley, ' septentrionali comitatus
divisione'; bred first at Bainbridge (Mr Clapham) then at Sedbergh
school (Mr Broxholme) one year ; admitted sizar, for Mr Holme, tutor
and surety Mr Tunstall, 21 May, aet. 20. 25
(30) Ilderton, Francis, son of Thomas Ilderton, gentleman,
Northumberland ; born at Peilton Banks near Alnwick ; bred at
Wooller (Mr Lithgow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Rutherforth, 25 May, aet. 19.
(31) Clarke, John ; born in London ; school, Canterbury 30
(Mr Monins) ; admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Rutherforth, 28 May,
aet. 'fere' 19.
(32) Tompson, Isaac Newton, son of Carrier Tompsou, gentle-
man, Hunts ; born at Stanground near Peterborough ; bred at
Markett Street, Herts and Beds (Dr Pitman) ; admitted pen- 35
si oner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 29 May, aet. 18.
(33) Morton, John, son of Robert Morton, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
born at Waddington ; bred at Lincoln (first Mr Goodall, then
Mr Rolt for nearly two years) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bugg, tutor
and surety Mr Rutherforth, 30 May, aet. 17 years, six months. 40
(34) Browne, Timothy, son of Timothy Browne, gentleman,
Sussex ; born at Lindfield ; school, Winchester (Dr Burton) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 1 June, aet. 21.
(35) Newling, Charles, son of Adam Newling, clerk, Salop;
born at Montfort ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotchkiss) ; admitted 45
sizar for Dr Tayler, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 16 June,
aet. 18.
(36) Cotton, Robert, son of Thomas Cotton, iron founder
ADMISSIONS. 1744. 113
(fusoris ferrarii), Staffordshire ; born at Daddlespool ; bred at
Shrewsbury (Mr Parry) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Rutherforth, 18 June, aet. 18.
(37) Price, Morgan, son of William Price, clerk, Glamorganshire ;
5 born at Llandaff; bred at Hereford (Mr Willini) ; admitted sizar
for Mr Ross, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 20 June, aet. 18.
(38) Fellowes, William, son of Coulson Fellowes, gentleman ;
born in London ; bred at Dalston near Hackney, Middlesex (Mr
Graham) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Ruther-
lo forth, 26 June, aet. 17.
(39) Learoyd, Richard, son of Abraham Learoyd, husbandman
(agricolae), Yorks ; born at Soyland ; bred at Rushworth (Mr Wads-
worth) ; admitted sizar for Mr Barnard, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall,
28 June, aet. 20.
15 (40) Smith, Joshua, son of Joshua Smith, grocer {aromatarii),
Yorks ; born at Bingley ; bred at Bradford (Mr Butler) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Holme, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 28 June, aet. 18.
(41) Gisborne, Thomas, son of James Gisborne, clerk, Derby-
shire ; born at Staveley ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ; admitted pen-
20 sioner, tutor and surety Mr Tunstall, 28 June, aet. 18.
(42) Hancock, Benjamin, son of Benjamin Hancock, clerk,
Somersetshire ; born at Portbury ; bred at Wellas (Mr Bryan) ;
admitted sizar, for Mr Barnard, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
30 June, aet. 19.
25 (43) Wragge, James King, son of William Wragge, clerk,
Leicestershire ; born at Gaulby ; bred at Atherstone, Warwickshire
(Mr Shaw) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Tunstall,
30 June, aet. past 19.
(44) Jackson, Simon, son of Simon Jackson, merchant, Cheshire;
30 born in Chester ; school. Bury, Lancashire (Mr Lister) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Tunstall, 30 June, aet. 16.
(45) Bleasdall, Laurence, son of Giles Bleasdall, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born ' in saltu de Bolland ' ; bred at Thresfield
(Mr Knowles); admitted sizar for Mr Holme, tutor and surety
35 Dr Tunstall, 2 July, aet. 19.
(46) Smith, William, son of William Smith, clerk, Norfolk ;
born at Harleston ; school, Bury, Suffolk (Mr Kinsman) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Burnaby, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 2 July,
aet. 18.
40 (47) Powell, Walpole Clinch, son of Watson Powel {sic), gentle-
man, Hunts ; born at Hilton ; bred first at Ely, Cambridgeshire
(Mr Gunning), then at Kimbolton, Hunts (Dr Owen) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Tunstall, 5 July, aet. 17.
[Admissions in the year -j p. 24 ^ 47.]
s. 17
114 admissions. 1744 — 45.
July 1744— July 1745.
Admissiones a Jul. 6to. 1744.
(1) Appleton, Jolin, son of John Appleton, clerk, Salop ; born
at Wem ; bred there by his father ; admitted sizar for Mr Salisbury,
tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 7 July, aet. 19.
(2) Herbert, Thomas, son of Edward Herbert, gentleman,
Ireland, mother's county, Middlesex ; born at Killerny, county Kerry ; 5
bred at Hackney, Middlesex (Mr Graham) ; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 12 July, aet. 17.
(3) Leybourne, Henry, son of Henry Leybourne, clerk, Yorks;
born at Everingham ; school, Poclington (Mr Robinson) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Weston, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 13 October, lo
aet. 16.
(4) Massey, William, son of Roger Massey, linen-draper
(lintearii), Cheshire ; born in Chester ; bred first at Tarvin, Cheshire
(Mr Thoraason) 6 years, then at Rythen, Denbighshire (Mr Hughes),
3 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 15
22 October, aet. past 17.
(5) Ashton, James, son of Aaron Ashton, wig-maker {peru-
carum opijlcls), London ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Morgan, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
30 October, aet. past 16. 20
(6) Cecil, Brownlowe, Lord Burleigh, eldest son of Brownlowe,
Earl of Exeter ; born at Burleigh House ; school, Winchester
(Dr Burton) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powel,
9 November, aet. 19.
(7) Mangey, John, son of the Rev. Thomas Mangey, D.D., 25
Middlesex ; born at Ealing ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 10 January,
aet. 17.
(8) Gill, John, son of Peter Gill, butcher (lanii), Kent ; born in
Canterbury ; The King's School, Canterbury (Mr Monins) ; admitted 30
sizar for Mr Rowse, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 2 February,
aet. past 19.
(9) Mostyn, Roger, ' Bangoriensis ', A.M. of Christ's College;
admitted fellow commoner, surety Mr Rutherforth, 12 February.
(10) Myres, Charles, son of Christopher Myres, attorney at 35
law, Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clarke) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Austin, tutor and surety Mr Powel, 25 March, aet. 18.
(11) Sedgwick, Edward, son of Edward Sedgwick, gentleman,
Kent ; born at Langley near Maidstone ; bred at Sutton, Kent
ADMISSIONS. 1745. 11.5
(Mr Clendon); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powel,
1 April, aet. 'fere' 19.
(12) Seddon, Thomas, sou of John Seddon, merchant, Lan-
cashire ; born in Manchester ; school, Manchester (Mr Brooke) ;
5 admitted sizar for Mr Wilson, tutor and surety Mr Powel, 4 April,
aet. 18.
(13) Waring, Walter, son of Robert Waring, gentleman, Salop;
born at Owlbury; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotchkiss); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth, 8 April, aet. 18.
lo (14) Williamson, William, son of Joseph Williamson, clerk,
Yorks ; born at Leathley, West Riding; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke)
nearly five years, then at Threshfield (Mr Knowles) two years ;
admitted sizar for Mr Ogden, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 26 April,
aet. 20.
15 (15) Ekins, Randolph, Middlesex; admitted pensioner, 19 June,
1740 ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Rutherforth,
6 May.
(16) Ludlam, Thomas, son of Richard Ludlam, medical man
(medici), Leicestershire ; born in Leicester ; school, Leicester (Mr
20 Andrews) ; admitted i^ensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 9 May,
aet. 18.
(17) Briscoe, Benjamin, son of Benjamin Briscoe, surgeon,
Warwickshire ; born at Stourbridge ; bred there (Mr Hancock)
four years, then at Repton (Mr Astley) one year; admitted sizar
25 for Mr Cardale, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 May, aet. 18.
(18) Howdell, William, son of William Howdell, clerk, Kent ;
born at Staple near Sandwich ; bred at Beverley, Yorks (Mr Clarke) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Austin, tutor and surety Mr Powel, 7 June,
aet. 17.
30 (19) Potter, Charles, son of Charles Potter, clerk, Dorsetshire ;
born in Dorchester; schools, first Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk (Mr
Kinsman) half a year, then Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) six years ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 7 June,
aet. 17.
35 (20) Ahdy, Stotherd, son of Sir William Abdy, Baronet,
London ; bred at Felsted, Essex (Mr Wyatt) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 15 June, aet. ' fere' 17.
(21) Clarke, Ralph, son of Ralph Clarke, surgeon-druggist
{pharmacopolae et chirurgi), Lincolnshire ; born at Grantam ; bred
40 there (Mr Bacon) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 17 June, aet. 16.
(22) Fairfax, Cecil Jacques, son of George Fairfax, clerk,
Lincolnshire; born at Washingborough near Lincoln; bred at Beverley,
Yorks (Mr Clarke) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
45 forth, 19 June, aet. 18.
(23) Lee, John, son of William Lee, goldsmith, Leicestershire ;
born in Leicester ; bred there (Mr Andrews) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 19 June, aet. 18.
116 ADMISSIONS. 1745.
(24) Todd, John, son of Abraham Todd, clerk, Yorks ; bom at
Fishlake near Doncaster; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 21 June, aet. 18.
Memorandum quod idem Johannes Todd literas secum attulit de
admissione sua in Coll. Sti. Petri termino Novembris proxime elapsi, 5
et de venia sibi concessa ad aliud quodcunque Collegium migrandi,
signatas a
Coll. Sti. Petri Johanne Whalley, Praefecto.
June 20, 1745. P. Nourse, Decan. Dep.
M. Smith, Praelect. Dep. iq
(25) Bird, Samuel, son of Samuel Bird, clerk, Notts ; bom
at Southwell ; schools, Southwell (Mr Bugg) seven years, then
Beverley, Yorks (Mr Clarke) one year; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Rutherforth, 26 June, aet. 18.
(26) Shan, John, son of John Shan, clerk, Leicestershire ; born 1 5
at Thorpe near Loughborough ; bred first at Appleby, Leicestershire
(Mr Martin), then at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 27 June, aet. 18.
(27) Cooch, Thomas, son of Thomas Cooch, gentleman, Essex ;
bom at Burnham ; bred at Felsted (Mr Wyatt) ; admitted pensioner, 20
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 28 June, aet. 18.
(28) Wood, William, son of Thomas Wood, clerk, Devonshire ;
born at Bampton ; educated there by his father ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 29 June, aet. 17.
(29) Breton, Robert, son of Moyle Breton, gentleman, Kent ; 25
born at Kennington ; bred at Ashford (Mr Bate) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 29 June, aet. 19.
(30) Lewis, Rowland, son of George Lewis, clerk, Kent;
born at West ram ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 July, aet. 18. 30
(31) Daston, Richard, son of Richard Daston, gentleman,
Cambridgeshire ; born at Isleham ; school, Bury (Mr Kinsman) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 2 July,
aet. 18.
(32) Markham, Robert, son of Ralph Markham, clerk, Cheshire ; - ^
born at Tarporley ; bred at Tarvin (Mr Thomasen) and then at
Davenham (Mr Eaton), both in Cheshire ; admitted sizar for Mr
Beresford, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 4 July, aet. 18.
(f. c. 4|
[Admissions in the year j p. 18 ^ 32.]
is. loj
July 1745— July 1746.
Admissionesa Jul. 5. 1745.
(1) Herbert, Edward, son of Edward Herbert, gentleman, .^
Ireland, mother's county Middlesex ; born at Muckruss, county
ADMISSIONS. 1745 — 4|-. 117
Kerry ; bred at Killerny (Mr Power) ; admitted fellow commoner,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 July, aet. 17.
(2) Hatton, Sir Thomas, Baronet, son of Sir John Hatton,
Cambridgeshire ; born at Melbourne ; bred at Bishop Stortford,
5 Herts (Mr Mall); admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 8 October, aet. 17.
(3) Woolright, Thomas, son of Joseph Woolright, grocer
{aromatarii), Gloucestershire; born at Wotton under hedge ; school,
Manchester (Mr Brook) for more than one whole year ; admitted
lo sizar for Mr Copley, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 24 October,
aet. 17.
(4) Morris, John, son of Ralph Morris, husbandman {agricolae),
Lancashire ; born at Withnall ; bred first at Blackburne (Mr Hunter),
then at Manchester school (Mr Brooke) one year, both in Lancashire ;
15 admitted sizar for Mr Johnston, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
2 November.
(5) Pomfret, Robert, son of Benjamin Pomfret, lawyer {juris
consulti), Bucks ; born at Newport Pagnell ; bred at Oakham,
Rutland (Mr Adcock) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
20 Rutherforth, 4 November, aet. past 16.
(6) Vaux, Thomas, son of Thomas Vaux, gentleman, Bedford-
shire ; born at Whipsnade ; bred at Harden, Herts (Mr Bernard) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 15 January,
aet. 'fere' 18.
25 (7) Wright, Martin, son of Martin Wright, ' Regii Prsetoris in
aula Westmonasteriensi,' Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Eton
(Dr George and Mr Cooke) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 17 January, aet. 19.
(8) Lamb, John Taylor, son of William Lamb, clerk, Sussex ;
30 born at Ditcherling ; bred at Stretham, Surrey (Mr Talbot); admitted
sizar for Mr Holme, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 January, aet.
'fere' 19.
(9) Brinkley, John, son of William Brinkley, attorney at law,
Suffolk ; born at Bury St Edmunds ; school. Bury St Edmunds
35 (Mr Kinsman); admitted sizar for Mr Alvis, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 18 January, aet. 19.
(10) Bell, John, Suffolk; admitted sizar, 22 December 1741;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 13 February.
(11) Wragg, William, son of William Wragg, clerk, Leicester-
40 shire ; born at Galbye ; school, Leicester (Mr Andrews) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 February, aet. 18.
(12) Cox, Edward, son of Edward Cox, gentleman, Dorset;
born at West Tower ; bred at Brewton, Somerset (Mr Goldesborough) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Green, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 March,
45 aet. past 17.
118 ADMISSIONS. 174| — 46.
(13) Samber, James Sterling, formerly admitted pensioner ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 March.
(14) Dearling, William, son of John Dearling, Sussex; born
in the city of Chichester ; school, Bury, Lancashire (Mr Lister) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 March, aet. 5
past 20.
(15) Walker, Thomas, son of Thomas Walker, freeholder
{fundum suimi colentis), Yorks ; born near Guisly; bred at Skipton
(Mr Wilkinson) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
20 March, aet. past 17. lo
(16) Pratt, John, son of Simon Pratt, husbandman (a^Hco^ae),
Yorks; born at Askrigg ; bred at Skipton (Mr Wilkinson) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 20 March, aet. past 17.
(17) Southgate, Richard, son of William Southgate, husband-
man {agricolae), Hunts; born at Alwalton ; bred at Peterborough le
(Mr Marshal) ; admitted sizar for Mr Morgan, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 21 March, aet. 17.
(18) Heathcote, Thornhil, son of Samuel Heathcote, attorney
at law, Derbyshire ; born in Derby ; school, Derby (Mr Winter) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 March, aet. 18. 20
(19) Fenwick, Greorge, son of G. Fenwick, clerk, Northampton-
shire ; born at Carlton ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 9 April,
aet. 17.
(20) Curwen, Henry, son of Eldred Curwen, esquire. Cumber- 25
land ; born at Workington near Cockermouth ; school, Eton (Mr
Cook and Dr Somner) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Richardson, 10 April, aet. 17.
(21) Stoney, Joseph, son of Thomas Stoney, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks ; born at Patley Bridge near Rippon ; bred at Thresh- 30
field (Mr Knowles) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bateman, tutor and
surety Mr Po\vell, 10 April, aet. past 19.
(22) Haselem, Edward, son of Edward Haselem, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Grassington near Skipton ; bred at
Thresfield (Mr Knowles) ; admitted sizar for Mr Cardale, tutor and 35
surety Mr Powell, 10 April, aet. past 19.
(23) Hazeland, William, son of *G' (William?) Hazeland,
baker {pistoris), Wiltshire ; born at Wilcott ; bred at Marlborough
(Mr Stone) ; admitted sizar for Mr Balguy, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, May, aet. past 15. 40
(24) Dod, Robert, son of J. Dod, Ireland; bred at Wem
(Mr Appleton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
13 May, aet. 19.
(25) Hancom, Richard, son of Richard Hancorn, Herefordshire ;
bora at Whitney ; bred at Hereford (Mr Willim) ; admitted pen- 45
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 14 May, aet. past 18.
ADMISSIONS. 1746. 119
(26) Fox, John, son of J. Fox, clerk, Yorks ; born at Donaster
(sic) ; bred at Beverley (Mr Gierke) ; admitted sizar for Mr Brooke,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 19 May, aet. past 17.
(27) Williams, William, son of Grif. Williams, husbandman
5 (agricolae), Denbighshire; born at Ruthin; bred there (Mr Hughes);
admitted sizar for Mr Ogden, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 21 May,
aet. 18.
(28) Matthews, Richard, son of John Matthews, lawyer
{jurisperiti), Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Harden, Herts
lo (Mr Barnard) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
21 May, aet. 17.
(29) Worge, John, son of Richard Worge, clerk, Durham ; born
at Hartlepoole; bred at Croglin, Cumberland (Mr Noble) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 May, aet. 19.
15 (30) Fowler, Charles, son of Francis Fowler, mercer {merciarii),
Notts ; born at Southwell ; bred there (Mr Bugg) ; admitted sizar
for Mr Fowler, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 May, aet. 17.
(31) Nash, Charles, son of Gaw. Nash, gentleman, Sussex;
born at Petwortli ; bred first at Petworth, then at Westminster
20 School (Dr Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
28 May, aet. past 18.
(32) Cavendish, Honourable George, second son of William,
Duke of Devonshire, Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Chester-
field (Mr Burrow) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
25 Mr Burrow, 29 May, aet. 18.
(33) Walker, John, son of James Walker, attorney at law,
Yorks ; born at Mooi-town ; bred at Leeds (Mr Barnard) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 May, aet. ] 8.
(34) Sandland, Thomas, son of Thomas Sandland, maltster
30 (brasiatoris), Salop ; born at Wem ; bred there (Mr Appleton) ;
admitted sizar for Dr Taylor, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
7 June, aet. past 18.
(35) Hewit, James, son of William Hewit, steward {dispensa-
toris), Salop ; born near Moreton ; bred first at Trentham, Staflford-
35 shire, then at Wem, Salop (Mr Appleton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Rutherforth, 7 June, aet. past 18.
(36) Chambre, Rowland, son of Francis Chambre, attorney at
law, Salop ; born at Petton ; bred at Wem (Mr Appleton) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 7 June, aet. past 18.
40 (37) Mathews, Toby, A.B. of Brasenose College, Oxford ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Cardale, 10 June.
(38) Heathcote, Edward, son of Ralph Heathcote, clerk,
Leicestershire ; born at Barrow ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Wilson, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 June,
45 aet. past 18.
(39) Bullock, Richard, son of Richard Bullock, clerk, Surrey ;
born at Streatham near Croydon ; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 June, aet. past 17.
120 ADMISSIONS. 1746.
(40) Richmond, Eichard, son of Sylvester Richmond, clerk,
Lancashire ; bom at Walton near Liverpool ; bred at Chesterfield,
Derbyshire (Mr Burrow) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 19 June, aet. 19.
(41) Green, Henry, son of R. Green, gentleman, Leicestershire ; 5
born at Rolleston ; bred first at Uppingham (Mr Hubbard), then at
Leicester (Mr Andrews) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 20 June, aet. past 1 8.
(42) Cookson, John, son of John Cookson, maltster (brasiatoris),
Westmorland; born at Clappergate near Ambleside; school, lo
Sedbergh (Mr Broxholme, then Mr Bateman) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Bernard, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 June, aet. past 20.
(43) Horsefal, Henry, son of John Horsefal, Yorks ; born at
Batley near Wakefield; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrow) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 June, aet. 15
past 18.
(44) Bryant, Henry, son of William Bryant, weaver {textoris\
Norfolk; born in Norwich ; bred there at a private school (Mr Pagan);
admitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
30 June, aet. 22. 20
(45) Chasteney, William, son of John Chasteney, farmer
{Jirmarii), Norfolk ; born at Topcroft ; the free school Norwich
(Mr Bickmer) ; admitted sizar for Mr Gunning, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 1 July, aet. 18.
(46) Cobb, John, son of John Cobb ; born at Lynn ; bred there 25
(Mr Pigge) ; admitted sizar for Mr Beavoir, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 4 July, aet. 'fere' 17.
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 23 h 46.]
[s. is)
July 1746— July 1747.
Admissiones a JuUi 7, 1746.
(1) Wigley, Henry, son of Edward Wigley, M.D., Leicestershire ;
born in Leicester ; bred there (Mr Andrews) ; admitted pensioner, 3°
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 8 July, aet. 'fere' 18.
(2) Edwards, Thomas, son of Thomas Edwards, clerk, War-
wickshire ; born at Coventry ; bred there (Dr Jackson) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Laxton, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 22 November,
aet. past 17. 35
(3) Moody, William, Wiltshire ; born at Wilton ; school,
Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 29 November, aet. past 18.
(4) Parker, Robert, son of Bannist. Parker, esquire, Lancashire ;
born at Preston ; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrow) ; 40
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 December,
aet. past 18.
ADMISSIONS. 174f — 47. 121
(5) Hewthwaite, John, son of Thomas Hewthwaite, attorney
at law, Yorks ; born at Pickering near Malton ; bred at Threshfield
(Mr Knowles) ; admitted sizar for Mr Ogden, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 13 January, aet. past 18.
5 (6) Weston, Thomas, son of Richard Weston, lamp seller
{lychfiopolae), Middlesex ; born in London ; school. Merchant Taylors'
(MrCreicke); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
14 January, aet. past 16.
(7) Jackson, Thomas, son of Thomas Jackson, clerk, Yorks ;
I o born at Hedon ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke); admitted sizar
for Mr Holme, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 26 January, aet.
past 19.
(8) Robinson, William, son of Matthew Robinson, esquire,
Cambridgeshire ; born in Cambridge ; school, Westminster (Dr
15 Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
4 February, aet. 18.
(9) Wilson, John, son of Thomas Wilson, attorney at law,
Westmorland; born at Kendal; school, Eton (Dr Somner); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 15 February, aet.
20 past 19.
(10) Barbor, George, son of Robert Barbor, attorney at law,
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 17 February.
(11) Fetherstonhaugh, Ulrick, Middlesex, A.B. of Trinity
25 College, Oxford; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
18 March.
(12) Amory, Robert, Ireland, father's county, Middlesex;
school, Westminster (Dr Nichols); admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 March, aet. past 15.
30 (13) Norcross, John, son of John Norcross, clerk, Lancashire ;
born at Rivington near Chorlay ; bred by his father ; admitted sizar
for Mr Johnston, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 April, aet. past 19.
(14) Myres, John, son of John Myres, clerk, Richmondshire ;
born at Langton ; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble) ; admitted sizar
35 for Mr Balguy, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 7 April, aet. past 17.
(15) Walton, Bannister, son of Henry Walton, esquire, Lan-
cashire ; born at Marsden near Colne ; bred at Chesterfield, Derby-
shire (Mr Burrow) ; admitted fellow-commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 9 April, aet. past 19.
40 (16) Barlow, John, son of John Barlow, woolweaver {lanifici),
Lancashire ; born at Water near Bury ; bred there (Mr Lister) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 10 April, aet.
past IS.
122 ADMISSIONS. 1747.
(17) Image, John, son of Charles Image, wigmaker {perucarum
artificis), Northamptonshire ; born at Peterborough ; bred there
(Mr Marshal) ; admitted sizar for Mr Laxton, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 12 April, aet. 17.
(18) Holmes, Richard, son of Henry Holmes, druggist {phar- 5
macopolae), Derbyshire ; born at Derby ; bred at Mansfield, Notts
(Mr Depleidge) ; admitted sizar for Mr Brooke, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 30 April, aet. past 16.
(19) Hankey, Henry, son of Sir Joseph Hankey, knight,
Middlesex; born in London; bred at Dedham, Essex (Mr Grim- lo
wood); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 May,
aet. past 17.
(20) Davis, George, son of James Davis, gentleman, Berks ;
born at Hare Hatcli ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 25 May, aet. past 18. 15
(21) Canning, John, son of William Canning, farmer {Jirmarii),
Essex ; born at Henham ; bred at Bishop Stortford, Herts (Mr
Maul) ; admitted sizar for Mr Ogden, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
28 May, aet. 'fere' 19.
(22) Fletcher, George, son of George Fletcher, clerk, Derby- 20
shire ; born at Repington ; bred there (Mr Astley) ; admitted sizar
for Mr Beavoir, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 1 June, aet.
past 18.
(23) Metcalfe, Thomas, son of Marmaduke Metcalfe, i?ix-
co\[Qcior {exactoris trihuti), Kent; born at Littlebourn near Canter- 25
bury ; bred first at Battle, then at Ukfield, Sussex (Mr Jernison) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Bugg, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
1 June.
(24) Fielde, Thomas, son of Thomas Fielde, clerk, Derbyshire ;
born at Wingfielde near Chesterfield ; bred at Tipshall (Mr Ed- 30
wards) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
5 June, aet. 17.
(25) Bell, Samuel, son of Matthew Bell, clerk, Suffolk ; born
at Clare ; bred at Lavenham (Mr Smithies) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Austin, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 5 June, aet. past 19. 35
(26) Manlove, Thomas, son of Joseph Manlove, clerk, Derby-
shire ; born at Churchbroughton ; bred at Hereford (Mr Willim) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Bernard, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 10 June,
aet. past 18.
(27) Chevalier, John, son of Nathaniel Chevalier, clerk, 40
Rutlandshire ; born at Castraton ; bred at Stamford, Lincolnshire
(Mr Reed) ; admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 10 June, aet. past 17.
(28) Gunning, Francis, son of Henry Gunning, clerk, Cambridge-
shire ; born in the city of Ely ; bred there by his father ; admitted 45
sizar for Mr Gunning, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 13 June, aet.
past 17.
(29) Hood, Arthur William, son of Samuel Hood, clerk,
ADMISSIONS. 1747. 123
Somersetshire ; born at Butleigli near Soberton ; bred at Ilminster
(Mr Davies) ; admitted sizar for Mr Brooke, tutor and surety Dr
(30) Tomlins, Williain, A.B. of St Mary's Hall, Oxford, ad-
5 mitted 2 July, sponsor Dr Rutherforth.
(31) Graham, "William, son of Charles Graham, clerk, Middle-
sex ; born at Tottenham ; school, Charterhouse (Mr Hotchkis) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 8 July, aet.
'fere' 17.
lo (32) Russel, John, son of John Russel, clerk, Lincolnshire;
born at Fiskerton ; school, Peterborough (Mr Marshal) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 9 July, aet. past 16.
(f.c. 2)
[Admissions in the year -^p. 15^ 32.]
s. 15
July 1747— July 1748.
Admissiones a Jul. 1747.
(1) Symonds, John, son of John Symonds, D.D., Suffolk ; born
15 at Horringer; school, Bury (Mr Kinsman and Mr Garnham) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 11 July, aet.
past 17.
(2) Prat, John, son of George Prat, clerk, Kent, from Pem-
broke College, Oxford ; admitted sizar for Mr Lyppeat, tutor and
20 surety Mr Powell, 9 October.
(3) Smith, William, son of William Smith, grocer {aromatarii),
Middlesex ; born in Loudon ; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 October, aet.
past 16.
25 (4) Bacon, Michael, son of Michael Bacon, farmer {firmarii),
Yorks ; born at Selby ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Bernard, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 31 October, aet.
past 17.
(5) Lowndes, Thomas, Middlesex, formerly admitted pensioner ;
30 admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
19 November.
(6) Barbor, G-eorge, Middlesex, formerly admitted pensioner ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
19 November.
(7) Ellis, William, son of Henry Ellis, alehouse keeper {cer-
visiarii), Middlesex ; born at Wapping ; school, Merchant Taylors'
(Mr Creicke) ; admitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 19 November, aet. past 17.
(8) Barber, John, A.B. of St John's College, Oxford ; admitted
40 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 December.
124 ADMISSIONS. 174| — 48.
(9) Wingfield, Borlace, son of B. Wiugfield, gentleman, Salop ;
born at Preston Brockhuist ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotchkis) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 4 January,
aet. past 18.
(10) Clements, John, A.B. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford; 5
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Ludlani, 26 January.
(11) Bean, Reginald, son of Reginald Bean, clerk, Somerset;
born at North-perrot ; bred at Crewkerne (Mr Hare) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Laxton, 29 January, aet. past 16,
(12) Cornish, Robert, son of John Cornish, gentleman, Somer- 10
set ; born at Yarhngton near Bruton ; bred there (Mr Golds-
borough) ; admitted sizar for Mr Lyppeat, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 5 January {sic), aet. past 18.
(13) Hallows, John, son of Thomas Hallows, esquire, Derby-
shire; born at Glapwell; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Burrows); ad- 15
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 3 March, aet.
past 18.
(14) Ryley, John, son of James Ryley, clerk, Lancashire; born
at Chorley ; school, Manchester (Mr Brooke) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Holme, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 March, aet. past 18. 20
(15) Wright, Joseph, son of Joseph Wright, taxgatherer {trihuti
exactor is\ Lancashire ; born at Newton near Warrington ; school,
Manchester (Mr Brooke) ; admitted sizar for Mr Cardale, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 12 March, aet. past 18.
(16) Vanbrugh, Robert, son of George Vanbrugh, gentleman, 25
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Tennant, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
17 March, aet. past 19.
(17) Byass, William, son of Thomas Byass, 'plebeii,' Yorks;
born at Pocklington ; bred there (Mr Robinson) ; admitted sizar 30
' pro eodem,' tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 March, aet. past 17.
(18) Taylor, Herbert, son of Herbert Taylor, formerly fellow
of the College, Kent ; born at Bifrons in the parish of Patricks-
bourne; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 March.
(19) King, Talbot, son of Alexander King, clerk, Beds; born 35
at Souldrop ; bred by his father at home ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Rutherforth, .5 April, aet. past 16.
(20) Haslehurst, Joseph, son of Joseph Haslehurst, clerk,
Notts ; born at Ireswell ; bred by his father at Market Raising,
Lincolnshire ; admitted sizar for Mr Hutchinson, tutor and surety 40
Dr Rutherforth, 26 April, aet. past 18.
(21) Harrap, Job, son of John Harrap, blacksmith {fahri
ferrarii), Yorks ; born at Osset near Wakefield ; bred at Risworth
ADMISSIONS. 1748. 125
(Mr Wadsworth) ; admitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor and
surety Mr Powell.
(22) Ford, John, son of Richard Ford, metal founder {fusoris),
Lancashire ; born at Cansery near Hawkshead ; school, Sedbergh,
5 Yorks (Mr Bateman) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bernard, tutor and
surety, Mr Powell, 18 May, aet. past 19.
(23) Downes, Charles, formerly admitted pensioner, admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 May.
(24) Parker, Edward, son of John Parker, esquire, Middlesex ;
•lo boni in London; school, Bury, SuflFolk; admitted fellow commoner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 19 May, aet. past 16,
(2.5) Clarke, Edward, son of William Clarke, clerk, and
formerly fellow of the College, Sussex ; born at Buxtead ; school,
Winchester (Dr Burton) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
15 Rutherforth, 23 May, aet. past 18.
(26) Hastings, Theophilus Henry, son of Henry Hastings,
shoemaker {caligarii), Leicestershire ; born at Lutterworth ; school,
Leeds (Mr Barnard) ; admitted sizar for Mr Barnard, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 25 May.
20 (27) Dodsworth, Francis, Richmondshire ; born at Thornton,
Watlass ; bred first at Beverley, then at Sedbergh School (Mr Bate-
man) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 June, aet. 17.
(28) Lynch, William, son of John Lynch, D.D., and Dean of
Canterbury, Surrey ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
25 Dr Rutherforth, 30 May.
(29) Langley, Thomas, son of Thomas Langley, maltster
{brasiatoris), Lincolnshire ; born at Grantham ; bred there (Mr
Bacon) ; admitted sizar for Mr Basket, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 6 June, aet. past 18.
30 (30) Frank, Thomas, son of Walter Frank, clerk, Kent ; born
at Chatham ; bred at the King's School, Rochester (Mr Soau) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Ludlam, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 6 June,
aet. 18.
(31) Ekins, George, son of George Ekins, attorney at law,
35 Northamptonshire ; born at Wellingborough ; bred first at Oakham,
then at Wellingborough (Mr Holme) ; adnaitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 7 June, aet. past 16.
(32) Holme, Thomas, son of Thomas Holme, clerk, Lancashire;
born at Kirkby-Irelyth in Furness ; bred by his father at Welling-
40 borough ; admitted sizar for Mr Wilson, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
7 June, aet. past 15.
(33) Thompson, Thomas, son of Thomas Thompson, furrier
{pellionis), Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred there (Mr Clark) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Green, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 9 June, aet.
45 past 16.
(34) Lloyd, Richard Savage, elder son of Sir Richard Lloyd,
Knight, Suffolk; born at Ipswich; school, Eton; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 10 June, aet. 18.
126 ADMISSIONS. 1748.
(35) Jolinson, Thomas, son of Thomas Johnson, draper (^an-
norum mercatoris), Suffolk; born at Bury; bred there (Mr Garn-
ham) ; admitted sizar for Mr Bugg, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 11 June, aet. past 17.
(36) Leach, John, son of John Leach, clerk, Beds ; born at 5
Over-Standon ; educated at home ; admitted sizar for Mr Salisbury,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 14 June, aet. past 20.
(37) Jephson, William, son of William Jephson, clerk, Surrey ;
born at Camberwell ; educated there by his father ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 June, aet. past 13. 10
(38) Medcalf, Matthew, son of Anthony Medcalf, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Thorp near Skipton ; bred there and
afterwards at Threshfield (Mr Hewit) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Richardson, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 June, aet. past 19.
(39) Dwarris, Fortunatus, son of Thomas Dwarris, 'Militum 15
Tribuni, ' America ; born in the Island of Jamaica ; schools, first
Uxbridge, then Eton (Mr Cook) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 June, aet. past 20.
(40) Pearse, Offspring, son of Henry Pearse, Gloucestershire ;
born at Wotton-under-edge ; school, Manchester ; admitted sizar for 20
Mr Burrow, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 June.
(41) Moreton, Robert, son of Robert Moreton, clerk, Lincoln-
shire; born at Waddington; school, Lincoln (Mr Rolt); admitted
sizar for Mr Loggan, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 29 June,
aet. 18. 25
(42) Price, Morgan, Llandaff, formerly admitted pensioner,
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
30 June.
(43) Mayler, Thomas, A.B. of Jesus College, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and sui'ety Mr Ludlam, 3 July. 30
(44) Thomas, George, son of — Thomas, tax-gatherer {tributi
exactoris), Llandafl"; bred at Ruthin (Mr Hughes); admitted sizar
for Mr Lindsey, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 8 July.
(45) Churchil, Charles, son of Charles Churchil, clerk,
Middlesex ; born in Westminster ; school, Westminster (Dr Nicols) ; 35
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 8 July, aet.
past 16.
ff.c. 8|
[Admissions in the year -^p. \5\ 45.]
(s. 22J
July 1748— July 1749.
Admissiones a Julii 1748.
(1) Hassell, Samuel, admitted pensioner, 16 May 1743; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 Sep- 40
ADMISSIONS. 1748 — 4|. 127
(2) Wingfield, Hon. Edward, eldest son of Richard, Viscount
Powerscourt, Ireland; born in Dublin; Trinity College, Dublin,
3 years; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 3 October, aet. 20.
5 (3) Wingfield, Hon. Richard, second son of Richard, Viscount
Powerscourt, Ireland ; born in Dublin ; Trinity College, Dublin ;
3 years ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 3 October, aet. 19.
(4) Yonge, Walter, son of Vernon Yonge, attorney, StaflFord-
lo shire; born at Charnes near Eccleshal ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr
Hotchkis) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
5 October, aet. past 19.
(5) Downes, Jonathan, son of John Downes, counsellor {con-
siliarii), America ; born at Spring ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotch-
15 kis) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 5 October,
aet. 18.
(6) Edwards, Richard Swinfen, son of Grif Swinfen Edwards,
tailor {sutoris vestiarii), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, West-
minster (Dr Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
20 Powell, 27 October, aet. past 16.
(7) Smith, John, son of George Smith, cutler (cultellarii), Yorks ;
born in Sheffield ; bred there (Mr Marshal) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Lindsey, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 November, aet. past 18.
(8) Molineux, Crisp, son of Charles Molineux, gentleman,
25 America; born in the Island of St Christopher; bred at Hackney
(Mr Newcome) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr
Rutherforth, 5 November, aet. past 17.
(9) Dawson, Anthony, son of Anthony Dawson, attorney at law,
Yorks; born at Azerley near Rippon ; bred at Cockswold (Mr
30 Midgeley) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 21
November, aet. past 19.
(10) Dalyson, William, son of Thomas Dalyson, esquire, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; bred at Tunbridge (Mr Cawthorne) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 23 January.
35 (11) Cam, John, son of John Cam, surgeon, Herefordshire;
born in Hereford ; bred there (Mr Willim) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 25 February, aet. past 15.
(12) Wilson, Thomas, son of Thomas Wilson, attorney, West-
morland ; born at Kendal ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; ad-
40 naitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 27 February,
aet. past 19.
(13) Harpur, Henry, son of Henry Harpur, gentleman, Middle-
sex ; born at Islington ; bred at Maidstone, Kent (Mr Russel) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 March, aet.
45 past 16.
(14) JoUand, George, son of George JoUand, gentleman, Derby-
128 ADMISSIONS. 174| — 49.
shire ; born at Wirksworth ; school, Manchester (Mr Brooke) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 9 March, aet.
past 18.
(15) Wilson, Matthew, son of Matthew "Wilson, gentleman,
Yorks ; born at Eshton ; bred at Skipton (Mr Wilkinson) ; admitted 5
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 March, aet. past 19.
(16) Faher, Thomas, son of William Faber, currier {coriarii),
Yorks ; born at Leeds ; bred at Linton (Mr Hewit) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 March, aet. past 19.
(17) EwenjWillianijSonof Thomas Ewen,gentleman, Cambridge- lo
shire ; born in Cambridge ; bred at Colne, Essex (Mr Stringer) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 March, aet. past
[15 or 16^].
(18) ChurcMl, Fleetwood, son of Joseph Churchil, gentleman,
Northamptonshire; born at Northampton; bred there (Mr Clark), 15
afterwards at home ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
16 March, aet. 17.
(19) Vades, Thomas, son of Abraham Vades, Ireland ; bom
at Edenderry, King's County ; bred at Dublin ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 March, aet. past 17. 20
(20) French, William, A.B. of Wadham College, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 6 April.
(21) Kilvington, Thomas, sou of William Kilvington, esquire,
of Thursk in the County of York ; bred at Ottrington (Mr Dent),
and Burnsill (Mr Knowles) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety 25
Mr Powell, 7 April, aet. past 16.
(22) Bullock, John, son of William Bullock, farmer {firmarii),
StaflFordshire ; born at Fleetgreen near Leeke ; bred at Ashford,
Derbyshire (Mr Howard) ; admitted sizar for Mr Richardson, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 3 May. ^o
(23) Le Hunt, John, son of John Le Hunt, clerk, Hertford-
shire ; born at Hertford ; bred at Hoddesden (Mr Bennet) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 8 May, aet. past 18.
(24) Ekins, G-eorge, formerly admitted pensioner, admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 May. ^5
(25) Boys, Richard, son of Richard Boys, Middlesex ; born in
London ; bred at Dedham, Essex (Mr Grim wood) ; admitted sizar
for Mr Lindsey, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 16 May, aet. past 17.
(26) Hough, Henry, son of Richard Hough, grazier {pecuarii),
Leicestershire ; born at Bottesford ; bred at Southwell, Notts, then 40
at Oakham, Rutland ; admitted sizar for Mr Bugg, tutor and surety
Dr Rutherforth, 17 May, aet. past 19.
(27) Dickinson, Samuel, son of John Dickinson, clerk, Salop ;
born at Newport ; bred there (Mr Lea) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 18 May, aet. past 16. 45
1 A blot in the register.
ADMISSIONS. 1749. 129
(28) Fletcher, Carter, son of Heury Fletcher, clerk, Derby-
shire ; bom at Spoondon ; bred at Mansfield, Notts (Mr Deplage) ;
admitted sizar for Dr Burton, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 20
May, aet. past 17.
5 (29) Pratt, John, Yorks ; formerly admitted pensioner, now ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 May.
(30) Herbert, Nicolas, son of Edward Herbert, esquire, Ire-
laud, mother's county Middlesex ; born at Muckross, county Kerry ;
bred at Killerney ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
lo forth, 27 May, aet. past 19.
(31) Goldwyer, George, son of George Goldwyer, surgeon,
Wiltshire ; born at Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Stone) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 May, aet. past 18.
(32) Pilgrim, John, son of John Pilgrim, shipbuilder {naupegi),
J 5 Hampshire ; born at Alverstoke ; school, Rochester (Mr Soan) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Allen, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 7 June, aet.
past 18.
(33) Lock, Robert, son of Gervase Lock, gentleman, Middlesex ;
born in London ; bred at Southwell, Notts (Mr Bugg) ; admitted
2o sizar for Mr Tennant, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 7 June,
aet. past 17.
(34) Drake, Nathan, son of Joseph Drake, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Burleigh ; bred at Oakham (Mr Adcock) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Ogden, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 16 June, aet. past 16.
25 (35) Manley, William, son of Henry Manley, druggist {phar-
macopolae), Somerset ; born at Taunton ; bred there (Mr Henley) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Twells, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
23 June, aet. past 18.
(36) Symonds, John, son of John Symonds, clerk, Cambridge-
30 shire ; born at DuUingham ; school, Ely (Mr Gunning) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Taylor, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 June, aet.
past 17.
(37) Milward, Richard, son of Richard Milward, clerk,
Staflfordshire ; born at Bccleshal ; school, Manchester (Mr Brooke) ;
35 admitted sizar for Mr Holme, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 June,
aet. past 17.
(38) Nairn, Richard, son of William Nairn, clerk, Wiltshire ;
born at Fonthil Bishop ; bred at Amesbury (Mr Head) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 June, aet. 19.
40 (39) Marshal, Edmund, son of Joshua Marshal, esquire,
Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Tunbridge (Mr Cawthorne) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 30 June, aet.
past 15.
(40) Burrel, William, son of Peter Burrel, esquire, Middle-
45 sex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Nicols) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 30 June, aet.
past 16.
(41) Sympson, Hugh, son of Thomas Sympson, attorney at
s. 9
130 ADMISSIONS. 1749— 174^.
law, Cumberland ; born at Penrith ; bred at Appleby (Mr Yates) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 June, aet. 16.
(42) Barker, William, son of Robert Barker, alehouse-keeper
(cervisiarii), Suffolk ; born at Lowestoft ; bred at Halesworth (Mr
Forster) ; admitted sizar for Mr Barnard, tutor and surety Dr Ruther- 5
forth, 30 June, aet. past 19.
(43) Sole, John Cockin, son of Cockin Sole, counsellor {consi-
liarii), Kent ; born at Bobbing ; private tutor Mr Barret at
Canterbury ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
3 July, aet. past 16. lo
(44) Craven, William, son of Richard Craven, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Gouthwaite Hall, Nidderdale ; school,
Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; admitted sizar for Mr Scales, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 3 July, aet. past 19.
(45) Mason, George, son of Miles Mason, woolweaver {lanijici), 15
Westmorland ; born at Kirkby Stephen ; school, Sedbergh (Mr
Bateman) ; admitted sizar for Mr Lindsey, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 3 July, aet. past 19.
j-fc. 8^
[Admissions in the year -j p. 22 V 45.]
Is. 15J
July 1749— July 1750
Admissiones a Julii 6*0 1749
(1) Thistlewait, Robert, son of Richard Thistlewait, husband- 20
man {agricolae), Yorks ; born in Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh (Mr
Bateman) ; admitted sizar for Mr Allen, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 1 1 October, aet. past 20.
(2) Bullock, Edward, son of Richard Bullock, D.D., Surrey;
born at Streatham ; bred there (Mr Talbot); admitted pensioner, 25
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 20 October, aet. 17.
(3) Wilsford, Thomas, son of Thomas Wilsford, M.D., Yorks;
bom at Pomfret ; bred at Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 17 January, aet. past 17.
(4) Newman, John, sou of John Newman, corn merchant 30
(frumentarii), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster
(Dr Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 19 January, aet. past 16.
(5) G-oodeve, Richard, formerly admitted pensioner, admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 6 February. 35
(6) Lupton, William, son of William Lupton, ' pannorum cul-
toris,' Yorks; born at Leeds; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Scales, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 8 February,
aet. past 17.
ADMISSIONS. 17|-^ — 1750. 131
(7) Griffith Samuel, son of Leighton Owen GriflSth, esquire,
Salop ; born at Preston ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Parry) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 26 February,
aet. past 18.
5 (8) Stephens, William, son of Henry Stephens, Essex ; born
at Dedham ; bred there (Mr Grimwood) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Murthwaite, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 5 March, aet. past 17.
(9) Reade, John, son of John Reade, gentleman, Oxfordshire;
born at Ipsden; bred at Mallborough, Wiltshire (Mr Stone); ad-
lo mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 April, aet. 18.
(10) Wright, William, son of Martin Wright, 'Regii Praetoris
in Aula Westmonasteriensi,' Middlesex ; born in London ; school,
Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
25 April, aet. past 18.
15 (11) Grove, William Chafin, son of Chafin Grove, esquire,
Wiltshire; born at Mere; bred at Sutton (Mr Rogers); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 April, aet. past 18.
(12) Collier, Joseph, son of John Collier, farmer (firmarii),
Staffordshire ; born at Cheddleton ; bred at Dillon (Mr Slade) ; ad-
20 mitted sizar for Mr Main waring, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 May,
aet. past 20.
(13) Eddowes, Richard, son of William Eddowes, box maker
{arcularii) ; born at Dillon ; bred there (Mr Slade) ; admitted sizar
for Mr Lindsey, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 May, aet. past 18.
25 (14) Forster, Ralph, son of Joseph Forster, gentleman, North-
umberland ; born at Newton ; bred at Durham (Mr Donworth) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 25 May, aet.
past 18.
(15) Forster, William, A.B., of Lincoln College, Oxford ; ad-
30 mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 28 May.
(16) EUiston, William, son of William Elliston, farmer {fir-
marii)^ Suffolk ; born at Barfield ; bred at Dedham (Mr Grimwood);
admitted sizar for Mr Holme, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 6 June,
aet. past 17.
35 (17) Clayton, John, son of Thomas Clayton, medical man
{medici), Lancashire ; born at Blackbourne ; bred there, then at
St Alban's Hall, Oxford, 2 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 6 June, aet. 21.
(18) Whitaker, William, son of Thomas Whitaker, gentleman,
40 Lancashire ; born at Holme ; bred at Bingley, Yorks (Mr Hudson) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 11 June, aet.
past 19.
(19) Jackson, William, son of Thomas Jackson, merchant,
America ; born at Irish Town ; bred at Hoddesdon, Herts ; ad-
45 mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 June.
132 ADMISSIONS. 1750.
(20) Harvey, Samuel, son of James Harvey, gentleman, Beds ;
born at Warden ; bred at Hoddesdon, Herts (Mr Bennet) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 18 June.
(21) Potter, Daniel, son of John Potter, clerk, Northumber-
land ; bom at Horton ; bred at St Bees (Mr Fisher) ; admitted sizar 5
for Mr Beavoir, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 19 June, aet.
past 19,
(22) Abbot, William, son of William Abbot, master mariner
(navis praefecti), Kent ; born at Ramsgate ; school, Canterbury ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 June, aet. 10
past 16.
(23) Maese, Michael Driver^, son of Michael Maese, merchant,
Norfolk; born at W^ells ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Burrow, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 23 June, aet.
past 18. 15
(24) Hope, Charles, son of William Hope, M.D., Derbyshire;
born at Derby ; bred there (Mr Almond) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 25 June, aet. past 17.
(25) Field, Benjamin, A.B., of Hartford College, Oxford ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 27 June. 20
(26) Jones, Robert, son of Thomas Jones, clerk, Denbigh ; born
at Llangniven ; bred at Ruthin (Mr Hughes) ; admitted sizar for Mr
Langhorn, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 27 June, aet. past 16.
(27) Elmsal, Henry, son of Henry Elmsal, clerk, Yorks ; born
at Thorp near W^akefield ; bred at Bradford (Mr Butler) ; admitted 25
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 June, aet. past 17.
(28) Darwin, John, son of Robert Darwin, counsellor {con-
siliarii), Notts ; born at Elston near Newark ; bred at Chesterfield,
Derbyshire ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30
June, aet. past 19. 30
(29) Darwin, Erasmus, aet. 18 ; ' cum fratre praedicto in caete-
ris omnibus concordat.'
(30) Browne, Samuel, son of Samuel Browne, farmer {fir-
marii), Norfolk ; born at Blakeney ; school, Bury (Mr Garnham) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Main waring, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 35
June, aet. past 19.
(31) Skiddy, Robert, son of Francis Skiddy, attorney, Ireland;
born in Dublin ; school, Sedbergh, Yorks (Mr Bateman) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Mainwaring, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 3 July,
aet. 21. 40
(32) Jenkin, Henry, son of Thomas Jenkin, clerk, Norfolk ;
born at Westwinck ; bred at Scarning; admitted sizar for Mr
Brooke, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 5 July, aet. past 17.
(f.c. 2|
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 18 k 32.]
Is. 12J
1 Michael Driver Mease, a.b. 1754, a.m. 1757, s.t.b. 1765.
ADMISSIONS. 1750—5^. 133
July 1750— July 1751
Admissiones a Julii 1750
(I) Gardiner, Charles, son of Robert Gardiner, clerk, Lincoln-
shire ; born at Eveden ; bred at Beverley, Yorks (Mr Clarke) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 7 September,
aet. 18.
5 (2) Dalyson, Thomas, son of Thomas Dalyson, esquire, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; bred at Tunbridge (Mr Cawthorne) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 18 October, aet.
past 17.
(3) Reynolds, Anthony, son of George Reynolds, chancellor
T o of Peterborough, Hunts ; born at Buckden ; school, Huntingdon (Mr
Unwin) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 23 October,
aet. past 18.
(4) Sparrow, Charles, son of Charles Sparrow, grocer (aroma-
tarii), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Bury (Mr Garnham) ;
15 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 27 October, aet.
past 17.
(5) Clayton, John, formerly admitted pensioner, admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 2 November.
(6) Yonge, Walter, Staffordshire, formerly admitted pensioner,
20 admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 21
(7) Duke, William, son of William Duke, lawyer {juris coa-
sulti), America ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotchkis) ; admitted sizar
for Dr Taylor, tutor and surety Dr Rutherfoi'th, 15 December, aet.
25 past 17.
(8) Squire, Edwards, son of Samuel Squire, clerk, Somerset ;
born at Catcomb near Minhead ; bred at Brampton (Mr Wood) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 10 January,
aet. past 15.
30 (9) Alcock, Christopher, son of John Alcock, clerk, Yorks;
born at Burnsal near Skipton ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Murthwaite, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 12
(10) Russel, Peter, son of Richard Russel, captain {capitanei),
35 Ireland; bom at Corke ; bred there; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Rutherforth, 15 January, aet. past 17.
(II) Monins, Richard, son of Richard Monins, clerk, Kent;
born at Ringwold near Dover ; school, Canterbury, under his father,
then at Wyverston, SufiFolk ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
40 Dr Rutherforth, 16 January, aet. 'fere' 17.
(12) Pegge, Samuel, son of Samuel Pegge, clerk, Kent ; born
at Godmersham ; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrough) ;
134 ADMISSIONS. 175^ — 51.
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 14 March, aet.
past 18.
(13) Sale, William, son of William Sale, attorney, Notts ; born
at Redford ; bred at Chesterfield, Derbyshire (Mr Burrough) ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Powell, aet. past 17. 5
(14) Bering, Edward, son of Sir Edward Bering, baronet,
Kent; born at Pluckley ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols); ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 March,
aet. past IS.
(15) Lock, Charles, son of Robert Lock, Kent ; born at lo
Rochester ; bred there (Mr Soan) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 26 March, aet. past 18.
(16) Todington, Thomas, son of Thomas Todington, farmer
{firmarii), Leicestershire; bred at Southwell, Notts (Mr Bugg) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Bugg, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 12 15
(17) Millward, Richard, Staflfordshire, formerly admitted sizar,
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 28 April.
(18) Hanmer, Thomas, son of Henry Hanmer, farmer {fir-
marii), Salop ; born at Montfort ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Hotch- 20
kis) ; admitted sizar for Mr Beadon, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 13 May, aet. past 19.
(19) Hankey, Harry, who was admitted pensioner 21 May,
1747, admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Powell, 22 May.
(20) Gill, William, son of 'G' (William?) Gill, clerk, Yorks; 25
born at Sherburn ; school, Beverley (Mr Clarke) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Stubbs, tutor Mr Powell, 22 May, aet. 18.
(21) Chetwode, John, eldest son of Sir Philip Chetwode,
baronet, Cheshire ; born at Adgdon near Knutsford ; school, Eton
(Dr Somuer) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor Mr Powell, 24 May, 30
aet. 19.
(22) Northon, John, son of J. Northon, cloth merchant {pan-
noruTYi mercatoris), Lincolnshire ; born at Holbeach ; bred first at
Moulton (Mr Chapman), then at Stamford (Mr Reid) ; admitted sizar,
tutor Dr Rutherforth, 29 May, aet. 17. 35
(23) Clarkson, Geoffrey, son of Geofi'rey Clarkson, currier
{coriarii), Yorks ; born at Reeth ; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Langhorn, tutor Mr Powell, 29 May.
(24) Fenwick, Thomas, only son of T. Fenwick, gentleman,
Northumberland, born at Newcastle; school, Eton (Dr Somner);40
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Rutherforth, 5 June, aet. 17.
(25) Willan, Thomas, son of T. Willan, taxgatherer {trihuti
exactoris), Yorks, born at Appersete ; school, Threshfield (Mr Hewit) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Stubbs, tutor Mr Powell, 10 June, aet.
past 20. 45
ADMISSIONS. 1751. 135
(26) Atkinson, Adam, son of William Atkinson, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks, born at Kirkby-Marhamdale ; school, Threshfield
(Mr Hewit) ; admitted sizar for Mr Burrow, tutor Mr Powell, 10 June,
aet. 21.
5 (27) Allen, James, son of Oswald Allen, husbandman {agri-
colae), Yorks, born at Gayle ; school, Threshfield (Mr Hewit) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Allen, tutor Mr Powell, 10 June, aet. 17.
(28) Backhouse, Joseph, son of Richard Backhouse, husband-
man {agricolae), Cumberland, born at Aketon ; school, Seberham
lo (Mr Nicholson); admitted sizar for Mr Lipyeatt senior, tutor Mr
Powell, 13 June, aet. past 18.
(29) Nairn, Thomas, sou of Richard Nairn, Dean of Battel,
formerly Fellow of the College, Sussex, born at Battel ; bred there ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Powell, 19 June, aet. 18.
15 (30) Reynolds, Lawrence, son of G. Reynolds, LL.D. Hunts,
born at Buckden ; schools, first Lincoln (Mr Rolt), then Huntingdon
(Mr Unwin); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Powell, 24 June,
aet. 18.
(31) Petty, James, son of Eustace Petty, farmer {firmarii),
20 Hunts, born at Great Paxton ; schools, first Kimbolton (Dr Owen),
then Huntingdon (Mr Unwin); admitted sizar for Mr Robinson,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 24 June, aet. IS.
(32) Taylor, Edward, son of Herbert Taylor, clerk, Kent;
bred at Ashford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
25 24 June, aet. past 16.
(33) Scott, Nathaniel, son of Robert Scott, druggist {phar-
macopolae), Norfolk, born at Diss; bred at Wiverston (Mr Stygal);
admitted sizar for Mr Frampton, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth,
25 June, aet. 18.
30 (34) Unett, Thomas, son of Richard Unett, bookseller {hihlio-
polae), Staffordshire, born at Stafford ; schools, first Brewood (Mr
Budworth), then Rept(m (Mr Asteley) ; admitted sizar for Mr Beadon,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 28 June, aet. 19.
(35) Nelson, Edward, sou of William Nelson, ' tibialium merca-
35 toris,' Yorks, born at Sedbergh ; schools, first Garsdale (Mr Udale)
then Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; admitted sizar for Mr Langhorn,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 28 June, aet. past 20.
(36) Hutchinson, John, son of John Hutchinson, gentleman,
Durham, born in Durham ; schools, first Durham (Mr Dongworth),
40 then Houghton-le-Spring (Mr GriflSth); admitted pensioner, tutor
Dr Rutherforth, 1 July, aet. 18.
(37) Round, John, son of William Round, attorney at law,
Middlesex, born in London ; school, Merchant Taylors' (Dr Criche);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety, Dr Rutherforth, 2 July, aet.
42 past 16.
(38) Horseman, John, son of James Horseman, clerk, Durham,
born in Greatham ; educated by his father ; admitted sizar for
Mr Dockwray, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 2 July, aet. 17.
136 ADMISSIONS. 1751 — 52.
(39) Harwood, Edward, son of Edward Harwood, clerk, Kent,
born at Erith ; bred at Shrewsbury (Mr Parry); admitted sizar for
Mr Weston, tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 2 July, aet. 18.
(40) Leightonhouse, William, sou of Richard Leightonhouse,
clerk, Kent, born in the Isle of Thanet ; school, Canterbury (Mr 5
Beavoir) ; admitted sizar for Mr Benson, tutor and surety Dr Ruther-
forth, 2 July, aet. 18.
[Admissions in the year -{p. 16 [- 40.]
July 1751— July 1752
Admissiones a Julii 2"^° 1751
(1) Burton, Edmund, son of James Burton, farmer {firmarii),
Westmorland; bred at Sevenoak, Kent (Mr Holme); admitted sizar, lo
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 25 September, aet. past 14 (see
6 July 1767. Note in margin).
(2) Reddall, Dixon, son of Richard Dixon, vintner {oenopoli),
Middlesex, born in London ; bred at Wellingborough, Northampton-
shire (Mr Holmes); admitted sizar for Mr Main waring, tutor and 15
surety Mr Powell, 11 October, aet. 16.
(3) Tod, Joseph, son of David Tod, farmer {firmarii), Cumber-
land, born at Newbiggen ; bred at Blencow (Mr Richardson) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Murthwaite, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 11
October, aet. past 19. 20
(4) Sawkins, James, son of Joseph Sawkins, attorney, Kent,
born at Canterbury ; bred there (Mr Beavoir) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Rutherforth, 12 October, aet. 17.
(5) Northon, John, admitted sizar, 29 May 1751, admitted
pensioner, 6 November. 25
(6) Rudd, Thomas, Yorks ; school Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Cardale, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 20
(7) Leigh, Egerton, son of Eg. Leigh, clerk, LL.D., Cheshire,
born at Lymm near Knotsford ; bred at Hereford (Mr Stephens) ; 30
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 26 December, aet.
past 18.
(8) Bernard, James, sou of James Bernard, Somerset, born at
Bristol ; bred at Harrow-on-the Hill, Middlesex (Mr Thackeray) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 31 December, aet. 35
past 17.
(9) Weymouth, Thomas, Viscount, Middlesex, born in London ;
bred at Market Street, Bucks (Dr Pitman) ; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 10 January, aet. past 17.
ADMISSIONS. 1752. 137
(10) Thynne, Honourable Henry Frederick, second son of
Thomas late Viscount Weymouth, Middlesex, born in London ; bred
at Market Street, Bucks; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and
surety Mr Brooke, 10 January, aet. past 16.
^ (11) Fowle, William Wing, son of John Wing Fowle,
attorney, Kent, born at Dyrachurch ; bred at Canterbury (Mr
Beavoir); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 31
January, aet. past 18.
(12) Woodhouse, William, son of William Woodhouse, clerk,
10 Cambridgeshire, born at Morden ; bred at Market Street, Hertford-
shire (sic) (Dr Pitman); admitted sizar for Mr Ashby, tutor and
surety Mr Brooke, 5 January {sic, aet. past 18.
(13) Wilson, Henry, youngest son of Matthew Wilson, esquire,
Yorks, born at Eshton ; bred at Skipton (Mr Wilkinson) ; admitted
ic pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 9 March, aet. 19.
(14) Bertie, Charles, son of Charles Bertie, Middlesex, born in
London; school, Westminster (Dr Nicols); admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 12 March, aet. 18.
(15) Fawcet, John, son of John Fawcet, hosier {caligarii),
20 Yorks, born at Sedbergh ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); admitted
sizar for Mr Scales, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 20 March, aet,
past 19.
(16) Smith, Thomas, son of John Smith, 'brasiatoris anglice
Maltster,' Wiltshire, born in Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Stone
25 and Mr Meyler); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
2 April, aet. 18.
(17) Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy, only son of Henry Fetherston-
haugh, clerk, Northumberland, born at Newcastle on Tyne ; bred
there (Mr Moises) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke,
30 6 April, aet. 18.
(18) Webb, Richard, son of Nathaniel Webb, esquire, Middle-
sex, born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 11 April, aet. past 18.
(19) Murthwaite, Samuel, son of Peter Murthwaite, clerk,
35 Cumberland, born at Gillcross ; bred at St Bees and Cockermouth ;
admitted sizar for Mr Murthwaite ' et ab eodem examinatus', tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 18 April, aet. past. 19.
(20) Steele, William, Cumberland, examined by Mr Murth-
waite, admitted sizar for Mr Cardale, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
40 18 April.
(21) Roberts, Thomas, son of Eubule Roberts, gentleman,
Denbighshire, born at Llanruth ; bred at Ruthin (Mr Hughes);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 24 April, aet.
past 17.
^r (22) Deane, Robert, son of Nicholas Deane, distiller {distilla-
toris), Surrey, born at Dorking ; school, Westminster (Dr Nicols) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 1 May, aet.
past 17.
138 ADMISSIONS. 1752.
(23) Richardson, John, son of John Richardson, alehouse
keeper (cervisiarii), Yorks, born at Kirk Leatham ; bred at Scorton
(Mr Noble); admitted sizar for Mr Stiibbs, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 18 May, aet. past 19.
(24) Thompson, John, son of John Thompson, clerk, Northum- 5
berland, born at Newcastle ; bred there (Mr Moyses) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 19 May, aet. past 18.
(25) Humphreys, Thomas, son of Richard Humphreys, school-
master {ludi magistri), Salop, born at Upton Magna ; school, Shrews-
bury (Mr Hotchkiss); admitted sizar for Mr Newhng, tutor and lo
surety Mr Brooke, 22 May, aet. 21.
(26) Raincock, William, son of John Raincock, gentleman,
Cumberland, born at Penrith ; bred there (Mr Yates) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 16 June, aet. past 17.
(27) Frere, Henry, son of John Frere, gentleman, America, 15
bom in the Island of Barbadoes ; tutor Mr John Rotheram ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 17 June, aet.
past 19.
(28) Turner, Henry, son of Bernard Turner 'musici', Cam-
bridgeshire, born in Cambridge ; bred there (Mr Sturgeon) ; 20
admitted sizar for Mr Grove, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 18 June,
aet. past IS.
(29) Yonge, Vernon, son of Vernon Yonge, gentleman, StaflFord-
shire, born in Stafford ; bred at Marre, Staffordshire (Mr Smallwood) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 18 June, aet. 25
past 19.
(30) Rouse, William, son of Ezekiel Rouse, clerk, Bedfordshire,
bom at Maiden ; educated by his father at Silsoe ; admitted sizar
for Mr Loggou, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 23 June, aet. past 17.
(31) Broadbent, William, son of James Broadbent, Yorks, 30
born at Leeds ; bred there ; examined by Mr Allen, admitted sizar
for Mr Barnard senior, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 July, aet. 18.
(32) Fletcher, Robert, son of John Fletcher, freeholder {suum
fundum colentis), Lancashire, born at Highfield ; bred at Urswick
in Furness, examined by Mr Murthwaite, admitted sizar for Mr 35
Stubbs, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 July, aet. 19.
(33) Beresford, Edward, son of John Beresford, Esquire, of
Penney Bentley, Derbyshire; bred at Bosworth, Leicestershire; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 2 July, aet. 18.
(34) Farhill, George Parker, son of John Farhill, attorney, 40
Sussex, born at Chichester ; bred at Amberley (Mr Carleton) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 6 July, aet. past 17.
(35) Jones, Salisbury, son of John Jones, M.D., Denbighshire,
born at Galltvaynan ; bred at Heath, Yorks (Mr Doxon) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Ogden, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 9 July, aet. past 16. 45
|f.c. 4^
[Admissions in the year J p. 15 L 35.]
s. 16
ADMISSIONS. 1752 — 53. 139
July 1752— July 1753
Admissiones a Julii 13, 1752.
(1) Torkington, James, son of James Torkiugton, clerk, Hunts,
born at Kings Rippon ; bred at Leicester (Mr Andrews) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 13 July, aet. past 19.
(2) Graham, Thomas Fane Charles, son of Charles Graham,
clerk, Essex, born at Southchurch ; bred at Seven-oak ; admitted
5 sizar for Mr Scales, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 26 September,
aet. 19.
(3) Dodd, William, son of John Dodd, husbandman {agricolae),
Surrey, born at Burstow ; bred at Seven-oak (Mr Holme) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Mainwaring, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 26 September,
lo aet. past 17.
(4) Penn, Richard, son of Richard Peim, esquire, Middlesex,
bom in London ; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 13 October, aet. past 18.
(5) Ashcroft, Thomas, son of John Ashcroft, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
15 born at Fishtoft ; bred at Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 27 October, aet. past 16.
(6) Barrol, William, son of William Barrol, grazier {pecu-
arii), Herefordshire, born at Hereford ; bred there (Mr Stevens) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Ross, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 3 October,
20 aet. past 17.
(7) Hatton, Thomas, son of Alexander Hatton, clerk, Salop,
born at Shrewsbury; bred there (Mr Hodgkis) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Ross, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 26 January, aet. past 17.
(8) Manifold, Henry, son of William Manifold, husbandman
25 {agricolae), Staflfordshire, born at Over Cotton near Leeke; bred at
Manchester (Mr Purnell); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Brooke, 29 January, aet. past 18.
(9) Bowser, Richard, son of Thomas Bowser, gentleman,
Durham, born at Bishops Auckland ; school, Durham (Mr Dongworth) ;
30 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 29 January,
aet. 19.
(10) Peacock, William, son of Samuel Peacock, gentleman,
Yorks, born at Danby ; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 22 February, aet. past 17.
35 (11) Weddell, Thomas, son of Richard Weddell, esquire, born
in York ; bred at Hackney (Dr Newcome) ; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 2 May, aet. past 18.
(12) Weddell, William, brother of the preceding, born in
York ; bred at Hackney (Dr Newcome) ; admitted fellow commoner,
40 tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 2 May, aet. past 16.
140 ADMISSIONS. 1753.
(13) Fenwick, John, son of George Fenwick, clerk, Leicester-
shire, born at Hallaton ; bred at Oakham (Mr Adcock); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 3 May, aet. past 17.
(14) GriflB.th, Samuel, son of John Griffith, husbandman
{agricolae), Cheshire, born at Backford ; bred there (Mr Denson) ; 5
examined by Mr Massey, admitted sizar for Mr Lindsey, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 2 May, aet. past 20.
(15) Snaith, John, son of John Snaith, clerk, Yorks, born at
Halsham; bred at Beverley (Mr Ward); examined by Mr Holme,
admitted sizar for Mr Lee, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 7 May, aet. i o
past 18.
(16) Harding, Robert, son of Robert Harding, clerk, North-
amptonshire, born at Potterspury ; bred at Manchester (Mr Purnell)
3 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 9 May, aet.
past 18. 15
(17) Thompson, William, son of Thomas Thompson, 'currier,'
Yorks, born at Leedes ; bred there (Mr Sedgwick) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 24 May, aet. past 18.
(18) Clarke, James, son of Paris Clarke, esquire, Northampton-
shire, born in Peterborough; bred there (Mr Mirehouse) ; admitted 20
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 31 May, aet. past 19. (See
31 May, 1756 and 10 February, 1767. Note in margin.)
(19) Adams, John, son of Samuel Adams, esquire, America,
born in the Island of Barbadoes ; bred there (Mr Rotheram) ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 1 June, aet. 25
past 19.
Praedictus Joannes Adams admissus est in Collegium Corporis
Christi Cantab. Octo^"^ 28™. 1751 et literas testimoniales secum
adduxit a Magistro et Officiariis ejusdem Collegii signatas, in quibus
ei venia est concessa ad quodvis aliud Collegium migrandi. 3®
(20) Penfold, James, son of John Penfold, clerk, Sussex, born
at Ripe; bred at Marlborough (Mr Meyler); admitted sizar for
Mr Newling, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 2 June, aet. past 17.
(21) Wilson, Robert, son of Robert Wilson, clerk, Warwick-
shire, born at Tam worth ; bred at Winchester (Dr Burton) ; admitted 35
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 4 June, aet. 19.
(22) Newton, Thomas, son of Thomas Newton, husbandman,
{agricolae), Westmorland, born at Bampton ; bred there (Mr
Collinson); admitted sizar for Mr Mainwaring, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 13 June, aet. past 21. 40
(23) Evatt, John, son of Robert Evatt, surgeon, Essex, born
at Dedham ; bred there (Mr Grimwood) ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 15 June, aet. past 21.
(24) Morris, Charles, youngest son of Roger Morris, " Archi-
tecti (Anglice, Master Builder to the oflBce of Ordnance)," Middlesex, 45
born in London; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 19 June, aet. past 17.
(25) Webster, William, son of Joseph Webster, husbandman,
ADMISSIONS. 1753 — 54. 141
{agricolae), Derbyshire, born at Chesterfield ; bred there (Mr Burrow
and Mr Saunders) ; admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 27 June, aet. 20.
(26) Taylor, Zachary, son of Thomas Taylor, clerk, Middlesex,
5 born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 28 June, aet. past 14.
(27) Baskett, William, son of Samuel Baskett, clerk, Dorset-
shire, born at Ower ; bred at Abby-Milton ; examined by Mr Basket,
admitted sizar for Mr Beadon, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 28 June,
lo aet. 16.
(28) Green, William, son of William Green, schoolmaster
{ludi magistri), Kent, born at Shoreham ; bred at Sutton (Mr
Hardy) ; examined by Mr Barnard senior, admitted sizar for Mr Lee,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 29 June, aet. past 15.
rf.c. 3^
15 [Admissions in the year J p. 13 v 28.]
U 12 J
July 1753— July 1754
Admissi a Julii 6*° 1753.
(1) Torkington, Philip, son of James Torkington, clerk, Hunts,
born at Kings Ripton ; bred at Oakham (Mr Powell); examined by
Mr Basket, admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 28
September, aet. 19.
20 (2) Harris, Thomas, son of Thomas Harris, ' planter', America,
born in the Island of Barbadoes ; bred there (Mr Carter) ; ad-
mitted sizar for Mr Beadon, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5 October,
aet. 23.
(3) Sutcliffe, Richard, Yorks; bred at Hallifax (Mr Holds-
25 worth); examined by Dr Ogden, admitted sizar for the same, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, aet. 30 ' circiter.'
(4) Milles, Richard, son of Christopher Milles, esquire, Kent,
born at Nackington; school, Westminster (Dr Nichols and Dr Mark-
ham) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 27
30 October, aet. past 18.
(5) LoveU, Edward, son of Edward Lovell, A.M. of this College,
Middlesex, born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5 November, aet. past 16.
(6) Gilmour, Sir Alexander, baronet, only son of Sir Charles
35 Gilmour of Craigmiller, Midlothian, Scotland ; private tutor Mr
Brooke; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
16 November, aet. 16.
(7) Home, John, son of John Home, poulterer {pullarii),
Middlesex, born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Somner) ; admitted sizar
40 for Mr Beadon, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 January aet. 18.
142 ADMISSIONS. 1754.
(8) Fovargue, Stephen, son of Stephen Fovargue, esquire,
Cambridgeshire, born at French-Drove in the Isle of Ely ; bred at
Peterborough (Mr Mirehouse) ; admitted sizar for Mr Burne, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 30 January, aet. 18.
(9) Thompson, William, Yorks, 'qui olim examinatus et ad- 5
missus discessit,' admitted sizar for Mr Lee, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 1 February.
(10) Inman, Thomas, son of William Inman, freeholder {suum
fundum colentis), Yorks, born at Garsdale ; school, Sedbergh (Mr
Bateman); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 February, 10
aet. 16.
(11) Houblon, James, son of James Houblon, esquire, Essex,
born at Hallingbury place ; bred first at Market Street (Dr Pitman),
then at Harrow, Middlesex (Dr Thackeray); admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Lipyeatt, 2 February, aet. past 17. 15
(12) Bennet, James, son of James Bennet, schoolmaster {ludl
magistri), Herts, boi'n at Hoddesdon ; bred at Marlborough ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 7 March, aet. 19.
(13) Williams, William, son of William Williams, attorney at
law, Pembrokeshire, born at Tenbury ; educated there privately 20
(Mr Holcombe); examined and approved by Mr Holcombe, admitted
sizar for Mr Framptou, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 16 March,
aet. 17.
(14) Ourry, John, son of William Curry, freeholder {suum
fundum colentis), Cheshire, born at Eastham ; school, Sedbergh 25
(Mr Bateman) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 30 March,
aet. 18.
Admitted i>ensioner, 24 April.
(15) Bingham, James, son of John Bingham, ' miuutarum rerum
mercatoris.' Derbyshire, born at Derby ; schools, first Derby (Mr 30
Almond), then at Heath, Yorks ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 24 April, aet. 18.
(16) Beadon, Richard, son of Robert Beadon, freeholder {suum
fundum colentis), Devonshire, born at Oakford ; bred at Bampton
(Mr Wood); examined and approved by Mr Murthwaite, admitted 35
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 30 April.
(17) Tong, Francis, son of John Tong, chapman {cauponis),
Yorks, born at Beverley; bred there (Mr Clarke); admitted sizar
for Mr Johnston, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 2 May, aet. 19.
(18) Edwards, Walter, son of Thomas Edwards, Hereford- 4°
shire, born in Hereford ; bred there (Mr Stephens) ; examined and
approved by Dominus Cam, admitted sizar for Mr Ross, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 11 May, aet. 18.
(19) Sedgwick, Hunter, son of Philip Sedgwick, clerk, Lincoln-
shire ; bred at Stamford (Mr Reid) ; admitted sizar for Mr Fairfax, 45
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 22 May, aet. 17.
(20) Parker, John, son of William Parker, attorney at law,
Northamptonshire, born in Peterborough ; bred at Grantham,
ADMISSIONS. 1754. 143
Lincolnshire (Mr Bacon) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 29 May, aet. 17.
(21) Bertie, Charles, admitted pensioner on 12 March, 1752,
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 31 May.
5 (22) Mayhew, William, son of William Mayhew, attorney at
law, Essex, born at Colchester; bred there (Mr Smythies); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 11 June, aet. 17.
(23) Smythies, Yorick, son of "William Smythies, surgeon,
Essex, born in Colchester; bred there (Mr Smythies); admitted
lo pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 11 June, aet. 18.
(24) Brome, Richard, son of Richard Brome, clerk, Suffolk,
born at Ipswich; bred at Dedham (Mr Grim wood); admitted sizar
for Mr Frampton, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 June, aet. 17.
(25) AUott, John, son of Robert AUott, clerk, Yorks, born at
15 South Kirby ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 19 June, aet. 18.
(26) Seymour, Christopher, son of John Seymour, gentleman,
Yorks, born at Pocklington ; schools, Pocklington (Mr Birbeck), then
Wakefield (Mr Clarke) ; admitted sizar for Mr Allen, tutor and surety
20 Mr Powell, 20 June, aet. past 20.
(27) Henvill, James, son of William Henvill, gentleman,
Dorset, born at Hey don ; bred at Winborn (Mr Butt); admitted
sizar for Mr Baskett, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 22 June, aet. 17.
(28) Feme, William, son of Richard Feme ' threadmaker,'
25 Staffordshire, born at Leek; bred at Dillon (Mr Slade); examined
and approved by Mr Cardale, admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Powell, 24 June, aet. 18.
(29) Rowe, John, son of WiUiam Rowe, vintner {vinarii),
Devonshire, born at Tavistock ; bred there ; examined and approved
30 by Dr Prime, admitted sizar for Mr Beadon, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 26 June, aet. 16.
(30) Barker, Robert, son of Thomas Barker, gentleman, Derby-
shire, born at Bakewell ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Saunders); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 27 June, aet. 18.
35 (31) Ross, Charles, son of George Ross, esquire, Middlesex,
born in London ; educated first privately at Chiswick (Mr Black),
then at Edinburgh under Mr Robinson, Hebrew Professor in the
University there, for four years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Brooke, 29 June, aet. 16.
40 (32) Murray, Hon. Charles, second son of William, earl of
Dunmore, Scotland, born in the county of Perth ; bred at Chiswick
(Mr Black); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 29
June, aet. 18.
(33) Shaw, Stehhing, son of John Shaw 'minutarum rerum
45 mercatoris,' Staffordshire, born at Stone ; bred at Repton (Mr
Astley); examined and approved by Mr Lindsey, admitted sizar
for Mr Frampton, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 1 July, aet. 17.
(34) Hutchinson, John, son of James Hutchinson, gardener.
144 ADMISSIONS. 1754.
{kortulani), Leicestershire, born at Packingtou ; bred at Repton
(Mr Astley); examined and approved by Mr Lindsey, admitted
sizar for Mr Ashby, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 1 July, aet. 19.
(35) Hutchinson, Thomas, son of Joshua Hutchinson, 'maltster,'
Westmorland, born at Hertley near Kirby Stephen ; school, Sed- 5
bergh (Mr Bateman) 3 years and more ; admitted sizar for Mr
Robinson, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, July.
(36) Ramshaw, Richard, Yorks, examined and approved by
Mr Tenant, admitted sizar for Mr Barnard, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 4 July. lo
(37) Pocklington, Christopher, son of Christopher PockUng-
ton, ' Rear Admiral,' Ireland, born in Dublin ; bred at Chelsea (Mr
Rothery) ; examined and approved by Mr Totton, admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5 July, aet. 17.
. , (f- c. 5) ir
[Admissions from 6 July 1 ,„[ o--, .
,p. 12^ 37.]
1753 to 6 July 1754 \\ \
July 1754— July 1755
Admissi a Julii 5*° 1754
(1) Bateman, Thomas, Lancashire, examined and approved by
Mr Bateman, admitted sizar for Mr Cardale, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 12 September.
(2) Murray, Hon. Charles, admitted pensioner, 29 June, 1754, 20
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke, 21
(3) Shan, Lawson, son of John Shan, clerk, Buckinghamshire,
born at Chichley; bred at Oakham (Mr Adcock); admitted sizar for
Mr Morris, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 5 November, aet. 20. 25
(4) Duff, Hon. Lewis, fourth son of William Duff, Baron
Braco, Scotland, born in Banf; privately educated at home by Mr
Abel ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 14
November, aet. 16.
(5) Bateson, Robert, son of Robert Devereux Bateson, esquire, 30
Gloucestershire, born at Borton on the Hill ; school, Westminster (Dr
Nichols) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 25 Novem-
ber, aet. 21.
University College Oxford, 14 November 1754.
This is to certify whom it may concern that We whose names are 35
hereunto subscribed have no objection to Mr Eobert Bateson's re-
moving from this College where he was admitted, to any College in
the University of Cambridge as witness our hands
J. Browne, Master
Thos. Nelson, Fellow 40
Tho. Forster, Fellow
J. Betts, Fellow
John Coulson, Fellow
ADMISSIONS. 1754 — 1755. 145
(6) Holland, Rogers, son of R. Holland, esquire, Wiltshire;
born at Chippenham; bred at Urchfont, (Mr Gibbes and Mr
Jacques); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 4
December, aet. IS.
5 (7) Jephson, Thomas, son of William Jephson, clerk, Surrey ;
born at Camberwell ; educated by his father there ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 10 December, aet. 15.
(8) Sarraude, John, A.B. of Oriel College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 December.
lo (9) Holford, Stayner, eldest son of Robert Holford, esquire,
lately Master in Chancery {Cancellariae non ita pridem Magistri);
school, Eton (Mr Barnard, fellow of the College) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 9 January, aet. 17.
(10) Drake, Samuel, son of S. Drake, D.D., formerly senior
1 5 fellow of the College, Yorks ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); examined
and approved by Mr Tenant, admitted sizar for Mr Barnard senior,
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 10 January.
(11) Dowbiggln, Robert, son of Thomas Dowbiggin, clerk,
Yorks; born at Button Cranswick ; bred at Beverley; examined and
20 approved by Mr Holme, admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 10 January, aet. 18.
(12) Dade, Thomas, son of T. Dade, clerk, Yorks; born at
Scampston; bred at Wakefield; examined and approved by Mr
Holme, admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 16 January,
25 aet. 18.
(13) Bertie, Mountague, son of Charles Bertie, esquire, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Markham); admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5 February, aet. 17.
(14) Hosken, John, son of Anthony Hosken, clerk, Cornwall ;
30 born at Bodmyn ; bred there (Mr Fisher) ; examined and approved
by Dr Prime, admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
5 February.
(15) Massey, Millington, son of George Massey, gentleman,
Cheshire ; born at Dunham ; bred at Manchester (Mr Purnell) ;
35 examined and approved by Dr Ogden; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 1 March, aet. 19.
(16) Hewett, Richard, son of RoV)ert Hewett, clerk, Yorks;
born at Thornton; school, Pocklington (Mr Robinson and Mr Bur-
beck) ; admitted sizar for Mr Robinson, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
40 14 March, aet, 19.
(17) Bunce, Wheler, son of John Bunco, clerk, Kent; born at
Stackington ; school, Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir) ; examined and ap-
proved by Dr Tunstall; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 25 April, aet. 18.
45 (18) Friend, Henry, son of George Friend, gentleman, Kent;
S. 10
146 ADMISSIONS. 1755.
born at Burchington in the Isle of Thanet ; school, Canterbury (Mr
Beauvoir) ; examined and approved by Mr Tunstall, tutor and surety
Dr Brooke, 25 April, act. 18.
(19) Thompson, Henry, son of Thompson, esquire, Kent ;
born at Petham ; school, Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir) ; examined and 5
approved by Dr Tunstall ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 25 April, aet. 19.
(20) Robinson, William, son of William Robinson, tailor {suto-
ris vestiarii), Yorks; born at Elland; bred at Rusworth (Mr
Learoyd) ; admitted sizar for Mr Jephson, tutor and surety Mr 10
Powell, 8 May, aet. 22.
(21) Jauncey, Tyge, son of John Jauncey, gentleman, Middle-
sex ; born in Loudon ; school, Charterhouse (Mr Crusius) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 15 May, aet. 19.
(22) Stevenson, William, son of David Stevenson, gentleman, 1 5
Bucks; school, Eton (Mr Barnard); admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 20 May, aet, 20.
(23) Moseley, William, son of Thomas Moseley, gentleman,
Kent; born at Eltham; school, Bury (Mr Garnham); admitted
fellow-commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 27 May, aet. 19. 20
(24) Ohelsum, James, son of James Chelsum, gentleman, Mid-
dlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster ; examined and ap-
proved by Mr Totton ; admitted sizar for Mr Skynner, tutor Dr
Brooke, 28 May, aet. 18.
(25) Johnson, Robert, sou of William Johnson, clerk, Yorks ; 2 5
born at Mitton ; bred at Salford (Mr Clayton) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Morris, tutor Mr Powell, 31 May, aet. 19.
(26) Brathwaite, Regnald, son of Gawen Brathwaite, Lanca-
shire ; born at Brathey ; bred at Ambleside (Mr Kuipe); examined
and approved by Mr Scales ; admitted sizar for Mr Scales, tutor Mr 30
Powell, 31 May.
(27) Wheeldon, John, son of William Wheeldon, 'pauperis,'
Staffordshire ; bred at Burton-on-Trent (Mr Jackson) ; admitted
sizar for Mr Frampton, tutor Dr Brooke, 2 June, aet. 20.
(28) D'Aranda, Peter, son of Benjamin D'Aranda, clerk, Surrey; 35
born at Petersham ; bred at Kingston-on-Thames (Mr Woodson) ;
examined and approved by Mr Barnard senior ; admitted pensioner,
tutor Mr Powell, 12 June, aet. 18.
(29) Fairclough, William, son of William Fairclough, husband-
man {agricolae), Westmorland ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); 40
examined and approved by Mr Tennant ; admitted sizar for Mr
Allen, tutor Mr Powell, 12 June.
(30) Reynolds, George, son of G. Reynolds, LL.D., Hunts;
born at Buckden ; schools, first Lincoln (Mr Rolte), then Huntingdon
(Mr Unwin); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Powell, 14 June, aet. 18. 45
(31) Plucknett, William, son of Charles Plucknett, clerk,
Somerset ; born at Cherriton ; school, Marlborough (Mr Malon) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor Dr Brooke, 16 June, aet. 17.
ADMISSIONS. 1755 — 1756. 147
(32) Walker, Allin, son of A. Walker " automatarii fabri (watch-
maker)," Holland ; born at Amsterdam ; bred there at first and
afterwards for two years at Kew, Surrey (Mr Rose) ; admitted sizar
for Mr Cardale, tutor Mr Powell, 16 June, aet. 16.
5 (33) Fisher, John, son of John Fisher, physician {medici), Essex ;
born at Harlow; school, Bishop Stortford (Mr Mall and then Mr
Hazeland); admitted pensioner, tutor Mr Powell, 27 June, aet. 17.
(34) Philips, Owen, A.B. of Balhol College, Oxford; admitted
pensioner, tutor Dr Brooke, 27 June,
lo (35) Slade, Williani, A.B. of Wadham College, Oxford; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor Dr Brooke, 28 June.
(f.c. 3 I
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 20 V 35.]
[s. 12 J
July 1755— July 1756
Admissi a 4*° die Julii 1755
(1) Heath, George, son of John Heath, gentleman, Yorks; born
at Whitby; school, Beverley (Mr Ward); examined and approved by
15 Mr Holme; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 19 July,
aet. IS.
(2) Rosenhagen, Philip, son of Arnold Rosenhagen, gentleman,
Middlesex ; born at Isleworth ; school, St Paul's (Mr Thickness) ;
admitted sizar for Mr Barnard senior, tutor and surety Mr Powell,
20 20 October, aet. 18.
(3) Hargrave, Williani, son of James Hargrave, gentleman,
Northumberland ; born at Shawdon ; school, Durham (Mr Dong-
worth); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 16 Decem-
ber, aet. 20.
25 (4) Booth, Charles, son of C. Booth, gentleman, Kent; born at
Marden ; school, Tunbridge (Mr Cawthorne) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 15 January, aet. 20.
(5) Rowse, Ezekiel, son of E. Rowse, clerk, Bedfordshire ; born
at Maiden; bred by his father at Silsoe; admitted sizar for Mr
30 Frampton, tutor Dr Brooke, 3 February, aet. 18.
(6) Bugg, Whaley, Notts ; born at Southwell ; bred there by
his father; examined and approved by Mr Twells; admitted sizar
for Mr Twells, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 4 February.
(7) Adderton, Samuel, son of Hill Adderton, esquire, Salop;
35 born at Preston; bred first at Manchester (Mr Clayton), then at
Wem (Mr Prythyrch) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 20 February, aet. 18.
148 ADMISSIONS. 1756.
(8) Webster, William Theophilus Mountjoy, son of Robert
Webster, clerk, Berkshire; born at Southwell; school, Canterbury
(Mr Beauvoir); examined and approved by Mr Beauvoir ('ab eo-
dem'), admitted sizar for Mr Grove, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
28 February. 5
(9) Liddiard, William, son of ' G.' (William ?) Liddiard, gentle-
man, Wiltshire ; bom in Marlborough ; bred there (Mr Naylor) and
afterwards at Winchester (Dr Burton); admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 18 Marcli, aet. 18.
(10) Houghton, Richard, son of Richard Houghton, merchant, lo
Lancashire; born at Winwick; bred at Manchester (Mr Clayton);
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 25 March,
aet. 23.
(11) Allot, Bryan, son of B. Allot, clerk, Yorks; born at York ;
bred at Wakefield (Mr Clarke) ; examined and approved by Mr Robin- 1 5
son, admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 31 March, aet.
(12) TJsticke, William, son of ' G.' (William 0 Usticke, attorney
at law, Middlesex ; born in London ; bred at Harrow (Dr Thackeray);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 2 April, aet. 19. 20
(13) Smith, George, son of John Smith, clerk, Surrey; born at
Southwark; bred there (Mr Davies); examined and approved
by Mr Cradocke ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
5 April, aet. 18.
(14) Clarke, James; admitted pensioner, 31 May, 1753; is 25
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 4 May.
(v. 10 Febr'. 1766. note in margin.)
(15) Machell, John, son of James Machell, gentleman, Lanca-
shire; born at Hollow Oak near Ulverston; bred at Hodsten
(Hoddesdon), Hertfordshire (Mr Bennet); admitted fellow com- 30
moner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 10 May, aet. 19.
(16) Whitchurch, William, son of ' G.' (William ?) Whitchurch,
attorney at law, Somersetshire; borne at Frome; bred at Harrow
on the Hill, Middlesex (Dr Thackeray) ; examined and approved
by Dr Cradocke ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 35
20 May, aet. 18.
(17) Kyffen, Thomas, son of T. Kyflfen, esquire, Carnarvonshire;
born at.Maenan; bred at Ruthyn (Mr Hughes); examined and
approved by Mr Jones; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 26 May. 40
(18) Wadeson, Richard, son of Richard Wadeson, husbandman
{agricolae), Westmorland ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; ex-
amined and approved by him ; admitted sizar for Mr Ellis, tutor
and surety Mr Powell, 26 May.
(19) Underwood, John, son of John Underwood, gentleman, 45
Northamptonshire ; born at Wellingborough ; bred there (Mr
Holmes) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 5 June,
aet. 19.
ADMISSIONS. 1756. 149
(20) Joy, Thomas, Yorks ; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble) ;
examined and approved by Mr Tennant ; admitted sizar for Mr
Johnson, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 5 June.
(21) Griffith, Joseph, son of William GriflBth, gentleman,
5 Middlesex, born in London; bred at Hampstead (Dr Cox); ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 8 June, aet. 17.
(22) Evans, James, son of J. Evans, clerk, Kent ; school, Can-
terbury (Mr Beauvoir); examined and approved by him; admitted
sizar for Mr Grove, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 14 June.
lo (23) Bransby, James, son of J. Bransby, attorney at law, Nor-
folk; born at Shotisham; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); examined and
approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
16 June, aet. 18.
(24) Dixie, Beaumont, son of B. Dixie, clerk, Leicestershire;
15 born at Bosworth; bred at Repton (Mr Asteley); examined and
approved by Mr Newling ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 16 June.
(25) Peacocke, Aungier, son of George Peacocke, clerk, Cam-
bridgeshire; born at Stretham ; bred at Wisbech (Mr Clarkson), then
20 at Hawstead, Norfolk (Mr Parr); admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Powell, 16 June, aet.
(26) Brooke, William, son of John Brooke, clerk, Norfolk;
born at Norwich ; bred at Hesnet (Hemel ?) Hempstead, Herts
(Dr Stirling); examined and approved by Dr Cradock; admitted
25 sizar for Mr Beadon, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 19 June, aet. 19.
(27) Tighe, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Tighe, esquire,
Ireland; born in Dublin; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); examined and
approved by him ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 28 June.
30 (28) Thackeray, Frederick, son of Thomas Thackeray, D.D.,
Essex; born at Heydon; school, Harrow (his father); examined and
approved by Mr Gisborne ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Powell, 1 July, aet, 20.
(29) Geldart, John, Lancashire ; born at Eskrigg ; school, Sed-
35 bergh (Mr Bateman); examined and approved by Mr Tennant;
admitted sizar for Mr Morris, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 2 July.
(30) Mason, George, Yorks ; born at Dent ; school, Sedbergh
(Mr Bateman) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted sizar for
Mr Craven, tutor and surety Mr Powell, 2 July, aet. 20.
40 (31) Bolton, Thomas, son of T. Bolton, clerk, Suffolk; born at
Coddenham ; school, Manchester (Mr Purnell) ; admitted sizar for
Mr Johnson, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 6 July, aet. 21.
[f.c. 5)
[Admissions in the year -^ p. ] 5 K 31.]
s. 11
150 ADMISSIONS. 1756—1757.
July 1756— July 1757
Adinissiones a nono die Julii 1756
(1) Pocklington, Christoplier, admitted pensioner, 5 July,
1756 ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
29 September.
(2) Atherton, John, son of J. Atherton, esquire, Lancashire ;
born at Liverpool ; bred at Macclesfield, Cheshire (Mr Atkinson) ; 5
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 19 October,
aet. 18.
(3) Oddie, William, son of Christopher Oddie, husbandman,
[agricolae), Yorks ; born at Sladborn ; bred at Threshfield (Mr
Hewitt); admitted sizar for Mr Barnard, tutor and surety Dr Powell, lo
19 October, aet. 19.
(4) Naylor, Christoplier, son of— Naylor, farrier {veterinarii),
Yorks ; born at Grinton near Richmond ; school, Canterbury (Mr
Beauvoir) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted sizar for Mr
Grove, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 26 October, aet. 18. 15
(5) Constable, Thomas, son of Marmaduke Constable, esquire,
Yorks; born at Beverley; bred there (Mr Ward); examined and
approved by Mr Holme ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Powell, 1 November, aet. 19.
(6) Lowten, Timothy, son of T. Lowten, attorney at law, Che- 20
shire; born at Dunham; school, Manchester (Mr Purnell): admitted
sizar for Mr Ludlam, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 4 November, aet.
(7) Holland, Rogers, admitted pensioner on 4 December, 1754;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 3 December. 25
(8) Houblon, John, son of James Houblon, esquire, Essex ; born
at Hallingbury ; school, Harrow (Dr Thackeray) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Powell, 2 February, aet. 17.
(9) Whitear, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Whitear, school-
master {ludi magistri), Hampshire ; born at Froxfield ; bred at 30
Marlborough (Mr Mayler); admitted sizar for Mr Morris, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 28 March, aet. 19.
(10) Houlston, Thomas, Salop; school, Shrewsbury (Mr New-
ling); examined and approved by Mr Wingfield ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 April. 35
(11) Duke, Thomas, son of William Duke, ' iuristi,' America ;
born in Barbadoes; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Newling); examined
and approved by Mr Wingfield ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 12 April.
(12) Moseley, Richard, son of Thomas Moseley, esquire, Kent; 40
born at Eltham ; school, Bury (Mr Garnham); examined and ap-
proved by Mr Frampton ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 19 April, aet. 18.
ADMISSIONS. 1757. 151
(13) Morris, Charles, A.B., admitted pensioner, 19 July, 1753 ;
is admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 19 April.
(14) Cripps, Thomas, son of Francis Cripps, esquire, Yorks ;
born at Doncaster ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; examined and
5 approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell,
19 April, aet. 19.
(15) Robinson, Stapylton, son of Thomas Robinson, clerk,
Richmondshire ; born at Wycliffe ; bred at Scorton (Mr Noble) ;
examined and approved by Dr Fogg; admitted fellow commoner,
lo tutor and surety Dr Powell, 9 May, aet. 17.
(16) Dabbs, John, son of — Dabbs, grazier {pecuarii), War-
wickshire ; born at Seckington ; bred at Repton (Mr Astley) ; ex-
amined and approved by Mr Cardale ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 10 May, aet. 18.
15 (17) Thomas, Edward, son of Isaac Thomas, esquire, America ;
born in the Island of St Christopher ; bred at Chelsea (Mr Allen) ;
examined and approved by Dr Cradocke ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 18 May, aet. 19.
(18) Dobbs, John, Lincolnshire; born at Bucknall; bred at
20 Wakefield (Mr Clarke); examined and approved by Mr Carr ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 3 June, aet. 19.
(19) Loggon, G-eorge, son of G. Loggon, freeholder (suum fun-
dum colentis), Herefordshire ; born at Colwall ; bred at Hereford
(Mr Stephens); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
25 14 June, aet. 19.
(20) Hasell, William, son of Christopher Hasell, gentleman,
Kent ; born at Sturry ; school, Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir) ; examined
and approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 20 June, aet. 20.
30 (21) Edmonds, George James, son of James Edmonds, ' centu-
rionis,' Hunts. ; born at Hemingford Grey ; school, Huntingdon (Mr
Unwin) ; examined and approved by Mr Clarke ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 22 June, aet. 17.
(22) Belcher, Stringer, son of Samuel Belcher, gentleman,
35 Kent; born at Utcomb ; bred at Ashford (Mr Barret); examined
and approved by Dr Tunstall ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Powell, 28 June, aet. 17.
(23) King, John, Yorks ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; ex-
amined and approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
40 Powell, 28 June.
(24) Bullock, William, Staffordshire ; examined and approved
by Mr Bullock ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 8 July.
(25) Sedgwick, Richard, Kent ; examined and approved by
Mr Ellis ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 8 July.
|f. c. 4|
45 [Admissions in the year \ p. 10 p 25.]
s. 11
152 ADMISSIONS. 1757—1758.
July 1757— July 1758
Admissi ab octavo die Julii 1757
(1) Butcher, James, son of J. Butcher, esquire, America ; born
in the Island of Barbadoes ; bred under Mr Wharton ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 2 August, aet. 19.
(2) Carr, Colston, son of Robert Carr, clerk, Middlesex ; born
at Twickenham; school, St Paul's (Mr Thickness); admitted sizar, 5
tutor and surety Mr Powell, 1 October, aet. 17.
(3) "Williams, Thomas, son of Jenkin Williams, clerk, Glamor-
ganshire ; school, St Paul's (Mr Thickness) ; examined and approved
by Dr Taylor; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
22 December, aet. 16. 10
(4) Panton, Hugh, Middlesex ; school, Westminster (Dr Mark-
ham) ; examined and approved by Dr Taylor ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 9 February.
(5) Fielding, James, son of — Fielding, gentleman, Middlesex ;
school, Harrow (Dr Thackeray); examined and approved by Mr 15
Jephson ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell,
14 February, aet. 18.
(6) Bedford, Thomas, son of William Bedford, clerk, Bedford-
shire ; born in Bedford ; school, Winchester (Dr Burton) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 14 February, aet. 18. 20
(7) Grindall, Simon, son of S. Grindall, gentleman, Yorks ;
born at Muston ; school, Beverley (Mr Ward); admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Powell, 15 March, aet. 19.
(8) Grim wood, Thomas Lechmere, son of — Grim wood, clerk,
Essex ; born at Dedham ; bred there by his father ; examined and 25
approved by Mr Stephens ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
Powell, 16 March.
(9) Ainsworth, Henry, son of Richard Ainsworth, husbandman
{agricolae), Lancashire ; born at Gorton ; school, Manchester (Mr
Purnell) ; examined and approved by Dr Ogden ; admitted sizar, 30
tutor and surety Dr Powell, 16 March.
(10) Carver, John, son of Marmaduke Carver, esquire, Yorks;
school, Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir) ; examined and approved by him ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 3 April,
aet. 18. 35
(11) Meyrick, Owen Lewis, son of Richard Meyrick, M.D.,
Middlesex ; school, Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir) ; examined and ap-
proved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
3 April, aet. 18.
(12) Michell, Richard, s(m of John Michell, butcher {lanii), 40
Sussex ; born at Portslade ; bred at Tuiibridge (Mr Cawthorne) ; ex-
amined and approved by Dr Burton ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 3 April, aet. 21,
ADMISSIONS. 1758. 153
(13) Turner, Baptist Noel, son of — Turner, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Wing ; bred at Oakham (Mr Powell) ; examined and ap-
proved by Mr Tyson ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
8 April.
5 (14) Beresford, William, son of John Beresford, Derbyshire,
gentleman ; born at Ashborne ; bred at Bosworth, Leicestershire
(Mr Slade); admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
10 May, aet. 19.
(15) Potts, Thomas, son of — Potts, clerk, Lancashire ; born
I o at Ormskirk ; bred at Macclesfield ; examined and approved by Mr
Massey ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 May.
(16) Moseley, Richard, Yorks; school, Pocklington (Mr
Basket) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 22 May.
15 (17) Digby, Joseph, son of J. Digby, clerk, Rutland; born at
Thistleton ; bred at Uppingham (Mr Knapp) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 31 May, aet, 17.
(18) Drake, Edward Holwell, A.B. of Balliol College, Oxford;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 24 June.
20 (19) Roberts, John, A.B. of Brasenose College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 29 June.
(20) Crofts, Richard, son of William Crofts, esquire, Suffolk ;
school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; examined and approved by him ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 3 July.
25 (21) Roberts, James, son of John Roberts, Yorks; born at
Height ; bred at Threshfield ; examined and approved by Mr Ten-
nant ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 3 July.
(22) Forster, William, Yorks; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bate-
man) and Threshfield ; examined and approved by Dr Fogg ; ad-
30 mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 3 July.
(23) Keck, Anthony James, son of A. J. Keck, esquire,
Middlesex; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); examined and approved
by him; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
5 July.
, r [Admissions in the year -^ p. 7 h 23.]
8. 13]
July 1758— July 1759
Admissi a 7mo die Julii 1758
(1) Boughton, James, son of Thomas Bough ton, attorney at
law, Northamptonshire ; born at Cliff ; schools, Westminster and
Oakham ; examined and approved by Dr Powell ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 22 July.
40 (2) Johnson, Samuel, son of — Johnson, schoolmaster {ludi
magistri), Salop ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Newling) ; examined and
154 ADMISSIONS. 1758 — 1759.
approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
2 August.
(3) Dinsdale, George, Richmondshire ; bred at Scorton (Mr
Noble) ; examined and approved by Mr Tennant ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Powell, 31 August. 5
(4) Holgate, G-eorge, son of G. Holgate, banker (negotiatoris),
Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Westminster (Dr Markham) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 23 October, aet. 18.
(5) Griffith, Richard ; Middlesex ; examined and approved
by Mr Morris ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, i o
3 November.
(6) Hall, William, Northumberland ; examined and approved
by Dr Brown ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell,
3 November.
(7) Robinson, Peter, son of Robert Robinson, clerk, Staflford- 1 5
shire; born at Sheen; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5 November, aet. 20.
(8) Wyke, Anthony, son of William Wyke, gentleman,
America ; born in Montserrat ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 13 January, aet. 19. 20
(9) Kyffen, Thomas; admitted i>ensioner, 26 May 1756; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 21 January.
(10) Cayley, John, son of J. Cayley, clerk, Yorks ; born at
Brompton ; schools, Beverley (Mr Ward), Marlborough (Mr Malon) ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 6 February, aet. IS. 25
(11) Underwood, John, admitted pensioner, 5 June, 1756;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 7 February.
(12) Wainman, William, son of Richard Wainman, gentleman,
Yorks ; born at Bradford ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted
pensioner, tutors and sureties Dr Powell and Mr Allen, 20 February, 30
aet. 19.
(13) Wainman, Richard, aet. IS ; otherwise the same as his
(14) Jones, Evan, A.B. of Jesus College, Oxford; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 14 March. 35
(15) Stapylton, Henry, son of H. Stapylton, esquire, Yorks ;
born at Dunscroft ; school, Beverley (Mr Ward) ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 20 March, aet. 18.
(16) Ball, David, son of Jonathan Ball, Yorks ; born at Royston ;
bred at Rishworth (Mr Learoyd) ; examined and approved by Dr 40
Tunstall ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 20 March.
(17) Rugg, John, A.B. of Balliol College, Oxford; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 21 March.
(18) Sedgwick, Richard, admitted sizar, 8 July, 1757 ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 28 March. 45
ADMISSIONS. 1759. 155
(19) Wilson, William, son of Thomas Wilson, druggist {phar-
macopolae), Yorks ; born at Beverley ; school, Beverley (Mr Ward) ;
examined and approved by Mr Holme ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 31 March, aet. 18.
5 (20) Dade, William, son of Thomas Dade, clerk, Yorks ; born
at Scampston ; bred at Hackney (Mr Newcomb) ; examined and
approved by Mr Jephson ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Powell, 12 April.
(21) Gilbank, William, son of Thomas Gilbank, verger {vir-
io garii), Yorks; born at York; school, Pocklington (Mr Basket);
examined and approved by Mr Robinson ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 19 April, aet. 19.
(22) Hill, Samuel, son of Thomas Hill, esquire, Middlesex ;
born in London ; privately educated by Mr Pletcher ; admitted fellow
15 commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 25 April, aet. 16.
(23) Hill, Noel, son of Thomas Hill, esquire, Middlesex ; born
in London ; privately educated by Mr Fletcher ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and sui*ety Dr Brooke, 25 April, aet. 14.
(24) Wilson, John, son of — Wilson, clerk, Rutland ; bred by
20 his father; examined and approved by Mr Reid ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 7 May.
(25) Ferris, Thomas, sou of Francis Ferris, hosier {caligarii) ;
born in London ; school. Charterhouse ; examined and approved by Mr
Gunning ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 22 May, aet. 18.
25 (26) Atkinson, Christopher, Lancashire; school, Sedbergh ;
examined and approved by Mr Bacon ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 29 May, aet. 24.
(27) Pritchett, Richard, sou of Delabere Pritchett, clerk, Pem-
brokeshire ; born at St David's {Meneviae) ; school, Marlborough ;
30 examined and approved by Mr Frampton senior; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 31 May, aet. 17-
(28) Dudley, Edward, Leicestershire ; examined and approved
by Mr Beresford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
6 June.
35 (29) Evans, William, son of — Evans, clerk, StaflFordshire ;
examined and approved by Mr Twells ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 15 June.
(30) Shepherd, Henry, son of — Shepherd, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
born at Horncastle ; bred at W^isbech (Mr Clarkson) ; examined and
40 approved by Mr Marshall ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 23 June, aet. 18.
(31) Maling, Christopher Thompson, son of William Maling,
esquire, Durham ; born at Sunderland ; bred at Houghton (Mr
GriEBth) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell,
45 25 June, aet. 18.
(32) Scurfield, George, son of William Scurfield, esquire, Dur-
ham ; born at Sunderland ; bred at Houghton ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 25 June, aet. 18.
156 ADMISSIONS. 1759.
(33) Tighe, Edward, son of William Tighe, esquire, Ireland ;
school, Eton ; examined and approved by Dr Barnard ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 25 June.
(34) Haygarth, John ; Yorks ; born in the parish of Sedbergh;
school, Sedbergh ; examined and approved by Mr Bateman ; ad- 5
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 25 June.
(35) Harrison, Richard, son of R. Harrison, grocer {aromatarii),
Salop ; born at Shrewsbury ; bred there (Mr Newling) ; examined
and approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 27 June. 10
(36) Thwaits, James, Yorks ; bred at Harrow ; examined and
approved by Mr Craven ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Powell, 30 June.
(37) Hutton, John, Westmorland; school, Sedbergh; examined
and approved by Mr Bateman ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr 15
Powell, 30 June.
(38) Saunderson, William, Durham ; school, Sedbergh ; ex-
amined and approved by Mr Bateman ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 30 June.
(39) Smyth, Ozias, son of George Smyth, gentleman, Norfolk ; 20
born at Topcroft ; educated privately by Mr Stegalls ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 30 June, aet. 17.
(40) Ironside, William, son of ' G.' (William X) Ironside, gentle-
man, Durham ; born at Houghton-le-Spring ; bred at Houghton
(Mr Griffith) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 25
2 July, aet. 18.
[Admissions in the year -[ p. 19 h 40.]
July 1759— July 1760
Admissi a 6'° die Julii 1759
(1) Richardson, John, son of J. Richardson, clerk, Ireland;
bred at Chelsea ; examined and approved by Dr Chilcott ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 13 July, aet. 18. 30
(2) Norton, William, son of Fletcher Norton, esquire, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; bred at Harrow (Dr Thackeray) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 21 July, aet. 18.
(3) Stearne, Richard, son of R. Stearne, esquire, Yorks ; born
in York ; school, Beverley (Mr W^ard) ; examined and approved by 35
Dr Tunstall ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell,
12 October, aet. 19.
(4) Kyffen, John, son of Thomas KyfFen, esquire, Carnarvon-
shire ; born at Maenan ; bred at Ruthin (Mr Hughes) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 13 October, aet. 17. 4°
ADMISSIONS. 1759 — 1760. 157
(5) Brotherson, Peter, America; examined and approved by
Dr Taylor; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
2 November.
(6) Holford, Stayner, A.B. ; admitted pensioner, 9 January
5 1755 ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
13 November.
(7) Percy, Hugh, Lord Warkworth, son of Hugh, Earl of
Northumberland ; born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 11 January,
lo aet. 18.
(8) Revely, Hugh, son of George Revely, gentleman ; born in
Spain ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 12 January, aet. 20.
(9) Pritchett, Charles Pigott, son of Delabere Pritchett, clerk,
1 5 Pembrokeshire ; born at St David's {Meneniae)', school, Marl-
borough ; examined and approved by Mr Frampton, senior ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 8 March.
(10) Horseman, James, son of J. Horseman, clerk, Durham ;
born at Greatham ; examined and approved by Mr Horseman ; ad-
20 mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 21 March, aet. 19.
(11) Colchester, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Colchester,
Essex ; born at Dedham ; bred there (Mr Grimwood) ; examined and
approved by Mr Stephens ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr
Powell, 29 March, aet. 18.
25 (12) Grey, George, son of G. Grey, gentleman, Durham ; born
at Southwick ; school, Newcastle (Mr Moises) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 14 April, aet. 17.
(13) Gee, Richard, son of James Gee, esquire, Yorks ; born in
York ; school, Beverley (Mr Ward) ; examined and approved by Mr
30 Holme, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 14 April, aet. 18.
(14) Ackland, Thomas, son of "William Ackland, merchant
{mercatoris) , Surrey ; born in Southwark ; bred at South wark ;
examined and approved by Mr Clarke ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 29 April, aet. 17.
35 (15) Hargrave, William, Northumberland ; admitted pen-
sioner, 16 December, 1755; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and
surety Dr Powell, 2 May.
(16) Wright, Charles, son of George Wright, musician {munci),
Northamptonshire ; born at Peterborough ; bred there (Mr Mar-
40 sham); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 7 May, aet. 16.
(17) Aveling, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Aveling, clerk,
Bedfordshire ; examined and approved by Mr Cole ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 13 May.
(18) Boot, Walkingham, son of Joseph Boot, farmer {coloni\
45 Derbyshire ; born at Higham ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Saunders);
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 27 May, aet. 19.
158 ADMISSIONS. 1760.
(19) Twyford, Robert, A.B. of Oriel College, Oxford ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 29 May.
(20) Otteley, William, America; school, Eton (Dr Barnard);
examined and approved by him ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 31 May. 5
(21) Swale, John, son of J. Swale, attorney at law, London ;
school, Charterhouse ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr
Brooke, 5 June, aet. 16.
(22) Procter, William, son of Thomas Procter, tanner {alu-
tarii), Yorks ; born at Merebec ; bred at Skipton (Mr Plummer) ; lo
admitted sizar, tutor and surety, Dr Powell, 9 June, aet. 22.
(23) Martin, Samuel, son of S. Martin, clerk, Warwickshire ;
born at Newton ; school, Manchester (Mr Purnell) ; examined and
approved by Mr Beresford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Powell, 10 June, aet. 17. ^5
(24) Becher, William, son of Edward Becher, esquire, Notts ;
born at Southwell ; bred at Uppingham (Mr Knapp) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 June, aet. 18.
(25) Cradock, William and (26) Cradock, Thomas, sons of
Thomas Cradock, clerk, Staffordshire ; born at Wolverhampton ; 20
school, Shrewsbury (Mr Newling) ; examined and approved by him ;
admitted pensioners, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 28 June, aet.
William, 19, Thomas 17.
(27) Lloyd, Heneage, second son of Sir Richard Lloyd, kut.
and Baron of the Exchequer ; examined and approved by Mr Jeph- 25
son ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 23 June.
(28) Evans, Evan, Notts; born at Babworth ; school, Eton
(Dr Barnard) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Powell, 23 June.
(29) Taylor, Simon Oliver ; Bedfordshire ; bred at Welling- 30
borough ; examined and approved by Mr Bacon ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Powell, 25 June, aet. 18.
(30) Palmer, Richard, son of Thomas Palmer, clerk, Hereford-
shire ; school, Hereford ; examined and approved by Mr Cam ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 30 June, aet. 16. 35
(31) Fancourt, John, son of William Fancourt, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Littiugtou ; bred at Oakham (Mr Markham) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 1 July, aet. 19.
Admissions in the year -j p. 15 ^ 31.]
(s. 10)
July 1760— July 1761
Admissi a 4*'' die Julii 1760
(1) Blake, Patrick, son of Andrew Blake, esquire, Middlesex; 40
born in London ; school, Eton ; examined and approved by Mr Ewin ;
ADMISSIONS. 1760—1761. 159
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 18 August,
aet. IS.
(2) Cronkshaw, John, A. M. of Brasenose College, Oxford ;
admitted fellow commoner, surety Dr Powell, 17 October.
5 (3) Ward, John, son of — Ward, clerk, Yorks ; born at
Thornton ; school, Beverley ; examined and approved by Dr Powell;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 17 October, aet. IS.
(4) Lord, William, son of ' G.' (William 1) Lord, gentleman,
Derbyshire ; born at Normanton ; bred at Chesterfield ; admitted
lo pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 30 October, aet. 18.
(5) Milward, John, son of Thomas Milward, clerk, Westmor-
land ; born at Long Marton ; bred at Appleby ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 31 October, aet. 18.
(6) Garrett, John, son of James Garrett, architect (architecli),
15 Devonshire; born at Exeter; bred at Tiverton; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 2 November, aet. 19.
(7) Grey, George, admitted pensioner, 14 April 1760 ; is admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 3 November.
(8) Pilborough, John, son of J. Pilborough, Essex; born at
20 Colchester; bred there; examined and approved by Mr Stephens;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell, 15 December, aet. 18.
(9) Hull, Christopher, son of John Hull, gentleman, Lancashire ;
born at Marton; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); examined and
approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Powell,
25 22 January.
(10) Moseley, Richard, admitted pensioner on 19 April, 1757 ;
is admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
29 January.
(11) Batt, William, son of 'G.' (William?) Batt, clerk, Wilt-
30 shire ; born at CoUingborne Ducis ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ;
examined and approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Abbot, 16 February, aet. 18.
(12) Forster, William, son of Thomas Forster, druggist {phar-
macopolae), Rutland ; born at Uppingham ; bred there (Mr Knapp) ;
35 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 10 March, aet. 18.
(13) Aldridge, Stephen, son of S. Aldridge, clerk, Essex ; born
at Stanneway ; educated at a private school in London ; examined
and approved by Dr Gisborne ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 19 March, aet. 18.
40 (14) Hall, Samuel, son of S. Hall, clerk ; born in Scotland ; bred
at Houghton-le-Spring (Mr Griffith) ; examined and approved by Mr
Horseman ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 9 April,
aet. 19.
(15) Travis, George, son of John Travis, Lancashire ; born at
45 Royton ; school, Manchester (Mr Purnell) ; examined and approved
160 ADMISSIONS. 1761.
by Dr Tunstall ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
17 April.
(16) Mason, Edward, son of — Mason, husbandman {agricolae),
Yorks ; born at Ecclesfield ; bred at Chesterfield (Mr Saunders) ;
examined and approved by Mr Burrow ; admitted sizar, tutor and 5
surety Mr Abbot, 22 May, aet. 18.
(17) Kingston, Francis, son of — Kingston, attorney at law,
Dorsetshire ; born in Dorchester ; bred there ; examined and ap-
proved by Mr Metcalf ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
25 May, aet. 15. lo
(18) Paddon, Thomas, son of George Paddon, clerk, Devonshire ;
examined and approved by Dr Prime ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 27 May, aet. 19.
(19) Budd, James, Yorks; born at Killham; examined and
approved by Mr Robinson; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr 15
Abbot, 15 June, aet. 18.
(20) Bootliby, Brooke, son of B. Boothby, esquire, Derbyshire ;
born at Ashbourne ; bred at Stafford ; examined and approved
by Mr Beresford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
19 June. 20
(21) White, Charles, Dorsetshire; bred at Dorchester (Mr
Hubbock) ; examined and approved by Mr Metcalf ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 19 June, aet. 16.
(22) Weatherhead, Thomas, son of — Weatherhead, clerk,
Yorks; born at Pontefract ; bred at Lynn, Norfolk; examined and 25
approved by Mr Jones ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
1 July.
(23) Ellison, Stanhope, A.B. of Brasenose College, Oxford ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 2 July.
(24) Bethel, Samuel, A.B. of Wadham College, Oxford ; ad- 3°
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 3 July.
(25) Grove, Thomas, son of Chafin Grove, esquire, Wiltshire ;
school, Marlborough ; examined and approved by Mr Frampton ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 8 July.
ff.c. 4|
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 81- 25.] 35
is. ]3J
July 1761— July 1762
Admissi a 10i"o die Julii 1761
(1) Burnaby, Thomas Beaumont, son of Andrew Burnaby,
clerk, Leicestershire ; born at Asfordby ; bred at Uppingham, Rut-
land (Mr Knap) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
11 July, aet. 19.
ADMISSIONS. 1761 — 62. 161
(2) Bernard, Roger, son of R. Bernard, esquire, Ireland ; bom
at Corke ; educated privately by Mr Chinnery ; admitted fellow
commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 27 July, aet. 19.
(3) Craster, Thomas, son of Edmund Craster, Westmorland ;
5 born at Kirkby Lonsdale ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman); examined
and approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
19 August, aet. 18.
(4) Green, Vincent, son of William Green, schoolmaster {ludi
magistri), Kent ; born at Shoreham ; bred at Sutton (Mr Hardy) ;
10 examined and approved by Mr Abbot; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Abbot, 20 September, aet. 19.
(5) Kirby, John, son of — Kirby, husbandman (agricolae), Kent;
born in the Isle of Thanet ; schools, first Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir),
then Maidstone (Mr Russell) ; examined and appi-oved by Mr Abbot,
15 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 9 October, aet. 18.
(6) Hodgson, John, clerk in holy orders, Lancashire ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 3 November, aet. 27.
(7) Taylor, Simon Oliver, admitted pensioner, 25 June 1760;
is admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
20 10 November.
(8) Crosley, John, son of William Crosley, weaver {texloris),
Yorks ; born at Heptonstall ; bred there (Mr Pawson) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 1 1 November, aet. 26.
(9) Bullock, William, admitted sizar, 8 July 1757 ; is admitted
25 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 19 November.
(10) Warrington, George, son of G. Warrington, esquire,
Lancashire; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Newling); examined and ap-
proved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
4 November.
30 (11) Chafy, William, son of — Chafy, clerk, Dorsetshire ; bred
at Dorchester ; examined and approved by Mr Metcalf ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 28 November.
(12) Sheepshanks, William, son of Richard Sheepshanks, hus-
bandman {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Linton ; bred at Threshfield
35 (Mr Hewit); examined and approved by Dr Tunstall ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 12 December, aet. 20.
(13) Dinsdale, George, Richmondshire ; admitted sizar,
31 August, 1758 ; is admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
24 December.
40 (14) Keck, David Anthony, son of A. Keck, serjeant-at-law,
Middlesex ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); examined and approved by
him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 9 January.
(15) Bedford, Thomas, Bedfordshire; admitted sizar,
14 February, 1758; is admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
45 Mr Abbot, 15 January,
S. 11
162. ADMISSIONS. 1762.
(16) Houblon, John, Essex; admitted pensioner, 7 February,
1757; is admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
18 January.
(17) Place, Henry, son of Conyers Place, clerk, Dorsetshire;
born at MarnhuU ; bred at Dorchester ; examined and approved by 5
Mr Metcalf ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 25 January,
aet. 18.
(18) Marsh, George, son of — Marsh, carpet maker {tapetiarii),
Dorsetshire ; school, Marlborough ; examined and approved by Mr
Metcalf; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 25 January, 10
aet. 18.
(19) Bowen, Thomas, clerk in holy orders, Devonshire ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 February, aet. 24.
(20) Moseley, Richard, Yorks; admitted sizar, 22 May 1758 ;
is admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 20 February. 15
(21) Allen, John Towers, son of J. Allen, gentleman, Norfolk ;
born at Terrington ; school, Bury (Mr Garnham) ; examined and
approved by Mr Frampton ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Brooke, 22 March, aet. 18.
(22) Deason, Thomas, son of — Deason, clerk, Yorks; born at 20
Carlton; school, Beverley (Mr Ward); examined and approved by
Mr Robinson ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 22 March,
aet. 18.
(23) Fountaine, Robert, son of Richard Fountaine, freeholder
{suum fundum colentis), Yorks; born at Linton; bred there (Mr 25
Hewit) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 16 April,
aet. 19.
(24) Arnald, William, son of Richard Arnald, clerk, Leicester-
shire ; born at Thurcaston ; school, Manchester ; examined and
approved by Dr Ogden ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety 30
Mr Abbot, 8 May.
(25) Gardiner, Luke, son of — Gardiner, esquire, Ireland ;
school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; examined and approved by him ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 7 June.
(26) Burne, Walter, son of John Burne, clerk, Devonshire ; 35
examined and approved by Dr Prime; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 22 June.
(27) Moseley, Maurice, Suflfolk ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ;
examined and approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 23 June. 40
(28) Davies, William, Montgomeryshire; school, Shrewsbury
(Mr Newling) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 30 June.
(29) Russell, Robert, son of John Russell, husbandman {agri-
colae), Lancashire ; born at Force-Forge ; school, Sedbergh (Mr 45
Bateman) ; examined and approved by Mr Brathwaite ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 30 June, aet. 18.
(30) Manley, Henry Churley, Somerset; school, Eton (Dr
ADMISSIONS. 1762 — 63. 163
Barnard) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 1 July.
(31) Le Grice, Charles, son of C. Le Grice, attorney at law,
SuflFolk; born in Bury St Edmund's; educated privately by Mr
5 Steggolds ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5 July,
aet. 19.
ff.C. 4|
[Admissions in the year -^p. 13^ 31.]
s. 14
July 1762— July 1763
Admissi a 9"o die Julii 1762
(1) Hetley, Henry, son of Richard Hetley, flour merchant {fari-
narii), Northamptonshire ; born at Peterborough ; bred there (Mr
10 Marshall); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 9 July, aet.
(2) Pennington, Isaac, son of Paul Pennington, captain of a
merchant-man (navis onerariae praefecti) ; born at Longmire in
Foreness-Fell, Lancashire ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ; exam-
15 ined and approved by him; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 13 August, aet. 17.
(3) Manly, Henry Churley ; Somerset ; admitted sizar, 1 July
1762 ; is admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 20 Sep-
20 (4) Yale, John, son of S. Yale, clerk, Denbighshire ; born at
"Wrexham ; bred at Ruthin ; examined and approved by Mr Jones
junior ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 27 Sep-
(5) Raikes, Richard, son of Robert Raikes, printer {typographi),
25 Gloucestershire; born in Gloucester; school, Eton (Dr Barnard);
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 11 October, aet. 18.
(6) Marshall, Henry, son of H. Marshall, clerk, Lincolnshire ;
born at Salmonby ; bred at Ormesby (Mr Smith) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 3 November, aet. 18.
30 (7) Tanner, Culpepper, son of C. Tanner, clerk, Rutland ;
born at Oakham ; bred there (Mr Markham) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 14 December, aet. 21.
(8) Paddon, George, son of G. Paddon, clerk, Devonshire ; born
at Challey; bred at Bampton (Mr Wood); examined and approved
35 by Dr Sleech ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 16 Feb-
ruary, aet. 18.
(9) Youde, John, son of Thomas Youde, druggist {pharma-
164 ADMISSIONS. 1763.
copolae), Denbighshire ; born in Ruthen ; bred there (Mr Hughes) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 23 February, aet. 20.
To the Eeverend the Master and Fellows of St John's College,
We the Principal and Fellows of Jesus College in Oxford do testify 5
that Mr John Youde was admitted a member of our said College the
seventh day of October 1760 and that he has resided eight Terms,
and moreover that during his Residence he has behav'd himself in a
sober regular and studious manner.
Thomas Pardo, Principal lo
Witness our hands this James Williams
seventeenth day of Elvedale Kyffin
February 1763. Thomas Williams
Eichard Edwards.
(10) Byron, John, son of Joshua Byron, grscdQY {pecuarii), Lin- 15
colnshire ; born at Utterby ; school, Beverley (Mr Ward) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 29 March, aet. 18.
(11) Jolinson, John Allen, son of Allen Johnson, esquire,
Ireland ; born in Dublin ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted
fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 7 April, aet. 18. 20
(12) Weston, Samuel Ryder, son of John Weston, clerk, Devon-
shire; born in Exeter; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 12 April, aet. 16.
(13) Smyth, James, son of James Smyth, esquire, Bedfordshire;
born at Streatly near Luton ; bred at Hitchin, Herts (Mr Morgan); 25
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 26 April, ' et eo ipso
quo erat admissus die, annos compleveret 18.'
(14) Whalley, Thomas Sedgewick, son of John Whalley,
Regius Professor of Divinity, and Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge-
shire ; born in Cambridge; bred at Ilminster, Somerset (Mr Davis); 30
examined and approved by Mr Beadon ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 27 April, aet. 18.
(15) Richards, George, son of — Richards, clerk, Kent; born
at Peckham ; bred at Tunbridge (Mr Towers) ; examined and ap-
proved by Dr Taylor ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr 35
Brooke, 2 May, aet. 18.
(16) Pearce, William, son of William Pearce, surgeon, Corn-
wall ; born at St Kevern near Helstone ; bred at Helstone ; examined
and approved by Mr Hosken ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Dr Brooke, 7 May, aet. 18. 40
(17) Wise, John, son of Edward Wise, attorney, Berkshire ;
bom at Wokingham ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; examined and
approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
7 May, aet. 18.
(18) Durand, Daniel Francis, son of — Durand, clerk, Norfolk; 45
born in Norwich ; school, Canterbury (Mr Beauvoir) ; examined and
approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
28 May, aet. 17.
ADMISSIONS. 1763. 165
(19) Sneade, Samuel, father in holy orders {patre clerico).
Montgomeryshire ; born at Church Stoke ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr
Newling) ; commended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Dr Brooke, 23 May, aet. 17.
5 (20) Carr, John, Derbyshire ; school, Manchester (Mr Purnell) ;
examined and approved by Dr Ogden ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 25 May.
(21) Peake, James, son of Jonathan Peak, clerk, Cheshire;
school, Manchester (Mr Purnell) ; examined and approved by Dr
lo Ogden ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 25 May.
(22) Barnes, Benjamin, son of Edward Barnes, scythe grinder,
{artificio exacuendi falces occu2Miti), Yorks ; born at Wadsley ; the
free school, SheflBeld (Mr Smith); admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 25 May, aet. 20.
15 (23) Glover, Richard, son of John Glover, of Kirkby Lonsdale,
gentleman, Westmorland ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateraan) ; com-
mended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 6 June.
(24) Orme, Thomas, son of — Orme, husbandman [agricolae)
of Ashby Zouch, Leicestershire ; bred at Repton, Derbyshire (Mr
20 Asteley) ; examined and approved by Mr Beresford ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 11 June.
(25) Dean, Richard, Yorks ; born at Linton ; schools, Durham
and Threshfield ; examined and approved by Mr Robinson ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 13 June, aet. 20.
25 (26) Harrison, John, Durham, examined and approved by Mr
Horseman ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
22 June.
(27) Jones, Peter, son of Thomas Jones, clerk, Merioneth ; born
at Llanderfel ; the free school, Ruthin (Mr Hughes) ; admitted pen-
30 sioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 27 June, aet. 21.
To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come Greeting.
We the Principal and Fellows of Jesus College in Oxford do testify
that Peter Jones was admitted a member of our said College the
seventh day of March 1760: and that he has resided Thirteen Terms:
35 and moreover that during his Eesidence he has behaved himself in a
sober, regular and studious manner.
Hum. Owen, Prin'
Witness our Hands the Elvedale Kyffin
Twenty second day of June Thomas Williams
40 1763. John Williams
Edward Thomas.
(28) Watkin, Joseph, son of John Watkin, husbandman
{agricolae), Yorks ; born at Stokesley in Cleveland ; the free school
at Scorton (Mr White) ; examined and approved by Mr Craven ;
45 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 29 June, aet. 1 8.
(29) Houlbrooke, Theophilus, son of — Houlbrooke, seller of
shoes {calceos vendentis), Staffordshire ; born at Lichfield ; school,
166 ADMISSIONS. 1763.
Shrewsbury (Mr Newling) ; recommended by him ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 30 June, aet. 17.
(30) Gough, Charles, son of Owen Gough, clerk, Bedfordshire ;
born at Leighten Buzzard ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; by whom he
is recommended ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 5
4 July, aet. past 17.
(f.c. 2)
[Admissions in the year < p. 14 r 30.]
Is. 14 )
July 1763— July 1764
Admissi ab S^o die Julii 1763
(1) Highmore, John, Westmorland; school, Sedbergh (Mr
Bateman) ; recommended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 9 July. lO
(2) Davies, Robert, son of Robert Davies, Denbighshire ; born
at Denbigh ; the free school, Ruthin (Mr Hughes) ; examined by Mr
Abbot; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 24 August, aet.
(3) Lloyd, John, son of Thomas Lloyd, maltster (brasiatoris), 15
Denbighshire ; born at Ruthin ; bred there (Mr Hughes) ; examined
by Mr Abbot ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
24 August, aet. 19.
(4) Lewis, Owen \ son of Lewis Thomas, Denbighshire ; born
at Bryn Eglwys ; the free school, Ruthin (Mr Hughes); examined by 20
Mr Abbot ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 24 August,
aet. 18.
(5) Leighton, Charles, son of Sir Charlton Leighton, Bart.,
Salop ; school, Shrewsbury (Mr Newling) ; recommended by him ;
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 17 Septem- 25
ber, aet. past 16.
(6) Becher, William, Notts., formerly a member of the College
' et nuperrime ex Collegio Jesu,' admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 28 September.
Jesus College, Cambridge, 27 Sept. 1763. 30
William Becher was admitted into this College on the 28th day of
October 1760, and having been duly resident since that time has
behaved himself in a very regular and orderly manner and has our
leave to remove to any other College in this University.
L. Caryl, Master 35
E. Allenson, Dean Dep.
T. Milner, Tutor,
^ Nomen hujus Juvenis est Owen Lewis, et patris nomen (filio saltern
teste) est Lewis Thomas. (Note in margin.)
ADMISSIONS. 1763 — 64. 167
(7) Lord, William, admitted pensioner, 30 October, 1760;
is now admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
12 November,
(8) Youngson, Dacre, son of George Youngson, grazier {^pe-
5 cuarii), Yorks ; born at Kilham ; school, Beverley (Mr Ward) ;
examined by Mr Robinson ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 28 December, aet. IS.
(9) Knowles, Thomas, son of William Knowles, clerk, Lan-
cashire ; born at Ormskirk ; school, Sedbergh (Mr Bateman) ;
lo recommended by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 17 February.
(10) Carr, Colston, formerly member of this College, being
admitted 1 October 1757, is now again admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Abbot, 13 March. Admitted pensioner under Mr Che-
15 vallier, 6 November 1771 ^
(11) Wood, William, son of William Wood, husbandman {agri-
colae), Notts ; born at Hockerwood in the parish of Southwell ;
school, Southwell ; examined by Mr Todington ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 16 March, aet. 17.
2o (12) Cuthbert, Edward, son of Joseph Cuthbert, clerk, Essex;
born at Balvan ; school, St Paul's (Mr Thickness) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 27 March, aet. 18.
(13) Eyton, Robert, son of Thomas Eyton, timber merchant
{materiarii), Denbighshire ; born at Llanganafal ; school, Ruthin (Mr
25 Hughes) ; examined and approved by John Yale and Ambrose
Thelwall Lewis ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
28 March, aet. 20.
(14) Drake, Thomas, son of George Drake, druggist {pharma-
copolae), Yorks. ; born at Halifax ; school, Winchester (Dr Burton) ;
30 examined by Dr Balguy ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 29 March, aet. 18.
(15) Griffiths, Robert, son of Simon Griffiths of Colomendy in
the parish of Corwen, Merioneth, freeholder {suumfundum colentis);
born at Llandegla, Denbighshire, in the Diocese of St Asaph ; school,
35 Ruthin (Mr Hughes) ; examined and recommended by John Yale
and Ambrose Thelwall* ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
17 April, aet. 17.
(16) Turner, Bernard, son of Bernard Turner, College Organist
(m hoc ipso collegio organici), Cambridgeshire ; born in Cambridge ;
40 educated privately by his brother Henry Turner, Piatt fellow of the
College ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 14 May, aet. 18.
(17) Grove, Harry, son of Chafin Grove, gentleman, Wiltshire ;
born at Mere ; school, Marlborough (Mr Meyler) ; examined by Mr
1 This in a later hand.
"^ sic. Lewis is omitted, see no. (13).
168 ADMISSIONS. 1764.
Frampton senior ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Brooke,
21 May, aet. 17.
(18) Wheeler, Julines, son of John AVheeler, gentleman, Wilt-
shire; born at Broadhinton ; school, Marlborough (Mr Meyler);
examined and approved by Mr Frampton, junior ; admitted pen- 5
sioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 21 May, aet. IS.
(19) Fitchatt, Francis, son of John Fitchatt, schoolmaster
{ludi Tnagistri), Essex ; born at Brentwood ; schools. Merchant
Taylors' and afterwards Tunbridge ; recommended by Dr Taylor ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 26 May, 'cum lo
annum jam coepisset 18™"V
(20) Greaves, George, Derbyshire ; school, Repton ; examined
and recommended by Mr Beresford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Dr Brooke, 19 June.
(21) Sayer, Robert John, son of Robert Sayer, physician 15
{medici) and Mary Denham, Middlesex ; born in the parish of St
Andrews, Holborn ; bred at Hereford ; examined by Mr Cam and
Mr Metcalfe ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
23 June, aet. past 15.
(22) Cooke, Richard, son of John Cooke, saddler and harness 20
maker {oj)iJicis e2M2)piorum\ Herefordshire ; born in Hereford ;
bred there ; examined and approved by Mr Cam and Mr Metcalfe ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 23 June, aet. past
(23) Baskett, John, son of Samuel Baskett, clerk, Dorset ; born 25
at Ower Moigne ; bred at Blandford ; examined and approved by Mr
Cam and Mr Metcalfe ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Dr Brooke,
23 June, aet. 19.
(24) Williams, William, son of Thomas Williams, merchant
(mercatoris), Cheshire ; born in Chester ; school, Bangor (Mr 30
GriflSths) ; examined and approved by Mr Yale ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 26 June, aet. 19.
(25) Kipling, Thomas, son of William Kipling, cattle salesman
{jjecorum venditoris), Richmondshire ; born at Bowes ; schools, first
Scorton and lastly Sedbergh (Mr Batemau) ; tutor and surety Mr 35
Abbot, 28 June, aet. 18.
(26) Colyear, Hon. William Charles, Viscount Milsington,
son of Charles, Earl of Portmore, Middlesex ; born in London ;
privately educated by Mr Jenkin ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor
and surety Dr Brooke, 28 June, aet. 17. 40
(27) Davies, Richard, Brecon, A.B. of Worcester College,
Oxford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 30 June.
(28) Williams, Edward, Brecon, A.B. of Jesus College, Oxford ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 30 June.
(29) Potter, William, son of William Potter, clerk, Yorks ; born 45
at Hemingburgh ; educated by his father ; examined and approved
by Mr Gill ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 1 July, aet.
ADMISSIONS. 1764—65. 169
(30) Noble, Henry Lovell, Leicestershire, A.B. of All Saints'
College, Oxford ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
2 July.
(31) Taylor, John, son of William Taylor, freeholder {fundum
5 suum colentis), Lancashire ; born at Worton ; school, Sedbergh (Dr
Bateman) ; recommended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 5 July, aet. 19.
[Admissions in the year J p. 13 r 31.]
[s. is)
July 1764— July 1765
Admissi a sexto die Julii, 1764
(1) Williams, Owen James, son of John Williams, Brecon ; born
lo at Newcourt ; bred at Abergaveny (Mr Jardine) ; examined and
approved by Mr Davies ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
13 September, aet. 17.
(2) Byne, Henry, son of Henry Byne, esquire, Northumberland ;
born at Morpeth ; the free school, Newcastle (Mr Moises) ; admitted
15 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 29 September, aet. 18.
(3) Hill, Rowland, son of Sir Rowland Hill, baronet, Salop ;
born at Hawkston ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted pensioner,
tutors and sureties Dr Brooke and Mr Frampton. 10 October, aet. 20.
(4) Alkin, Thomas Verrier, son of Thomas Alkin, Kent ; born
20 at Canterbury ; admitted pensioner, tutors and sureties Dr Brooke
and Mr Frampton, 11 October, aet. 18.
(5) Lister, Thomas Pindar, son of Thomas Lister, esquire,
Lincolnshire; born at Girsbyj school, Beverley (Mr Ward); ex-
amined and approved by Mr Johnston ; admitted fellow commoner,
25 tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 22 October, aet. 19.
(6) Price, Howell, son of Howell Price, Brecon ; born at Tral-
Iwng (Tralong 0 '> school, Brecon (Mr Griffiths) ; examined and ap-
proved by Mr Griffiths ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
27 October, aet. 19.
30 (7) Coke, D'Ewes, son of George Coke, Notts ; born at Mans-
field Woodhouse ; bred at Kepton, Derbyshire (Mr Astley) ; admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 31 October, aet. 17.
iB^c*'^. Gul. Sam. Powell S. /'.P. electus Magister urianimi
consensu omnium i.e. 41 Sociorum praesentium 25 Jati. 1765.
35 (8) Aldrich, Stephen, formerly admitted sizar; is admitted
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 30 January.
(9) Fitzherbert, William, son of William Fitzherbert, esquire,
Derbyshire ; born at Tissington ; school, Westminster (Dr Smith) ;
170 ADMISSIONS. 1765.
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 19 February,
aet 17.
(10) Jodrell, Paul, second son of Paul Jodrell, esquire, Middle-
sex ; born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 22 March, aet. 18. 5
(11) Potter, Robert, son of Robert Potter, clerk, Yorks ; born
at Stillingfleet ; bred there by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Abbot, 22 March, aet. 22.
(12) GriflQn, Lucock, son of Giles John Griffin, gentleman ; born
in the Island of Jamaica ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted lo
pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 3 May.
(13) Filewood, Thomas, son of James Filewood, builder
{aedium aedificatoris) ; educated privately ; examined and approved
by the Master of the College ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 6 May, aet. past 18. 15
(14) Taylor, John, son of John Taylor, clerk, Yorks; bom at
Methley ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Bateman) ; recommended by him ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 6 May, aet. 19.
(15) Houlbrooke, Theophilus, formerly admitted sizar; now
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Dr Brooke, 11 May. 20
(16) Burslem, William, son of Samuel Burslem, clerk, Salop ;
born at Market Drayton ; educated chiefly by his father ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 13 May, aet. 18.
(17) Hunt, Samuel, son of Thomas Hunt, surgeon {chirurgi),
Leicestershire; born at Loughborough; bred there and at Upping- 25
ham (Mr Knap) ; examined by Dr Harrison ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 20 May, aet. 19.
(18) Bowry, John, son of Samuel Bowry, clerk, Essex ; born at
Eastthorpe ; school, Colchester (Mr Smythies); admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 28 May, aet. 21. 30
(19) Harrison, William, son of William Hai-rison, grazier
(pecuarii), Lincolnshire ; born at Fiskerton ; school, Lincoln (Mr
Hewthwaite) ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 7 June,
aet. 20.
(20) Tayleure, Samuel, son of William Tayleure, official of the 35
ecclesiastical court {in curia ecclesiastica ojicialis), Yorks; born in
York ; bred at Hingham, Norfolk (Mr Buck) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 18 June, aet. 17.
(21) Simpson, David, son of Ralph Simpson, farm bailiff
{cillici), Yorks; born at Ingleby-Arncliffe ; school, Scorton (Mr 40
Noble); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 19 June,
aet. 20.
(22) Frewen, Edward, son of Thomas Frewen, physician {me-
dici), Sussex ; born at Rye ; bred at Uckfield (Mr Gerison) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 26 June, aet. 19. 4^
(23) Wightwick, Richard, son of William Wightwick, clerk,
Wiltshire ; born at Winterbourn ; educated chiefly at Ashford in
Kent, for one year at Marlborough ; recommended by Mr Frampton
ADMISSIONS. 1765, 171
senior ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Fi-ampton, 26 June,
aet. 16.
(24) Villette, John, Middlesex ; recommended by Dr Ferris ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 26 June.
5 (25) Whistler, Webster, son of John Whistler, gentleman,
Oxfordshire ; born at Woodchurch ; bred at Canterbury (Mr Beau-
voir) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 27 June, aet.
(26) Dannett, Thomas, son of John Dannett, gentleman, Lan-
10 cashire; born at Kirkham-in-the-Fields ; school, Manchester; recom-
mended by Mr Wrigley ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 3 July.
(27) Grove, Charles, Wiltshire, examined and approved by Mr
Frampton senior ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton,
152 July. Brother of Thomas Grove and Harry Grove, admitted 8 July
1761 and 21 May 1764.
(28) Boswell, Samuel, son of Samuel Boswell, gentleman,
Cheshire ; born in Chester ; examined and approved by Mr Wool-
vpright; admitted pensioner, sponsor and surety Mr Frampton,
20 5 July, aet. 19.
(29) Pearson, Samuel, Salop, examined and approved by Mr
Newling; admitted pensioner, sponsor and surety Mr Frampton,
6 July.
[Admissions in the year j p. 18 ,L 29.]
is. 9J
July 1765— July 1766
Admissi a quinto die Julii 1765
25 (1) Andrews, Henry, son of — Andrews, baker (pistoris) of
Grantham, Lincolnshire; bred there (Mr Bacon); examined and
approved by Mr Abbot ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 9 July, aet. 18.
(2) Radford, Thomas, son of Samuel Radford, gentleman,
30 Yorks; born at Sheffield; bred at Beverley (Mr Ward); examined
and approved by Mr Abbot ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 15 July, aet. 17.
(3) Hughes, Lewis, son of John Hughes, clerk ; born at
Llanjdan in Anglesea ; bred at Bangor (Mr Griffith) ; examined and
3 5 approved by Mr Abbot ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
22 August, aet. 17.
(4) Lambert, Robert Heblethwaite, son of Charles Lambert,
registrar {registrarii), Lancashire ; born in Lancaster ; school, Sed-
bergh (Dr Bateman) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
40 Abbot, 7 October, aet. 18.
(5) Belgrave, George, son of Jeremiah Belgrave, clerk, Rut-
172 ADMISSIONS. 1766.
land ; born at Preston ; school, Uppingham (Mr Knap) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 14 October, aet. 16.
(6) Greenall, Thomas, son of Joshua Greenall, farm bailiflf
(villici), Westmorland ; born at Middleton ; school, Sedhergh (Dr
Bateman) ; examined and approved by Mr Nairn ; admitted sizar, 5
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 14 December, aet. 28.
(7) Neale, James, son of James Neale, clerk, Oxfordshire ; born
at Henley-on-Thames; educated by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 17 January, aet. 17.
(8) Smith, William, son of John Smith, clerk, Bedfordshire; 10
born at Odell ; school, Huntingdon, his father being master ; ad-
mitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 17 January, aet. 15 'plus
(9) Willan, Robert, son of Thomas Willan, farm bailiflf {vilici),
Yorks ; born at Dent in the parish of Sedbergh ; recommended by 1 5
Mr Robinson; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
18 January, aet. 18.
(10) Sargent, George Arnold, son of John Sargent, merchant
{mercaloris), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Bar-
nard) ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 20
6 February, aet. 18.
(11) Martin, Thomas, son of Joseph Martin, banker {argen-
tarii), Middlesex ; born in London ; educated at home i^rivately by
Mr Leigh ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
7 February, aet. 16. 25
(12) Beswicke, John, son of Charles Beswicke, cloth-maker
(jpannorum opificis), Yorks ; born at Saddleworth ; school, Man-
chester (Mr Lawson) ; recommended by him ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 28 February, aet 19.
(13) Prime, Samuel, son of Sir Samuel Prime, knight, Middle- 30
sex ; born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ; admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, March 16, aet. 16.
(14) Trapier, Paul, son of Paul Trapier, gentleman, America;
born at George Town, South Carolina ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard) ;
admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, March 20, aet. 18. 35
(15) Ellis, John, son of John Ellis, clerk, Carnarvonshire ; born
in Carnarvon ; school, Bangor (Mr Griffith) ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 2 April, aet. 20.
(16) Ives, James, son of Clement Ives, currrier {coriarii) of
Witwell, Norfolk ; bred at Hengham (Mr Buck); admitted pensioner, 40
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 19 April, aet. 18. {Ohiit 20 April 1769.)
(17) Hudson, Robert, son of Robert Hudson, sometime captain
of an East India-man {navis onerariae ad orientalem Indiam,
missae quondam praefecti) ; school, Eton ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 25 April, aet. 17. 45
ADMISSIONS. 1766. 173
(18) Morris, Evan, sou of David Morris, clerk, Merioneth ; born
at Cynful ; school, Bangor (Mr GriflBth) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Abbot, 3 May, aet. 18.
(19) Price, Hugh, son of Hugh Price, gentleman, Anglesea ;
5 born at Penmynydd ; school, Bangor (Mr Griffith) ; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 13 May, aet. 18.
(20) Field, Robert, son of William Field, Lancashire ; born at
Cartmel ; bred at Flockburgh (Mr Field) ; admitted sizar, tutor and
surety Mr Abbot, 13 May, aet. 22.
lo (21) Robinson, Solomon, sou of Christopher Robinson, hus-
bandman {agricolae), Westmorland, born near the Lakes {prope
lacum Setantiorum) ; school, Sedbergh (Dr Bateman) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 1 5 May, aet. ' circiter ' 20.
(22) Dymoke, Needham, son of Charles Dynioke, physician
1 5 {medici), Lincolnshire; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 21 May, aet. 18.
(23) Keck, David Anthony, formerly admitted pensioner ; now
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 28 May.
(24) Leyton, William, son of Thomas Leyton, husbandman
20 {agricolae), Yorks ; born at Barmby ; school, Pocklington (Mr
Basket); admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 7 June,
aet. 18.
(25) Parsons, James, son of Edward Parsons, esquire, Hert-
forti shire ; born at Netc Place; school, Eton (Dr Barnard); ad-
25 mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 10 June, aet. 18.
(26) Lipyeatt, Jonathan, son of Christopher Lipyeatt, brewer
(cerevisiae coctoris), Wiltshire ; born at Marlborough ; bred there
(Mr Meyler) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton,
10 June, aet. 18.
30 (27) Nicholson, Edward, son of Thomas Nicholson, clerk,
Westmorland ; born at Heversham; school, Sedbergh (Dr Bateman);
recommended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
14 June, aet. 19. Admitted pensioner under Mr Chevallier,
6 November 1771 {note in a later hand).
35 (28) Eyre, Joseph Arnall, son of Joseph Eyre, clerk, Lincoln-
shire ; born at Sleaford ; bred there, and also at Oakham in
Rutland ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 25 June, aet.
(29) Layard, Charles Peter, son of Daniel Peter Layard,
40 physician {medici), Middlesex ; born in the parish of St Ann,
Westminster ; bred at Huntingdon (Mr Unwin) ; examined and
approved by Mr Beadon, fellow of the College ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 27 June, aet. 17.
(30) Pearson, John, Salop; examined and approved by Mr
45 Newling; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton,
30 June.
(31) Bryer, Thomas, Dorset; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Frampton, 30 June.
174 ADMISSIONS. 1766 — 67.
(;V2) Robinson, William, son of William Robinson, clerk, Nor-
folk ; born at Garboldisham ; educated in different towns under one
Master, Mr Galloway ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Frampton, 1 July, aet. 17.
(33) Webster, James, son of Joseph Webster, glazier {iritrarii), 5
Lancashire ; born at St Michaels ; school, Sedbergh ; examined and
approved by Mr Murthwaite ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 1 July, aet. 19.
[Admissions in the year -^ p. 14 ^ 33.]
Is. 16)
July 1766— July 1767
Admissi a quarto die Julii 1766
(1) Brodie, William, son of David Brodie, captain R. N. {navis lo
hellicae praefecto), Bedfordshire ; states that he was born in the
Island of Jamaica ; school, Westminster, and then educated at home ;
recommended by Mr Cole ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and
surety, Mr Frampton, 8 October.
(2) Whiston, Thomas, Hunts ; recommended by Mr Whiston ; 1 5
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 2.5 October.
(3) Allen, John Towers, formerly admitted pensioner; now
admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton,
17 November.
(4) Goulton, Thomas, son of Christopher Goulton, esquire, 20
Yorks ; born at Beverley ; bred at Lincoln (Mr Hewthwaite) ; ad-
mitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 22 December,
aet. 21.
(5) Moore, Stephen, son of Stephen Moore, currier (coriarii),
Lincolnshire; born at Castlethorpe ; school, Brigg (Mr Skelton) ; 25
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 16 January, aet. 'tantum
non' 19. Admitted pensioner, 3 February, 1767.
(6) Heath., William, eldest son of Bayly Heath, esquire, of
Stanted Hall, Essex, deceased, Middlesex ; born in London ; school,
Eton (Dr Barnard and Dr Forster) ; admitted fellow commoner, 30
tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 6 February. Brother of No. 7.
(7) Heath, Thomas, son of Bayly Heath, esquire, Middlesex ;
born in London ; school, Eton (Dr Barnard and Dr Forster) ; ad-
mitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 6 February, aet.
17. Brother of No. 6. 35
(8) Wood, James, Notts ; examined and approved by Mr Pen-
nell ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 7 February.
(9) Clarke, James (see 31 May, 1758, and 4 May, 1756) ;
readmitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton,
10 February. 4°
(10) Bromley, Thomas, son of Thomas Bromley, attorney at
law, Lancashire ; born at Wigan ; school, Manchester (Mr Lawson) ;
ADMISSIONS. 1767. 175
recommended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
18 February.
(11) Johnson, Thomas, son of Thomas Johnson, freeholder
{fundum suum colentis), and Ellen Whieldon, Staffordshire ; born
5 at Ipstone ; school, Manchester (Mr Lawson) ; recommended by
him; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 18 February,
aet. 20.
(12) Evans, William, son of Evan Prichard, freeholder {fun-
dum suum colentis) and Ellin "Williams, Merioneth ; born in the
lo parish of Festiniog; school, Bangor (Mr Richard Griffith); examined
and approved by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
21 February, aet. 20.
(13) Evans, Thomas, son of Lewis Evans, gentleman, and Anne
Evans, Middlesex; born in London; school, Bangor (Mr Richard
1 5 Griffith) ; examined and approved by him ; admitted pensioner, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 21 February, aet. 19.
(14) Crofts, Edmund, son of Edmund Crofts, Vicar of Upton,
Notts, and Arabella Thornton ; born at Southwell, Notts ; bred there ;
examined and approved by Mr Todington, fellow of the College ;
20 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 16 March, aet. past 16.
(15) Lawrence, Soulden, son of Thomas Lawrence, physician
(medici), Middlesex ; born in London ; school, St Paul's (Mr Thick-
ness) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot.
(16) Thomas, Thomas, FUntshire; admitted pensioner, tutor
25 and surety Mr Frampton, 3 April.
(17) Wade, William, son of Abraham Wade, 'clothier' {pan-
norum opificis), and Mary Nayler, Yorks ; born at Osset ; bred at
Rishworth (Mr Richard Learoyd) ; examined and approved by him ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 14 April, aet. 21.
•20 (IS) Nicklin, Joseph, Staffordshire ; examined and approved
by Mr Fielde ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton,
28 April.
(19) Matthews, John, son of Charles Matthews and Mary Mea-
dows, Middlesex ; born 21 October, 1748, in the parish of St Martin's
3c in the Fields, Westminster; bred at Colchester (Mr Smythies);
examined there by the Rev. W. S. Powell, D.D., Master of the
College and approved ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 28 April.
(20) Pym, William, son of W. Pym, esquire, and EHzabeth,
40 daughter of Keylock Kingsley, gentleman; born at Hasell Hall,
Bedfordshire, 7 Decembei', 1749 ; school, Charterhouse (Dr Crusius),
6 years 3 months ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 30 April.
(21) Aveling, Thomas, Bedfordshire; school, Marlborough;
45 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 1 1 May.
(22) Harvey, William, Berkshire ; recommended by J. Spicer,
M.A., master of Reading School; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Frampton, 19 May, aet. 18.
176 ADMISSIONS. 1767.
(23) Taylerson, Henry, Yorks ; recommended by Mr Cayley ;
admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 21 May.
(24) Halls, James, son of James Halls, born in Ireland ; school,
Colchester (Mr Smythies) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr
Abbot, 21 May, aet. 16. 5
(25) Starkie, Thomas, son of James Starkie and Alice Lawson,
Lancashire ; born at Dovvuham ; school, Sedbergh ; recommended
by Mr Scales ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 29 May,
aet. 17.
(26) Jackson, Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah Jackson, gentleman ; lo
born in Ireland; bred at Oakham (Mr Markham); admitted pen-
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, June 5, aet. 16 years 10 months.
(27) Sargent, John, son of John Sargent, merchant {merca-
toris), and Rosamond Chambers, Middlesex ; school, Eton (Dr
Foster); recommended by W. H. Roberts, M. A. ; admitted pen- 15
sioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 5 June, aet. 18.
(28) Williams, Hugh, son of Robert Williams, deceased ; born
in the parish of Llaudrillo ; school, Bangor (Mr Griffith) ; recom-
mended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot,
17 June, aet. 17. 20
(29) Steggall, Charles, son of William Steggall, clerk, SuflFolk ;
born at Wyverston ; educated by his father ; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Frampton, 24 June, aet. 19.
(30) Longley, John, son of Joseph Longley, merchant (tnerca-
toris), Kent; born at Chatham; school, Eton; admitted fellow com- 25
moner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 24 June, aet. 17.
(31) Batteley, Waldegrave, Suffolk; recommended by Mr
Moseley ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 24 June.
(32) Williams, Richard, son of John Williams, Vicar of Oak-
ham, Rutland, and Mary Wotton, born at Oakham ; bred there (Mr 30
Markham) ; recommended by him ; admitted sizar, tutor and surety
Mr Abbot, 27 June, aet. past 18.
(33) De Crousar, Francis, son of John De Crousar, ' tribuni
militum (a colonel),' and Susannah Rouse, Middlesex ; born in the
parish of St Margaret's, Westminster, 20 October 1749; school, 35
Westminster (Dr Smith &c.), 9 years ; admitted pensioner, tutor and
surety Mr Frampton, 4 July {obiit 1769).
(34) Burton, John, clerk, son of James Burton, farmer (Jir-
marii), and Sarah Holmes (brother of Edmund, admitted 25 Sep-
tember 1751), Westmorland ; born at Shap, 22 September 1742 ; 4°
bred at Bampton, Westmorland (Rev. William Collinson) ; admitted
sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 6 July.
(35) Cleobury, John, Buckinghamshire; examined by Mr
Thomas Meyler, master of Marlborough school; admitted sizar,
tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 8 July. 45
[Admissions in the year j p. 10^35.]
s. 17
ADMISSIONS. 1767—68. 177
July 1767— July 1768
Adraissi ab octavo Julii 1767
(1) Rocke, Richard, Salop; examined and approved by Mr
Wingfield, formerly Fellow of the College; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 13 July.
(2) Pedley, James ; examined and approved by Dr Ogden ;
5 admitted sizar, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, 15 July.
(3) Cockshutt, Thomas, son of John Cockshutt, ' Ironmaster,'
and Jane Crow ; born at Huthwaite, Yorks ; school, SheflSeld (Mr
John Smith) ; examined and approved by him; admitted sizar, tutor
and surety Mr Abbot, 27 July, aet. 18.
lo (4) Bishop, William, son of Henry and Elizabeth Bishop,
America ; born in St Peter's Parish, Barbadoes ; examined and ap-
proved by Mr Ueane, fellow of the College ; admitted fellow com-
moner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 3 August.
(.^) Cleobury, John; (admitted sizar, 8 July 1767) admitted
1 5 pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 8 October.
(6) Irby, Hon. Frederick, eldest son of William, Baron Boston,
Middlesex ; school, Eton ; admitted fellow commoner, tutor and
surety Mr Frampton, 8 October.
(7) Johnson, Thomas, son of Isaac Johnson, deceased, Kent ;
2o born in Canterbury ; bred there (Mr Beauvoir) ; admitted pensioner,
tutor and surety Mr Frampton, 14 October.
(8) Neve, Henry, son of Gabriel Neve, esquire, of Hayes in the
county of Kent, Middlesex ; born in St James' Parish, Westminster;
school, Charterhouse (Mr Lewis Crusius); recommended by him ;
25 admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr Abbot, and, later, Mr
Chevallier, 2 November, aet. 16.
' An asterisk prefixed to a name denotes a Fellow.
Abbot, "William, father of WiUiam A.,
p. 132, 1. 8
*— William, June 25, 1750; p. 159
11. 32 (Mr), 39; p. 160, 11. 1, 6, 16
26, 29; p. 161, 11. 6, 10, 11, 14, 15
17, 19, 23, 25, 28, 36, 38, 45; p
162, 11. 2, 22, 26, 31, 47; p. 163, 11
16, 22, 32; p. 164, 11. 2, 17, 20, 26
p. 165, 11. 7, 10, 14, 17, 24, 45; p
166, 11. 10, 13 (bis), 17, 21 ; p. 167
11. 2, 7, 11, 14, 22, 26, 31, 36; p
168, 11. 32, 36, 42, 44, 47; p. 169, 11
2, 7, 11, 15, 25, 28, 32, 36; p. 170
11. 1, 5, 8, 11, 15, 18, 23, 27, 30, 33
38, 41, 45; p. 171, 11. 7, 12, 27, 28
32, 35 (his), 40; p. 172, 11, 2, 6, 9
12, 16, 20, 24, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 45
p. 173, 11. 3, 6, 9, 13, 16,32, 37; p
174, 11. 8, 22, 26; p. 175, 11. 1, 6
11, 16, 20, 23, 29, 38, 43; p. 176, 11
5, 8, 12, 16, 19, 32, 42 ; p. 177, 11
5, 9, 25
Abdv, Antony Thomas, June 9, 1738
— "^Stotherd, June 15, 1745
— Sir William, hart., father of An-
tony Thomas A., p. 90, 1. 38
— Sir William, bart., father of
Stotherd A., p. 115, 1. 35
Abel, Mr, private tutor in the family
of Baron Braco, p. 144, 1. 28
Abson, John, father of Samuel A., p.
89, 1. 32
— Samuel, March 27, 1738
Acherley, Eichard, 16 June, 1719
— Thomas, father of Eichard A., p.
19, 1. 26
Ackland, Thomas, April 29, 1760
— William, father of Thomas A., p.
157, 1. 31
Adams, George, father of George A.,
p. 5, 1. 5
Adams, George, 23 May, 1716
May 24, 1737
— John, D.D., Provost of King's
Coll. Cambridge, p. 16, 1. 37
D.D., Master of SidneyCoUege,
p. 71, 1. 35
June 1, 1753; p. 140, 1. 27
— Eobert, father of George A., p. 86,
1. 44
— Samuel, father of John A. , p. 140,
1. 23
Adcock, Mr, master of Oakham school,
p. 48, l. 40; p. 49, 1. 37; p. 56, 1. 39 ;
p. 59, 1. 26 ; p. 66, 1. 22 ; p. 69, 1. 31 ;
p. 77, 1. 27; p. 80, 1. 23 ; p. 86, 1. 31 ;
p. 88,11.21, 35; p. 91,1. 43; p. 94,
1. 33; p. 104, \. 23; p. 109, 1. 14; p.
115, 1. 32; p. 116, 1. 17; p. 117, 1.
19; p. 118, 1. 22; p. 129, 1. 23; p.
139, 1. 16; p. 140, 1. 2; p. 144, 1. 24
Adderton, Hill, father of Samuel A.,
p. 147, 1. 34
— Samuel, Feb. 20, 1756
Addison, Mr, master of Sherbourn
school, Yorkshire, p. 86, 11. 20, 24;
p. 102, 1. 5
— Mr, master of Urswick school,
Lancashire, p. 96, 1. 14
Agur, Thomas, father of William A.,
p. 61, 1. 4
— WiUiam, June 27, 1729
Ainsworth, Mr, master of Corhampton
school, Hants, p. 8, 1. 29
— Henry, March 16, 1758
— John, father of Thomas A., p. 93,
1. 14
— Eichard, father of Henry A., p.
152, 1. 28
— Thomas, March 14, 173f
Alcock, Mr, master of Burnsall school,
Yorkshire, p. 69, 1. 39
Alcock, Christopher, Jan. 12, 175^
— John, father of Kobert A., p. 72,
father of Christopher A., p.
133, 1. 30
— Peter, father of WilUam A., p. 65,
1. 10
— Eobert, May 12, 1733
— William, Jan. 11, 173?-
Aldcroft, Mr, private tutor at Chester,
p. 112, 1. 19
Aldridge, Stephen, father of Stephen A.,
p. 159, 1. 36
March 19, 1671 ; Jan. 30, 1765
Alkin, Thomas, father of Thomas
Verrier A., p. 169, 1. 19
Verrier, Oct. 11, 1764
Allen, Mr, master of Chelsea school,
p. 151, 1. 16
master of Macclesfield school,
p. 58, 1. 22
master of Newport school,
Essex, p. 21, 1. 2; p. 47, 1. 30
— Cuthbert, June 20, 1738
— George, May 10, 1738
— James, June 19, 1751
— John, father of William A., p. 51,
1. 32
father of Cuthbert A., p. 91, 1. 8
father of Philip A., p. 106, 1. 32
father of John Towers A., p.
162, 1. 16
Towers, March 22, 1762; Nov.
17, 1766
— Oswald, father of James A., p.
135, 1. 5
*— Philip, June 29, 1742 ; p. 129, 1.
16 (Mr); p. 130, 1. 22; p. 135, 1. 7;
p. 138, 1. 31; p. 143, 1. 19; p. 146,
1. 42 ; p. 154, 1. 30
— Thomas, father of George A., p.
90, 1. 15
— WiUiam, Jan. 17, 172f
Allenson, Allan, father of Gilbert A.,
p. 60, 11. 12, 13
— E(dward), deputy Dean of Jesus
Coll. Cambridge, p.' 166, 1. 36
— Gilbert, June 3, 1729
Allgood, Crow, Oct. 13, 1727
— James, father of Crow A., p. 55,
*Allot, Allott, Mr, p. 11, 1. 34; p. 38,
1. 11
— Bryan, father of Bryan A., p.
148, 1. 14
March 31, 1756
Allott, James, June 8, 1741
— John, June 19, 1754
— Eobert, formerly Fellow of St
John's, and father of James A., p.
102, 1. 17
Allott, Robert, father of John A., p.
143, 1. 14
Almond, Mr, master of Derby school,
p. 132, 1. 17; p. 142,1. 31
Altham, James, father of Peyton A.,
p. 2, 1. 35
father of James A., p. 7, 1. 22
* ■ 12 September, 1716
— Peyton, 8 Nov. 1715
Alvis, Andrew, father of Andrew A.,
p. 47, 1. 40
* Dec. 18, 1725; p. 74,1. 32 (Mr);
p. 79, 1. 33 ; p. 85, 1. 34 ; p. 99, 1. 42 ;
p. 117, 1. 35
Amory, Robert, March 23, 174f
Andrew, John, March 27, 1732
— Robert, father of John A., p. 69>
I. 25
Andrews, Mr, master of Leicester
school, p. 115, 11. 20, 47 ; p. 117, 1.
40; p. 120, 11. 7, 30; p. 139, 1. 2
— Henry, July 9, 1765
father of Henry A., p. 171, 1.
Annesley, Francis, father of Martin A.,
p. 18, 1. 30
21 May, 1719
— Martin, 20 May, 1719
*Anstey, Dr, p. 1, 1. 21 ; p. 2, 11. 20,
23, 30, 38, 45; p. 3, 11. 3, 6, 17, 21,
31, 34, 44; p. 4, 11. 7, 23, 41, 45;
p. 5, 11. 8, 13, 26, 29, 36, 40; p. 6,
II. 7, 10, 17, 21, 30, 41 ; p. 7, 1. 20
*— Christopher, March 26, 1728
— 1 James (?), father of Christopher
A., p. 56, 1. 10
Ansty, James, father of Thomas A., p.
62, 1. 17
— Thomas, March 30, 1730
Appleton, Mr, master of Wem school,
Salop, p. 59, 1. 35; p. 69, 1. 23; p.
118,1. 42; p. 119, 11. 30, 35, 38
— Mr, master of Wrexham school, p,
19, 1. 28; p. 20. 1. 29; p. 39, 1. 23;
p. 41, 1. 11
— John, father of John A., p. 114,
1. 1
Jiily 7, 1744
Archer, Benjamin, father of Gilbert
Edward A., p. 8, 1. 16
— Gilbert Edward, 26 October, 1716
*— Myles, 19 June, 1717 ; p. 36, 1. 41
(Dominus) p. 37, 1. 42; p. 79, 1. 1
— Richard, father of Myles A., p. 10>
Arderne, John, March 25, 1728
— Richard, father of John A., p. 56j
1. 4
Armstrong, Archibald, father of John
A., p. 103, 1. 33
1 See Notes and Queries, SLxth Series, iv. 324.
Armstrong, Daniel, 6 March, 171f
— John, Oct. 10, 1741
— Thomas, father of Daniel A., p. 3,
1. 18
Armytage, Christopher, father of John
A., p. 46, 1. 39
— Sir John, hart., p. 46, 1. 40
— John, June 26, 1725
Arnald, Eichard, father of William A.,
p. 162, 1. 28
*_ William, May 8, 1762
Arnold, John, father of William A.,
p. 108, 1. 45
— WilHam, May 28, 1743
Ascham, Dingley, father of Eobert A.,
p. 15, 1. 9
— Eobert, 12 June, 1718
Ashby, Edmund, father of George A.,
p. 100, 1. 23
*— George, Nov. 1, 1740; p. 137, 1. 11
(Mr); p. 144,1. 3
Ashburnell, Mr, master of Bolton
school, Lancashire, p. 96, 1. 42
Ashcroft, John, father of Thomas A.,
p. 139, 1. 15
*— Thomas, Oct. 27, 1752
Ashe, Mr, master of Clapham school,
Yorkshire, p. 6, 1. 10
Ashton, Aaron, father of James A., p.
114, 1. 17
— Charles, Master of Jesus Coll.
Cambridge, p. 60, 1. 4
— Francis, father of John A., p. 94,
1. 47
— James, Oct. 30, 1744
— John, June 26, 1739
Askew, Mr, master of St Paul's school,
London, p. 2, 1. 44
— Antony, father of Antony A., p. 4,
1 32
— — 19 May, 1716
Aspinhall, Mr, master of Bedford
school, p. 17, 1. 2
Aspinwall, Edward, father of Ireland
A., p. 31, 1. 14
— Ireland, Nov. 22, 1721
Assheton, William, B.D., Eector of
Prestwick (-h), Lancashire, p. 15, 1.
Astley, Asteley, Mr, Head-master of
Eepton school, p. Ill, 1. 5; p. 115,
1. 24; p. 122, 1. 21; p. 135, 1. 32; p.
143, 1. 46; p. 144, 1. 2; p. 149,1. 15;
p. 151, 1. 12; p. 165, 1. 20; p. 169,
— Walter, father of William A., p.
67, 1. 46
— WilHam, July 3, 1731
Atherton, John, father of John A., p.
150, 1. 4
Oct. 19, 1756
Atkinson, Mr, master of Macclesfield
school, p. 150, 1. 5
Atkinson, Adam, June 10, 1751
— Christopher, May 29, 1759
— Eichard, July 1, 1726
— Simeon, father of Eichard A., p.
50, 1. 12
— Wilham, father of Adam A., p.
135, 1. 1
Austen, Thomas, father of Thomas A.,
p. 97, 1. 43
June 21, 1740
Austin, Daniel, father of Daniel A.,
p. 65, 1. 37
* April 2, 1731; p. 114, 1. 37
(Mr); p. 115,1. 28; p. 122, 1.35
— Eichard, father of Eichard A., p.
47, 1. 37
Dec. 9, 1725
Aveling, Thomas, May 11, 1767
— G. (WiUiam?), father of William
A., p. 157, 1. 41
— William, May 13, 1760
Aynscough, Eadley, father of Thomas
A., p. 78, 1. 41
— Ains-, Thomas, Oct. 31, 1734 ; Feb.
9, 173| (A. B.)
Ayscough, Dr, Head-master of St
Paul's school, London, p. 30, 1. 25
Backhouse, Joseph, June 13, 1751
— Eichard, father of Joseph B. , p.
135, 1. 8
Bacon, Mr, master of Grantham school,
p. 79,1. 37; p. 103, 1. 9; p. 109, 1.
27; p. 115, \. 40; p. 125, 1. 28; p.
143,1. 1; p. 171,1.26
— Michael, father of Michael B.,
p. 128, 1. 25
* Oct. 31, 1747; p. 155, 1. 26
(Mr); p. 158, 1. 31
Bagshavv, Eichard, father of Eichard
B., p. 42, 1. 12
June 29, 1724
father of William B., p. 67,
— William, July 1, 1731
Bainbridge, Edward, 1 May, 1717
— Henry, father of Edward B., p. 9,
1. 39
father of Henry B., p. 45, 1. 46
May 22, 1725
*Baker, Mr, p. 19, 1. 1; p. 21, 1. 30;
p. 46, 1. 37 (Dr)
— Mr, master of Pocklington school,
Yorkshire, p. 21, 1. 22; p. 31, 1. 12;
p. 53, U. 18, 21
— Edward, father of Thomas B.,
p. 83, 1. 12
— Ferdinando, July 4, 1721
— Francis, father of Ferdinando and
George B., p. 24, 1. 14; p. 30, 1. 7
— George, June 21, 1720
father of George B,, p. 98, 1. 6
June 27, 1740
Baker, Thomas, father of Thomas B.,
p. 76, 1. 36
June 20, 1734
May 12, 1736
Balderstone, Joho, Master of Em-
manuel College, p. 2, 1. 16
Balguy, Charles, July 5, 1725
— Henry, father of Charles B., p. 47,
— John, father of Thomas B., p. 76,
1. 9
*— Thomas, May 28, 1734; p. 118,
1. 39 (Mr) ; p. 121, 1. 35 ; p. 167, 1. 30
Ball, David, March 20, 1759
— James, June 29, 1738
— John, father of Nathaniel B., p. 81,
father of James B., p. 91, 1. 42
— Jonathan, father of David B.,
p. 154, 1. 39
— Nathaniel, Oct. 27, 1735
— Samuel, Jan. 5, 1724
— Thomas, D.D., father of Samuel
B., p. 43, 1. 35
Fellow of Trinity College, Ox-
ford, p. 69, 1. 15
Ballfell, Mr, master of Hawkshard
(-head) school, p. 10, 1. 45
Bamforth, George, father of George
B., p. 57, 1. 43
July 5, 1728
Bankes, Mr, master of Appleby school,
Westmoreland, p. 19, 1. 9
— Langley, father of Sutton B.,
p. 103, 1. 8
— Sutton, July 3, 1741
— WilHam, father of WiUiam B.,
p. 8, 1. 12
— William, 27 September, 1716
Barber, Mr, master of Bip(p)on school,
Yorkshire, p. 63, 1. 44
— George, May 12, 1722
— John, A.B. of St John's Coll.
Oxford, Dec. 1, 1747
father of Samuel B., p. 47,
1. 18
— Samuel, July 6, 1725
— William, father of George B.,
p. 32, 1. 20
Barbor, George, Feb. 17, 174f ; Nov. 19,
— Eobert, father of George B., p. 121,
1. 21
Barker, Eobert, father of William B.,
p. 130, 1. 3
June 27, 1754
— Thomas, father of Robert B.,
p. 143, 1. 32
— William, father of William B.,
p. 67, 1. 6
June 5, 1731
June 30, 1749
Barlow, John, father of John B.,p. 121,
1. 39
— — April 10, 1747
Barnard, Mr, master of Harpenden
school, Herts., p. 61, 1. 37; p. 64,
1. 37
— Mr, master of Harden (? Henley in
Arden) school, Warwickshire, p. 109,
1. 37
* — Mr, Fellow of St John's and
Head-master of Eton, p. 145, 1. 12 ;
p. 146, 1. 16; p. 149, 11. 11 (Dr),
27; p. 153, 11. 2.3, 32; p. 154, 11. 19,
29; p. 156, 1. 2; p. 157, 11. 8, 12;
p. 158, 1. 28; p. 159, 1. 30; p. 161,
I. 41; p. 162, 11. 33, 38; p. 163,
II. 1, 25; p. 164, 11. 19, 22, 42;
p. 166, 1. 4; p. 169, 1. 17; p. 170,
11. 4, 10; p. 172, 11. 19, 31, 34;
p. 173,11. 15, 24; p. 174,11. 30,33
*— Edward, June 4, 1735; p. 113,
11. 13 (Mr), 23; p. 125, 1. 18; p. 130,
1. 5; p. 138, 1. 32 (Mr B. sen.);
p. 141,1. 13; p. 145, 1. 16; p. 146,
1. 37; p. 147, 1. 19; p. 150, 1. 10
— George, father of Edward B., p.
80, 1. 8
father of Thomas B., p. 98, 1.36
— Thomas, father of Thomas B.,
p. 87, 1. 14
* June 24, 1737; p. 144, 1. 9
July 1, 1740
Barnes, Benjamin, May 25, 1763
— Edward, father of Benjamin B.,
p. 165, 1. 11
Baron, John, Master of Balliol Coll.
Oxford, p. 34, 1. 23
Barrel, Francis, father of Francis B.,
p. 41, 1. 31
May 26, 1724
Barret, Mr, private tutor at Canterbury,
p. 130, 1. 8
— John, father of William B., p. 46,
1. 18
— WilUam, June 5, 1725
— Mr, master of Ashford School,
Kent, p. 151, 1. 35
Barrett, Paul, father of William B.,
p. 104, 1. 39
— William, Feb. 9, 174^
Barrol, WiUiam, father of William B.,
p. 139, 1. 18
Oct. 3, 1752
Barrow, Mr, master of Manchester
school, p. 17, 1. 25; p. 26, 1. 14;
p. 37, 1. 21
Barry, George, father of Willoughby
B., p. 21, 1. 5
— Nicholas, 12 April, 1718
— Richard, father of Nicholas B.,
p. 13, 1. 18
father of Richard B., p 111,
1. 9
Barry, Richard, Feb. 29, 174|
— Willoughby, 10 September, 1719
— Mr, master of Warminster school,
Wilts., p. 13,1. 19; p. Ill, 1. 10
Barton, James, March 24, 173|
— Ralph, father of James B., p. 89,
Baskervyle, John, father of John B.,
p. 43, 1. 12
Oct. 10, 1724
Basket, Mr, master of Pocklington
school, Yorkshire, p. 153, 1. 13 ;
p. 155, 1. 10; p. 173,1. 21
— iJohn, late Fellow of St John's
(B.A. 170f, elected Fellow, 1707),
father of John B., p. 70, 1. 29
June 10, 1732
Baskett, John, father of Kingsman B.,
p. 96, 1. 27
June 23, 1764
*~ Kingsman, April 21, 1740 ; p. 125,
1. 28 (Mr); p. 141, 11. 8, 18; p. 143,
— Samuel, father of William B.,
p. 141, 1. 7
father of John B., p. 168, 1. 25
A.B. of Christ Church, Oxford,
p. 80, 1. 37
— William, June 28, 1753
Batcheller, Paul, father of Paul B.,
p. 57, 1. 30
June 28, 1728
*Bate, Mr James, p. 54, 1. 31; p. 56,
1. 35
— Chambers, Nov. 11, 1741; Jan.
16, 174|
— John, July 1, 1727
— Julius, July 1, 1727
— Richard, father of John and Julius
B., p. 54, 1. 29
— William, father of Chambers B.,
p. 104, 1. 22
Bateman, Thomas, Sept. 12, 1754
father of Winn B., p. 66, 1.
*— Winn, May 20, 1731; p. 118, 1. 31
(Mr); p. 144,1. 18
* — Mr, master of Sedbergh school,
p. 120, 1. 11; p. 123, 1. 26; p. 124,
I. 26; p. 125, 11. 5, 21; p. 127, 1. 39;
p. 130, 11. 13, 17, 22, 37; p. 132,
II. 13, 38 ; p. 133, 1. 31 ; p. 135, 1. 36 ;
p. 136, 1. 26; p. 137, 1. 20; p. 142,
11. 9, 26; p. 143,1. 15; p. 144, 1. 6;
p. 145, 1. 15; p. 146, 1. 40; p. 148,
I. 42; p. 149, 11. 35, 38; p. 151,
II. 4, 38; p. 154, 1. 16; p. 156, 11. 5,
15, 18; p. 159, 1. 23; p. 161, 1. 5;
p. 162, 1. 46; p. 163,1. 14; p. 165,
1. 16; p. 166, 1. 9; p. 167, 1. 9;
p. 168, 1. 35; p. 169, 1. 6 (Dr) ;
p. 170, 1. 17; p. 171, 1. 39; p. 172,
1. 5; p. 173,11. 12, 31
Bates, Mr, master of Ashford school,
Kent, p. 18, 1. 7; p. 116, 1. 26 (Mr
Bateson, Robert Devereux, father of
Robert B., p. 144, 1. 30
Nov. 25, 1754; p. 144, 1. 36
Batt, G. (WiUiam?), father of William
B., p. 70, 1. 39
— WiUiam, June 22, 1732
— G. (William?), father of William
B., p. 159, 1. 29
— William, Feb. 16, 1761
Batteley, Waldegrave, June 24, 1767
Battersby, Mr, master of North Lever-
ton school, Notts., p. 19, 1. 34
— John, father of Thomas B., p. 19,
1. 33
— Thomas, June 25, 1719
Batty, John, June 5, 1742
— William, father of William B.,
p. 86, 1. 22
April 28, 1737
father of John B., p. 105, 1. 28
Baxter, John, Jan. 21, 172|
— Robert, father of John B., p. 39,
1. 22
Bayley, Benjamin, July 1, 1727
— Richard, father of Benjamin B.,
p. 54, 1. 26
Beach, Benjamin, father of William
B., p. 65, 1. 6
— William, Dec. 12, 1730
Beadles, Thomas, father of Thomas
B., p. 17, 1. 1
Nov. 5, 1718
*Beadon, Edward, April 2, 1744;
p. 134, 1. 21 (Mr); p. 135, 1. 32;
p. 141, 11. 9, 22, 40; p. 143, 1. 30;
p. 149, 1. 25; p. 164,1. 31; p. 173,
1. 42
*— Richard, April 30, 1754
— Robert, father of Edward B., p.
Ill, 1. 25
father of Richard B., p. 142,
1. 33
Bean, Reginald, father of Reginald B.,
p. 124, 1. 7
Jan. 29, 174^
Beanlands, George, April 10, 1717
— Joseph, father of George B., p. 9,
1. 13
Beatniffe, John, father of Samuel B.,
p. 28, 1. 33
— Samuel, June 29, 1721
Beavoir, Beauvoir, Mr, master of Can-
terbury school, p. 136, U. 6, 22 ; p.
137, l! 7; p. 145, 1. 42; p. 146,11.
2, 5; p. 148, 1. 3 (bis); p. 149, 1. 8;
p. 150, 1. 14; p. 151, 1. 27; p. 152,
1 We ought to read Samuel, according to Grad. Cant, and Hist, of St John's.
11. 33,37; p. 161, 1. 13; p. 164, 1.
46; p. 171, 1. 6; p. 177, 1. 20
*Beauvoir, Osmund, Oct. 26, 1738; p.
120, 1. 26 (Mr Beavoir) ; p. 122, 1.
22; p. 132, 1. 6
— William, father of Osmond B.,
p. 92, 1. 26
Becher, Edward, father of William B.,
p. 158, 1. 16
*— William, June 12, 1760 ; Sept. 28,
1763 ; p. 166, 1. 31
Bedford, Hilkiah, father of John and
William B., p. 32, 1. 35; p. 51, 1. 16
father of Thomas B., p. 41,
— John, between Oct. 28 and Dec.
1, 1726
— Thomas, May 5, 1724
father of William B., p. 12, 1. 7
Feb. 14, 1758; Jan. 15, 1762
— WilUam, July 22, 1717
May 29, 1722
father of Thomas B., p. 152,
^Bedingfield, James, father of PhUip
B., p. 74, 1. 40
— Philip, Jan. 17, 173|; Oct. 9, 1735
Beeke, Christopher, June 27, 1726
— Henry, father of Christopher B. ,
p. 50, 1. 5
Beevan, Eichard, father of Eichard B.,
p. 55, 1. 36
Nov. 4, 1727
Belcher, Samuel, father of Stringer
B., p. 151, 1. 34
— Stringer, June 28, 1757
Belgrave, Cornelius, B.A. Trin. Coll,
Oxford, p. 48, 1. 6
— Con, (June, by error in Eegister
for) July 22, 1723
— Cornelius, father of Con B., p. 38,
1. 28
— George, Oct. 14, 1765
— Jeremiah, father of George B. , p.
171, 1. 41
Bell, John, Dec. 22, 1741; Feb, 13,
— Matthew, father of John Bell, p.
104, 1. 31
father of Samuel B., p. 122, 1.
— Ealph, father of Ealph B., p. 95,
Oct. 13, 1739
— Samuel, June 5, 1747
Bellamy, Edward, father of Edward
B., p. 40, 1. 16
March 20, 172|
— George, May 19, 1722
— Eobert, father of George B., p. 32,
1. 30
Bellinger, Francis, father of John
Edward B., p. 21, 1. 36
— John Edward, January 21, 17i|-
Belsham, Mr, master of Hitchin(g)
school, Herts., p. 30, 1. 17
Belton, Samuel, father of Samuel B,,
p. 72, 1. 15
April 18, 1733
Bennet, Mr, master of Hoddesden
school, Herts., p. 128, 1. 31; p. 132,
1. 2; p. 148,1.30
— James, father of James B., p. 142,
1. 16
March 7, 1754
*Benson, Edward, Oct. 14, 1740; p.
136, 1. 6 (Mr)
— John, June 19, 1740
father of Edward B., p. 99,
1. 36
— William, father of John B., p. 97,
1, 39
*Bentham, Edmund, April 3, 1735
— Geoffrey, April 15, 1738
— Samuel, father of Thomas B., p.
70, 1. 22
father of Edmund B., p. 79,
1. 17
father of Geoffrey B., p. 90, 1. 3
— Thomas, June 10, 1732
*Beresford, Edward, June 8, 1717; p.
83, 1. 17 (Mr)
* July 2, 1752 ; p. 155, 1. 33 (Mr) ;
p. 158, 1. 14; p. 160, 1. 19; p. 165,
1. 20; p. 168, 1. 13
— James, father of Edward B., p. 10,
1. 37
— John, father of Edward B., p. 138,
1. 37
— — father of William B., p. 153,
1. 5
*— William, May 10, 1758
Berkshire, Earl of, p. 93, 1. 42
Bernard, Mr, master of Harden (? Har-
penden) school, Herts., p. 117, 1. 22;
p. 119, 1. 10
— , Barnard, Mr, master of Leeds
school, p. 4, 1. 80; p. 24, 1. 44; p.
87, 11. 12, 16; p. 101, 11. 16, 30; p.
119, 1. 27; p. 125,1. 18
*— Dominus, p. 19, 1. 13 ; p. 23, 1. 11 ;
p. 34, 1. 33 (Mr); p. 80, 1. 13; p.
120, 1. 12; p. 122, 1. 38; p. 123, 1.
27; p. 125, 1. 5
— James, father of James B., p. 136,
1. 33
Dec. 31, 1751
— Eoger, father of Eoger B., p. 161,
1. 1
July 27, 1761
— Thomas, father of Thomas B., p.
105, 1. 10
Bedingfield {sic) is tlie proper spelling.
Bernard, Thomas, April 21, 1742
*Berry, Dr, p. 12, 1. 23; p. 38, 1. 22
Bertie, Charles, father of Charles B.,
p. 137, 1. 16
March 12, 1752; May 31, 1754
father of Mountague B., p.
145, 1. 26
— Mountague, Feb. 5, 1755
Best, WiUiam, Fellow of Balliol Coll.
Oxford, p. 34, 1. 28
— Mr, master of Kidderminster
school, p. 2, 1. 22
— John, father of Major B., p. 16, 1. 10
— Major, June 28, 1718
Beswicke, Charles, father of John B.,
p. 172, 1. 26
— John, Feb. 28, 1766
Bethel, Samuel, A.B. Wadham Coll.
Oxford, July 3, 1761
Bettinson, George, April 4, 1716
— Thomas, father of George B., p.
3, 1. 32
Betts, John, Fellow of University Col-
lege, Oxford, p. 144, 1. 43
father of John B., p. 30, 1. 16
August 28, 1721
— Trubshaw, father of Trubshaw
B., p. 42, 1. 38
July 10, 1724
Bever, Samuel, father of Samuel B.,
p. 104, 1. 29
Nov. 26, 1741
Bewick, Mr, master of Hexham school,
Northumberland, p. 7, 1. 19
Biby, Mr, master of Carrington school,
Bedfordshire, p. 20, 1. 41
Bickmer, Mr, master of the Free
school, Norwich, p. 120, 1. 23
Biddel, John, A.M. New Coll. Oxford,
p. 20, 1. 7
Bindlesse, Mr, private tutor in the
family of F. Baker, Esq., p. 24, 1.
16; p. 30,1. 9
— Antony, father of Roger B., p. 24,
1. 18
— Roger, June 21, 1720
Bingham, James, April 24, 1754
— John, father of James B., p. 142,
1. 29
Birbeach, Edward, father of Edward
B., p. 74, 1. 24
*i Nov. 7, 1733
Birbeck, Charles, June 27, 1730
— Christopher, father of Charles B.,
p. 63, 1.43
— , Burbeck, Mr, master of Pockling-
ton school, Yorkshire, p. 143, 1. 18;
p. 145, 1. 38
— Mr, master of Wigton school,
Cumberland, p. 69, 1. 46 ; p. 70, 1. 4
Bird, John, father of John B., p. 32,
1. 9
April 20, 1722
— Samuel, father of Samuel B., p.
116, 1. 11
June 26, 1745
Birket, ^John, A. B., Queen's Coll.
Oxford, June 24, 1729
— Thomas, father of Thomas B., p.
41, 1. 35
April 15, 1724
Bishop, Elizabeth, mother of William
B., p. 177, 1. 10
— Henry, father of William B., p.
177, 1. 10
— Ralph, father of Ralph B., p. 108,
May 4, 1743
— William, August 3, 1767
Black, Mr, master of a private school
at Chiswick, Middlesex, p. 143, 11.
36, 42
Blackborn, John, father of John B.,
p. 71, 1. 41
Nov. 24, 1732
Blackwell, Mr, master of Derby school,
p. 3,1.40; p. 16,1. 6; p. 17,11.35,
45; p. 27, 1. 32
Blagden, Bragg, April 14, 1735
— George, father of Bragg B., p. 79,
1. 28
Blake, Andrew, father of Patrick B.,
p. 158, 1. 40
— Patrick, Aug. 18, 1760
Bland, Dr, Head-master of Eton, p.
38, 1. 17; p. 39, 1. 36; p. 48, 1. 4;
p. 55, 1. 41; p. 56, 1. 2
Blayney, Cadwallader, Baron Mona-
ghan, father of Charles B. , p. 68, 1. 17
— Charles, July 30, 1731; March 31,
1733 ; p. 68, 1. 22
Bleasdall, Giles, father of Lawrence
B., p. 113, 1. 32
— ^Lawrence, July 2, 1744
Blount, George, Jan. 16, 174|
— Richard, father of George B., p
110, 1. 36
Blyth, Mr, master of Hull school, p
106, 1. 37
Boardman, John, April 16, 1736
— Thomas, father of John B. , p. 82
1. 32
Bogden, James, father of James B.
p. 53, ]. 13
May 26, 1727
Bold, Robert, April 4, 1723
— Thomas, father of Robert B., p
36, 1. 39
BoUand, John, father of Thomas B.
p. 41, 1. 16
1 Elected Fellow, April 9, 1739, as E. Birbeck (sic).
3 The first Jolinian name (3rd) in the Mathematical Tripos, 174^.
2 See note in Register.
BoUand, Thomas, May 18, 1724
Bolton, Mr, master of Ipswich school,
p. 110, 1. 14
— Edward, p. 51, 1. 7
— Kichard, father of Eichard B., p.
3,1. 7
February 13, 17lf
— Thomas, father of Thomas B., p.
149, 1. 40
July 6, 1756
Bonwick, Mr, master of Headley
school, p. 5, 1. 35
Bonwicke, Ambrose, father of James
B., p. 12, 1. 21
— James, October 12, 1717
Boot, Joseph, father of Walkingham
B., p. 157, 1. 44
— Walkingham, May 27, 1760
Booth, Charles, father of Charles B.,
p. 147, 1. 25
Jan. 15, 1756
Boothby, Brooke, father of Brooke B.,
p. 160, 1. 17
June 19, 1761
Borron, Arthur, May 27, 1734
— John, father of Arthur B., p. 76,
Borwick, John, father of Eoger B.,
p. 44, 1. 20
— Eoger, March 23, 172|
Bostock, Charles, Nov. 4, 1728
— John, father of Charles B. , p. 58,
1. 21
Boston, William, Baron, father oiHon.
F. Irby, p. 177, 1. 16
Bosvile, Godfrey, Nov. 25, 1734 ; Nov.
3, 1735
— William, father of Godfrey B.,
p. 79, 1. 3
Boswell, Dillingham, Oct. 23, 1723
— John, father of Dillingham B.,
p. 39, 1. 7
— Samuel, father of Samuel B.,
p. 171, 1. 17
July 5, 1765
Bosworth, Edward, father of Edward
B., p. 42, 1. 6
June 22, 1724
Boughton, Henry, Feb. 22, 172-J
— James, July 22, 1758
— Le Neve, father of Henry B., p. 26,
1. 27
— Thomas, father of Thomas B.,
p. 16, 1. 25
Sep. 26, 1718
father of James B., p. 153, 1. 36
Bourne, John, April 3, 1742
— Laurence, father of William B.,
p. 80, 1. 8
— Odadiah (sic), father of John B.,
p. 105, 1. 3
— William, between May 26 and
June 4, 1735
Bowen, Thomas, Feb. 12, 1762
— William, June 25, 1722; p. 33,
1. 42
Bower, Francis, father of Francis B.,
p. 42, 1. 25
June 29, 1724
Bowes, George, father of William B.,
p. 18, 1. 9
— William, April 18, 1719
Bowler, Mr, master of New College
school, Oxford, p. 65, 1. 38
Bowles, J. (in Grad. Cant., George),
Dean of Arts, and Fellow of King's,
p. 85, 1. 5
Bowling, John, Oct. 28, 1735
— William, father of John B., p. 81,
1. 33
Bowry, John, May 28, 1765
— Samuel, father of John B. , p. 170,
1. 28
Bowser, Eichard, Jan. 29, 1753
— Thomas, father of Eichard B.,
p. 139, 1. 30
*Bowtell, Mr, p. 13, 1. 6; p. 17, 1. 3
(Dr); p. 22, 1. 9
Bowyer, William, father of William B.,
p. 5, 1. 34
June 19, 1716
Boys, James, father of James B.,
p. 77, 1. 44
July 2, 1734
— Joseph, father of Joseph B. , p. 64,
1. 16
July 1, 1730
— Eichard, father of Eichard B.,
p. 128, 1. 36
May 16, 1749
Brace, Edward, June 27, 1743
— John; father of Edward B., p. 109,
1. 29
Braco, Baron, p. 144, 1. 26
Bradbury, Mr, master of Slaidburn
school, Yorkshire, p. 42, 1. 23; p. 73,
*Bradfield, Mr, p. 5, 1. 12 ; p. 9, 1. 15 ;
p. 10, 1. 27; p. 13,1. 12; p. 14, 1.6;
p. 18, 1. 41; p. 20, 1. 33; p. 24, 1. 20;
p. 25, 1. 3; p. 30, 11. 13, 40
— Mr, master of Corby school, Lin-
colnshire, p. 45, 1. 37
— Mr, master of Peterborough school,
p. 53, 1. 8 ; p. 62, 1. 27 ; p. 74, 1. 35 ;
p. 82, 1. 5
Bradford, Mr, master of Southill
school, Beds., p. 47, 1. 19
Bradley, John, June 24, 1727; p. 54,
1. 11
Bradshaw, Mr, master of Houghton
Eegis school, Bedfordshire, p. 91,
1. 18
— James, July 5, 1716
— William, father of James B., p. 7,
Brage, Eobert, April 17, 1719
— William, father of Eobert B. , p. 18,
1. 3
— G. (William ?), father of William
B.,p. 55,1. 11
— WiUiam, Sept. 26, 1727
Brand, Jacob, father of Jacob B., p. 4,
May 9, 1716
Branfoot, John, May 22 (?), 1725
— Eobert, father of John B. , p. 46, 1. 1
Bransby, James, father of James B.,
p. 149, 1. 10
June 16, 1756
Branston, John, father of Joseph B.,
p. 14, 1. 3
— Joseph, April 24, 1718
— Eichard, July 5, 1731
— William, father of Eichard B.,
p. 68, 1. 7
Brathwaite, Gawen, father of Eeginald
B., p. 146, 1. 28
*— lEeginald, May 31, 1755; p. 162,
1. 46 (Mr)
Brearcliffe, John, June 7, 1728
father of John B., p. 57, 1. 14
Breton, Moyle, father of Eobert B.,
p. 116, 1. 25
— Eobert, June 29, 1745
Brett, Mr, master of Scarning school,
Norfolk, p. 99, 1. 10
— William, father of William B. ,
p. 30, 1. 41
Oct. 17, 1721
Brewster, Eichard, March 24, 1734
— Thomas, father of Eichard B.,
p. 79, 1. 13
Brice, John, A.B. St Mary's Hall,
Oxford, June 27, 1741
Brickdal, John, Fellow of Jesus Coll.,
Oxford, p. 29, 1. 17
Bridgeman, Eobert, father of Eobert
B., p. 83, 1. 37
June 10, 1736
Bridges, Lord Henry, Feb. 1, 172|
— Joseph, March 15, 173|; Oct. 14,
— Michael, father of Michael B.,
p. 87, 1. 11
June 23, 1737
— Thomas, father of Joseph B.,
p. 75, 1. 8
— William, father of William B.,
p. 4, 1. 28
May 16, 1716
Bright, Thomas, father of Thomas B.,
p. 60, 1. 19
June 6, 1729
Brinkley, John, Jan. 18, 174f
— William, father of John B., p. 117,
1. 33
Briscoe, Benjamin, father of Benjamin
B., p. 115, 1. 22
May 29, 1745
Brisdale, John, father of John B.,
p. 64, 1. 33
between Sept. 28 and Sept. 30,
Broadbent, James, father of William
B., p. 138, 1. 30.
— William, July 1, 1752
Brodie, David, father of William B.,
p. 174, 1. 10
— William, Oct. 8, 1766
Brome, Edward, father of Eichard B.,
p. 9, 1. 36
— John, father of John B., p. 80,
1. 34
June 26, 1735
— Eichard, 30 April, 1717
father of Eichard B., p. 143,
I. 11
June 12, 1754
Bromley, Thomas, father of Thomas
B., p. 174, 1. 41
Feb. 18, 1767
Brook, Brooke, Brooks, Mr, master of
Manchester school, p. 59, 1. 8; p. 62,
1. 40; p. 78, 1. 42 ; p. 80, 1. 32 ; p. 84,
1. 33; p. 89,1. 30; p. 94,1.7; p. 96,
1. 25; p. 99, 1. 23; p. 109, 1. 24;
p. 110, 1. 18; p. 115, 1. 4; p. 117,
1. 15; p. 124, 11. 19, 23; p. 128, 1. 1 ;
p. 129, 1. 34.
— Samuel, father of Samuel B., p. 47,
July 2, 1725
— Thomas, father of William B.,
p. 44, 1. 42
— William, April 16, 1725
Brooke, Mr, private tutor in the family
of Sir Charles Gilmour of Craig-
miller, p. 141, 1. 36.
— John, April 13, 1734
father of William B., p. 149,
1. 22
— Eichard, father of John B., p. 75,
1. 23
— Samuel, D.D., father of Samuel
B., p. 101, 1. 15
April 11, 1741
— WiUiam, June 19, 1756
— Zachary, father of Zachary B.,
p. 77, 1. 37
* June 28, 1734 ; p. 119, 1. 2 (Mr) ;
p. 122, 1. 7; p. 123, 1. 2; p. 132,
I. 43; p. 136, 11. 31, 35, 39; p. 137,
II. 4, 7, 12, 18, 29, 33, 43, 47; p. 138,
11. 7, 11, 17, 21, 25, 29, 39, 42; p. 139,
11. 3, 17, 20, 24, 28, 31, 38 (Dr), 41 ;
p. 140, 11. 3 (Mr), 21, 25, 33; p. 141,
11. 6, 9, 18, 22, 33, 36, 40 ; p. 142,
1 Reynald, in History of St John's, i. p. 307, 1. 29.
11. 4, 22, 36, 43, 46; p. 143, 11. 2, 4,
13, 23, 31, 39, 42, 47; p. 144, 11. 3,
7, 14, 21, 28, 32; p. 145, 11. 3, 9, 13,
28, 31, 43; p. 146. 11. 3, 7, 14, 17,
20, 24, 34, 48; p. 147, 11. 9, 11, 30,
33, 37 ; p. 148, 11. 4, 12, 20, 23, 26,
35; p. 149, 11. 9, 12, 17, 25, 42;
p. 150, 11. 2, 6, 15, 25, 35, 39, 43;
p. 151, 11. 14, 18, 21, 24, 29, 33;
p. 152, 11. 3, 9, 13, 34, 39,43; p. 153,
11. 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 19, 33; p. 154,
11. 1, 8, 17, 20, 25, 35, 43 ; p. 155,
11. 15, 18, 21, 24, 31, 33, 37, 41;
p. 156, 11. 10, 22, 25, 30; p. 157,
11. 2, 5, 17, 20, 27, 34, 40, 43; p. 158,
11. 2, 5, 8, 18, 22, 26, 35 ; p. 159, 11.
16, 18, 27, 35, 42; p. 160, 11. 9, 13,
19, 23, 31, 34, 38; p. 161, 11. 3, 32,
42; p. 162, 11. 6, 10, 13, 15, 19, 34,
37, 40, 43; p. 163, 11. 2, 5, 10, 18,
26, 29, 35 ; p. 164, 11. 23, 32, 36, 40,
43, 47; p. 165, 11. 4, 21, 26, 30; p.
166, 11. 2, 5, 25, 29 ; p. 167. 11. 19, 41 ;
p. 168, 11. 1 (Mr), 6, 10, 14, 18, 23,
27, 40; p. 169, 11. 18, 20; p. 170,
Brooks, Mr, master of Chappel-in-le-
frith school, Derbyshire, p. 72, 1. 27
Broom, Charles, father of Richard B. ,
p. 62, 1. 33
— Richard, May 6, 1730
Broome, Charles John, Nov. 1, 1743
— William, D.I)., father of Charles
John B., p. 110, 1. 9
Brotherson, Peter, Nov. 2, 1759
Broughton, Mr, master of Newark
school, Notts., p. 88, 1. 13
— Edward, father of Gustavus B.,
p. 65, 1. 23
— Gustavus, March 25, 1731
— Peter, father of Peter B., p. 78,
1. 33
— — Oct. 28, 1734
Brown, Dr, p. 154, 1. 13
— Mr, master of Highgate school,
p. 51, 1. 33
— Henry Langford, Oct. 15, 1740
— John, father of John B., p. 69,
1. 45
May 8, 1732
— Tatton, A. B. Balliol College,
Oxford, June 28, 1738
— Thomas, father of Henry Lang-
ford B., p. 99, 1. 39
Browne, Mr, master of Loughton
school, p. 32, 1. 27
— Francis, father of Francis B., p.
74, 1. 14
Oct. 25, 1733
— John, Masterof University College,
Oxford, p. 144, 1. 39
— Samuel, father of Samuel B., p.
132, 1. 33
Browne, Samuel, June 30, 1750
— Thomas, father of Thomas B.,
p. 102, 1. 11
June 6, 1741
— Timothy, father of Timothy B.,
p. 112, 1. 41
June 1, 1744
Brownsmith, Mr, master of Lavenham
school, Suffolk, p. 57, 1. 2
— Andrew, Jan. 19, 172^
— John, father of Andrew and John
B., p. 8, 1. 32; p. 31, 1. 23
January 10, 171f-
Broxholme, Mr, master of Sedbergh
school, p. 106, 11. 19, 30, 33 ; p. 107,
1. 36; p. 108, 1. 2; p. 109, 11. 8, 43;
p. 112, 1. 24; p. 120, 1. 11
— Francis, father of William B., p.
44, 1. 17
*_ William, March 22, 1724; p. 71,
1. 10 (master of Hawkshead school,
Lancashire) ; p. 75, 1. 11 (Mr) ; p. 79,
1. 15; p. 82, 1. 17; p. 89, 1. 13; p.
90, 1. 2
Bryan, Mr, master of Wellas school,
Somerset, p. 113, 1. 22
Bryant, Henry, June 30, 1746
— William, father of '^Vilham B., p.
94, 1. 1
May 15, 1739
father of Henry B., p. 120,
1. 17
Bryer, Thomas, June 30, 1766
Buck, Mr, master of Hingham, or
Hen^ham, school, Norfolk, p. 170,
1. 37 ; p. 172, 1. 40
— Thomas, father of William B., p.
52, 1. 42
— WiUiam, May 25, 1727
Bucknall, John, June 28, 1743
— William, father of John B., p. 109,
1. 35
Budworth, Mr, master of Brewood
school, Staffordshire, p. 104, 1. 10;
p. 135, 1. 32
Bugg, Henry, father of John B., p. 75,
1. 35
*— John, May 9, 1734 ; p. 101, 1. 37
(Mr); p. 112, 1. 39; p. 126, 1. 3; p.
128, 1. 40; p. 134,1. 15
— Mr, master of Southwell school,
Notts., p. 75, 1. 37 ; p. 80, 1. 29 ; p.
101,1. 36; p. 105, 1. 14; p. 106,1.15;
p. 116, 1. 12; p. 119, 1. 16; p. 122,
1. 27 ; p. 129, 1. 19 ; p. 134, 1. 14
— Mr, master of Southwell school,
Notts., and father of Whaley B., p.
147, 1. 31
— Whalev, Feb. 4, 1756
Bullock, Edward, Oct. 20, 1749
— John, May 3, 1749
— Richard, father of Richard B., p.
119, 1. 46
Bullock, Kichard, June 17, 1746
D.D., father of Edward B.,
p. 130, 1. 24
— William, father of John B., p. 128,
July 8, 1757 ; Nov. 19, 1761
• — Mr, p. 151, 1. 42
Bunce, John, father of Wheler B., p.
145, 1. 41
*_ Wheler, April 25, 1755
Bunning, David, father of John B.,
p. 20, 1. 31
— John, July 4, 1719
Bunting, Francis, father of John B.,
p. 73, 1. 20
— John, June 28, 1733
Burden, Mr, tutor in the family of
G. Osborn Esq., Derby, p. 88, 1. 9
Burford, John, Fellow of King's, p. 16,
1. 41 ; p. 39, 1. 43 (reading Regali for
Burleigh, Lord, Brownlowe Cecil, Nov.
9, 1744
Burletson, Bobert, January 9, 171|^
— William, father of Kobert B., p.
13, 1. 1
Burnaby, Andrew, father of Thomas
Beaumont B., p. 160, 1. 36
*— Daniel, Oct. 25, 1729; p. 113,
1. 38 (Mr)
— John, father of John B., p. 16,
1. 28
Oct. 25, 1718
father of Thomas B., p. 43,
1. 5
father of Daniel B., p. 62, 1. 8
— Thomas, Sept. 5, 1724
Beaumont, July 11, 1761
Burne, John, father of Walter B., p.
162, 1. 35
*— Kobert, June 23, 1739; p. 142,
1. 3 (Mr)
— Walter, June 22, 1762
— William, father of Eobert B., p. 94,
Burneby, Andrew, father of Andrew B.,
p. 26', 1. 35
March 6, 172 J-
Burrel, Peter, father of William B., p.
129, 1. 44
— William, June 30, 1749
Burrell, David, June 29, 1731
— John, father of David B., p. 67,
1. 29
June 18, 1737
father of Peter B., p. 94, 1. 24
— Peter, June 9, 1739
father of Peter B., p. 104, 1. 3
Oct. 16, 1741
— William, father of John B., p. 87,
1. 4
Burrell, William, June 30, 1749
Burroughs, Mr, master of Bridgewater
school, p. Ill, 1. 15
— Mr, master of Canterbury school,
p. 21, 1. 10; p. 39, 1. 19
^Burrow, Burow, Burrough, Burroughs,
Mr, master of Chesterfield school
p. 32, 11. 27, 40, 43; p. 42, 1. 26
p. 47, 1. 16 ; p. 49, 11. 27, 30 ; p. 50
1. 17; p. 53,11. 30,33; p. 58, 1. 19
p. 59, 1. 20; p. 60, 11. 17, 20, 23, 26
p. 67, 11. 1, 4, 7, 39; p. 68, 1. 5
p. 73, 11. 9, 22 ; p. 74, 1. 9 ; p. 75,
1. 43 (Mr Burroughs) ; p. 77, U. 2, 5
8, 12, 16; p. 80, 1. 9; p. 81, 11. 1
38; p. 82, 1. 42; p. 83, 11. 2, 5
p. 85, 11. 40, 44; p. 89, 11. 2, 34
p. 90, 11. 16, 43, 47; p. 99, 1. 3
p. 102, 11. 2, 29 ; p. 105, 1. 4 ; p. 106
1. 12; p. 110, 1. 1; p. Ill, 1. 19
p. 119, 11. 24, 43; p. 120, 11. 3, 14
40; p. 121, 1. 38; p. 124, 1. 15
p. 133, 1. 42; p. 134, 1. 4 ; p. 141,
1. 1
Burrow, Benjamin, May 1, 1736
— G. (William?), father of William
B., p. 60, 1. 15
*— William, June 6, 1729 ; p. Ill, 1. 20
(Mr); p. 119, 1. 25; p. 126, 1. 21;
p. 132, 1. 14 ; p. 135, 1. 3 ; p. 160,,
1. 5
father of Benjamin B., p. 83,
1. 1
— G. ( William ?), father of William
B., p. 108, 1. 33
— William, May 13, 1743
Burslam, Mr, master of Drayton school,
Salop, p. 106, 1. 45
Burslem, Samuel, father of William B.,.
p. 170, 1. 21
— William, May 13, 1765
Burton, Dr, Head-master of Winchester
school, p. 87, 1. 43; p. 112, 1. 42 ; p.
114, 1. 23; p. 125, 1. 14; p. 140, 1.
35; p. 148, 1. 8; p. 152, 1. 19; p.
167, 1. 29
— Christopher, April 23, 1728
— Edmund, Sept. 25, 1751 ; July 6,
— James, father of Edmund B., p.
136, 1. 9
father of John B., p. 176,
1. 38
— John, Sub-warden and Bursar,
New Coll. Oxford, p. 20, 1. 5 ; p. 27,
1. 15
June 27, 1718
March 2, 1721
— — father of Christopher and John
B., p. 53, 1. 48 ; p. 56, 1. 33
June 19, 1727
1 See p. 60 no. (31).
Burton, John, July 6, 1767
— Michael, father of John and Mi-
chael B., p. 16, 1. 5
* June 27, 1718; p. 80, 1. 6 (Mr);
p. 129, 1. 3 (Dr) ; p. 152, 1. 42
— Richard, father of John B., p. 31,
1. 30
— G. (Wiinam?), father of William
B., p. 104, 1. 12
— William, Nov. 6, 1741
Butcher, James, father of James B.,
p. 152, 1. 1
August 2, 1757
Butler, Mr, master of Bradford school,
Yorkshire, p. 113, 1. 16; p. 132,
1. 25
— James, father of James B., p. 76,
June 21, 1734
Butt, Mr, master of Winborn (Wim-
bourne) school, Dorsetshire, p. 143,
1. 22
Butterwood, Eobert, father of Robert
B., p. 17, 1. 37
April 1, 1719
Butts, Mr, master of Saffron Walden
school, Essex, p. 56, 1. 45 ; p. 66,
1. 15; p. 78,1. 15
Byass, Thomas, father of William B.,
p. 124, 1. 29
— WiUiam, March 18, 174|-
Byne, Henry, Bursar of Merton Col-
lege, Oxford, p. 7, 1. 8
father of Henry B., p. 169,
1. 13
Sept. 29, 1764
Byron, John, March 29, 1763
— Joshua, father of John B., p. 164,
1. 15
CaUow, Roger, father of William C,
p. 9, 1. 25
*_ William, 26 April, 1717
Cam, John, father of John C, p. 127,
1. 35
* Feb. 25, 174f ; p. 142, 1. 42
(Domimis); p. 158, 1. 34 (Mr); p.
168, 11. 17, 22, 27
Canning, John, May 28, 1747
— William, father of John C, p.
122, 1. 16
Cautrel, Henry, father of Wiliam C,
p. 78, 1. 20
— William, Sept. 27, 1734
Cardale, George, June 3, 1734
— Joseph, father of Joseph C, p.
69, 1. 7
*_ Joseph, Feb. 8, 1734 ; p. 69, 1. 11;
p. 112, 1. 19 (Mr); p. 115, 1. 25; p.
118, 1. 35; p. 119, 1. 41; p. 124, 1.
23; p. 136, 1. 27 ; p. 137, 1. 39; p. 143,
1. 26; p. 144, 1. 18; p. 147, 1. 4; p.
151, 1. 13
Cardale, Joseph, father of George C,
p. 76, 1. 32
Carleton, Mr, master of Amberley
school, Sussex, p. 138, 1. 41
— George, June 1, 1738
— Henry, father of George C, p. 90
1. 31
Carr, Mr, p. 151, 1. 20
— Mr, master of Bolton school, p
41, 1. 26
— Colston, Oct. 1, 1757: March 13
1764; Nov. 6, 1771
— John, father of William C, p. 83
1. 15
May 25, 1763
— Richard, father of William C, p
31, 1. 10
— Robert, father of Colston C, p
152, 1. 4
— William, Nov. 4, 1721
May 13, 1736
Carre, Mr, master of Skipton school
Yorkshire, p. 5, 1. 3
— Mr, master of Sladborn school
Yorkshire, p. 101, 1. 19; p. 107, 1. 18
— George, father of George C, p
33, 1. 36
June 21, 1722
— Richard, November 14, 1719
— William, father of Richard C, p
21, 1. 21
Carter, Mr, master of Wisbich (-ea-]
school, p. 40, 1. 17
— Mr, tutor in Barbadoes, p. 141, 1,
— James, father of John C, p. 106
— John, June 17, 1742
— Thomas, May 31, 1721
— William, father of Thomas C, p
27, 1. 4
Carver, John, April 3, 1758
— Marmaduke, father of John C, p
152, 1. 32
Gary, Mr, master of Morpeth school
p. 30, 1. 9
Caryl, L(ynford), Master of Jesus
Coll. Cambridge, p. 166, 1. 35
Case, Robert, June 30, 1732
— William, father of Robert C, p
71, 1. 5
Casey, Mr, master of Bannagh school
CO. Kerry, Ireland, p. 100, 1. 36
Cass, Eustace, May 20, 1729
— Richard, father of Eustace C, p
59, 1. 31
Cathcart, Mr, master of Bristol school
p. 73, 1. 38
Cavell, John, September 25, 1717
— William, father of John C, p. 12
1. 10
Cavendish, Ho7i. George, May 29, 1746
Cawne, Charles, Jan. 24, 172^
Cawne, William, father of Charles C,
p. 26, 1. 9
Cawthorne, Mr, master of Tunbridge
school, p. 127, 1. 33; p. 129, 1. 41;
p. 133, 1. 6; p. 147, 1. 26; p. 152,
— John, father of John C, p. 79,
1. 20
April 7, 1735
*Cayley, Mr, p. 35, 1. 20; p. 37, 1. 46;
p. 40, 1. 1; p. 41, 1. 8
— Mr, p. 176, 1. 1
— Arthur, May 6, 1717
— John, father of John C, p. 154,
1. 23
— — Feb. 6, 1759
— Simon, father of Arthur C, p. 14,
Cecil, Hon. Brownlow, April 15, 1718
— Hon. William, April 15, 1718
Chace, Samuel, father of Thomas C. ,
p. 30, 1. 31
— Thomas, Oct. 3, 1721
Chadwick, Antony, father of Antony
C.,p. 53, 1. 28
June 13, 1727
Chafy, William, Nov. 28, 1761
father of William C, p. 161,
1. 30
Challenour, William, father of William
C, p. 9, 1. 21
April 23, 1717
Chalmers, James, M.A., of Aberdeen
University, Nov. 6, 1722
Chamberlayne, Thomas, July 1, 1726
— William, father of Thomas C, p.
50, 1. 8
Chambers, John, father of William C,
p. 108, 1. 4
— Eosamond, maiden name of the
mother of John Sargent, p. 176, 1. 14
— William, father of William C, p.
3 1 39
— ' — April 18, 1716
March 5, 174|
Chambre, Francis, father of Eowland
C, p. 119, 1. 37
— Eowland, June 7, 1746
Chandos, Chandois, James, Duke of,
father of Lord Henry Bridges, p. 39,
Chapman, Mr, master of Moulton
school, Lincolnshire, p. 53, 1. 14;
p. 134, 1. 34
— Benjamin, April 30, 1728
— Thomas, father of Thomas C, p.
44, 1. 36
April 9, 1725
father of Benjamin C, p. 57,
1. 1
*Chappelow, Mr, p. 11, 11. 6 (bis), 27 ; p.
13, 1. 41; p. 22, 1. 1; p. 23, 1.3; p.
31, 1. 32; p. 36, 1. 28; p. 37, 1. 29;
p. 41, 1. 15; p. 44, 1. 13
Chappelow, Edward, father of Edward
C, p. 21, 1. 40
February 18, 17^1
Charles, Mr, master of St Paul's
school, London, p. 86, 1. 35
Charlesworth, Eobert, father of Eobert
C, p. 85, 1. 38
March 18, 173f
Charnley, Henry, father of William
C, p. 14, 1. 31
April 28, 1737
— William, 22 May, 1718 ; p. 14, 1. 36
father of Henry C, p. 86, 1. 19
Chasteney, John, father of William C,
p. 120, 1. 21
— William, July 1, 1746
Chaworth, George, May 25, 1720
— Patrick, father of George, Patrick
and Pole C, p. 16, 1. 18; p. 23, 1. 20
Aug. 28, 1718
— Pole, May 25, 1720
Chelsum, James, father of James C,
p. 146, 1. 21
May 28, 1755
Cheriton, Charles, father of George C,
p. 96, 1. 7
— George, Nov. 5, 1739
*Chester, Mr, p. 3, 1. 24
— Edward, June 29, 1717
— Eobert, father of Edward C, p.
11, 1. 29
Chetwode, John, May 24, 1751
— Sir Philip, baronet, father of John
C, p. 134, 1. 28
Chevalier, John, father of Nathaniel
Michael C, p. 31, 1. 18
— Nathaniel Michael, Jan. 6, 172J
*iChevallier, John, June 10, 1747;
p. 167, 1. 14 (Mr); p. 173, 1. 33; p.
177, 1. 26
— Nathaniel, father of John C, p.
122, 1. 40
Cheyney, Dr, Head-master of Win-
chester, p. 20, 1. 37
Chichester, Edward, father of Henry
C, p. Ill, 1. 13
— Henry, March 3, 174|
Chicken, Edward, father of Edward
C, p. 103, 1. 29
— Edward, Oct. 10, 1741
Chilcott, Dr, p. 156, 1. 29
— Eichard, father of William C, p.
60, 1. 8
— WilHam, May 31, 1729
Chinnery, Mr, private tutor in Ireland,
p. 161, 1. 2
Chisnall, John, father of John C, p,
112, 1. 3
1 Master of St John's, 1775.
ChisnaU, John, May 11, 1744
Clements, John, A. B. of C. C. C,
Oxford, Jan. 26, 174t
Cholmeley, James, father of Eobert C,
p. 39, 1. 4
— Eobert, Oct. 7, 1723
Cholmondely, Charles, father of
Thomas C, p. 109, 1. 16
— Thomas, June 20, 1743
Christian, Humphrey, Oct. 29, 1737
— John, father of Humphrey C, p.
88, 1. 25
Christopherson, Christopher, May 17,
— John, father of Preston C, p. 68,
1. 33, and late Fellow of St John's.
(See this Eegister, Index to Part II.,
and Hist, of St John's, p. 301, 1. 27)
— John, father of Christopher C,
p. 86, 1. 37
— Preston, Oct. 22, 1731
Churchil, Charles, father of Charles
C, p. 126, 1. 34
1 — Charles, July 8, 1748
— Fleetwood, March 16, 174|
— Joseph, father of Fleetwood C,
p. 128, 1. 14
Churchill, Henry, father of William
C, p. 72, 1. 12
— William, Feb. 21, 173|
Claobury, Augustine, father of John
C, p. 93, 1. 31
— John, April 19, 1739
Clapham, Mr, master of Bainbridge
school, Yorkshire, p. 112, 1. 23
Clark, Mr, master of Northampton
school, p. 128, 1. 15
— Edward, father of John C, p, 97,
1. 25
— John, June 13, 1740
Clarke, Mr, tutor in the family of John
Meyrick, gent., p. 36, 1. 21
— , Clark, Mr, master of Beverley
school, p. 89, 11. 18, 41 ; p. 90, 1. 1 ; p.
95, 1. 38; p. 96, 1. 45; p. 99, 1. 14;
p. 100, 1. 43 ; p. 102, 1. 15 ; p. 104, 1.
13; p. 107, 1. 31; p. 108, U. 34, 37;
p. 114, 1. 36; p. 115, 11. 11, 27, 44;
p. 116, 1. 13; p. 119, 1. 2; p. 121, 1.
10; p. 125, 1. 43; p. 130, 1. 28; p.
133, 1. 2 ; p. 134, 1. 26; p. 142, 1. 38
— Mr, master of Hull school, p. 25,
1. 37; p. 36, 1. 27; p. 67, 1. 20; p.
75, 1. 9
— Mr, master of Kirk Heaton school,
Yorkshire, p. 68, 1. 28 ; p. 86, 1. 14
— , Clark, Mr, master of Kirk Leathem
school, Yorkshire, p. 37, 1. 1 ; p. 43,
1. 40; p. 51, 1. 36; p. 53, 1. 42; p.
56,1. 31; p. 62,1. 12
Clarke, Clark, Mr, master of Shipton
school, Yorkshire, p. 70, 1. 37
— , — , Mr, master of Wakefield school,
p. 3, 1. 27; p. 16, 1. 2; p. 22, 1. 45;
p. 2.5, 1. 19; p. 26, 1.32; p. 27, 1.
24; p. 35, 1. 13; p. 57, 1. 28; p. 143,
1. 19; p. 148, 1. 15; p. 151,1. 20
*— Mr, p. 1, 1. 17; p. 4, 1. 12; p. 5,
1. 3; p. 9, 1.30; p. 14, 1. 16; p. 19,
1. 28; p. 23, 1. 27; p. 24, 1. 41; p.
30, 1. 5; p. 31, 1. 12; p. 86, 11. 22,
31; p. 46, 1. 29
*— Mr (junior), p. 40, 1. 31
— Edward, President of Clare Hall,
p. 33, 1. 17
* May 23, 1748; p. 151, 1. 32
(Mr) ; p. 157, 1. 33
— Francis, father of Francis C, p. 6,
1. 39
July 2, 1716
— Henry, June 17, 1725
father of Henry C, p. 56, 1. 41
April 27, 1728
— James, May 31, 1753 ; May 4, 1756 ;
Feb. 10, 1767
— John, May 28, 1744
— Paris, father of James C, p. 140,
1. 19
— Ealph, father of Ealph C, p. 115,
June 17, 1745
— Thomas, May 12, 1716
father of Henry C, p. 46,
1. 27
A. B., Hart Hall, Oxford,
July 2, 1726'
— William, father of Thomas C,
p. 4, 1. 20
— G. (William ?), father of William
C, p. 50, 1. 16
— William, July 2, 1726
formerly ^Fellow of St John's,
and father of Edward C, p. 125, 1. 12
father of William C, p. Ill,
1. 18
March 21, 174|
Clarkson, ^Mr, master of Wisbech
school, p. 149, 1. 19; p. 155, 1. 39
— Geoffrey, father of Geoffrey C,
p. 134, 1. 36
May 29, 1751
— John, June 10, 1742
— Thomas, father of John C, p. 105,
1. 42
Clayton, Mr, master of Leicester school,
p. 72,1.16; p. 76,1. 14; p. 78, 1.18
— Mr, master of Salford school, Lan-
cashire, p. 88, 1. 18 ; p. 105, 1. 17 ;
p. 146, 1. 26; p. 147, 1. 35 (Man-
chester); p. 148, 1. 11
1 Author of The Rosciad &c.
2 Elected .Jan. 21, ine/7. See this Register, Part ii. June 5, 1712.
3 Father of tlie abolitionist.
Clayton, Mr, master of Sherburn school,
Yorkshire, p. 75, 1. 13
— John, father of John C, p. 76,
May 29, 1734
June 6, 1750; Nov. 2, 1750
— Nathaniel, father of Nathaniel C,
p. 46, 1. 9
* May 14, 1726; p. 91, 1. 35
— Thomas, father of Thomas C, p.
48, 1. 9
— — Feb. 25, 172f
— father of John C. , p. 131, 1. 35
Clements, John, A.B. of C. C. C. Ox-
ford, Jan. 26, 174|
Clendon, Mr, master of Sutton Valence
school, Kent, p. 101, 1. 26; p. 115,
Cleobury, John, July 8, 1767; Oct. 8,
Clerk, Mr, master of York school,
p. 46, 1. 25
Clerke, Thomas, father of Thomas C,
p. 62, 1. 23
* April 14, 1730; p. 89, 1. 45
(Mr) ; p. 92, 1. 32 ; p. 98, 1. 14; p. 99,
11. 8, 21 ; p. 104, 1. 5 ; p. 105, 1. 44
CUff, Clifie, Mr, master of Shelfield
school, p. 95, 1. 29; p. 99, 1. 34
Cliffe, John, father of John C, p. 24,
June 11, 1720
Clint, Samuel, father of Samuel C,
p. 89, 1. 20
March 21, 173|
Clive, Benjamin, father of Bobert C,
p. 106, 1. 44
— Kobert, July 3, 1742
Close, Mr, master of a school at Chel-
sey (-a), Middlesex, p. 28, 1. 29
master of Eichmond school,
Yorkshire, p. 44, 11.41,43 ; p. 70, 1.43
— Israel, May 24, 1735
— William, father of Israel C,
p. 80, 1. 1
Cobb, John, father of John C, p. 120,
1. 25
July 4, 1746
Cock, John, June 25, 1734
— Joseph, father of John C, p. 77,
1. 22
Cockshutt, John, father of Thomas C,
p. 177, 1. 6
— Thomas, July 27, 1767
Coke, D'Ewes, Oct. 31, 1764
— George, father of D'Ewes C,
p. 169, 1. 30
Colchester, G. (William?), father of
William C, p. 157, 1. 21
— William, March 29, 1760
Cole, Charles, father of Charles Nal-
son and William C, p. 95, 11. 4, 7
S. ' ■.
Cole, Charles Nalson, June 27, 1739
*— William, June 27, 1739, p. 157,
1. 42 (Mr) ; p. 174, 1. 13
Colefax, Eichard, father of Thomas C,
p. 99, 1. 17
— Thomas, Oct. 4, 1740
Coleman, John, Sept. 28, 1733
— Joseph, father of John C, p. 73,
1. 41
Colesbury,Mr, master of Bruton school,
Somerset. See Goldsborough
Colinge, Benjamin, Jur. Civ. Doctor,
New Coll., Oxford, p. 20, 1. 8.
Collier, John, father of Joseph C,
p. 131, 1. 18
— Joseph, May 18, 1750
Collinson, Eev. William, master of
Bampton school, Westmoreland,
p. 140, 1. 39; p. 176, 1. 41
Colquitt, Edward, June 3, 1736
— John, father of Edward C, p. 83,
Colson, Mr, master of Eochester school,
p. 36, 1. 24 ; p. 41, 1. 32
Colyear, Hon. William Charles, Vis-
count Milsington, June 28, 1764
Comark, Mr, master of Colchester
school, p. 65, 1. 35
*Combe, Benedict, Bennet, July 5, 1726
— Brian, father of Benedict C., p. 50,
1. 38
Constable, Marmaduke, father of
Thomas C, p. 150,1. 16
— Thomas, Nov. 1, 1756.
Conway, Benjamin, B.A. of Jesus Col-
lege, Oxford, 21 June, 1716, p. 5,
1. 48
Cooch, Thomas, father of Thomas C,
p. 116, 1. 19
June 28, 1745
Cook, Mr, Head-master of Eton, p.
110, 1. 37; p. 117, 1. 27; p. 118,
1. 27; p. 126, 1. 17
— John, father of John C, p. 55, 1. 1
August 5, 1727
Cooke, John, father of Eichard C,
p. 168, 1. 20
— Eichard, June 23, 1764
— Thomas, father of Thomas C,
p. 17, 1. 44
11 April, 1719
Cookson, John, father of John C,
p. 120, 1. 9
— — June 25, 1746
— Eichard, May 25, 1727
— William, father of Eichard C,
p. 52, 1. 46
Cooper, Cowper, George, Eegistrar of
Oxford University, p. 24, 11. 30, 38 ;
p. 28, 11. 16, 44; p. 40, 11. 7, 12;
p. 60, 1.44; p. 64, 1. 12
— John, father of Thomas C, p. 30,
1. 11
Cooper, Nathaniel, father of Nathaniel
C, p. 85, 1. 17
Oct. 14, 1736
— Thomas, July 1, 1721
Copley, John, father of John C, p. 89,
* March 10, 173|; p. 117, 1.10 (Mr)
Corker, John, father of Thomas C,
p. 18, 1. 23
— Thomas, 18 May, 1719
Corney, James, father of James C,
p. 97, 1. 20
June 11, 1740
Cornish, John, father of Eobert C,
p. 124, 1. 10
— Eobert, Jan. (?Feb.) 5, 174|
Cornwall, Charles, March 17, 172f
— Frederick, father of Charles C,
p. 26, 1. 43
Corrance, Clement, father of Eobert
C, p. 74, 1. 30
— Eobert, Dec. 4, 1733
Cotton, Eobert, June 18, 1744
— Thomas, father of Eobert C,
p. 112, 1. 48
Coulson, John, Fellow of University
College, Oxford, p. 144, 1. 44
Covell, Dr John, Master of Christ's
College, Cambridge, p. 12, 1. 4
Covert, Charles Eanulph, Hart Hall,
Oxford, p. 10, 1. 6
Cowper, Benjamin, Nov. 11, 1725
— George, father of Benjamin C,
p. 47, 1. 31
Eegistrar of Oxford University.
See Cooper
Cowperthwait, George, father of Wil-
liam C, p. 70, 1. 45
— William, June 27, 1732
Cowperthwaite, George, father of George
C, p. 38, 1. 9
June 28, 1723
Cox, Dr, master of Hampstead school,
Middlesex, p. 149, 1. 5
— Edward, father of Edward C,
p. 117, 1. 42
March 15, 174|
Coxe, Mr, master of a school at Ken-
sington, p. 29, 1. 37
— Francis, 2 March, 1711
— William, father of Francis C, p. 3,
1. 15
Crackenthorp, Gilbert, May 29, 1734
— Eichard, father of Gilbert C,
p. 76, 1. 16
Crackenthorpe, Mr, master of Kendal
school, Westmorland, p. 108, 1. 43
*Cradock, Cradocke, John, April 29,
1725; p. 87, 11. 33 (Mr), 34, 35; p.
148, 11. 23, 34 (Dr); p. 149, 1. 24;
p. 151, 1. 17
Cradock, Thomas, father of Thomas
and WiUiam C, p. 158, 1. 19
June 28, 1760
— William, father of John C, p. 45,
1. 9
June 28, 1760
— Mr, private tutor in the family of
W. Letheullier, Esq., p. 92, 1. 31
Crane, John, father of John C., p. 64,
1. 40
June 27, 1730
Craner, Mr, master of a private school
in London, p. 83, 1. 25
Cranwell, John, June 18, 1743
— Tyrell, father of John C, p. 109,
1. 13
Craster, Edmund, father of Thomas
C, p. 161, 1. 4
— Thomas, August 19, 1761
Craven, John, father of John Hardey
C, p. 93, 1. 41
Hardey, May 9, 1739
— Eichard, father of William C,
p. 130, 1. 11
— William, Baron, father of William
C, p. 3, 1. 11
Baron, 28 February, 1711;
p. 3, 1. 17
* 1 July3,1749;p.l49,1.39(Mr);
p. 156, 1. 12; p. 165, 1. 44.
Crawley, John, father of Thomas C,
p. 64, 1. 36
— Thomas, Sept. 30, 1730
Creech, Creicke, Criche (Dr), Mr, master
of Merchant Tailors' school, p. 97,
1. 34; p. 121, 1. 7 (Mr Creicke); p.
123, 1. 27 ; p. 135, 1. 43
Creffield, Edward, father of Edward C,
p. 58, 1. 39
— Edward, Feb. 18, 172f
— Peter, Jan. 21, 173f
— Ealph, father of Peter C, p. 82,
1. 12
Creswell, John, father of William C,
p. 36, 1. 23
— WiUiam, March 21, 172|
Creyk, John, April 7, 1731
— Ealph, father of John C, p. 65, 1.40
*Creyke, Mr, p. 11, 1. 47
— Ealph, father of Ealph C, p. 26,
Feb. 25, 172f
Cripps, Francis, father of Thomas C,
p. 151, 1. 3
— Thomas, April 19, 1757
Crofts, Edmund, father of Edmund C,
p. 175, 1. 17
— Edmund, March 16, 1767
— Eichard, July 3, 1758
— William, father of Eichard C,
p. 153, 1. 22
1 Elected Master of St John's, March 29, 1789.
Crompton, John, father of Walters C,
p. 101, 1. 43
— Walters, May 26, 1741
— Mr, master of Market Boswortli
school, Leicestershire, p. 101, 1. 45
Cromwell, Edward, father of John C,
p. 73, 1. 4
— John, June 14, 1738
Cronkshaw, John, A. M., Brasenose
Coll., Oxford, Oct. 17, 1760
Crosbie, John, Jan. 41, 174^
Crosby, Sir Maurice, Bart., father of
John Crosbie, p. 100, 1. 34
Crosley, John, Nov. 11, 1761
— father of John C, p. 161, 1. 21
Crosse, Thomas, President of Catharine
Hall, p. 2, 1. 6
Crow, Jane, maiden name of the mo-
ther of Thomas Cockshutt, p. 177,
1. 7
Crucius, Irenaeus, father of Lewis C,
p. 19, 1. 37
— Lewis, 27 June, 1719
Crump, Mr, master of St Paul's, Lon-
don, p. 86, 1. 34
Crusius, Mr Lewis, Head-master of
Charterhouse school, p. 146, 1. 13;
p. 175,1.41 (Dr); p. 177,1. 24
*Culm, Benjamin, 12 March, 171|;
p. 39, 1. 25 (Mr) ; p. 84, 1. 33
— John, father of Benjamin C, p. 3,
1. 22
Cumbrey, Henry, father of Bobert C,
p. 41, 1. 28
— Eobert, May 23, 1724
Cuny, Eichard, father of Walter C,
p. 38, 1. 32
— Walter, July 27, 1723
Currer, Henry, father of William C,
p. 80, 1. 25
— William, June 18, 1735
*Curry, Currey, John, March 30, 1754
— William, father of John C. , p. 142,
1. 24
Curtiene, Ambrose, father of William
C, p. 56, 1. 44
— William, April 29, 1728
Curtis, Caesar, June 30, 1732
— Robert, father of Caesar C, p. 71,
1. 1
Curwen, Eldred, father of Henry C,
p. 118, 1. 25
— Henry, April 10, 1746
Cuthbert, Edward, father of Joseph C,
p. 72, 1. 35
March 27, 1764
— Joseph, June 4, 1733
father of Edward C, p. 167,
1. 20
Dabbs, John, May 10, 1757
Dabbs, John, father of John D., p.
151, 1. 11
Dadds, Mr, master of Tiverton school,
p. 103, 1. 5
Dade, John, father of John D., p. 110,
1. 4
July 13, 1743
— Thomas, father of Thomas D., p.
145, 1. 22
Jan. 16, 1755
father of William D., p. 155,
1. 5
— William, April 12, 1759
Dakin, Edward, father of Thomas D.,
p. 62, 1. 42
— Thomas, May 18, 1730
Dale, Mr, master of Stockport school,
p. 10, 1. 38 ; p. 17, 1. 26 ; p. 22, 1. 21 ;
p. 40, 1. 40 ; p. 42, 1. 36 ; p. 43, 11. 9,
13 ; p. 50, 1. 28 ; p. 56, 11. 5, 8 ; p. 60,
1.46; p. 63, 1. 5; p. 69,1. 19; p. 71,
1. 22 ; p. 75, 11. 29, 33 : p. 76, 1. 7
— John, March 25, 1728
father of Eichard D., p. 89,
1. 17
— Eichard, March 21, 173|
— Thomas, father of Thomas D., p.
56, 1. 7
Dalton, John, father of John D., p. 42,
1. 28
July 1, 1724
Dalyson, Thomas, father of William D.,
p. 127, 1. 32
father of Thomas D., p. 133,
1. 5
Oct. 18, 1750
— WiUiam, Jan. 23, 174f
Dammant, William, father of William
D., p. 90, 1. 7
April 29, 1738
Daniel, John, father of Eichard D.,
p. 11, L 36
— Eichard, 1 July, 1717 ; 22 Febru-
ary, 172^
Dannett, John, father of Thomas D.,
p. 171, 1. 9
— Thomas, July 3, 1765
Danson ; see Denson
D'Aranda, Benjamin, father of Peter
D'A., p. 146, 1. 35
— Peter, June 12, 1755
Darby, Henry, father of Henry Har-
ward D., p. 79, 1. 31
Harward, April 17, 1735
Darwent, Eobert, father of Thomas D.,
p. 48, 1. 33
— Thomas, April 6, 1726
Darwin, ^Erasmus, June 30, 1750
— John, June 30, 1750
— Eobert, father of Eobert D., p.
109, 1. 47
1 Author of The Botanic Garden, &c.
Darwin, Eobert, July 1, 1743
father of Erasmus and John D.,
p. 132, 1. 27
Daston, Eiehard, father of Eichard D.,
p. 116, 1. 31
July 2, 1745
Davenport, George, father of Eichard
D., p. 44, 1. 1
— Eichard, Feb. 17, 172*
Davies, Mr, master of Carmarthen
school, p. 73, 1. 35
— Mr, p. 169, 1. 11
— Mr, master of En(d)field school,
Middlesex, p. 69, 1. 7
— Davis, master of Ilminster school,
Somersetshire, p. 123, 1. 2 ; p. 164,
1. 30
— Mr, master of Southwark school,
Surrey, p. 148, 1. 22
— Mr, master of Swaffham Bulbeck
school, Cambridgeshire, p. 63, 1. 8
— Francis, father of Eobert D., p. 6,
1. 25
— George, father of George D., p. 13,
1. 14
* 11 April, 1718
— Eichard, A.B., Worcester Coll.,
Oxford, June 30, 1764
— Eobert, 28 June, 1716
father of Eobert D., p. 166,
1. 11
Aug. 24, 1763
— Wilham, June 30, 1762
Davis, Mr, master of Preston school,
Lancashire, p. 87, 1. 37
— George, May 25, 1747
— James, father of George D., p. 122,
1. 13
— Eichard, father of William D., p.
108, 1. 23
— WiUiam, April 19, 1743
Davison, George, March 21, 172f
— Morton, June 23, 1739 ; June 3,
— Eobert, July 1, 1727
— Thomas, father of George D., p.
40, 1. 19
father of Eobert D., p. 54,
father of Thomas D., p. 68,
1. 26
Oct. 18, 1731
June 27, 1740 ; May 21, 1743
— W^illiam, father of Morton D., p.
94, 1. 39
father of Thomas D., p. 98,
1. 9
Dawbry, Mr, master of Wolverhampton
school, Staffordshire, p. 16, 1. 15
Dawes, Mr Eichard {Misc. Crit. ), master
of Newcastle-on-Tyne school, p. Ill,
1. 42
Dawes, Francis, June 25, 1742
— Thomas, father of Francis D., p.
106, 1. 21
Dawson, Anthony, father of Anthony
D., p. 127, 1. 28
. Nov. 21, 1748
— James, Oct. 21, 1737
— John, father of John D., p. 91,
1. 1
June 16, 1738
— Thomas, father of William D.,
p. 14, 1. 43
— William, 24 May, 1718
father of James D., p. 88,
1. 16
Dean, Mr, master of Elsemere (Elles-)
school, Salop, p. 48, 1. 13
* — ■ George, 6 February, 171t
— Eichard, June 13, 1763
— William, father of George D., p. 8,
1. 36
*Deaue, Dean, Mr, p. 19, 1. 24 ; p. 23,
1. 34 ; p. 33, 1. 21
— Nicholas, father of Eobert D., p.
137, 1. 45
*— Eobert, May 1, 1752; p. 177, 1. 12
— Eev. WiUiam, M.A., B.N.C. Ox-
ford, June 29, 1720
Dearie, Mr, master of Stafford school,
p. 17, 1. 15
Dearliug, John, father of Walter D.,
p. 118, 1. 3
— Walter, March 18, 174f
Deason, Thomas, March 22, 1762
father of Thomas D., p. 162,
1. 20
De Crousar, Francis, July 4, 1767 ; oh,
— John, father of Francis De C, p.
176, 1. 33
Degulhou, Stephen, father of Stephen
D., p. 94, 1. 35
June 20, 1739 ; Jan. 25, 174|
Dell, Humfrey, Sept. 18, 1721
— Humphrey (sic), father of Humfrey
D., p. 30, 1. 23
^Denham, Mary, maiden name of the
mother of Eobert John Sayer, p. 168,
1. 16
— Mr, master of Macclesfield school,
p. 10, 1. 27
Denson, Danson, Mr Eobert, master of
Backford school, Cheshire, p. 108,
1. 30; p. 109, 1. 40 (Mr Danson);
p. 140, 1. 5
2 — Eichard, father of Thomas D.,
p. 108, 1. 29
1 The first instance of such an entry ; see p. 175, II. 4, 9, 13, 18, 27, 33, 39 ; p. 176, 11. 6, 14, 30, 34, 39 ;
p. 177, 1. 7.
2 ' B,' by error for ' D ' in original Register.
Denson, Thomas, May 6, 1743
Dent, Mr, master of Ottrington school,
Yorkshh-e, p. 128, 1. 23
— Peter, father of Peter D., p. 38,
1. 20
July 1, 1723
— Thomas, May 9, 1723
— William, father of Thomas D., p.
37, 1. 15
Depleidge, Deplage, Mr, master of
Mansfield school, Notts, p. 122, 1. 7;
p. 129, 1. 2
Derby, John, Nov. 1, 1739
— William, father of John D., p. 96,
1. 4
Dering, Sir Edward, baronet, father of
Edward D., p. 134, 1. 6
— Edward, March 15, 175|
— Heneage, LL.D., father of Heneage
and John D., p. 70, 1. 33; p. 86,
1. 10
April 22, 1737
— John, June 19, 1732
Devonshire, William, Duke of, father
of Hon. George Cavendish, p. 119,
1. 22
Dewhurst, Clavton, father of William
D.,p. 38, 1.35
— John, father of John D., p. 16, 1. 1
26 June, 1718
— William, August 13, 1723
Dickenson, Charles, Nov. 2, 1737
— John, April 1, 1725
father of Charles D., p. 88, I.
— Thomas, father of John D., p. 44,
1. 30
Dickinson, John, father of Samuel D.,
p. 128, 1. 42
— Samuel, May 18, 1749
Digby, Joseph, father of Joseph D., p.
153, 1. 15
— Joseph, May 31, 1758
Dinham, John, father of Samuel D. ,
p. 106, 1. 41
— Samuel, July 3, 1742
Dinsdale, George, August 31, 1758 ;
Dec. 24, 1761
Dixie, Beaumont, father of Beaumont
D., p. 149, 1. 14
June 16, 1756
Dixon, Mr, master of Hawkshead
school, Lancashire, p. 101, 1. 8
— Edward, father of William D.,
p. 31, 1.26
Oct. 5, 1731
— James, father of Edward D., p. 68,
1. 23
— Eichard, July 1, 1732
— William, March 1, 172^
father of Eichard D., p. 71, 1. 8
Dobbs, John, June 3, 1757
Dobson, John, A. M., Treasurer and
afterwards Warden of New Coll.,
Oxford, p. 20, 1. 6; p. 27,1. 13
Dockuray, Josiah, father of Thomas
D., p. Ill, 1. 40
*— Thomas, April 30, 1744; p. 135,
1. 48 (Mr)
Dod, John, father of Eobert D., p. 118,
1. 41
— Eichard, June 21, 1721
— Eobert, May 13, 1746
— Theophilus, father of Eichard D.,
p. 28, 1. 10
— Thomas, father of Thomas D., p.
34, 1. 47
July 2, 1722
Dodd, John, father of William D., p.
139, 1. 8
— William, Sept. 26, 1752
Dodgson, Charles, June 3, 1741
— Christopher, father of Charles D.,
p. 102, 1. 4
19 May, 1716
— Eobert, father of Christopher D,,
p. 4, 1. 35
Dodsworth, Francis, June 1, 1748
Dougworth, Donworth, Mr, master of
Durham school, p. 78, 1. 6 ; p. 80,
1. 15; p. 90, 1. 36; p. 94, 11. 40, 44;
p. 97, 1. 31; p. 98, 1. 11; p. 101, 1.
1; p. 103, 1. 31; p. 131, 1. 26; p.
135, 1. 39; p. 139, 1. 30; p. 147, 1. 22
Donworth, see Dongworth
Dormer, Mr, master of Eochester
school, p. 50, 1. 6
Doulben, Mr, master of Bangor school,
p. 10, 1. 34
Dove, Mr, master of Chichester school,
p. 79, 1. 29
Dowbiggin, Mr, master of Thorn(e)ton
school, Yorkshire, p. 10, 1. 13 ; p. 26,
1. 40
— Christopher, father of Thomas
and John D., p. 13, 11. 22, 35
— John, 16 April, 1718
— Eobert, Jan. 10, 1755
— Thomas, 14 April, 1718
father of Eobert D., p. 145, 1.
*Downes, Mr, p. 31, 1. 41
— Charles, June 25, 1743; May 18,
— Henry, June 30, 1740; Nov. 24,
— John, father of Henry D., p. 98,
1. 28
father of Jonathan D., p. 127,
1. 13
*— Jonathan, Oct. 5, 1748
— Joseph, father of Charles D., p.
109, 1. 23
Downing, George, father of George D.,
p. 21, 1. 32
January 21, 17^|
Doxon, Mr, master of Heath school,
Yorkshire, p. 138, 1. 44
*Drake, Mr, p. 1, L 8 ; p. 3, 1. 28;
p. U. 18, 26, 31 ; p. 5, U. 19, 33, 43 ;
p. 9, 1. 42; p. 10, 1. 1; p. 11, I 47;
p. 16, 1. 7; p. 37, 1. 46; p. 41, 1. 9;
p. 45, 11. 5, 34; p. 46, 1. 26; p. 47,
1. 33
*—' Mr, (jun.) p. 39, 1. 29; p. 40, 1. 1;
p. 41, 11. 21, 37
— Mr, master of Beighton school,
Sheffield, p. 16, 1. 22
— Edward HolweU, A. B., Balliol
Coll., Oxford, June 24, 1758
— George, father of Thomas D., p.
167, 1. 28
— James, father of James D., p. 25,
1. 13
July 8, 1720
— John, May 21, 1724
— Joseph, father of Nathan D., p.
129, 1. 22
— Marmaduke, father of John D.,
p. 41, 1. 19
father of William D., p. 53, 1.
— Nathan, June 16, 1749
— Samuel, D.D., father of Samuel
D., p. 145, 1. 14
— Samuel, Jan. 10, 1755
— Thomas, March 29, 1764
— William, June 17, 1727
Draper, Edmund, father of William D.,
p. 49, 1. 22
— Wilham, Jime 1, 1726
Drift, Hadrian, April, 1726
— Matthew, father of Hadrian D,,
p. 48, 1. 30
Drury, John, 6 July, 1716
— William, father of John D., p. 7,
1. 15
Dudley, Edward, June 6, 1759
Duff, Hon. Lewis, Nov. 14, 1754
— William, Baron Braco, father of
Hon. Lewis D., p. 144, 1. 26
Duffe, Arthur, 17 October, 1715
— Patrick, father of Arthur D., p. 2,
1. 21
Duke, Thomas, April 12, 1757
— WilUam, father of William D., p.
133, 1. 22
Dec. 15, 1750
— — father of Thomas D. , p. 150,
1. 36
Dunmore, William, Earl of, father of
Hon. Charles Murray, p.* 143, 1. 40
Dunn, Field, father of Field D., p. 25,
1. 36
Oct. 30, 1720
Durand, Daniel Francis, May 28, 1763
father of Daniel Francis D. ,
p. 164, 1. 45
Dwarris, Fortunatus, June 23, 1748
Dwarris, Thomas, father of Fortunatus
D., p. 126, 1. 15
Dwyer, Mr, late master of Sedbergh
school, p. 24, 1. 19
Dymoke, Charles, father of Needham
D., p. 173, 1. 14
— Needham, May 21, 1766
Eare, John, father of John E., p. 61,
1. 1
June 26, 1729
Eaton, Mr, master of Davenham school,
Cheshire, p. 116, 1. 37
— Edward, April 16, 1729
— Peter, father of Edward E., p. 59,
I. 19
Eccles, Joseph, father of Joseph E.,
p. 37, 1. 8
April 29, 1723
Eddowes, Richard, May 18, 1750
— William, father of Richard E., p.
131, 1. 22
Edmonds, George James, June 22,
— James, father of George James E.,
p. 151, 1. 30
*Edmundson, Dr, p. 1, 11. 3, 17 ; p. 2,
II. 1, 10 ; p. 3, 11. 9, 24, 38, 41 ; p. 4,
11. 4, 12, 15, 34, 37 ; p. 5, 11. 4, 22,
45 ; p. 6, 11. 13, 35, 38, 45 ; p. 7,
11. 13, 17, 28 ; p. 8, 11. 3, 14, 30, 38,
41 ; p. 9, 11. 4, 7, 23, 31, 34, 45 ;
p. 10, 11. 10, 17, 46; p. 11, 11. 23, 27,
38, 43; p. 12, 1. 2; p. 13, 11. 9, 16,
29, 34, 42 ; p. 14, 11. 10, 13, 16, 34,
46, 49; p. 15, 11. 3, 7, 20; p. 16,
11. 4, 20, 23, 27 ; p. 17, 11. 12, 19, 33,
36, 39, 43 ; p. 18, 11. 2, 18, 46 ; p. 19,
11. 10, 24, 29, 35, 46 ; p. 20, h. 29,
43; p. 21, 11. 3, 7, 23, 38; p. 22,
11. 5, 14, 26, 31, 34, 45 ; p. 23, 11. 4,
22, 27, 31, 34, 44, 47; p. 24, 11. 3,
24, 32, 41, 44, 48 ; p. 25, 1. 20 ; p. 26,
11. 4, 15, 30, 34; p. 27, 11. 22, 25,
30, 33, 43 ; p. 28, 11. 5, 40, 43 ; p. 29,
11. 37, 46; p. 30, 11. 5, 33; p. 31,
11. 2, 13, 16, 28, 32 ; p. 32, 11. 7, 11,
23, 40, 44 ; p. 33, 11. 2, 13, 21, 30 ;
p. 34, 11. 38, 45 : p. 35, 11. 2, 5, 9,
13, 17, 23, 29, 33, 35 ; p. 36, 11. 10,
18, 31, 34, 41; p. 37, 11. 2, 7, 10,
22, 33, 42; p. 38, 11. 5, 25, 31, 38;
p. 39, 11. 13, 16, 20, 25 ; p. 40, 11. 4,
15, 27, 37; p. 41, 11. 12, 40; p. 42,
11. 2, 5, 11, 14, 23, 27 ; p. 43, 11. 10,
30 ; p. 44, 11. 19, 23, 35 ; p. 45, 11. 11,
15, 18, 24, 27, 43 ; p. 46, 11. 10, 23,
29, 42 ; p. 47, 11. 8, 17, 27, 30, 36,
39 ; p. 48, 11. 7, 11, 17, 29, 32 ; p. 49,
11. 8, 21, 28, 31, 37; p. 50, 11. 4, 10,
18, 28, 45; p. 51, 11. 21, 27, 37, 40;
p. 52, 11. 3, 6, 18, 34, 37, 41, 44;
p. 53, 11. 2, 5, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30,
34, 37, 40, 43, 46 ; p. 54, 11. 25, 28,
41; p. 55, 11. 9, 23, 27, 31, 34, 38;
p. 56, 1. 46; p. 57, 11. 3, 7, 10, 13,
16, 22, 28, 32, 38, 45 ; p. 58, 11. 6,
14, 35, 41; p. 59, 11. 9, 18, 21, 24,
27, 33, 44; p. 60, 11. 7, 10, 14, 18,
21, 24, 27, 38, 41 ; p. 61, 11. 6, 9,
12, 18, 32, 38; p. 62, 11. 16, 22, 25,
31, 34 ; p. 63, 11. 14, 17, 30, 33, 42,
48; p. 64, 11. 6, 15, 18
*Edmundson, Alexander, 29 April,
— William, father of Alexander E.,
p. 4, 1. 1
Edwards, Eichard, Fellow of Jesus
Coll., Oxford, p. 164, 1. 14
— Mr, master of Llanegryn school,
Merionethshire, p. 43, 1. 19
— Mr, master of Pwlhely school,
Carnarvonshire, p. 105, 1. 20
— Mr, master of Tenby school, p. 81,
1. 31
— Mr, master of Tipshall (? Tibshelf )
school, Derbyshire, p. 122, 1. 30
— Mr, master of Wem school, Salop,
p. 46, 1. 31
— Andrew, Nov. 2, 1730
— Edward, June 30, 1732
— Grif. Swinfen, father of Eichard
Swinfen, E., p. 127, 1. 17
— John, April 30, 1736
— Nathaniel, father of John E., p.
82, 1. 37
— Eichard, father of Andrew E., p.
65, 1. 3
Swinfen, Oct. 27, 1748
— Thomas, father of Thomas E., p.
120, 1. 32
Nov. 22, 1746
father of Edward E., p. 73,
1. 33
— — father of Walter E., p. 142,
1. 40
— Timothy, father of William E., p.
52, 1. 19
— Walter, May 11, 1754
— William, April 17, 1727
Ekins, George, father of George E.,
p. 125, 1. 34
June 7, 1748 ; May 15, 1749
— Eandolph, June 19, 1740 ; May 6,
— Eobert, father of Eandolph E., p.
97, 1. 33
Elam, John, June 21, 1727
— Thomas, father of John E., p. 54,
1. 3
Elcock, Thomas, father of Thomas E.,
p. 52, 1. 35
May 18, 1727
Eliot, Alexander, April 23, 1737
Eliot, Griffith, father of Alexander E.,
p. 86, 1. 16
Ellis, Mr, master of Coney Hatch
school, p. 28, 1. 7
— Mr, master of Grantham school,
Lincolnshire, p. 10, 11. 23, 41 ; p. 14,
1. 5; p. 52, 1. 8
— Henry, father of William E., p.
123, 1. 35
— John, father of John E., p. 172,
1. 36
April 2, 1766
— Seth, father of Seth E., p. 77, 1. 7
June 24, 1734
— Timothy, father of William E.,
p. 43, 1. 21
Oct, 30, 1724
*— William, Nov. 19, 1747; p. 148,
1. 43 (Mr) ; p. 151, 1. 44
Ellison, Mr, master of Micklethwaite
school, Bingley, Yorkshire
— Stanhope, A.B., Brasenose Coll.,
Oxford, July 2, 1761
Elliss, John, father of WiUiam E., p.
73, 1. 1
— WiUiam, June 11, 1733
Elliston,Winiam, father of William E.,
p. 131, 1. 31
1 June 6, 1750
Ellys, Thomas, father of William E.,
p. 41, 1. 35
— William, May 29, 1724
— Mr, master of Mortlock, (?) Malwyd
school, Merionethshire, p. 51, 1. 29
Elmsal, Henry, father of Henry E.,
p. 132, 1. 24
June 29, 1750
Elsley, Charles, 15 May, 1718
— Gregory, father of Gregory E., p.
86, 1. 13
April 23, 1737
— William, father of Charles E,, p.
14, 1. 24
Eltoft, Thomas, father of Thomas E.,
p. 109, 1. 32
— — June 27, 1743
Elyott, Edmund, July 8, 1741
— Thomas, father of Edmund E.,
p. 103, 1. 17
Emerson, Mr, master of Bishop Auck-
land school, p. 18, 1. 11
Emmerson, John, June 27, 1719
— Ealph, father of John E., p. 19,
Etty, Lewis, May 19, 1725
— William, father of Lewis E., p. 45,
1. 38
Evans, Anne, maiden name of the
mother of Thomas E., p. 175, 1. 13
— John, Senior Fellow of King's, p.
85, 1. 3
1 Master of Sidney, 1760.
Evans, Mr, master of Audlein school,
p. 6, 1. 23 ; p. 87, 1. 19
— Mr, master of Cosheston school,
Pembrokeshire, p. 81, 1. 35
— Mr, master of Pembroke school,
p. 12, 1. 18
— Edmund, father of Edmund E.,
p. 66, 1. 48
June 5, 1731
— Evan, June 23, 1760
— James, father of James E., p. 149,
June 14, 1756
— Lewis, father of Thomas E., p.
175, 1. 13
— Thomas, 4 June, 1716
Feb. 21, 1767
— Walter, A.B., Jesus Coll., Oxford,
June 27, 1734
— William, father of Thomas E., p.
5, 1. 17
June 15, 1759
father of William E., p. 155,
Feb. 21, 1767
Evatt, John, June 15, 1753
— Eobert, father of John E., p. 140,
Ewen, Thomas, father of William E.,
p. 128, 1. 10
— 1 William, March 15, 174f ; p. 158,
I. 41 (Mr)
Exeter, -Brownlowe, Earl of, father of
Brownlowe Cecil, Lord Burleigh, p.
114, 1. 21
— John, Earl of, father of Hons.
-Brownlow and William Cecil, p. 13,
II. 26, 31
Exley, John, father of Tristram E.,
p. 107, 1. 11
— Tristram, 27 Oct. 1742
*Eyles, Dominus, p. 24, 1. 48 ; p. 27,
1. 25 ; p. 28, 1. 4 ; p. 33, 1. 30 ; p. 35,
1. 17 (Mr)
Eyre, Ambrose, father of Venn E., p.
59, 1. 4
— John, father of Robert E., p. 93,
1. 25
— Joseph, June 30, 1729
father of Joseph Arnall E., p.
173, 1. 35
Arnall, June 25, 1766
— Eobert, April 6, 1739; Aug. 8,
1739 [oh.)
— Thomas, father of Joseph E., p.
61, 1. 10
— Venn, March 22, 172f
Eyton, Eobert, March 28, 1764
— Thomas, p. 167, 1. 23
Faber, Thomas, March 15, 174|
Faber, William, father of Thomas F.,
p. 128, 1. 7
Fairclough, William, father of William
F., p. 146, 1. 39
* June 12, 1755
*Fairfax, Cecil Jacques, June 19, 1745 ;
p. 142, 1. 45 (Mr)
— George, father of Cecil Jacques F.,
p. 115, 1. 42
— Thomas, May 16, 1717
— William, father of Thomas F., p.
10, 1. 11
Fancourt, John, July 1, 1760
— William, father of John F.,p. 158,
1. 36
Farhill, George Parker, July 6, 1752
— John, father of George Parker F.,
p. 138. 1. 40
Farmery, Eobert, 13 February, 171f
— William, father of Eobert F., p. 8,
1. 39
Farneworth, Mr, master of Wanslay
(?Willesley) school, Derbyshire, p.
37, 1. 21
Farrington, George, father of William
F., p. 99, 1. 1
— Henry, Feb. 2, 172f
— Valentine, father of Henry F., p.
26, 1. 13
— William, July 21, 1740
Fawcet, John, father of John F., p.
137, 1. 19
March 20, 1752
Fawcett, Horace, April 3, 1717
— James, father of Eichard F., p. 44,
— Richard, March 5, 172*
— Eobert, father of Horace F., p. 9,
1. 9
Fayting, John, father of Nicholas F. , p.
30, 1. 27
— Nicholas, Sept. 30, 1721
*Featherstonehaugh, Mr, p. 11, 1. 23;
p. 14, 1. 45 (Dominus); p. 22, 11. 1
(Mr), 13; p. 36, 1. 27; p. 39,1. 16
Featley, John, Butler ? [Promus) of
B.N.C. Oxford, p. 15,1. 33
Fellowes, Coulson, father of William
F., p. 113, 1. 7
— William, June 26, 1744
Felton, George, father of William F.,
p. 80, 1. 31
— William, June 26, 1735
*Feuwick, Mr, p. 3, 1. 31; p. 5, 11. 8,
16; p. 7, 1. 32
— George, father of George F., p.
118, 1. 21
April 9, 1746
father of John F., p. 140,
1. 1
— John, May 3, 1753
1 Not Fellow. Graduated, according to Grad. Cant., as W. Howell E.
2 Sic in Register.
Fenwick, Thomas, father of Thomas
F., p. 134, 1. 39
— — June 5, 1751
Fenwicke, John, 2 June, 1716
— Koger, father of John F., p. 5, 1.
Fern, George, Jan. 8, 172f
— (riles, father of George F., p. 58,
1. 27
Feme, Eichard, father of William F.,
p. 143, 1. 24
— WiUiam, June 24, 1754
Ferris, Francis, father of Thomas F.,
p. 155, 1. 22
*— Thomas, May 22, 1759
— Dr, p. 171, 1. 3
Fetherstonhaugh, Henry, father of
Timothy F., p. 137, 1. 27
— Timothy, April 6, 1752
— Ulriek, A.B., Trin. Coll. Oxford,
March 18, 174|
Fidler,' Jasper, father of Thomas F.,
p. 39, 1. 18
— Thomas, Nov. 29, 1723
Field, Mr, master of Flockburgh school,
Lancashire, p. 173, 1. 8
— Benjamin, A.B., Hartford College,
Oxford, June 27, 1750
— Eobert, May 13, 1766
— William, father of Eobert F., p.
173, 1. 7
Fielde, Thomas, father of Thomas F.,
p. 122, 1. 29
June 5, 1747
— Mr, p. 175, 1. 31
Fielding, James, Feb. 14, 1758
father of James F., p. 152, 1. 14
Filewood, James, father of Thomas F.,
p. 170, 1. 12
— Thomas, May 6, 1765
Finch, Henry, father of William F. ,
p. 3, 1. 29
— Wniiam, April 4, 1716
— Thomas, Fellow of Trinity College,
Oxford, p. 69, 1. 16
Fisher, Mr, master of Bodmin school,
p. 103,1. 26; p. 145, 1. 30
— Mr, master of St Bees school, p.
132, 1. 5
— John, father of John F., p. 147,
1. 5
June 27, 1755
Fitchatt, Francis, May 26, 1764
— John, father of Francis F., p. 168,
1. 7
FitzEdwards, Francis, father of Francis
FitzE., p. 11, 1. 13
— Francis, June 25, 1717
Fitzherbert, John, June 19, 1736
— WiUiam, father of John F., p. 83,
father of WiUiam F., p. 169, 1.
Fitzherbert, WiUiam, Feb. 19, 1765
Flashy, John, father of Joseph F., p.
52, 1. 1
— Joseph, March 23, 172f
Fleming, John, March 14, 172|
— WiUiam, father of John F., p. 36,
1. 16
Fletcher, Mr, master of Repton school,
Derbyshire, p. 68, 1. 1; p. 78, 1. 22;
p. 82, 1.39; p. 90,1. 29
— Mr, master of Sutton Valence
school, Kent, p. 72, 1. 4
— Mr, private tutor in London, p.
155, 11. 14, 17
— Carter, May 20, 1749
— George, father of George F., p.
122, 1. 20
June 1, 1747
— Henry, father of Carter F., p. 129,
1. 1
— John, father of John F., p. 87, 1.
July 4, 1737
father of Eobert F., p. 138, 1.
— Eobert, July 1, 1752
Floyer, Ealph, father of Sacheverel
F., p. 18, 1. 47
— Sacheverel, May 29, 1719
*Foche, Mr, p. 4, 1. 41
Fogge, Arthur, D.D., father of John
and Eobert F., p. 14, U. 8, 11
— Arthur, D.D., father of Orlando
F., p. 39, 1. 11
*— John, April 26, 1718; p. 41, 1. 11
(Dombius); p. 88, 1. 27 (Mr Fogg);
p. 96, 1. 6; p. 98, 1. 19; p. 151, 1. 9
(Dr) ; p. 153, 1. 29
— Orlando, Oct. 26, 1723
— Eobert, April 26, 1718
Folds, Fowlds, WUUam [B.A, 170f],
formerly of St John's (See this
Eegister under May 9, 1705), master
of a school in the parish of Carrick
Macrosse, co. Monaghan, Ireland, p.
68, 1. 20
Foljambe, Francis, father of Francis
F., p. 36, 1. 43
AprU 20, 1723
Foord, William, ' Praelector' of Sidney
College, p. 71, 1. 37
Ford, John, May 18, 1748
— Eichard, father of John F., p. 125,
1. 3
— Thomas, father of Thomas F., p.
38, 1. 6
June 26, 1723
Forster, Mr, master of Halesworth
school, Suffolk, p. 130, 1. 5
— George, father of George F., p. 68,
1. 12
July 17, 1731
father of Eichard F., p. 92, 1. 37
Forster, George, father of Thomas F. ,
p. 103, 1. 37
— John, July 4, 1717
— Joseph, father of Ealph F., p. 131,
1. 25
*— Ealph, May 25, 1750
— Eichard, Nov. 4, 1738
— Thomas, Fellow of University
College, Oxford, p. 144, 1. 41
Oct. 12, 1741
father of William F., p. 159,
1. 33
— William, A.B., Lincoln College,
Oxford, Mav 28, 1750
father"of John F., p. 11, 1. 48
father of William F., p. 97, 1.
Jmie 16, 1740
July 3, 1758
March 10, 1761
Fortune, John, A.B., Pembroke Coll.
Oxford, June 28, 1740
Foster, Mr, master of Beckswell school
Norfolk, p. 35, 1. 25
— Mr, master of the King's school
Cambridge, p. 5, 1. 12
— Eev. Dr, Head-master of Eton, p
174, 11. 30, 33; p. 176, 1. 14
— Mr, master of Heskin school, p
7, 1. 12
— Mr, master of York school, p. 4
1. 22 ; p. 14, 1. 25
— G. (William?) father of William
F., p. 50, 1. 47
— Eichard, father of Eichard F., p.
70, 1. 19
May 31, 1732
*_ Mr Vere, p. 51, 1. 1
— William, July 7, 1726
*Foulkes, Mr, p. 2, 11. 27, 34; p. 3,
I. 34; p. 4, 1. 23; p. 5, 1. 40; p. 6,
II. 10, 24, 27 ; p. 12, 1. 19
Fountaine, Eichard, father of Eobert
F., p. 162, 1. 24
— Eobert, May 5, 1732
April 16, 1762
— William, father of Eobert F., p.
69, 1. 37
Fovargue, Stephen, father of Stephen
F., p. 142, 1. 1
* Jan. 30, 17541
Fowle, John Wing, father of William
Wing F., p. 137, 1. 5
— William Wing, Jan. 31, 1752
*Fowler, Chappel, Oct. 14, 1721; p.
75, 1. 37 (Mr); p. 119, 1. 17
— Charles, May 23, 1746
— Francis, father of Charles F., p.
119, 1. 15
— George, father of Chappel F., p.
30, 1. 37
Fox, John, father of John F., p. 119,
1. 1
May 19, 1746
*Frampton, Algernon, July 7, 1736 ;
p. 135, 1. 28 (Mr); p. 142, 1. 22 ; p.
143, 11. 13, 47 ; p. 146, 1. 34; p. 147,
1. 30; p. 150, 1. 42; p. 155, 1. 30
(Mr F., senr.); p. 157, 1. 16; p. 168,
I. 1
— Thomas, father of Algernon and
Thomas F., p. 84, 1. 26; p. 108, 1. 10
* March 17. 174f ; p. 160, 1. 33
(Mr) ; p. 162, 1. 18; p. 168, 1. 5 (Mr
F., junr.); p. 169, 11. 18, 21; p. 171,
II. 1, 4, 14, 19, 22; p. 173, 11. 18, 21,
25, 28, 43, 45, 48; p. 174, 11. 4, 14,
16, 18, 81, 34, 37, 39; p. 175, 11. 25,
31, 45, 48; p. 176, 11. 2, 23, 26, 28,
37, 45 ; p. 177, 11. 3, 13, 15, 18, 21
Franck, Thomas, father of Thomas F. ,
p. 71, 1. 13
July 19, 1732
Frank, John, father of Nathaniel F.,
p. 9, 1. 5
— Nathaniel, 28 March, 1717
— Thomas, June 6, 1748
— Walter, father of Thomas F., p.
125, 1. 30
Franke, Charles, June 7, 1723
— Eichard, father of Charles F., p.
37, 1. 44
Franklyn, Eichard Farewell, June 30,
— Thomas, father of Eichard Fare-
well F., p. 87, 1. 21
French, William, A.B. of Wadham
College, Oxford, April 6, 1749
Frere, Henry, June 17, 1752
— John, father of Henry F., p. 138,
1. 15
Frewen, Edward, June 26, 1765
— John, May 24, 1720
— Thankfull, father of John F., p.
23, 1. 17
— Thomas, father of Edward F., p.
170, 1. 43
Friend, George, father of Henry F., p.
145, 1. 45
— Henry, April 25, 1755
— Freind, Dr.master of Westminster
school, p. 2, 1. 26 ; p. 4, 11. 14, 44 ; p
5, 1. 28 ; p. 8, 1. 40 ; p. 11, 11. 1, 10 ; p
12, 1. 8; p. 13, 1. 2; p. 21, 1. 18; p
22, 1. 41; p. 25, 11. 14, 27, 30; p. 28
1. 30; p. 31, 1. 8; p. 32, 1. 36; p. 35
1. 4; p. 36, 1. 37; p. 39, 1. 32; p. 40
11. 14, 24; p. 41, 11. 8, 23; p. 48, 1
31; p. 51, 11. 5,17; p. 53, 1. 40 ; p
55,11. 16, 19; p. 61, 1. 30; p. 62, 11
2, 6; p. 66, 1. 18; p. 74,1. 5; p. 75
11. 16, 21
1 Tried in 1774 for the manslaughter of his gvp, Thos/ Goode, who died Feb. 6, 1770. See History of
St John's, p. 1075, 1. 32.
Fry, Joseph, March 29, 1737
— Walter, father of Joseph F., p. 86,
Frye, Mr, Principal of William and
Mary College, Virginia, p. 38, 1. 41
Gainsborough, Baptist, late Earl of,
p. 39, 1. 35
Earl of, p. 39, 1. 34
Gale, Thomas, father of William G.,
p. 85, 1. 28
— William, Jan. 24, 173f
Galloway, Mr, private tutor, p. 174, 1. 3
Ganton, Kobert, May 17, 1742
— William, father of Eobert G.,
p. 105, 1. 22
Gardiner, Charles, Sept. 7, 1750
— Luke, June 7, 1762
— — father of Luke G., p. 162, 1. 32
— Robert, father of Eobert G., p. 25,
1. 22
October 5, 1720
father of Charles G., p. 133,
1. 1
Garmstone, Mr, master of Lincoln
school, p. 24, 1. 10; p. 25, 1. 25
Garnett, Henry, May 21, 1725
— John, father of Henry and John
G., p. 45, 1. 41
May 21, 1725
Garnham, Mr, master of Bury St Ed-
mund's school, p. 123, 1. 15; p. 126,
1. 2; p. 132, 1. 34; p. 133, 1. 14;
p. 146, 1. 19; p. 150, 1. 41; p. 162,
1. 17
Garrett, James, father of John G.,
p. 159, 1. 14
— John, Nov. 2, 1760
Gates, George, father of Thomas G.,
p. 60, 1. 39
— Thomas, June 16, 1729
Gaudy, Mr, master of Biddenden
school, Kent, p. 36, 1. 2
Gawthrop, Mr, master of Tottenham
High Cross school, Middlesex, p. 71,
— Christopher, father of Thomas G.,
p. 29, 1. 39
— Thomas, July 1, 1721
Gee, James, father of Eichard G.,
p. 157, 1. 28
— Eichard, April 14, 1760
— Thomas, father of Thomas G.,
p. 3, 1. 36
9 April, 1716
Geldart, John, July 2, 1756
Gem, Eichard, father of Eichard G.,
p. 80, 1. 17
June 12, 1735
George,Mr, Head-master of Eton, p. 65,
1. 21 ; p. 68, 1. 41 ; p. 74, 1. 12 (Dr) ;
p. 77, 1. 23 ; p. 79, 1. 41 ; p. 80, 1. 12 ;
p. 85, 1. 15 ; p. 88, 1. 38 ; p. 90, 1. 13 ;
p. 95, 1. 2; p. 96, 1. 5; p. 98, 1. 7;
p. 100, 1. 40; p. 102, 1. 26; p. 104,
1. 30; p. 106, 1. 42; p. 117, 1. 27
Gerard, Mr, master of Sherbourne
school, Dorsetshire, p. 21, 1. 30
Gerison; see Jernison
Gery, Thomas, father of Thomas G.,
p. 76, 1. 44
-June 22, 1734
Gibbes, Mr, master of Urchfont school,
Wilts, p. 145, 1. 2
Gibbon, Thomas, father of William G.,
p. 11, 1. 41
— William, 2 July, 1717
Gibson, Abraham, father of Eichard
G., p. 105, 1. 25
— John, May 15, 1739
— Eichard, father of John G., p. 94,
1. 5
June 3, 1742
Gifford, Charles, June 10, 1741
— John, father of Charles G., p. 102,
1. 25
Gilbank, Thomas, father of William
G., p. 155, 1. 9
— William, April 19, 1759
Gill, Mr, p. 168, 1. 47
— John, Feb. 2, 174*
— Peter, father of John G., p. 114,
1. 29
— Stephen, father of William G.,
p. 53, 1. 3
— William, May 25, 1727
— (G. ?) William, father of William
G., p. 134, 1. 25
May 22, 1751
Gilmour, Sir Alexander, bart., Nov. 16,
Charles.fatherof Sir Alexander
G., p. 141, 1. 34
Gisborne, James, father of James G.,
p. 99, 1. 44
Oct. 17, 1740
father of Thomas G., p. 113,
1. 18
*— Thomas, June 28, 1744, p. 149,
1. 32 (Mr) ; p. 159, 1. 38 (Dr)
Gittens, Eichard, 11 June, 1716
— Thomas, father of Eichard G.,
p. 5, 1. 24
Gladwin, Lemuel, father of Lemuel G.,
p. 74, 1. 8
Oct. 11, 1733
Glassbrooke, Mr, master of Eivington
school, Lancashire, p. 3, 1. 8
— Peter, father of Simon Peter G.,
p. 21, 1. 8
— Simon Peter, 14 September, 1719
Glover, John, father of Eichard G.,
p. 165, 1. 15
— Eichard, June 6, 1763
Goddard, Edward, father of Henry G.,
p. 43, 1. 38
*Goddard, Henry, Jan. 20, 172i; p. 66,
1. 9 (Dominiis)
Godly, Joseph, father of Michael G.,
p. 33, 1. 19
— Michael, June 12, 1722
Goldesborough, Mr, master of Brawton
(Bruton) school, p. 65, 1. 7; p. 98,
1. 16; p. 117, 1. 43; p. 124,1. 11
— Colesbnry, Mr, master of Pernton
(? Taunton) school, p. 43, 1. 16
Goldwyer, George, father of George G.,
p. 129, 1. 11
May 30, 1749
Goodall, Goodal, Grodal, Mr, master
of Lincoln school, p. 47, 1. 10; p. 59,
1. 2; p. 61, 1. 2; p. 72,1. 39; p. 80,
1.46; p. 81, 1.5; p. 97,1. 11; p. 107,
1. 1 ; p. 112, 1. 38
Goodday, George, father of George G.,
p. 18, 1. 13
9 May, 1719
Goodere, John, father of Kichard G.,
p. 93, 1. 22
— Eichard, March 27, 1739 ; p. 130,
1. 34 (Goodeve)
Goodricke, Henry, June 22, 1741
— William, father of Henry G.,
p. 102, 1. 34
*Goodwin, Mr, p. 6, 1. 41
Gordoun, Kobert, father of Eobert G.,
p. 27, 1. 34
March 29, 1721
Gorges, Henry, father of Robert G.,
p. 28, 1. 6
— Robert, June 20, 1721
Goslin, James, 21 May, 1716
— Joseph, father of James G., p. 4,
1. 42
Gough, Charles, July 4, 1763
— Owen, father of Charles G., p. 166,
— Thomas, May 26, 1738; Sept. 2,
— Walter, father of Thomas G.,
p. 90, 1. 25
Goulton, Christopher, May 30, 1723
father of Thomas G. , p. 174,
1. 20
— Thomas, father of Christopher G.,
p. 37, 1. 27
Dec. 22, 1766
Gower, Hon. Baptist Leveson, April 22,
— John Leveson, Baron, father of
Hon. Baptist Leveson G., p. 32, 1. 40
Graham, Charles, father of Thomas
Fane Charles G., p. 189, 1. 4
father of William G., p. 123,
1. 6
— James, ' Praefectus Militum,' p. 34,
1. 31
Graham, ^Thomas Fane Charles, Sept.
26, 1752
— William, July 8, 1747
— Mr, master of Hackney and
Dalston school, Middlesex, p. 104,
1.4; p. 107, 1. 28 ; p. 113, 1. 9 ; p. 114,
1. 6
Grainger, Thomas, father of WilUam
G., p. 19, 1. 7
— William, 3 June, 1719
Grantham, Leonard, father of Robert
G., p. 32, 1. 5
— Robert, March 30, 1722
Graves, Edward, May 11, 1730
— John, father of Edward G., p. 62,
1. 36
Greatorex, Daniel, father of John G.,
p. 82, 1. 41
— John, May 1, 1736
Greaves, George. June 19, 1764
Green, Mr, master of Birmingham
school, p. 101, 1. 5
— Henry, June 20, 1746
— John, father of John G., p. 41,
*— Greene, John, June 10, 1724
p. 75, 11. 18, 22 (Mr) ; p. 82, 1. 21
p. 84, 1. 21; p. 86, 11. 3, 15, 24
p. 87, 1. 13; p. 88, 11. 28, 29; p. 89
1. 19; p. 91, 11. 38, 41; p. 94, 11. 4
11; p. 95, 1. 15; p. 96, 11. 6, 40
p. 98, 1. 17; p. 100, 1. 41; p. 102
1. 16; p. 103, 1. 3; p. 104, 1. 31
p. 105, 1. 41 ; p. 108, 1. 35 ; p. 109,
1. 9; p. 117,1. 44; p. 125, 1. 44
father of John G., p. 47, 1. 22
Oct. 19, 1725
May 28, 1729
August 26, 1736
— Maurice, father of John G. , p. 85,
1. 13
— Richard, father of John G., p. 60,
1. 5
father of Henry G., p. 120, 1. 5
Greenall, Joshua, father of Thomas G.,
p. 172, 1. 3
— Thomas, Dec. 14, 1765
Greene, Robert, Tutor of Clare Hall,
p. 1, 1. 14; p. 33,1. 18
— Vincent, Sept. 20, 1761
— William, father of William G.,
p. 141, 1. 11
June 29, 1753
father of Vincent G., p. 161,
1. 8
Greenhalgh, Henry, July 6, 1722
— Richard, father of Henry G., p. 35,
Grey, George, father of George G.,
■ p. 66, 1. 4
April 9, 1731
1 First instance of tliree Cliristian names.
Grey, George, father of George G.,
p. 157, 1. 25
April 14, 1760; Nov. 3, 1760
Griffenhoof, Abraham, father of Nico-
las G., p. 88, 1. 29
— Nicolas, Oct. 31, 1737
Griffies, George, Oct. 8, 1733
— John, father of George G., p. 74,
1. 4
father of John G., p. 96, 1. 38
May 5, 1740
Griffin, Giles John, father of Lucoek
G., p. 170, 1. 9
— Lucoek, May 3, 1765
Griffith, Mr, master of Houghton-le-
Spring school, Durham, p. 135, 1. 40;
p. 155, 1. 44; p. 156, 1. 25 ; p. 159,
— Edward, father ofMosesG., p. 106,
I. 24
— John, father of Middlemore G.,
p. 77, 1. 3
father of John G., p. 81, 1. 37
Oct. 31, 1735
father of Samuel G., p. 140, 1. 4
— Middlemore, June 24, 1734
— Moses, June 2 (error for some
date between 25 and 29 inclusive),
— Joseph, June 8, 1756
— Leighton Owen, father of Samuel
G., p. 131, 1. 1
— Eichard, A.B., University College,
Oxford, June 28, 1738
Nov. 3, 1758
— Samuel, Feb. 26, 17M
May 2, 1753
— William, father of Joseph G.,
p. 149, 1. 4
Griffiths, Griffith, Mr, Eichard, master
of Bangor school, p. 168, 1. 31 ;
p. 171, 1. 34 ; p. 173, 11. 2, 5; p. 175,
II. 10, 14; p. 176, 1. 18
— Mr, master of Brecon school,
p. 169, 11. 27, 28
— Griffith, July 3, 1738
— Maui-ice, father of Griffith G.,
p. 92, 1. 11
— Eobert, April 17, 1764
— Simon, father of Eobert G., p. 167,
1. 32
*Grigman, Dominus, p. 19, 1. 17 ; p. 20,
1. 38 (Mr); p. 21, 1. 19
— Mr, private tutor, p. 92, 1. 31
Grimwood, Mr, master of Dedham
school, Essex, p. 72, 1. 30; p. 98,
1. 40; p. 122, 1. 10; p. 128, 1. 36;
p. 131, 11. 6, 32 ; p. 140, 1. 42 ; p. 143,
1. 12; p. 157, 1. 22
— Thomas Lechmere, March 16,
father of Thomas Lechmere G.,
p. 152, 1. 24
Grindall, Simon, father of Simon G.,
p. 152, 1. 21
March 15, 1758
Grinfield, Eichard, father of Eichard
G., p. 48, 1. 15
March 16, 172^
father of William G., p. 93,
— William, Nov. 11, 1738 ; Nov. 16,
Grodal; see Goodall
Grosvenor, Sir Eichard, Bart., p. 17,
*Grove, Mr, p. 7, 1. 12; p. 12, 1. 26
(Mr G. seni:); p. 14, 1. 22
* (iunr.), p. 14, 1. 29 ; p. 16, 1. 33 ;
p. 148, 1. 4; p. 149, 1. 9; p. 150,
1. 15
father of William Chafin G.,
p. 131, 1. 15
— Chafin, father of Charles, Harry,
and Thomas G., p. 160, 1. 32; p. 167,
— Charles, July 2, 1765
— Harry, May 21, 1764
— J. father of Peirce G., p. 51, 1. 25
— John, father of Eichard G., p. 74,
1. 37
— Peirce, Dec. 17, 1726
*— Eichard, Dec. 17, 1733; p. 138,
1. 21 (Mr)
— Thomas, July 8, 1761
— William Chafin, April 30, 1750
Guenaire, Mr, tutor in the family of
E. Vyner, Esq., p. 89, 1.37
Guest, John, father of William G.,
p. 58, 1. 18
— Joseph, father of Joseph G., p. 102,
* June 15, 1741
— William, Nov. 2, 1728
Gunning, Mr, master of Ely school,
Cambridgeshire, p. 58, 1. 28; p. 66,
1. 11 ; p. 69, 1. 23 ; p. 72, 1. 19 ; p. 79,
I. 18; p. 83, 1. 39; p. 90, 1.4; p. 91,
II. 14, 21; p. 95, 11. 5, 8; p. 113,
1.42; p. 122, 1.45; p. 129, 1. 30
— Francis, June 13, 1747
— Henry, father of Francis and
Stuart G., p. 91, 1. 20
— Peter, father of Peter G., p. 72,
1. 18
May 9, 1733
*— Stuart, June 24, 1738; p. 120,
1. 23 (Mr); p. 122, 1. 46; p. 155,
Gunnis, Griffin, Fellow of Jesus Coll.,
Oxford, p. 29, 1. 21
Gunthorp, John, father of Eobert G.,
p. 52, 1. 22
— Eobert, May 3, 1727
Gutteridge, Bartin, father of Bartin G.,
p. 77, 1. 25
Gutteridge, Bartin, June 25, 1734
Haddon, Peter, Vicar of Bolton, Lanca-
shire, p. 15, 1. 25
Haigh, Henry, father of Eichard H.,
p. 33, 1. 3
— Bichard, June 6, 1722
*HaD, Mr, p. 22, 1. 38 ; p. 26, 1. 22
— Francis, father of Francis H., p.
90, 1. 42
June 16, 1738
— George, June 30, 1720
July 1, 1727
— Henry, tutor in the family of Hon.
Sackville Tufton, p. 39, 1. 28
father of Thomas Eumbold H.,
p. 99, 1. 9
— John, father of George H., p. 24,
1. 39
— Joseph, father of Samuel H., p.
44, 1. 24
— Samuel, March 27, 1725
father of Samuel H., p. 159,
1. 40
April 9, 1761
— Thomas Eumbold, Sept. 27, 1740
— William, father of George H., p.
54, 1. 20
* Nov. 3, 1758
Halley, George, father of Thomas H.,
p. 53, 1. 16
— Thomas, June 1, 1727
Hallows, Brabazon, March 18, 173^;
Nov. 3, 1738
— Chaworth, June 16, 1738
— John, March 3, 174|
— Thomas, father of Brabazon H.,
p. 85, 1. 42
father of Chaworth H., p. 90,
father of John H., p. 124, 1. 14
Halls, James, father of James H., p.
176, 1. 3
May 21, 1767
— John, Nov. 30, 1725
— Eobert, father of John H., p. 47,
Hammond, Antony, father of Thomas
H., p. 11, 1. 9
— Thomas, 24 June, 1717
— William, father of William H.,
p. 84, 1. 3
June 26, 1736
Hancock, Mr, master of Stourbridge
school, Worcestershire, p. 115, 1. 23
— Benjamin, father of Benjamin H.,
p. 113, 1. 21
June 30, 1744
Hancorn, Eichard, father of Eichard
H., p. 118, 1. 44
May 14, 1746
Hankey, Henry, May 25, 1747; May
22, 1751
Hankey, Sir Joseph, Bart., father of
Henry H., p. 122, 1. 9
Hanmer, Henry, father of Thomas H.,
p. 134, 1. 19
— Thomas, May 13, 1751
Hanson, Antony, 29 April, 1717
— Thomas, father of Antony H., p. 9,
1. 32
Harcourt, James, Fellow of Jesus Coll.,
Oxford, p. 29, 1. 18
Hardy, Mr, master of Nottingham
school, p. 66, 1. 35
— Mr, master of Sutton school, Kent,
p. 141, 1. 13; p. 161, 1. 9
Harding, John, father of William H.,
p. 94, 1. 31
— Eobert, father of Eobert H., p.
140, 1. 12
May 9, 1753
— William, June 13, 1739
Hare, Mr, master of Crewkerne school,
Somersetshire, p. 124, 1. 8
— John, father of John H., p. 10,
1. 29
27 May, 1717
Hargrave, James, father of William H.,
p. 147, 1. 21
— WiUiam, Dec. 16, 1755 ; May 2,
Hargreaves, Mr, master of Trentham
school, Staffordshire, p. 45, 1. 11 ;
p. 57, 11. 34, 40 ; p. 60, 1. 29
— James, father of James H., p. 37,
1. 31
May 30, 1723
— John, father of John H., p. 59,
May 15, 1729
Harpur, Heniy, father of Henry H.,
p. 127,1. 42"
March 1, 174f
— G. (William?), father of William
H., p. 60, 1. 33
— William, June 16, 1729
Harrap, Job, p. 124, 1. 42 (No date of
admission given)
— John, father of Job H., v. 124,
Harris, Mr, master of Bristol school,
p. Ill, 1. 11
— Thomas, father of Thomas H.,
p. 141, 1. 20
Oct. 5, 1753
Harrison, Dr, p. 170, 1. 26
*— Mr, p. 29, 1. 45
— John, father of John H., p. 12,
■ 1. 28
-2 November, 1717
— — father of Philip H., p. 74,
1. 33
June 22, 1763
— Joseph, April 18, 1724
June 24, 1734
Harrison, Philip, Dec. 14, 1733
— Eichard, father of Eichard H., p.
156, 1. 7
June 27, 1759
father of WiUiam H., p. 18,
19 May, 1719
— William, father of Joseph H., p.
40, 1. 43
father of Joseph H., p. 76,
father of William H., p. 170,
June 7, 1765
Hart, Eawson, father of Eobert H.,
p. 10, 1. 22
— Eobert, 22 May, 1717
Hartley, Eobert, father of Thomas H.,
p. 45, 1. 25
— Thomas, May 10, 1725
Hartopp, Samuel, father of William
H., p. 48, 1. 39
— William, April 19, 1726
Harvey, James, father of Samuel H.,
p. 132, 1. 1
— Samuel, June 18, 1750
— William, May 19, 1767
Harwood, Edward, father of Edward
H., p. 136, 1. 1
July 2, 1751
— Eolland, 26 September, 1716
— Thomas, father of Eolland H.,
p. 8, 1. 9
Hasell, Christopher, father of William
H., p. 151, 1. 26
— WilUam, June 20, 1757
Haselem, Edward, father of Edward
H., p. 118, 1. 33
April 10, 1746
Haslam, Edward, father of William H.,
p. 22, 1. 19
— William, April 4, 1720
Haslehurst, Joseph, father of Joseph
H., p. 124, 1. 38
April 20, 1748
Hassell, Mr, master of Digswell school,
Herts, p. 27, 1. 17
— Mr,masterofMuchHaddam(-ham)
school, Herts, p. 85, 1. 19
— Samuel, May 16, 1743 ; Sept. 17,
— Thomas, father of Samuel H., p.
108, 1. 36
Hastings, Henry, father of Theophilus
Henry H., p. 125, 1. 16
— Theophilus Henry, May 25, 1748
Hatfield, Mr, master of Chapell le
Frith school, Derbyshire, p. 80, 1. 6
— Charles, father of Charles H., p.
72, 1. 25
May 16, 1738
Hatfield, George, May 1, 1736
— John, father of George H., p. 83,
1. 4
Hatton, Alexander, father of Thomas
H., p. 139, 1. 22
— Christopher, June 10, 1732
— Sir John, father of Sir Thomas H.,
p. 117, 1. 3
— Sir Thomas, Bart., Oct. 8, 1745
— Thomas, Jan. 26, 1753
— WilUam, formerly Fellow of St
John's (B.A. 170|, M.A. 1711, elected
Fellow, 1710), and father of Chris-
topher H., p. 70, 1. 26
Havard, David, A.B., Jesus Coll., Ox-
ford, p. 20, 11. 9, 11
Hawky, Mr, private tutor in the family
of Henry Maxwell, Esq., p. 81, 1.
Haygarth, .John, June 25, 1759
— Josias, 30 May, 1719
— Matthew, father of Josias H., p.
19, 1. 3
Hayward, Haywood, Mr, master of
Warrington school, Lancashire, p.
37, 1. 6; p. 76,1. 7
Hazeland, Mr, master of Bishop Stort-
ford school, Herts., p. 147, 1. 7
— G. (William?), father of William
H., p. 118, 1. 37
^* — William, May (between 1st and
13th), 1746
Hazelhurst, Henry, father of Joseph
H., p. 36, 1. 12
— Joseph, Feb. 19, 172f
Head, Mr, master of Amesbury school,
Wilts., p. 129, 1. 38
— Henry, father of Eichard H.,
p. 105, 1. 39
— John, June 15, 1723
— Eichard, June 9, 1742
— William, father of John H., p. 38,
1. 3
Heal, Hele, Mr, master of Salisbury
school, p. 46, 1. 45; p. 86, 1. 2
2 Arthur, Sept. 28 or Sept. 30,
1730; p. 61, 1. 26
*Heald, Healde, Mr, p. 9, 1. 34 ; p. 19,
1. 35; p. 21, 1. 23
Heath, Bayly, father of Thomas and
William H., p. 174, 11. 28, 32
*— George, July 19, 1755
— John, M.A., and 'Pro Tutor' of
King's, p. 85, 11. 4, 11
father of George H., p. 147, 1.
— Thomas, Feb. 6, 1767
— William, Feb. 6, 1767
Heathcote, Edward, June 15, 1746
— Ealph, father of Edward H., p.
119, 1. 42
1 The first Johnian Senior Wrangler, 1749-50.
2 See p. 61, note 1, and p. 64, note 1.
Heathcote, Samuel, father of Thorn-
hill H., p. 118, 1. 18
— Thornhill, March 25, 1746
Heaton, Henry, father of Peter H., p.
— Peter, 26 March, 1717
Hebberden, Heberden, Richard, father
of William H., p. 43, 1. 32
*— William, Dec. 23, 1724 ; p. 82, 11.
20 (Mr), 23; p. 84, 11. 2, 23, 25; p.
103, 1. 10 (Dr) ; p. 109, 1. 28
Heber, John, of University Coll., Ox-
ford, June 2, 1727 ; p. 53, 1. 25
Heblethwait, Joshiia, father of Thomas
H., p. 31, h 42
— Thomas, March 15, 172*
Hele, Arthur, Sept. 28, 1730"
Hemmings, Samuel, M.A. , master of
Isleworth school, Middlesex, p. 43,
1. 3
Henchman, Mr, master of Chester
school, p. 3, 1. 23 ; p. 14, 11. 9, 12,
15; p. 32, 1. 6; p. 35, 1. 29; p. 39,
1. 12 ; p. 45, 1. 14 ; p. 49, 1. 20 ; p. 55,
1. 37; p. 66, 1. 25; p. 112, 1. 18
— Charles, father of Charles H., p.
49, 1. 19
May 28, 1726
— father of Humphrey H., p. 66, 1.
— Humphrey, April 29, 1731
— Joseph, father of Joseph H., p.
27, 1. 37
May 26, 1721
Henley, Mr, master of As(s)fordby
school, Leicestershire, p. 26, 1. 37
— Mr, master of Taunton school, p.
129, 1. 26
Henshaw (? Henchman) Mr, master of
Chester school, p. 31, 1. 15
Henvill, James, June 22, 1754
— Philip, January 13, 17J^f
— William, father of Philip H., p. 21,
1. 28
fatherof James H., p. 143, 1.12
Herbert, Mr, master of York school, p.
4, 1. 18; p. 9, 1. 19; p. 28, 1. 22
— Edward, father of Thomas H., p.
114, 1. 4
father of Edward H., p. 116,
1. 40
July 23, 1745
father of Nicolas H., p. 129, 1. 7 .
— Nicolas, May 27, 1749
— Thomas, July 12, 1744
Heron, John, July 2, 1725
— Eobert, father of John H., p. 46,
1. 47
Hesilrige, Arthur, March 28, 1720
— Eobert, Bart., father of Arthur
H., p. 22, 1. 15
Hesleden, William, father of William
H., p. 97, 1. 16
Hesleden, William, June 4, 1740
Hetley, Henry, July 9, 1762
— Richard, father of Henry H., p.
162, 1. 8
Heton, James, father of James H., p.
96, 1. 41
— James, May 12, 1740
Hewett, Richard, March 14, 1755
— Robert, father of Richard H., p.
145, 1. 37
Hewit, Hewitt, Mr, master of Linton
school, Yorkshire, p. 128, 1. 8
— Mr, master of Threshfield school,
Yorkshire, p. 126, 1. 13; p. 134, 1.
13; p. 135, 11. 3, 6; p. 150, 1. 9; p.
161, 1. 35; p. 162, 1. 26
— James, father of Robert H., p. 22,
I. 36
June 7, 1746
— Robert, April 16, 1720
— William, father of James H., p.
119, 1. 33
Hewthwaite, Mr, master of Lincoln
school, p. 170, 1. 33; p. 174, 1. 21
— John, .Jan. 13, 174f
— Thomas, father of John H., p.
121, 1. 1
Highmore, John, July 9, 1763
Hildrop, Hiltrop, Mr, master of Marl-
borough school, Wilts. , p. 6, 1. 44 ;
p. 36, \. 10; p. 39, 1. 5; p. 48, 1. 16;
p. 53, 1. 36; p. 70, 1. 40; p. 72, 1. 36
Hiley, Mr, master of Reading school,
Berks., p. 100, 1. 13
Hill, Mr, master of Bradford school,
Yorkshire, p. 19, 1. 23; p. 23, 1. 3;
p. 27, 1. 25; p. 29, I. 45; p. 33, 1. 5;
p. 36, 11. 30, 40; p. 41, 1. 20; p. 44,
II. 35, 37; p. 45, I. 33; p. 46,1. 41;
p. 47, 1. 7; p. 54,11. 24, 28; p. 57,
11. 12, 16,44; p. 59, 11. 11, 44
— Mr, master of Lismore school, co.
Waterford, Ireland, p. 55, 1. 9
— Mr, tutor in the family of Sir
Roger Jenyns, p. 34, 1. 44
— John, April 7, 1724
* — John Samuel [Hist, of S. John's,
i. 306, 1. 1], p. 107, 1.6
June 20, 1732
father of Thomas H., p. 98, 1.
— Noel, April 25, 1759
— Richard, father of John H., p. 70,
— Rowland, father of John H., p.
40, 1. 29
Bart., father of Rowland H.,
p. 169, 1. 16
Oct. 10, 1764
— Thomas, June 26, 1740
father of Noel and Samuel H.,
p. 155, 11. 13, 16
— Samuel, April 25, 1759
Hillman, Mr, master of Brawood (Bre-)
school, Staffordshire, p. 3, 1. 30
Hiltrop ; see Hildrop
Hinds, Mr, master of Cradley school,
Herefordshire, p. 72, 1. 42
Hitching, John, 29 June, 1717
— Nicholas, father of John H., p.
11, 1. 32
Hodgson, John, Nov. 3, 1761
Hodson, Mr, master of a school, or
private tutor, in Cheshire, p. 58, 1.
— Mr, master of Southwell school,
Notts., p. 47, 1. 32; p. 53, 1. 11 (Mr
— George, 19 March, 171|-
— Henry, father of Henry H., p. 87,
1. 1
May 27, 1737
— Henry, father of John H., p. 101,
1. 24
— John, father of George H., p. 13,
1. 7
father of John H., p. 41, 1.
May 30, 1724
May 16, 1741
Hody, Edward, 26 September, 1716
— John, father of Edward H., p. 8,
Hoggard, John, July 6, 1720
— Nathaniel, father of John H., p.
25, 1. 9
Holbrooke, Edward, father of John H.,
p. 16, 1. 14
— John, 23 June, 1718
Holcombe, Mr, master of Tenby
school, p. 86, 1. 17; p. 142, 1. 21
— George, father of George H., p.
74, 1. 45
Feb. 13, 173f
— John, Oct. 24, 1720
— William, father of John H., p. 25,
1. 25
Holden, Mr, master of Morpeth school,
Northumberland, p. 69, 1. 42 ; p. 86,
1. 42
— John, May 3, 1732
— Kobert, father of John H., p. 69,
1. 33
Holdon, Humphrey, father of Hum-
frey H., p. 15, 1. 16
— Humfrey, 23 June, 1718
Holdsworth, Mr, tutor in the family of
W. Wombwell, Esq., p. 28, 1. 22
— Mr, master of Hal(l)ifax school,
Yorkshire, p. 141, 1. 24
Holford, Peter, May 3, 1736
— Robert, father of Peter H., p. 83,
1. 7
father of Stayner H., p. 145,
1. 10
Holford, Stayner, Jan. 9, 1755; Nov,
13, 1759
Holgate, George, father of George H.,
p. 154, 1. 6
Oct. 23, 1758
— William, father of William H.,
p. 63, 1. 12
May 28, 1730
Holiday, Christopher, father of James
H.,p. 105,1.46
— James, June 11, 1742
Holland, John, Warden of Merton
Coll., Oxford, p. 29, 1. 30
— Rogers, father of Rogers H., p,
145, 1. 1
Dec. 4, 1754; Dec. 3, 1756
Hollins, Philip, father of Philip H.,
p. 38, 1. 16
— June 29, 1723
Hollis, John, father of Thomas H.,
p. 1, 1. 5
— Thomas, 23 July, 1715; p. 1, 1. 9
Holme, Mr, master of Sevenoaks
school, Kent, p. 136, 1. 10 ; p. 139, 1. 9
— Mr, master of Wellingborough
school, Northants, p. 125, 11. 36,
39; p. 136,1. 15; p. 148, 1.47
— Edward, father of Hugh H., p.
49, 1. 3
— Hugh, May 4, 1726
— John (?), father of John H., p. 57,
May 23, 1728; p. 112, II. 14
(Mr) 24; p. 113, 11. 17, 34; p. 121,
I. 11; p. 124, 1. 20; p. 129, 1. 35;
p. 131, 1. 33; p. 140, 1. 9; p. 145,
II. 20, 24; p. 147, 1. 15; p. 150, 1. 18;
p. 155, 1. 3; p. 157, 1. 30
— Thomas, father of Thomas H.,
p. 125, 1. 38
June 7, 1748
Holmes, Mr, master of Much Wolton
school, Lancashire, p. 37, 1. 5
— Mr, master of Urswick school,
Lancashire, p. 28, 1. 3
— Edward, June 6, 1722
— Henry, father of Robert H., p. 122,
1. 5
— John, father of Edward H., p. 33,
1. 8
— Joseph, father of Joseph H., p. 32,
1. 1
— — March 26, 1722
— Robert, April 30, 1747
— Sarah, maiden name of mother
of Edmund and John Burton, p. 176,
1. 39
Holt, Henry, Dec. 7, 1720
— Rolland, father of Henry H., p. 26,
Holyoake, Mr, Head-master of Rugby
school, p. 1, 11. 7, 21 ; p. 3, 11. 12,
16 ; p. 8, 1. 45
Hood, Arthur William, between June
13 and July 2, 1747
— Samuel, father of Arthur William
H., p. 122, 1. 48
Hope, Charles, June 25, 1750
— John, M.D., father of William H.,
p. 17, 1. 34
— William, 1 April, 1719
M.D., father of Charles H., p.
132, 1. 16
Hopwood, John, father of John H.,
p. 68, 1. 37
Oct. 25, 1731
Home, Mr, master of King's Lynn
school, p. 37, 1. 24
— John, father of John H., p. 141,
1. 38
1 Jan. 12, 1754
Horsefal, Henry, June 25, 1746
— John, father of Henry H., p. 118,
1. 13
Horseman, James, father of John H.,
p. 135, 1. 46
father of James H., p. 157,
March 21, 1760
*— John, July 2, 1751 ; p. 157, 1. 19
(Mr) ; p. 159, 1. 42 ; p. 165, 1. 26
Horton, Thomas, June 12, 1729
Hosken, Anthony, father of John H.,
p. 145, 1. 29
*— John, Feb. 5, 1755 ; p. 164, 1. 39
Hotchkis, James, July 5, 1720
— Joshua, father of James H., p. 24,
1. 5
— Eichard, father of Eichard H. , p.
6, 1. 28
28 June, 1716
Hotchkiss, Hodgkis, Hotchkis, Mr,
master of Shrewsbury school, p. 99,
1. 18 ; p. 106, 1. 25 ; p. 109, U. 4, 30 ;
p. 112, 1. 45; p. 115, 1. 8; p. 124,
1. 2 ; p. 127, 11. 11, 14 ; p. 133, 1. 23 ;
p. 134, 1. 20 ; p. 138, 1. 10 ; p. 139,
1. 23 (Mr Hodgkis)
— , Hothskiss, Mr, master of Charter-
house school, p. 70, 1. 31 ; p. 74, 1.
2 ; p. 84, 11. 5, 9 ; p. 90, 1. 23 ; p. 96,
1. 39 ; p. 123, 1. 7
Hotham, John, father of Eobert H.,
p. 53, 1. 19
— Eobert, June 1, 1727
Houblon, James, father of James and
John H., p. 142, 1. 12; p. 150,
1. 26
Feb. 2, 1754
— John, Feb. 2, 1757; Jan. 18, 1762
Hough, Henry, May 17, 1749
— Eichard, father of Henry H., p.
128, 1. 38
Hough, Thomas, father of Thomas H.,
p. 45, 1. 3
April 16, 1725
Houghton, John, May 6, 1728; Jan.
14, 1734
— Ealph, father of John H., p. 57,
1. 4
— Eichard, father of Eichard E., p.
148, 1. 10
— — March 25, 1756
Houlbrooke, Theophilus, June 30, 1762 ;
May 11, 1765
father ofTheophilusH., p. 165,
1. 46
*Houlston, Houldston, Thomas, April
12, 1757
Hovell, OUver, father of William H.,
p. 72, 1. 6
— William, Dec. 23, 1732; Jan. 19,
Howard, Mr, master of Ashford school,
Derbyshire, p. 128, 1. 28
— Charles, April 26, 1735
— Henry Booze {by error for Bowes),
Earl of Berkshire, father of Charles
H., p. 79, 1. 39
Howdell, John, June 23, 1742
— WilUam, father of William H.,
p. 17, 1. 20
26 March, 1719
father of John H., p. 106,
1. 17
father of William H., p. 115,
1. 26
June 7, 1745
Howen, John, July 8, 1737. See also
this Eegister, Part II, p. 209, No. 35,
13 June, 1713
Hoyland, Edward, April 22, 1720
— John, father of Edward H., p. 22,
Hubbert, Hubbard, Mr, master of
Uppingham school, p. 95, 1. 17;
p. 120, 1. 6
Hubbock, Mr, master of Dorchester
school, p. 160, 1. 22
Hucklebridge, Mr, master of Mansfield
school, Notts, p. 33, 1. 33 ; p. 52, 1. 24
Huddesford, George, President of
Trinity College, Oxford, p. 69, 1. 15
Hudson, Mr, master of Bingley school,
Yorkshire, p. 131, 1. 40
— Eobert, father of Eobert H., p.
172, 1. 42
April 25, 1766
Hughes, Hughs, Mr, master of Hanmer
school, Fhntshire, p. 63, 1. 38 (Mr
Hughs) ; p. 73, 1. 42
— Mr, master of Kilmerston(-don)
school, Somerset, p. Ill, 1. 15
1 This is John Home Tooke, author ofEnea nrepoevTa. "SVlien at Eton, and asked his father's
profession, he is said to have replied, ' My fatlier is an eminent Turkey merchant.' See page of Register
referred to above.
Hughes, Mr, master of Euthin school,
Denbighshire, p. 114, 1. 14 ; p. 119, 1.
5 ; p. 126, 1. 32 ; p. 132, 1. 22 ; p. 137,
I. 42 ; p. 148, 1. 38 ; p. 156, 1. 39 ;
p. 164, 1. 1 ; p. 165, 1. 29 ; p. 166,
II. 12, 16, 20; p. 167, 11.25, 35
— Mr, master of Whitchurch school,
Salop, p. 2, 1. 34 ; p. 52, 1. 21
— John, father of Lewis H., p. 171,
1. 33
— Lewis, August 22, 1765
— Robert, father of William H., p.
77, 1. 18
— Samuel, Vice-Principal , Jesus Coll. ,
Oxford, p. 20, 1. 15
— William, June 25, 1734
Hull, Christopher, Jan. 22, 1761
— John, father of Christopher H.,
p. 159, 1. 22
iHulse, John, Sept. 14, 1724
— Thomas, fatlaer of John H., p. 43,
1. 8
Humberstone, Edward, father of Mat-
thew H., p. 23, 1. 13
— Matthew, May 23, 1720
Humphreys, Eichard, father of Thomas
H., p. 138, 1. 8
— Thomas, May 22, 1752
of Balliol Coll., Oxford, p. 34, 1. 24
— Samuel, May 20, 1765
— Thomas, father of Samuel H., p.
170, 1. 24
Hunter, Mr, master of Arnside school,
Hawkshead, Lancashire, p. 17, 1. 11 ;
p. 22, 1. 30 (master of Hawkshead
school); p. 31, 1. 27; p. 37, 1. 41;
p. 44, 1. 22
— Mr, master of Blackburn school,
Lancashire, p. 117, 1. 13
2 — Mr, master of Lichfield school,
p. 21, 1. 26; p. 46, 1. 37; p. 74, 1.22
Hurd, Nathaniel, father of Nathaniel
H., p. 42, 1. 35
July 9, 1724
Hurst, Thomas, father of Thomas H.,
p. 66, 1. 34
May 22, 1731
Hurt, Francis, father of Low H., p,
53, 1. 32
— Low, June 13, 1727
Hurton, John, father of Pregion H.,
p. 97, 1. 9
— Pregion, June 2, 1740
*Husey, George, 30 Oct. 1718; p. 16,
1. 35; p. 73, 1. 27 (Mr)
— Robert, father of George H., p. 16,
Hussey, Edward, Oct. 25, 1740
— Thomas, father of Thomas H., p.
95, 1. 32
Hussey, Thomas, Oct. 13, 1739 ; 5 Nov.
father of Edward H., p. 100,
Hutchin, Hutchins, Mr, master of
Felstead school, Essex, p. 18, 1. 4 ;
p. 35, 1. 19 ; p. 38, 1. 21 ; p. 40, 1. 27
Hutchinson, James, father of John H.,
p. 143, 1. 48
— John, father of John H., p. 135,
July 1, 1751
July 1, 1754
— Joshua, father of Thomas H., p.
144, 1. 4
— Matthew, father of Simon H., p.
44, 1. 39
— Samuel, father of Samuel H., p. 92,
1. 17
* July 6, 1738 ; p. 124, 1. 40 (Mr)
— Simon, April 9, 1725
— Thomas, between July 1 and July
4, 1754
*Huttou, John, June 30, 1759
— Thomas, father of Thomas H.,
p. 94, 1. 16
June 2, 1739
*Ilderton, Francis, May 25, 1744
— Thomas, father of Francis I., p.
112, 1. 26
Image, Charles, father of John L, p.
122, 1. 1
*— John, April 12, 1747
Ince, Nicholas, father of Thomas L,
p. 14, 1. 14
— Thomas, April 26, 1718
Ingram, Goodrick, May 4, 1718
Inman, John, father of Thomas I., p.
108, 1. 1
— Thomas, March 5, 174^
Feb. 1, 1754
— William, father of Thomas I., p.
142, 1. 8
Irby, Hon. Frederick, Oct. 8, 1767
Irish, Samuel, father of William I., p.
107, 1. 26
— William, Feb. 9, 1741
Ironside, G. (William ?), father of Wil-
liam I., p. 156, 1. 23
*— William, July 2, 1759
Ives, Clement, father of James I., p.
172, 1. 39
— James, April 19, 1766; April 20,
Iveson, John, May 26, 1718
— William, father of John I., p. 14,
Jackson, Mr, master of Burton-on-
Trent school, p. 146, 1. 33
1 Founder of the various Hulsean benefactions.
2 bee this Register, Part II., p. 216, n. 1.
U— 2
Jackson, Mr, master of Coventry school,
p. 91, 1. 25; p. 120, I. 33 (Dr)
— Mr, master of St Bees school, p.
40, 1. 36
— Mr, master of York school, p. 65,
— Jeremiah, father of Jeremiah J.,
p. 176, 1. 10
June 5, 1767
— John, May 30, 1723
— Lancelot, father of William J.,
p. 97, 1. 36
— Eichard, father of John J., p, 37,
1. 35
father of Thomas J., p. 4, 1. 39
— Eobert, June 3, 1743
— Simon, father of Simon J., p. 113,
1. 29
June 30, 1744
— Thomas, May 19, 1716
father of Thomas J., p. 10, 1.
May 17, 1717
father of Kobert J., p. 109, 1. 7
father of Thomas J., p. 121,
Jan. 26, 174f
father of William J., p. 131,
— WilHam, June 19, 1740
June 18, 1750
Jacques, Mr, master of Urchfont
school, Wilts, p. 145, 1. 3
James, Antony, Feb. 18, 173^
— David, father of Antony J., p. 65,
father of Thomas J., p. 74, 1.
— John, father of Eobert J., p. 64,
1. 1
— Eobert, July 1, 1730
— Thomas, Oct. 25, 1733
Janeway, Jacob, April 6, 1743
— James, father of Jacob J., p. 108,
Jardine, Mr, master of Abergavenny
school, p. 169, 1. 10
Jauncey, John, father of Tyge J., p.
146, 1. 12
— Tyge, May 15, 1755
Jebb, John, June 19, 1722
— Samuel, father of John J., p. 33,
Jefferson, Mr, master of Beverley
school, p. 42, 1. 1; p. 44, 1. 18; p.
52, 1. 36; p. 57, 1. 9; p. 76,1. 42; p.
82, 1. 20
— Henry, father of Henry J., p. 1,
1. 1
July 11, 1715
— John, father of John J., p. 70, 1. 3
Jefferson, John, May 8, 1732
Jeffery, George, A.B., Balliol Coll.,
Oxford, June 3, 1725
Jemblein, James, father of John J., p.
81, 1. 3
— John, June 30, 1735
Jenkin, Mr, master of Battle school,
Sussex, p. 87, 11. 5, 8 ; p. 101, 1. 25 ;
p. 102, 1. 39 ; p. 109, 1. 21
— Mr, private tutor in family of Earl
of Portmore, p. 168, 1. 39
— Henry, father of Thomas J., p. 3,
1. 4
July 5, 1750
father of Eobert J., p. 35, 1.
— John, father of Thomas J., p. 36,
1. 1
— Eobert, Oct. 17, 1722
*— Thomas, 9 February 171f ; p. 35,
1. 26 {Domiims)
Dec. 14, 1722
father of Henry J., p. 132, 1. 41
Jenkinson, Mr, master of Madeley
school, Staffs, p. 10, 1. 48
Jenyns, Eoger, Knight, father of
Soame J., p. 34, 1. 43
1— Soame, July 2, 1722
Jernison, Gerison, Mr, master of U{c)k-
field school, Sussex, p. 122, 1. 26 ; p.
170, 1. 44
Jephson, Thomas, Dec. 10, 1754
• — William, father of William J., p.
126, 1. 8
father of Thomas J., p. 145,
1. 5
* June 15, 1748; p. 146, 1. 10
(Mr) ; p. 152, 1. 16 ; p. 155, 1. 7
Jessopp, G. (William?), father of Wil-
liam J., p. 73, 1. 27
— William, June 29, 1733
Jodrell, Paul, father of Paul J., p. 170,
March 22, 1765
*Johnson, Mr, p. 3, 1. 13; p. 12, 1. 37;
p. 17, 1. 8; p. 18,1. 8; p. 21, 1. 34;
p. 23, 1. 19; p. 24, 1. 7; p. 25, 11. 11,
35; p. 28, 11. 9, 23; p. 32, 11. 18, 37;
p. 33, 1. 34; p. 35, 1. 20; p. 36, 1. 3
- — Mr, master of Nottingham school,
p. 3, 1. 34; p. 7,1. 16
— Allen, father of John Allen J., p.
164, 1. 18
— Humfrey, June 29, 1724
— Isaac, father of Thomas J., p. 177,
1. 19
— John, Oct. 20, 1740
Allen, April 7, 1763
— Jonathan, May 17, 1744
- — Joshua, father of Humfrey J., p.
42, 1. 15
1 Author of View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Reli</ion, etc.
- Bentley's opponent.
Johnson, Maurice, father of John J.,
p. 100, 1. 3
— Eichard, father of Eolland J., p. 5,
1 38
— Eobert, May 31, 1755
— Eolland, 19 June, 1716
— Samuel, father of Samuel J., p.
54, 1. 35
July 3, 1727
Aug. 2, 1758
father of Samuel J., p. 153, 1.
— Thomas, father of William J., p.
7, 1. 18
father of Thomas J., p. 126,
1. 1
* June 11, 1748 ; p. 149, 11. 3,
father of Thomas J., p. 175, 1. 3
Feb. 18, 1767
Oct. 14, 1767
— Walter, Nov. 10, 1722; p. 35, n. 1
— William, 25 July, 1716
father of Jonathan J. , p. 112,1.
father of Eobert J., p. 146, 1.
Johnston, Samuel, father of Samuel
J., p. 89,1. 46
* April 14, 1738; p. 117, 1. 15
(Mr); p. 121, 1. 32; p. 142, 1. 39; p.
169, 1. 24
*Johnstone, Mr, p. 3, 1. 9
Johnstone, Johnston, Johnson, Mr,
master of Beverley school, p. 10, 1.
9; p. 13, 11. 15, 41; p. 17, 11. 19, 32;
p. 21, 1. 42 (Johnston); p. 22, 11. 5,
25; p. 23, 1. 43; p. 28, 11. 36, 39; p.
30, 1. 5
JoUand, George, father of George J., p.
50, 1. 42
July 7, 1726
father of George J., p. 127, 1.
March 9, 174f
Jones, William, Principal of Jesus
Coll., Oxford, p. 34, 1. 3
— Mr, master of Oundle school,
Northamptonshire, p. 43, 1. 36
— Mr, master of Pwllheli (PuUely)
school, Carnarvonshire, p. 51, 1. 24
— Mr, master of Wrexham Grammar
school, p. 77, 1. 20 ; p. 105, 1. 8
— Cadwalader, Dec. 1, 1726
— Evan, A.B., Jesus Coll., Oxford,
March 14, 1759
— Edward, May 8, 1724
— John, Fellow of Balliol Coll., Ox-
ford, p. 34, 1. 29
father of Cadwalader J., p. 51,
1. 22
M.I)., father of Salisbury J.,
p. 138, 1. 43
Jones, Owen, May 10, 1742
— Peter, June 27, 1763; p. 165, 1.
— Eandle, father of Edward J., p.
41, 1. 10
*— Eobert, June 27, 1750: p. 148, 1.
39 (Mr) ; p. 160, 1. 26 »
— Eowland, father of Owen J., p.
105, 1. 19
*— Salisbury, July 9, 1752; p. 163, 1.
21 (Mr J. jun.)
— Samuel, father of Samuel J., p.
19, I. 30
June 25, 1719
father of William J., p. 47, 1.
— Thomas, father of Peter J., p. 165,
father of Eobert J., p. 132, 1.
— William, Oct, 28, 1725
Joy, Thomas, June 5, 1756
Kay, John, April 26, 1720
— Eichard, father of Eichard K., p.
38, 1. 13
June 28, 1723
father of William K., p. 56,
— Thomas, father of John K., p. 23,
1. 1
— WilHam, April 20, 1728
Keck, Anthony, father of David An-
thony K., p. 161, 1. 40
James, father of Anthony James
K., p. 153, 1. 31
July 5, 1758
— David Anthony, Jan. 9, 1762 ; May
28, 1766
Kellow, Thomas, father of William K.,
p. 103, 1. 1
— William, June 30, 1741
Kenrick, Conway, Oct. 22, 1728
— John, father of Conway K., p. 58,
1. 11
Kenyon, George, father of George and
K., p. 17, 1. 24
31 March, 1719
— Eoger, 31 March, 1719
Kerchevall, John, father of John K.,
p. 86, 1. 30
May 5, 1737
Key, John, June 1, 1726
— William, father of John K., p. 49,
1. 29
Keysel, Nicolas, A.B., Balliol Coll.,
Oxford, June 26, 1721 ; p. 28, 1. 16
Kidley, Mr, tutor in the family of John
Prudom, p. 39, 1. 2
Kilner, George, April 6, 1720
— Thomas, father of George K., p.
22, 1. 28
Kilvington, Thomas, April 7, 1749
Kilvington, William, father of Thomas
K., p. 128, 1. 23
Kinesman, Kinersman, Kinnersman,
Kinuesman, Kinsman, Kynnesman,
Kynsman, Mr, master of Bury St
Edmunds school, Suffolk, p. 6, 1. 41 ;
p. 7, 1. 27 ; p. 8, 1. 33 ; p. 15, 11. 2, 7
(Kinersman); p. 42, 1. 33; p. 47,
1. 35 ; p. 48, 1. 1 ; p. 49, 1. 24 ; p. 50,
1. 44; p. 51, 11. 20, 26; p. 55, 11.5,
12; p. 58, 1. 40; p. 59, 1. 40; p. 65,
1. 18 ; p. 69, 1. 4 ; p. 70, 1. 27 ; p. 72,
1. 7; p. 74, 11. 15, 18, 31, 38; p. 76,
1. 3 ; p. 80, 1. 35 ; p. 90, 1. 10 ; p. 94,
1. 21 ; p. 98, 1. 44 ; p. 99, 1. 7 ; p. 103,
1. 19 ; p. 104, 1. 37 ; p. 105, 1. 11 ;
p. 110, 1. 10; p. 113, 1. 37; p. 115,
1. 32 ; p. 116, 1. 32 ; p. 117, 1. 35 ;
p. 123, 1. 15
King, Alexander, father of Talbot K.,
p. 124, 1. 35
— James, June 17, 1734
— John, May 22, 1717
June 28, 1757
— Talbot, April 5, 1748
— Thomas, father of John K., p. 10,
1. 18
father of James K., p. 76,
1. 20
Kingsley, Elizabeth, daughter of Key-
lock K., maiden name and style of
the mother of William Pym, p. 175,
Kingsman, Mr, master of Southampton
school, p. 35, 1. 32
— Jasper, father of Jasper K., p. 96,
1. 19
Nov. 14, 1739
Kingston, Francis, May 25, 1761
father of Francis K., p. 160,
Kipling, Thomas, June 28, 1764
— William, father of Thomas K.,
p. 168, 1. 33
Kippax, Mr, master of Kochdale school,
p. 22, 1. 20
Kirby, John, Oct. 9, 1761
father of John K., p. 161, 1. 12
Kirkby, John, May 4, 1723
— Thomas, father of John K., p. 37,
1. 12
Kirke, Richard, 15 June, 1717
— WiUiam, father of Eichard K., p.
10, 1. 40
Knapp, Knap, Mr, master of Upping-
ham school, p. 153, 1. 16 ; p. 158,
1. 17; p. 159, 1. 34; p. 160, 1. 38;
p. 170, 1.26; p. 172,1. 1
Knipe, Mr, master of Ambleside school,
p. 146, 1. 29
Knowler, Gilbert, father of William K.,
p. 9, 1. 46
— William, 3 May, 1717
Knowles, Mr, master of Burnsill school,
Yorkshire, p. 128, 1. 24
— Knowls, Mr, master of Threshfield
school, Yorkshire, p. 100, 1. 32 ; p.
104, 1. 20 ; p. 107, 1. 12 ; p. 108, 1. 8 ;
p. 113, 1. 34; p. 115, 1. 12; p. 118,
11. 31, 35 ; p. 121, 1. 3
— Eichard, father of Eichard Arthur
K., p. 101, 1. 39
Arthur, May 26, 1741
— Thomas, Feb. 17, 1764
— William, father of Thomas K.,
p. 167, 1. 8
Knowlton, Charles, May 16, 1744
— Thomas, father of Charles K., p.
112, 1. 11
Knowsley, Edward, father of Edward
K., p. 89, 1. 40
April 4, 1738
— John, Jan. 26, 173|
— Eobert, father of John K., p. 72,
1. 9
Kyffen, John, Oct. 13, 1759
— Thomas, father of Thomas and
John K., p. 148, 1. 37; p. 156, 1. 38
May 26, 1756 ; Jan. 21, 1759
Kyffin, Elvedale, Fellow of Jesus Coll.,
Oxford, p. 164, 1. 12 ; p. 165, 1. 38
Kynaston, Edward, Jan. 3, 172f
— John, father of Edward K., p. 48,
1. 3
Lack ; see Luck
Laidman, John, father of William L.,
p. 63, 1. 19
— William, June 10, 1730
Lamb, John, father of Eobert L., p.
56, 1. 27
— John Taylor, Jan. 17, 174^,
— Eobert, April 13, 1728
— William, father of John Taylor L.,
p. 117, 1. 29
Lambe, Mr, master of Southwell school,
Notts, p. 32, 1. 18 ; p. 37, 1. 45
*— Davies, Feb. 20, 173|
— John, father of Davies L., p. 75,
1. 5
— Lacon, June 28, 1733
*Lambert, Dr, p. 20, 1. 29 ; p. 22, 1. 5 ;
p. 28, 1. 40; p. 37, 1. 38; p. 38,
1. 37
— Mr, master of Beverley school,
Yorkshire, p. 1, 1. 2 ; p. 3, 1. 37 ; p. 11,
1. 26 ; p. 13, 11. 15, 41 ; p. 17, 1. 32 ;
p. 21, 1. 42 ; p. 22, 1. 4
— Charles, father of Eobert Heble-
thwaite L., p. 171, 1. 37
— John, father of John L., p. 73,
1. 8
June 15, 1733
— Eobert Heblethwaite, Oct. 7, 1765
Lamplugh, William, father of William
L., p. 25, 1. 17
Lamplugh, William, July 9, 1720
Lancaster, Mr, master of Chester
school, p. 102, 1. 9
Langhorn, Thomas, father of Thomas
L., p. 108, 1. 41
* May 27, 1743; p. 134, 1. 38
(Mr) ; p. 135, 1. 36
Langley, Thomas, father of Thomas
L., p. 125, 1. 26
June 6, 1748
Langwade, Mr, private tutor at Nor-
wich, p. 94, 1. 3
Lantrow, Mr, master of Pocklington
school, Yorkshire, p. 31, 1. 12
Larken, John, father of John L., p. 59,
1. 22
May 14, 1729
Latham, John, father of John L., p. 5,
19 June, 1716
Latter, Edmund, father of Edmund L.,
p. 39, 1. 14
* Nov. 25, 1723
Laughton, John, father of Manwaring
L., p. 77, 1. 10
— Manwaring, June 24, 1734
Launce, John, father of Eobert Stiles
L., p. 6, 1. 32
— Eobert Stiles, 30 June, 1716
Laurie, Walter, father of Walter L.,
p. 74, 1. 1
Oct. 3, 1733
Laverack, James, father of John L.,
p. 53, 1. 10
— John, May 25, 1727
Lawe, Edmund, father of Edmund L.,
p. 22, 1. 32
April 6, 1720
— William, Tutor of Emmanuel Col-
lege, p. 2, 1. 17
*Lawrence, Soulden, between March
16 and April 3, 1767
— Thomas, father of Soulden L., p.
175, 1. 21
Lawson, Mr, master of Manchester
school, p. 172, 1. 28 ; p. 174, 1. 42 ;
p. 175, 1. 5
— Alfrid, father of Alfrid L., p. 78,
Oct. 14, 1734
— Alice, maiden name of the mother
of Thomas Starkie, p. 176, 1. 6
— John, father of Johnson L., p. 91,
1. 39
— Johnson, June 29, 1738
— Richard, June 29, 1733
Laxton, Eobert, father of Robert L.,
p. 93, 1. 35
* May 3, 1739 ; p. 120, 1. 34 (Mr) ;
p. 122, 1. 3 ; p. 124, 1. 9
*Layard, Charles Peter, June 27, 1766
— Daniel Peter, father of Charles
Peter L., p. 173, 1. 39
Lea, Mr, master of Newport school,
Salop, p. 73, 1. 15; p. 90, 1. 26; p.
128, 1. 43
— Mr, master of Stoke school, Staf-
fordshire, p. 5, 1. 22
Leach, John, father of John L., p. 126,
1. 5
June 14, 1748
— Richard, May 27, 1720
— Robert, father of Richard L., p.
23, 1. 35
Leadall, Mr, master of Skipton school,
Yorkshire, p. 8, 1. 13
Leake, Marmaduke, father of Thomas
L., p. 22, 1. 3
— Thomas, February 18, 17^
Learoyd, Mr, master of Rishworth
school, Yorkshire, p. 146, 1. 10;
p. 154, 1. 40; p. 175, 1. 28
— Abraham, father of Richard L.,
p. 113, 1. 11
— Richard, June 28, 1744
Leaver, William, B.A., New Coll.,
Oxford, March 22, 172^; p. 27, 11.
4, 7
Lebeg, Honoratus, father of Honoratus
L., p. 4, 1. 9
May 8, 1716
*Lee, John, June 19, 1745; p. 140,
1. 10 (Mr); p. 141, 1. 13; p. 142,
1. 6
May 5, 1739
— William, father of John L., p. 93,
1. 38
father of John L., p. 115, 1. 46
Leeds, Mr, master of Ipswich school,
p. 1, 1. 24; p. 12, 1. 11; p. 82, 1. 13
— Mr, master of Woodbridge school,
Suffolk, p. 9, 1. 37
*Leake, Leeke, Mr, p. 23, 1. 37; p. 28,
1. 37 ; p. 59, 1. 3
Leek, Herbert, father of Herbert L.,
p. 66, 1. 1
April 8, 1731
*Leeke, Mr, p. 33, 1. 6; p. 58, 1. 3;
p. 66, 1. 3; p. 67, 1. 5 ; p. 70, 11. 8,
41 ; p. 72, 1. 8
— Mr, tutor in the family of W. Bur-
ton, Esq., p. 104, 1. 14
— Nicholas, August 16, 1726
— Robert, father of Samuel L., p. 23,
— Samuel, June 1, 1720
— Seymour, Oct. 25, 1736 ; Nov. 12,
Leftwiche, Nathaniel, A.B., New Coll.,
Oxford, p. 19, 11. 45, 47
Legassicke, Henry, July 8, 1737
— James, father of Henry L., p. 87,
Legh, Peter, Oct. 7, 1727
— Thomas, father of Peter L., Oct. 7,
Le Grice, Charles, father of Charles Le
G.,p. 163,1.3
July 5, 1762
Le Hunt, Lehunt, Mr, master of Can-
terbury school, p. 46, 1. 22; p. 52,
1. 33 ; p. 54, 1. 36 ; p. 55, 1. 2 ; p. 63,
*— Alexander, 2 July, 1719
— John, father of Alexander Le
H., p. 20, 1. 23
— — father of John Le H., p. 128,
May 8, 1749
Leigh, Egerton, April 24, 1728
LL.D., father of Egerton L.,
p. 136, 1. 29
Dec. 26, 1751
— Thomas, Vice-Principal of B.N. C,
Oxford, p. 15, 1. 31
— Mr, private tutor in the family
of Joseph Martin, banker, yi. 172,
Leightou, Charles, Sept. 17, 1763
— Sir Charlton, Bart., father of
Charles L., p. 166, 1. 23
Leightonhouse, Eichard, father of
William L., p. 136, 1. 4
— WiUiam, July 2, 1751
LethieuUier, Samuel, Nov. 1, 1738;
Oct. 8, 1740
— William, father of Samuel L.,
p. 92, 1. 29
Lever, John, father of John Bevel L.,
p. 50, 1. 26
Kevel, July 4, 1726
Lewen, James, April 13, 1728
— Thomas, father of James L., p. 56,
1. 24
Lewis, Ambrose Thelwall, p. 167, 11. 25,
36, note 2
— Edward, 3 July, 1719
■ father of Lewis L., p. 43, 1. 18
— George, father of Eowland L.,
p. 116, 1. 28
— John, father of Edward L., p. 20,
1. 27
— Lewis, Oct. 24, 1724
— Owen, Aug. 24, 1763
— Eowland, July 1, 1745
— Samuel, father of Samuel L.,p. 92,
1. 1
June 30, 1738
Leybourue, Henry, father of Henry L.,
p. 114, 1. 8
Oct. 13, 1744
— Talbot, father of William L.,
p. 100, 1. 42
— William, March 11, 174^; April 2,
Leyland, John, father of Thomas L.,
p. 15, 1. 12
Nov. 24, 1732
— Thomas, 21 June, 1718
Leyland, William, father of John L. ,
p. 71, 1. 38
Ley ton, Thomas, father of William L.,
p. 173, 1. 19
— William, June 7, 1766
Liddiard G. (William ?), father of Wil-
liam L., p. 148, 1. 6
— William, March 18, 1756
Lindsey, Eobert, father of Theophilus
L., p. 101, 1. 28
*— Theophilus, May 21, 1741; p. 126,
1. 33 (Mr); p. 127, 1. 23; p. 128, 1. 37;
p. 130, 1. 17; p. 131, 1. 24; p. 140,
1. 6; p. 143, 1.46; p. 144, 1. 2
Liptrott, Mr, master of Nuneaton
school, Warwickshire, p. 30, 1. 13 ;
p. 69, 1. 8; p. 76, 1. 34
Lipyeatt, Christopher, father of Jona-
than L., p. 173, 1. 26
* — Lyppeat, Jonathan, March 11,
173f; p. 123, 1. 19 (Mr); p. 124,
1. 12; p. 142,1. 15
* — Jonathan, June 10, 1766
— Thomas, father of Jonathan L.,
p. 85, 1. 35
father of Thomas L. , p. 53,
I. 35
* June 15, 1727; p. 135, 1. 10
Lisle, Mr, private tutor, p. 5, 1. 15
*— L'Isle, L'isle, Mr, p. 9, 1. 19 ;
p. 14, 1. 1; p. 15, 1. 18; p. 19, 1. 43
(L'Isle); p. 23, 1. 40 (L'isle) ; p. 27,
1. 36; p. 32,1. 14; p. 55, 1. 6
L'Isle; see Lisle
Lister, Mr, master of Bury school, Lan-
cashire, p. 72, 1. 33; p. 83, 1. 30;
p. 112, 1. 9; p. 113, 1. 30; p. 118,
1. 4; p. 121, 1. 40
— Mr, master of Halifax school, p. 33,
1. 20
— James, father of John L., p. 27,
1. 23
— John, March 25, 1721
— Thomas, father of Thomas Pindar
L., p. 169, 1. 22
Pindar, Oct. 22, 1764
Lithgow, Mr, master of Wooller school,
Northumberland, p. 112, 1. 28
Little, Mr, master of a school at Hull,
p. 77, 1. 34
Littleton, Thomas, B.A., Oxford, July
4, 1737
■"Lloyd, Mr, p. 5, 1. 33 ; p. 6, 1. 30
— Mr, master of Euthiu school, Den-
bighshire, p. 5, 1. 39
— Mr, master of Shrewsbury school,
p. 5,1.18; p. 6, 1.27; p. 19, 11. 20,31;
p. 22,1. 9; p. 27, 1. 45; p. 28, 1. 12
— David, May 27, 1730
— Edward, father of David LI. , p. 63,
1. 9
— Heneage, June 23, 1760
Lloyd, Henry, May 17, 1729
— John, father of John LL, p. 81,
1. 8
Sept. 22, 1735
Aug. 24, 1763
— Maurice, father of Moses LI., p. 19,
*— Moses, 10 June, 1719
— Owen, father of Henry LL, p. 59,
1. 17
* — Dominus Eiehard, p. 18, 1. 28
knt., father of Eiehard Savage
LI., p. 125, 1. 46
knt., father of Heneage LI., p.
158, 1. 24
Savage, June 10, 1748
— Talbot, father of Talbot LI., p. 35,
1. 3
July 3, 1722
— Thomas, father of Thomas LI.,
p. 2, 1. 32
-4 November, 1715
father of John LI., p. 166, 1. 15
— • William, Fellow of Jesus College,
Oxford, p. 20, 1. 16
Lock, Charles, March 26, 1751
— Gervase, father of Robert L.,
p. 129, 1. 18
— Eobert, June 7, 1749
father of Charles L., p. 134,
1. 10
Lodge, Mr, master of Newcastle-on-
Tyne school, p. 33, 1. 38; p. 73, 1. 18
— Edmund, father of John L., p. 6,
— John, 26 June, 1716
father of John L., p. 97, 1. 47
— — June 24, 1740
Loftus, Henry, June 26, 1722
— James, father of Henry L., p. 34,
1. 30
Loggan, G. (William?), father of Wil-
liam L., p. 72, 1. 41
Loggon, George, father of George L.,
p. 151, 1. 22
* June 14, 1757
*_i, William, June 7, 1733; p. 126,
1. 24 (Mr); p. 138, 1. 29
Londonderry, Thomas, Earl of, father
of Eidgway Pitt, Earl of London-
derry, p. 99, 1. 6
Longley, John, June 24, 1767
— Joseph, father of John L., p. 176,
1. 24
Lord, John, father of John L., p. 61,
1. 36
Oct. 14, 1729
— Eobert, A.B. of Exeter College,
Oxford, July 1, 1736
— G. (William?), father of William
L., p. 159, 1. 8
Lord, William, Oct. 30, 1760 ; Nov. 12,
Loup, George, father of William L.,
p. 100, 1. 19
— William, Oct. 30, 1740
Lovel, Edward, D.D., father of Edward
L., p. 40, 1. 13
March 18, 172f
Lovell, Edward, father of Edward L. ,
p. 141, 1. 31
Nov. 5, 1753
— Hugh, father of Hugh L., p. 23,
1. 45
June 9, 1720
Lowe, Christopher, father of Theophi-
lus L., p. 46, 1. 35
— George, 21 June, 1717
— John, father of George L., p. 10,
1. 47
— Samuel, June 4, 1741
father of Samuel L. , p. 102, 1. 8
*— Theophilus, June 21, 1725
*Lowndes, John, Feb. 4, 172f
— Eobert, father of John L., p. 58,
— Thomas, Jan. 12, 174* ; Nov. 19,
— William, father of Thomas L.,
p. 104, 1. 35
Lowten, Timothy, father of Timothy
L., p. 150, 1. 20
Nov. 4, 1756
Lowther, Mr, master of Sherbourne
school, Yorkshire, p. 46, 1. 2; p. 48,
I. 10 ; p. 50, 1. 10 ; p. 52, 1. 44 ; p. 53,
II. 1, 4; p. 72,1. 10
— Thomas, father of Thomas L.,
p. 4, 1. 16
11 May, 1716
Lowthian, George, father of Eiehard
L., p. 6, 1. 11
— Eiehard, 26 June, 1716
Lucas, Eobert, father of Eobert Tris-
tram L., p. Ill, 1. 29
Tristram, April 2, 1744
— Mr, master of Corby school, Lin-
colnshire, p. 31, 1. 20
Luck, Lack, Mr, master of Barnstaple
school, p. 26, 1. 18; p. 49, 1. 43;
p. 84, 1. 20
Ludlam, John, father of John L., p. 36,
1. 29
March 30, 1723
— Eiehard, M.D., father of William
L., p. 78, 1. 17
father of Thomas L., p. 115,
1. 18
— Thomas, May 9, 1745
*— William, July 24, 1734; p. 124,
1. 6 (Mr); p. 125, 1. 32; p. 126, 1. 30;
p. 150, 1. 22
1 So spelt in History of St John's, i. 305, 1. 37, and in Grad. Cant.
Lupton, Robert, May 20, 1720
— Thomas, father of EobertL., p. 23,
1. 9
— William, father of William L.,
p. 130, 1. 36
Feb. 8, 17it
Lydiott, Mr, master of Warwick school,
p. 11, 1. 22
Lyn, Lynn, George, father of George
L., p. 31, 1. 3
Nov. 1, 1721; p. 31, 1. 21;
p. 32, 1. 3
Lynam, James, father of James L.,
p. 64, 1. 4
July 1, 1730
Lynch, Edward, father of William L.,
p. 110, 1. 13
— George, May 2, 1717
— John, father of George L., p. 9,
D.D., father of William L.,
p. 125, 1. 23
— William, Nov. 2, 1743
May 30, 1748
Lynn, George, father of John L., p. 51,
1. 13
*— John, Oct. 28, 1726
Machell, James, father of John M., p.
148, 1. 28
— John, May 10, 1756
Mackeuzey, Mr, master of Richmond
school, Surrey, p. 40, 1. 30
Maddox, John, May 4, 1716
— William, father of John M., p. 4,
1. 5
Maese, Michael, father of Michael
Driver M., p. 132, 1. 12
1*— Michael Driver, June 23, 1750
Maiuwaring, Edward, father of Henry
M., p. 60, 1. 28
— Gilbert, father of John M., p.. 105,
1. 31
— Henry, June 9, 1729; May 17,
*— John, June 5, 1742; p. 131, 1. 20
(Mr); p. 132, 11. 35, 39; p. 136, 1.
15; p. 139, 1. 10; p. 140, 1. 39
Malbon, Mr, master of Congleton
school, Cheshire, p. 44, 1. 25
— Mr, tutor in the family of P.
Broughton, Esq., p. 78, 1. 35
Maling, Christopher Thompson, June
25, 1759
— William, father of Christopher
Thompson M., p. 155, 1. 42
Mall, Mr, master of Bishop Stortford
school, Herts, p. 86, 1. 46 ; p. 96, 11.
32, 36; p. 117, 1. 5; p. 122, 1. 18; p.
147, 1. 6
*— John, June 8, 1724
Mall, Richard, father of John M., p. 41,
Malme, Charles, July 4, 1726
— Henry, father of Charles M., p.
50, 1. 30
Malon ; see Meyler
Mangey, John, Jan. 10, 1744
— Thomas, D.D., father of John M.,
p. 114, 1. 25
Manifold, Henry, Jan. 29, 1753
— William, father of Henry M., p.
139, 1. 25
Manley, Henry, father of William M.,
p. 129, 1. 25
Churley, July 1, 1762 ; Sept. 20,
— William, June 23, 1749
Manlove, Joseph, father of Thomas
M. , p. 122, 1. 36
— Thomas, June 10, 1747
Manningham, Richard, June 28, 1735
— Thomas, father of Richard and
Thomas M., p. 80, 11. 39, 42
June 28, 1735
Manwaring, Mr, master of Preston
school, Lancashire, p. 4, 1. 11
— Edward, May 18, 1726
father of Edward M., p. 57,1.39
July 4, 1728
— James, father of Edward M., p.
49, 1. 16
Mapletoft, Edmund, father of Edmund
M., p. 66, 1. 13
April 30, 1731
father of Matthew M., p. 96,
1. 34
— Matthew, May 1, 1740
Markham, Mr, master of Oakham
school, p. 158, 1. 37 ; p. 163, 1. 31 ;
p. 176, 11. 11, 31
— Dr, headmaster of Westminster,
p. 141, 1. 28 ; p. 145, 1. 27 ; p. 152,
1. 11; p. 154, 1. 7
— Ralph, father of Robert M., p. 116,
— Robert, July 4, 1745
Markland, Matthew, father of Matthew
M., p. 49, 1. 26
June 1, 1726
Marryott, John, father of John M., p.
23, 1. 25
May 26, 1720
Marsden, Henry, father of Henry M.,
p. 98, 1. 31
July 1, 1740
Marsh, George, Jan. 25, 1762
— John, June 18, 1722
— Richard, father of John M., p. 33,
1. 28
father of Richard M., p. 52, 1.
1 Graduated as Mease (sic).
Marsh, Richard, May 15, 1727
ex-Fellow of St John's, father
of William M., p. 90, 1. 18
— William, May 17, 1738
father of George M., p. 162,
Marshal, Mr, master of Sheffield
school, p. 127, 1. 22
Marshall, Mr, master of Beedall (Be-
dale) school, Yorkshire, p. 23, 1. 6
— Marshal, Marsham, Mr, master of
Peterborough school, p. 93, 1. 36 ; p.
101, 1. 40 ; p. 107, 1. 6 ; p. 108, 1. 18;
p. 118, 1. 16 ; p. 122, 1. 3 ; p. 123, 1.
11; p. 157, 1. 39; p. 163,1. 10
— Mr, master of Threshfield school,
Yorkshire, p. 4, 11. 25, 37; p. 11, 1.
34; p. 14, 1. 33; p. 16, 1. 3; p. 18,
11. 41, 45 ; p. 22, 1. 37 ; p. 23, 1. 10 ;
p. 24, 1. 2; p. 28, 1. 26; p. 32, 1. 3;
p. 41, 11. 1, 5 ; p. 45, 1. 31 ; p. 47, 1.
4; p. 55, 1. 34; p. 58,1. 9; p. 65,11.
11, 15; p. 69, 1. 38; p. 71, 11. 39, 42;
p. 85, 1. 29; p. 89, 11. 21, 26; p. 96,
— Edmund, June 30, 1749
— Gervase, father of Thomas M., p.
106, 1. 14
— Henry, father of Henry M., p. 59,
1. 1
* March 10, 172f ; p. 155, 1. 40
father of Henry M., p. 163, 1.
Nov. 3, 1762
— Joshua, father of Edmund M., p.
129, 1. 40
— Michael, father of Thomas M., p.
63, 1. 3
— Thomas, May 18, 1730
June 22, 1742
Marsham, sec Marshall
Marten, John, 'Princip.' of Merton
College, Oxford, p. 7, 1. 7
— William, Senior Bursar of Merton
College, Oxford, p. 7, 1. 6
Martin, Mr, master of Appleby School,
Leicestershire, p. 78, 1. 10; p. 83,
1. 43; p. 95, 1. 21 ; p. 116, 1. 17
— Mr, master of Loughborough
school, Leicestershire, p. 69, 1. 34 ;
p. 71, 1. 15; p. 88, 1. 22
— Digory, father of John and Wil-
ham M., p. 91, 1. 46 ; p. 103, 1. 4
— John, M.D., Fellow of Merton
College, Oxford, p. 29, 1. 31
June 30, 1738
— Joseph, father of Thomas M., p.
172, 1. 22
— Samuel, father of Samuel M., p.
158, 1. 12
* June 10, 1760
— Thomas, Feb. 7, 1766
Martin, William, July 2, 1741
Mashiler, Mr, master of Solyhull
school, Warwickshire, p. 106, 1. 22
Mason, Edward, May 22, 1761
father of Edward M., p. 160,
— George, July 3, 1749
July 2, i756
— Maidwell, 22 May, 1719
*— Matthew, father of Maidwell M.,
p. 18, 1. 36
— Miles, father of George M., p. 130,
1. 15
— William, father of William M. , p.
106, 1. 36
July 1, 1742
Massey, George, father of Millington
M., p. 145, 1. 33
*— Millington, March 1, 1755
— Eobert, Oct. 19, 1722
— Roger, father of William M., p.
114, 1. 12
— Trafford, father of Robert M., p.
35 1. 27
*— William, Oct. 22, 1744; p. 140, 1.
6 (Mr); p. 153, 1. 11
Master of Peterhouse and Regius Pro-
fessor of Divinity (John Whalley),
p. 164, 1. 29
— St John's, (Robert Jenkvi, D.D.)
p. 20, 1. 25 ; p. 32, 11. 33, 37 ; p. 35,
1. 26; p. 51, 1. 18; p. 52, 1. 37
(Robert Lambert, D.D.) ; p. 62, 1. 21 ;
p. 88, 1. 23 (John Newcombe, D.D.) ;
p. 105, 1. 41; p. 170, 1. 14 (William
Samuel Powell, D.D.) ; p. 175, 1. 36
Mather, Thomas, father of Thomas M.,
p. 69, 1. 18
Feb. 25, 173^
Mathews, Toby, A.B., of Brasenose
College,* Oxford, June 10, 1746
Mattaire, Mr, private tutor in the
family of Richard Vaughan, p. Ill,
1. 23
Matthews, Mr, Master of Huntingdon
school, p. 8, 1. 37 ; p. 48, 1. 37
— Andrew, B.A., Jesus College, Ox-
ford, June 30, 1721 ; p. 28, 1. 44 ; p.
29, 11. 4, 8
— Charles, father of John M., p.
175, 1. 33
— John, father of Richard M., p.
119, 1. 8
April 28, 1767
— Richard, May 21, 1746
Mawson, George, father of Robert M. ,
p. 79, 1. 24
— Robert, April 7, 1735
Maxwell, Edward, Oct. 11, 1735
— Henry, father of Edward M., p. 81,
1. 17
May, William, Feb. 12, 171| ; Feb. 11,
Maybourne, Mr, master of Buddesdale
(Botes-) school, Suffolk, p. 23, 1. 26;
p. 27, 1. 38
Mayes, Christopher, father of Christo-
pher M., p. 55, 1. 28
iQct. 25, 1727
Mayhew, William, father of William
M., p. 143, 1. 5
June 11, 1754
Mayler, Thomas, A.B., of Jesus Coll.,
Oxford, July 3, 1748
Mayo, Henry, father of Henry M., p.
101, 1. 38
June 23, 1741
Meadowcourt, Eichard, A.M., Fellow
of Merton Coll., Oxford, p. 29,
1. 33
Meadows, Mary, maiden name of the
mother of Charles Matthews, p. 175,
1. 33
Mearson, Eichard, father of Eobert M.,
p. 37, 1. 39
— Eobert, June 5, 1723
Medcalf, Anthony, father of Matthew
M.,p. 126, 1. 11
— Matthew, June 15, 1748
Meddowcroft, Eichard, May 16, 1744
— Thomas, father of Eichard M.,
p. 112, 1. 7
Melford, James, M.D., father of James
M., p. 44, 1. 8
— — March 10, 172i
Mercer, Thomas, father of Thomas M.,
p. 59, 1. 7
March 25, 1729
Metcalfe, John, father of Eichard M.,
p. 43, 1. 28
— Marmaduke, father of Thomas M.,
p. 122, 1. 24
— Eichard, Nov. 9, 1724
*— Thomas, June 1, 1747 ; p. 160, 11.
9, 21 (Mr); p. 161, 1. 31; p. 162, 11.
6, 10; p. 168, 11. 18, 22, 27
Meyler, Malon, Mayler, Naylor (p. 148,
1. 7), Mr Thomas, master of Marl
borough school, Wilts., p. 137, 1. 25
p. 140, 1. 32; p. 146, 1. 47; p. 148, 1
7; p. 150, 1. 31; p. 154, 1. 14; p
167, 1. 43; p. 168, 1. 4; p. 173, 1. 28;
p. 176, 1. 44
Meyrick, Essex, March 21, 172|
— John, father of Essex M., p. 36, 1. 20
— Owen Lewis, April 3, 1758
— Eichard, M.D.. father of Owen
Lewis M., p. 152,' 1. 36
Michell, John, father of Eichard M.,
p. 152, 1. 40
— Eichard, April 3, 1758
Mickelson, Henry, father of Henry M.,
p. 83, 1. 45
June 21, 1736
Midgeley, Mr., master of a school at or
near Coxwould, Yorkshire, p. 12, 1.
33; p. 19, 1. 12; p. 106, 1. 2; p. 112,
1. 13; p. 127,1. 30
Midgley, Samuel, father of Samuel M.,
p. 44, 1. 33
April 9, 1725
Mieres, Andrew, father of Andrew M.,
p. 101, 1. 3.
March 20, 174f
Milburne, Milburn, Thomas, father of
Thomas M., p. 63, 1. 22
* • June 10, 1730
Milles, Christopher, father of Eichard
M., p. 141, 1. 27
— James, father of John M., p. 82, 1.
— John, April 15, 1736
— Eichard, Oct. 27, 1753
Mills, Thomas, father of Thomas M.,
p. 25, 1. 1
July 4, 1720
Milner, ^T., Tutor of Jesus Coll., Cam-
bridge, p. 166, 1. 37
— Mr, master of Peckham school,
Surrey, p. Ill, 1. 16
Milsington, Viscount, see Colyear, Hon,
William Charles
Milton, John, May 24, 1733
— William, father of John M., p. 72,
1. 29
Milward, John, Oct. 31, 1760
— Eichard, father of Eichard M., p.
129, 1. 33
June 29, 1749; April 28, 1751
— Thomas, father of John M., p.
159, 1. 11
Mirehouse, Mr, master of Peterborough
school, p, 140, 1. 20 ; p. 142, 1. 3
Mitchener, John, A.B., Magd. Hall,
Oxford, June 27, 1734
Moises, Moyses, Mr, master of New-
castle on Tyne school, p. 137, 1. 29 ;
p. 138, 1. 6 ; p. 157, 1. 26 ; p. 169, 1. 14
Molineux, Charles, father of Crisp M.,
p. 127, 1. 24
— Crisp, Nov. 5, 1748
Mompesson, George, father of William
M., p. 3, 1. 26
— William, March 20, 171|
Monckton, Charles, father of Jonathan
M., p. 62, 1. 1
— Jonathan, Oct. 23, 1729
*Monins, Mr, p. 18, 1. 15; p. 23, 1. 16;
p. 25, 1. 11
— Munuings, master of Canterbury
school, p. 83, 1. 13; p. 85, 1. 25; p.
90, 1. 20; p. 91, 1. 40; p. 94, 1. 37;
p. 97, 1. 45 ; p. 99, 1. 37 ; p. 102, 1. 42 ;
p. 104, 1. 40; p. 108, 1. 21; p. 112, 1.
31; p. 114, 1. 30; p. 133, 1. 38
1 See Camhfidftc Calendar, Matliematical Tripos 1767
2 Tliis should be J., according to Grad. Cant.
Monins, Eichard, father of Eichard M.,
p. 133, 1. 37
* Jan. 16, 175J
Monnox, Eichard, Fellow of Balliol
Coll., Oxford, p. 34, 1. 25
Montgomery, George, father of George
M., p. 68, 1. 40
Jan. 12, 173i
Moody, William, Nov. 29, 1746
Moor, Henry, D.D., father of Henry
M., p. 55, 1. 4
Sept. 18, 1727
Moore, Henry, father of Thomas M.
p. 35, 1. 21
— Eichard, June 24, 1731
— Stephen, father of Stephen M., p
174, 1. 24
Feb. 3, 1767
— Thomas, Oct. 11, 1722
— William, father of Eichard M., p
67, 1. 22
Moorhouse, Edward, May 21, 1716
— John, father of Edward M., p. 5
1. 1
Moresby, John, father of John M., p
48, 1. 27
March 28, 1726
Moreton, Mr, private tutor at Staple
hurst, Kent, p. 95, 1. 34
— Eobert, June 27, 1733
father of Eobert M., p. 126, 1
June 29, 1748
— Thomas, father of Eobert M., p
73, 1. 14
Morgan, Mr, master of Hitchin school
Herts., p. 164, 1. 25
— Charles, April 15, 1731
— David Edwards, father of Edward
M., p. 86, 1. 26
— Edward, May 2, 1737
— Henry, father of Charles M., p.
66, 1. 10
*— John, July 2, 1719 ; p. 114, 1. 20
(Mr); p. 118, 1. 16
— Nathaniel, father of John M., p.
20, 1. 19
Morland, Mr, master of St Paul's
school, London, p. 62, 1. 30; p. 63,
1. 47
Morris, Mr, master of Brentwood
school, Essex, p. Ill, 1. 23
— Charles, June 19, 1753 ; April 19,
— Evan, May 3, 1766
— David, fatherofEvanM.,p. 173, 1.1
*— John, Nov. 2, 1745 ; p. 144, 1. 25
(Mr); p. 146, 1. 27; p. 149, 1. 36; p.
150, 1. 31; p. 154, 1. 10
— Ealph, father of John M., p. 117,
1. 12
— Eoger, father of Charles M., p.
140, 1. 44
Morrison, G. (William '!), father of
William M., p. 55, 1. 14
— WiUiam, Sept. 27, 1727
Morton, Edward, Feb. 26, 112^
— John, father of Eichard M., p. 6,
1. 19
May 30, 1744
— Eichard, June 27, 1716
— Eobert, father of John M., p. 112,
1. 37
— Thomas, father of Edward M., p.
48, 1. 12
Moseley, Mr, master of Sherbourne
school, Yorkshire, p. 26, 1. 3 ; p. 27,
1. 29; p. 31, 1. 35; p. 32, 1. 22
— Mr, p. 176, 1. 28
— Maurice, father of Maurice M., p.
42, 1. 31
July 6, 1724
June 23, 1762
— Eichard, father of Thomas M., p.
96, 1. 44
April 19, 1757; Jan. 29, 1761
May 22, 1758; Feb. 20, 1762
— Thomas, May 21, 1740
father of Thomas and Eichard
M., p. 146, 1. 18; p. 150, 1. 40
— William, May 27, 1755
Mostyn, Eoger, M.A., Christ's College,
Feb. 12, 1744
Motte, Samuel, father of Samuel M.,
p. 1, 1. 23
Sept. 29, 1715, p. 2, 1. 3
Mottershaw, John, father of Thomas
M., p. 68, 1. 3
— Thomas, July 5, 1731
Mount, James, father of James M., p.
89, 1. 8
March 7, 173|
Mountmorris, Lord, p. 18, 1. 34
Mower, Edmund, father of Marma-
duke M., p. 60, 1. 22
— Marmaduke, June 6, 1729
Munton, Mr, master of WoUaston
school, Northamptonshire, p. 9, 1. 23
Munnings ; see Monins
Murdin, Edward, father of William
M., p. 19, 1. 15
— William, June 9, 1719
Dean of Sidney College, p. 71,
1. 86
Murray, Hon. Charles, June 29, 1754;
Oct. 21, 1754
— WiUiam, A.B. of Oxford, April 11,
*Murthwaite, Peter, March 31, 1742 ;
p. 131, 1. 7 (Mr); p. 133, 1. 32; p.
136, 1. 19 ; p. 137, 11. 36, 38 ; p. 138,
1. 35; p. 142, 1. 35; p. 174, I. 7
father of Samuel M., p. 137, 1.
— Eichard, father of Peter M., p.
104, 1. 43
Murthwaite, Samuel, April 18, 1752
Murton, Antony, father of Antony M.,
p. 88, 1. 1
July 11, 1737
Musgrave, Eichard, father of Eichard
M., p. 55, 1. 7
Sept. 18, 1727
Myres, Charles, March 25, 1745
— Christopher, father of Charles M. ,
p. 114, 1. 35
— John, father of John M., p. 121, 1.
April 7, 1747
Nabbs, John, father of William N.,
p. 39, 1. 44
— William, March 6, 172J
Nairn, Eichard, June 29, 1749
father of Thomas N., p. 135,
1. 12
— Thomas, June 19, 1751
— William, father of Eichard N.,
p. 129, 1. 37
Nairne, Nairn, Eichard, father of
Eichard N., p. 12, 1, 35
* Dec. 11, 1717; p. 41, 1. 2
(Dominus) ; p. 172, 1. 5
Nash, Charles, May 28, 1746
— Gawen,fatherof Charles N., p. 119,
1. 18
Nayler, Mary, maiden name of the
mother of William Wade, p. 175,
1. 27
Naylor, Christopher, Oct. 26, 1756
fatherof Christopher N., p. 150,
1. 12
— John, Bursar of King's, p. 85, 1. 6
— See Meyler
Neale, James, father of James N.,
p. 172, 1. 7
Jan. 17, 1766
Needham, Peter, Nov, 18, 1728
Neepe, Mr, master of Southwell school,
Notts, p. 30, 1. 38
Neeve; see Neve
Negus, Edward, father of John N.,
p. 24, 1. 46
— John, July 2, 1720
Nelson, Mr, master of Dent school,
Kirby Lonsdale, p. 29, 1. 41
— Mr, master of Houghton-le- Spring
school, Durham, p. 32, 1. 33
— Edward, June 28, 1751
— Thomas, Fellow of University
College, Oxford, p. 144, 1. 40
— William, father of Edward N.,
p. 135, 1. 34
Nelthorp, Griffith, Oct. 20, 1731
— James, father of Griffith N., p. 68,
1. 30
Nelthorpe, James, father of Eichard
N., p. 59, 1. 16
— Eichard, April 11, 1729
Neve, Neeve, Mr, master of Spalding
school, p. 25, 1.3; p. 30, 1.35; p. 31,
1. 4; p. 47, 1. 23; p. 51, 1. 14
— Gabriel, father of Henry N., p. 177,
1. 22
— Henry, Nov. 2, 1767
Newborough, Mr, Head-master of
Eton, p. 10, 1. 30; p. 11, 1, 5; p. 40,
I. 33
*Newcome, Mr, p. 7, 11. 20, 24, 33;
p. 8, 11. 7, 11, 19, 22, 26, 34, 45; p. 9,
II. 11, 16, 19, 27, 33; p. 10, 11. 5, 7,
13, 21, 24, 27, 31, 35, 39, 42; p. 11,
11. 2, 11, 15, 19, 34; p. 12, 11. 5, 9,
12, 15, 19, 23, 26, 30, 34, 37; p. 13,
11. 3, 6, 12, 20, 25, 37; p. 14, 11. 2, 6,
22, 26, 30; p. 15, 11. 11, 18, 35;
p. 16, 11. 12, 16, 30, 33; p. 17, 11. 3,
23, 27 ; p. 18, 11. 5, 11, 21, 32, 35, 38,
42 ; p. 19, U. 6, 13, 18, 21, 32, 39, 43 ;
p. 20, 11. 10, 22,26, 33, 38; p. 21,11. 11,
15, 19, 30; p. 22, 11. 9, 17, 22, 38,
42; D. 23, U. 8, 11, 37, 41; p. 24,
11. 17\ 21 ; p. 25, 11. 4, 7, 15, 24, 28,
31, 38, 41; p. 26, 11. 7, 12, 18, 22, 26,
38, 42, 45 ; p. 27, 11. 2, 18, 36, 39,
46; p. 28, 11. 12, 15, 27, 31, 37; p. 29,
11. 23, 42; p. 30, 11. 2, 10, 13, 18, 21,
25, 29, 36, 40; p. 31, 11. 5, 9, 21, 25,
36, 41, 44; p. 32, 11. 4, 14, 28, 33;
p. 33, 11. 6, 10, 27, 38, 41; p. 34,
11.33,41; p. 35, 1. 37 ; p. 36, 11. 6, 25,
38; p. 37, 11. 14, 18, 25, 37; p. 38,
11. 1, 8, 12, 15, 18, 22, 34, 41 ; p. 39,
11. 3, 6, 9, 33, 37, 40; p. 40,11. 21, 34,
41; p. 41, 11. 2, 6, 18, 27, 30,33, 43,
46; p. 42, 11. 8, 17, 20, 30, 37, 40;
p. 43, 11. 7, 14, 17, 20, 34, 37, 40;
p. 44, 11. 3, 7 (Dr), 10, 16, 26, 29, 32,
41, 44; p. 45, 11. 2, 8, 21, 31, 37,40,
48; p. 46, 11. 3, 12, 17, 20,46; p. 47,
11. 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 24; p. 48, 11. 2,
14, 20, 23, 26; p. 49, 11. 1, 5, 12, 18,
24, 34, 41, 44, 47; p. 50, 11. 14, 20,
24, 32, 36 ; p. 51, 11. 5, 12, 15, 18, 34 ;
p. 52, 11. 9, 12, 15, 24, 28, 31 ; p. 53,
1. 8; p. 54, 11. 2, 5, 8, 10, 16, 19,22;
p. 55, 11. 13, 16, 20
— Newcombe, Mr Henry, master of
Hackney school, p. 93, 1. 2; p. 96,
1. 20; p. 127, 1. 26; p. 139, 11. 37
(Dr), 40 ; p. 155, 1. 6
Newlin, John, father of Eichard N.,
p. 8, 1. 28
— Eichard, 5 November, 1716
Newliug, Adam, father of Charles N.,
p. 112, 1. 44
*— Charles, June 16, 1744; p. 138,
1. 10 (Mr); p. 140,1. 33; p. 149, 1. 16
* — Mr, master of Shrewsbury school,
p. 150, 11. 33, 37; p. 153, 1. 41;
p. 156, 1. 8; p. 158, 1. 21; p. 161,
1. 27; p. 162, 1. 42; p. 165, 1. 3;
p. 166, 11. 1, 24; p. 171, 1. 22; p. 173,
Newman, John, father of John N.,
p. 130, 1. 30
Jan. 19, 17M
Newsholme, Mr, master of Fx-esswell
(Tr-) school, Notts, p. 24, 1. 7; p. 25,
1. 11
*Newton, Mr, p. 24, 1. 12; p. 37, 1. 17;
p. 49, 1. 15; p. 5H, 1. 25 (Dr)
— Humphrey, father of Isaac N.,
p. 109, 1. 26
— Isaac, June 25, 1743
— Stephen, father of Stephen N.,
p. 59, 1. 13
April 10, 1729
— Thomas, father of Thomas N.,
p. 140, 1. 37
June 13, 1753
Nichols, Nicol, Nicoll, Nicolls, Nicols,
Dr, Head-master of Westminster,
p. 74, 11. 6, 41; p. 75, 1. 44; p. 76,
I. 38 ; p. 78, 1. 39 ; p. 79, 1. 5 ; p. 80,
II. 40, 43; p. 83, 1. 9; p. 85, 1. 22;
p. 89, 1. 6 ; p. 90, 1. 33 ; p. 96, 1. 9 ;
p. 100, 1. 25; p. 104, 1. 7; p. 107,
I. 21 ; p. 109, 1. 17 ; p. 114, 11. 18, 26 ;
p. 116, 1. 29; p. 119, 1. 20; p. 121,
II. 15, 22, 28; p. 122, 1. 14; p. 126,
I. 35; p. 127, 1. 19; p. 129, 1. 45;
p. 130, 1. 32; p. 134, 1. 7; p. 137,
II. 17, 46; p. 141, 11. 5, 28; p. 144,
1. 32
Nicholson, Mr, master of Heversham
school, Westmoreland, p. 101, 1. 9
— Mr, master of Sebergham school,
Cumberland, p. 135, 1. 10
— Edward, June 14, 1766; Nov. 6,
— Thomas, father of Edward N.,
p. 173, 1. 30
Nickins, Michael, father of Michael N.,
p. 17, 1. 13
* 17 March, 171f; p. 40, 1. 41
Nicklin, Joseph, April 28, 1767
Nield, Joseph, father of Eobert N.,
p. 109, 1. 39
— Eobert, June 29, 1743
Noble, Mr, master of Croglin school,
Cumberland, p. 119, 1. 13
— Mr, master of Scorton or Skorton
school, Yorkshire, p. 91, 11. 6, 10;
p. 97, 1. 25 ; p. 98, 1. 34 ; p. 100, 1. 17 ;
p. 108, 1. 14; p. 116, 1, 2; p. 121,
1. 34; p. 134, 1. 37; p. 138, 1. 3;
p. 139, 1. 34; p. 149, 1. 1; p. 151,
1. 8; p. 154, 1. 4; p. 170, 1. 41
— Henry Lovell, A.B., All Saints
(? All Souls) Coll., Oxford, July 2,
Noden, Ealph, father of Ealph N.,
p. 83, 1. 24
Noden, Ralph, May 24, 1736
Noel, Baptist, late Earl of Gains-
borough, father of Baptist N., E. of
Gainsborough, p. 39, 1. 34
Earl of Gainsborough, Feb. 26,
Norcross, Mr, master of Eivington
school, Lancashire, p. 81, 1. 12;
p. 101, 1. 33; p. 112, 1. 5
— John, March 16, 172*
father of John N., p. 121, 1. 30
AprQ 1, 1747
— Thomas, father of John N., p. 44,
1. 14
Norris, Samuel, A.B., Brasenose Coll.,
Oxford, July 2, 1742
North, John, father of Samuel N.,
p. 49, 1. 6
— Samuel, May 6, 1726
Northcrosse, Mr, master of Houghton
school, Lancashire, p. 38, 1. 37
Northon, John, father of John N.,
p. 134, 1. 32
May 29, 1751 ; Nov. 6, 1751
Northumberland, Hugh, Earl of, father
of Hugh Percy, Lord Warkworth,
p. 157, 1. 7
Norton, Fletcher, June 1, 1734
father of William N., p. 156,
— Thomas, father of Fletcher N.,
p. 76, 1. 23
— William, July 21, 1759
Nottingham, Earl of, p. 3, 1. 19
*Nourse, Major, Oct. 20, 1722
— Peter, Deputy Dean of Peter-
house, Cambridge, p. 116, 1. 9
D.D., father of Major and
Peter N., p. 35, 1. 31; p. 58, 1. 33
Feb. 5, 172|
Oakley, Mr, master of Kirk Leadam
school, p. 61, 1. 6
Oborne, Henry, father of Henry 0.,
p. 58, 1. 4
Sept. 11, 1728
Oddie, Christopher, father of William
0., p. 150, 1. 8
— Thomas, June 26, 1724
— William, father of Thomas 0.,
p. 42, 1. 9
Oct. 19, 1756
*Ogden, Samuel, August 25, 1736;
p. 84, 11. 35, 37; p. 85, 1. 8; p. 112,
1. 9 (Mr); p. 115, 1. 13; p. 119, 1. 6;
p. 121, 1. 3; p. 122, 1. 18; p. 129,
1. 24 ; p. 138, 1. 45 ; p. 141, 1. 25 (Dr) ;
p. 145, 1. 35; p. 152, 1. 30; p. 162,
1. 30; p. 165, 11. 6, 10; p. 177,1.4
— Thomas, father of Samuel O.,
p. 83, 1. 31
Ogle, Henry, father of Nathaniel 0.,
p. 73, 1. 17
Ogle, Nathaniel, June 27, 1733
Okeley, Francis, father of Francis 0.,
p. 84, 1. 7
June 26, 1736
*01dham, Mr, p. 31, 1. 44
Oliver, Mr, master of Preston school,
Lancashire, p. 95, 1. 1
— Daniel, father of Daniel 0., p. 52,
1. 13
April 15, 1727
— George, June 10, 1725
— Henry, father of John 0., p. 66,
1. 20
— John, April 27, 1731
— Walram, father of George 0.,
p. 46, 1. 21
Omer, Jacob, Nov. 6, 1736; Feb. 2, 173|
— Peter, father of Jacob 0., p. 85,
]. 24
Orme, Thomas, June 11, 1763
father of Thomas 0., p. 165,
1. 18
Osborne, George, father of Marcellus
0., p. 88, 1. 8
— Marcellus, July 30, 1737
Otteley, William, May 31, 1760
Overend, George, father of George 0.,
p. 47, 1. 3
July 2, 1725
Owen, Humphrey, Principal of Jesus
Coll., Oxford, p. 165, 1. 37
— Mr, master of Beaumaris school,
p. 55, 1. 23 ; p. 59, 1. 29
— Dr, master of Kimbolton school,
Hunts, p. 98, 1. 24; p. 113, 1. 42;
p. 135, 1. 20
— Mr, Master of Shrewsbury school,
p. 41, 1. 42; p. 42, 11. 16, 19
Paddon, George, Oct. 26, 1726
father of Thomas P., p. 160,
1. 11
■ father of George P., p. 163,1.33
Feb. 16, 1763
— Thomas, May 27, 1761
— William, father of George P., p.
51, 1. 10
Pagan, Mr, master of a private school
at Norwich, p. 119, 1. 18
*Palmer, Mr, p. 4, 1. 37; p. 23, 1. 44;
p. 34, 1. 37
— Charles, father of Charles P., p.
40, 1. 32
April 14, 1724
— Eichard, June 30, 1760
— Thomas, father of Eichard P., p.
158, 1. 33
Panther, Parnther, Mr, master of Wath
school, Yorkshire, p. 100, 1. 21; p.
109, 1. 33
Panton, Hugh, Feb. 9, 1758
Parde, Thomas, Fellow of Jesus Col-
lege, Oxford, p. 20, 1. 18
Pardo, Thomas, Principal of Jesus
Coll., Oxford, p. 164,1.10
— William, B.D., Fellow of Jesus
Coll., Oxford, p. 34, 1. 4
Pardoe, Thomas, B.A., Oxford, July
4, 1737
Park, Parke, Mr, master of Clitharo
(-eroe) school, Lancashire, p. 77, 1.
42; p. 82, 1. 30; p. 89, 1. 10; p. 108,
1. 24
*— Mr, p. 6, 1. 35; p. 8, 1. 30; p. 10,
1. 45; p. 11, 11. 30, 31; p. 15, 1. 15;
p. 18, n. 25, 29; p. 22, 1. 30
Parker, Bannister, father of Eobert P.,
p. 120, 1. 39
— Edward, May 19, 1748
— John, father of Edward P., p. 125,
May 29, 1754
— Eobert, Dec. 1, 1746
— William, father of John P., p.
142, 1. 47
Parkinson, Barton, June 29, 1731; p.
67, 1. 85
*Parnham, Dominus, p. 12, 1. 15; p.
19, 1. 39 (Mr)
Parr, Mr, master of Hawstead school,
Norfolk, p. 149, 1. 16
Parrot, Andrew, April 13, 1730
— Thomas, father of Andrew P., p.
62, 1. 20
Parry, Mr, master of Shrewsbury
school, p. 113, 1. 2; p. 131, 1. 2; p.
136, 1. 2
— Henry, father of Humfrey P., p.
49, 1. 32
father of Henry P., p. 67, 1. 16
June 12, 1731
*— Humfrey, June 2, 1726
— John, April 5, 1742
— Love, father of John P., p. 105, 1. 6
— Eolland, father of Thomas P., p.
22, 1. 7
— Thomas, March 8, 17*§
Parsell, Mr, master of Merchant
Tailors' School, p. 6, 1. 33 ; p. 10, 1.
31; p. 17,1. 7; p. 19, 1. 17; p. 30,
Parsons, Edward, father of James P.,
p. 173, 1. 23
— James, June 10, 1766
Pasham, James, June 11, 1723
— John, father of James P., p. 37, 1.
Pate, Mr, master of Norwich school,
p. 8, 1. 22
Pateman, William, father of William
P., p. 95, 1. 11
June 27, 1739
Patrick, Mr, master of Oswestry school,
Salop, p. 49, 1. 33
— John, father of Thomas P., p. 23,
1. 42
Patrick, Thomas, June 7, 1720
Pawsey, James, father of James P.,
p. 85, 1. 32
March 4, 173f
Pawson, Mr, master of Heptonstall
school, Yorkshire, p. 161, 1. 22
Peacock, Mr, master of Burneston
school, Yorkshire, p. 66, 1. 8
— Aungier, June 16, 1756
— George, father of Aungier P., p.
149, 1. 18
— Samuel, father of William P., p.
139, 1. 33
— William, Feb. 22, 1753
Peake, Eichard, B.A., Queen's Coll.,
Oxford, June 25, 1718; p. 15, 11. 38,
* — Domimis, p. 5, 1. 22; p. 8, 1. 14;
p. 9, 1. 23 (Mr) ; p. 15, 1. 14 ; p. 18,
1. 25; p. 21, 1. 38; p. 23, 1. 47
— James, May 25, 1763
— Jonathan, May 11, 1730
father of James P., p. 165, 1. 8
— Peter, father of Jonathan P., p.
62, 1. 39
Pearce, William, father of William P.,
p. 164, 1. 37
* May 7, 1763
Pearse, Henry, father of Offspring P. ,
p. 126, 1. 19
— Offspring, June 29, 1748
— Thomas, father of Thomas P., p.
49, 1. 13
May 17, 1726
*Pearson, Mr, p. 2, 1. 45 ; p. 3, 1. 48
— John, June 30, 1766
— Samuel, July 5, 1765
Peck, Francis, father of Francis P., p.
88, 1. 20
Oct. 27, 1737
Pedley, James, July 15, 1767
Pegge, Christopher, father of Samuel
P., p. 32, 1. 42
*— Samuel, May 30, 1722
father of Samuel P., p. 133, 1.
March 14, 175^
Peke, Edward, April 17, 1719
— Thomas, father of Edward P., p.
18, 1. 6
Penfold, James, June 2, 1753
— John, father of James P. , p. 140,
1. 31
Penington, Joseph, father of Lowther
P., p. 61, 1. 33
— Lowther, Oct. 11, 1729
Penn, Alexander, April — , 1729
— John, father of John P., p. 44, 1.
April 16, 1725; Jan. 13, 173f
father of Alexander P., p. 59,
1. 10
Penn, Eichard, father of Eichard P.,
p. 139, 1. 12
Oct. 13, 1752
*Pennington, Isaac, August 13, 1762
— Paul, father of Isaac P., p. 163, 1.
Pennoyre, Thomas, father of Thomas
P., p. 2, 1. 18
October 17, 1715
Penwarne, Mr, tutor in the family of
W. Potton, p. 105, 1. 37
Pepper, Cuthbert, father of Prescot P. ,
p. 62, 1. 11
— Prescot, March 17, 17H
Percy, Hugh, Lord Warkworth, Jan.
11, 1760
Perfect, Caleb, July 2, 1731; p. 67, 1.
Perne, Chester, 24 June 1717, 20
January 172f
— John, father of Chester and John
P., p. 11, 1. 3; p. 41, 1. 13
May 18, 1724
*Perkins, Mr, p. 1, 1. 3
Perronett, Edward, July 8, 1741
— Vincent, father of Edward P., p.
103, 1. 14
Perrot, Andrew, June 12, 1731; Jan.
25, 1731^
— Charles, father of Andrew P., p.
67, 1. 19
Petty, Eustace, father of James P., p.
135, 1. 19
— James, June 24, 1751
Peyton, Henry, March 23, 172|
— Mr Thomas, July 6, 1719
— Sewster, Bart., Father of Henry
and Thomas P., p. 20, 1. 44; p. 40,
1. 23
Philips, Phillips, Dr, Head-master of
Shrewsbury school, p. 55, 1. 44 ; p.
56, 1. 14; p. 57, 1. 21; p. 64, 1. 34;
p. 70, 11. 10, 14; p. 74, 1. 28; p. 75,
1. 25; p. 31, 1. 9
— Isaac, father of Eichard P., p. 42,
1. 18
— John, May 31, 1718
— Owen, A.B., Balliol Coll., Oxford,
June 27, 1755
— Pepys, father of John P., p. 15,
1. 1
— Eichard, June 29, 1724
— William, clerk, private tutor at
Worcester, p. 80, 1. 19
Phillcox, John, June 18, 1737; p. 87,
1. 10. {Ob. Dec. 25, 1738.)
— Thomas, father of John P., p. 87,
Phillips, John, June 24, 1728
— Eobert. D.D., father of John P.,
p. 57, 1. 20
Pidding, John, father of John P., p. 6,
1. 43
Pidding, John, July 4, 1716; p. 7, 1. 2
Pierce, Mr, master of Lewis (-es)
school, Sussex, p. 5, 1. 41; p. 21,
1. 6
Pierpoint, Mr, master of Eivington
school, Lancashire, p. 39, 1. 45
Pigge, Mr, master of Lynn school, p.
120, 1. 25
Pigott, Robert, father of Thomas P.,
p. 17, 1. 40
— Thomas, April 9, 1719
Pilborough, John, father of John P.,
p. 159, 1. 19
— — Dec. 15, 1760
Pilgrim, John, father of John P., p.
129, 1. 14
1 June 7, 1749
Pilver, Mr, master of Crewkern(e)
school, Somerset, p. 31, 1. 1
Pinckney, Francis, June 29, 1730
— Thomas, father of Francis P., p.
63, 1. 46
Pindar, Charles, father of Charles P.,
p. 104, 1. 19
Nov. 11, 1741
— John, March 6, 172f
— Richard, father of John P., p. 26,
1. 39
Pinnell, Richard, father of Richard P.,
p. 90, 1. 12
May 6, 1738
Pitman, Dr, master of a school at
Market Street, Herts, Beds, and
Bucks, p. 112, 1. 35; p. 136, 1. 38;
p. 137, 1. 11; p. 142, 1. 13
Pinsent, John, father of John P. , p. 27,
1. 16
— — March 22, 172^
Pitt, Ridgway, Earl of Londonderry,
Sept. 25, 1740
Place, Conyers, father of Henry P.,
p. 162, 1. 4
— Henry, Jan. 25, 1762
Piatt, Joshua, April 14, 1740
— Williamson, father of Joshua P.,
p. 96, 1. 23
Plucknett, Charles, father of William
P., p. 146, 1. 46
* — William, June 16, 1755
Plummer, Mr, master of Skipton school,
p. 158, 1. 10
Pocklington, Christopher, father of
Christopher P., p. 144, 1. 11
July 5, 1754; Sept. 29, 1756
Polhill, Robert, father of Robert P.,
p. 67, 1. 26
June 26, 1731
Pomfret, Benjamin, father of Robert
P., p. 117, 1. 17
— Robert, Nov. 4, 1745
Poole, Cudworth, April 26, 1734
Poole, Edward, father of Cudworth and
Edward P., p. 75, 11. 27, 31
April 26, 1734
Portmore, Charles, Earl of, father of
Hon. William Charles Colyear, Vis-
count Milsington, p. 168, 1. 37
Potter, Mr, master of Sherbourne
school, Yorkshire, p. 4, 11. 17, 21
— Charles, father of Charles P., p.
115, 1. 30
June 7, 1745
— Daniel, June 19, 1750
— Henry, father of Thomas P., p. 37,
1. 3
— John, March 16, 173|
father of Daniel P., p. 132,
— Robert, father of John P., p. 75,
I. 12
father of Robert P., p. 170,
March 22, 1765
— Thomas, April 22, 1723
— William, father of William P., p.
168, 1. 45
July 1, 1764
Potts, Thomas, May 12, 1758
father of Thomas P., p. 153,
Powel, Charles, Sept. 19, 1739
— Francis, father of Charles P., p.
95, 1. 24
— Watson, father of Walpole Clinch
Powell, p. 113, 1. 40
— William, father of William P., p.
36, 1. 4
Jan. 14, 172|
Powell, Mr, master of Oakham school,
p. 141, 1. 17; p. 153, 1. 2
— Francis, father of William Samuel
Powell, p. 77, 1. 48
2*— William Samuel, July 4, 1734
p. Ill, 1. 36 (Mr) ; p. 112, 1. 1 ; p
114, 11. 23, 37; p. 115, 11. 1, 5, 13
20, 25, 28, 48; p. 116, 11. 3, 30
p. 117, 11. 10, 15, 28, 31, 38, 41, 44
p. 118, 11. 2, 5, 9, 13, 20, 32, 36, 40
p. 119, 11. 6, 20, 28, 44, 48 ; p. 120
II. 4, 8, 12. 15, 19, 31. 41; p. 121
11. 4, 11, 25, 39, 42; p. 122, U. 11
18, 35, 38, 43; p. 123, 11. 20, 27, 38
40; p. 124, 11. 13, 16, 20, 24, 31, 34
p. 125, 11. 2, 6, 8, 11, 19, 22, 32, 37
40, 44 ; p. 126, 11. 10, 14, 21, 33, 40
p. 127, 11. 20, 23, 30, 44; p. 128
11. 2, 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 25, 29, 32, 34
37, 44; p. 129, 11. 6, 13, 16, 24, 31
35, 39 ; p. 130, 11. 2, 14, 18, 23, 26
29, 38; p. 131, 11. 7, 10, 13, 17, 20
24, 33, 38, 41, 45 ; p. 132, U. 3, 10
14, 18, 23, 26, 29, 35, 39; p. 133
1 Chancellor's Medallist, 1753. Ob. .July 12, 1753. See History of St John's, p. 1089, 1. 9.
2 Master of St John's, .Jan. 25, 17ti5. See this Register, p. 169, 1. 33, and Hist, of St John's, p. 1042.
11. 11, 15, 18, 32 ; p. 134, II. 1, 5, 8,
12, 18, 24, 27, 30, 38, 44; p. 135,
11, 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 22, 24, 37 ; p. 136,
11. 11, 16, 19, 27 ; p. 137, 11. 15, 21,
25, 37, 39; p. 138, 11. 4, 14, 32, 36,
45 ; p. 139, 11. 6, 10, 14, 35 ; p. 140,
11. 7, 10, 14, 18, 36, 40, 43, 47 ; p.
141, 11. 3, 14, 26, 29; p. 142. 11. 7,
10, 18, 26, 32, 39 ; p. 143, 11. 7, 10,
16, 20, 27, 34; p. 144, 11. 10, 19, 25;
p. 145, 11. 7, 17, 21, 24, 36, 39 ; p.
146, 11. 11, 27, 31, 38, 42, 45 ; p. 147,
11, 4, 7, 15, 19, 23, 27; p. 148, 11. 9,
16, 31, 40, 44, 47; p. 149, 11. 3, 6, 21,
29, 33, 36, 39; p. 150, 11. 10 (Dr),
19, 22, 28, 32 ; p. 151, 11. 2, 5, 10,
37, 40, 42, 44 ; p. 152, 11. 6 (Mr), 16,
20, 23, 27, 31 ; p. 153, 11. 21, 24, 27,
30, 38, 39 ; p. 154, 11. 5, 10, 13, 22,
27, 30, 38, 41, 45; p. 155, 11. 4, 8,
12, 27, 44, 48 ; p. 156, 11. 3, 6, 13,
16, 19, 33, 36, 40 ; p. 157, 11. 9, 13,
24, 30, 37, 46 ; p. 158, 11. 11, 15, 29,
32, 38; p. 159, IL 1, 4, 7, 10, 21,
Powell, Charles, March 23, 17^
— George, father of George P., p. 56,
1. 1
Feb. 17, 172|
— Henry, father of Thomas P., p. 8,
1. 1
father of Charles P., p. 22,
1. 11
— Joseph, Feb. 11, 172^
— Koger, father of Joseph P., p. 26,
1. 24
— Thomas, Sept. 21, 1716
— Walpole Clinch, July 5, 1744
Power, Mr, master of Killarney school,
CO. Kerry, Ireland, p. 117, 1. 1
Powerscourt, Eichard, Viscount, father
of Hons. Edward and John Wing-
field, p. 127, 11. 1, 5
Powley, John, May 28, 1740
— Eobert, father of John P., p. 97,
1. 5
Prat, George, father of John P., p.
123, 1. 18
— John, Oct. 9, 1747
Pratt, John, March 20, 174f ; May 25,
— Simon, father of John P., p. 118,
1. 11
President of St John's, p. 5, 1. 36 ;
p. 26, 1. 4
Prettyman, Nunn, father of Nunn P.,
p. 57, 1. 17
June 21, 1728
Price, Howell, father of Howell P., p.
169, 1. 26
Oct. 27, 1764
Price, Hugh, father of Hugh P., p. 173,
1. 4
May 13, 1766
*— Mansfield, April 12, 1728
— Morgan, June 20, 1744 ; June 30,
— Morris, father of Mansfield P., p.
56, 1. 13
— Richard, father of Richard P., p.
25, 1. 39
Nov. 3, 1720
B.A., Oxford, July 4, 1737
— Thomas, Fellow of Jesus Coll.,
Oxford, p. 20, 1. 18
— Vincent, father of Vincent P., p.
47, 1. 12
July 5, 1725
— William, A.B., St Mary's Hall,
Oxford, June 30, 1720
father of Morgan P., p. 113,
Prichard, Evan, father of William
Evans, p. 175, 1. 8
*Prime, Arthur, Dec. 1, 1726; p. 80,
1. 10 (Mr) ; p. 91, 11. 30, 32 ; p. 143,
1. 30 (Dr); p. 145, 1. 31; p. 160,
1. 12 ; p. 162, 1. 36
*— Samuel, June 10, 1718
— Sir Samuel, Kt, father of Samuel
P., p. 172, 1. 30
— Samuel, March 16, 1766
— Thomas, father of Samuel P., p.
15, 1. 5
father of Ai-thur P., p. 51, 1, 19
Prince, William, father of William P.,
p. 26, 1. 16
Feb. 6, 172fi
Prinsep, Mr, master of Tamworth
school, p. 105, 1. 33
*iPrior, Mr, p. 8, 1. 41 ; p. 26, 1. 29
Pritchett, Charles Pigott, March 8,
• — Delabere, father of Charles Pigott
and Richard P., p. 155, 1. 28; p. 157,
*— Richard, May 31, 1759
Procter, George, May 14, 1716
— Robert, father of George P., p. 4,
1. 24
— Thomas, father of William P., p.
158, 1. 9
— Wiiliam, June 9, 1760
Prothero, Mr, master of Langathen
school, Carmarthenshire, p. 86, 1.
Prowse, Charles, father of John P.,
p. 110, 1. 24
— John, Nov. 23, 1743
Prudom, John, father of John P., p.
39, 1. 1
Oct. 4, 1723; p. 41, 1. 18
I This is Mat. Prior.
Prydhan, Mr, master of Burton on
Trent school, p. 18, 1. 1
Prythyrch, Mr, master of Wem school,
Salop, p. 147, 1. 36
Pugh, WiUiam, father of William P.,
p. 14, 1. 27
May 21, 1718
Pulford, Alexander, father of Thomas
P., p. 6, 1. 22
— Thomas, June 27, 1716
Pullein, Samuel, father of Samuel P.,
p. 23, 1. 5
May 13, 1720
Pulleyn, Charles, father of Charles P.,
p. 45, 1. 32
May 12, 1725
Purnell, Mr, master of Manchester
school, p. 139, 1. 27 ; p. 140, 1. 13 ;
p. 145, 1. 34 ; p. 149, 1. 41 ; p. 151,
1. 21; p. 152, 1. 30; p. 158, 1. 13;
p. 159, 1. 45 ; p. 165, 11. 5, 9
Pve, Thomas, father of William P.,
"p. 69, 1. 41
— William, May 7, 1732
Pym, William, father of William P.,
p. 175, 1. 39
April 30, 1767
Quellyn, Hugh, father of William Q.,
p. 10, 1. 33
— William, June 6, 1717
Eadcliff, John, father of William E.,
p. 11, 1. 21
— William, June 26, 1717
Eadcliffe, Edward, Tutor and Dean of
B. N. C, Oxford, p. 15, 1. 32
Eadford, Samuel, father of Thomas E.,
p. 171, 1. 29
*— Thomas, July 15, 1765
*Kaikes, Eichard, Oct. 11, 1762
— Eobert, father of Eichard E., p.
163, 1. 24
Eaincock, John, father of William E.,
p. 138, 1. 12
— William, June 16, 1752
Eake, John, Oct. 15, 1724
— Samuel, father of John E., p. 43,
1. 15
Eakes, John, June 28, 1721
— William, father of John E., p. 28,
1. 24
Eamesden, Mr, master of Pennystone
school, Yorkshire, p. 45, 11. 2, 4
Eamsden, John, father of William E.,
p. 92, 1. 7
— William, July 3, 1738
Eamshaw, Eichard, July 4, 1754
Eandal, Eandall, Mr, master of Bury
St Edmunds school, Suffolk, p. 6,
1. 40 ; p. 7, 1. 28 ; p. 15, 1. 6
— Mr, master of Diss school, Norfolk,
p. 61, 1. 18
Eandal, Mr, master of Durham school,
p. 32, 1. 32
Eawlins, Thomas, father of Thomas E.,
p. 59, 1. 38
May 23, 1729
Eaworth, Eouth, Mr, master of West
Hallum(-am) school, Derbyshire, p.
64, 1. 6 ; p. 73, 1. 6
Eawstorne, James, July 7, 1737
— G. (William?), father of William
E., p. 71, 1. 25
*— William, Nov. 13, 1732 ; p. 71, 11. 29,
32 ; p. 82, 1. 30 {Domimts)
father of James E., p. 87,
1. 36
Eay, Benjamin, Oct. 10, 1721
— Joseph, father of Benjamin E., p.
30, 1. 34
Eaye, Mr, master of Monks-Soam
(Monk Soham) school, Suffolk, p. 57,
1. 18; p. 110, 1. 5
Eayner, Eeyner, Mr, master of Tiverton
school, Devonshire, p. 45, 1. 7 ; p. 49,
1.40; p. 51, 1. 12
Eead, Henry, father of Henry E., p. 88,
1. 5
— ^ July 29, 1737
Eeade, John, father of John E., p. 131,
1. 8
April 18, 1750
Eeddall, Mr, master of Uppingham
school, p. 34, 1. 37; p. 37, 1. 17; p.
38, 1. 29
— Dixon, Oct. 11, 1751
— Eichard, father of Dixon E., p.
136, 1. 13
Eedman, Mr, master of the King's
school, Cambridge, p. 35, 1. 1
Eeed, James, March 23, 174§
— John, father of James E., p. 108,
1. 13
Eeid, Anthony, father of Farington E.,
p. 47, 1. 9
* — Farington, July 3, 1725; p. 155,.
1. 20
— , Eeed, Mr, master of Stamford
school, p. 77, 1. 39 ; p. 82, 1. 5 ; p.
122, 1. 42 ; p. 134, 1. 34 ; p. 142, 1. 45
Eemington, Thomas, father of William
E., p. 74, 1. 20
— William, Nov. 2, 1733
Eeveley, George, father of Hugh E.,
p. 157, 1. 11
— Hugh, Jan. 12, 1760
Eeyner ; see Eayner
Eeynolds, Mr, master of Exeter school,
p. 6, 1. 6
*— Anthony, Oct. 23, 1750
— George, father of Eichard E., p.
106, 1. 47
father of Anthony, George, and
Laurence E., p. 133, 1. 9 ; p. 135,
1. 15 ; p. 146, 1. 43
Reynolds, George, June 14, 1755
— Laurence, June 24, 1751
— Eichard, father of Robert R., p. 46,
1. 24
July 6, 1742
father of Richard R., p. 107,
1. 4
July 9, 1742
— Robert, June 12, 1725
Riccard, John, father of John Peter E.,
p. 17, 1. 30
Peter, April 1, 1719
Rich, Edward Pickering, father of
Edward Temple R., p. 110, 1. 16
Temple, Nov. 3, 1743
— Thomas, Fellow of BalUol Coll.,
Oxford, p. 34, 1. 27
Richard, John, father of Thomas R.,
p. 63, 1. 6
*i— Thomas, May 18, 1730
Richards, George, May 2, 1763
father of George R., p. 164,
1. 33
— John, Nov. 2, 1716
— Richard, father of John R., p. 8,
1. 24
^Richardson, Mr, p. 6, 1. 13 ; p. 13,
1. 9 ; p. 17, 1. 12 ; p. 19, 1. 10 ; p. 40,
1. 37; p. 70, 1. 1
— Mr, master of Blackheath school,
Kent, p. 64, 1. 2
— Mr, master of Blencow school,
Cumberland, p. 102, 1. 12 ; p. 136,
1. 18
— Mr, master of Darlington school,
p. 24, 1. 40 ; p. 32, 1. 13 ; p. 34, 1.
— Mr, master of St Martin's Library,
i.e. Abp. Tenison's school, London,
p. 25, 1. 20
— Benjamin, Jan. 20, 171|
— James, father of Benjamin R., p.
13, 1. 4
— John, father of John R., p. 138,
1. 1
May 18, 1752
father of John R., p. 156, I.
July 18, 1759
— Peter, June 17, 1727
— Richard, father of Richard R., p. 2,
Oct. 28, 1715
father of William R., p. 59,
— Samuel, father of Peter R., p. 53,
— Thomas, father of Thomas R., p.
9, 1. 17
AprU 11, 1717
* July 1, 1737; p. 118, 1. 28
(Mr); p. 120, 1. 19; p. 123, 1. 37;
p.. 125, 1. 1; p. 126, 1. 14; p. 128,
1. 28
Richardson, William, May 24, 1729;
p. 60, 1. 1
— father of Thomas R., p. 87,
1. 25
Richmond, Richard, June 19, 1746
— Sylvester, father of Richard R.,
p. 120, 1. 1
— Thomas, A.B., Balliol Coll., Ox-
ford, June 29, 1722, p. 34, 11. 10, 15
Rickard ; see Richard, Thomas
Rickson, Joseph, father of William R.,
p. 81, 1. 29
— William, Oct. 28, 1735
Rider, Mr, master of Bury school,
Lancashire, p. 35, 1. 8
*Rigden, Ds, p. 2, 1. 30; p. 6, 1. 21
(Mr); p. 24, 1. 7; p. 32, 1. 28; p. 33,
1. 7 ; p. 36, 1. 3 ; p. 38, 1. 18 ; p. 42,
1. 34; p. 50,1.7; p. 54,1. 37; p. 55,
— Mr, master of Reigate school,
Surrey, p. 63, 1. 24
Riley, James, father of Joseph R., p.
97, 1. 1
— Joseph, May 23, 1740
Ripley, John, Oct. 19, 1728
— William, father of John R., p. 58,
1. 7
Ris, Abraham, father of James R., p.
69, 1. 29
— James, May 2, 1732
*Rishton, Henry (see this Register,
under Oct. 22, 1706), M.A., late
Fellow of St John's [B. A. 1710, M.A.
1714, Grad. Cant.], master of a
school in the parish of St James,
Barbadoes, p. 68, 1. 15
Ritson, Mr, master of Cockermouth
school, Cumberland, p. 105, 1. 1
Roberts, Eubule, father of Thomas R.,
p, 137, 1. 41
— Hugh, Oct. 24, 1715
— James, Jiily 3, 1758
— John, father of Hugh R., p. 2,
1. 25
father of James R., p. 153, 1. 25
A.B., Brasenose Coll., Oxford,
June 29, 1758
— Thomas, April 24, 1752
— — father of William R., p. 29,
1. 47
— William, July 3, 1721
— W. H., M.A., p. 176, 1. 15
— Mr, master of Walsingham school,
Norfolk, p. 55, 1. 30
Robertshire, Mr ; see Shaw, Mr Robert
Robins, Thomas, father of Thomas E.,
p. 73, 1. 37
1 Admitted Fellow as RicAard.
Robins, Thomas, July 3, 1733
Eobinson, Mr, Hebrew Professor in
the University of Edinburgh, p. 143,
1. 37
^B.ohinson, Dovibms Eobert, p. 13, 1. 25 ;
p. 26, 1. 41 (Mr) ; p. 27, 1. 46; p. 28,
1. 12 ; p. 33, 1. 10 ; p. 34, 1. 41 ; p. 36,
1. 15 (bis); p. 57, 1. 25; p. 59, 1. 15;
p. 60, 1. 35; p. 61, 1. 15; p. 63, 11.
24, 45; p. 64, 1. 28; p. 79, 1. 37;
p. 88, 1. 35; p. 122, 1. 42; p. 135,
I. 21; p. 144, 1. 7; p. 145, 11. 20,
39; p. 148, 1. 15; p. 155, 1. 11; p.
160, 1. 15; p. 162, 1. 22; p. 165, 1.
23; p. 167, 1. 6; p. 172,1. 16
— Mr, master of Cunistone (Co-)
school, p. 2, 1. 41; p. 18, 1. 44
— Mr, master of Pocklin(g)ton school,
Yorkshire, p. 114, 1. 9; p. 124, 1. 30;
p. 145, 1. 38
— Mr, master of Sheffield school,
p. 41, 1. 36; p. 44, 11. 28, 31; p. 52,
II. 11, 14, 17; p. 57, 1. 24; p. 59,
1. 14; p. 61, 1. 11; p. 67,11. 10, 13;
p. 78, 1. 38
— Mr, master of Staveley school,
Derbyshire, p. 100, 1. 2; p. 113, 1.
— Anthony, father of John E., p. 67,
1. 12
— Caleb, June 14, 1726
— Christopher, father of Solomon
E., p. 173, 1. 10
— Edward, father of John E., p. 11,
1. 25
March 20, 173^
June 20, 1738
— George, father of William E., p.
45, 1. 22
father of John E., p. 80, 1. 14
— Henry, father of Henry E., p. 17,
March 4, 171§
— James, father of Eobert E., p. 65,
1. 30
father of Edward E., p. 82,
— John, father of Thomas E., p. 3,
June 6, 1735
father of Edward E., p. 91,
1. 4
June 27, 1717
father of Thomas R., p. 34,
1. 39
— — father of John E., p. 48, 1. 21
March 21, 172§
June 10, 1731
June 28, 1734
father of John E., p. 110, 1. 20
Nov. 9, 1743
father of William E., p. 112,
1. 21
Eobinson, Josiah, father of John E.,
p. 77, 1. 33
— Matthew, father of Thomas E.,
p. 66, 1. 17
father of William E., p. 121,
1. 13
— Peter, Nov. 5, 1758
— Eichard, father of Caleb E., p. 49,
1. 35
*— Eobert, father of Peter E., p. 154,
1. 15
* March 29, 1731
— Solomon, May 15, 1766
— Stapylton, May 9, 1757
— Stephen, father of William E., p.
23 1 32
— Thomas, April 20, 1716
June 30, 1722
father of Stapylton E., p. 151,
1. 7
father of Thomas E., p. 53,
May 25, 1727
April 19, 1731
June 24, 1732
father of William E., p. 83>
1. 32
*— William, May 21, 1744; p. 141,
1. 2 (Mr)
Feb. 4, 174f
May 27, 1720
May 10, 1725
father of Thomas E., p. 70,
1. 42
June 4, 1736
father of William E., p. 146,
1. 8
May 8, 1755
father of William R., p. 174,
1. 1
July 1, 1766
Robotom, Thomas, father of Thomas
R., p. 37, 1. 23
May 20, 1723
Rocke, Richard, July 13, 1767
Rodd, Mr, master of Hereford school,.
p. 14, 1. 28; p. 28, 1. 8; p. 66, 1. 28
Roet ; see Rolt
Roe, James, June 26, 1729
— Thomas, father of James R., p.
60, 1. 45
Rogers, Mr, master of Finchampstead
school, Berks., p. 71, 1. 19
— Mr, master of Sutton school, Wilts,
p. 131, 1. 16
— John, July 8, 1727
— Robert, father of Robert R., p. 6,
1, 36
July 2, 1716
— Samuel, father of John R., p. 64,
1. 39
Rogerson, Mr, master of a school in
London, p. 16, 1. 12
Eolle, Dennis, father of Samuel E., p.
6,1. 5
— Samuel, June 21, 1716
Eolt, Eoet, Eolte, Mr, master of Lin-
coln school, p. 109, 1. 1 (Mr Eoet) ;
p. 112, 1. 39; p. 126, 1. 23; p. 135,
1. 16; p. 146, 1.44
*Eoper, Mr, p. 1, 1. 7; p. 3, 1. 28; p.
4,11. 18,31; p. 9, 1.42; p. 11,1. 19;
p. 25, 1. 37
— Bryan, father of Eobert E., p. 90,
1. 35
— Eobert, June 5, 1738
Eose, Mr, master of Kew school, Surrey,
p. 147, 1. 3
Eosenhagen, Arnold, father of Philip
E., p. 147, 1. 17
*— Philip, Oct. 20, 1755
Eoskell, Mr, master of Cartmel school,
Lancashire, p. 22, 11. 29, 33
Eoss, Charles, Jizne 29, 1754
— George, father of Charles E., p.
143, 1. 35
— John, father of William E., p. 42,
1. 3
— William, June 13, 1724
Eosse, John, father of John E., p. 86,
* April 18, 1737 ; p. 113, 1. 6
(Mr) ; p. 139, 11. 20, 24; p. 142, 1. 42
— Mr, master of Durham school, p.
27, 1. 35
Eotherham, Mr John, tutor in Barba-
does, p. 138, 1.16; p, 140, 1.24
Eothery, Joseph, father of William E.,
p. 90, 1. 22
— Eobert, father of William E., p.
28, 1. 28
— William, June 29, 1721
May 24, 1738
— Mr, master of Chelsea school, p.
144, 1. 13
Eothwell, James, father of Eichard
E., p. 101, 1. 32
— Eichard, May 23, 1741
Bound, John, July 2, 1751
— William, father of John E., p.
135, 1. 42
Eouse, Ezekiel, father of Ezekiel and
William E., p. 138, 1. 27 ; p. 147, 1.
Feb. 3, 1756
— Susannah, maiden name of the
mother of Francis De Crousar, p.
176, 1. 34
— William, June 23, 1752
Eouth, Mr; see Eaworth
— John, father of William E., p. 13,
1. 10
— William, March 27, 1718
Eowe, Eow, Antony, father of Thomas
E., p. 26, 1. 20
— Henry, Oct. 3, 1717
Eowe, John, June 26, 1754
— Lewis, father of Henry E., p. 12,
*— Thomas, Feb. 7, 172? ; p. 69,
— WiUiam, father of John E., p. 143,
1. 28
Eowley, William, father of William E.,
p. 94, 1. 12
May 30, 1739
*Eowse, Eouse, Mr, p. 10, 1. 42 ; p. 22,
1.21; p. 26, 11. 11, 18; p. 30, I. 18;
p. 49, 1. 44; p. 69, 1.35; p. 91, 1.48;
p. 103, 1. 6; p. 114,1.31
— Ezekiel, June 16, 1726
— John, father of Ezekiel and John
E., p. 49, 1. 42
June 16, 1726
— Ohver, April 28, 1725
— Samuel, father of Oliver E., p. 45,
1. 6
Eudd, Antony, bart., father of Antony
E., p. 41, 1. 22
May 21, 1724
— James, June 15, 1761
— Thomas, Dec. 20, 1751
Eugg, John, A.B., Balliol Coll. Oxford,
March 21, 1759
Eussel, Eussell, Mr, master of Maid-
stone school, p. 127, 1. 43 ; p. 161,
1. 14
— John, father of Joseph E., p. 58,
1. 1
father of John E. , p. 58, 1. 36
Feb. 6, 172|
father of John E., p. 123,
July 9, 1747
— Joseph, August 14, 1728
— Peter, Jan. 15, 175^
— Eichard, father of Peter E. , p. 133,
1. 34
*Eussell, Eussel, Mr, p. 17, 1. 23; p.
19, 11. 5, 31; p. 29, 1. 42; p. 33,1.
38 ; p. 38, 1. 1
— Hugh, father of Eichard E., p.
18; 1. 19
— John, father of Eobert E., p. 162,
I. 44
— Eichard, May 14, 1719
*— Eobert, June 30, 1762
Eutherford, Aaron, father of John E.,
p. 46, 1. 44
— John, June 30, 1725
— Thomas, father of Thomas E., p.
48, 1. 36
* April 6, 1726; p. 83, 1. 47 (Mr
Eutherforth) p. 90, 1. 5; p. 93, 1.
33 ; p. 100, 1. 44 ; p. 101, 11. 2, 5, 37,
41 ; p. 102, 11. 10, 13, 19, 23, 27, 33,
36, 43; p. 103, 11. 6, 19, 23, 26, 31 ;
p. 104, 11. 1, 8, 18, 38, 41; p. 105,
II. 9, 21, 24, 38; p. 106, 11. 6, 9, 26;
p. 107, 11. 10, 15, 25, 29; p. 108,
11. 12, 19, 22, 28; p. 109, 11. 2, 5,
15, 18, 31, 37; p. 110, 11. 8, 11, 18,
26; p. Ill, 11. 1, 12, 17, 28, 31, 38.
42; p. 112, 11. 29. 31, 36, 40, 43, 46;
p. 113, 11. 3, 6, 9, 23, 38; p. 114,
11. 3, 7, 10, 15, 19, 27, 31, 34; p.
115, 11. 9, 16, 33 (Dr), 37, 40, 44;
p. 116, 11. 14, 18, 21, 24, 27, 33, 38;
p. 117, 11. 2, 6, 20, 23, 36 ; p. 118,
11. 17, 23, 42, 46 ; p. 119, 11. 3, 10, 14,
17, 31, 36, 39; p. 120, 11. 24, 27, 34,
37 ; p. 121, 11. 7, 15, 19, 23, 29 ; p.
122, 11. 4, 8, 15, 22, 27, 31, 46; p.
123, 11. 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 23, 30, 33;
p. 124, 11. 3. 27, 37, 41; p. 125, 11.
15, 25, 28, 48; p. 126, 11. 3, 7, 18,
24, 27, 36; p. 127, 11. 3, 7, 11, 15,
27, 34, 37, 40; p. 128, 11. 21, 41; p.
129, 11. 3, 9, 20, 27, 42, 46 ; p. 130,
II. 5, 9, 32, 35; p. 131, 11. 3, 27, 30;
p. 132, 11. 6, 20, 43 ; p. 133, 11. 3, 7,
20, 24, 28, 36, 40; p. 134, 11. 21, 35,
41 ; p. 135, 11. 28, 33, 41, 44, 48 ; p.
136, 11. 3, 6, 23
Butter, Henry, father of Martin K.,
p. 1, 1. 15
— Martin, August 6, 1715
Button, Mr, master of Sandwich
school, p. 82, I. 26
Eycroff, Henry, father of Henry B., p.
18, 1. 43
May 25, 1719
Eyley, James, father of John B., p.
124, 1. 18
— John, father of John B., p. 93,
1. 18
March 19, 173f
March 17, 174|
Bymer, Mr, master of Durham school,
p. 23, 1. 40; p. 56, 1. 20; p. 57, 1. 37
' S. ', p. 54, 1. 23
Saffery, Henry, father of Thomas S.,
p. 8, 1. 20
— Thomas, Oct. 30, 1716
Sagge, Thomas, father of Thomas S.,
p. 5, 1. 31
June 18, 1716
St John, Pawlet, father of Pavvlet St
J., p. 65, 1. 17
* Jan. 14, 173f
Sale, William, father of William S.,
p. 134, 1. 3
either 14th or 15th of March,
Salisbury, William, father of William
S., p. 30, 1. 19
* Sept. 8, 1721; p. 114, 1. 2
(Mr); p. 126,1. 6
Salkeld, Mr, master of Newcastle on
Tyne school, p. 63, 1. 23 ; p. 66, 1.
5; p. 69, 1, 27
Salkeld, Mr, master of Wigton school,
Cumberland, p. 19, 1. 9
Salt, James, father of William S., p.
69, 1. 3
father of Tliomas S., p. 94,
— Thomas, June 5, 1739
— William, Jan. 15, 173^
Salter, Mr, master of Carleton Curlew
school, Leicestershire, p. 10, 1. 4 ;
p. 22, 1. 17
Salvin, Antony, father of Antony S.,
p. 78, I. 4
July 4, 1734
Samber, James Stirling, May 18, 1739;
March 17, 174f
— Samuel Legg, father of James
Stirling S., p. 94, 1. 9
Sampson, Joshua, father of Joshua S.,
p. 64, 1. 26
July 4, 1730
Sanderson, Francis, father of William
S., p. 7, 1. 30
— William, Sept. 20, 1716
Saudford, Daniel, father of Daniel S.,
p. 37, 1. 19
May 18, 1723
— John, father of John S., p. 25,
1. 29
Oct. 24, 1720
— Samuel, father of Samuel S., p.
69, 1. 22
March 3, 173^
Sandiford, Charles, Nov. 15, 1718
— Thomas, father of Charles S., p.
17, 1, 5
Sandland, Thomas, father of Thomas
S., p. 119, 1. 29
June 7, 1746
Sanford, John, fellow of Balliol Coll.,
Oxford, p. 34, 1. 26
Sargent, George Arnold, Feb. 6, 1766
— John, father of George Arnold S.,
p. 172, 1. 18
— — father of John S., p. 176,
1. 13
June 5, 1767
Sarraude, John, A.B., Oriel Coll.,
Oxford, Dec. 12, 1754
Saunders, Mr, master of Burton school,
Notts., p. 66, 1. 2
— Mr, master of Sedbergh school,
Yorkshire, p. 1, 1. 16 ; p. 4, 11. 3, 10,
29, 40; p. 6, 1. 17; p. 9, 11. 6, 15,
30, 41; p. 11, 1. 42; p. 13, 11. 24,
37; p. 14, 1. 1; p. 19, 1. 5; p. 23,
1. 7; p. 24, 1. 20; p. 26, 11. 3, 28;
p. 29, 1. 41; p. 31, 11. 40, 43; p. 32,
I. 22; p. 33, 1. 9; p. 34, 1. 33; p.
37, 1. 37 (Dr S.) ; p. 38, 11. 11, 14;
p. 40, 1. 20; p. 41, 1. 46; p. 42, 1.
10; p. 44, 1. 15; p. 48, \. 25; p. 49,
II. 11, 17; p. 50, 11. 14, 24; p. 51,
1. 40; p. 54, 11. 4, 18; p. 56, 1. 11
p. 58, 1. 16; p. 60, 1. 35; p. 61, 11
8, 15; p. 62, 1. 18; p. 63, 11. 20, 29
p. 65, 11. 1, 31; p. 66, 11. 31, 42
p. 67, 1. 30; p. 70, 1. 47; p. 71
1. 26; p. 74, 1. 25; p. 79. 11. 22,25
p. 83, 1. 35; p. 84, 11. 13, 17; p. 91
1.34; p. 94, 1. 18; p. 97, 11. 7, 22
p. 102, 11. 19, 23, 35 (Dr Sanders)
p. 105, 1. 23; p. 106, 11. 5, 18, 30, 33
Saunders, Mr, master of Chesterfield
school, p. 141, 1.2; p. 143, 1. 33; p.
157, 1. 45 ; p. 160, 1. 4
— Mr, master of Sutton Coldfield
school, Warwickshire, p. 11, 1. 15
— John, father of Joseph S., p. 110,
1. 30
— Joseph, Nov. 26, 1743
Saunderson, William, June 30, 1759
Savage, Mr, master of Sutton Valence
school, Kent, p. 54, 1. 81 ; p. 73, 1.
— Mr, master of Uppingham school,
p. 16,1.26; p. 30, 1. 1; p. 37, 1. 17
— Thomas, Oct. 29, 1734
— William, father of Thomas S., p.
78, 1. 37
Savignee, James, father of James S.,
p. 62, 1. 4
Oct. 23, 1729
Sawkins, James, Oct. 12, 1751
— Joseph, father of James S., p. 136,
1. 21
Sayer, John, father of John S., p. 65 ;
1. 34
April 1, 1731
— Robert, father of Eobert John S.,
p. 168, 1. 15
— — John, June 23, 1764
— Mr, master of Windham (Wy-
mondham) school, Norfolk, p. 9, 1.
Scaife, Mr, master of Histon school,
Cambridgeshire, p. 8, 1. 3 ; p. 24,
1. 47
* Scales, Eichard, March 21, 174f ; p.
130. 11. 13 (Mr), 38; p. 137, 1. 21;
p. 139, 1. 6; p. 146, 1. 30 (bis); p.
176, 1. 9
— Eobert, father of Eichard S., p.
101, 1. 7
Scot, Scott, Benjamin, father of John
S., p. 36, 1. 8
— John, Feb. 12, 172|
Feb. 25, 172f
— Joshua, March 27, 172|
— Nathaniel, June 25, 1751
— Eobert, father of Thomas S., p.
30, 1. 3
father of Nathaniel S., p. 135,
1. 26
— Thomas, father of Joshua S., p.
36, 1. 26
Scot, Thomas, July 3, 1721
— William, father of John S., p. 51,
1. 35
— Mr, master of Southampton
school, p. 98, 1. 21
Scurfield, George, June 25, 1759
— William, father of George S., p.
155, 1. 46
Searl, John, father of John S., p. 40,
1. 26
April 6, 1724
Seddon, John, father of Thomas S., p.
115, 1. 3
— Thomas, April 4, 1745
Sedgwick, Edward, father of Edward
S., p. 114, 1. 38
April 1, 1745
— Giles, father of Eichard S., p.
106, 1. 28
— Hunter, May 22, 1754
— Philip, father of Hunter S., p.
142, 1. 44
— Eichard, June 29, 1742
July 8, 1757 ; March 28, 1759
— Eobert, father of Eoger S., p. 105,
1. 16
— Eoger, Mky 5, 1742
— Mr, master of Leed(e)s school, p.
140, 1. 17
— Mr, master of Walkington school,
Beverley, p. 43, 1. 30
Seller, Thomas, father of William S.,
p. 52, 1. 7
— William, April 12, 1727
Selwin, William, father of William S.,
p. 62, 1. 29
April 28, 1730
Settell, Mr, master of Skipton school,
Yorkshire, p. 5, 1. 3
Seward, Benjamin, Nov. 2, 1721 ; Oct.
19, 1734
— John, father of Benjamin S., p. 31,
1. 6
father of Thomas S., p. 53,
1. 38
— Thomas, June 17, 1728
Sewell, Cuthbert, July 2, 1726
— Joseph, father of Cuthbert S., p.
50, 1. 22
Seymour, Christopher, June 20, 1754
— John, father of Christopher S., p.
143, 1. 17
Shakleford, G. (William?), father of
William S., p. 50, 1. 34
— William, July 4, 1726
Shan, John, father of John S., p. 116,
1. 15
June 27, 1745
father of Lawson S., p. 144,
1. 23
— Lawson, Nov. 5, 1754
Sharp, Martin, M.A., Christ's College,
p. 12, 1. 3
Sharpe, Mr, master of Hipperholm
school, Halifax, p. 37, 1. 10; p. 46,
1. 9
— Mr, tutor in the family of T. King,
Esq., p. 10, 1. 19
*Shaw, Mr, p. 22, 1. 34; p. 31, 1. 28;
p. 37, 1. 6
— Mr, master of Atherstone school,
Warwickshire, p. 113, 1. 27
— Mr Robert, master of Burnley
school, Lancashire, p. 10, 1. 15 ; p.
33, 1. 26 (Mr Robertshire)
— Mr, master of Tam worth school,
p. 19, 1. 1
— James, father of Thomas S., p. 77,
1. 41
— John, father of Timothy S., p. 87,
1. 17
father of Stebbing S., p. 143,
I. 44
— Samuel, B.A., Clare Hall, p. 33,
II. 12, 14
— Stebbing, July 1, 1754
— Thomas, July 1, 1734
— Timothy, June 27, 1737
Sheepshanks, James, father of James
S., p. 18, 1. 39
May 22, 1719
— Richard, father of William S., p.
161, 1. 33
*— William, Dec. 12, 1761
Shepherd, Antony, June 25, 1740
— Arthur, father of Antony S., p. 98,
1. 3
— Henry, father of Henry S., p. 155,
1. 38
* June 23, 1759
Sherson, Mr, master of Buntingford
school, Herts, p. 59, 1. 23; p. 81,
1. 22
Sherwood, James, father of James S.,
p. 64, 1. 13
July 1, 1730
Shields, James, March 14, 174f
— John, father of James S., p. 100,
1. 45
Shippen, Robert, Principal of Brasenose
College, Oxford, p. 51, 1. 9
Shrigley, William, A.B., Brasenose
Coll., Oxford, p. 102, 1. 45
Shuttleworth, Barton, March 28, 1741
— Ralph, father of Barton S., p. 101,
1. 11
Sidebottom, Samuel, June 25, 1718;
p. 15, 11. 21, 27
Simcock, John, father of John S., p.
10, 1. 25
May 25, 1717
*Simpson, Mr, p. 9, 1. 11; p. 59, 1.
— Mr, master of Sevenoaks school,
Kent, p. 58, 1. 2 ; p. 103, 1. 15
— David, June 19, 1765
Simpson, Ralph, father of David S.,
p. 170, 1. 39
Sismey, John, father of Thomas S.,
p. .38, 1. 23
— Thomas, July 1, 1723
Skelton, Mr, master of Brigg school,
Lincolnshire, p. 174, 1. 25
— George, father of George S., p. 72,
1. 38
June 5, 1733
Skiddy, Francis, father of Robert S.,
p. 132, 1. 37
— Robert, July 3, 1750
Skinner, John, father of John S., p.
100, 1. 11
*Skynner, John, Oct. 25, 1740 ; p. 146,
1. 23 (Mr)
Skyrme, John, father of William S.,
p. 89, 1. 4
— William, March 3, 173|
Slade, Mr, master of Dillon (Dilhorne)
school, Staffordshire, p. 131, 11. 19,
23; p. 143, 1. 25
— Mr, master of Market Bosworth
school, Leicestershire, p. 153, 1. 7
— WiUiam, A.B., Wadham Coll., Ox-
ford, .June 28, 1755
Sleech, Dr, p. 163, 1. 35
Smales, Matthew, father of Thomas S.,
p. 64, 1. 39
— Thomas, Oct. 24, 1730
Small wood, Mr, master of Marre school,
Staffordshire, p. 138, 1. 24
— John, June 28, 1728
— Thomas, father of Thomas S., p.
40, 1. 39
April 17, 1724
father of John S., p. 57, 1. 33
Smith, Dr, Head-master of Merchant
Taylors' school, London, p. 30, 1. 29 ;
p. 39, 1. 9 ; p. 50, 1. 36 ; p. 54, 1. 21 ;
p. 63, 1. 26
— Dr, Head-master of Westminster,
p. 169, 1. 38; p. 176, 1. 36
*_ Mr William, p. 27, 1. 39
— Mr, master of Blackburn school,
p. 45, 1. 16
— Mr, master of Boston school, p.
80, 1. 2
— Mr, master of Canterbury school,
p. 9, 1. 44; p. 10, 1. 1; p. 12, 1. 36;
p. 25, 1. 34 ; p. 33, 1. 29
— Mr, master of Huntingdon school ,
p. 172, 1. 11
— Mr, master of Ormesby school,
Lincolnshire, p. 163, 1. 28
— Mr John, master of Sheffield
school, p. 165, 1. 13; p. 177, 1. 8
— Mr, master of Tiverton school, p.
99, 1. 41
— Caleb, June 6, 1719
— Edward, father of Sawyer S., p.
91, 1. 23
Smith, Eyre Foster, June 5, 1731
— Francis, March 24, 172^
— George, June 26, 1716
May 23, 1724
father of John S., p. 127, 1.
April 5, 1756
— James, father of Lawrence S., p.
91, 1. 16
— John, father of George S., p. 6,
1. 15
father of William S., p. 27, 1.
father of Joseph S., p. 35,
1. 15
father of John S., p. 39, 1. 38
Feb. 26, 172| ; p. 39, 1. 41
father of John S., p. 61, 1. 17
July 1, 1729
father of John S., p. 70, 1. 16
May 30, 1732
father of John S., p. 98, 1. 39
July 1, 1740
June 28, 1739
Nov. 1, 1748
father of George S., p. 148,
1. 21
father of William S., p. 172,
1. 10
— Joseph, Sept. 22, 1722
— Joshua,father of JoshuaS.,p. 113,
1. 15
June 28, 1744
— Kenelm, father of John S., p. 95,
1. 16
— Lawrence, June 23, 1738
— Michael, Deputy Praelector of
Peterhouse, Cambridge, p. 116, 1.
— Philip Foster, father of Eyre
Foster S., p. 67, 1. 3
— Eobert, father of Kobert S., p. 11,
1. 17
June 26, 1717
father of Robert S., p. 34, 1.
June 29, 1722
father of Eobert S., p. 91, 1. 12
June 22, 1738
— Sawyer, June 28, 1738
— Thomas, father of Francis S., p.
27, 1. 19
April 2, 1752
— William, father of Caleb S., p. 19,
1. 11
March 27, 1721
father of George S., p. 41, 1.
father of William S., p. 113,
July 2, 1744
father of William S., p. 123,
1. 21
Smith, William, Oct. 23, 1747
Jan. 17, 1766
Smyth, Smith, Mr, master of Hudders-
field school, p. 36, 1. 33; p. 63, 1. 17
(Mr Smith)
— George, father of Ozias S., p. 156,
1. 20
— Henry, father of Henry S., p. 71,
Oct. 28, 1732
James, father of James S., p.
164, 1. 24
April 26, 1763
— Ozias, June 30, 1759
Smythe, Henry, father of Sidney Staf-
ford S., p. 29, 1. 35
— Sidney Stafford, July 1, 1721
Smythies, Smithies, Eev. Mr, master
of Colchester school, p. 50, 1. 45 ;
p. 77, 1. 46; p. 78, 1. 2; p. 90, 1. 9;
p. 95, 1. 25; p. 98, 1. 43; p. Ill,
1. 35; p. 143, 11. 6,9; p. 170, 1.29;
p. 175,1. 35; p. 176, 1. 4
— Mr, master of Lavenham school,
Suffolk, p. 104, 1. 33 ; p. 122, 1. 34
— William, father of Yorick S., p.
143, 1. 8
— Yorick, June 11, 1754
Snaith, John, father of John S., p. 140,
May 7, 1753
Snape, Dr, Head-master of Eton, p. 3,
I. 5; p. 5, 1. 25; p. 8, 1. 10; p. 16,
II. 19, 29 ; p. 17, 1. 42 ; p. 18, 1. 31 ;
p. 20, 1. 24 ; p. 23, 1. 21 ; p. 30, 1. 32
Sneade, Samuel, May 23, 1763
Sneyd, Bowyer, December 9, 1719
— Ealph, father of Bowyer S., p. 21,
Soan, Mr, master of the King's school,
Eochester, p. 125, 1. 31 ; p. 129, 1. 15 ;
p. 134, 1. 11
Soane, Mr, master of Corhampton
school, Hants, p. 20, 1. 37
Sole, Cockin, father of John Cockin S.,
p. 130, 1. 7
— John Cockin, July 3, 1749
Somerscale, Joseph, Oct. 28, 1727
— Eichard, father of Joseph S., p.
55, 1. 32
Somerset, Duchess of, p. 4, n. 1 ; p. 6,
n. 1 ; p. 13, 1. 21 ; p. 18, 1. 22
Somner, Dr, Head-master of Eton, p.
118, 1. 27; p. 119, 1. 47; p. 120,1.
37; p. 123, 1. 22; p. 128, 1. 18; p.
131, 1. 13; p. 134, 11. 30, 40; p. 137,
1. 32; p. 139, 1. 13; p. 140, 1. 46;
p. 141, 11. 32, 39
Sorsbie, Mr, master of Battle school,
Sussex, p. 66, 1. 45
— Benjamin, June 20, 1730
Sorsbv, Malin, father of Benjamin S.,
p. 63, 1. 28
Southernwood, Mr, master of the King's
school, Cambridge, p. 76, i. 46
Southgate, Eichard, March 21, 174|
— William, father of Richard S., p.
118, 1. 14
Sparke, John, April 24, 1730
— Joseph, father of John S., p. 62,
1. 25
Sparkes, Mr, master of a school at
Cambridge, i>. 55, 1. 29
— Mr, master of Peterborough school,
p. 47, 1. 38
Sparrow, Charles, father of Charles S.,
p. 133, 1. 13
Oct. 27, 1750
Spearman, Mr, master of Royston
school, Herts, p. 107, 1. 9
— Charles, March 30, 1723
— Gilbert, father of Charles S., p. 36,
1. 35
Spencer, Mr, master of Lym(m) school,
Cheshire, p. 36, 1. 14 ; p. 48, 1. 22
— Mr, master of Tuubridge school,
p. 2, 1. 29; p. 6, 1. 20; p. 9, 1. 26;
p. 38, 1. 4; p. 39, 1. 15; p. 62, 1.
15; p. 67, 1. 27; p. 87, 1. 2; p. 100,
1. 8
— Eichard, father of Eichard S., p.
62, 1. 14
March 28, 1730
Spicer, J., M.A., master of Eeading
school, p. 175, 1. 46
Sprat, Harflete, father of John S., p.
82, 1. 24
— John, April 9, 1736
Squire, Mr, master of Lynn E«gis
school, p. 83, 1. 47
— John, B.A., Merton Coll., Oxford,
June 30, 1721, p. 29, 1. 25
— Edward, father of Samuel S., p.
49, 1. 39
— Edwards, Jan. 10, 175^
— Samuel, June 16, 1726
• — — father of Samuel S., p. 63,
1. 34
* June 23, 1730; p. 102, 1, 48
father of Edwards S., p. 133,
Stabber, Mr, master of Burton Agnes
school, Yorkshire, p. 22, 1. 25
Stacye, John, June 13, 1741
— Thomas, father of John S., p. 102,
1. 28
Stafford, Antony, father of James S.,
p. 92, 1. 14
— James, July 6, 1738
Staige, Theodosius, Dec. 17, 1715
— William, father of Theodosius S.,
p. 2, 1. 43
Standish, David, father of David S.,
p. 11, I 45
July 3, 1717
Stapylton, Henrv, father of Henry S.,
p. 154, 1. 36
March 20, 1759
Starkie, James, father of Thomas S.,
p. 176, 1. 6
*— Thomas, May 29, 1767
Starky, John, father of John S., p. 72,
1. 32
May 28, 1732
— ■ — father of Joseph S., p. 81,
I. 11
— Joseph, Sept. 29, 1735
Stead, Jonathan, father of William S.,
p. 66, 1. 41
— William, June 4, 1731
Stearne, Eichard, father of Eichard S.,
p. 156, 1. 34
Oct. 12, 1759
Steed, Thomas, A.B., Pembroke Coll.,
Oxford, June 25, 1736
Steele, Mr, master of Millom school,
Cumberland, p. 14, 1. 45
— William, April 18, 1752
Steer, Charles, 10 Sept. 1718
— Greorge, father of George Steer,
p. 99, 1. 33
Oct. 13, 1740
— William, father of Charles S., p.
16, 1. 21
— G. (William?), father of William
S., p. 61, 1. 7
— William, June 30, 1729
Steevens, Stephens, Mr, master of
Eip(p)on school, p. 70, 1. 34; p. 76,
II. 11, 21, 24, 30; p. 82, 1. 16; p. 86,
1. 11
— Jonathan, father of Jonathan S.,
p. 66, 1. 44
— — June 5, 1731
Stegals, Steggolds, Mr, private tutor,
p. 156, 1. 21 ; p. 163, 1. 5
Steggall, Charles, June 24, 1767
— William, father of Charles S., p.
176, 1. 21
Stephens, Henry, father of William S.,
p. 131, 1. 5
— Eoger, father of Roger S., p. 45, 1.
May 18, 1725
— Stevens, William, March 5, 17f|;
p. 152, 1. 26 (Mr); p. 157, 1. 23; p.
159, 1. 20
— — Mr, master of Hereford school,
p. 136, 1. 30; p. 139, 1. 19; p. 143,
1. 41 ; p. 151, 1. 24
Stephenson, Mr, master of Eotherham
school, p. 98, 1. 29
— Anthony, father of Anthony S., p.
66, 1. 37
June 1, 1731
Steuart, John, father of John Stuart,
p. 98; 1. 20
Stevens, Eichard, April 17, 1735
Stevens, Thomas, father of Eichard S.,
p. 79, 1. 35
Stevenson, David, father of William
S.,p. 146,1. 15
— Wilham, May 20, 1755
Stiles, Mr, master of Northampton
school, p. 3, 1. 3; p. 13, 11. 28, 33;
p. 21, 1. 14; p. 23, 1. 47; p. 38,
1. 1
*Stimngfleet. Fairfax, June 21, 1720 ;
p. 41, 1. 5 {*Dominus)
— John, father of Fairfax S., p. 24,
1. 9
Stirling, Dr, master of Hemel Hemp-
stead school, Herts., p. 149, 1. 24
Stockdale, John, March 15, 172f
March 21, 173|-
— William, father of John S., p. 51,
I. 38
father of John S., p. 89, 1. 24
Stoddart, John, father of William S.,
p. 86, 1. 41
— William, May 17, 1737
Stone, Mr, master of Marlborough
school, Wilts., p. 84, 1. 27; p. 85, 1.
36; p. 87, 1. 23; p. 88, 1. 6; p. 93,
II. 4, 12 ; p. 105, 1. 32 ; p. 108, 1. 11 ;
p. 110, 1. 31; p. 118, 1. 39; p. 129,
I. 12; p. 131, 1. 9; p. 137, 1. 24
Stoney, Joseph, April 10, 1746
— Thomas, father of Joseph S., p.
118, 1. 29
Stor, Joseph, father of Joseph S., p.
44, 1. 11
March 13, 172|
Storie, John, A.B., St John's Coll.,
Oxford, March 14, 172|; p. 40, 1. 10
Story, Dixon, June 30, 1735
— Eobert, father of Dixon S., p. 80,
Stringer, Mr, master of Colne school,
Essex, p. 128, 1. 11
Strong, Isaac, father of Thomas S.,
p. 82, 1. 3
— Thomas, Nov. 4, 1735
Stroother, Thomas, April 23, 1718
— Wilfrid, p. 13, 1. 43
Stuart, John, June 26, 1740
Stubbinge, Godfrey, father of John S.,
p. 32, 1. 38
— John, May 30, 1722
Stubbs, Mr, master of Kirby Hill
school, Richmondshire, Yorkshire,
p. 81, 1. 27
*Stubs, James, March 16, 174f; p.
134, 11. 27 (Mr Stubbs), 44; p. 138,
II. 3, 36
— John, father of James S., p. 108,
Sturgeon, Mr, master of Cambridge
school, p. 138, 1. 20
Stygal, Mr, master of Wiverston school,
Suffolk, p. 135, 1. 27
Suger, Nicholas, father of Zachary S.,
p. 76, 1. 29
— Zachary, June 3, 1734
Summers, Henry, father of John S..
p. 63, 1. 31
father of Sparrow S., p. 101,
1. 21
— John, June 23, 1730; May 18,
— Sparrow, May 9, 1741.
Sumpster, Mr, master of Leeds school,
p. 83, 1. 15
Sutcliffe, Jonathan, father of Joseph
S., p. 33, 1. 23
— Joseph, June 12, 1722
— Richard, p. 141, 1. 24
Suttliffe, Suttcliffe, Mr, master of
Rochdale school, p. 91, 1. 2 ; p. 101,
1. 13; p. 109, 1.11
Sutton, Richard, father of Stephen S..
p. 12, 1. 31
— Stephen, Nov. 2, 1717
Swaile, Swale, Mr., master of Notting-
ham school, p. 75, 1. 6; p. 78, 1. 34
Swain, Thomas, July 1, 1727
— 'S,' father of Thomas Swain, p.
54, 1. 23
Swale, John, father of Richard S., p.
31, 1. 34
father of John S., p. 158, 1. 6
June 5, 1760
— Richard, March 6, 172^
Swallow, Thomas, Sub-Warden of New
Coll., Oxford, p. 27, 1. 14
Swift, George, father of George S., p.
80, 1. 48
— John, June 30, 1735
Swire, John, father of Samuel John S.,
p. 23, 1. 29
— Samuel John,' May 27, 1720
Switzer, Stephen, father of Thomas S.,
p. 104, 1. 6
— Thomas, Oct. 30, 1741
*Symonds, Mr, p. 28, 1. 26; p. 31, 1. 25
— Mr, master of Southwark school,
Surrey, p. 43, 1. 33
— John, D.D., father of John S. , p.
123, 1. 14
July 11, 1747
father of John S., p. 129, 1. 29
* June 29, 1749
Sympson, Hugh, June 30, 1749
— Thomas, father of Hugh S., p.
129, 1. 48
Tailer, John, father of John T., p. 57,
1. 23
— — June 24, 1728
Talbot, Mr, master of Streatham
school, Surrey, p. 104, 1. 1; p. 117,
1. 30; p. 130, 1. 25
Tanner, Culpepper, father of Culpep-
per T., p. 163, 1. 30
Taylor, John, father of John T., p. 170,
1. 16
May 6, 1765
— Richard, Jan. 24, 174f
— Robert, father of John T., p. 41,
1. 44
April 17, 1727
* June 23, 1727
— Simon Oliver, June 25, 1760; Nov.
10, 1761
— Thomas, father of Clemens T., p.
61, 1. 13
fatherofZacharyT.,p. 141,1.4
— William, father of John T., p. 10,
1. 8
father of Robert T., p. 52, 1. 16
father of John T., p. 169, 1. 4
— Zachary, June 28, 1753
Teasdale, John, June 5, 1725
■ — Marmaduke, father of John T., p.
46, 1. 15
father of Marmaduke T., p.
76, 1. 26
June 1, 1734
Tempest, John, father of John and
William T., p. 56, 1. 19
April 13, 1728
— William, April 13, 1728
Tench, Mr, master of Shrewsbury
school, p. 47, 1. 13
Tennant, Mr, master of Ely school, p.
45, 1. 39
-*— , Tenant, Calvert, June 28, 1736;
p. 124, 1. 27 (Mr); p. 129, 1. 20; p.
144, 1. 9; p. 145, 1. 16; p. 146, 1. 41;
p. 149, 11. 2, 35; p. 153, 1. 26; p. 154,
1. 4
— Edward, father of Calvert T., p.
84, 1. 15
— Francis, March 15, 172^; Feb. 7,
— John, father of John T., p. 96, 1. 1
Oct. 30, 1739; June 14, 1740
— Richard, father of Francis T., p.
31, 1. 38
Tetlow, John, Nov. 7, 1715
— Robert, father of John T., p. 2, 1.
Thackeray, Mr, Head-master of Har-
row, p. 136, 1. 34 ; p. 142, 1. 14 (Dr) ;
p. 148, 1. 19; p. 149, 1. 31; p. 150, 1.
27; p. 152. 1. 14; p. 156, 1. 32
— Frederick, July 1, 1756
— Thomas, D.D., father of Frederick
T., p. 149, 1. 30
Thelwall, Ambrose; see Lewis, Am-
brose Thelwall
— -Eubule, Fellow, afterwards (1725)
Principal, of Jesus Coll. , Oxford, p.
29, 1. 19
1 Elected in April, 1720. See Hist. o/St John's, i. 303, 1. 21, and this Register, Part ii. .July 7, 1714.
- Theiwall is an error. The 0.\ford Calendar gives an E. T. as Principal of .Jesus Coll. in 1621 and
Tanner, Culpepper, Dec. 14, 1762
*Tatham, Dominus, p. 9, 1. 3 ; p. 10, 1.
16; p. 14, 1. 33; p. 16, 11. 3, 23
— Mr, master of Beverley school,
Yorkshire, p. 37, 11. 28, 32; p. 44, 1.
12 ; p. 45, 1. 42
— Mr, master of Boxford school,
Suffolk, p. 21, 1. 3
— Edmund, father of James T., p.
21, 1. 1
— James, July 9, 1719
— Ralph, father of Ralph T., p. 32,
1. 12
April 21, 1722
— Sandford, Oct. 27, 1740
— William, father of Sandford T., p.
100, 1. 15
Taunton, Mr, master of Totness school,
Devonshire, p. 99, 1. 41
Taylerson, Henry, May 21, 1767
Tayleure, Samuel, June 18, 1765
— William, father of Samuel T., p.
170, 1. 35
*Taylor, Mr, Senr., p. 56, 11. 15, 21;
p. 58, 1. 38 ; p. 70, 1. 14 ; p. 75, 1. 25 ;
p. 78, 1. 6; p. 83,1. 26 ; p. 90,1. 24;
p. 101, 1. 45 (Dr); p. 108, 1. 40; p.
112, 1. 46 (Dr Tayler) ; p. 133, 1. 24;
p. 152, 11. 9, 12; p. 157, 1. 2; p.
164, 1. 35; p. 168,1. 9
— Mr, master of Hode school, Kirk-
ham, Lancashire, p. 18, 1. 28
— Mr, master of Kellmore school,
Kirkham, Lancashire, p. 15, 1. 14
— Mr, master of Kirkham school, p.
68, 1.24; p. 89, 1. 9
— Clemens, June 30, 1729
— Daniel, father of Daniel T., p. 38,
1. 39
— — August 17, 1723
— Edward, June 24, 1751
"■' — Herbert, i ex-Fellow of St John's,
and father of Herbert T., p. 124, 1.
March 30, 1748
father of Edward T., p. 135, 1.
— John, May 10, 1717
father of John T., p. 27, 1. 44
June 7, 1721
June 9, 1724; p. 79, 1. 26 (Mr
T., junior) ; p. 94, 11. 26, 41; p. 96,
1. 33; p. 97, 1. 14; p. 98, 1. 11; p.
100, 1. 13 ; p. 129, 1. 31
father of Robert T., p. 54, 1. 6
father of John T., p. 96, 1. 31
May 1, 1739
father of Richard T., p. 100, 1.
July 5, 1764
Thetwall ; see Tbelwall
Thickness, Mr, master of St Paul's
school, London, p. 147, 1. 18; p. 152,
11. 58; p. 167, 1. 21; p. 175, 1. 22
Thistlewait, Joseph, father of Joseph
T., p. 102, 1. 21
June 8, 1741
— Eobert, father of Robert T., p.
130, 1. 20
October 11, 1749
Thomas, David, father of Thomas T.,
p. 75, 1. 1
— Edward, May 18, 1757
Fellow of Jesus Coll., Oxford,
p. 165, 1. 41
— George, July 8, 1748
father of George T., p. 126, 1.
— Hophiu, (Hophni ?), father of
Noah T., p. 92, 1. 22
— Isaac, father of Edward T. , p. 151,
1. 15
— John, father of John T., p. 52, 1. 4
April 6, 1727
— Lewis, father of Owen Lewis, p.
166, 1. 19
— Noah, July 18, 1738; April 12,
— Thomas, Feb. 13, 173f ; May 17,
April 3, 1767
— William, father of William T.,
and master of Leicester school, p. 2,
1. 8
October 7, 1715 ; p. 2, 1. 11
-'■'— Mr, p. 32, 1. 23 ; p. 35, 1. 1 ; p. 64,
1. 24
— Mr, master of Salisbury school,
p. 94, 1. 10; p. 103, 1. 2
Thomason, Thomasen, Mr, master of
Tarvin school, Cheshire, p. 47, 1. 26 ;
p. 114, 1. 14; p. 116, 1.36
Thompson, Mr, master of Barnetby
school, Lincolnshire, p. 28, 1. 34
— Mr, master of Burnsall school,
Yorkshire, p. 105, 1. 29
— Mr, master of Durham school, p.
47, 1. 1
— Mr, master of Kelloe school, near
Durham, p. 14, 1. 21
— Mr, master of Morland school,
Westmorland, p. 48, 1. 28
— Mr, master of Richmond school,
Yorkshire, p. 3, 1. 43
— Henry, April 25, 1755
father of Henry T., p. 146, 1. 4
— John, father of John T., p. 138,
1. 5.
May 19, 1752
— Samuel, father of William T., p.
57, 1. 25
— - Thomas, father of Thomas T., p.
125, 1. 42
*Thompson, Thomas, June 9, 1748
father of William T., p. 140,
1. 16
— William, June 27, 1728
May, 24, 1753; Feb. 1, 1754
Thornton, Arabella, name of the mother
of Edmund Crofts, p. 175, 1. 18
— Mr, master of Horton school,
Bradford, Yorkshire, p. 97, 1. 18
— Mr, master of Ludsdown (Luddes-)
school, Kent, p. 49, 1. 14
— Sir William, Kniqht, father of
William T., p. 65, 1. 26
— William, March 27, 1731
Thwaits, James, June 30, 1759
Thynne, Hon. Henry Frederick, Jan.
10, 1752
Tighe, Edward, June 25, 1759
— G. (William ?), father of William
T., p. 149, 1. 26
June 28, 1756
father of Edward T., p. 156, 1. 1
Tillotson, Stephen, May 10, 1725
— Thomas, father of Stephen T., p. 45,
1. 29
Tindall, Mr, master of Chelmsford
school, p. 88, 1. 31
Tipton, Edward, father of Edward T.,
p. 70, 1. 9
May 25, 1732
Tod, David, father of Joseph T., p.
136, 1. 17
— Joseph, Oct. 11, 1751
Todd, Abraham, father of John T., p.
116, 1. 1
— John, June 21, 1745; p. 116, 1. 4
Todington, Thomas, father of Thomas
T., p. 134, 1. 13
* April 12, 1751; p. 167, 1. 18
(Mr); p. 175,1. 19
Tollett, Cooke, June 15, 1716; Jan.
— George, father of Cooke T., p. 5,
1. 27
Tomlin, G. (WiUiam ?), father of Wil-
liam T., p. 52, 1. 26
May 5, 1727
Tomhns, William, A.B. of St Mary's
Hall, Oxford, July 2, 1747
Tompson, Carrier, father of Isaac
Newton C, p. 112, 1. 33
— Isaac Newton, May 29, 1744
Tong, Francis, May 2, 1754
— John, father of Francis T., p. 142,
— G. (William ?), father of William
T., p. 107, 1. 30
Feb. 19, 174f
Tonge, James, father of John T., p. 73,
1. 11
— John, June 20, 1733
Took, Mr, master of Charterhouse, p.
59, 1. 5
Tooke, Dr, master of Bishop's Stort-
ford school, Herts., p. 2, 1. 37; p. 7,
1. 23 ; p. 18, 1. 14 ; p. 21, 1. 34 ; p. 25,
Topham, Benjamin, Jan. 11, 173f
— Christopher, father of Benjamin
T., p. 65, 1. 13
Topsham, Christopher, father of Mat-
thew T., p. 41, 1. 3
— Matthew, April 18, 1724
Torkington, James, fatlier of James
and Philip T., p. 139, 1. 1; p. 141,
1. 16
July 13, 1752
— Philip, Sept. 28, 1753
Torre, James, June 8, 1741
— Nicolas, father of James T., p.
102, 1. 14
Totton, Stephen, father of William T.,
p. 105, 1. 35
*_ William, June 5, 1742; p. 144, 1.
13 (Mr) ; p. 146, 1. 23
Tovey, Bloss, LL.D., Fellow of Merton
Coll., Oxford, p. 29, 1. 32
Towers, Mr, master of Kendal school,
p. 4,1. 33; p. 22, 1. 34; p. 28, 1. 4;
p. 37,1. 41; p. 45,11. 23, 26; p. 50,
1. 3 ; p. 53, 1. 46 ; p. 66, 1. 39 ; p. 76,
1. 18; p. 96, 1. 13; p. 98, 1. 4
— Mr, master of Tunbridge school,
p. 164, 1. 34
— James, father of John T., p. 96, 1.11
— John, Nov. 6, 1739
Townley, Richard, father of Richard
T., p. 109, 1. 10
June 15, 1743
Townsend, Charles, Viscount, father of
Hon. George T., p. 100, 1. 38
— Hon. George, Feb. 21, 174f
— Gerrard, father of Gerrard T., p.
45, 1. 13
April 30, 1725
— Mr, private tutor, p. 57, 1. 6
Townsheud, Thomas, father of Thomas
T., p. Ill, 1. 44
May 9, 1744
Traherne, Mr, master of Hereford
school, p. 2, 1. 19; p. 4, 1. 6; p. 18,
1. 21; p. 20, 1. 21; p. 26, 1. 25; p.
36, 1. 5 ; p. 38, 11. 7, 33
Trapier, Paul, father of Paul T., p.
172 1. 33
— — March 20, 1766
Travis, George, April 17, 1761
— John, father of George T., p. 159,
1. 44
Trevor, Roger, father of Roger and
Thomas T., p. 46, 1. 30
June 21, 1725
— Thomas, June 21, 1725
Trot, Edward, May 22, 1734
— John, father of Edward T., p. 76,
1. 1
Trowe, Gilbert, 'Decan. Med.' of Mer-
ton Coll., Oxford, p. 7, 1. 9; p. 29,
I. 34 (M.B.)
Tucker, Francis, father of John Carter
T., p. 84, 1. 19
— John Carter, June 28, 1736
Tufton, Hon. Sackville, Esq., father of
Thomas T., p. 39, 1. 26
— Thomas, Jan. 9, 172|
Tunstall, James, father of James T.,
p. 42, 1. 21
* June 29, 1724; p. 82, 1. 14
(Mr) ; p. 89, 11. 38, 42; p. 95, 1. 26';
p. 96, 1. 36; p. 98, 1. 35; p. 103, 1.
12; p. 104, 1. 15; p. 106, 1. 43; p.
107, 1. 1; p. 110, 11. 6, 15, 22, 29, 32,
35; p. Ill, 11. 6, 20, 24, 36; p. 112,
II. 1, 5, 10, 14, 20, 25; p. 113, 11. 13,
17, 20, 27, 31, 35, 43 (Dr); p. 145,
1. 43; p. 146, 11. 2, 6; p. 151, 1. 36:
p. 154,1. 41; p. 156, 1. 36; p. 160,
1. 1 ; p. 161, 1. 35
Tm'ner, Mr, master of Colchester
school, Lancashire, p. 18, 1. 24
— Mr, master of Gorthrop school, p.
49, 1. 7
— Mr, master of Lund school, Lan-
cashire, p. 18, 1. 24
— Mr, master of Stamford school, p.
12, 1. 1; p. 21; 1. 38; p. 38, 1. 25
— Baptist Noel, April 8, 1758
father of Baptist Noel T.,
p. 153, 1. 1
— Bernard, father of Henry T., p.
138, 1. 19
father of Bernard T., p. 167^
1 38
May 14, 1764
— David, father of David T., p. 25,
1. 33
Oct. 27, 1720
— Edward, father of George T., p.
108, 1. 16
— Exuperius, Dec. 22, 1742; March
3, 1741
— George, March 26, 1743
* — Hammond, May 17, 1722
*— Henry, June 18, 1752; p. 167, 1.
— Jonathan, father of Jonathan T.,
p. 52, 1. 10
April 15, 1727
— Thomas, father of Thomas T., p.
18, 1. 16
May 11, 1719
father of Thomas T., p. 109,
1. 42
June 29, 1743
— William, father of William T., p.
90, 1. 28
May 29, 1738
father of Exuperius T., p. 107,
1. 20
Turner, William, father of Hammond
T. p. 32 1. 25
TweUs, John, Feb. 15, 173|
— Leonard, father of John T.,p. 93,
— Thomas, father of Thomas T., p.
101, 1. 35
* May 25, 1741; p. 129, 1. 27
(Mr); p. 147, 1. 33; p. 155,1. 36
Twentyman, Childers, Oct. 19, 1737;
Nov. 6, 1741
— John, father of Childers T., p. 88,
1. 12
Twyford, Kobert, father of William T.,
p. 99, 1. 22
A.B., of Oriel Coll., Oxford,
May 29, 1760
— William, Oct. 10, 1740
Tylden, Eichard, father of Eichard
Osborn T., p. 102, 1. 41
— Eichard Osborn, June 24, 1741
Tyson, Michael, father of Michael T.,
p. 58, 1. 15
* Oct. 25, 1728; p. 85, 1. 30 (Mr) ;
p. 153, 1. 3
Udale, Mr, master of Garsdale school,
Yorkshire, p. 135, 1. 35
Underwood, George, A.B., Christ
Church, Oxford, June 28, 1738
— John, father of John U., p. 148,
1. 45
June 5, 1756; Feb. 7, 1759
Unett, Eichard, father of Thomas U.,
p. 135, 1. 30
— Thomas, June 28, 1751
^Unwin, Mr, master of Huntingdon
school, p. 133, 1. 11 ; p. 135, 11. 17,
21; p. 146, 1. 45; p. 151, 1. 32; p.
173, 1. 41
Upton, Mr, master of Taunton school,
p. 39 1. 39
Usticke' G. (William ?), father of
Wilham U., p. 148, 1. 18
April 2, 1756
Uvedale, Dr, master of En(t)field
school, p. 20, 1. 45
Vades, Abraham, father of Thomas V.
p. 128, 1. 18
— Thomas, March 17, 174f
Valentia, Francis, Viscount, p. 18, 1
Vallete, Peter, father of Peter V., p
81, 1. 21
Oct. 25, 1735
Vanbrugh, George, father of Eobert V.
p. 124, 1. 25
— Eobert, March 17, 174^
Vandernan, Fretwell, father of Fret
well v., p. 80, 1. 28
Vandernan, Fretwell, June 25, 1735
Vaughan, Arthur, May 25, 1732
— Evans, Feb. 6, 172|
— John, father of Eichard V., p. Ill,
1. 21
— Eichard, father of William V., p.
51, 1. 28
2 father of Evans V., p. 55,
1. 39
father of Arthur V., p. 70, 1.
March 31, 174|
— William, Dec. 22, 1726
— Mr, master of Euthin school,
Denbighshire, p. 65, 1. 4
Vaux, Thomas, father of Thomas V.,
p. 117, 1. 21
Jan. 15, 1741
Veale, Charles, A.B. of Balliol Coll.,
Oxford, May 28, 1725
Venn, Edward, May 9, 1737
— Henry, June 21, 1742
— Eichard, father of Edward V., p.
86, 1. 33
father of Henry V., p. 106,
Vernon, Edward, Nov. 4, 1741
— John, father of Edward V., p.
104, 1. 9
Vidal, Peter, father of Peter V., p. 21,
1. 17
Oct. 30, 1719
Villette, John, June 26, 1765
Vincent, Nathaniel, President of Clare
Hall, p. 1, 1. 13
Vowe, John, May 8, 1717
— Leonard, father of John V., p. 10,
1. 3
Vyner, Eobert, father of Eobert V., p.
89, 1. 36
April 3, 1738
Wade, Abraham, father of William
W., p. 175, 1. 26
*— William, April 14, 1767
Wadeson, Eichard, father of Eichard
E., p. 148, 1. 41
— Eichard, May 26, 1756
Wadsworth, Wadesworth, Mr, master
of Eishworth school, Yorkshire, p.
54, 1. 15; p. 97, 1. 3; p. 99, 1. 27;
p. 105, 1. 26; p. 113, 1. 12; p. 125,
1. 1
— Charles, Nov. 29, 1720
— Nathaniel, father of Charles W.,
p. 26, 1. 1
— Eichard, father of Eichard W., p.
99, 1. 25
* Oct. 11, 1740
Wainhouse, Nathaniel, father of Ei-
chard W., p. 19, 1. 22
1 The husband of Cowper's friend.
2 See p. 51, no. 9.
Wainhouse, Eichard, June 11, 1719
Wainman, Richard, father of Richard
and WiUiam W., p. 153, 1. 28
Richard, Feb. 20, 1759
— WiUiam, Feb. 20, 1759
Walburge, Richard, father of Simon
W., p. 8, 1. 43
— Simon, March 15, 171f
Walford, Edwin, father of Edwin W.,
p. 88, 1. 37
Jan. 9, 173|
Walker, Dr, master of Charterhouse
school, p. 6, 1. 37; p. 7, 1. 31; p. 8,
1. 7; p. 11, 1. 38 (Mr); p. 12, 1. 25;
p. 14, 1. 48; p. 15, 1. 10; p. 18,
1. 17; p. 19, 11. 38, 42; p. 25, 1. 7;
p. 26, 1. 45; p. 30, 1. 21; p. 35,
1, 16; p. 43, 1. 6 (Mr)
— Allin, father of AlUn W., p. 147,
1. 1
June 16, 1755
— Christopher, father of Christopher
W., p. 28, 1. 38
June 29, 1721
— Edmund, father of Edmund W.,
p. 63, 1. 15
May 28, 1730
— Edward, A.B. of Balliol Coll.,
Oxford, p. 84, 1. 24
— James, father of John W., p. 119,
1. 26
— John, May 30, 1746
— Thomas, father of Thomas W., p.
118, 1. 7
March 20, 174f
*Waller, Dr, p. 37, 1. 14; p. 52, 1. 30
— John, May 9, 1727
— William, father of John W., p.
52, 1. 29
Walmsley, John, Registrar of Trinity
College, Dublin, p. 14, 11. 35, 42
Walton, Mr, master of Carlisle school,
p. 6, 1. 12
— Bannister, April 9, 1747
— Henry, father of Bannister W., p.
121, 1. 36
— Isaac, father of Isaac W., p. 54, 1.
June 30, 1727
— John, father of John W., p. 57, 1.
July 1, 1728
Walvyn; see Walwyn
Walwyu, Walvyn, Mr, master of Maid-
stone school, p. 27, 1. 21; p. 95, 1.
34; p. 97, 1. 44
Wankford, Robert, Nov. 9, 1725
— Shelly, father of Robert W., p.
47, 1. 28
Warburton, Mr, master of Newark
school, Notts., p. 30, 1. 39; p. 42,
1.29; p. 50,1.32; p. 54, 1. 7; p. 56,
1. 42
Warburton, John, father of Thomas
W., p. 12, 1. 13
— Thomas, Sept. 28, 1717
Warcopp, John, father of John W. , p.
66, 1. 7
April 9, 1731
Ward, Mr, master of Beverley school,
p. 140,1. 9; p. 147, 1. 14; p. 150, 1.
17; p. 152, 1. 22; p. 154, 11. 24, 37;
p. 155, 1. 2; p. 156, 1. 35; p. 157, 1.
29; p. 162, 1. 21; p. 164, 1. 16;
p. 167, 1. 5; p. 169, 1. 23; p. 171,
1. 30
— Charles, June 16, 1729
— Edmund, June 6, 1729
— John, father of Thomas Watson
W., p. 78, 1. 13
Oct. 17, 1760
— Joseph, father of Edmund W., p.
60, 1. 25
— Thomas Watson, July 5, 1734
father of Thomas W., p. 84, 1.
June 28, 1736
— William, father of Charles W., p.
60, 1. 36
— John, father of John W. , p. 159,
1. 5
Waring, Mr, master of Spalding school,
Lincolnshire, p. 8, 1. 25
— John, Nov. 10, 1733
— Joseph, father of John W., p. 74,
1. 27
— Richard, father of Richard W., p.
66, 1. 27
May 4, 1731
father of Thomas Rooses W.,
p. 109, 1. 3
— Robert, father of Walter W., p.
115, 1. 7
— — Thomas i Rooses, June 3, 1743
— Walter, April 8, 1745
Warkworth, Lord; see Percy, Hugh
Warren, Martin, father of Thomas W.,
p. 13, 1. 39
— Thomas, April 18, 1718
Warrington, George, father of George
W., p. 161, 1. 26
Nov. 4, 1761
Washbourne, Richard, May 16, 1732
— William, father of Richard W., p.
70, 1. 6
Waterhouse, Henry, father of Robert
W., p. 44, 1. 27
*— Robert, April 1, 1725
Waterland, Mr, Tutor of Magdalene
College, Cambridge, p. 43, 1. 27
Waterworth, Mr, master of Brigg, or
Glamford Brigg, school, Lincoln-
1 See note 1 ; Rooses is probably an error for Roos. We find John Roos W. in Grad. Cant. (ed.
shire, p. 43, 1. 23; p. 44, 1. 9; p. 46,
1. 28; p. 59, 1. 17; p. 63, 1. 13; p.
68, 11. 9, 31; p. 70, 1. 17; p. 72, 1.
Watkin, John, father of Joseph W., p.
16o, 1. 41
— Joseph, June 29, 1763
Watson, John, father of Robert W., p.
82, 1. 15
— Robert, Feb. 2, 173|
Watts, Giles, father of Giles W., p.
109, 1. 20
June 25, 1743
Weatherhead, Anthony, father of
Thomas W., p. 73, 1. 30
— Antony, father of Antony W., p.
103, 1. 11
July 4, 1741
— Thomas, June 13, 1733
July 1, 1761
father of Thomas W., p. 160,
1. 24
Webb, Nathaniel, father of Thomas
W., p. 20, 1. 35
father of Richard W., p. 137,
— Richard, April 11, 1752
— Thomas, July 4, 1719
*Webster, James, July 1, 1766
— Joseph, father of William W., p.
140, 1. 48
father of James W., p. 174,
1. 5
— Robert, father of William Theo-
philus Mountjoy W., p. 148, 1. 1
— Thomas, June 28, 1740
— William, father of Thomas W., p.
98, 1. 23
June 27, 1753
Theophilus Mountjoy, Feb. 28,
Weddell, Richard, father of Thomas
and William W., p. 139, 1. 36
— Thomas, May 2, 1753
— William, May 2, 1753
Wegg, George, father of Samuel W. ,
p. 98, 1. 42
— Samuel, July 2, 1740
Weightman, Thomas, father of Wil-
liam W., p. 67, 1. 9
— William, June 10, 1731
Welch, John, father of John W., p. 24,
1. 5
June 15, 1720
Wells, William, father of William W.,
p. 64, 1. 23
July 4, 1730
Wentworth, Godfrey, father of Godfrey
W., p. 35, 1. 11
July 21, 1722
*Wenyeve, Edward, Sept. 17, 1716
— George, father of Edward W., p.
7, 1. 26
Westley, Mr, master of Tiverton school,
p. 91, 1. 47
Weston, Mr, master of Denbigh
school, p. 74, 1. 45 ; p. 75, 1. 3
— John, father of Samuel Ryder R.,
p. 164, 1. 21
— Nathaniel, father of William W.,
p. 56, 1. 38
— Richard, father of Thomas W., p.
121, 1. 5
*— Samuel Ryder, April 12, 1763
— Thomas, Jan. 14, 174f
*— William, April 26, 1728; p. 114,
1. 10 (Mr) ; p. 136, 1. 3
Weymouth, Thomas, late Viscount,
father of Thomas Viscount W., and
Hon. Henry Frederick Thynne, p.
136, 1. 37; p. 137,1. 2
— — Viscount, Jan. 10, 1752
Whaley, John, Lecturer of King's, p.
85, 1. 7
Whalley, John, Master of Peterhouse,
Cambridge, p. 116, 1. 8; p. 164,
1. 29
father of John W., p. 107, 1.
March 5, 174f
father of Thomas Sedgewick
W., p. 164, 1. 28
— Thomas Sedgewick, April 27, 1764
Wharton, Mr, late master of Sedbergh
school, p. 24, 1. 19
— Mr, master of a school in Bar
badoes, p. 152, 1. 2
Wheeldon, John, June 20, 1755
— William, father of John W., p
146, 1. 32
Wheeler, Mr, master of Wells school
Somerset, p. 110, 1. 25
— John, father of Julines W. , p. 168
1. 3
— Julines, May 21, 1764
Wheler, Sir Trevor, bart., August 26
— Sir William, bart., father of Sir
Trevor W., p. 1, 1. 19
Whieldon, Ellen, maiden name of the
mother of Thomas Johnson, p. 175,
Whistler, John, father of Webster W.,
p. 171, 1. 5
— Webster, June 27, 1765
Whiston, Thomas, Oct. 25, 1766
Whitaker, Thomas, father of Thomas
W., p. 5, 1. 20
6 June, 1716
father of William W., p. 131,
1. 39
— William, June 11, 1750
Whitchurch, G. (WiUiam?), father of
William W., p. 148, 1. 32
— William, May 20, 1756
*White, Mr, p. 2, 1. 41
White, Mr, master of Scorton school,
Yorkshire, p. 165, 1. 44
— Thomas, A. B., Merton Coll.,
Oxford, p. 91, 1. 37
— Mr, tutor in the family of Sir
Eoger Jenyus, p. 34, 1. 45
— Mr, tutor in the family of Sir
John Williams, p. 61, 1. 29; p. 75,
II. 17, 21
— Charles, June 19, 1761
— John, father of Thomas W., p.
III, 1. 34
— Joseph, father of Thomas W., p.
86, 1. 4
— Thomas, April 18, 1737
April 4, 1744
Whitear, G. (William?), father of
William W., p. 150, 1. 29
— William, March 28, 1757
Whitehead, John, father of Robert W.,
p. 24, 1. 42
— Robert, June 30, 1720
Whiting, Mr, master of Spalding
school, Lincolnshire, p. 100, 1. 5; p.
Ill, 1. 45
Whitmore, Bethel William, May 23,
— Joseph, father of Bethel William
W., p. 59, 1. 34
*iWhitstones, Mr, p. 12, 1. 34
Whitworth, Henry, Oct. 11, 1740
— William, father of Henry W., p.
99, 1. 29
Wibbersley, Isaac, father of John W.,
p. 80, 1. 4
— John, May 26, 1735
Wickins, Edmund, father of John W.,
p. 48, 1. 24
*— John, March 26, 1726
Wigglesworth, Henry, father of James
W., p. 107, 1. 17
— James, Nov. 18, 1742
Wiglesworth, Henry, father of Henry
W., p. 101, 1. 18
May 4, 1741
Wightwiek, Richard, June 26, 1765
— William, father of Richard W., p.
170, 1. 46
Wigley, Edward, father of Henry W.,
p. 120, 1. 29
— Henry, July 8, 1746
Wild, Mr, master of Braightmote
school, Lancashire, p. 82, 1. 35
Wilding, Mr, master of Sherburne
school, Dorsetshire, p. 35, 1. 22; p.
65, 1. 44; p. 67, 1. 23; p. 72, 1.
Wilkes, Thomas, Dean of Trinity
College, Oxford, p. 69, 1. 17
Wilkinson, Mr, master of Lowther
school, Westmorland, p. 61, 1. 34 ;
p. 87, 1. 27; p. 89, 1. 14; p. 97, U.
37, 41
Wilkinson, Mr, master of Skiptou in
Craven school, p. 80, 1. 26; p. 118,
11. 9, 12; p, 128, 1. 5; p. 137, 1. 14
— James, Sept. 30, 1740
— John, father of Matthew W., p.
29, 1. 43
father of John W., p. 57, 1. 11
June 7, 1728
— — father of James W., p. 99, 1.
— Matthew, July 1, 1721
— Thomas, father of Thomas W., p.
48, 1. 18
— — March 17, 172f
* Wilkes, Wilks, Mr, p. 16, 1. 16; p. 17,
1. 16; p. 21,1. 27
Willan, Robert, Jan. 18, 1766
— Thomas, father of Thomas W., p.
134, 1. 42
June 10, 1751
father of Robert W., p. 172, 1.
Williams, Edward, A. B. Jesus Coll.
Oxford, June 30, 1764
— Ellin (sic), maiden name of mother
of William Evans, p. 175, 1. 9
— George, A.B., New Inn Hall, Ox-
ford, July 1, 1738
— Griff(ith), father of William W.,
p. 119, 1. 4
— Hugh, June 17, 1767
— James, Fellow of Jesus Coll., Ox-
ford, p. 164, 1. 11
— Jenkin, father of Thomas W., p.
152, 1. 7
— Sir John, knight, father of Richard
W., p. 61, 1. 29
June 15, 1730
April 5, 1734
— Sir John, knight, father of John
W., p. 75, 1. 15
Fellow of Jesus Coll., Oxford,
p. 165, 1. 40
• father of Owen James W., p.
169, 1. 9
father of Richard W., p. 176,
1. 29
— Luke, Fellow of Jesus Coll., Ox-
ford, p. 29, 1. 16
— Owen James, Sept. 13, 1764
* — Dominus Philip, p. 10. 1. 35; p.
20, 1. 46; p. 31, 1. 36 (Mr); p. 33,
I. 26; p. 40, 1. 25; p. 41, 1. 24; p.
43, 1. 4; p. 46, 1. 37; p. 48, 11. 38,
41; p. 51, 11. 24, 30; p. 52, 1. 21;
p. 55, 11. 41, 45 ; p. 56, 11. 3, 6, 9,
12, 17, 25, 29, 32, 37, 40, 43; p. 57,
II. 19, 35, 41; p. 58, 11. 9, 20, 23,
28, 32 ; p. 59, 11. 3, 6, 12, 30, 36, 41;
I Wliitstons in Grad. Cant.
p. 60, U. 30, 47; p. 61, 11. 3, 24 (Dr),
3,5 (Mr); p. 62, 11. 3, 6, 10, 13, 19,
28, 41; p. 63, 11. 1, 5, 8, 11, 21, 27,
36, 39; p. 64, 11. 1 (Dr), 9, 20, 31,
38; p. 65, 11. 5, 8, 19, 22, 28, 32,
45; p. 66, 11. 6, 12, 19, 29, 36, 43;
p. 67, 11. 8, 18, 24, 31, 34; p. 68,
11, 2, 16, 25; p. 69, 11. 1, 35, 43;
p. 70, 11. 18, 21, 24, 27, 32, 44, 47;
p. 71, 11. 3, 19, 23; p. 72, 11. 14, 20,
28, 37, 40, 43; p. 73, 11. 6, 16, 19,
24, 36, 39, 43 ; p. 74, 11. 3, 10, 13,
16, 19, 23, 26, 46 ; p. 75, 11. 3, 26,
30, 34, 38 ; p. 76, 11. 8, 28, 38, 47 ;
p. 77, 11. 24, 28, 30, 32, 39, 46;
p. 78, 11. 22, 32, 40; p. 79, 11. 10,
12, 19, 23, 26, 33, 38, 42; p. 80,
11. 3, 7, 13, 16, 20, 30, 36, 38, 44,
47; p. 81, 11. 10, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35;
p. 82, 11. 6, 8, 10, 26; p. 83, 11. 10,
13, 17, 21, 36, 39, 48; p. 84, 11. 6,
10, 14, 18, 28 ; p. 85, 11. 20, 23, 26 ;
p. 86, 11. 6, 9, 18, 29, 36, 43 ; p. 87,
11. 6, 9, 19, 40, 43 ; p. 88, 11. 3, 10,
14, 23, 31, 35 ; p. 89, 11. 6, 35 ; p. 90,
11. 5, 11, 21, 27, 37, 40; p. 91, U. 14,
22, 28, 35, 48 ; p. 92, 11. 13, 16, 19,
25, 28; p. 93, 11. 2, 8, 13, 24, 27,
34, 37, 44 ; p. 94, 11. 15, 18, 33, 37,
45 ; p. 95, 11. 6, 9, 13, 35 ; p. 96,
11. 9, 14, 21, 29 ; p. 97, 11. 7, 12, 23,
32, 35, 46; p. 98, 11. 1, 8, 25, 38, 41 ;
p. 99, 11. 15, 19, 38; p. 100, 11. 6, 9,
26, 28; p. 104, 1. 17
Williams, Richard, August 4, 1729
June 27, 1767
— Robert, father of Hugh W., p. 176,
— Thomas, father of Thomas W.,
p. 55, 1. 21
Oct. 7, 1727
Fellow of Jesus Coll., Oxford,
p. 164, 1. 13; p. 165, 1. 39
Dec. 22, 1757
father of William W., p. 168,
— William, father of William W.,
p. 63, 1. 37
June 25, 1730
father of John W., p. 63, 1. 25
July 4, 1730
July 10, 1741
May 21, 1746
father of William W., p. 142,
1. 19
March 16, 1754
* June 26, 1764
— G. (William ?) Williams, father of
William W., p. 103, 1. 24
— Mr, master of Lowth(e) school,
Lincolnshire, p. 17, 1. 22
— Mr, master of Sherbourne school,
Yorkshire, p. 13, 1. 12
Williamson, Edmund Thomas, July
31, 1724
— Henry, father of Edmund Thomas
W., p. 43, 1. 1
— Joseph, father of William W., p.
115, 1. 10
— William, April 26, 1745
Willim, Mr, master of Hereford school,
p. 86, 11. 5, 8 ; p. 94, 1. 14 ; p. 102,
1. 32; p. 113, 1. 5; p. 118, 1. 45; p.
122,1. 37; p. 127, 1. 36
Willis, Richard, father of Richard W.,
p. 12, 1. 24
-22 October, 1717
Wilmot, Richard, March 29, 1721
father of Richard W., p. 78,
1. 8
July 5, 1734
father of William W., p. 95,
1. 19
— Robert, father of Richard W., p.
27, 1. 30
— William, July 5, 1739
Wilmott, father of Francis Ballidon
and Richard W., p. Ill, 1. 3
— Francis Ballidon, Feb. 19, 174|
— Richard, Feb. 19, 174f
Wilsford, Thomas, M.D., father of
Thomas W., p. 130, 1. 27
Jan. 17, 17H
Wilson, Mr, master of Barton school,
Westmorland, p. 110, 1. 21
— Mr, master of Heptinstall school,
Halifax, p. 33, 1. 25
— Mr, master of Wakefield school,
p. 73, 1. 28
— Mr, master of Worcester school,
p. 6, 1. 34
— Charles, father of Thomas W., p.
32, 1. 16
— Cuthbert, June 28, 1738
— George, May 8, 1725
— Henry, March 9, 1752
— Isaac, father of William W., p.
28, 1. 1
father of John W., p. 50, 1. 1
— James, A.B., Jesus Coll., Oxford,
June 26, 1740
— John, father of George W., p. 45,
1. 19
father of William W., p. 5,
1. 10
* June 18, 1726 ; p. 82, 1. 35 (Mr) ;
p. 115, 1. 5 ; p. 125, 1. 40
Feb. 15, 174f
May 7, 1759
father of John W., p. 155,
1. 19
father of Matthew W., p. 128,
1. 4
— Matthew, father of Henry W., p.
137, 1. 13
March 15, 174f
Wilson, Eobert, father of William W.,
p. 9, 1. 28
father of Eobert W., p. 140,
1. 34
June 4, 1753
— Koger, father of Cuthbert W., p.
91, 1. 33
— Thomas, May 10, 1722
father of Thomas W., p. 127,
1 38
Feb. 27, 174|
father of William W., p. loo,
1. 1
father of John W., p. 121,
1. 17
*— William, May 24, 1716 ; p. 36,
1. 18 (*Dominus); p. 37, 1. 10
April 29, 1717
June 12, 1721
— — March 31, 1759
Windsor, Lord, p. 31, 1. 7
Wingfield, Borlace, father of Borlace
W., p. 124, 1. 1
* Jan. 4, 1741- ; p. 150, 1. 38 (Mr) ;
p. 177, 1. 2
— Hon. Edward, Oct. 3, 1748
— Hon. John, Oct. 3, 1748
— Benjamin, April 12, 1728
— — father of Benjamin W., p. 56,
1. 16
— John, father of Thomas W., p. 80,
1. 22
— Jonathan, father of William W.,
p. 48, 1. 42
— Thomas, June 16, 1735
— Wilham, April 26, 1726
Winter, Mr, master of Derby school,
p. 78, 1. 21; p. 108, 1. 5; p. 118,
1. 19
Wise, Edward, father of John W., p.
164, 1. 41
— Francis, Vice-President of Trinity
College, Oxford, p. 69, 1. 16
*— John, May 7, 1763
Withers, Mr, master of Doncaster
school, p. 17, 1. 38
— Mr, master of Rother^h)am school,
Yorkshire, p. 26, 1. 33 ; p. 48, 1. 34 ;
p. 49, 1. 1
Wolfe, Nicholas, April 6, 1720; Dec.
12, 1724
— Richard, father of Nicholas W., p.
22, 1. 23
Wombwell, George, June 26, 1721
— William, father of George W., p.
28, 1. 20
Wood, Mr, master of Bampton school,
Devonshire, p. Ill, 11. 27, 30; p.
133, 1. 27; p. 142, 1. 34
— George, March 30, 1723
*i— James, Feb. 7, 1767
Wood, John, father of George W., p.
36, 1. 32
(?), father of John W., p. 46,
June 1, 1725
father of John W., p. 102,
1. 1
John, May 27, 1741
— Nathaniel, Jan 26, 171|
— Eobert, father of Eobert W., p. 55,
Feb. 12, 172|
— Thomas, A.B., Oxford, June 27,
father of William W., p. 116,
1. 22
— William, father of Nathaniel W.,
p. 3, 1. 1
William, June 29, 1745
father of William W., p. 167,
1. 16
* March 16, 1764
Woodford, John, father of Eichard W.,
p. 21, 1. 12
— Eichard, Oct. 8, 1719
— Thomas, father of Thomas W., p.
105, 1. 13
April 30, 1742
Woodhouse, William, father of William
W., p. 137, 1. 9
Jan. (Feb. or March ?) 5,
Woodroffe, John, Oct. 10, 1722
— William, father of John W., p. 35,
1. 18
Woodson, Mr, master of Kingston-on-
Thames school, Surrey, p. 146, 1.
Woolley, John, father of Eichard W.,
p. 94, 1. 27
— Richard, June 11, 1739
Woolright, Joseph, father of Thomas
W., p. 117, 1. 7
— Thomas, Oct. 24, 1745
Woolwright, Mr, p. 171, 1. 18
Worge, John, May 23, 1746
— Eichard, father of John W., p.
119, 1. 12
Worthington, William, July 1, 1730
*Wotton, Mr, p. 2, 1. 1; p. 4, 1. 26
— • Mr, private tutor in the family of
T. Eoberts, Esq., p. 30, 1. 1
— Francis, July 9, 1741
— Mary, maiden name of the mother
of Eichard Williams, p. 176, 1. 30
— Thomas, father of Francis W., p.
103, 1. 21
Wragg, William, father of William
W., p. 117, 1. 39
Feb. 15, 174t
Wragge, James King, June 30, 1744
» Not the Master. See Hist, of St John's, ii. p. 1101, 11. 13 and foUowng.
Wragge, William, father of James
King W., p. 113, 1. 25
Wren, Mr, master of Durham school,
p. 15, 1. 17
Wright, Mr, master of Oakham school,
p. 3, 1. 20; p. 12, 1. 14; p. 14, 1. 5;
p. 18, 1. 37; p. 20, 1. 32; p. 27,
1.37; p. 31,1.20; p. 41,1. 29; p. 42,
1. 5; p. 49, 1. 36
— Mr, master of Winwick school,
Lancashire, p. 49, 1. 4
— Charles, May 7, 1760
— Edward, father of Thomas W., p.
45, 1. 16
— George, father of Charles W., p.
157, 1. 38
— Henry, father of Henry W., p. 89,
1. 1
Feb. 14, 173|-; Nov. 7, 1739
— John, March 25, 1719
father of William W., p. 77, 1.
June 21, 1742
— Joseph, father of Thomas W., p.
75, 1. 41
father of Joseph W., p. 124,
1. 21
March 12, 174|
— Martin, father of Martin and
William W., p. 117, 1. 25; p. 131,
1. 11
Jan. 17, 174f
— Richard, father of John W., p. 17,
1. 17
— Robert, father of John W., p. 106,
1. 10
— Thomas, M.A., p. 33, 1. 1
May 1, 1725
— Thomas, May 22, 1734
• father of Thomas W., p. 107,
1. 8
July 31, 1742
— William, June 24, 1734
April 25, 1750
*Wrigley, Mr, p. 36, 11. 10, 34; p. 62,
1. 38; p. 65, 11. 1, 12, 16, 25, 36, 39,
42 ; p. 66, 11. 15, 22, 26, 32, 39, 46;
p. 67, 11. 2, 11, 14, 21, 28, 40, 43;
p. 68, 11. 5, 9, 21, 28, 32, 36, 39; p.
69, 11. 5, 9, 20, 24, 31, 40; p. 70, 11.
1, 5, 11, 35, 38; p. 71, 11. 7, 11, 15,
27, 40; p. 72, 11. 1, 5, 11, 17, 24,
31, 34 ; p. 73, 11. 3, 10, 13, 22, 26,
29, 32; p. 74, U. 6, 29, 35, 39, 42;
p. 75, 11. 10, 14, 45 ; p. 76, 11. 4, 12,
15, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 43; p. 77, 11.
2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 21, 35, 43; p. 78, 11.
2, 10, 15, 19, 27; p. 79, 11. 1, 6, 15,
30; p. 80, 11. 10, 24, 27, 33; p. 81,
11. 2, 5, 13, 16, 39; p. 82, 11. 1, 17,
31, 36, 39, 43; p. 83, 11. 3, 6, 23,
31, 43 ; p. 84, 1. 33 ; p. 85, 11. 16,
30, 37, 40, 44; p. 86, 11. 12, 21, 82,
40; p. 87, 11. 3, 16, 23, 27, 31, 38;
p. 88, 11. 7, 18; p. 89, 11. 3, 11, 15,
22, 26, 30,42; p. 90, 11. 2, 14, 17,
30, 33, 44, 48; p. 91, U. 3, 6, 11, 18,
25, 44; p. 92, 11. 3, 10, 36; p. 93,
11. 5, 10, 17, 20, 40; p. 94, 11. 7, 22,
29; p. 95, 11. 3, 18, 21, 26, 30, 39;
p. 96, 11. 3, 18, 26, 43, 46; p. 97,
11. 3, 18, 26, 28, 38, 41 ; p. 98, 11. 5, 22,
27, 30, 45; p. 99, 11. 3, 11, 24, 28,
32, 35; p. 100, 11. 2, 18, 22, 32, 37;
p. 101, 11. 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, 30,
34; p. 102, 11. 3, 6, 30, 40, 46; p.
103, 11. 16, 35; p. 104, 11. 11, 21,
24, 28,34; p. 105, 11. 1, 5, 12, 15,
18, 27, 30, 34, 44; p. 106, 11. 2, 12,
16, 19, 23, 31, 34, 38, 40, 46; p.
107, 11. 7, 13, 19, 22, 32, 34, 37; p.
108, 11. 3, 6, 9, 15, 25, 31, 38, 43 ;
p. 109, 11. 12, 22, 25, 34, 41, 44; p.
110, 1. 2; p. 171, 1. 11
Wroughton, William, A.B., Wadham
Coll., Oxford, April 8, 1736
Wyatt, Wyat, Mr, master of Felstead
school, Essex, p. 58, 1. 5; p. 63, 1.
32; p. 90, 1. 39; p. 101, 1. 22; p.
115, 1. 36; p. 116,1.20
Wyke, Anthony, Jan. 13, 1759
— William, father of Anthony W.,
p. 154, 1. 18
Wynd, Mark, father of Robert W., p.
52, 1. 39
— Robert, May 22, 1727
Wynn, John, A.B., Jesus Coll., Oxford,
June 26, 1740
Wynne, John, Bishop of St Asaph,
Principal of Jesus College, Oxford,
p. 6, 1. 3
Yale, John, Sept. 27, 1762
* p. 167, 11. 25, 35; p. 168, 1.
31 (Mr)
— S., father of John Y., p. 163,
1. 20
*Yardley, Mr, p. 30, 1. 29; p. 60,
1. 32
Yate, Francis, A.B., Queen's Coll.,
Oxford, March 14, 172|; p. 40,
Yates, Mr, master of Appleby school,
Westmorland, p. 68, 1. 35; p. 78,
1. 26; p. 86, 1. 39; p. 87, 1. 31; p.
88, 1. 27; p. 130,1. 1
— Mr, master of Penrith school,
Cumberland, p. 138, 1, 13
— Joseph, father of Maile Y., p. 71,
1. 21
— Maile, Nov. 7, 1732
Yonge, Vernon, father of Walter Y., p.
127, 1. 9
father of Vernon Y., p. 138,
1. 23
June 18, 1752
Yonge, Walter, Oct. 5, 1748 ; Nov. 21,
*Youde, John, Feb. 23, 1763; p. 164,
1. 6
— Thomas, father of John Y., p. 163,
1. 37
Young, Mr, master of Burlington
school, Yorkshire, p. 65, 1. 41
— Mr, master of Sherbourne school,
Yorkshire, p. 71, 1. 6; p. 73, 1. 2
Young, John, father of John Y., p. 72,
Dec. 14, 1732
Younge, Thomas, father of Thomas
Y., p. 95, 1. 28
Oct. 10, 1739
Youngson, Dacre, Dec. 28, 1763
— George, father of Dacre Y., p. 167,
1. 4
Beds, p. 12, 1. 8; p. 14, 1. 21; p. 17,
1, 2; p. 27, 1. 41; p. 30, 1. 16; p. 47,
1. 19 ; p. 64, 1. 36 ; p. 65, 1. 17 ; p. 84,
1. 8;p. 91, 1. 17; p. 95,1. 12; p. 117,
1. 21; p. 124, 1. 35; p. 126, 1. 5; p.
132, 1. 1; p. 138, 1. 26; d. 147, 1. 28;
p. 152, 1. 18;, p. 157, 1. 42; p. 161,
I. 43; p. 164, 1. 24; p. 166, 1. 3;
p. 172, 1. 10; p. 174, 1. 11; p. 175,
II. 41, 44
Berks, p. 23, 1. 25; p. 52, 1. 4; p. 56,
1. 10; p. 62, 11. 17, 23; p. 68, 1. 19;
p. 122, 1. 13; p. 148, 1. 2; p. 164,
1. 41; p. 175, 1. 46
Buckinghamshire, Bucks, p. 4. 1. 43;
p. 8,1. 17; p. 12, 1. 28; p. 25,1. 6;
p. 26, 1. 10; p. 40, 1. 32 ; p. 52, 1. 29;
p. 58, 1. 30; p. 95,11. 5, 8; p. 117,
1. 18; p. 144, 1. 24; p. 146, 1. 16;
p. 176, 1. 43
Cambridgeshire, p. 5, 1. 11 ; p. 13,
1. 40; p. 20, 1. 40; p. 24, 1. 46;
p. 34, 1. 48; p. 35, 1. 18; p. 38,
1. 20; p. 40, 1. 16; p. 41, 1. 14;
p. 42, 1. 39; p. 43, 1. 2; p. 45, 1.
20; p. 48, 1. 36; p. 51, 1. 25; p.
53, 1. 13; p. 55, 11. 21, 29; p. 58,
1. 27 ; p. 63, 1. 7 ; p. 66, 1. 14 ; p. 69,
n, 3, 29; p. 70, 11. 22, 36; p. 72,
1. 18; p. 76, 1. 44; p. 77,1. 22; p. 78,
1. 14 ; p. 79, 1. 18 ; p. 81, 1. 4 ; p. 82,
1. 4; p. 83, 1. 38; p. 86, 1. 45; p. 90,
1. 3; p. 94, 1. 20; p. 96, 1. 35; p. 97,
1. 47; p. 99, 1. 10; p. 101, 1. 3 ; p.
116, 1. 32 ; p. 117, 1. 4 ; p. 121, 1. 14 ;
p. 122, 1. 44; p. 128, 1. 10; p. 129,
1. 29: p. 137, 1. 10; p. 138, 1. 19;
p. 142, 1. 2; p. 149, 1. 18; p. 164,
I. 29; p. 167,1. 39
Cheshire, p. 3, 1. 23; p. 6, 1. 23; p. 10,
II. 26, 47; p. 13, 1. 7 ; p. 14, 11. 8,
11, 14; p. 20, 1. 28; p. 32, 1. 6; p. 35,
1. 28; p. 36, 1. 13; p. 39, 11. 11, 22;
p. 41, 1. 38; p. 43,11. 8, 12; p. 44,
1. 25; p. 45, 1. 13; p. 47, 1. 25; p. 48,
1. 22; p. 49, 11. 17, 19; p. 55, 1. 36;
p. 56,11. 5, 7, 36; p. 58, 11. 12, 21;
p. 66, 1. 25; p. 69, 1. 19; p. 87, 1. 18;
p. 89, 1. 1; p. 101, 1. 29; p. 102, 1. 8;
p. 108, 1. 30; p. 109, 1. 40; p. 112
1. 17; p. 113, 1. 29; p. 115, 1. 13
p. 116, 1. 35; p. 134, 1. 29; p. 136
1. 29; p. 140, 1. 5; p. 142, 1. 25
p. 145, 1. 34; p. 150, 1. 20; p. 165
1. 8; p. 168, 1. 30; p. 171, 1. 18
Cornwall, p. 62, 1. 2; p. 103, 1. 25
p. 145, 1. 29; p. 164, 1. 37
Cumberland, p. 6, 1. 12; p. 9, 1. 29
p. 14, 1. 44; p. 19,1. 8; p. 40, 11. 3
35; p. 48, 1. 27 ; p. 50, 1. 23; p. 68
1. 34; p. 70, 1. 3; p. 78, 1.25; p. 86
1. 38 ; p. 87, 11. 26, 30 ; p. 88, 1. 26
p. 104, 1. 44; p. 110, 1. 20; p. 118
1. 25; p. 130, 1. 1; p. 135, 1. 9
p. 136, 1. 17; p. 137, 11. 35, 38
p. 138, 1. 13
Derbyshire, p. 3, 1. 40; p. 10, 1. 38
p. 16,1. 6; p. 17, 11. 34, 45; p. 27
I. 32; p. 32, 11. 39, 43; p. 39, 1. 19
p. 40, 1. 39; p. 41, 1. 19; p. 42
II. 12, 26; p. 47,1. 15; p. 49, 1. 29
p. 50,1. 17; p. 52,11. 14, 35; p. 53
11, 11, 29, 32, 41; p. 57, 1. 23; p. 59
1. 19; p. 60, 11. 16, 25, 45; p. 62
1. 43; p. 63,1. 4; p. 64, 1.27; p. 66
1. 48; p. 67, 11. 7, 13, 30; p. 68
1. 4; p. 69, 1. 33; p. 72, 1. 26; p. 73
1. 21; p. 77,11. 5,7, 15; p. 78, 11. 9
21; p. 80, U. 5, 48; p. 81, 1. .37
p. 82, 11. 38, 42 ; p. 83, 11. 2, 42; p. 88
1. 8; p. 90, 11. 29, 46; p. 92, 1. 15
p. 94, 1. 28; p. 95, 1. 20; p. 98, 1. 28
p. 99, 1. 23; p. 100, 1. 1 ; p. 102,
1. 1; p. 104, 1. 22; p. 105, 1. 3
p. 107, 1. 21 ; p. 108, 1. 5 ; p. 110
1. 33; p. Ill, 11. 4, 19; p. 113, 1. 18
p. 118, 1. 19; p. 122, 11. 6, 20, 29
36; p. 124, 1. 14; p. 127, 1. 46
p. 129, 1. 1; p. 132, 1. 16; p. 138
1. 38; p. 141, 1. 1; p. 142, 1. 30
p. 143, 1. 32; p. 153, 1. 5; p. 157
1. 45; p. 165, 1. 5; p. 168, 1. 12
p. 169, 1. 38
Devon, p. 6, 1. 5 ; p. 26, 1. 17; p. 45
1. 6; p. 46, 11. 4, 11; p. 49, 11. 39
42; p. 51, 1.11; p. 66, 1. 10; p. 84
1. 20; p. 85, 1. 18; p. 87, 1. 42; p. 91
1. 47 ; p. 99, 1. 40 ; p. 103, 1. 4 ; p. Ill
11. 14, 30 ; p. 116, 1. 22 ; p. 142, 1. 34 ;
p. 148, 1. 29; p. 162, 11. 12, 35;
p. 163, 1. 33; p. 164,1. 21
Dorset, p. 8, 1. 5; p. 16, 1. 32; p. 21,
1. 29; p. 50, 11. 38, 48; p. 65, 1. 43;
p. 70, 1. 30; p. 72, 1. 12; p. 94, 1. 10;
p. 96, 11. 4, 28; p. 107, 1. 27; p. 115,
1. 31; p. 117, 1. 43; p. 141, 1. 7;
p. 143, 1. 22; p. 161, 1. 30; p. 162,
11.4, 9; p. 168, 1. 25; p. 173, 1. 47
Durham, p. 6, 1. 33; p. 15, 1. 17; p.
18, 1. 10; p. 23, 1. 40; p. 24, 11. 14,
39 ; p. 26, 1. 21 ; p. 27, 1. 35 ; p. 30, 1.
8; p. 32, 11. 12, 31; p. 34, 1. 40; p.
36, 1. 36; p. 40, 1. 20; p. 52, 1. 16;
p. 53, 1. 17; p. 56, 11. 19, 24, 28;
p. 60, 1. 34 ; p. 63, 1. 29 ; p. 67, 1. 29 ;
p. 76, 1. 10; p. 78, 1. 5 ; p. 80, 1. 15;
p. 90, 1. 35; p. 94, 11. 40, 44; p. 97,
1. 30; p. 98, 11. 7, 10; p. 100, 1. 45;
p. 102, 1. 11; p. Ill, 1. 41; p. 119,
1. 11 ; p. 135, 11. 39, 46 ; p. 139, 1. 30 ;
p. 155, 11. 43, 46; p. 156, 11. 17, 24;
p. 157,11. 18, 25; p. 165, 1. 25
Essex, p. 1, 1. 23; p. 6, 1. 36; p. 11, 1.
37; p. 18, 1. 3; p. 21, 11. 1, 5; p. 40,
1. 26; p. 47, 11. 29, 34; p. .55, 1. 12 ;
p. 56, 1. 34; p. 58, 1. 4; p. 59, 1. 38;
p. 63, 1. 32; p. 65, 1. 35 ; p. 68, 1. 37;
p. 72, 1. 30; p. 77, 1. 44; p. 78, 1. 1;
p. 82, 1. 12; p. 88, 11. 30, 37; p. 90,
1. 8; p. 92, 1. 27; p. 93, 1. 23; p. 95,
1. 25; p. 98, 11. 39, 43; p. 101, 1. 22;
p. 105, 1. 10; p. Ill, 1. 22; p. 116, 1.
19 ; p. 122, 1. 17; p. 131, 1. 5; p. 139,
1. 5; p. 140, 1. 41; p. 142, 1. 12; p.
143,11. 6, 9; p. 147, 1.5; p. 149, 1.
31; p. 150, 1. 26; p. 152, 1. 25; p.
157, 1. 22; p. 162, 1. 1; p. 167, 1. 20;
p. 168, 1. 8; p. 170, 1. 28
Gloucestershire, p. 103, 1. 34; p. 110,
1. 17; p. 117, 1. 8; p. 126, 1. 19;
p. 144, 1. 31; p. 163, 1. 25
Hampshire, Hants, p. 8, 1, 28; p. 20,
I. 36; p. 23, 1. 14; p. 35, 1. 31;
p. 46, 1. 45; p. 50, 1. 35; p. 58,
II. 24, 33; p. 60, 1. 42; p. 93, 1. 12;
p. 129,1. 15; p. 150, 1.30
Hants, see HamiDshire
Herefordshire, p. 2, 1. 19; p. 4, 1. 6;
p. 18, 1. 20 ; p. 26, 1. 24; p. 28, 1. 6 ;
p. 38, 1. 7; p. 56, 1. 1 ; p. 66,1. 27;
p. 71, 1. 17 ; p. 72, 1. 42; p. 86, 11. 5,
8; p. 94, 1. 13; p. 102, 1. 81 ; p. 109,
1. 4; p. 118, 1. 44; p. 127, 1. 85;
p. 139, 1. 19; p. 142, 1. 40; p. 151,
I. 23; p. 168, 1. 21
Hertfordshire, Herts, Hertford, p. 11,
II. 4, 29; p. 21, 1. 82; p. 27, 1. 16; p.
59, 1. 22; p. 60, 1. 12 ; p. 61, 1. 86; p.
80, 1. 12; p. 98, 1. 36; p. 107, 1. 9;
p. 128, 1. 31; p. 142, 1. 17; p. 173,
Hunts, p. 8, 1. 36 ; p. 15, 1. 9 ; p. 24,
1. 22; p. 76, 1. 2; p. 77, 1. 38; p. 94,
1. 32; p. 98, 1. 24; p. 109, 1. 14;
p. 112, 1. 34; p. 113, 1. 41; p. 118,
1. 15; p. 133, 1. 10; p. 135, 11. 15,
20 ; p. 139, 1. 1 ; p. 141, 1. 16 ; p. 146,
1. 43; p. 151, 1. 31: p. 174,1. 15
Kent, p. 2, 1. 29; p. 6, 1. 20; p. 9, 11. 43,
46; p. 12, 1. 36; p. 13, 1. 1; p. 18, 1.
6; p. 21, 1. 9; p. 2-5. 1. 33; p. 27, 1.
37; p. 33, 1. 28; p. 36, 11. 2, 24; p.
38, 1. 8; p. 39, 1. 15; p. 41, 1. 32;
p. 46, 1. 21; p 50, 1. 6; p. 52, 1. 82;
p. 54, 11. 29, 36; p. 55, 1. 1; p. 62, 1.
14 ; p. 63, 1. 40 ; p. 67, 1. 26 ; p. 71, 1.
l;p. 72,1. 3; p. 78, 1. 11; p. 79, 1. 11;
p. 82, 1. 25; p. 83, 1. 12; p. 87, 1. 1;
p. 90, 1. 19 ; p. 91, 1. 40; p. 96, 1. 31;
p. 97, 1. 44; p. 99, 1. 86; p. 101,
I. 24; p. 102, 1. 42; p. 103, 1, 14;
p. 104, 1. 40; p. 106, 1. 17; p. 108,
II. 20, 26; p. 109, 1. 17; p. 114,
11. 29, 39; p. 115, 1. 26; p. 116,
11. 25, 28; p. 122, 1. 25; p. 123,
1. 18; p. 124, 1. 33; p. 125, 1. 30;
p. 130, 1. 8; p. 132, 1. 9; p. 138,
U. 37, 41; p. 134, 11. 7, 10; p. 185,
1. 28; p. 186, 11. 1, 5, 21; p. 137,
1. 6; p. 141, 11. 12, 27; p. 145, 11.
41, 45; p. 146, 11. 4, 19; p. 147,
I. 25; p. 149, 1. 7; p. 150, 1. 40; p.
151, 11. 27, 35, 43; p. 161, 11. 9, 12;
p. 164, 1. 33; p. 176, 1. 25; p. 177,
II. 19, 23
Lancashire, p. 8, 1. 7; p. 4, 11. 2, 9;
p. 6, 1. 9; p. 7,1. 11; p. 9, U. 2, 6;
p. 10, 11. 15, 44; p. 13, 11. 23, 36;
p. 14, 1. 32; p. 15, 11. 18, 22; p. 16,
1. 1; p. 17, 11. 10, 25; p. 18, 11. 23,
27; p. 22, 11. 20, 28, 32; p. 23, 1. 2;
p. 26, 1. 14; p. 28, 1. 2; p. 31,
1. 27; p. 37, 1. 3; p. 88, 1. 36; p. 39,
I. 45; p. 41, 1. 45; p. 44, 1. 21;
p. 45, 11. 17, 23; p. 49, 1. 3; p. 50,
II. 2, 26; p. 51, 1. 39; p. 53,1. 45;
p. 55, 1. 18; p. 57, 1. 5; p. 59,1. 7;
p. 61, 1. 14; p. 62,11. 36, 39; p. 67,
1. 33; p. 68, 1. 24; p. 71, 11. 8, 21,
25; p. 72, 1. 32; p. 76, 1. 6; p. 77,
1. 41; p. 78, 1. 42; p. 79, 11. 7, 21;
p. 81, 1. 12; p. 82, 11. 29, 38; p. 88.
I. 29; p. 84, 1. 32; p. 86, 1. 20;
p. 87, 1. 37; p. 88, 1. 17; p. 89,
II. 8, 13, 29; p. 91, 11. 2, 5; p. 93,
11. 15, 42; p. 94. 11. 6, 48; p. 96,
11. 12, 24, 42; p. 97, 1. 40; p. 99,
I. 2; p. 100, 11. 16, 31; p. 101, 11. 7,
19, 32; p. 105, 1. 17; p. 108, 1. 23;
p. 109, 11. 10, 23; p. 112, 11. 4, 8;
p. 115, 1. 3; p. 117, 1. 13; p. 120,
II. 2, 89 ; p. 121, 11. 30, 36, 40; p. 124,
11. 18,22; p. 125, 11. 4, 38; p. 181, 11.
36, 40; p. 138, 1. 34; p. 144, 1. 17;
p. 146, 1. 28; p. 148, 11. 11, 28;
p. 149, 1. 34; p. 150, 1. 4; p. 152,
I. 29 ; p. 153, 1. 9 ; p. 155,1. 25 ; p. 161,
11. 16, 27 ; p. 162, 1. 45 ; p. 163, 1. 14 ;
p. 167, 1. 8; p. 169, 1. 5; p. 171,
II. 9, 38; p. 173, 1. 7; p. 174, 11. 6,
42; p. 176, 1. 7
Leicestershire, p. 2, 1. 9; p. 10, 1. 3; p.
20, 1. 31 ; p. 26, 1. 36 ; p. 30, 1. 11 ; p.
37, 1. 16 ; p. 48, 1. 39 ; p. 49, 11. 7, 36 ;
p. 64, 1. 23; p. 65, 1. 24; p. 71, 1. 14;
p. 72, 1. 16; p. 76, 1. 13; p. 78, 1. 18;
p. 105, 1. 14; p. 108, 1. 17; p. 113, 1.
25; p. 115,11. 19, 46; p. 116, 1. 15;
p. 117, 1. 39; p. 119, 1. 43; p. 120,
11. 5, 29; p. 125, 1. 17; p. 128, 1.39;
p. 134, 1. 14; p. 140, 1. 1; p. 144,
1. 1; p. 149, 1. 14; p. 155, 1. 32;
p. 162, 1. 28; p. 165, 1. 19; p. 169,
1. 1; p. 170,1. 25
Lincolnshire, p. 8, 1. 25; p. 10, 11. 22,
41; p. 11, 1. 48; p. 14, 1. 4; p. 17,
I. 18; p. 21, 1. 37; p. 24, 1. 10; p. 25,
II. 2, 23; p. 28, 1. 33; p. 30,1. 34;
p. 42, 1. 4; p. 43, 1. 35; p. 44, 1. 8;
p. 45, 1. 35; p. 47, 11. 9,22; p. 50,
11. 30, 42; p. 52, 1. 7; p. 53, 1. 7;
p. 59, 11. 1, 17; p. 61, 1. 1; p. 63,
1. 12; p. 68, 1. 31; p. 70, 1. 16; p. 72,
1. 22; p. 79, 1. 36; p. 80, 11. 2,46;
p. 86, 1. 31; p. 88, 1. 34; p. 92, 1. 18;
p. 97, 1. 10; p. 100, 1. 4; p. 103,
1. 9; p. 106, 11. 22. 42, 48; p. 108,
1. 45; p. 109, 1. 26; p. Ill, 1. 45;
p. 112, 1. 37; p. 115, 11. 39, 43;
p. 123, 1. 10; p. 125, 1. 27; p. 126,
1. 22; p. 133, 1. 1; p. 134, 1. 33;
p. 139, 1. 15; p. 142,1. 44; p. 151,
1. 19; p. 155, 1. 38; p. 163, 1, 27;
p. 164, 1. 15; p. 169, 1. 23; p. 170,
I. 32; p. 171, 1. 26; p. 173, 11. 15,
35; p. 174,1. 25
Middlesex, p. 2, 11. 22, 43; p. 3, 1. 12;
p. 5, U. 6, 27, 35; p. 6. 1. 39; p. 7,
II. 22, 31, n. 1; p. 10, 1. 29; p. 11,
11. 10, 22; p. 13, 1. 5; p. 16, 1. 28;
p. 18, 1. 17; p. 19, 11. 16, 37; p. 20,
I. 44; p. 21, 1. 18; p. 22, 1. 40; p. 25,
II. 13, 29, 40 ; p. 26, 1. 6 ; p. 28, 1. 29 ;
p. 29, 1. 36; p. 30, 11. 24, 28, 32; p.
31, 11. 3, 15 ; p. 32, 1. 35 ; p. 34, 1. 43 ;
p. 35, 11. 4, 7; p. 37, 1. 20; p. 39, 11.
1, 8, 31 ; p. 40, 1. 24 ; p. 41, 1. 7 ; p. 42,
1. 32; p. 43, 1. 5; p. 45, 1. 26; p. 49,
1. 13 ; p. 51, 11. 4, 16, 32 ; p. 54, 1. 21 ;
p. 55, 11. 4, 15; p. 57, 1. 30; p. 58,
I, 1; p. 59, 1. 4; p. 62,11. 4, 8, 30;
p. 63, 1. 26; p. 65, 1. 20; p. 68,
1.41; p. 70,1.7; p. 71,1. 2; p. 74,
II. 11, 14, 18; p. 81, 11. 8, 15, 26;
p. 83, 1. 25; p. 85, 11. 14, 21; p. 86,
1. 33; p. 89, 1. 36; p. 90, 1. 39;
p. 92, 1. 30; p. 94, 11. 24, 36; p. 96,
11. 8,20; p. 97, 1. 34; p. 100, U. 12,
24; p. 101, 1. 12; p. 102, 1. 35
p. 103, 1. 18 ; p. 104, 11. 3, 29, 36
p. 105, 1. 36; p. 109, 1. 29; p. 110
1. 37 ; p. 113, 1. 8 ; p. 114, 11. 5
26; p. 115, 1. 15; p. 116, 1. 41
p. 117, 1. 26; p. 119, 11. 9, 23
p. 120, 11. 6, 22, 24, 27; p. 122
1. 10; p. 123, 11. 22, 29, 32, 36
p. 124, 1. 26; p. 125, 1. 9; p. 126
1. 34; p. 127, 11. 18, 32, 42; p. 128
I. 35; p. 129, 11. 8, 18, 41, 44
p. 130, 1. 31; p. 131,1. 12; p. 133
II. 5, 14; p. 135, 1. 43; p. 136
11. 14, 37; p. 137, 11. 2, 16, 31; p
139, 1. 12; p. 140, 1. 45; p. 141
11. 4, 32, 39; p. 143, 1. 35; p. 145
1.26; p. 146, 11. 12, 21; p. 147, 1. 18
p. 148, 1. 19; p. 149, 1. 5; p. 152
11. 4, 11, 14, 37; p. 153, 1. 32; p. 154
11. 7, 9; p. 155, 11. 13, 16; p. 156
I. 31 ; p. 161, 1. 41 ; p. 168, 11. 16
38; p. 170, 1. 3; p. 171, 1. 3; p. 172
II. 19, 23, 30; p. 173, 1. 40; p. 174
11. 29, 32; p. 175, 11. 14, 22, 34
p. 176, 11. 14, 34; p. 177, 11. 17, 23
Norfolk, p. 3, 1. 4; p. 8, 1. 21
p. 9, 1. 9; p. 26, 1. 2; p. 32
1. 26; p. 35, 1. 25; p. 37, 1. 24
p. 61, 1. 17; p. 70, 1. 19; p. 83
1. 46; p. 94, h 2; p. 113, 1. 36
p. 120, 11. 17, 22; p. 132, 11. 13, 34
41; p. 135,1. 27; p. 149,11. 10, 22
p. 156, 1. 20; p. 162, 1. 16; p. 164
1. 45; p. 172, 1. 40; p. 174, 1. 1
Northamptonshire, Northants, p. 1, 1. 6
p. 3, 1. 1; p. 9, 1. 22; p. 11, 11. 18, 45
p. 12, 1. 24; p. 13, 11. 27, 32 ; p. 16
1. 26; p. 21, 1. 12; p. 22, 1. 15
p. 23, 1. 46 ; p. 37, 1. 48 ; p. 39, 1. 26
p. 47, 1. 37; p. 51, 1. 13; p. 59
I. 25; p. 62, 1. 26; p. 77, 1. 26; p. 88
II. 2, 20; p. 91, 1. 42; p. 93, 1. 35
p. 107, 1. 5; p. 118, 1. 21; p. 122
1. 2; p. 125, 1. 35; p. 128, 1. 15
p. 141, 11. 12, 19; p. 142, 1. 48
p. 148, 1. 46; p. 153, 1. 37; p. 157.
1. 39; p. 163, 1. 9
Northants ; see Northamptonshire
Northumberland, p. 5, 1. 14 ; p. 7
1. 19; p. 19, 1. 41; p. 33, 1. 37
p. 47, 1. 1; p. 49,1. 10; p. 55, 1. 25
p. 60, 11. 36, 39 ; p. 63, 11. 19, 22
p. 66, 1. 4; p. 69, 11. 41,45; p. 73
1. 17; p. 86, 1. 42; p. 91, 1. 34
p. 103,1. 30; p. 112, 1. 27; p. 131
1. 25; p. 132, 1. 4; p. 134; 1. 40
p. 137, 1. 28; p. 138, 1. 6; p. 147
1. 22; p. 154, 1. 12; p. 157, 1. 35
p. 169, 1. 13
Notts, p. 1, 1. 16; p. 3, 1. 33; p. 7, 1. 16
p. 16, 1. 19; p. 19, 1. 34 ; p. 23, 1. 20
p. 24, 1. 6; p. 25, 1. 10; p. 30, 1. 38
p. 32, 1. 17; p. 33, 1. 33; p. 37, 1. 44
p. 42,1. 29; p. 44, 1. 45; p. 47,1. 32
p. 49, 1.27; p. 50, 1. 9; p. 52, 1.23
p. 54, 1.6; p. 56,1. 41; p. 59, 1. 10
p. 60, 1. 23; p. 64, 1. 5; p. 66
U. 1, 34; p. 73, 1. 5; p. 78, 1. 34
p. 80, 11. 8, 29; p. 83, 1. 7; p. 85
1.43; p. 89, 1. 32; p. 90, 11. 15, 47
p. 101, 1. 36; p. 110, 1. 1; p. 116
1. 11; p. 119, 1. 16; p. 124, 1. 39
p. 132, 1. 28; p. 134, 1. 3; p. 147
1. 31; p. 166, 1. 27; p. 167, 1. 17:
p. 169, 1. 30; p. 174, 1. 36; p. 175
1. 18
Oxfordshire, p. 131, 1. 8; p. 171, 1. 6
p. 172, 1. 7
Butlandshire, p. 12, 1. 13 ; p. 18, 1. 36
p. 29, 1. 48; p. 31, 1. 19; p. 34
1. 36; p. 38, 11. 24, 28; p. 39, 1. 35
p. 41, 1.29; p. 48, 1. 6 ; p. 54,1. 39
p. 56, 1. 38; p. 66, 1. 21; p. 80
1. 23; p. 95, 1. 17; p. 101, 1. 36
p. 103, 1. 22; p. 122, 1. 41; p. 129
1. 22; p. 153, 11. 1, 15; p. 155, 1. 19
p. 163, 1. 30; p. 171,1. 41; p. 176
I. 80
Salop, Shropshire, p. 5, 1. 25 ; p. 6
1. 29; p. 8, 1. 10; p. 19, 11. 20, 27
30; p. 26, 1. 43; p. 27, 1. 44; p. 28
1. 11; p. 40, 1. 29; p. 41, 1. 41
p. 42, 11. 15, 18; p. 45, 1. 9; p. 47
1. 12; p. 48, 1. 4; p. 55, 1. 44
p. 56, 1. 16; p. 57, 1. 20; p. 58
I. 36; p. 63, 11. 37, 38; p. 64, 1. 33
p. 69, 1. 23; p. 70, 11. 10, 13; p. 73
II. 15, 41 ; p. 80, 1. 31 ; p. 93, 1. 32
p. 99, 1. 18; p. 106, 11. 25, 44; p. 112
1. 44; p. 114, 1. 1; p. 115, 1. 7
p. 119, 11. 30, 34, 38; p. 124, 1. 1
p. 128, 1. 42: p. 131, 1. 2 ; p. 134
1. 20; p. 138, 1. 9; p. 139, 1. 22
p. 147, 1. 34; p. 150, 1. 33 ; p. 153
1. 41; p. 156, 1. 8; p. 166, 1. 24
p. 169, 1. 16; p. 170, 1. 21; p. 171
1. 21; p. 173, 1. 44; p. 177, 1. 1
Somerset, p. 30, 1. 41; p. 35, 1. 21
p. 39, 1. 39; p. 43, 1. 15; p. 56
1. 13; p. 67, 1. 23; p. 73, 1. 38
p. 110, 1. 25; p. Ill, 1. 26; p. 113
1. 22; p. 124, 11. 7, 10; p. 129, 1. 26
p. 133, 1. 26 ; p. 136, 1. 33 ; p. 146
1. 47; p. 148, 1. 33; p. 162, 1. 48
p. 163, 1. 17
Staffordshire, p. 3, 1. 30; p. 5, 1. 21
p. 16, 1. 15; p. 17, 1. 14; p. 18
1.48; p. 21,1. 25; p. 42, 1. 35; p. 44
1. 2; p. 46, 1. 36; p. 57, 11. 34, 40
p. 60, h 29; p. 62, 1. 33; p. 66, 1.4
p. 90, 1. 25 ; p. 104, 1. 9 ; p. 105
1. 32 ; p. 113, 1. 1 ; p. 127, 1. 9 ; p. 128
1. 27; p. 129, 1. 34; p. 131, 1. 19
p. 133, 1. 19; p. 134, 1. 17; p. 135
1. 31; p. 138, 1. 23; p. 139, 1. 26
p. 143, 11. 25, 45; p. 146, 1. 33;
p. 151, 1. 41; p. 154, 1. 15; p. 155,
1.35; p. 165,1. 47; p. 175, 11.4, 30
Suffolk, p. 4, 1. 13; p. 8, 1. 33; p. 9,
1. 36; p. 10, 1. 19; p. 15, 11. 1, 6;
p. 18, 1. 13; p. 31, 1. 24; p. 42, 11.
7, 31 ; p. 47, 1. 40; p. 48, 1. 30; p. 49,
1. 23; p. 51,1.20; p. 52, 1. 1; p. 56,
1. 45; p. 57, 11. 2, 18; p. 58,1. 39;
p. 64, 1. 1; p. 72, 1. 7; p. 79,
1. 32; p. 80, 1. 34; p. 83, 1. 9; p.
92, 1. 2; p. 104,1. 32; p. 106,1. 4;
p. 110, 11. 4, 10, 13; p. Ill, 1. 34;
p. 117, 1. 34; p. 122, 1. 33; p. 123,
1. 14; p. 125, 1. 47; p. 126, 1. 2;
p. 130, 1. 4; p. 131, 1. 32; p. 143,
I. 11; p. 149, 1. 40; p. 153, 1. 22;
p. 162, 1. 38; p. 163, 1. 4; p. 176,
II. 21, 27
Surrey, p. 11, 1. 14; p. 12, 1. 21;
p.20, 1. 24; p. 32,1.9; p. 40,1. 13;
p. 42,1. 31; p. 43, 1.33; p. 45,1. 41;
p. 85, 1. 25 ; p. 90, 1. 13 ; p. 93, 1. 25 ;
p. 102, 1. 25; p. 106, 1. 7; p. 119,
1. 46; p. 125, 1. 24; p. 126, 1. 8;
p. 130, 1. 24; p. 137, 1. 46; p. 139,
1. 9; p. 145, 1. 5; p. 146, 1. 35;
p. 148, 1. 21 ; p. 157, 1. 32
Sussex, p. 5, 1. 41; p. 9, 1. 25; p. 22,
1. 18; p. 27, 1. 20; p. 66, 1. 45;
p. 79, 1. 29; p. 80, 11. 40, 43 ; p. 84,
1. 4; p. 87, 11. 5, 8; p. 90, 1. 32;
p. 95, 1. 33; p. 98, 1. 20; p. 100,
1. 8; p. 102, 1. 39; p. 107, 1. 14;
p. 109, 1. 21 ; p. 112, 1. 42; p. 117,
1. 29; p. 118, 1. 3; p. 119, 1. 18;
p. 125, 1. 13; p. 135, 1. 13; p. 138,
1. 41; p. 140, 1. 31; p. 152, 1. 41;
p. 170, 1. 44
Warwickshire, p. 3, 1. 16; p. 30, 1. 20;
p. 69, 1. 7; p. 76, 1. 33; p. 91, 1. 24;
p. 101, 1. 43; p. 109, 1. 36; p. 115,
1. 23; p. 120, 1. 32; p. 140, 1. 34;
p. 151, 1. 11
Westmorland, p. 4, 1. 32; p. 9, 1. 40;
p. 34, 1. 31; p. 37, 1. 40; p. 38,
1. 10; p. 48, 1. 24; p. 57, 1. 36;
p. 58, 1. 15 ; p. 61, 1. 34; p. 66,
1. 38 ; p. 76, 1. 17 ; p. 94, 1. 17 ;
p. 97, 1. 37; p. 98,11. 4, 33; p. 108,
1. 42; p. 120, 1. 10; p. 121, 1. 18;
p. 127, 1. 38; p. 130, 1. 16; p. 136,
1. 10; p. 140, 1. 38; p. 144, 1. 5;
p. 146, 1. 40; p. 148,1. 42; p. 156,
I. 14; p. 161, 1. 4; p. 165, 1. 16;
p. 166, L 8; p. 172, 1. 4 ; p. 173,
II. 11, 31; p. 176, 1.40
Wiltshire, p. 6, 1. 44; p. 13, 1. 18;
p. 34, 1. 7; p. 35, 1. 15; p. 36, 1. 9;
p. 48, 1. 15; p. 53, 1. 35; p. 60, 1. 9;
p. 61, 1. 23; p. 63, 1. 35; p. 64, 1. 30;
p. 65,1.6; p. 70, 1. 39; p. 84,1.27;
p. 85,1.36; p. 86, 1. 2; p. 87, 1. 22;
p. 88, 1. 6; p. 93, 1. 4; p. 98, 1. 15
p. 103,1. 1; p. 104,11. 6,26; p. 105
1. 39; p. 108, 1. 11; p. 110, 1. 30
p. Ill, 1. 9; p. 118, 1. 38; p. 120
1. 36; p. 129, 11. 12, 37 ; p. 131, 1. 16
p. 137, 1. 24; p. 145, 1. 1; p. 148
1. 7; p. 167, 1. 42; p. 168, 1. 3
p. 170, 1. 47; p. 171, 1. 13; p. 173
1. 27
Worcestershire, p. 31, 1. 8; p. 53
1. 38; p. 78, 1. 30; p. 80, 1. 18
Yorks, Yorkshire, p. 1,1. 1; p. 2, 1. 40
p. 3, 11. 27, 36, 42 ; p. 4, 11. 16, 20
25, 28, 36, 40; p. 5, 11. 2, 31; p. 6
I. 16; p. 8, 1. 13 (Yorks); p. 9, 11. 14
18, 32; p. 10, 11. 8, 12; p. 11, 11. 26
33; p. 12, 1. 32; p. 13, 11. 10, 44
p. 14, 11. 24,47; p. 16,1. 22; p. 17
II. 31, 38; p. 18, 11. 40, 44; p. 19,
11. 4, 12, 23; p. 21, 11. 22, 41; p. 22
11. 4, 23, 36, 40, 44; p. 23, U. 3, 6
9, 29, 32, 36, 42; p. 24, 11. 1, 18, 43
p. 25, 11. 18, 36; p. 26, 11. 28, 31
39; p. 27, 11. 23, 27; p. 28, 11. 21, 25
39; p. 29, 11. 40, 44; p. 30, 1. 4
p. 31, 11. 11, 30, 35, 39, 43; p. 32
11. 2, 21; p. 33, 11. 4, 9, 19, 24
p. 35, 1. 12; p. 36, 11. 17, 30, 33
40; p. 37, 11. 1, 9, 12, 28, 32, 36
p. 38, 11. 13, 16; p. 40, 1. 44; p. 41
11. 4, 16, 26, 36; p. 42, 11. 1, 9
p. 43, 11. 21, 29, 39; p. 44, 11. 6
11, 18, 28, 31, 37, 42 ; p. 45, 11. 1
3, 30, 33, 38, 47; p. 46, 11. 1, 8
15, 19, 24, 27, 40; p. 47, 1. 3
p. 48, 11. 10, 19, 33, 43; p. 50, 1. 13
p. 51, 1. 36; p. 52, 11. 10, 27, 43
p. 53, 11. 4, 17, 20, 23; p. 54, U. 4
14, 23, 27; p. 55, 11. 8, 33; p. 56
I. 30; p. 57, 11. 9, 11, 15, 27, 43
p. 58, 11. 8, 19; p. 59, 11. 14, 32, 43
p. 60, 11. 6, 19; p. 61, U. 5, 7, 11
p. 62, 1. 20; p. 63, 11. 16, 44; p. 64
II. 14, 17; p. 65, 11. 11, 14, 27, 40
p. 66, 11. 7, 18, 41; p. 67, 11. 10, 19
p. 69,1. 37; p. 70, 11. 34, 46; p. 71
11. 6, 39, 42; p. 72, 1. 10; p. 73
11. 1, 8, 28, 31; p. 74, 1. 24; p. 75,
11. 9, 12; p. 76, 11. 10, 20, 24, 27.
30, 41; p. 77, 11. 1, 11, 34; p. 78,
11. 28, 38; p. 79, II. 4, 14, 25; p. 80,
I. 26; p. 82, 11. 15, 19; p. 83, 11. 5,
16, 33; p. 84, 11. 12, 16; p. 85, 1. 28;
p. 86, 11. 11, 14, 23; p. 87, 1. 12;
p. 89, 11. 18, 21, 25, 41, 46; p. 90,
II. 23, 43; p. 92, 1. 8; p. 93, 11. 19,
38; p. 95, 11. 29, 37; p. 96, 11. 2,45;
p. 97, 11. 2, 6, 17, 21; p. 99, 11. 14,
26, 30, 34; p. 100, 11. 20, 43; p. 101,
I. 15; p. 102, 11. 5, 15, 18, 22, 28;
p. 103, 1. 12; p. 104, 11. 13, 20;
p. 105, 11. 22, 26, 28, 43; p. 106, 11. 1,
II, 29, 32, 36; p. 107, 11. 12, 18, 31,
36; p. 108, 11. 1, 14, 34, 36; p. 109,
11. 8, 33, 43; p. Ill, 1. 32; p. 112,
11. 12, 22; p. 113, 11. 12, 16, 33;
p. 114, 11. 8, 36; p. 115, 1. 11; p.
116, 1. 1; p. 118, 11. 8, 12, 30, 34;
p. 119, 11. 1, 27; p. 120, 1. 13;
p. 121, 11. 2, 9; p. 123, 1. 26; p. 124,
11. 29, 43; p. 125, 11. 5, 43; p. 126,
I. 12 ; p. 127, 11. 21, 29; p. 128, 11. 5,
8, 23; p. 130, 11. 12, 21, 27, 37;
p. 132, 1. 24; p. 133, 1. 30; p. 134,
II. 25, 37, 43; p. 135, 11. 2, 6, 35;
p. 136, 1. 26; p. 137, 11. 14, 20;
p. 138, 11. 2, 30; p. 139, 1. 34;
p. 140, 11. 8, 17; p. 141, 1. 24;
p. 142, 11. 5, 9, 38; p. 143, 11. 14,
18; p. 144, 1. 8; p. 145, 11. 15, 19,
22, 37; p. 146, 11. 9, 25; p. 147,
I. 13; p. 148, 1. 14; p. 149, 11. 1, 37;
p. 150, 11. 9, 13, 17; p. 151, 11. 3,
38; p. 152, 11. 21, 32; p. 153, 11. 12,
25, 28; p. 154, 11. 23, 29, 36, 39;
p. 155, 11. 2, 5, 10; p. 156, 11. 4, 11,
34; p. 157, 1. 28; p. 158, 1. 10;
p. 159, 1. 5; p. 160, 11. 4, 14; p. 161,
II. 22, 34; p. 162, 11. 14, 20, 25;
p. 165, 11. 12, 22, 42; p. 167, 11. 5,
29; p. 168, 1. 45; p. 170, 11. 6, 16,
36, 40; p. 171, 1. 30; p. 172, 11. 15,
27; p. 173, 1. 20; p. 174, 1. 21; p.
175, 1. 27 ; p. 176, 1. 1 : p. 177, 1. 7
Aberdaren (-on), Carnarvonshire, p.
52, 1. 20; p. 92,1. 12
Acaster-Selby, Yorkshire, p. 48, 1. 19
Ackworth, Pontefract, Yorkshire, p. 38,
h 17
Addiugham, Penrith, Cumberland, p.
68, 1. 34; p. 86, 1. 38
Adgdon (?), Knutsford, Cheshire, p.
134, 1. 29
Ailesbury (Ay-), Bucks, p. 8, 1. 17
Ailestone (Ay-), Leicestershire, p. 65,
1. 24
Aisgarth, Yorkshire, p. 91, 1. 9
Aketon (Aik-), Cumberland, p. 135,
1. 9
Aldborough, Borrow-, (Boroiigh)-
bridge, Yorkshire, p. 12, 1. 32
Aldeuham, Herts, p. 60, 1. 13
Aldersey, Chester, p. 20, 1. 28
Aldwarke, Yorkshire, p. 37, 1. 1
Almondbury, Yorkshire, p. 54, 1. 15
Alnwick, Northumberland, p. 112, 1.
Alresford, Hants, p. 50, 1. 35
Alston, p. 86, 1. 20
Alverstoke, Hants, p. 129, 1. 15
Alwalton, Hunts, p. 118, 1. 15
Ambleside, p. 10, 1. 44 ; p. 120, 1. 10
America, p. 38, 1. 39; p. 92, 1. 38; p.
107,1. 26; p. 126, 1. 16; p. 127,11.
14, 25; p. 131, 1. 44; p. 133, l. 23;
p. 138, 1. 15; p. 140, 1. 23; p. 141,
1. 20; p. 150, I. 36; p. 151, 1. 15; p.
152, LI; p. 154, 1. 19; p. 157, h 1;
p. 158, 1. 3, p. 172, 1. 33; p. 177,
Amesbury, Wiltshire, p. 105, 1. 40
Ampthill, Beds, p. 14, 1. 21
Amsterdam, Holland, p. 147, 1. 2
Anglesea, p. 171, 1. 34; p. 173, 1. 4
Annesley, Notts, p. 16, 1. 19; p. 23, 1.
Annesley (Barnsley ?), Yorkshire, p.
28, 1. 21
Antona (Northampton), p. 23, 1. 46; p.
37, 1. 48
Apley, Lincolnshire, p. 97, 1. 10
Appersete ( Appleton-le-Streete ?), York-
shire, p. 134, 1. 43
Ardfart, co. Kerry, Lreland, p. 100, 1.
Arlsey, Bedfordshire, p. 95, 1. 12
Arnold, Nottingham, p. 32, 1. 17
Arnside, Hawkshead, Lancashire, p.
17, 1. 10
Asfordby, Leicestershire, p. 26, 1. 36 ;
p. 160, 1. 37
Ashbourne, Ashborne, Derbyshire, p.
40, 1. 40; p. 153,1. 6; p. 160, 1. 18
Ashby (de la) Zouch, Leicestershire, p.
165, I. 19
Ascham, (Muskham?), Notts, p. 56, 1.
Ashe, Sandwich, Kent, p. 18, 1. 7
Ashley-Hay, Worksworth (Wi-), Derby-
shire, p. 53, 1. 29
Ashover, Derbyshire, p. 105, 1. 4
Ashwell, Eutland, p. 18, 1. 36
As(k)ham, Lancashire, p. 98, 1. 33
Askrigg, Yorkshire, p. 118, 1. 12
Atherley, Salop, p. 106, 1. 45
Atherstone, Warwickshire, p. 30, 1. 20;
p. 109, 1. 36
Austwicke, Yorkshire, p. 4, 1. 40
Axton, Hampshire, p. 8, 1, 29
Azerley, Eip(p)on, Yorkshire, p. 127,
1. 29
Babworth, Notts, p. 158, 1. 27
Back o' th' Hill, Bradford, Yorkshire,
p. 6, 1. 16
Backford, Cheshire, p. 140, 1. 5
Badsey, Evesham, Worcestershire, p.
31, 1. 7; p. 53, 1. 39
Bakewell, Barkwell, Bashwell, Derby-
shire, p. 62, \. 44; p. 80, 1. 5; p.
143, 1. 33
Baldestone, Preston, Lancashire, p. 14,
1. 32
Ballifield, Sheffield, p. 102, 1. 29
Balsam (-sh-), Cambridgeshire, p. 35,
1. 19
Balvan (Barhng ?), Essex, p. 167,
1. 21
Bampton, Devonshire, p. Ill, 1. 30; p.
116, 1. 23
— Westmorland, p. 97, 1. 37 ; p. 140,
1. 38
Banf(f), Scotland, p. 144, 1. 27
Bangor, p. 92, 1. 12
— diocese of, p. 59, 1. 29 ; p. 63, 1. 10
Bangoriensis, p. 114, 1. 33
Bank Newton, Yorkshire, p. 41, 1. 26
Barbadoes, p. 17, 1. 6; p. 68, 11. 13, 14;
p. 92, 1. 38; p. 103, 1. 38; p. 138, 1.
16; p. 140, 1. 24; p. 141, 1. 21; p.
150, 1. 37; p. 152, 1. 2
— parish of St James in, p. 68, 1. 14
_ _ Joseph in, p. 92, 1. 38
— — Peter in, p. 177, 1. 11
Barfield, Suffolk, p. 131, 1. 32
Barford, Beds, p. 12, 1. 8
Barking, Essex, p. 93, 1. 23
Bark well ; see Bakewell
Barmby, Yorkshire, p. 173, 1. 20
Barnes, Surrey, p. 106, 1. 8
Barnsley, Yorkshire, p. 36, 1. 30
Barnsley Hall, Bromsgrove, Worcester-
shire, p. 80, 1. 18
Barrow, Lancashire, p. 119, 1. 43
Barrowdon (-den), Eutland, p. 95, 1. 17
Barson, Grantham, Lincolnshire, p.
45, 1. 36
Bartlow, Cambridgeshire, p. 66, 1. 14 ;
p. 96, 1. 35
Barton, Kirby Lonsdale, Westmore-
land, p. 9, 1. 40
Barum, i.e. Barnstaple, Devonshire, p.
49, 1. 42
Bashwell ; see Bakewell
Bassington (-ham), Lincolnshire, p. 44,
Bath, p. 73, 1. 38
Batley, Wakefield, Yorkshire, p. 120, 1.
Batterfitt (Attercliffe ?), Sheffield, p.
48, 1. 43
Battersea, Eichmond, Surrey, p. 20, 1.
Battle, Battel, Battell, Sussex, p. 27, 1.
20; p. 84, 1. 4; p. 87, 1. 8; p. 102, 1.
39; p. 109, 1. 21; p. 135, 1. 13
Beamhurst, Staffordshire, p. 67, 1. 4
Beamish, co. Durham, p. 94, 1. 40 ; p.
98, 1. 10 (bis)
Beckingham, Lincolnshire, p. 24, 1. 10
Bedale, Bedle, Yorkshire, p. 70, 1. 46
Bedford, p. 17, 1. 2; p. 84, 1. 8; p. 152,
1. 19
Bedle ; see Bedale
Beely, Derbyshire, p. 77, 1. 15
Beighton, Derbyshire, p. 41, 1. 20 ; 53,
1. 42
Bentley, Derbyshire, p. 10, 1. 38
Berrington, Lemster (Leomin-), Salop,
p. 26, 1. 44
Berry-Herbert ; see Berrynarbor
Berrynarbor, B. Herbert, Somerset-
shire, p. Ill, 1. 14
Bessingby, Bridlington, Yorkshire, p.
37, 1. 27
Beverley, Yorkshire, p. 1, 1. 2; p. 10,
1.8; p. 11,1. 26; p. 13, 1. 15; p. 21,
1. 42; p. 22, 1. 4; p. 23, 1. 43; p. 42,
1. 1; p. 43, 1. 30; p. 46, 1. 28; p. 52,
1. 27; p. 63, 1. 14; p. 76, 1. 41; p. 82,
1. 19; p. 89, 1. 18; p. 90, 1. 1; p.
104, 1. 13; p. 107, 1. 31; p. 108, 1.
34; p. 114, 1. 36; p. 125, 1. 43; p.
142, 1. 38; p. 150, 1. 17; p. 155, 1. 2;
p. 174, 1. 21
Bexwell, Norfolk, p. 70, 1. 19
Biddenden, Kent, p. 72, 1. 3
Bideford, Devonshire, p. 26, 1. 17
Bierley, Bradford, Yorkshire, p. 59, 1.
Bifrons, Patricksbourne, Kent, p. 124,
1. 33
Biggleswade, p. 21, 1. 33
Billaston; see Billesdon
Billesdon, Billaston, Leicestershire, p.
49, 1. 36
Bilsthorpe, Notts, p. 64, 1. 5
Binfield, Pinfield, Windsor, Berks., p.
23, 1. 26
Bingley, Yorkshire, p. 113, 1. 16
Bishopberry (?), Staffordshire, p. 90, 1.
Bishops Burton, Yorkshire, p. 3, 1. 36
Bishopton, Stockton, Durham, p. 32,
1. 13
Bishops Auckland, co. Durham, p. 139,
1. 30
Bishton, Stafford, p. 21, 1.'26
Blackburn, -born, -bourne, Lancashire,
p. 45, 1. 17; p. 93, 1. 15; p. 131, 1.
Blackwell Hall, Middlesex, p. 30, 1. 28
Blakeney, Norfolk, p. 132, 1. 34
Blakiston, co. Durham, p. 68, 1. 27
Blan(d)ford, Dorset, p. 50, 1. 40; p. 70,
1. 30
Bloxholm (-am), Sleeford, Lincolnshire,
p. 50, 1. 81
Bloxham ; see Bloxholm
Blyton, Lincolnshire, p. 8, 1. 40
Bobbing, Kent, p. 130, 1. 8
Bocking, Essex, p. 92, 1. 27
Bockton Mallard; see Boughton Mal-
Bodmyn (-in), Cornwall, p. 145, 1. 30
BoUand, ' Saltus de', Yorkshire, p. 113,
1. 33
Bolton, Lancashire, p. 6, 1. 9; p. 15, 1.
25; p. 93, 1. 19; p. 96, 1. 42; p. 101,
1. 33
Bonebury ; see Bunbury
Bonsall, Derbyshire, p. 67, 1. 1
Booth, Cumberland, p. 14, 1. 44
Borougbbridge, Borrow-, Burrow-,
Yorkshire, p. 12, 11. 32, 33; p. 13, 1.
Borton (Bour-) on the Hill, Glouces-
tershire, p. 144, 1. 31
Borwick Ground, Lancashire, p. 44, 1.
21; p. 45, 1. 23
Boston, Lincolnshire, p. 80, 1. 2
Bosworth (Market B.), Leicestershire,
p. 149, 1. 15
Bottesford, Leicestershire, p. 75, I.
36; p. 128,1. 40
Boughton, Northampton, p. 23, 1. 46
Boughton Malherbe, Bockton Mallard,
Lenham, Kent, p. 54, 1. 30
Bowdon, Cheshire, p. 36, 1. 14
Bowes, Eichmondshire, Yorkshire, p.
168, 1. 34
Brackstead, Essex, p. 6, 1. 37
Brack on Bank, K(e)ighley, Yorkshire,
p. 9, 1. 14
Bradeley Hall, co. Durham, p. 18, 1.
Bradford, Yorkshire, p. 6, 1. 16 ; p. 19,
1. 23; p. 44, 1. 37; p. 54, 1. 23; p. 59,
1. 43 ; p. 154, 1. 29
Braintree, Essex, p. 65, 1. 35
Brampton, Derbyshire, p. 77, 1. 8
Brandsburton, Yorkshire, p. 37, 1. 32 ;
p. 89, 1. 41
Branting Thorp ; see Bruntingthorpe
Brathey (-ay), Lancashire (Westmor-
land?), p. 146, 1.29
Brawood; see Brewood
Brearly, Wakefield, Yorkshire, p. 22, 1.
Brecon, county of, p. 168, 11. 41, 43;
p. 169, 11. 9, 26
Brentwood, Essex, p. 168, 1. 8
Brewood (Brawood), Staffordshire, p.
3, 1. 30
Bridlington, Yorkshire, p. 17, 1. 31;
p. 37, 1. 28
— Key (Quay), Yorkshire, p. 22, 1. 24
Bridport, Dorset, p. 50, 1. 39
Brigg, Lincolnshire, p. 50, 1. 43; p. 68,
1. 31
Brightling, Sussex, p. 87, 1. 5
Bristol, p. 56, 1. 14; p. 136, 1. 34
Broadhinton (Broad H.), Wiltshire, p.
168, 1. 4
Brodsworth, Doncaster, Yorkshire, p.
35, 1. 12
Brompton, Yorkshire, p. 154, 1. 24
Brooke, Norwich, p. 26, 1. 2
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, p. 80, 1.
Brownslett (?), Pembrokeshire, p. 74,
1. 45
Bruntingthorpe, Branting Thorp,
Leicestershire, p. 20, 1. 32
Brushford, Somersetshire, p. Ill, 1. 26
Bruton, Somersetshire, p. 124, 1. 11
Bryn Eglwys, Denbighshire, p. 166,
1. 20
Bubwith, Yorkshire, p. 53, 1. 17
Buckden, Hunts, p. 106, 1. 48; p. 133,
1.10; p. 135,1. 16; p. 146,1.44
Bucknall, Lincolnshire, p. 151, 1. 19
— Staffordshire, p. 5, 1. 21
Bulkington, Warwickshire, p. 69, 1. 7;
p. 76, 1. 33
Bulmer, Bulmore, Essex, p. 18, 1. 4
— Yorkshire, p. 100, 1. 43
Bulmore; see Bulmer
Bunbury, Bone-, Cheshire, p. 102, 1. 9
Burchington, (Bir-), Isle of Thanet,
Kent, p. 146, 1. 1
Burghley, Burleigh House near Stam-
ford, p. 13, 11. 27, 31; p. 114, 1. 22
Burleigh on the Hill, p. 3, 1. 19
Burleigh, Kutland, p. 129, 1. 23
Burlersett (?), Yorkshire, p. 107, 1. 36
Burley, near Ot(te)ley, Yorkshire, p.
45, 1. 13
Burlington, Yorkshire, p. 26, 1. 32
Burnham, Essex, p. 116, 1. 20
Burnley, Lancashire, p. 10, 1. 15
Burnsall, Skipton, Yorkshire, p. 96, 1.
2; p. 133, 1. 31
Burstow, Surrey, p. 139, 1. 9
Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, p. 62,
Burwash, Sussex, p. 95, 1. 33 ; p. 100,
I. 8
Bury, Lancashire, p. 82, 1. 33; p. 112,
Bury St Edmunds, p. 10, 1. 19; p. 15,
II. 2, 6; p. 48, 1. 1 ( Villa Faustini) ;
p. 49, 1. 23; p. 51, 1. 20; p. 72, 1. 7;
p. 117, 1. 34; p. 126, 1. 2; p. 163,
'Butleigh near Soberton,' Somerset-
shire, p. 123, 1. 1
Butteley Abbey, Suffolk, p. 12, 1. 11
Buxtead, Sussex, p. 125, 1. 13
Bygrave, Herts, p. 11, 1. 30
Camberwell, Surrey, p. 126, 1. 9; p.
145, 1. 6
Cambridge, p. 5, 1. 11; p. 38, 1. 21;
p. 41, 1. 14; p. 45, 1. 20; p. 51, 1.
26; p. 55, 11. 22, 29; p. 70, 1. 36;
p. 74, 1. 38; p. 77, 1. 23 ; p. 101, 1.4;
p. 121, 1. 14; p. 128, 1. 11; p. 138,
1. 20; p. 164, 1. 30; p. 167, 1.39
Cambro-britannus, p. 2, 1. 32
Cansery, Hawkshead, Lancashire, p.
125, 1. 4
Canterbury, p. 21, 1. 10; p. 54, 1. 36;
p. 63, 1. 41; p. 91, 1. 40; p. 104,
1. 40; p. 114, 1. 30; p. 122, I. 25;
p. 130, 1. 9; p. 136, 1. 22; p. 169, 1.
20; p. 177,1. 20
Carleton, Notts, p. 66, I. 1
Carlisle, p. 50, 1. 23
Carlton, Northants, p. 118, 1. 22
— Yorkshire, p. 162, 1. 21
Carmarthen, p. 74, 1. 5 ; p. 96, 1. 39
Carmarthenshire, p. 86, 1. 27; p. 96,
1. 39
Carnarvon, p. 172, 1. 37
Carnarvonshire, p. 51, 1. 23; p. 52,
1. 20; p. 64, 1. 38; p. 105, 11. 7,20;
p. 148, 1. 37; p. 156, 1. 38; p. 172,
1. 36
Carperley, Yorkshire, p. 112, 1. 22
Cartmel, Lancashire, p. 22, 11. 29, 33;
p. 173, 1. 8
Casterton, Castraton, Eutlandshire,
p. 122, 1. 41
Castleford, Yorkshire, p. 4, 1. 28
Castlethorpe (?), Lincolnshire, p. 174,
Castleton, Derbyshire, p. 42, 1. 13;
p. 60, 1. 46; p. 67, 1. 39; p. 85,
1. 39
Castraton; see Casterton
Catcomb (Cut-), Min(e)head, Somer-
setshire, p. 133, 1. 27
Catterick, Bichmond, Yorkshire, p. 14,
1. 48
Cawood, Yorkshire, p. 27, 1. 28
Chaffen St Peters, Bucks, p. 4, 1. 43
Challey (Chudleigh ?), Devonshire, p.
163, 1. 34
Chappell Anston, Eotherham, York-
shire, p. 106, 1. 11
Chappel-in-le-frith, Derbyshire, p. 72,
1. 26
Chappel-town, Leeds, p. 46, 1. 2
Charnes, Eccleshal, Staffordshire, p.
127, 1. 10
Charnock, Lancashire, p. 39, 1. 45
Chatham, Kent, p. 27, 1. 38; p. 97, 1.
44; p. 125, 1. 31; p. 176, 1. 25
Chatteris, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire,
p. 76,1. 45; p. 82, 1. 4
Cheddleton, Staffordshire, p. 131, 1. 19
Cheifning; see Chevening
Chelmsford, p. 88, 1. 30
Chelsea, p. 156, 1. 29
Chermingham (?), Cheshire, p. 87, 1.
Cher(r)iton, Somersetshire, p. 146, 1. 47
Chester, p. 6, 1. 23; p. 14, 11. 9, 12,
15; p. 17, 1. 41; p. 32, 1. 7; p. 35,
1. 28; p. 39, 1. 12; p. 49, 11. 17, 20;
p. 55, 1. 37; p. 66, 1. 25; p. 69, 1.
19; p. 112, 1. 17; p. 113, 1. 30; p.
114, 1. 13; p. 168, 1. 30; p. 171,
1. 18
Chesterfield, Derbyshire, p. 32, 11. 39,
43; p. 39, 1. 19; p. 42, 1. 26; p. 49,
1, 80; p. 50, 1. 17; p. 52, 1. 36;
p. 60, 11. 16, 26; p. 81, 1. 1; p. 83,
1.2; p. Ill, 1. 19; p. 122, 1. 30; p.
141, 1. 1
Chester Street (C. le S.), Durham, p.
24, 1. 40
Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, p. 69, 1.
4; p. 94, 1. 21
Chevening, Cheifning, Kent, p. 109,
1. 16
Chich(e)ley, Bucks, p. 144, 1. 24
Chichester, p. 79, 1. 29; p. 98, 1. 21;
p. 118, 1. 4; p. 138, 1. 41
Chippenham, Wilts, p. 36, 1. 9; p.
145, 1. 2
Chorley, Chorlay, Lancashire, p. 121,
1. 31; p. 124, 1. 19
Chrisbleton; see Christleton
Christleton, Chrisbleton, Cheshire, p.
13, 1. 8; p. 45, 1. 14
Churbury, p. 6, 1. 29
Church Broughton, Derbyshire, p. 122,
1. 37
Church Stoke, Montgomeryshire, p.
165, 1. 2
Clapham, Settle, Yorkshire, p. 37, 1.
Clappergate, Ambleside, Westmorland,
p. 120, 1. 10
Clare, Suffolk, p. 104, 1. 33 ; p. 122 1.
Clay-Cross, Derbyshire, p. 68, 1. 4
Cleager, Pembroke, p. 12, 1. 18
Cleasby, Eichmond, Yorkshire, p. 97,
Cle(a)veland, Yorkshire, p. 61, 1. 5; p.
165, 1. 42
Cliff (King's Cliffe), Northants, p. 153,
Clifford, Herefordshire, p. 2, 1. 19
Clifton, Lancashire, p. 82, 1. 29
— Yorkshire, p. 73, 1. 1
Clitheroe, Lancashire, p. 100, 1. 31
Clovelly, Bideford, Devonshire, p. 26,
Cocken Hatch, Herts, p. 11, 1. 4
Cockermouth, Cumberland, p. 118, 1.
Cockfield, Durham, p. 102, 1. 12
Cockram, Lancaster, p. 41, 1. 45
Coddenham, Suffolk, p. 149, 1. 41
Codford, Wilts, p. 103, 1. 2
Coggelston ; see Congleton
Cogg(e)shall, Essex, p. 88, 1. 38
Coker, Yeovil, Somersetshire, p. 35, 1.
Colchester, Essex, p. 1, 1. 24; p. 11,
1.37; p. 47,1.35; p. 54, 1. 1 ; p. 56,
1. 34; p. 82, 1. 13; p. 90,1. 8; p. 95,
1. 25; p. 98, 1. 43; p. 143, 11. 6, 9;
p. 159, 1. 20
Coley, Halifax, Yorkshire, p. 37, 1. 9
Collingborne Duels, Wilts, p. 159, 1. 30
CoUyhurst, Manchester, p. 50, 1. 27
Coin; see Colne
Coin-Bridge, Yorkshire, p. 54, 1. 26
Colne, Coin, Lancashire, p. 16, 1. 2;
p. 101, 1. 19; p. 121, 1. 37
Colomendy, Corwen, Merionethshire,
p. 167, 1. 32
Colwall, Herefordshire, p. 151, I. 23
Congleton, Coggelston, Cheshire, p. 44,
1. 25
Conway, p. 75, 1. 2
Corfe Mullen, Dorsetshire, p. 16, 1. 32
Cork(e), Ireland, p. 133, 1. 35; p. 161,
1. 2
Cors-y-gedol, Cross-y-gedol, Kessyge-
dol, Merionethshire, p. 51, 1. 29; p.
55, 1. 40
Corwen, Merionethshire, p. 167, 1. 33
Cot(t)ham, Yorkshire, p. 72, 1. 10
Coventry, p. 91, 1. 24; p. 120, 1. 33
Cradley, Herefordshire, p. 72, 1. 42
Craigmiller, Midlothian, Scotland, p.
141, 1. 35
Crambe, Yorkshire, p. 87, 1. 12
Cranbrook, Kent, p. 55, 1. 2
Craven, Yorkshire, p. 4, 1. 25
Cressington, Skipton, Yorkshire, p. 41,
Cricklade, Wilts, p. 72, 1. 36
Croft, Herefordshire, p. 56, 1. 2
Crooke, co. Durham, p. 98, 11. 6, 7
Crossby Garret, Westmorland, p. 57,
Crosse, Booth, Cumberland, p. 14, 1.
Cross-y-gedol; see Cors-y-gedol
Crost(h)waite, Westmorland, p. 37, 1.
Crowood, Wilts, p. 88, 1. 6
Croydon, Surrey, p. 119, 1. 47
Cunistone Cold, Yorkshire, p. 23, 1. 33
Cunningley, Yorkshire, p. 45, 1. 30
Cusworth, Doncaster, p. 24, 1. 43
Cutcombe; see Catcomb
Cynful (?), Merionethshire, p. 173, 1. 2
Daddlespool, Staffordshire, p. 113,
1. 1
Dalby, Leicestershire, p. 48, 1. 40
Dalton, Lancashire, p. 51, 1. 39; p. 53,
1. 45
Danby, Yorkshii'e, p. 139, 1. 34
Darenth, Kent, p. 96, 1. 32
Darlington, p. 6, 1. 33; p. 34, 1. 40
Darrington, Yorkshire, p. 53, 1. 1
Deane, Bolton, Lancashire, p. 77, 1.
41 ; p. 101, 1. 33
Dearham, Cumberland, p. 104, 1. 44
Dedham, Essex, p. 72, 1. 30; p. 131,
1. 6; p. 140, 1. 42; p. 152, 1. 25; p.
157, 1. 22
Deepdale, Dent, Yorkshire, p. 84, 1. 12
Denbigh, County of, p. 2, 1. 26; p. 5,
1. 45; p. 48, 1. 12; p. 65, 1. 4; p. 77,
1. 19; p. 119, 1. 5; p. 132, 1. 21; p.
137, 1. 42; p. 138, 1. 43; p. 163,
1.21; p. 164,1. 1; p. 166, 11. 11,16,
19; p. 167, 1. 24
Denbigh, p. 166, 1. 12
Dent, Kirby Lonsdale, p. 29, 1. 40; p.
31, 1. 43; p. 44, 1. 6; p. 84, 1. 12;
p. 102, 1. 22; p. 106, 1. 29; p. 149,
1. 37
Dent, Sedbergh, Yorkshire, p. 172, 1. 15
Derby, p. 3, 1. 40; p. 17, 11. 35, 45;
p. 27, 1. 32 ; p. 78, 11. 9, 21 ; p. 82,
1. 38; p. 83, 1. 42; p. 88, 1. 9;
p. 90, 1. 29; p. 95, 1. 20; p. 108,
1. 5; p. 118, 1. 19; p. 122, 1. 6; p.
132, 1. 17; p. 142,1. 30
Derwent, Derbyshire, p. 47, 1. 16; p.
98, 1. 29
Deverel, Wiltshire, p. 60, 1. 9
Digswell, Welling (-wyn), Herts, p. 27,
1. 17
Dilhorne, Dillon, Staffordshire, p. 131,
Dillon ; see Dilhorne
Diss, Norfolk, p. 61, 1. 18; p. 135, 1.
Ditch(er)ling, Sussex, p. 117, 1. 30
Ditton, Cambridgeshire, p. 20, 1. 41
Doddington, Isle of Ely, Cambridge-
shire, p. 97, 1. 48
Dolegelle, Merioneth, p. 5, 1. 38
Doncaster, p. 17, 1. 38; p. 24, 1. 43;
p. 25, 1. 18; p. 35, 1. 12; p. 119, 1. 1
(by error in original Register, Don-
aster); p. 151,1. 4
Donington, Salop, p. 45, 1. 10
Dorchester, p. 94, 1. 10; p. 115, 1. 31;
p. 160, 1. 8
Dorking, Surrey, p. 137, 1. 46
Dormington, Herefordshire, p. 71, 1.
Dover, p. 33, 1. 29; p. 90, 1. 19; p. 133,
Dowland, Devonshire, p. 51, 1. 11
Down, county, Ireland, p. 81, 1. 18
Downham, Lancashire, p. 176, 1. 7
Downham Market, Norfolk, p. 8, 1.
Dranfield (Dron-), Derbyshire, p. 57,
Drayton, Salop, p. 80, 1. 32
Drayton Man(n)or, Staffordshire, p.
105, 1. 32
Droxford, Hants, p. 35, 1. 32; p. 58,
1. 34
Dublin, p. 18, 1. 31; p. 68, 1. 18; p.
90, 1. 46; p. 127, 11. 2, 6; p. 132, 1.
38; p. 144, 1. 12; p. 149, 1. 27; p.
164, 1. 19
Duffield, South, Yorkshire, p. 83, 1.
Dukes, Layer-Marney, Essex, p. 77, 1.
DuUingham, Cambridgeshire, p. 129,
1. 30
Dunham, Cheshire, p. 145, 1. 34; p.
150, 1. 21
Dunscroft, Yorkshire, p. 154, 1. 37
Dunstable, Bedfordshire, p. 64, 1. 37
Durham, p. 15, 1. 17; p. 23, 1. 40;
p. 24, 1. 40; p. 36, 1. 36; p. 40, 1.
20; p. 54, L 18; p. 56, 11. 20, 25,
28; p. 78, 1. 5; p. 97, 1. 30; p. 101,
1. 1; p. 135, 1. 39
Durham, Bishopric of, p. 68, 1. 27 ; p.
69, 1. 26
Duston, Northampton, p. 21, 1. 18
Duxford, Cambridgeshire, p. 86, 1. 45
Dymchurch, Kent, p. 137, 1. 6
EaHng, Middlesex, p. 114, 1. 26
Earls Colne, Earlscoln, Essex, p. 105,
1. 11
Easby, Eichmond, Yorkshire, p. 70,
Easington, co. Durham, p. 80, 1. 15
East Chinnock, Somerset, p. 31, 1. 1
Eastfield, p. 77, 1. 11
Eastham, Cheshire, p. 142, 1. 25
East Mean (-on), Petersfield, Hants, p.
20, 1. 36
East Thorp, Easthorpe, Essex, p. 170,
1. 29
Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, p. 61, 1. 11 ; p.
160, 1. 4
Eccleshal, Staffordshire, p. 127, 1. 10;
p. 129, 1. 34
Edenderry, King's County, Ireland, p.
128, 1. 19
Edenser (-or), Derbyshire, p. 67, 1. 7
Edwinstowe, Ednistow, Edwistow,
Mansfield, Notts, p. 45, 1. 1; p. 59,
1. 11
Elford, Staffordshire, p. 79, 1. 40
Elland, Yorkshire, p. 146, 1. 9
EUiker (-erk), Beverley, Yorkshire, p.
52, 1. 27
Ellismere (-es), Salop, p. 73, I. 42
Elston, Notts, p. 110, 1. 1; p. 132, 1.
Eltham, Kent, p. 146, 1. 19; p. 150, 1.
Ely, Cambridgeshire, p. 58, 1. 28 ; p. 70,
1. 23; p. 72, I. 19; p. 90, 1. 4; p. 91,
1. 21; p. 122, 1. 45
— Isle of, p. 43, 1. 2; p. 69, 1. 30; p.
70, 1. 20; p. 76, 1. 45; p. 79, 1. 18;
p. 81, 1. 4; p. 82, h 4; p. 91, 11. 13,
21; p. 97, 1.48; p. 142, 1. 2
Endfield ; see Enfield
Enfield, Endfield, Middlesex, p. 70, 1.
Erith, Kent, p. 136, 1. 2
Eshtou, Skipton, Yorkshire, p. 28, 1.
25; p. 128, 1. 5; p. 137, 1. 14
Eskrigg, Lancashire, p. 149, 1. 34
Etchingham, Sussex, p. 5, 1. 42
Eveden, Lincolnshu-e, p. 133, 1. 2
Everingham, Yorkshire, p. 114, 1. 9
Evesham, Worcestershire, p. 31, 1. 7;
p. 53, 1. 39
Exeter, p. 66, 1. 11; p. 99, 1. 40; p.
159,1. 15; p. 164,1.22
Exton, Lancashire, p. 108, 1. 24
— Eutland, p. 54, 1. 40
Eyam, Higham, Derbyshire, p. 157, 1.
Eye, Leominster, Herefordshire, p. 28,
1. 7
Eynning (Aynhoe ?), Northants, p. 39,
1. 35
Farrington (-don), Berks, p. 62, 1. 24
Fenn(e)y Bentley, Derbyshire, p. 138,
1. 38
Fenton, Sherbourne, Yorkshire, p. 52,
1. 43; p. 53, 1.4
Festiniog, Merionethshire, p. 175, 1. 10
Fieldhouse, Ganford (Gain-), co. Dur-
ham, p. 67, 1. 30
Fishlake, Doncaster, Yorkshire, p. 116,
1. 2
Fishtoft, Lincolnshire, p. 139, 1. 16
Fiskerton, Lincolnshire, p. 123, 1. 11 ;
p. 170, 1. 32
Flanders, p. 94, 1. 25
Fleetgreen, Leeke, Staffordshire, p.
128, 1. 28
Flintshire, p. 175, 1. 24
Fonthil(l) Bishop, Wilts, p. 129, 1. 38
Foord, Salop, p. 74, 1. 28
Force-Forge, Lancashire, p. 162, 1. 45
Foreness ; see Furness
Foster (?), Derbyshire, p. 104, 1. 23
Foulmire, Cambridgeshire, p. 99, 1. 10
France, p. 7, 1. 27, n. 1
French-Drove, Isle of Ely, p. 142, 1. 2
Frodsham, Cheshire, p. 47, 1. 26
Frogget, Derbyshire, p. 52, 1. 14
Frome, Somersetshire, p. 148, 1. 33
Froshall, Staffordshire, p. 68, 1. 1
Froxfield, Hants, p. 150, 1. 30
Fulham, Middlesex, p. 7, n. 1
Fulletby, Lincolnshire, p. 59, 1. 2
Furness Fells, Foreness Fell, Furness,
Lancashire, p. 71, 1. 9 ; p. 125, 1. 39;
p. 163, 1. 14
Fynnabrouge, co. Down, Ireland, p. 81,
Gabrocentum, see Gateshead
Gainford, Ganford, co. Durham, p. 67,
1. 30
Gainsborough, p. 24, 1.6; p. 68, 1. 8
Galltvaynan (?), Denbighshire, p. 138,
1. 44
Ganford; see Gainford
Ganthorp, Yorkshire, p. 79, 1. 14
Garboldisham, Norfolk, p. 174, 1. 2
Garsdale, Yorkshire, p. 142, 1. 9
Gatenby, Yorkshire, p. 66, 1. 8
Gateshead, Gateside, p. 26, 1. 21 ; p.
60, 1. 34; p. 69, 1. 26 (Gabrocentum)
Gateside, see Gateshead
Gaulby, Galbye, Leicestershire, p. 113,
1. 26; p. 117, 1. 40
Gautby, Lincolnshire, p. 80, 1. 46
Gayle (?), Yorkshire, p. 135, 1. 6
George Town, South Carolina, America,
p. 172, 1. 34
Gillcross, Gilcrux, Cumberland, p. 137,
1. 35
Gilling, Eichmond, Yorkshire, p. 64, 1.
Gilsfield, p. 49, 1. 33
Girsby (Grimsby ?), Lincolnshire, p.
169, 1. 23
Girton, Cambridgeshire, p. 24, 1. 47
Gisbourne, Yorkshire, p. 42, 1. 10
Glamorganshire, p. 92, 1. 23; p. 113, 1.
4; p. 152,1. 7
Glapwell, Derbyshire, p. 124, 1. 15
Glossop, Derbyshire, p. 99, 1. 23
Gloucester, p. 163, 1. 25
Glumsford (Glamf-) Brigg, 'vulgo
Brigg,' Lincolnshire, p. 50, 1. 43
Glusburne in Keldwick (Ki-), York-
shire, p. 40, 1. 44
Godmersham, Kent, p. 133, 1. 42
Goodmanham, Yorkshire, p. 106, 1. 1
Goroton, Groton, Grotton, Suffolk, p.
52, 1. 2
Gorton, Lancashire, p. 1.52, 1. 29
Gouthwaite Hall, Nidderdale, York-
shire, p. 130, 1. 12
Grantham, Grantam, Lincolnshire, p.
10, 11. 23, 41; p. 14, 1. 4; p. 24, 1.
11; p. 25, 1. 2; p. 45, 1. 36; p. 79, 1.
36; p. 86, 1. 31; p. 109, 1. 27; p.
115, 1. 39; p. 125, 1. 27; p. 171, 1. 26
Grantley, Yorkshire, p. 76, 1. 24
Grassington, Skipton, Yorkshire, p. 89,
1. 25; p. 118, 1. 34
Graystock, Cumberland, p. 11, 1. 42
Greatham, Durham, p. 135, 1. 47 ; p.
157, 1. 19
Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, p. 28, 1. 34
Great Houghton, Northamptonshh-e,
p. 3, 1. 2
Great Waltham, Essex, p. 58, 1. 5
Greenham, Dalton, Lancashire, p. 51,
1. 39
Greenhead, Huddersfield, Yorkshire,
p. 57, 1. 12
Greetham, Eutland, p. 31, 1. 19
Gressington, Linton, Yorkshire, p. 65,
1. 14; p. 71,1.39
Gretford, Lincolnshire, p. 43, 1. 36
Grinton, Eichmond, Yorkshire, p. 150,
1. 13
Guildfield, Montgomeryshire, p. 67, 1.
Guisborough, Guisbourne, Yorkshire,
p. 4, 1. 36
Guisbourne ; see Guisborough
Guisley, Guisly, Yorkshire, p. 107, 1.
12; p. 118,1.8
Gunnerby, Grantham, Lincolnshire,
p. 14, 1. 4
Gunthwaite, Pennington, Lancashire,
p. 79, 1. 4
Hackness, Scarborough, Yorkshire, p.
59, 1. 32
Hale, Sleeford, Lincolnshire, p. 53,
Halifax (Hall-), Yorkshire, p. 27, 1. 24;
p. 29, 1.44; p. 32, 1. 2; p. 33, 11. 4,
20, 24; p. 37, 1. 9 ; p. 46, 1. 9 ; p. 66,
1. 42; p. 99, 11. 27, 30; p. 167, 1. 29
Hallam, West, Westhallam, p. 82, 1.
Hallaton, Leicestershire, p. 10, 1. 4 ; p.
37, 1. 16; p. 140, 1. 2
Hallingbury Place, Essex, p. 142, 1. 13 ;
p. 150, 1. 27
Halsham, Yorkshire, p. 140, 1. 9
Halywell, Lancashire, p. 3, 1. 8
Hammerton, p. 77, 1. 38
Hammoon, Dorsetshire, p. 65, 1. 44
Hampreston, Winburne (Wim-), Dor-
set, p. 50, 1. 48
Hampstead Marshall, Middlesex, p. 3,
1. 12
Hare Hatch, Berks, p. 122, 1. 14
Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, p. 74, 1. 21;
p. 88, 1. 34
Harleston, Norfolk, p. 113, 1. 37
Harlow, Essex, p. 147, 1. 6
Harpenden, Herts, p. 80, 1. 12 ; p. 98,
Harston, Leicestershire, p. 108, 1. 18
Hartlepoole, co. Durham, p. 119, 1. 13
HaseU Hall, Bedfordshire, p. 175, 1. 40
Hassell, Yorkshire, p. 105, 1. 23
Hastings, Sussex, p. 90, 1. 32
Hatfield Peverel, Essex, p. 55, 1. 12
— Yorkshire, p. 83, 1. 6
Hatherleigh, Devonshire, p. 91, 1. 47 ;
p. 103, 1. 5
Haverhill, Suffolk, p. 56, 1. 45
Hawkshard; see Hawkshead
Hawkshead, Hawkshard, HaU, Amble-
side, p. 10, 1. 44
Hawkshead, Hawkstead, Lancashire,
p. 17, 1. 10; p. 31, 1. 27; p. 61, 1. 14;
p. 89, 1. 13; p. 97, 1. 40; p. 125, 1. 4
Hawxton, Hawkston, Salop, p. 40, 1.
30; p. 169, 1. 17
Hay, Uxbridge, Bucks, p. 40, 1. 33
Haydon, Stirmister (Sturminster),
Dorsetshire, p. 21, 1. 29
Hayes, Kent, p. 177, 1. 22
Headcorn, Kent, p. 87, 1. 2
Headley, Surrey, p. 12, 1. 22
Heasom, Westmorland, p. 34, 1. 32
Heddingley, p. 73, 1. 5
Hedingham Sible, Heningham SybiU,
Henningham Syble, Essex, p. 63, 1.
32; p. 101, 1. 22
Hedon, Yorkshire, p. 28, 1. 89 ; p. 121,
1. 10
Height (?), Yorkshire, p. 153, 1. 26
Helstone, Cornwall, p. 164, 1. 38
Hemingbrough, Hemingbui'gh, Hem-
mimborough, Yorkshire, p. 76, 1. 27 ;
p. 168, 1. 46
Hemingford Grey, Hunts, p. 151, 1. 31
Hemmimborough ; see Hemingbrough
Hemmingworth, Yorkshire, p. 46, 1. 19
Henham, Essex, p. 122, 1. 17
Heningham Sybill ; see Hedingham
Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, p.
172, 1. 8
Heptonstall, Yorkshire, p. 161, 1. 22
Hereford, p. 4, 1. 6; p. 18, 1. 20; p. 38,
1. 7; p. 66, 1. 28; p. 86, 1. 5; p. 94,
1. 13; p. 109, 1. 4; p. 127, 1. 36; p.
189, 1. 19; p. 142, 1. 41; p. 168, 1.
Heme, Canterbury, p. 10, 1. 1
Hertford, p. 128, 1. 32
Hertley, Kirby Stephen, Westmorland,
p. 144, 1. 5
Hetton, Yorkshire, p. 71, 1. 42
Heversham, Westmorland, p. 173, 1. 31
Hexham, Northumberland, p. 7, 1. 19 ;
p. 47, 1. 1
Heydon (Hay-), Dorsetshire, p. 143, 1.
— Essex, p. 149, 1. 31
Higham, Derbyshire ; see Eyam
Higham Ferrers, p. 12, 1. 25
Highfield, Lancashire, p. 138, 1. 34
High House, Sheffield, p. 57, 1. 44
Hill-side, Worksworth (Wi-), Derby-
shire, p. 53, 1. 33
Hilston, Yorkshire, p. 44, 1. 12
Hilton, Hunts, p. 113, 1. 41
Hinxworth, Biggleswade, p. 21, 1. 33
Hockerwood, Southwell, Notts, p. 167,
1. 17
Hoddesdon, Herts, p. 142, 1. 17
Hode, Kirkham, Lancashire, p. 18, 1.
Holbeach, Lincolnshire, p. 134, 1. 33
Holden (Howden ?), Yorkshire, p. 30,
1. 4
Holland, p. 147, 1. 2
Holland (Lancashire ?), p. 49, 1. 4
HoUingby (Hunmanby ?), Yorkshire,
p. 31, I. 31
Hollinghead, Lancashire, p. 94, 1. 6
HoUins, Sedbergh, Yorkshire, p. 19,
Hollow Oak, Ulverston, Lancashire, p.
148, 1. 29
Holm (Holm-next-the-sea ?), Lynn,
Norfolk, p. 35, 1. 25
Holme, Lancashire, p. 131, 1. 40
Holt Lodge, Winbourne, Dorset, p. 8,
Holton, Lancashire, p. 91, 1. 5
Hordley, Salop, p. 48, 1. 4
Horncastle, Lincolnshire, p. 155, 1. 39
Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, p. 53, 1.
Horringer, Suffolk, p. 123, 1. 15
Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire, p. 97, 1.
— Northumberland, p. 132, 1. 5
Hotton Moss, Lancashire, p. 55, 1. 19
Houghton, Great Grimsby, Lincoln-
shire, p. 28, 1. 34
Houghton (Hut-), Bushell, Yorkshire,
p. 71, 1. 6
Houghton le Spring, co. Durham, p. 32,
1. 31; p. 156,1. 24
Howden (Holden ?), Yorkshire, p. 30,
1. 4; p. 102,1.5
Howgill, Sedbergh, Yorkshire, p. 97, 1.
Hoyland, Soyland, Halifax, Yorkshire,
p. 99, 1.30; p. 113,1. 12
Huddersfield, p. 57, 11. 12, 15; p. 63, 1.
Huish, Devonshire, p. 45, 1. 7
Hull, p. 36, 1. 27; p. 75, 1. 9; p. 77, 1.
34; p. 99, 1. 14; p. 106, 1. 37
Hu(s)thwaite, Yorkshire, p. 177, 1. 7
Hutton Cranswick, Yorkshire, p. 145,
— Pannel, Yorkshire, p. 54, 1. 4
Iklington (Ilkley ?), Yorkshire, p. 57,
Illingworth, Hallifax, Yorkshire, p. 29,
Ingleby-Arncliffe, Yorkshire, p. 170,
1. 40
Ingram, Northumberland, p. 55, 1. 26
Ipsden, Oxfordshire, p. 131, 1. 9
Ipstone(s), Staffordshire, p. 175, 1. 5
Ipswich, Suffolk, p. 110, 11. 4, 14 ; p.
125, 1. 47; p. 143,1. 12
Ireland, p. 2, 1. 21 ; p. 5, 1. 5 ; p. 18,
1. 31 ; p. 55, 1. 7 ; p. 68, 11. 18, 19
p. 75, 1. 42 ; p. 81, 1. 18 ; p. 90, 1. 46
p. 100, 1. 35; p. 114, 1. 5; p. 116,
I. 41; p. 118, 1. 41; p. 121, 1. 27
p. 127, 11. 2, 6; p. 128, 1. 18 ; p. 129
L 7 ; p. 132, 1. 37 ; p. 133, 1. 85
p. 144, 1. 12 ; p. 149, 1. 27 ; p. 156
II. 1, 28; p. 161,1. 1; p. 162, 1. 32
p. 164, 1. 19 ; p. 176, 11. 3, 11
Ireswell, Notts, p. 124, 1. 89
Irish Town, America, p. 131, 1. 44
Isle of Thanet, p. 136, 1. 5 ; p. 146,
1. 1
Isleham, Cambridgeshire, p. 116, 1. 32
Isleworth, Middlesex, p. 147, 1. 18
Islington, London, p. 31, 1. 15; p. 127,
Islip, Northamptonshire, p. 59, 1. 26
Jamaica, p. 81, 1. 22; p. 126, 1. 16;
p. 170, 1. 10; p. 174, 1. 12
K(e)ighley, Yorkshire, p. 9, 1. 14; p.
85, 1. 29
Kellmore, Kirkham, Lancashire, p. 15,
1. 13
Kendal, Kendall, Westmorland, p. 4,
1.33; p. 38, 1. 10; p. 76, 1. 17; p.
98, 1. 4; p. 108, 1. 42; p. 121, 1. 18;
p; 127, 1. 39
Kennington, Kent, p. 116, 1. 26
Kensington, Middlesex, p. 39, 1. 31 ; p.
43, 1. 6; p. 62,1. 9
Kerry, county of, Ireland, p. 100, 1. 35;
p. 114,1. 5; p. 129, 1. 8
Kessygedol; see Cors-y-gedol
Kettlewell, Yorkshire, p. 41, 1. 17
Ketton, Eutland, p. 103, 1. 22
Kiaesworth (?), p. 61, 1. 37
Kibblesworth, co. Durham, p. 52, 1.
Killallon, co. Meath (?), Ireland, p. 5,
1. 6
Killerney(-arn-), co. Kerry, Ireland, p.
114, 1. 5
Killham, Kilham, Yorkshire, p. 160,
1. 14; p. 167, 1. 5
Kilsby, Northants, p. 1, 1. 6
Kimbolton, Hunts, p. 94, 1. 32 ; p. 98,
1. 24
King's Cliffe, Northants, p. 16, 1. 26 ;
p. 88, 1. 21
King's County, Ireland, p. 128, 1. 19
King's Lynn, Norfolk, p. 37, 1. 24
King's Eippon (Ripton), Hunts, p. 139,
1. 2; p. 141,1. 17
Kington, Middlesex (? Surrey), p. 74,
Kippax, Pontefract, Yorkshire, p. 32,
1. 21; p. 36, 1. 17; p. 109,1. 33
Kirby Moor, Yorkshire, p. 19, 1. 12
Kirby-Thore, Westmorland, p. 48, 1.
Kirkby, Kirby, Lonsdale, Westmor-
land, p. 9, 1. 40 ; p. 29, 1. 40 ; p. 94,
1. 17; p. 161, 1. 5; p. 165, 1. 15
Kirkby, Yorkshire, p. 76, 1. 21 ; p. 102,
l. 18 (K. South); p. 143, 1. 15
Kirkby-Irelyth in Furness, Lancashire,
p. 125, 1. 39
Kirkby-Marhamdale, K. in Malham-
dale, Yorkshire, p. 135, 1. 2
Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, p. 130,
1. 16; p. 144,1. 5
Kirkham, Lancashire, p. 15, 1. 13; p.
68,1.24; p. 89, 1. 9
Kirkham-in-the-Fields, Lancashire, p.
171, 1. 10
Kirk Leatham, Yorkshire, p. 138, 1. 2
Kirkleese, Yorkshire, p. 46, I. 40
Knowsley, Liverpool, p. 37, 1. 4
Knutsford, Knotsford, Nutsford, Che-
shire, p. 39, 1. 23 ; p. 134, 1. 29 ; p.
136, 1. 30
Lacus Setantiorum (The Lakes), p. 173,
1. 12
Lambeth, Surrey, p. 11, 1. 14; p. 45,
1. 41
Lamesby, co. Durham, p. 76, 1. 10
Lancaster, p. 13, 1. 23 ; p. 41, 1. 45 ;
p. 94, 1. 48; p. 171, 1. 38
Landkey, Lankey, Devonshire, p. 84,
1. 20
Landvinium, Montgomeryshire, p. 5,
1. 18
Lanebster (?), p. 63, 1. 10
Langadock, Carmarthenshire, p. 8, 1. 2;
p. 22, 1. 12
Langer House, Skipton, Yorkshire, p.
45, 1. 46
Langley, Maidstone, Kent, p. 114, 1. 39
Langton, Lincolnshire, p. 92, 1. 18
Langton, Malton, Yorkshire, p. 26, 1.
40; p. 121, 1. 34
Lankey ; see Landkey
Lansadurn (L1-), Carmarthenshire, p.
86, 1. 27
Lapidon, Salop, p. 106, 1. 25
Laughton, Yorkshire, p. 109, 1. 43
Lavenham, Suffolk, p. 48, 1. 31 ; p. 57,
1. 2
Lawrence House, Hearsom, Westmor-
land, p. 34, 1. 32
Laxfield, Suffolk, p. 57, 1. 18
Layer-Maruey. Essex, p. 77, 1. 45
Lea, Cheshire, p. 109, 1. 40
Leamington Hastange (L. Hastings),
Warwickshire, p. 1, 1. 20
Leamington Hastings ; see L. Hastange
Leathley, Yorkshire, p. 115, 1. 11
Lecconfield (Leek-), Beverley, York-
shire, p. 93, 1. 39
Leeds, p. 24, 1. 2 ; p. 46, 1. 1 ; p. 83,
1. 16; p. 87, 1. 15; p. 101, 1. 16;
p. 128, 1. 8; p. 130, 1. 37; p. 138,
1. 31; p. 140, 1. 17
Leek(e), Staffordshire, p. 128, 1. 28;
p. 139, 1. 26; p. 143, 1. 25
Lees Hill, Staffordshire, p. 104, 1. 10
Leicester, p. 2, 1. 9 ; p. 64, 1. 23 ; p. 72,
1. 16 ; p. 76, 1. 14 ; p. 78, 1. 18 ; p.
115,11. 19,47; p. 120, 1. 30
Leigh, Manchester, p. 23, 1. 2
Leighten(-on) Buzzard, Beds, p. 166,
1. 4
Leith, Scotland, p. 83, 1. 29
Lempster ; see Leominster
Lemster ; see Leominster
Lenham, Kent, p. 54, 1. 30
Leominster, Lempster, Lemster, Here-
fordshire, p. 26, 1. 44 ; p. 28, 1. 7
Lestingham, p. 3, 1. 43
Leverpool ; see Liverpool
Lichfield, Litchfield, p. 46, 1. 36; p.
165, 1. 47
Liddington, Littington, Eutland, p. 34,
1. 36; p. 158, 1. 37
Lightcliffe, Halifax, Yorkshire, p. 32,
1. 2
Lincoln, p. 47, 1. 10; p. 61, 1. 1; p. 72,
1.39; p. 109, 1. 1; p. 115, 1.43
Lindfield, Sussex, p. 112, 1. 42
Linton, Skipton, Yorkshire, p. 18, 1. 40;
p. 23, 1. 10; p. 65, 1. 14 ; p. 69, 1. 38;
p. 161, 1. 34 ; p. 162, 1. 25 ; p. 165,
1. 22
Lisgard ; see Liskeard
Liskeard, Lisgard, Cornwall, p. 62,
1. 2
Lismore, co. Waterford, Ireland, p. 55,
Littington ; see Liddington
Littlebourne, Kent, p. 122, 1. 25
Little Bristol, Barbadoes, p. 68, 1. 18
Liverpool, Leverpool, p. 4, 1. 10; p.
37, 1. 4 ; p. 83, 1. 29 ; p. 120, 1. 2
p. 150, 1. 5
Llandaff, p. 113, 1. 5; p. 126, 11. 26
Lland(d)erfel, Merionethshire, p. 165
1. 29
Llandegla, Merionethshire, p. 167, 1
Llandrillo, Merionethshire, p. 176, 1,
Llanganafal, Denbighshire, p. 167, 1
Llangniven, Denbighshire, p. 132, 1
Llangyby, Carnarvonshire, p. 51, 1
Llanidan, Llanjden, Anglesea, p. 171
1. 34
Llanilar, Cardiganshire, p. 73, 1. 34
Llanjden; see Llanidan
Llanruth (-rwst), Denbighshire, p. 137,
I. 41
Llawhaden, Pembrokeshire, p. 89, 1. 5
Londesborough, Lownsborough, York-
shire, p. 37, 1. 13; p. 112,1. 12
London, p. 2, 1. 44 ; p. 5, 11. 28, 35
p. 6, 1. 40; p. 7, 11. 23, 31; p. 11
II. 10, 22; p. 13, 1. 5; p. 16, 11. 11
29 ; p. 18, 1. 17 ; p. 19, 11. 16, 38
p. 20, 1. 45; p. 21, 1. 18; p. 25, 11
14, 40; p. 26, 1. 6; p. 28, 1. 29
p. 29, 1. 36 ; p. 30, 11. 24, 32 ; p. 31
1. 4; p. 34, 1. 43; p. 35, 11. 4, 7
p. 37, 1. 20; p. 39, 11. 2, 5, 8; p. 40
1. 24; p. 42, 1. 33; p. 45, 1. 26; p. 49
1. 14; p. 51, 11. 17, 33; p. 54, 1. 21
p. 55, 11. 5, 15; p. 57, 1. 31; p. 58
1. 2 ; p. 59, 1. 5 ; p. 60, 1. 31 ; p. 61
1. 30; p. 62, 1. 30; p. 63, 1. 26; p
65, 1.37; p. 68, 1. 41; p. 70, 1.26
p. 74, 11. 12, 15, 18, 41 ; p. 81, 11. 9
26; p. 83, 11. 8, 25; p. 85, 1. 15
p. 86, 1. 34 ; p. 89, 1. 37 ; p. 90, 1. 39
p. 92, 1. 30; p. 94, 11. 25, 36; p. 96
I. 20; p. 97, 1. 34; p. 99, 1. 5; p. 100.
II. 12, 39; p. 101, 1. 12; p. 102, 1. 35
p. 103, 1. 18; p. 104, 11. 4, 30; p. 105,
1. 36; p. 109, 1. 30; p. 110, 1. 37
p. 112, 1. 30; p. 113, 1. 8; p. 114
1. 18; p. 115, 1. 36; p. 117, 1. 26
p. 119, 11. 9, 23; p. 121, 11. 6, 22
p. 122, 1. 10; p. 123, 1. 22; p. 124
I. 26; p. 125, 1. 10; p. 127, 11. 18
33; p. 128, 1.37; p. 129, 11. 19, 41
45; p. 130, 1. 31; p. 131, 1. 12; p
133, 11. 6, 14; p. 135, 1. 39; p. 136
II. 14, 36; p. 137, 11. 2, 17, 32; p
139, 1. 13 ; p. 140, 1. 46 ; p. 141
11. 5, 32, 39; p. 143, 1. 36; p. 145
I. 27; p. 146, 11. 18, 22; p. 148, 1. 19
p. 149, 1. 5; p. 154, 1. 7; p. 155
II. 14, 17, 23; p. 156, 1. 32; p. 157.
1. 8 ; p. 158, 11. 6, 41 ; p. 168, 1. 38
p. 170, 1. 4; p. 172, 11. 19, 31; p.
174, 11. 29, 33; p. 175, 11. 14, 22
London, city of, p. 75, 11. 20, 42
London localities : —
Clarkenwell, p. 100, 1. 24
Islington, p. 31, 1. 15; p. 127, 1.
St Andrew's, Holborn, parish of, p.
168, 1. 16
St Ann, Westminster, parish of, p.
173, 1. 40
St James', parish of, Westminster,
p. 177, 1. 23
St Margaret's, Westminster, parish
of, p. 176, 1. 35
St Martin in the Fields, parish of,
p. 175, 1. 34
Wapping, p. 123, 1. 86
Longden, Salop, p. 98, 1. 82
Longdon Abbey, Dover, p. 33, 1. 29
Longmire, Foreness (Fur-) Fell, Lanca-
shire, p. 168, 1. 13
Loughborough, Leicestershire, p. 116,
1. 16; p. 170, 1. 25
Lowdham, Notts, p. 78, 1. 34
Lowdon, Yorkshire, p. 4, 1. 17
Lowes, Eadnor, p. 14, 1. 28
Lowestoft, Suffolk, p. 130, 1. 4
Lowth(e), Lincolnshire, p. 17, 11. 18,
Lowther, Westmorland, p. 61, 1. 34
Lund, Ulverston, Lancashire, p. 18,
1. 24
Luton, Beds, p. 164, 1. 25
Lutterworth, Leicestershire, p. 125,
1. 17
Lyddington, Cheshire, p. 48, 1. 22
Lymm, Nutsford (Kn-), Cheshire, p. 39,
1. 28 ; p. 136, 1. 30
Lynn Regis, p. 83, 1. 46; p. 100, 1. 39;
p. 120, 1. 25
Macclesfield, p. 58, 1. 22
Machynlleth, Machylleth, Montgome-
ryshire, p. 22, 1. 8 ; p. 48, 1. 19
Maenan, Carnarvonshire, p. 148, 1. 37 ;
p. 156, 1. 39
Maidstone, Kent, p. 13, 1. 2; p, 114,
1. 39
Maiden; see Maulden
Malton, Yorkshire, p. 26,1. 40; p. 121,
Manchester, p. 4, 1. 2; p. 50, 1. 27;
p. 57, 1. 5; p. 62, 11. 37, 40; p. 71,
1. 22; p. 78, 1. 42; p. 84, 1. 32;
p. 88, 1. 17; p. 105, 1. 17; p. 115,
Mansfield, Notts, p. 33, 1. 33; p. 49, 1.
27; p. 90, 1. 16
Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, p. 52, 1.
23; p. 169, 1. 31
March, Doddington, Isle of Ely, Cam-
bridgeshire, p. 43, 1. 2; p. 97, 1. 48
Marden, Kent, p. 147, 1. 26
Margate, Isle of Thanet, Kent, p. 25,
Mark Hall, Essex, p. 2, 1. 34
Market Drayton, Salop, p. 170, 1. 22
Marlborough, Wilts, p. 6, 1. 44; p. 35,
1. 16; p. 53, 1. 36; p. 84, 1. 27;
p. 85, 1. 36; p. 87, 1. 22; p. 108,
1. 11; p. 110, 1. 31; p. 129, 1. 12;
p. 137, 1. 24; p. 148, 1. 7; p. 173, 1.
Marnhull, Dorsetshire, p. 162, 1. 4
Marsden, Almondbury, Yorkshire, p.
54, 1. 15
Marsden, Colne, Lancashire, p. 121,
1. 37
Marsh Chappell, Lincolnshire, p. 72,
1. 22
Marston Montgomery, Derbyshire, p.
94, 1. 28
Martin(g)dale, Westmorland, p. 58,
1. 16
Marton, Burlington, Yorkshire, p. 26,
1. 32; p. 65, 1. 41
— Lancashire, p. 159, 1. 23
— Long, Westmorland, p. 159, 1. 12
Mashfield, p. 42, 1. 36
Maulden, Maiden, Beds, p. 30, 1. 17;
p. 138, 1. 28; p. 147,1. 29
Maxey, Northamptonshire, p. 47, 1.
Mear, Staffordshire, p. 57, 1. 34
Meath, county of (Comita^ws ilediensis),
Ireland, p. 5, 1. 6
Melbourne, Cambridgeshire, p. 117,
1. 4
Melford, Suffolk, p. 10, 11. 18, 19
Melling, Lancashire, p. 93, 1. 43; p.
98, 1. 32
Melsonby, Richmond, Yorkshire, p. 52,
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, p. 26,
1. 36; p. 30, 1. 12
Melton, Suffolk, p. 106, 1. 5
Menevia; see S. David's
Mere, Wilts, p. 131, 1. 16; p. 167,
1. 43
Merebeck (?), Yorkshire, p. 158, 1. 10
Merionethshire, p. 51, 1. 29; p. 55,
1. 39; p. 165, 1. 28; p. 167, 1. 33;
p. 173, 1. 1 ; p. 175, 1. 9
Merton, Devonshire, p. 6, 1. 6
Methley, Yorkshire, p. 170, 1. 17
Micklethwait, Bingley, Yorkshire, p.
23, 1. 86
Middleham, Eichmondshire, York-
shire, p. 66, 1. 31 ; p. 108, 1. 8
Middleton, Lancashire, p. 15, 1. 21
— Westmorland, p. 172, 1. 4
— Leeds, Yorkshire, p. 57, 1. 27
Midd(l)ewich, Middle Wyche, Cheshire,
p. 10, 1. 26; p. 43, 1. 9; p. 101, 1,
Midghole, Yorkshire, p. 105, 1. 26
Midlothian, Scotland, p. 141, 1. 35
Milbeck, Sedbergh, Yorkshire, p. 31,
1. 39
Mildenhall, Suffolk, p. 15, 1. 2
— Wilts, p. 93, 1. 4
Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, p. 81,
1. 30
Milste(a)d, Kent, p. 102, 1. 42
Min(e)head, Somersetshire, p. 133, 1.
Mirfield, Yorkshire, p. 47, 1. 6
Mitton, Yorkshire, p. 146, 1. 26
Modbury, Devonshire, p. 87, 1. 42
Monaghan, Ireland, p. 68, 1. 18
Monckton (Moun-), Deverill, Wilts, p.
65, 1. 7
Monk Friston, Pontefract, Yorkshire,
p. 13, 1. 11
Monk Haselden, Monkhesleton, co.
Durham, p. 94, 1. 44
Montfort, Salop, p. 112, 1. 45; p. 134,
1. 20
Montgomery, county of, p. 5, 1. 17;
p. 46, 1. 30; p. 49, 1. 32; p. 67,
1, 16; p. 162,1. 41; p. 165, 1. 2
Montserrat, island of, p. 107, 1. 27; p.
154, 1. 19
Moor Mounton (Normanton ?), p. 56,
1. 31
Moorhouse, Houghton le Spring, Dur-
ham, p. 32, 1. 31
Moortown, Yorkshire, p. 119, 1. 27
Morden, Cambridgeshire, p. 137, 1. 10
More Monckton, York, p. 38, 1. 14; p.
86, 1. 42
Moreton, Salop, p. 119, 1. 34
Morpeth, Northumberland, p. 69, 1.
42; p. 169,1. 14
Morton, Derbyshire, p. 53, 1. 11
— Salop, p. 58, 1. 37
Moulsey, Surrey, p. 40, 1. 13
Moulsoo (-oe), Newport, Bucks, p. 25,
Moulton (?), Eichmondshire, York-
shire, p. 62, 1. 12
Mountgate, York, p. 9, 1. 18
Mounton, Pembroke, p. 25, 1. 26
Mounton Deverell ; see Monckton D.
Mount Parke, Wensley, Yorkshire, p.
84, 1. 16
Muckruss (-ross), co. Kerry, Ireland, p.
116, 1.41; p. 129,1. 8
Munden, Herts, p. 59, 1. 23
Muston, Leicestershire, p. 105, 1. 14
Muston, Hollingby (Hunmanby ?),
Yorkshire, p. 31, 1. 31; p. 152, 1.
Nackington, Kent, p. 141, 1. 28
Nanteos, Cardiganshire, p. 36, 1. 5
Neath, Glamorganshire, p. 92, 1. 24
Netherbury, Eotherbury, Bridport,
Dorset, p. 50, 1. 39
Netherton, Yorkshire, p. 65, 1. 27
Newall (?), Cheshire, p. 75, 11. 28, 82
Newark, Notts, p. 54, 1. 7; p. 60, 1.
23 ; p. 66, 1. 35 ; p. 88, 1. 13 ; p. 132,
1 28
Newbald, Yorkshire, p. 43, 1. 29
Newbiggin, Cumberland (? Westmor-
land), p. 136, 1. 18
Newbottle, Northamptonshire, p. 39,
1. 27
Newcastle on Tyne, p. 19, 1. 42; p.
24, 1. 15; p. 30, 1. 8; p. 33, 1. 37;
p. 49, 1. 10; p. 60, 11. 34, 37, 40;
p. 63, 1. 23; p. 66, 1. 5; p. 73, 1. 18;
p. 91, 1. 34; p. 103, 1. 30; p. 134,
1. 40; p. 137, 1. 28; p. 138,1. 6
Newcourt, co. Brecon, p. 169, 1. 10
New Kent, county of, Virginia, Ame-
rica, p. 38, 1. 40
New Place, Hertfordshire, p. 173, 1.
Newport, Bucks, N. Pagnal, Pagnell,
p. 12, 1. 29; p. 25, 1. 6; p. 52, 1. 30;
p. 117, 1. 18
— Essex, p. 21, 1. 2
— Salop, p. 128, 1. 44
Newton, Northumberland, p. 131, 1.
— Warrington, Lancashire, p. 124,
1. 22
— Warwickshire, p. 158, 1. 13
Neyland, Nay-, Suffolk, p. Ill, 1. 35
Nidderdale, Yorkshire, p. 130, 1. 12
Nithsdale, Scotland, p. 74, 1. 2
Normanby, Lincolnshire, p. 63, 1. 13
Normanton, South, Chesterfield, p. 52,
1.36; p. 159,1.9
— Eutland, p. 56, 1. 39
Northallerton (N. Allerton), York-
shire, p. 44, 1. 34; p. 76, 1. 10
Northampton (Antona), p. 21, 1. 13;
p. 22, 1. 16; p. 37, 1.48; p. 128, 1.
North Cerney, N. Sanew, Gloucester-
shire, p. 110, 1. 17
North Crawley, Bucks, p. 95, 11. 5, 8
Northiam, Sussex, p. 23, 1. 17
North Leverton, Notts, p. 19, 1. 34
North-perrot (N. Perrott), Somerset, p.
124, 1. 8
North Sanew ; see North Cerney
Northwyche, Cheshire, p. 10, 1. 48
Norwich, p. 26, 1. 2; p. 94, 1. 2; p.
120, 1. 18; p. 149, 1. 23; p. 164,
Nottingham, p. 3, 1. 33; p. 7, 1. 16;
p. 32, 1. 17; p. 80,1. 9; p. 85, 1.43;
p. 89, 1. 33
Nutsford ; see Knutsford
Oakford, Devon, p. 49, 1. 40; p. 142,
1. 34
Oakham, Okeham, Eutlandshire, p.
12, 1. 14; p. 66, 1. 21; p. 163,1. 31;
p. 176, 1. 30
Odell, Bedfordshire, p. 172, 1. 11
Ofterton, Cheshire, p. 89, 1. 2
Offord Darcy, Hunts, p. 8, 1. 37; p.
24, 1. 22
Old Cleeve, Oldclive, Somersetshire,
p. 110, 1. 25
Oldclive ; see Old Cleeve
Onibury, Owlbury, Salop, p. 115,
1. 8
Orgrave (Youlgrave ?), p. 77, 1. 1
' Oriundus ex Agro Northumbriensi,' p.
68, 1. 13
Ormskirk, Lancashire, p. 153, 1. 10;
p. 167, 1. 9
Osborne, Yorkshire, p. 44, 1. 43
Osset, Wakefield, Yorkshire, p. 124, 1.
44; p. 175, 1. 27
Otford, Chester, p. 17, 1. 41
Ot{te)ley, Yorkshire, p. 45, 1. 33
Over Cotton, Leeke, Staffordshire, p.
139, 1. 26
Over Hall, Thornton, Lancashire, p.
100, 1. 16
Over Standon, Beds, p. 126, 1. 6
Overton, Flint, p. 2, 1. 33
Ower Moigne, Dorsetshire, p. 141, 1.
8; p. 168, 1. 26
Owlbury ; see Onibury
Oxford, p. 56, 1. 36; p. 58,1.24
Packington, Leicestershire, p. 144,
1. 1
Pakingham, Pakenham, Suffolk, p. 8,
1. 33; p. 31, 1. 24
Papworth St Agnes, Cambs, p. 48, 1.
Pat(e)ley Bridge, Eip(p)on, Yorkshire,
p. 118, 1. 30
Patrick Brompton, Yorkshire, p. 86, 1.
Patricksbourne, Kent, p. 124, 1. 33
Paxton, Great, Hunts, p. 135, 1. 20
Peale, Lancashire, p. 17, 1. 25
Pearith; see Penrith
Peckham, Kent, p. 164, 1. 34
Peilton Banks, Alnwick, Northumber-
land, p. 112, 1. 27
Pembroke, p. 12, 1. 18; p. 25, 1. 26;
p. 36, 1. 21; p. 38, 1. 33; p. 81, 1.
Pembrokeshire, p. 81, 11. 30, 34; p.
86, 1. 17; p. 89, 1. 5; p. 142, 1. 20;
p. 155, 1. 28; p. 157, 1. 15
Penmynydd, Anglesea, p. 173, 1. 5
Pennington, Lancashire, p. 79, 1. 4
Pennistone, Yorkshire, p. 92, 1. 8
Penrith, Pearith, Penreth, Cumber-
land, p. 9, 1. 29; p. 68, 1. 35; p. 87,
1. 26; p. 130, 1. 1; p. 138, 1. 13
Pen-Selwood, Pens-Elwood, Somerset,
p. 43, 1. 16
Perth, county of, p. 143, 1. 41
Peterborough, p. 11, 11. 18, 46; p. 62,
1. 27; p. 93, 1. 36; p. 107, 1. 5; p.
112, 1. 34; p. 122, 1. 2; p. 140, 1. 20;
p. 142, 1. 48; p. 157, 1. 39; p. 163,
1. 9
Petersfield, Hants, p. 20, 1. 36
Petersham, Surrey, p. 146, 1. 36
Petham, Kent, p. 146, 1. 5
Petton, Salop, p. 119, 1. 38
Petworth, Sussex, p. 119, 1. 19
Pewley; see Pewsey
Pewsey, Pewley, Wilts, p. 70, 1. 40; p.
104, 1. 7
Pickering, Malton, Yorkshire, p. 121,
Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire, p. Ill, 1. 45
Pinfield; see Binfield
Place-Nowith (Plas Newydd), Denbigh,
p. 2, 1. 25
Pluckley, Kent, p. 134, 1. 7
Plymouth, p. 85, 1. 18
Pocklington, Poc-, Yorkshire, p. 21,
1. 22; p. 31, 1. 11; p. 109, 1. 8;
p. 124, 1. 30; p. 143, 1. 18
Polstead, Suffolk, p. 4, 1. 14; p. 58, 1.
Pomfret ; see Pontefract
'Pomoeria Westmonasterii,' p. 62,
1. 5
Pontefract, Pomfret, Yorkshire, p. 13,
1. 11; p. 32, 1. 21; p. 38, 1. 17; p.
102, 1. 15; p. 130, 1, 28; p. 160, 1.
Poodell, Threshfield, Yorkshire, p. 58,
1. 8
Portbury, Somersetshire, p. 113, 1. 21
Portlade, Sussex, p. 152, 1. 41
Port Eoyal, Jamaica, p. 81, 1. 22
Portsmouth (Portiim Magnum), p. 23,
1. 14
Portum Magnum; see Portsmouth
Potterspury, Northamptonshire, p.
140, 1. 13
Prestcliff, Bakewell, Derbyshire, p. 80,
Preston, Lancashire, p. 9, 11. 2, 6;
p. 14, 1. 32; p. 26, 1. 14; p. 38,
1. 36; p. 59, 1. 8; p. 71, 1. 26; p. 87,
1. 37; p. 120, 1. 40
— Butland, p. 38, 1. 29; p. 172, 1. 1
Preston Brockhurst, Salop, p. 124, 1.
2; p. 131,1. 2; p. 147, 1. 35
Prestwick(-h), Lancashire, p. 15, 1. 25
Putney, Surrey, p. 93, 1. 26
Quainton, Ailesbury, p. 8, 1. 17
Quarnby; see Queensbury
Queen(i)borough, Leicestershire, p. 71,
1. 14
Queenby; see Queensbury
Queensbury, Quarnby, Queenby, Hali-
fax, Yorkshire, p. 33, 1. 4
Quellyn, Carnarvon, p. 10, 1. 34
Eackheath, Norfolk, p. 9, 1. 10
Eadnor, p. 14, 1. 28
Bamsgate, Kent, p. 132, 1. 9
Eavnor, Derbyshire, p. 59, 1. 20
Bedford (-t-), Notts, p. 25, 1. 10; p.
134, 1. 4
Eedgrave, Suffolk, p. 26, 1. 5
Eedkar, Cleaveland, Yorkshire, p. 61,
1. 5
Beeth (?), Yorkshire, p. 134, 1. 37
'Begnum Galliae,' p. 7, n. 1
Bepington ; see Eepton
Eepton, Bepington, Derbyshire, p. 122,
1. 21
Eibchester, Preston, Lancashire, p. 38,
1. 36; p. 44, 1. 15
Eichmond, Surrey, p. 20, 1. 24
— Yorkshire, p. 14, 1. 48 ; p. 42,
1. 22; p. 43, 1. 39; p. 44, 1. 40; p.
52, 1. 40; p. 64, 1. 40; p. 65, 1. 31;
p. 150, 1. 13
Eichmondshire, p. 42, 1. 21; p. 43,
1. 39; p. 44, 1. 40; p. 52, 1. 40;
p. 62, 1. 12; p. 64, 1. 39; p. 65,
L 31; p. 66, 1. 31; p. 70, 1. 43;
p. 84, 1. 17; p. 91, 1. 9; p. 97, 1. 24;
p. 108, 1. 7; p. 121, 1. 33; p. 125,
1. 20; p. 151, 1. 8; p. 154, 1. 3; p.
161, 1. 37; p. 168, 1. 34
Eingwo(u)ld, Dover, Kent, p. 133, 1.
Bipe (By-), Sussex, p. 140, 1. 32
Bipley, Yorkshire, p. 89, 1. 20
Bip(p')ou, Yorkshire, p. 70, 1. 34;
p. 82, 1. 16; p. 86, 1. 11; p. 100,
1. 20; p. 118, 1. 30; p. 127, 1. 29
Eisley, Trisley, Derbyshire, p. Ill,
Bivenal; see Bivenhall
Eivenhall, Bivenal, Witham, Essex, p.
59, 1. 39
Eivington, Chorlay (-ey), Lancashire,
p. 121, 1. 31
Eochdale, Lancashire, p. 22, 1. 20;
p. 72, 1. 33; p. 81, 1. 12; p. 91, 1. 2;
p. 109, 1. 11
Eochester, p. 36, 1. 24; p. 41, 1. 32;
p. 99, 1. 37; p. 108, 1. 27; p. 134,
1. 11
Eoger-Kidding, Hawxstead (Hawks-
head), Lancashire, p. 61, 1. 14
Eolleston, Leicestershire, p. 120, 1. 6
Eoss, Herefordshire, p. 86, 1. 8
Eothbery (-bur-), Northumberland, p.
69, 1. 46
Eotheram, Yorkshire, p. 48, 1. 34
Eothersbridge, Sussex, p. 66, 1, 45
Eougham, Suffolk, p. 74, 1. 31
Eoyston, Herts, p. 32, 1. 1; p. 107,
— Yorkshire, p. 154, 1. 39
Eoyton, Lancashire, p. 159, 1. 45
Eumsey (Eom-), Hampshire, p. 46, 1.
Eussop; see Euswarp
Euswarp, Eussop, Yorkshire, p. 10, 1.
Eutherbury; see Netherbury
Euthin, Euthen, Euthwyn, Denbigh-
shire, p. 6, 1. 26; p. 65, 1. 4; p.
119, 1. 5 ; p. 164, 1. 1 ; p. 166, 1. 16
Eye, Sussex, p. 170, 1. 44
Eyegate (Eei-), Surrey, p. 32, 1. 10
Eyton, Durham, p. 63, 1. 29
Saddleworth, Yorkshire, p. 172, 1. 27
St Asaph, diocese of, p. 59, 1. 35; p.
167, 1. 34
St Christopher, island of, p. 127, 1. 25;
p. 151, 1. 16
St David's (Menevia), p. 155, 1. 29 ; p.
157, 1. 15
St David's, diocese of, p. 73, 11. 34, 35
St Ives, Hunts, p. 15, 1. 10; p. 109,
1. 14
St James, Westminster, parish of, p.
76, 1. 37
St Kevern, Helstone, Cornwall, p. 164,
1. 38
St Margaret's, Atcliff (At Cliff), Dover,
p. 52, 1. 33
St Michael's, Lancashire, p. 174, 1. 6
St Neots, Hunts, p. 76, 1. 2
Salisbury, p. 61, 1. 23; p. 86, 1. 2
Salmondby, Lincolnshu-e, p. 163, 1. 28
Saltby, Leicestershire, p. 49, 1. 7
Sandhurst, Kent, p. 101, 1. 25
Sandwich, -ych, Kent, p. 9, 1. 44; p. 12,
1. 36; p. 18, 1. 7; p. 46, 1. 22; p. 82,
Satterthwait, Furness Fells, Lanca-
shire, p. 71, 1. 9
Scampston, Yorkshire, p. 145, 1. 23 ;
p. 155, 1. 6
Scarborough, Yorkshire, p. 59, 1. 32
Scarle, South, South-searl, Newark,
Notts, p. 42, 1. 29
Scawby, Lincolnshire, p. 59, 1. 17
Scothill, Wakefield, Yorkshire, p. 36,
1. 40
Scotland, p. 74, 1. 2; p. 141, 1. 35; p.
143, 1. 41; p. 144, 1. 27; p. 159,
1. 40
Seckington, Warwickshire, p. 151, 1.
Sedbergh, Sedberg, Yorkshire, p. 19,
1. 4; p. 24, 1. 19; p. 31, 1. 39; p. 33,
1. 9 ; p. 50, 1. 13 ; p. 74, 1. 25 ; p. 79,
1. 25; p. 97, 11. 6, 21; p. 106, 1. 29;
p. 108, 1. 2; p. 130, 1. 21; p. 135,
1. 35 ; p. 137, 1. 20 ; p. 156, 1. 4 ; p. 172,
1. 15
Selby, Yorkshire, p. 123, 1. 26
Selside, Westmorland, p. 66, 1. 38
Settle, Yorkshire, p. 37, 1. 36
Shap, Westmorland, p. 176, 1. 40
Shapwick, Dorsetshire, p. 96, 1. 28
Sharpinhoe, Bedfordshire, p. 91, 1. 17
Shawdon, Northumberland, p. 147, I.
Shaw-Hall, Lancashire, p. 99, 1. 2
Sheen, Staffordshire, p. 154, 1. 16
Sheffield, p. 16, 1. 22 ; p. 41, 1. 36 ; p.
44, 11. 28, 31 ; p. 48, 1. 43 ; p. 52, 1. 11
p. 57, 1. 44 ; p. 58, 1. 19 ; p. 59, 1. 14
p. 60, 1. 20 ; p. 78, 1. 38 ; p. 95, 1. 29
p. 99, 1. 34; p. 127, 1. 22; p. 171,
1. 30
Shenfield, Essex, p. Ill, 1. 22
Shenton, Notts, p. 78, 1. 34
Sherbourne, Sherburn, Shirbourne,
Yorkshire, p. 48, 1. 10; p. 52, 1. 43;
p. 75, 1. 13 ; p. 134, 1. 26
Shiffnal, Salop, p. 73, 1. 15
Shoreham, Kent, p. 141, 1. 12 ; p. 161,
1. 9
Shotisham (-esham), Norfolk, p. 149,
1. 11
Shrewsbury, p. 5, 1. 25; p. 8, 1. 10;
p. 19, 11. 20, 27, 31 ; p. 27, 1. 45 ;
p. 28, 1. 11 ; p. 41, 1. 42 ; p. 42, 11. 16,
19; p. 47, 1. 13; p. 55, 1. 44; p. 56,
1. 17 ; p. 57, 1. 21 ; p. 64, 1. 34 ; p. 70,
1. 13; p. 99, 1. 18; p. 139, 1. 23; p.
156, 1. 8
Silsden, Yorksliire, p. 55, 1. 33
Silsoe, Beds, p. 138, 1. 28 ; p. 147, 1.
Sittingboume, Kent, p. 73, 1. 12
Skibden ; see Skipton
Skipton, Skipton in Craven, Skibden,
Yorkshire, p. 5, 1. 2 ; p. 8, 1. 13;
p. 9, 1. 33 ; p. 18, 1. 40 ; p. 23, 11. 10,
30; p. 28, 1. 25; p. 41, 1. 4; p. 45,
1. 47; p. 80, 1. 26; p. 118, 1. 34; p.
126, 1. 12 ; p. 133, 1. 31
Skirding, Yorkshire, p. 2, 1. 40
Sladbourn, Sladborn, Yorkshire, p. 73,
1.31; p. 107, 1. 18; p. 150, 1. 9
Sleeford, Slea-, Lincolnshire, p. 25,
1. 23 ; p. 50, 1. 31 ; p. 52, 1. 8 ; p. 53,
1. 7; p. 173, 1. 36
Slinfold, Sussex, p. 80, 11. 40, 43
Smithes, Yorkshire, p. 36, 1. 33
Snairholme, Yorkshire, p. 106, 1. 33
Snaisholme, Aysgarth, Yorkshire, p. 91,
1. 9
Snape, Yorkshire, p. 51, 1. 36
Snowhill, Cambridgeshire, p. 13, 1. 40
Sobertou, Somersetshire, p. 123, 1. 1
Solihull, Solyhul, Solyhull, Warwick-
shire, p. 101, 1. 44; p. 106, 1. 22
Souldrop, Beds, p. 124, 1. 36
Sourby ; see Sowerby
Southam, Warwickshire, p. 3, 1. 16
South Carolina, America, p. 172, 1. 34
Southchurch, Essex, p. 139, 1. 5
Southill, Beds, p. 47, 1. 19
South Normanton ; see Normanton,
South-searl; see Scarle, South
Southwark, Surrey, p. 43, 1. 33 ; p. 85,
1. 25; p. 148,1. 22; p. 157, 1. 32
Southwell, Notts, p. 30, 1. 38 ; p. 37,
1. 45 ; p. 47, 1. 32 ; p. 50, 1. 9 ; p. 75,
1. 6 ; p. 80, 1. 29 (bis) ; p. 101, 1. 36 ;
p. 106, 1. 15; p. 116, 1. 12; p. 119,
1. 16; p. 147, 1. 31; p. 148, 1. 2;
p. 158, 1. 17; p. 167, 1. 17; p. 175,
1. 18
Southwick, Durham, p. 157, 1. 26
— Northamptonshire, p. 51, 1. 14
Sowerby, Sourby, Yorkshire, p. 97, 1. 2 ;
p. 99, 1. 26
Soyland ; see Hoyland
Spain, p. 157, 1. 12
Spalding(e), Lincolnshire, p. 8, 1. 25 ;
p. 25, 1. 2 ; p. 30, 1. 35 ; p. 47, 1. 23;
p. 100, 1. 4; p. 106,1. 42
Spilsby, Lincolnshire, p. 70, 1. 17
Spooudon (Spon-), Derbyshire, p. 129,
1. 2
Spring, Vermont, America, p. 127, 1.
Sprotborough, Doncaster, Yorkshire,
p. 25, 1. 18
Stackington (Hackington, St Ste-
phen's ?), Kent, p. 145, 1. 42
Staffield, Cumberland, p. 48, 1. 28
Staffold, Cumberland, p. 6, 1. 12
Stafford, p. 21, 1. 26; p. 135, 1. 31;
p. 138, 1. 24
Stainton Gap, Stanten G., Ulverstone,
Lancashire, p. 28, 1. 2; p. 50, 1. 2
Stamford, Lincolnshire, p. 8, 1. 44 ;
p. 13, 11. 27, 32 ; p. 21, 1. 37; p. 42,
Stanbourn, Essex, p. 47, 1. 29
Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, p. 7,
1. 11
Stanground, Peterborough, p. 112, 1.
Stannerdine, Shrewsbury, p. 19, 1. 27
Stanningfield, Suffolk, p. 85, 1. 33
Stansfield, Halifax, Yorkshire, p. 33
1. 24
Stanton, Derbyshire, p. 77, 1. 5 ; p. 81
1. 38
— Northumberland, p. 5, 1. 15
Stanway, Stannaway, Stanneway, Es
sex, p. 68, 1. 38 ; p. 98, 1. 40 ; p. 159
Staple, Sandwich, Kent, p. 9, 1. 44
p. 106, 1. 18 ; p. 115, 1. 27
Staveley, Derbyshire, p. 100, 1. 1 ; p
113, 1. 19
Stillingfleet, Yorkshire, p. 47, 1. 4 ; p
170, 1. 7
Stirkhouse, Gisbourne, Yorkshire, p
42, 1. 10
Stirmister (-urmin-), Dorsetshire, p. 21
Stittenham, Yorkshire, p. 22, 1. 40
Stockport, Cheshire, p. 56, 11. 5, 8
p. 109, 1. 24
Stockton, Durham, p. 32, 1. 13
Stogumber, Stokegomer, Somerset, p
39, 1. 39
Stoke- (Stoak) Lane, Somerset, p. 67
1. 23
Stoke near Chester, p. 55, 1. 87
Stoke, Northamptonshire, p. 91, 1. 43
— Salop, p. 62, 1. 38
— Surrey, p. 102, 1. 25
Stokegomer; see Stogumber
Stokesley in Cleveland, Yorkshire, p.
165, 1. 42
Stone, Staffordshire, p. 143, 1. 45
Stone-raise, Wigtowne, Cumberland,
p. 19, 1. 8
Storston, Suffolk (Starston, Norfolk?),
p. 110, 1. 10
Storthwate, Yorkshire, p. 53, 1. 20
Stour, West, West Tower, Dorsetshire,
p. 117, 1. 43
Stourbridge, Worcestershire, p. 115,
1. 23
Stourton (Wilts), p. 98, 1. 16
Stowmarket, Suffolk, p. 79, 1. 31
Strand (?), Derbyshire, p. 92, 1. 15
Stratford, Suffolk, p. 92, 1. 2
Streatham, Crovdon, Surrey, p. 119,
1. 47; p. 130, 'l. 25
Streatley, Luton, Beds, p. 164, 1. 25
Stretham, Cambridgeshire, p. 149, 1.
Stroud (-ood), Kent, p. 50, 1. 6 ; p. 71,
1. 2
Sturry, Kent, p. 151, 1. 27
Sturston, Suffolk, p. 42, 1. 7
Sturton, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire,
p. 24, 1. 6
Sudbury, Suffolk, p. 64, 1. 2
Sunderland, p. 155, 11. 43, 47
Sundri(d)ge, Kent, p. 103, 1. 15
Sunning, Suning, Berks, p. 52, 1. 5
Sutton, Staffordshire, p. 18, 1. 48
— Yorkshire, p. 5, 1. 32
Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridgeshire, p.
63, 1. 7 ; p. 83, 1. 38
Swanwick, Derbyshire, p. 102, 1. 2
Swath (Wath?), Yorkshire, p. 90, 1. 43
Swift, Cranbrook, Kent, p. 55, 1. 2
Synderland, Bowdon, Cheshire, p. 36,
1. 13
Tadcaster, Yorkshire, p. 86, 1. 23
Tamworth, p. 140, 1. 35
Tarporley, Cheshire, p. 116, 1. 36
Tatham, Lancaster, p. 13, 11. 23, 36
Taunton, Somerset, p. 129, 1. 26
Tavistock, Devonshire, p. 143, 1. 29
Tedbury; see Tetbury
Teesdale, Teesdal (Tideswell?), Derby-
shire, p. 63, 1. 4 ; p. 64, 1. 27
Tenby, Tenbury, p. 86, 1. 17 ; p. 142,
Terrington, Norfolk, p. 162, 1. 17
Teston, Maidstone, Kent, p. 13, 1. 2
Tetbury, Ted-, Gloucestershire, p. 103,
Thanet, Isle of, Kent, p. 25, 1. 34 ; p.
136,1. 5; p. 161, 1. 13
The Lakes (Lacus Setantionim), p. 173,
1. 11
Thicket, Wheldrake, Yorkshire, p. 46,
Thirsk, Thursk, Thusk, Yorkshire, p.
95, 1. 38; p. 105, 1. 43; p. 128, 1.
Thistleton, Eutlandshire, p. 153, 1. 16
Thorney, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire,
p. 69, 1. 30; p. 81, 1. 4
Thornton, Pocklington, Yorkshire, p.
145, 1. 38
Thornton, Skipton, Yorkshire, p. 9,
1. 33
— Lancashire, p. 100, 1. 17
— Yorkshire, p. 159, 1. 6
Thornton Watlass, Yorkshire, p. 125,
1. 20
Thorp, Yorkshire, p. 105, 1. 29 ; p. 126,
1. 12; p. 132,1. 25
Thorpe- Mels worth (Malzor), North-
amptonshire, p. 77, 1. 26
Thorpe (Acre), Loughborough, Leices-
tershire, p. 116, 1. 16
Thorpe, Uppingham, Butland, p. 38,
1. 24
— Yorkshire, p. 108, 1. 37
Threapland, Yorkshire, p. 11, 1. 33
Threshfield, Yorkshire, p. 58, 1. 8 ; p.
65, 1. 11
Thrushes, Sutton, Yorkshire, p. 5, 1.
Thruxton, Hereford, p. 18, 1. 20
Thurcaston, Leicestershire, p. 162, 1.
Thurnscoe, Yorkshire, p. 73, 1. 28
Thurstaston, Thurstanton, Thurteston,
Cheshire, p. 41, 1. 39; p. 58, 1. 12
Thurteston ; see Thurstaston
Thusk ; see Thirsk
Thwaitehead, Lancashire, p. 101, 1. 8
Tichencoat ; see Tickencote
Tickencote, Tichencoat, Rutlandshire,
p. 80, 1. 23
Tideswell, Tidswell, Derbyshire (?), p.
63, 1. 4; p. 67, 1. 13
Tilney, Norfolk, p. 3, 1. 5 ; p. 35, 1. 24
Tinwell, Rutland, p. 101, 1. 41
Tipton, Wolverhampton, p. 17, 1. 14
Tissington, Derbyshire, p. 169, 1. 38
Titley, Herefordshire, p. 102, 1. 32
Tonbridge, Tunbridge, Kent, p. 2, 1. 29;
p. 6, 1. 20; p. 38, 1. 4 ; p. 39, 1. 15;
p. 62, 1. 15; p. 67, 1. 27
Tooting, Surrey, p. 90, 1. 13
Topcroft, Norfolk, p. 120, 1. 22 ; p. 156,
Tostock, Suffolk, p. 18, 1. 14
Tottenham, Middlesex, p. 123, 1. 7
Trallwng, Trallong, Tralong, Breck-
nockshire, p. 169, 1. 27
Tresswell, Redford (-t-), Notts, p. 25,
1. 11
Trimdon, Durham, p. 90, 1. 36
Trimmingam, Halifax, Yorkshire, p.
33, 1. 20
Trisley ; see Risley
Truro, p. 103, 1. 25
Trwsdaugoed (Traws-), Carnarvon-
shire, p. 105, 1. 19
Tupton (? Tapton), Derbyshire, p. 74,
1. 9
Turvey, Beds, p. 27, 1. 42
Twickenham, Middlesex, p. 152, 1. 5
Ulcombe, Utcomb, Kent, p. 151, 1. 35
Ulverston, Ulverstone, Lancashire, p.
18, 1. 24 ; p. 28, 1. 2 ; p. 50, 1. 2
Unerigg, Cumberland, p. 88, 1. 26
Uppingham, p. 29, 1. 48 ; p. 38, 1. 24 ;
p. 159, 1. 34
Upton, Hunts, p. 5, 1. 7
Upton Magna, Salop, p. 138, 1. 9
Upton Scudamore, Wilts, p. 13, 1. 19
Utcomb ; see Ulcombe
Utterby, Lincolnshire, p. 164, 1. 16
Uxbridge, p. 40, 1. 33
Villa Faustini (Bury St Edmunds), p.
48, 1. 1 ; p. 49, 1. 23
Virginia, state of, p. 38, 1. 40
Waddington, Lincolnshire, p. 112, 1.
38; p. 126, 1. 23
Wadsley, Yorkshire, p. 165, 1. 12
Wakefield, Yorkshire, p. 36, 1. 40; p.
104, 1. 20 ; p. 120, 1. 14 ; p. 124, 1.
42; p. 132, 1. 25
Walden, Essex, p. 47, 1. 29
Wales, p. 2, 1. 32; p. 8, 1. 1; p. 10, 1.
33; p. 12, 1. 17; p. 14, 1. 28; p. 20,
I. 20; p. 22, 11. 7, 11; p. 25, 1. 26;
p. 36, 11. 4, 20; p. 38, 1. 32; p. 41,
II. 10, 22; p. 43, 1. 18; p. 59, 1. 28;
p. 74, 1. 5
Wallop, Hants, p. 93, 1. 12
Walney Island, Dalton, Lancashire, p.
53, 1.45; p. 96, 1. 12
Walton, Liverpool, p. 120, 1. 2
— Newport, Bucks, p. 12, 1. 28
Wantage, Berks, p. 56, 1. 11
Warbleton, Sussex, p. 9, 1. 26
Warden, Beds, p. 132, 1. 2
Wardley, Uppingham, Butlands, p.
29, 1. 48
Warminster, Wilts, p. 63, 1. 35
Warrington, Lancashire, p. 76, 1. 6; p.
96, 1. 24; p. 124, 1. 22
Washingborough, Lincoln, p. 115, 1. 43
Water (?), Bury, Lancashire, p. 121, 1.
Waterford, county of, Ireland, p. 55, 1.
Water-Millock, Watermilloes, Cumber-
land, p. 110, 1. 21
Watermilloes; see Water-Millock
Wavenden, Bucks, p. 26, 1. 10
Welling ; see Welwyn
Wellingborough, Northants, p. 125, 1.
35; p. 148,1. 46
Wells, Norfolk, p. 132, 1. 13
Welsh Whittle, Lancashire, p. 112, 1. 4
Welwyn, Welling, Herts, p. 27, 1. 17
Wem, Salop, p. 114, 1. 1 ; p. 119, 1. 30
Wendling, Norfolk, p. 32, 1. 26
Wennington Hall, Melling, Lancashire,
p. 98, 1. 32
Wensley, Richmondshire, Yorkshire,
p. 84, 1. 16
Wentworth, Yorkshire, p. 60, 1. 6
Wernfaeer, Pwllhely, Carnarvonshire,
p. 105, 1. 6
Wervil, Cheshire, p. 108, 1. 30
Westerham, Westram, Kent, p. 116, 1.
Westhallam ; see Hallam, West
Westminster, p. 76, 1. 37; p. 96, 1. 8;
p. 104, 1. 36; p. 126, 1. 35; p. 173, 1.
41 ; p. 175, 1. 35 ; p. 176, 1. 35 ; p. 177,
1. 23
Westram ; see Westerham
West Tower; see Stour, West
Westward, Cumberland, p. 87, 1. 30
Westwick, Westwinck, Norfolk, p. 132,
1. 42
Wheldrake, Yorkshire, p. 46, 1. 41
Whickham, Newcastle, p. 24, 1. 15 ; p.
30, 1. 8
Whipsnade, Bedfordshire, p. 117, 1. 22
Whitby, Yorkshire, p. 146, 1. 14
Whitchurch, Salop, p. 69, 1. 23
Whitehaven, Cumberland, p. 40, 1. 36;
p. 78, 1. 25
Whitmore, Staffordshire, p. 44, 1. 2 ;
p. 57, 1. 40; p. 60, 1. 29
Whitney, Herefordshire, p. 118, 1. 45
Whitstable, Canterbury, p. 21, 1. 9
Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire,
p. 32, 1. 39
Whittlesea, Isle of Ely, Cambridge-
shire, p. 91, 1. 13
Whittlesford, Witzer, Cambridgeshire,
p. 34, 1. 48
W(h)itwell, Norfolk, p. 172, 1. 40
Wiffordby (Wy-), Melton Mowbray,
Leicestershire, p. 30, 1. 12
Wigan, Wiggan, Lancashire, p. 7, 1.
11; p. 89, 1. 29; p. 174,1.42
Wigton, Wigtowne, Cumberland, p. 19,
I. 8 ; p. 70, 1. 4
Wigtowne; see Wigton
Wigwall, Derbyshire, p. 16, 1. 6
Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, p. 78, 1.
Wilcott, Wilts, p. 118, 1. 38
Wiley, Wiltshire, p. Ill, 1. 10
Wilsford, Lincolnshire, p. 103, 1. 9
Wilton, Wilts, p. 120, 1. 36
Wimbourne, Winbourne, Winburne,
Dorset, p. 8, 1. 6; p. 50, 1. 48 ; p. 96,
Winbourne; see Wimbourne
Winburne; see Wimbourne
Windsor, p. 23, 1. 26
Wing, Rutlandshire, p. 153, 1. 2
Wingfielde, Chesterfield, Derbyshire,
p. 122, 1. 30
Wingham, Kent, p. 83, 1. 12
Winslow, Bucks, p. 58, 1. 31
Winterbourn, Wilts, p. 170, 1. 47
Winwick, Lancashire, p. 148, 1. 11
Wiresdale, Lancashire, p. 79, 1. 21
Wireside, Wiresdale, Lancashire, p.
79, 1. 21
Wirksworth (Works-), Derbyshire,p. 53,
II. 29, 33; p. 128, 1. 1
Wisbeach, Wisbich, Wisbitch, Cambs,
p. 40, 1. 17; p. 70, 1. 20
Wisbich; see Wisbeach
Wisbitch ; see Wisbeach
Witham, Essex, p. 59, 1. 39
Withington, Herefordshire, p. 26, 1. 25
— Lancashire, p. 43, 1. 13
Withnall; see Withnell
Withuell, Withnall, Lancashire, p. 117,
1. 13
Witzer ; see Whittlesford
Wokingham, Berks, p. 164, 1. 42
Wollaston, Northamptonshire, p. 9, 1.
Wolverhampton, Staffordsliire, p. 16,
1. 15; p. 17, 1. 14; p. 158,1. 20
Wolveston (-vis-), co. Durham, p. Ill,
1. 41
Wombwell, Annesley (Barnsley ?),
Yorkshire, p. 28, 1. 21
Wood, Essex, p. 21, 1. 6
Woodbridge, Suffolk, p. 80, 1. 35
Woodchurch, Kent, p. 171, 1. 6
Woodhall (?), Northumberland, p. 63,
1. 20
Woodin (?), Lancashire, p. 75, 11. 28,
Woollaston (WoU-), Northampton-
shire, p. 88, I. 2
Wo(o)lsingham, Durham, p. 27, 1. 35
Wootton, Kent, p. 108, 1. 21
Worcester, p. 75, 1. 24; p. 80, 1. 20
Workbey; see Wortley
Workington, Cumberland, p. 118, 1. 26
Worksop, Notts, p. 1, 1. 16
Worksworth ; see Wirksworth
Worthen, Salop, p. 70, 1. 10
Wortley, Workbey, Leeds, p. 24, 1. 2
Worton, Lancashire, p. 169, 1. 5
Wotton under Edge, W. under hedge,
Gloucestershire, p. 117, 1. 8; p. 126,
Wotton under hedge; see W. under
Wrexham, Denbighshire, p. 4